Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 10, 1906, Image 3

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fltftltlonal Xocnl
V. O. ItutitlniC l ' '" I'""
' Valley.
II. . Lyon I up from Willow
W. W. I'ViwtMirit rdurnnd Momlny
from tint desert.
K. (). Ahlstroni hud tho misfortune
to run ft ntt.ll In hi fool, which lnl.l
lil in up for n ffw dnys.
Mnnly Currlor punned lhr' i nn
this wwtk on IiIm wnv if r i
to IiIm Hhiiiiii'"" T
Mr. Ki .1 . ' '' '' "' ' ' r
tho Kinltl. 1 """.
visiting lie. ' t ' wk.
Old "one- UimiIKH clime over
from Codiirvuin this week. II" sity
1 "COIIIO to HI'O wIllTII 1'n'HnllT nnd
Wiley noun. "
Bnlley A. MiimtlntfMl lire having u
now coiit of pnliit sproiid on their store
building, which greatly 'iihiinci'H (ho
itppi'iirmico nnd will preserve tho Iron.
W. 1. Ilcryfonl nnd wife returned
TuiHliy from Kiuitii Komi, whom they
went to vImII Mr. llryrorl'K father,
who hiiH been nick, tint who U letter
Klls-rt MorrU him hum of t 1k finest
yomiif Jmk In tho country, which hn
will stand this Whhoii Ht ! Iy the
season or H to Insure. Parties living
nt ft dUlnneo nmy send their inures to
tln J. C Ollvir piiMturc, nnd they wll
1st bred without further trouble to tho
owner. Koo Mr. Morris on tho Wont
HI'Im or writo to him ut Inkovlw. 1 4
PiiUloy, Oregon, Mny r, lltoo.
To tho l-'lrnt National Hank of Ink
vlow, Oregon, learning thut you uro
receiving ninl forwnrdlng coutrllni
tloliM to tho fund for tho benefit of tho
' ttitrthunko sutferers In California you
will klmlly forward thin, my ottering,
(125.00) for thut one, nnd oblige,
Yours Respectfully,
T. J. llrattuln.
M r. Jeiinio 1'nrker (neo Jjimio
Maxwell) returned to Lnkevlew lunt
Thursday from Sun Francisco, where
she underwent tho terror of t ho great
est Ainerlciin diMiister oil record. She
savs she IiikI tlmo to pack her trunk
mid ship It, hut she was ho badly Bear
ed and thoro was nuch greut ooufusioti
that she tlix'S not havo tho leant idea
where hho shipped it to or whut Ui
rnmo of it.
Won! wan received hero Monday
from Warner that Mr. Jan. McKeo
hud died. Tho uews IhiHhod over
town with great rapidity and canned
much grief uniiiUK tho many friend of
Mr. and Mm. McKeo. Inquiry, how
ever, brought much moro cheerful
report. Mrs. McKeo has been very
nick, IniJ. her friends aro pleased to
loam thut hho wa getting U-tter.
Thou. Cloud, tho Kodu workn iiihh,
pi titling up mi ice cream parlor ut his
place of business on Bear Street. Mr.
Cloud Inform us thut ho 1 going to
havo tho neatest establishment of t ho
kind ever kept in any inland town,
with all tho it ic links nerved in tho
city Ico cream parlor today. Ho ha
repulnted and varnished tho Interior
of tho front room which will bo used
exclusively for Unit purpoHo. Ho ex
pect to open shop in a short time.
Jack Simmon wrote to hi
father, from Kan Mateo, California,
Johnny Simmon, who i tending bar
nt Until iJikeview. Jack nay tho
tnrthiuak hook things up pretty
lively there, hut no serious damage
wa done. Ho wiy that tho mail ho1
w a work Iiik for IiikI hi money in
hank ami could not pay him oil. Jlo
had hut a few dollar, Hud every time
ho turned around hoiiio oho of tho
hundred of refugee from Sau Fran
chco, who Hocked thoro would link him
for a quarter to buy Homethiiitf to eat.
Jack dun up williiiKly and freely a
loiiK a hi money held out. Jack
Simmon wa raid lu liiiko county
and urow into tho wholesouled habit
which i characterlHtlo of buccaroo
of till couutry, and nt ill ha thoHiimo
open hand for nil Hufferintf and hungry
When the nerves are weak
cverythinu goes wrong. You
are tired all the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, and
irritable. Your cheek are
pale and your blood is thin.
Your doctof says you arc
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this
grand old family medicine
,, I.Iu.hI."- 1. C. Hoi f. .'.l !!. ' '
,u. . I I P C- AVICII I
AM .tini'i'l-i m Mi,,ri
Weak Nerves
Attain t am thn nominee of the flepulillcaii Party of
liiiko County for tho ofllro of County Clerk, nnd take
thl menii of informing tho voter of Lnko county thut
I (Iculro their Miipport at thn poll on Junn tho 4th.
