1 tl. Sc 17 I v.:; f T DIRECTORY First fin pt 1st rbnrch of Lrkevlcw. i.,.riiinir Sorrier at 11:A.M., and I-- 7 till I. Jit UHvmii fiiii'i'vt . Sunday School A; M; ! i Junior Society nt i . m. j 1 Hnptist Young Peoples t nlon nt r, n-TO ! M on each Sunday. ! . i . . . i I prayer meeting i, w, i . si.cn i i nesdny evening. ,,! 1 Kvervbody Invito to attend nil . . Frank Slmnrnii", pastor , sxrvim". . niHFXTORY I , First ltaptist th'ireh of Uoose Lake, nt New Pine rm-k.Orm ; F Preaching Services i . .v , n. an17;:U) P.M. s,,a-v tf ev i every month. . ... t....i.,.l nt 10:o clock At M. I Sununy 'in"" "l - ntTtfOon Wednesday 1 '" . ... ..t oncll week. All are cordially invited to attend the Services.' J. llnyden Howard 1 nstor. TinllKR I.AXU XOTIfK. .. i-... i ii ml Act June :i. 1S7S. United States Land Office, Lakeview Or. Ore-con. April !. N Notice la hereby given that in com pllance with the provision of the act of .StCo..BK.Mot June 3. INN entitl ed cd "An act tor the wi of tim timber landa in the Stat of of California, Oreson, Nevada, and If, Uaahington Territory." aa cj tended t, , to all the l'ubllc Liit.il Statea by act ,f of Aucuat 4.1 Thenaa Hall of Kh Klamath Falls, county ot Klamnth. St.. State of Oregon.'has this day tiled In U i this office liia Taworn tpn,;!11tv ;xv2, lortne urvii- - Nwi Swi Sec. 1, NEi SEi. SLi NLL Sec 2 Townahip 34 S llanse No. 17 E AV. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for.ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposea, and to es tablish his claim to anld land U-fore rknotnin countv Clerk, nt hia .., i . ,.t lmotneaa at Klamath halla, On ..Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of Jui. June, 1000. . 1! He names aa witnesses: Archie .1.:. Johnson, John Brett, Iter F. Kirk-pa- patrick and Charley Soule of Klamath Fa i.Falls, Oregon. v ny and all persons claiming ad itT veraely the alwve- described landaare sted to file their claims in this .IN. office on or before aaid lbth daj ot Jr.: Junc.lSHW.fB Watson Register. TIMBF.K LASU XOTII K. Timber Land, Act June 3 , ls. toto fnnd Ottlice, llKt- vi, . view, Oregon. April 3, 1J00. v Notice is hereby given that in com pi , pllance with the provisions of t he act ,f .t ,f June 3. 17S. entitled Ai net for thr the sale of timber lands in the States of vof California, Oregon, Nevada nna U irashignton Territory as extended to to all the Public LanJ States by act i SofAucust 4. lS!2.the following wr "Jna have this day filed in this office their sworn statements, as follows. .Iw.John lirett. of Klamath rails, county of Klamath. State of Oregon. ,-, forn statement No. 3074. for the puv purchase of the Ei of wj, Sec 11, T 4 'Nr''&CharlMESouie, of Klamath Falls. ... ,m.ntv of Klamath. State of Oregon. Sworn statement No. .!... fr tne purchase of the Swi SwJ. .Vc. 1. SEiSEJ, Sec. l Ni Nwl. sec. 1-, 1 iUS., R. 17 E.,. w. M. u FR The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub lshed. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of the United States. It gives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poepi by SOLON L. GOODE. Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer Two For the Pake of One: The Lake County Exam,ner The Leading County Taper and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. 0, fletzker, Lakeview, Oregon. Thnt thev will offer proof to show Hint the land soiiRht l imm vain iM f,p it tlmlMT or stone than tor I u.rrl.-llltlirll tlll'l)OmM unit to estnb- ' luh llu-lr rlalin to fii1 land Is-fore (it-ti ...... ........ . - - . . oni,, ,,,. ,,f illness, at Klamath Fa1(1( Oregon, on Saturday, the th t,JV , Jnil,.t iiH; They name an witnesses: Archie )( itrr V. Kirkpatrick. Fpnilk n. nnn. tharles Sonic and John Prett, of Klamath Palls, On- .nv snd nil persons claiming advei se- . ,.- iM,,..1i.P,iiv,i IbiiiIh are re j quested to tile their claim in this office ion or U-fore said Utli Jay of June , iy,. , 14:. .1. N. Watson, Register. j Fnited States Land Ollice, lakeview, ! Oregon, April "I. PHY.. Notice is here 1 . . . a 1. ... by K'v'n thai in compliance wiui mr ,i. ...t ,,f Congress oi I June 3. 