Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 10, 1906, Image 5

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Janut Adamt, gradual tf Weil 'oint, and
rturoptim tepi eienitiit't nr inter iran maim
aeturtrt. il in farit al tht offline of tht war
tVrnwn franrt and (trmany tit enearet tn
an itit ship reronnaisianet or tht trenth and
nannwly i-ifiiW eaflnrt ny rat i,timani.
'At ait thifi ii umuied at the Chateau .Ji n
nay. .idamt it leaned, and it mnrird by Iht
I'onni'i danrhtei . Atmee. n il wm he allt
11 .nr. I he tieimant mffance and lute tht
I'ta'eau 'tn Jtea.tnat t" . Ad.imt delendt
Aime itfaiiitl mmt by lol, Orieiman and it
knot ted d.i t'n ty 'lie Kaitfi . earinf treat
ment at a I 'lem h tympathiter Me entei i a ie(t
menl ... i r. nn.let hit tend i nt. .mien
be,g. .'I t" ii i "filmed and lurnt ont It be
I. ii our, a 1'aein.m flub It lend pi Adams.
Art a-ifemeutt ae made tt'r . timet in be taken
away tii I lie home ol her i on tin. I he tieiman
m Hiv Mfivei ret, teal mf linesman in ehargt
(il the I hate in. it hite A t urn mid hit regiment
amt-nth a teiiih iit!iitn. A'rpait reathes hint Aimee hat left, fating with her I atom;
the iv. littetrn.i'i 1'iiei in fU' tmf ti'ith if dies
la ii.h'I, M iami ami a .Seigeant leiuhmann
tltal a l antumoti.'e and ga la defend Aimee,
I miM'iily fmiwl in v -! f rl'llnu hihuiik
tfri'iit i-nlir-iim m of iii.niiili'il olliri-rn. To
111 nn. I to rUlil. IIiihiikIi tin- lii'liU. Ilio
r' CHl." MI'K 'MlllllK lllll'll'l. A IllllT-
ni 11 1 . .11 ) i.r 1.1111 -r I'-ft thi l ... 1. 1 nmt
iiu.k oui tnnt.l ih.. imrlliwi-nl. Jnliili.g
Ihi'lt iiin..h. AimI t' Mi'iflint ilnttu to a I r ' , linm-mnuii x In I u to int.
tin- lumi'iiii'iit Hi. n nn. i.r mi.
Th' Imlk i.r I In' .- ins. ii army III? nt till
tin.. I'l-lurrll III MniM' iilnl Hn rulillili'lirr
of tin- Ah- nn. I lln- Alii rlviTH. Tln-
IMi. mri'iiiiiM run In fi ni'i'i.lty nortliw i-nt iiml iilui..t imrnllil, for'
firit mil. ", l.i liitf i ... iv 1 1 . iii.iri" Hum tfii
Inlli'N iti ml. it wi-i-n llii'iu. Mini rxit'int-
Iiik- fnr 1 1 it tlilili mlli ... I k-m tl.r I ..ri-l
i.f ri;.iniif, n riiH'f.'l hi.. I il.-iiNi-ly wm.1im
ni.'ii. ...h(h ma i..Mnl .'f a Rlnifli- llin" of
Irri'k'nlur lull, ui.ii.f In hcUlil. ulnl cml
li.e til Hi" ib.'r jinn .: In n Ix.lil, ir. - il
IMIIX Il.-ll'llll'l'l, III! Ml- .111 till' All!'. I
In ih. t xiiiiil! I. nt iloi. ln .in. tuiH, In tin'
( of 11 i'Mitiirn- of How. 'ut Hlnii'
i.i.. il.o jil I... (in tin- went, tin- lillm
11. .in if I'li.lnnlh In tin Alftiic, fitrmliiM
i.U .ihjint viitli-v , fri.iti out' to tliri- inlli'M
l.... mnl nmliT n lil.'li xinir of I'lililvu'loii
At I In- foot of tlm l.i.U n Mm- wlinl
liorMtvnnl. follow Int: Ki'iicrully tin court"
ft ilio rlT.
Ai'ior.liiiit tn tin' tnilu tiliin of ln,
tin- ii.i.ik to Kklrt tin- nor
Hi.'rn I'lol of In- ArKoin.o I on l, rnmit tin
A lii.' nt It n J. in. in. it Hlili I hi' Air.-, mil
t.riH- I ( In Ki-Iiiih. Tin. l-'ri'in-li wito
known to In- inoyhik' hI.iwI? tiortli from
tin lr fcTiMif riinti ni'iir ,' to
l.i.r tin- loTiiuii ii.Iviiiii-.-. to In whl. li
oi.rrution n hij-oi.i; il.'iiirtiin.'iit, HinliT l'ii -i-itil
Mi o..iiim , inoviiiir tmrtliwt'Mt from
Imr-I.-I mi , f..ll..f Ii.k' tlm r.unl throiik'li
llo- Ait'oiuio Vnlli-t. Till Intli-r lilovB u
ri I ell .It-it io n ioiiji; I. 'It MO (MTfl-t WIT'
tli t .oil. inn Hour.-- of Inf.iriiiiitlnii t tin r It
I.-, uti.i. km. ii on Hi.' nocntnt (tny. I'ln'
I :in..'i or l't.. oi.l.ri for nn ln.nn"lliitp
H. lvini.'i' of tin. I. ft "liur. ili-'ii n-mliiK iHiiitli
I. f till' 4 'tlllll'.lll. flllll olflNtlfllf CIllkK.'ly uf
Iii'iiv,v I'll vii 1 1 . to iuli illrc lly wmt. itohi
Hi. Artoiiin' Kiirifl. nml f.ill tiiMin thr
l-'ri'in-li roliitnti.