If J am elected County Clerk I promise to tho pooplo
of thl (Jciiiity Ntrlct iittentloii to thn dutin of that of
flco, and h 1 1 it 1 1 dlnclmrKi) thn mono with Impartiality.
1 protnlHo tho taxpayer htrlctent economy, and full
and faithful dlcharKo of oflldul dutle.
K. N. jRqulli,
Kepublican Notiilnon for County Clerk.
Ijiut Monday, while out. hunting
hore near tho Mulkey corrnU, IC II.
KoydMtuu run onto a den of coyote.
From tho action of tho three female
coyote that were In hlht Mr. Jloyd
htun thought they iniiht nil havo pup
In a deep holo In thn ldo of tho hill.
Ho went to I (1. Thorium' heep
crimp where ho pnMturod u hIiovcI, and
in company w ith Win. Hurtlerode and
Fred Hark ley, w ent back to tho place
to louto tho iiohI. They (1 u twelve
feet before tho uet wa reached.
Hurtlerode wa diKk'liiK whin tho fir
pup poktwl hi head out. Hill dropod
tho Hhovel and ran, culliti fir help.
Tho boy took out IS little coyote,
and when they bean to yelp the
mother came buck to defend their
yountf. Two of tho three old one
went idiot and the little fellows were
diHpatche, making 17 killed in all.
Mr. l(oydtun ay it WHMii't much of
a day for coyote, either.
Tho hen on tho Wet Side aro about
tho inoht accommoliitii!K lot of fowl
wo have ever heard of. A few days
ritfo a couple of youriK ladle from
town went to I)rew creek HhliliiK
They left their riif Ht a farm near the
crock, and one of the idr) left her
hat lu tho biiKy. One of tho farmer
hen made a Hiirvey of tho layout and
concluded to liiHiire the Indie ample
return for their trip, V climlwd into
tho biiKKy nnd Inyinl an etf in the
traw hat. When the nirU returned
they found there the bountiful reult
of an indutttriou hen' labor for a
whole duy, and wire greeted with tho
cackling farewell from the barnyard
final rroof.
Iund Otllce at Iukeview, Oregon,
May !, liNNj. Notice is hereby jfiveu
thnt tho following-mimed settler ha
tiled notice of hi iutcution to innke
fluid proof in upport of hi claim,
ami thut huld proof will bo mado lie
fore llclter and Receiver ut Lake
view, Oreifon, on the 10th day of
June, llNKlviz: John i. Heebe 11.
K. No. 'i'CCt for the V.K. SW4 and W's
KK4 S.m. 12 Tp : S., K 17 K, W.
M. Ho unme tho following witneHse
to prove hi contiiiiiou residence
upoit and cultivation of said laud,
viz: Hoy Woodward, l)ranio K.
Newby, W. K. Mctormiick and Jonas
C. Woodward, all of Paisley, Oregon.
J. N. Watson, Keiter. W 'Sl.
Final Proof.
Iand OUlce at Iakeview, Oregon,
Muy !, 1H5. Notico i hereby K'ven
thut tho follow lii-unmed settler hn
filed notice of hi intention to make
llnal proof in support of hi claim
and that said proof will be mudo be
fore Kofc'istor ami Receiver at Ijako
view, Oregon, on the 10th duy of
June, 1:m; viz: Dranio 11 Newby, H.
K. No. 'iril for tho V.K SK!4' Sec. 12
Tp :KI S., li. 17 Vu. W. M. and W 'i
HW.U' See. 7 Tp :U 8., R. 1H K, W. M.
He naine tho follwoing witnoHes to
prove hi contiuuou residence upon
and cultivution of said hind, viz1
Jorum C. Woodward, John (5. Heebe,
W. K. McCormack und Roy Woodwnrd
ull of Pasley, Oregon.
J. N. Wutson, Register. 19-2:1
Uuitixl States Ijhiu! Ofllce at Lake
view, Oregon, May 4, UXMi.
Notice is hereby glveu that the fol
low ing named settler has Hied notice
of his intention to make final proof
in support of hi claim, and that said
proof w ill be Hindu before Register und
Receiver at. Lakeview, Oregon, on the
IHth day of Juue, P.HHJ viz: James A.
Tuvlor.'lld. No. 2:US for tho NW'4
NVl4 Sec. US SW; 8W4 iiec. 24 and
K'B si:'4 Sep. 2:1, Tp. :k s., r. n k.,
W. M. He names the following w it
nesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivution of said
land, viz: Jim Moore, Jaine McDon
ald, Will Farrow and Kno McDouald
all of Ptiisloy, Oregon.
J. N. Wutson, Rgl8ter. 19-23
IM'MCi t l4it Klnal I'roof.