1STS, entitled "An act for the it iw-J .,t,.K..I In art (.IP oale of tiniU-r lands in the Matea oi California. Oregon, Nevada and U anli ingtoii Territory." as extended to all the 1'nblic Land States by act of Aug ust 4. iv,tt, the following persons have thia day tiled In this office their aworn statements, aa follows: John Shea, of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath. State of Oregon. Sworn statement No. )7. for the purchase of the NEJ SwL KJ N w J, NwJXwi.Sec. 1. T .U S.. U 17 U". M. lister F. Kirkpatrick, of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon. Saorn statement No. 3077, for the purchase of the NJ NFJ F. N V. Nwl' st. '2. ti. 34 S. Swi U- 17 E., w. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes and to establish their claim to said land la-fore Oeo. Chastain. county clerk, at his official place of business, nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Friday, the Mh day of June, liH'O. They name as witnesses: John Hrett, Archie Johnson, F. H. Hall, diaries Soule. L. F. Kirkpatrick all of Klamath Falls Oregon. Any and all jiersons claiming ad versely the above-descriln'd lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said Sth day of June, llKH!. J. X. Watson, 14-23 Register. Notice for Publicatio n. United States Lnnd Office, Lake view, Oregon, Mar. 24, lfKM. Notice is hereby given that Harry A. Calderwood of Flush, Lake Co., Oregon has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 407, for the SEI NE' Sec. 14 Tp. 37 S., R. 25 E W M before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon on Monday, the 21t day of May, 1'JtMJ. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land: Clay .ambo, Frank Donison. Thomas Calderwood and Nelson Calderwood of Flush, Oregon- J. X. Watson Register. rt a ani - t- T yv . Ben tls f lh8 K'nl1 Von Have Alwarc Boti 8; jnitnra of u iu all wun iS Etpial to nny Emergency. Not since the rcorganlimtlon of the Army In l'.MUJ has It been called on to face nn emergency of any sort. The dlsaaternt San Francisco however, has proved iin.t-mergency of the first inagidtud- and It is i satisfaction to liable to report that theartnyhaa met It without apparent effort. The Immensity of the losa at San Fran cisco by fire and earthquake ha dwarfed everything else In the news line and the whole attention of moat of the Departments has in-en given to sending and receiving newa. hurryng forward relief and authorising: the ifficers on the spot to make all aorta of provisions to meet the no-easitlca of the case. Sec. Taft said privately that he was glad they had nn officer on theground who came to the front like tien. Fun aton and did things first and naked authority afterward, congress sunk ,il tlifVrc nces of party In passing the emergency npproprlaiio.i bill giving f I.IXM.IKH) to be iniinediatly available for the relief work. This bill was passed In record time and sent to the President, receiving his signature all within the space of six hours. The cost of the disaster to the government will ln enormous. The destruction in military and naval stores in and around San Francisco alone will le f2.MKl,(XM. In addition to that the damage to buildings and equipment must U counted, and there are f7.000.UiO Worth of government buildings within the area of thej disturbance. The relief work" Including the appropriation from congress will also amount Into the millions. The tioverninetit has decided that there should U a representative of administration on the spot and Sec retary Metcalf has accordingly been selected and started for C alifornia on Friday Light. Secretary Metcalf's home is in Oakland and while he Is accompanied in Washington by Mrs. Melcalf. he has a son and a sister In the stricken city from whom he has received no news since the disaster. Tne Secretary has born up gamely under the personal distress that the news has caused him and although ' he sent private messages anil did all !he could on the side to get track of his boy he gave his first attention to the work of relief and let family mat ters come after. Secretary Metcalf was preccoded west a few hours by Representative Julius Kahnof Sanfranclsco who was Don't Get Wet! TOWER'S SLICKF.RS will keep you dry as nothing else will, because they are the product of the best materials and seventy years' experi ence in manufacturing. 