To J OH I'll l.l't (, Villi IllM IIIIIKIlllll'I'llt tltlK-
oiii'i. wim iili'iii-. HiIk Imiiorlmit ilnly.
In iiililltloii to liln own it 1 1 Mm i i.l wire tliri'"
r'-k'lin. n1 of I'tilritHili'ri. Ilirri of liionnli'il
Infniitry, nml two of Iiiiu'iti - In nil iiIm.uI
llflit llioliririliil lln'li. Till' hiri" Wi'll
tuoiinti'.l nml wi-rf iiriii'l Willi milir1. r
voltr, nml it in' imu'tiiuiip t-iti-l.liif. rarry
liiir ilxt't'ii mIi.-Pm of lil:'li i.iv i-r. I'lirh
Imtli't tii'lnir mi I'oiiHt I'l.-t i'-l Unit ti.'.u Intv
In If tln I.nrtfl It Hi'llt Inio " - hi ml lor Inil
li'lw. Th lirlnrliMil iili..i I of iln- nttn. k,
liiiui.ror, wn ji.nili' mnl ili'iiwrniil, riiflior
tli.'in nuiilbllutliiii. n pro In. ii, u inorf .IIm
niiniiH fTi't uf hi tli" miln l-'ron.-li iiriny.
An l)onr nfti-r inl.lnUlH r.iu-lnil Ilie
AIhiio river a lif.-li lirol 1.1't'ii l.rlili;'.! Mom
llolll Ill-fort III- ii iolitiHil t-ft-lM. In III.
nliii.lnXT of IiIkIi Aroiiiio liilU It win In-
wlii'ii t litwnnip pnriM'tiiita of fnlnt,
rtuiililltiK ikiiiiiiI to Ilii miuth. I In lil nif
hnml to my riir, nt rn In Iiik to ht-nr mnl Inli-r-tiri't
llin miiiinl. I'li'lm lnnnnn Innnl II nt
I hp Knnir inniiK'nt. Ilr rliif tnjr nn.
"Union," (if nnlil, " It In tin lrviirll '
lion I'oinliiK norlli."
Kor noiim tlm w ntoort In ntMluoVn of
ki'i'ii hih ii". A Inn lili-w IlKhllr
frnii I lit wiiiili, riintlliia tlii fri'i top. Tin
xniii'l ('inn hhiiIii low. wrll-iloninil roll
it of lii-nvr Ali-fln on n Imnl ron.l. tor
full n iiilnuti lii-iint It iilnlnlt; I lien It
illi-il nmiiy n tlii liiorri. f.'ll.
"Tlii'V nr. not aa limn flvn inlli-n iwir,
milil Iihi-iiIii'ik. "i)im, how I lii'X rriH-jil
NV'II, lot tin inovt ilowii."
ilfnt'i'inltHl tliroiiKli I ho forvnt, nnil
ronrliltiK thi fii.l of tlia wmxln workixl
'.mil. Afior nilvnniiiiK n rouiili- of mlion
tin IIiik f.'-foriniHl nmt nwnlt"l tin- Hi
i.rnmli of f lt iinainaiii'illnif (innlii, Iti'ouln
ii'.oil"l tin ron il two liiiinlriil vnr.U n
wiiy. Ijiti-r nillio till" titwvr MklriiilnlMTH
Tlii'V Iiml noi'ii tin I 'ri'in li - a iIIvImIoii of
rniilr, followi-il liy liifnntry Hinl Mi-lil
lintti'rii-n-- twrtity llioimmiil iiioti, inori or
li'. Tlior vifro rovorlnir nlxiut all mil
nn lionr.
It h n trying wnlt. ixiwcnlcrK con.
firrcl with liln iiflircra. nml 1 con 1. 1 l.nt
nlnml tliori IhnIiIi j'llaM-liionriii, iiitlvrliig
Willi in llcincnt. I woinlcrwl wliut I
In.iilil ilo wlirii llin crlala nrrlvixl. I wnn
nrimil with rcvnln-r nml nnlin, lint I 'I I.l
not w I ah t lit; hi. for I wnn frlcintly to thr
I-n n. h. let i knew Hint I roiihl not now . I.l -l-IL.,
nml Hint j limit nlrlki k or iro ilown.