United States Land Office, Lake
view Oregon, April, 20, 1'.MMl.
Notice is hereby g,i veil that David
U. liclnnd, of Plush, Lake co., Oregon
hart filed notice of Intention to make
proof on his desert-laud claim No MO
for the SINWJ4, NJSWL Sec. 110, T. !i7
S., R. 21 Vj., M. Unsurveycd.lH'iore
Ri'KlHtcr and Receiver at Lakeview,
Oregon, on Friday, the 13th day of
June. I'JOO.
He names tho following witnesses
to prove the complete Irrigation and
reclamation of snld land: Frank
Rogers of Plush, Oregon, Hack w hit
worth, James Turpln, and John Hull
df Lakeview, Oregon.
1S-22 J. N. watson Register.
" V. r.T -i.., v
, . r. ------- -- - ,,,
mm , ha I iiuvt utilr oriiwuBH"" w mu. J , ?
T..,.ir,.r.niii1ii.a ihMwiUtfui you 16 SO.
h'r.u??" .fir ou, 'iinHiuwl will, you 1
,ni.t will! you U
1th.. i i";:i2i,.f52.ait
..." , i.b iMKthur. Writ
cloth ! ! trou
ikT w
. . . - .
Absolutely Paro
A Cream of Tartar Powder,
free from alum or phoa
phatlo acid
Timber land Notice.
UnitMl States Land Ofllce, Lake
view, Oregon, May 7, 19Mi.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provision of the act
of Juno.'!, 1J7H, entitled, "an Act for
tho sale of timber hinds in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Ijind States by act of
August 4, lH'.rj, the following persons
have tiled in this olllce their sworn
statement, to-wit:
J umes C. M on gold, of Klamath
Falls, County of Klamath, Stute of
Oregon. Sworn Statement No. WM
for the purchaNo of tho Hkj 8W!,
NK4' SW'4'f SW4 SK4, Sec. G, Tp.
South, Rmige 1H, K., W. M.
Muy Mongold, of Klnmuth Falls,
County of Klamath, State of Oregon,
Sworn-Statement No. :X1S, for tho
tmrchHse of tho W'i NE'4', SE4 NW14'
NWI4 SK'4, Sec. 0, Tp. 34, South,
Range 1, K. W. M.
Thut they will offer proof to show
thut the land sought is more valuable
for it timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes nnd to establish
their claim to said laud before the
Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at
hi ollieial place of business at Klam
ath Falls, Kliunuth County, on Wed
ncsduy, tho 1st duy of August, lDOtj.
They name us witnesses: Archie
Johnson. H. K. Peltz, John Hrett,
Lester Kirkputrick ami James Mon
gold all of Klamath Fulls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverj
sely the above described lands are re
quested to file their claim in this
olllce on or liefore suld 1st day of
August l'.iUil.
J. N. Watson, Register. 19-28
Land Ofllce at Lakeview, Oregon,
Apr.,-;w, HUM.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make 11 lal proof
In support ot his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register
ami Receiver at Lakeview Oregon,
on the 13th day of June, l!MHt. viz.
James C. Hlaisdell II K No 233:1 for
Tp 37 S R 10 R W M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence and
cultivation of said land, viz. Jus. N.
Owens, Jus. Tull, John Watts and
Lawrence ti riff In of Hly, Oregon.
J. N. watson Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 17,
United States Laud Olllce, Lnkevlew
Oregon, Apr, 14, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given thnt In com
pliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of Juno 3, 1n"N, en
titled "An act for the Bale of timber
lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory", as extended to all the Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1S!2,
Charley Mesner, of Klamath Falls,
countv of Klamath State of Oregon,
hos tiled In this olllce his s om state
ment No. 301K, for the purchase of the
fwj; NwJ. NwJ Sw. Sec. 20 and
SFi NFL FF-l SKJ, of Sih?. No. 30, in
Township No. 'MS., Range No. IS E
w M., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more vnluable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before County
Clerk at his ollieial place of business
nt Klamath Falls. Oregon on Friday
theOth ilayJuly.l'.KiO.
lie names ns witnesses; llurbert
Cramer, Frank Hall. Arnold tl. Wag
ner of Klamath Falls. Or., and (has.
Mccumber, of Hairy, Oregon
Auv and all persons claiming ad.
verselv the above deserllied lands are
requested to 11 lo their claims In this
olllce on or before said (ith (lay of
July 1000,
J. N. Watson Register.
- ., 10 vou-Ut w, MO mm yam.
nv rink to you-uBV we i-u
ha. If
Other Utllura to l m
.in that tut.
nth tht tuey u"',J) Vi'"rJfr
Viav.r tL fU or Vhrluirit wiif ki.i. IU .hap. mud
a mm MM 1" W W
Our complete line of Ladies' Summer dress goods,
consisting of Silk Mulls, TaffeLas, Voiles, Batiste,
Ventura Suitings, Organdies, India Linens & Lawns,
Shirt Waists, Silk Shirts, Muslin Underwear, and
Children's BUSTER BR WN 111,:, and Boys'
White and Colored Waists, have just arrived.