'V0WD?3 A. J. TOWER CO. lg?Z&m Boston. U.S.A. ' V ' TOWZS CAS AC LIB CO .Ltd. gKJjQ Torooto, Cu. suffering pivullnr tortures from the news. liCss than 4S hours la-fore the shock, Mr. Kahn hnd rt-oelved a tele grant from San Francisco saying, "Mother and son doing well," Mrs, Kahn had given birth ton boy just before the disaster Hud from thnt time the father has been alle to hear no! hlng of ell her ot t hem. The Secretary of the Treasury ex pressed himself nsliiuneiisely plensed over the uallaut fight thnt the em ployees had successfully tniule to save the Mint, practically the onlj biitlolng left standing In the business district. This has saved to the gov eminent about f.'lOO.POO.OU) of coin and bullion Intact and there has been transferred to the sub treasury at San Francisco an additional f 10,000, 000 to meet immediate neivds. The value of the Win-less telegraph service In the Navy has also Ix-en demonstrated as It was In this way that a part of the t'acluc aqumirou as caught at sea off San Hlcgo and rushed north to take part In the ork of rescue. Fortunate Mi.asourians. "When 1 was a druggist, at Livonia Mo.," writes T.J. Hwyer, now of (raysville, Mo., "three of my custo mers wore permanently cured of consumption by Ir. King's New Discovery, and are vfcll and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to ArUona, but nfter using New Discovery a short time he found It uunecesary to do so 1 regard Dr. Kings New Discovery nn the most wonderful medicine In exist ence." Surest Cough and Cc.ld cure and Throat and Lung healer. Ouar an teed by I'.call Druggist., Mi ami f I. Trial bottle fre. In those days of strife between two great political parties we must re member that after all we are Just a band of brot hers here on earth, travel ing from the cradle to thegrave. we live side by side, our children attend the same school and after the smoke of bat tie has cleared a way, wo will still be friend- and neighbors. Let the liit ter t hlngs go lltiMtilil . At best, life Is short, and we get out of it a full incaMire of sorrow. 1-t us In our lit tle city live as one big, good-natured family. Postmaster Robbed. . W. Fonts, Postmaster at Rlvr ton, la., nearly lost his lile and was robl.ed of all comfort, according to his letter which says: "For 20 yeaas I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of Jaundice that even my finger nails turned yel low; when my doctor prescrlU-d Electric liittors, which cured me and have ke'pt me well for 11 years." Sure cure for liiliousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all stomach. Liver, Kidney and bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. At Ice Reall's Drug store. .Vic. If any subscribiT of the Examiner wishes to subscrlbefor "Tom Wat son's Magazine," we will accept 11.50 from them, write the letter, buy the postal order and send for the maga zine to any address. There Is but one price on "Tom watson.s Maga zine," and we do not club with it, but as a matter of accomodation to Subscribers to the Examiner we can get them the magazine without -any trouble or risk to them for the regu lar price, tf. If, perchance, a copy of this paper, should fall Into the hands of any whoj are in search of a new location a place where church, school and social j advantage are given emphasis, and where you can live out your allotted number of years wlthoutfear of pestl ence or famine, we say, like one of old, "come thou with us and we will do thee good," without emphasis on the "do" This is just the right sized town to settle down In and enjoy life. Every thing for the comfort of life can be bought here and fit) will go as far as $25 will n larger cities. When you want to leave the farm, come to our town and build a nice comfortable