rliinlly tin iliilltr of lioofa noiimliwi
nioiiml n Ih-iiiI In the roa.l, nml A tnlnnte
luler tin rnvnlrr ntntenreil. Willi Inrlmetn
nml irniiiiliiKN Itnaliliiv In the imle iii hui-
lU'ht they thnmleieil ly, n nl renin of lioiae
meii n mile, IniirjIiiK forwnrd to n.'l"-t
n i inni, for It Incki'il hut I wo hoiirn of lay-lli-lit,
nml the triKj.n were limixry after
thi'lr lilnht iniiri-h,
A long Intertill of nlli'in-o then the trump
of liifnntry, al.-uily nml reKnlnr, like the
llirolil.lnif of n icrent eiiiflne. An the nky
Huliteiieil tn n nl.kly, fjrnylah yellow, tlicv
line In aljilil. n.lvnm lli! In colinniin of
four. We Wiilte.l until they were well it-
lonv III front of nn. A mile of th Ininii
Iiml iiiNf.l. I nnw !iw eiiliertf ilrnw liln ri-volvi-r-tin-
irlll.ul moiiieiit hint nrrlve..
lur front wnn onally linlf n tulle long.
We Kith In two linen, cm h line four men
il"ii, with it aiine of ten ynritn lietween
The hnaanrn fornii'il the center. Willi low
enlierK, I U l hlnnuii mnl inyaelf cloae l.c-
An the alio! riniir out our whole Hup
nioie.1 Into the iiien flehl, tirokr Into n trot,
then Into n imllni. l-:i;lit thoinuiuil (riniiii
yoloen Jolnetl In one niliflily cry of Imttle
"llnrrnli, I'rciintcii!" Ami tienln: "llnr
ruh, I'reinuH'ii. orwiiertn"'
down we Willi llilili.l.r of hoofn.
t'heer lifter cheer echoeil Imck from the
bltli hi I la. l-'iriy vnr.U - n huinlr.'il ynrila -Hi,
l-'ri'iich were rnllvlnn nroimil their
niniiilnriln, hlion I In ir nml ,'( l-n I n i In x In
Kl'ent coiifiialoh. S..tne levele.1 tliclr rlflen.
nn. I n piitler of l.nlletn liliK.'r.'.l the i;.r
iii:ilia. w ho oih ihhI Willi .their curliln.-a unit
let looae n hall of leinl.
1 ran recnll Mltle of that tnn.l runli. Mr
horae wnn rniitilnit uwuy, I roiihl not linvw
hoi. I lil in If 1 woul.l. The Imlletn flew
thicker. The Trench were forinlnir, kmi'l
Inir ut the romlatile nml flrluK an rni.lly nn
they roiilj work tlielr iciinn. itlicrn were
running. Ah, It wnn no line ell her to run
or to Itri. Time nolhl wnll of men ami
bornrn nlhl like nn nvnlnmhe ilown the
tinaay hill. It liriiall"! the French Imi'k: It
tliittenril them: It crualiiil tlicin Into n innaa
of nhrlrklni;. cnrnluif hiimniilty. My liome
n-nreil ami rami ilown In tlielr iiililm, hln
ll. 'lit lioofn rriiHliliitr Hie nkulln of two who
wi re nl riiKKMiii; to their feel. Mv Very notil
ah-keli! nt tin horrhl niniinti of Iron on
Hkull. On we went, ntmliitit tliroiifh the
acethliiK inn mm of men, ami w ItcclliiK nlntrply
In the II. I.l Im-w.iiiI the roail rame hack In
nmiihi.r mail rlutrire.
Hmlileiily Iiwelilvcr n hor ntiimoli'u.
wnveml, anil went ilown with a t.nllct In
hln lirnln. l-'lelwliiiianii wna at the left.
V'htlnir like a leuioii, hln long henvy anhre
pin vIiik hnvnr-lii the hiulillotl uroupa of ile-
rtillxiMl 1 rencli. Mot nn the Colonel mink
with liln Merit l'"liMtchititinn cl.mtHl In,
"i-li'il It I tit liy the collnr. ilrutrel lilm out J
onnllr to tlt Emoeror. reenlvlng Mm ron-
Itratiilntl'itin. then re'lreil to our trntn for
fiMt ami rent. Hut the nurroiimlliiK were
no noyrl and of nin h liilerent Unit I hunted
up Klelnchmniin, the moilenl rrnler of nil
i-iilhuaiiiatlc group of niliulirrn, inn with
lilm liimle ll tour of the rump.
It wnn an uormoiin iiuurcgntlon of m"ii,
n rul hornen ami ni'pnriiliiM of witr. We roilr
for two hoiirn. Inking In the nrverul lenncr
rnintm going to inuac up the giiiler. At
every al. p I foinnl evil. n r n of orKiinlntlon
nnil illwlplliie In the hlgln-af ilei-rw of per
fei'tlou, Thin wnn no hiiplim'.iir'l litvnalon.
Tlimugh liln nlnlT, tlm liiiifieror wnn In ron
nlnnt loii'li Willi hln troopn. It niNltrrel
not nt whnt ttonr an linpiliy might nrKn an
to ninniiinllloii, rntloim, t It It . nplilt, of
ntiy glren unmlier of hln men: the ntmwer,
rnr nml nccurate, wnn In-fore him In an
Increillhly nhort apn'-e of time. The tele
phonit Wnn ri'llnl on for coiiimtirilcntlon,
nml wlrm were nlwnyn up nnl working
where lierileil. The liehl hoapiiiiln, ii'linlr eiitlp.i"l, were clone lirlilnil. The en
glneern workeil nlnionl without onli-ra,
aeemlng to (llni'ern the heer! In lolvnure.