PRICES ARE LOWER than ever before known
in Lakeview.
Have Reserved
For their Advertisement which
will appear next week.
v Final Proof.
vLnud otflee at Lakeview, Oregon,
May 9, 1'JOG. Notice is hereby given
thut the followiug-nametl settler has
tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at Lake
view .Oregon, on the 15 day of June,
l'.tOO viz : Jonas C. Voodward, II. E.
No. 25(10 for the E8' NE4' Sec. 12 Tp.
S.. R. 17 E.. W. M. and W NVli
Seo. 7 Tp 3.1 S., R, 18 E., W. M. lie
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said lund, viz: Praino
Newbv. John G. Heels?, V. K. Mc
Cormack and Roy Woodward all of
Paisley, Oregon.
WANTED : by Chicago wholesale and
mail order . house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and
adjoining territory. Salary ?20 and
expenses paid weekly ; expense money
advanced. Work pleasant; position
permanent. No investment or exper
ience required Spare time valuable.
Write at once for full particulars and
enclose self-addressed envelope.
Chicago, 111. 12t
you cannot
find a better;
whiskey than
Excursion Rates to Pacific Coast
Notify your friends In the east
that reduced round-trip excursion
rates will go Into effect June 1, 190(5,
and tickets will be on sale daily un
til September 15, litOG.
Final return limit October 31, 1900.
Rates from principal Eastern points
are as follows: 0
From Chicago $75.00
" Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Leav
enworth and Kansas City.. .$00.00
" Sioux City $02.00
" Denver, Colorado Springs, Pue
blo and trlnlad $50.00
" St. Louis $tii.00
" New Orleans $09.00
" Houston...... fOO.OO
For further information call upon
or write nearest Agent or
D. S. Taggart, Reno, Nev.
2 mo 1). F. & P. A.
Devei's Island Torture
Is no worse than the terrible case of
Plies thut alflcted me for 10 years.
Then I was advised to apply Uucklen's
Arnica Salve and less than a box
permanently cured me, writes L. S.
Naplet of Rugles. Ky. Heals all
wounds, Burns and Sores like magic.
50c at Lee Beall druggist.
$1450 IN PURSES.
Races Commence on Mon
day, July and.
The Lake County Agricultural Asso
ciation will give five days' racing on
their track in Lakeview, commencing
July 2nd. and end ins July 7th. 190ft.
The sum of $1450. will be distributed
in purses as follows :
First Race, mile dash, parse $125
Second Race, 5) for. for 3-year-olds,
parse 200
Third Race, mile dash, parse 9150
Fourth Race, mile heat, parse . 200
Fifth Race, mile dash, parse 150
Sixth Race, mile heats, parse ITS
Seventh Race, mile dash,
purse $15f
Eighth Race, 1 mile dash, parse 200
Ninth Race, 1 mile dash, for
trotters and pacers, parse tlOO
There will probably be other race
on the last day.
All races are free for alL
All of the above races are free for
all, four to enter and three to start
but the Association reserves the right
to hold a less number than four by re
ducing the purse in proportion to the
number of horses entered.
Entries to close the evening before
the race. The Pacific Coast Blood
horse Association roles to govern all
running races. Entrance fee ten per
cent of purse. Money to be divided
as follows : 70 per cent to the first
horse and 30 per cent to the second
The Association reserves the right
to change any of the above races, in
the event of not filling, or to change
the date of the last day's event to the
following day in case any other
amusement is announced for that
date. No money paid without a coo-
Board of Directors : Wm. Harvey.
F. M. Miller, V. L. Snelling, Robt,
McKee, F. P. Light.
Secretary. President.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878,
United States Land Otlice, Lakeview.
Oregon, April 17, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with tho provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled,
An act for the sale of timber landa
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1892,
John E. HUler, of Sisson. countv of
Siskiyou, state of California, has tiled
in this otllce his sworn statement No
3025, fur the purchase of the wi Swl.
SEJ SwJ, sec. 15; NEJ NwJ, sec. 22, la
township No. 35 S., R. IT E., w. M.,
aud will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, aud to establish hi
claim to said land before
county clerk, at his otliclal place
of business at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, on Friday, the tith day of July,
7900. He names as witnesses:
chas. Mccumlier of Oalry, Oregon,
elms. U. Duseubery, chas. Mesner, of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, E. A. Mccul
ley of Mccloud, California.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
requested to Hie their claims In thl
ofiice on or before said 0th day ot
July, 1900.
J. N. Watson,
i0-25 Register.
Kei tho Ijowols reKiiui'
Pills, Ju-t on p. II