home and be among the best people in the world. POST YOURSELF AND FRIENDS If you contemplate a trip east call on or write to us at Reno. Should you have friends coming from the east you can get Information regard ing rates, routes, etc., which will le to their advantage and cojufort. If you wish you can deposit cost of ticket with us for their passage and tickets will be furnished them at their eastern homes. Thin ollice Is with you and responsible, which should be an inducement to commu nicate with us rather than with those In other cities. II. L. Griffith, Agent, So. I'ac. Co. Iteno, Nevada. J. M. Pulton. District Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Iteno, Nevada. OASTORXA. Bn th 1 h' Kind You Have Always BougM PK0PU5SI0NAL ... v- A. Wlfll'M, m. i. I U ii I'll mil I pint arill.KO ralslcy, Oregon, lK T V II l.l I'hjMlelan anil umro Of" no It- New PulsrlliilMliia. .tllninr) Ml l.hw lAkrvlrw, Orr orrtcK-iHii.v luiii.iinit. I. I. IK AlOf AIImr.l-lJiw IjiiiiI Mattn-MM-rlatl) orrioit- iir buiMIih. 1 x uinnnkm nr Tilt wnnm lkcvlHW nuiii'Kcn ur m numu t'mn No. titn lim on lhi il unit llh XV(.ilni.it of mrh m-inlli In MmhiiiIi- Hull. l l. m. I K " neiHiM k. nimiil ( iiiiniiikniirr. K. N. Uiii lHH. It-rli. X W t.AKKVIKW KNOAMI'M KNT. Ni 1H. S W I. O. o. r. Mii'i'lK On- tt mul SO 'l linrif dy Trnlimel rrh miiiilh In Oitil Ki'I- S lows' Hall, lJikrvli-. A. V. MmirliiK. V M C.I'., 1. w. Tin k.r. SiTltx-. Jj. Mouse 87XNI I'aper c Till ... UT Painter JwHL Hanger New Pine Creek, - Oregon THIS PAPER In krpl nil llli' l K O. I ' AilviTtllii Ak. ih v !.' Sine ..in. U.. i Maii Kraiii'lMi-n. I nf. w lli-rt- ovotrkut fur ailvvrllnliiK i n lx inmti' fi.r It Suharrllirri to I tio Kimnlm r wtin ri-inov Iron, on loemliy In mm'lirr, or rhnni;r lln-ir MMtnti' iltr.-.ii Kli.nil.l r iii' iiilM-r ' itnip ihU oflli-p a -r.l ili. lr .it i 'i l,- ml drvawd to I In- rltlil ii.iitii''-. To Cure a Cold In One liy Take LAXATIVE HK'OM.l IJFININK Tst'li-lh. All (Iriik'wl'tn refund the money if it fails to ciue. V., W. (irnvu's siiriiHture in on esrh v. L'.V. Ereryone should iubicrTb for his horns paper, In order to f et ail the local news, but to keep In touch with the world's dally srents should also read The Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, The leading erenlng newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which has com plete Associated Press reports and special leased wire serrlce, with correspondents In Important news centers and in all the cities and principal towns ef th Northwest Portland and suburbs axe corered by a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 26 to 23 pages, and has colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fashion page, aa Interesting serial story and other attractlrr features in addition to all, the news of the day. Subscription Rates: One month, 60 cents; three months, $1.35; six months, $2.50; twelve months, $5. O Sample copies mailed free. O A Valuable ArA. The. fflyci'rini' I'tiipluyeil in I r. i',iii '' mrviiclnrs frvn tly : ' -IS elnal jn itx-rtii-s 'wh'i Ii it cxtiMrts mm holds in Miint.Min niin li I i lirr tln.'i ;il''u liol wihiM. It a 1" ' ' h nn . . i : 1 1 ii ! nnijiertii-s 'f It own, In im.' a v; I i-ti i .1. uoniulccnt. iiiiiriMv.', a nt n-ijiti'- ii'"l iinli fernient; It nlils gr-iiny tu I'm'- cll.riiry Of tin: liliti'k ( inTrj iiM'ii. (inlilea N'ul root, Stun" root mul i.'i'i i nN root, cmi talni'd in ";.l.l n .Mi dicul i)iscociy " in SuMiiiii!,' chronic, or linircrii.K cinijh!", Ironi hi I, t'-.;-o!.t. mul h nir iX ctlous, for nil of which thi'sii iirciits nn- rcci.m mcndi'd l.v :.t iiidiiril nicilici.l autlnuliic. In all circs wlicro tlu ro Is u wosllii away of licsli, loss of upiciii lili weaii stomm li. as In the early htuKcs of consiiiiinilon, Ihera can bn no dmilit that glyecrlnu m-ts as a valuable nutritive and aids tho tioldcn Seal root, Munu root, Queen's root uud liluck ChTryhark In promoting digestion and buildliiK up tho lloshand stri-iigth, controlling tho coiirIi and briiiKlnii alxmt a iu-ultliy condition of tba