Tli rommlnaiirliit, too, wnn almve rrllle.
lam. Your (jerinmi nohller In nn enoriii'iun
i-Dlcr. curing minn aliout iiiunllty tlinii
I'liillly. Nothing Irrlliitcn lilm no much an
hunger nml thlrnt; In which rlrrinont.inre
be furnlahrn the moat unplcnalng con t mat
to the I-rem h nohllcr, w ho In iilw.iyn p:it
Icnlnml roirimoiily ( he. rf nl umlrr nin h prlv
ntloiin. Hut here no limn coulil com pi :i In
of n alioriiif;.' of fo... or .Irli.k. ii'.r of lin k
of variety. The rouullean wngonn. Ioh'Ii-'I
with nuppllen for mi'ii mnl niilmnln, Im
preaneil me ci.iialnntly. Inlrulli. 1 thought,
no nrmy tnoven on Itn liclly, ll.-re In the
I ipKaoi lo thin illnclplllie alfel'l the French
link of tirrpiiriiilou of whlili l, Iiml
npokeii I (in I evening In the chili. It wnn
common report Hint nome l it .1 nliorl. omliig
Wolll'l allow l-tll lit Hie trill'-;l mouielit.
I'erhiipn thin I'rem-h clinrncicrlxHc, o wrll
known, wnn r."iii llil" fur the (J.-rinini
cm k-aur.'ii.-iH. At liny rut", there wnn no
npprehetiaii.ii of fiitliti". Ktcry limn In Hint
vut nrmy felt rerlnln of nuerenn.
We wen Inat lending the lnil.Mn'nliiln
when nu orderly from li.-mlii umlci a ml" up
ami grive me the Kiiiperor'n commiiml to re
port to li I nt at iiln l'. i-lelH.-liiuiiiiti nml I
liiirrlcil Luck, wnriiterliig wnn on foot
An we rronio'tl the gre.-tt et-ilun run. I an
nutomoliHe rorpn punncil, Junt nrrlvi'il from
n wonting epeilltoii noulh. The urn were
Inrge nin I heavy, of high himi-.I nml great
ra.lliin of ncllou. Alt the y nliiriil.le pnrta
were nriuori'il, nmt n' lne'.il nlilchln
exteuiliil li ron lot union mil front. They
were American niHchliica of Hi" new Vinton
The Kmperor'n eyen were rerr rnM, nmt
liln fnre nlern. lie nnt nt a niiinil tnl.le In a
luwer room of the ntotir roml-hoMn' w tn-re
he liti'l eatnlillaheil temponiry hcmliiiinrlera.
Ilefore him were hcnlicl imipH ami p.iliern.
He ai kiiowleilg.'fl my nnluto nml npoke to
mo hnrahlv:
"Wlmt il.i you know of the npy, Ijitour?"
I nimke t-it it IoiimIv. "unly Unit we were
friendly In I'nrlB, your mi.Jcaiy, ami tiuit
l.e wnn in-lit. in cij to die thla morning. I
ippoai hi hen piil.t the p'ii:iliy."
l'or full Iniif ii inluul" tin Krniii'ror liok-
ll lull) It. y eyen. f klO'W' In qu.-al lonr-l toy
in liy..
I hnve here n iuri-riL'e frotn the clni
u", hennhl flutilly. "It nei-iun that your
prccli.iin Mioleiiiolo-e l,itgi:niiy Ih p1:ilu
trh knou UN. Hhe left thin iiii.inllig lit .Ih'
Mis'lil with lo-r Hrrvflnii, and for a compriri
liui ahe cnrrl.'d - Ijitour. Crh-xtuuti in jifier
them wild a H.iunl of c;ivnry."
1 alool there like one ntrtn k iluuili. 5Iy
iiaioiilaliinent nml rhngrlu in ir-1 hiive tieeu
eildeiit, for the impcrnr njrf)ki' Ichm eiTe
ly n h he roar from hln chnlr:
"l'or your nnkV" he mild, " lusve order
rl thitl Miidiiiti'ilnelle l.e nt hiirm.'d.
though nhe him very flii'.'rmit ly h. Inled her
p;ii. ile; hut run not aponk for vrluit Duty
liiippcii If 'Irleainnu nhoiil.l ein'ouiiler re-J
alliance. 1 on tuny iro
Iilamiroied tlllin I could hilt Klni.'s.'rr out In
to the nnilllkflit where -'.'i'.-htiiriiiii nwnlt
ed mi., find! Whnl hud ah" dune l.nTour
itldil to eacHp. In h"r I'lirrluc! ( irh'uinii i
n purautt thnt ni'intiidrel, Inc-min ri. wlioin
1 hud no miirly lllneluhow el."l for Ilia-liUllg
Aluiee! Short nhrlff might alio export from
him. He wnn Juatlllcd In Khootliig every
Ineiiiher tif her party.