wliuln Bysti'in. Of course, It must not be expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption except in its earlier Stages. It will euro very severe, obtain ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn geal troubles, acA chronic sore throat with hoarseness. In acuto couuhs It Is not soeffoctivo. It la In the lingering coughs, or thoae of long HtandliiK, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungf), that it has performed Its most marvelous euros. Bond for and read tho little book of extracts, treating of tho Iroprtles and uses of tho several med cloal roots that enter into I Jr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and learn why this moiiicinn has aucli a wido range of application in tho euro of (IIhciikch, It Is sent free. Address Dr. 11. V. I'lcrcc, Huffalo, N. Y. Tho "Discovery" con tains no aloohol or harmful, habit-form-Inf drug. Ingredients all printed on each bottle wrapper in plain English. blck people, especially those suffering from diseases of longstanding, uro Invited to consult Dr. I'lerco by let ter, free. AH corresiMHidence Is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser Is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Kerui 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth bound copy. Oregon Shout line and union Pacific Salt Lake, Denver, Kan sns City, ChlcnKoSt. Louis New York. Ocean Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every live days. Low Rate5 Tickets to slid from nil purls of, tho Pulled .Vtites, t'niuuls siidEuroie. Forlpnrticnlurn, en 1 1 on or address, A. L. CrnlK.l. Portland, Cre. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... TIMI! TAIU.IJ in F.ffcrt May 1st, HK. l.v. Thrsll .. A A. M l.v. Voto'ioiim I'l ,. . . I ii . I.. in v. Ar. l.nKii. . . n A If. II ll. 9 L " KI'hSi' II ) " Ksll I'rvrk II 4.1 " hli-el Itr'ni- IH.Kt " Miikus I'.' VO K I'll Hi'K7 I" I il . I . Mill I'M I'likritslllK S.W 'llirsll I.'.ll Klamath pring pecmi. Thrnll I at I'. M I v. K I'll H.'Ka 4M1 Hi.Kn " Ar. Isll 'r k.' .'i U.....I II. 'u.., Hi.. ..I llr'v. n 111 Hi.Kii ... 1 tA " KI...-I llr'itr'.M.I " FhII I'M-i'k 'J.x " K I'll F.-i " hi.-rl llr' HI ,uKW . I l.lall SO LAKEVIEW --ALTURAS STAGE LINE II. K. lUHKkR, 1 ' r,, (' r . Office in Itichcr'ji 5tore Stage leaven Ijikrvlew daily, ex vpt S urn lay at (I . in. Arrives at A It urn at (i p. m. I-nven Alturus lor lakeview at II oMiH'k n. in. or on the arrival of tl.e stuge from Madeline. Ar rive iu Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturus, Freight - Matters - (liven Strict - Attention first - Class - Accomodations. Western . Stage . Line J. I.. YAIHN, Proprietor. Office in Linkville Hotel Msmath VmtU. Daily from I'okegem:! by Keiio, Klam sth Falls, Dairy, lionan.a, and Illy to I-akevicw. Daily frTn l.akeview by ltly, Itonanxk Dairy, Klninath Falls, Keno, to l'o keuema. From Klamath Falls to Keno by teatuer and from Keno to Pokegenia over the Sunset Four-llorse Stand Pine. Good Stock Easy Coaches LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE 8. L. McNai-oiito.v, Prop. Office at Mercantile Store rUago leaves l.akeview Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at C a. m., Arrives at Plush at 0 p. in. Leaves Piush Tues days, Thursdays and Haturdaye, at 6 a. in., arrives at Lakeview at 0 p. m. Passenger fare f 3 one way or )5 for round trip. Freight rates from May let to Nov. let $.75 per hundred ; frow Nov. lit to May 1st 11.00 per hundre A Lively Tussle with that oldenemy of the race, Con, stlpatlon, ofteu ends In Appendicitis. To avoid all serious troublo with Ktomach, Liver, and Dowels, take Dr. KiiitfH Now Life Pills. They per-fi-ctly reKulato these organs, without pain or discomfort. !Tc at Ia'u IJeall briiKKlst. MIIKKI BUMI1M. I a mOO Rarru Brndewlth Bwalluw Kork la lorwothnri. Borne vwui Bquare Crop and Bll In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane Uke I'oitotnie addrou, Ijikovlew, Oregon Zac Whitworth TmZZVX right for ewei i rei erie for wetbcri Tar Brand W. Kauge, FUh Creek, rovtofflce addreai Ukerlew, Oregoa