I tolil I lelwhiiimin the fnetn. lie nwore
tlcnely. II" hud nlready Joined me in my
hate of Crl.-Hiiiiin.
"Wlmt will you do?" he nsked.
"Iof Why rut for the rhiiteuil tn flint
nn 1 ran." 1 replied.
"Hut how? You rati not go wlthm. jrr
tlllnon." 'IVrinlnnloti the tlevll. I nak permlialon
of no until. " " I nliirt.-d for the rorrnl, lo
get tny horae. 1 wnn no I. Iln. I with rage,
Hint I nearly mil Into a huge mitomoldle
niiiudiug In the mud. liiMlantly I knew
w hut to do.
I turned to the rhaniYeiir-prlvnte. "Thin
In the Vinton imii'hlue. I ae". 1 am li.-rlln
agent for Itn nule. Iet me aee how It rutin."
I he private ki I ii ted and ntepped out. I
lenpitl to the wheel neat. "Jump In,
I' li'lHchmunn, I an Id. let me allow you a
perfix't ntllotllnhlle. "
Tlie Mil wrgeaiit oheyrd. hut hcHlt.-iiinlv
li h though ntiNpeclIng tny ruae. I released
Educated Indian Say They Are Like
the Red Man, A They Paint end
W ear f eathcra.
Johnny Mine, a Klrkapoo llniculst
nnrl iihllofwitther, wtirum real name la
Mah-irio-fjiia-rho niali-rh .tn a h.n
ft 1 who win npt ak ten different lan
ctintrin, wbh In WaHhlnf;Un recrntljr
in the Interofit of tlie Mcxlrjan branch
of Mx Irllic. Ilo In, aal'l to be the
rnoKt arrorniillnlj'i In'Han IlrtRtift In
the world, anil withal U a well ed
ui atr-d tnnn. He li;in some rather un
rornpllmntary onlnlona about the
will to man's Rovornmental mcthoda
tut ho thinks tlio white nian'n wife
U a iKTHon entirely alove criticism.
"Not murh (lirrerenco between the
white urinary and the red man," ex
flnlneri johnny. "They both paint
white Hqunw with white paint, red
bravo wiUi red paint. They both hare
to wear feather, when they re dressed
up: ItuMan ho wear ea:-'le feathers
white s'tiaw wears any kind of feath
ers ho ran pet. white squaw s not
murh difTererit from the Indian."
yi;r,fu;i no vkotjictor
' y,:fvi" Kline and ner celebrated
foru; of 'Throw lilm Down Mflos
k'y" fKtabll.'ihed a rharaeter of apprw
plvneyn which hns been followed by
wnriy pernons. M.'ks Marparet Jordan
of, snd l:v the way a niece
of tlie masculine "Mapple." followed
r Aunt's tea-hlticn when she en
ro'inurerl Joseph Siwalsky, a mlddle-
fli" rl Kir-Ulan who M-rame too famll
.n" In a sTret ear a few weeks apo.
The blood of the family asserted It-
M-if nrul thc smote the "masher" a
sound rap on the jaw. He was left In
n : - r A . - e a -i i.i
. -L v ' I
W - luxy" J
r a.
... o
-nv, v
.A n
. - I.
, - i K
. . ....
. '' ,W w J.
-irrTs -nsi - .. 1
, i . - , ,i -j
-A - r.i- V.-- J
""lYj? - J -i 7jh
'4 3U&,A;tVanX.v.'vM-V'i
:i d.i7ed condiilon that he made
U t l,lo resistance to arrest.
When the ease came up for trial
the j ri onrr claimed that Miss Jordon
and her companion had been flirting
with him, which the ladies denied.
The Judpe w'ho heard the ease com
mented favoraMy upon the method of
defense adopted by the lady, remark
ing that she was a brave girl to hit
ih masher the way ehe did.
Nu brrIB2.
There are llwnyn a certain ftw riign which
win lor themaelvrn wideprend favor hecaune
of thrir p'ncticnl nttractirenean. Hers I
krtchtd one of the matt popular model and
one universally liked by thote who hare uned
it. The narrow turk on the nhouldert or
gather if preferred nre jnt right for a modith
Inline. and excellent t. while the yoke,
which point down a hit in the center of the
hack, etend over the nhoulder far enough to
ugget ihouldrr trapn, and hence breadth of
iine. The tleeve ii the real nhirt Ieeve, with
the narrow cuff fattened with link. Thl I
the tleeve par excellence among the new hirt
Mouse model. Any teanonable material may
rrve for the waist, which it well adapted to
I u Idling. In the medium ite, 2 yard of
2l-inch material are needed.
fiW iie. 32 to 42 inche butt meatnre.
17 ISattrry Place. New York City.
Kor n ci'ntt rncioaed plene end pattern
Vo. Civ.' to the following- addret.
ME (llu.t)
off more than their allowance, the girl
having to submit. It is only from
convents that the entire hair of a
woman's head c?u be bad, and the
ale of the hair cut off a nun's head.
when she takes the veil, is a valuable
item In some convents' incomes.
Hair bought from the ordinary mer
chant of the class described Is more
often than not fraudulently weighted
with grease and dirty matter, and fre
quently the purchaser loses about 30
per cent, before the hair Is cleansed.
fhe cost of thoroughly cleaning and
working up this bought hair Is enor
mous, and as only skilled workers can
do It, the seller of the made up article
mu.t make about 50 per cent, on the
price he pave to the merchant before
he realizes any profit It may ease
the minds of ladies wearing artlncial
hair to know that the cleaning of the
hair is thorough and effectually de
stroys any danger of disease from un
healthy germs. Every hair has to be
fastened In, with the root up an 1 the
point down, as It prows on the head.
or It will not lie smooth and even. The
exact shade has to matched from
many different lots of hair and length
and texture have also to be studied.
Unnely dark. I could not but foal the
rlouniiesn ef my rttuntjoti nn w aoi'nuiMed
up fhio. 'U the iK-linP wooda. I thuiiKht
of Aliiieu. and for a time heartily wlnliml
iiirst'lf Imck at tha chntenu lookln Into
her heaiitlful eyea and linletilnK to the
iiiiihIc of her voice. I knew, however.
Hint nt dnyllKht alio would he nn her way
In her coimhia Ht llethel, and by the tlino
we renched llin top of tlie rhino tny Inter
ent In the npprnneliliiK lltflit drove nil other
tliniiKhln from my inlnil.
Following tho uhiiiiI iiii'thoiln, every pre
omit Ion wnn taken to nvnlil uiuioccHNiiry
luiiNo, mid lancer Bi'outn were acnt south.
TnlliliiK wits permitted only In wlilNiiera.
I. en tho hornen Hoi'iiied to understand the
Importance of ullcnce, ti ml forliore wlilnny
luir and hiiiiiiiIii.
The hill Hlopcil Nharply awny In front,
and l.owonlioi'K mid I, Kliiiidlnif In advance
nf the linn, had nn uiinlintnicled view. I''nr
ludow nn the nerpentlne Alane wound Itn
wiiy iinrtli, kIiowIiik here nml there In the
moonlight like il nllver rllilmn. How pence
rul wim the acene, Imw nlmont holy; yet,
ere a few luinrn could pann, hell would Inl
let loone In that quiet valley.
An we mood talkliit!, notiieoiio Stepped tip
liexlilo un and laid a liniid on inv Hhoitldei'.
I turned and looked np Into the lieiirdcd
face of a irliuit. It wan KlelHi'liminiii. Me
mild Hint the Kmporor hud ordered dim lif
ter un, to nerve iih a permmul ifiiiird. Un
wan n powerful num. with tniinalve client
nnd nhouhliM'N. Hlx fool Hlx lie stood: nml
) ilnul.t not lie could have picked nn up,
,oweitliet'K In Olio hand iiud lite III Hie
oilier, unit hen veil un over liln head. Yel,
heavily iiium-lcil its hs wan, he was quick
of net Ion. No one In tlm nnrrnokn could
atniid iiK-alnnt him tn a wrentllnK limit. I
trim (rind to have hltu uenr.
Hardly had i greeted the big ervetnt,
of the melee and pnaned on through, hi
burden fairly tucked under hln arm. A
moment later Lnwentierit wnn lu the noddle
nnil l-'lclscliiiuinn. nliUlng easily to the
M round, bud hounded upon tho back of a
niik'n rlderleaa born1 and win ones more cut
Unit nnd hIiihIiIiijc, rU'Ut and left.
nitr iIIvIhIoii now separated and drove the
frightened Infnntr.vinen mirth and noulh.
They hud no chance to form nor even to
bind. They threw down their khiih and fled,
a mob, a rubble, every man for himself,
Tho attack then degenerated Into merely
n pursuit. The eavalry at (lie head of the
.linn n and the artillery at the rear became
Inextricably with tho lleclnn, ln
faiitrymeii, nnd after a feeble al tempt to
stand Joined In the flip-lit to tho river,
which was wide and shallow. We pursued
them for several tulle u the direction of
Chalons, tint cnrlttK to overtake them, al-tlioui.-h
our men did pepper them un
inerclbiilly with the new ipilutuple liulleta.
'i'liclr losa of life was not heavy; but the
r ion nd wna strewn with wounded, and
with kuiih, knajinackn, belli, ami equlp
inent of every deHcrlillon. Huch an titter
ileinornllr.ntliiii I could not hnve liiiiitflued.
Our nuecesn wna complete.
A detail of two rPKlmeuts wnn left to care
for the dead and wounded (of whom we hud
but few! nnd to irnther up and to brills' to
camp the nbnndoneii equipment. It wna
elirlit o'clock' when we atnrted north to Join
the nrmv. The sun waa Just pccplnir over
the A r iron no bills, and tin the first ray struck
tho helmets of our cuirassier I thnuirlit of
l.itfoiir, I could Imiiirlnu lilm alnndliiir there
lu the woods of tho chateau, his broad back
iiirnlnnt a tree, a flrlnir aquad tn trout of
lil m . 1 nnw the rill. 'a spit their dendlv ven
om. I naw hi in full. Ah, my poor friend.
Hnch In wnr!
We reached ramp at noon, reported per-
tho brake, opened the primary feed, snd
broiiRbt the lever back slowly. The blc cur
moved oil with a soft vuuk!. buck cume
tho lever another notch, mid nuotber; nnd
as we slid away down the ainontb, white
road I kicked open the secondary feed,
threw on the speed clutch and drew the
throttle wide open. The car leaped fur
ward like nn n itu w from the bow. 1 set
tled flrtnlv In the seat, took the wheel In
Imth hands, nml braced myself for the run
to the ehnteiiu, twenty-live miles a way.
Kvery minute was to me mi hour. Almee
first, I sit lil ; nml after Almee, Ci'icsmtiu:
and woe upon hint If he bus Injured one
hulr of her precious head.
(To be continued).
A (tlrl III Brooklyn (N. . Y.) eomniltte-l
sulci. le Iieeaii.-e hlie was expelled from
school. The nveriiKe boy would nluiply havi
whooped with joy,
A London physician Is saht to have dis
covered that wood ran he made Into n uour
IshliiK diet. We're nlieiid of htm by yearn.
American breakfast food luiiuufiictuiei-K
Were wise to this hum lino .
When Chill Is thinking about havlnn n
Hirht with l'ni'lo Sain, sho would tin well
to remember that his appetite Is already
good ami lie Is not In tho mood to take
much chill sauce
. Tt la trratlfvlnir to learn that John D.
Itockfeller hna arlven n load of wood to a
poor woman with whom he once bad hind
lies ilenllmrn. If Is presumed, however,
that Mr. H. saved ll few vtlckn for hln owu
fire next winter,
loit't throw fitvny salt and flour
bags when yon have used or emptied
fruiu them the content-. Wash tbom
out nnd tuck them In the drawer you
cin.seciate to the thousand and one
flot h" needed for dally bour-hol.i
l'or dust cloths r for polishing
uliiMst nnd sllviT fur nil sorts of uses
wliere n soft cloth Is noedtil they nre
us (.-mnl ns cloths especially lioiiL-ht nml
uinile up for tin work, and much les-s
trouble to prepare.
An occasional thrifty housewife
funis more important uses for them,
one woman, whose pennies are so
scarce as to seem very few and far
la-twoon. itnleiil, even uslnj; the larger
sizes to iniike little roni'li-ninl-ready
shirt waists for her two riotous boys.
I'.eiiu new stiilT, it wears well.
Hut the savlm: of them for elotfis
nnd rii'-'s iipals to most of us who
have the bouse purse to manage, and
who know the Immense dralu that
little things make.
Where It Comes From and How It
I Handled Great Care Required.
London Is the point of distribution
for most of the falo hair which finds
Its way into the market. Within the
last five years. It Is stated, the wearing
of false hair In one or other of the
many artistic and clever forms In
which it is now offered has advanced
by leaps and bounds. A conversation
with one of the leading artificers In
this line elicited many interesting facta.
He scorns hair from Chines man or
woman, deeming It fit only for the
chenpest and most common of fringes,
transformations, etc. The markets he
and other good manufacturers of arti
ficial hair frequent are mainly In Ger
many, Austria, Fiance and Italy, The
Idea that rcirls selling their hair de
privo themselves of all their tresses
nt once Is, it seems, erroneous. A girl
blessed with long, silky hair, and
wishing to make money out of it, goes
to the hnlr merchant and telU him ex
actly how much of It she will part
with, or she divides the hair horseV.
and offers it to him, to be cut off. Sad
to relate, the hair merchants, as a
class, hnve the refutation of sharp, if
not actually dishonest dealings, and
thev are so lacking In principle and
sympathy that they invariably clip
American Maid Disappoint Impecu
nious English Lords. They had
Awaited Miss Rhea Reed's Coming
Rv some mysterious asreney. the
com ins of a preat American heiress is
always known amonji the many elig
ible and Impecunious youth of London.
So when Miss Ithea Held, daughter of
the "tin plate Kins. I). O. Keid, ar
rived nt the Carlton Hotel, everyone
was discussing the probability of the
"tin plate kinj;" being worth $;o.0inj.-
Miss Reid, however, made no at
tempt to know anyone, and confided
to a friend that she had no hankering
whatever .ifter titles.
Her father, she says, is only anxious
for her to marry the man of chuico
The few people who met her were fas
cinated with Miss Reid, who Is tall,
and has u lovely complexion.
Oh, Boys! Oh, Boys!
Frn thin newly fnrcntM SK Frit
I'.AIHMl fli'5 or hAHK HAI L OCT
KIT, rnnfttntin- nf Urtr Mill, Cop and
fine iuw l'il. t,j Milli at nplrnitlit
toiff penrtlM nt ft tfrn. It'n 4w
mjrf l-oyii, me- lnit yun. WrlUi tot
hf nrilm m t d rtn-nlnr inn In Oun, !
dltUi suit. Tat-get nod otber prmlun.e.
330 W. nth Street, New York.
Calcutta Is the most populous city
in India.
The Codex Alexandrinus. a book in
the British Museum, Is estimated to be
worth $l.rani.nl0.
The Argentine Republic has a popu
lation of a little over five million and
the exports from that country hist year
were $V2 per capita. The per capita
f exiHirts from the United States U
only $18.
Three hundred distinct lines of goods
nre manufactured in the city of I'hila-
delphia. There are ltl.Otnj separate
manufacturing establishments. The
total capital represented in these in-
tustries is $"iO,iXH,(KK). They emplov
3iK,tnu wnge earners and turn out
ts"o,ooo,(Snj worth of finished products
every year.
A copyriph-ed Folder (approved by
the Commissioner of Pensions) entitled
"Aids in deterainiDg Title to Pension"
A "Red Rope Manila" Wallet for Pen
sion Certificate. You pay postage onlv.
sions, INCREASE Pensions, WID
OW'S Pensions, MINOR'S and DE
promptly obtained by na for those en
titled. Over TWO THOUSAND
allowances obtained through usduring
the year la t past. We obtain results.
Candid and reliable advice as to title
to pension given upon brief statement
oflacts. Highest references furnished.
For Folder or Wallet, send aix cents
for postage: for information or advice
enclose postage for reply.
38-40 Warder Bldl.. Washington, D. C.
Remarkable ninroverv Thar fnta Down
lie 4 i uf Fnlnt sevraty-f iva Ver teal.
Free Trial Parka and Bi Book Telling
All About Paints unit I'niiii .uklng- Are
.Mailed i-'reei lv fcveryaue Wkm Widen-
A. L. Rice, a prominent manufacturer, tit
Adams, X. V., has discovered a process of
making a new kind o( paint without the use vi
oil. lie calls it I'Dwd-rpaint. It comes to you a
dry powder, and all that is required is cold
water to make a paint weather-Liroot, tire-proof
and as durable as oil paint. For many pur
poses it is much belter than oil paint, and in
indispensable .to every property owner. It
adheres to any surface, wood, stone or brick,
spreads and looks like oil paint, yet costs only
one-fourth as much.
Write to Mr. A. L. Rice. Manufacturer. S6t
North St.. Adams. X. V.. and he will end
you a free trial package, together with color
card and his valuable book on painting, all
free. This book is neces;.ary to all who ue
paint. It lets you into the secret of paint
making, exposes fake paints, tells you how to
get the best results from paint for different
purposes, and shows you how you can ave
and mnke a good many dollars. Write to-dav.
and the book, free trial of paint, etc., will be
sent you without any cost by return mail.
cost of them by our plan. It increases business
taster, and costs you nothing. Chicago Copy
., Dept. t. 416-4-4 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago.
486 F. P.
Made of superior quality of Batiste,
medium high bust, long on hips, full bias
gore; hose supporters attached, price,
$i.oo per pair. If not for sale at your
dealers, sent upon receipt of price by
3 W. 1 9th Street, New York, N. Y.
DEPT. 25.
' - " ' ' ' V
..'. r .. .'...- ',
I lm th srMtAil bt.uty wcr on twrlh tr to all onn. I will ihnw jt lh wj,
H vrry uile. Hy insrfwclnjj, tMlmtU utliud of linlmiil will ftcMtnlly u4 perciiaoieully
develop 4Uii eultrft iL bul I rota 4 fe iucli vna giv Uittt llinij 4vul ruunld, ttriu
irtNiltu ot Nftlur lhl utculy briug o ftUiMii lu all. Tltm ctik, uuk a4
riua uiavt iluai alia bwatiliful. Crow iui, rinkl Iruui rusiod lti ui uioutb ftr
ciuiilihuallr rvutuvvd. IK n4 liiir uu twcouiil i.l liwauiy ut furut, B.-itt'iltty ft ml
cioftru uf lh kiB, f tm trout wnuklM, ud IrMaUMM uf yuuiii Jw tuliuw iUt um of
Uiy iKilacltnl, natural ira.Uuui.
wl.ivr jfun umy laik iu th way of MrfMil lrm of Hrura, Wtura will fflntroutlir
tup.y fr jttm i( you um my trvMtmul. M It noroun!T u4 M.iiiviy ltuiulialtft
oliiai fort-Muf Na.ur mnX Utftkos pluutu tuid Immuui. 4)im Hl utUa pUcc-i mud
Ct .tsM utol fiMHh.ftting 4Uh1 bui(ul curl. My Mlitiiiu UKltind uiutt Uu bea
fuaa Willi tti maiiT ijuftck rir and romlU, ur OfMiiii, vat-Autw il hM ft puwly M iaulitio
Inii iu iiii- 4uxiUavnr wim uy ioi u tcj ni uuwkii iiuui.
f iialt Km, rif cuwttka, tMftiilllul tuuuMvcs, a itirai ncum. vvmo m un wum
I ftlisultiUl gtUarftiitM MliaJftciiou. My nw book ot4itiuinf
iiif.iriiia.LHkn how Ui dnVnliill ViMlraAlff ftl hoUl Kill O0
itat, 4uti
Ul l4 BL, Nw oik C lF
bwCor ftud mtimr" Illnlr4v