Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 10, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 11

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    General Information
Fit ntlly "liquor at I'oat & King. U
..... ii ti in..-
U'l'luivi a tn Iwt r Myw II Holllnn
AUV.. samples of Htm klVrtlflcitc,.
n,1 l-nn.K with rhn H-t. If you
urn nruaiilxlnit a Mock company get
i ....,t. tfliii 4i If
our jirn i' .......v... .
WWNTF.IH 10 men l' ''itch da4'
to travel, pot signs, advertise mid
leave Humpies of our goods. Nalary
fr.YOO per month, f II.ihi per day for
expenses. HOYAIi SIII'I'I-Y CO.;
Dept. W, Atlas Mock, Chicago. Mi!-
Tlie Examiner flan received a new
Mi in pie book of I lie Wall Street line
of engraved ccrtltliate of stork ami
bond l.lankH. the laoHt. up-to-date on
ttie market. I'scd ami endorsed ly
the. leading IHiandcrs of Ainerlra.
Copyrighted. all ami see them If
you'll I anything la thin line. tf
IfA STICK: Two tnea In eaeh cou
nty to represent ami advertise Hard
ware department, put out wimples
of our goods, ete. Traveling Posit
ion orOlllea Manager. Salary I'm sr
mouth, eanh weekly, with all expenses
paid In advance. We furnish every
thing. -t-
The Columbia House
Dept. i'dO. '.Ml Ave Chicago, 111
WANTKD: Two men In each
county to represent and advertise
Hardware Department. l't out
sample of our good. ,,,'- Travel
ing I'lmltlon or Olllce Manairer. Sal
ary t'.Ml.uo per month ciihIi weekly,
with all expense paid In advance.
We fur audi everything.
Till'. COl.lMMA IIOl'SK.
Dept. OK'. MoliolU 1'd'lK.
The Illinois Central
maintains unexcelled service from tl.o
Weft to the r.ttHtand South. Making
clone connection with train of all
transcontinental line. pHmwiiBem are
iraniciniimeiimi iiin-", -
.. , u.Wm
Divea ineir cno'cr m im.n - ,
B . Vltw () !
lAiuinville, Memphi and New Orlean. (
and through IIu-ho point to the far ,
Dro.cctivo traveler de.irinit infor- J
matioaantothe lowel rule and beat
ivii,d to corre.Kmd with :
the folio inn reprecenlative.
II. . Trumbull, Commercial A(ent,
112 Third St., I'orllttn.l, t)re.
,, t'. MmUey, Trav 1'aeiiKur
Au'ent, 112 Third Ht.. Portland, Ore.
Paul H. ThompHon Pawaenner Aitent
Column HuildiaK Neattle Hach.
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thinK neceMry to make the
Denver and Hio (iraiide the mont h.k
ular, a it b ever U-eit knon the
moHt pleannnt and uioft picturcuque
way to crof the continent, ha come
al.ut. Thla i the ec tnbliHhment of
through aleepiai cur aerVicc.
In connection with the t). H. A N. a
throunh Pullman Standard Sleeper i
now run from Portland to Denver, leav
ing Portland at 8.:. p. m.. arriving at
Halt Lake at K.-tO a. m. the r-ccond
morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3.50 p.
m. and arriving at Denver 4 JO p. m. the
following day. Thin schedule gives pos
engera aeven hour atop-over In Suit
Lake, affording an opportunity to vlait
ihe Mormon Capital n well as a day
light rtdo through the grnndeat scenery
in ttiejworld.
For renervution in thiscar and for il
lustrated booklets picturing the scenery
contiguous to the Denver & Hio Grande,
proving U to be tho '-Scenic Line of the
World," wiitetoW. V. McHrlde, (Jon
eral Agent, 121 Third street, Portland.
If You are not Particular
don't travel over tho Illinois Central,
as any old road w ill do you and we dont
want your pntronngo; but if you are
particular and want the best and mean
to have it, ask the ticket agent to route
you via tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the
road that runs through solid vestibule
trains between St.Paul, Omaha, Chicago,
Bt.Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for aeoat
in our reclining chair cars which are
fitted with lavatories and smocking
rooms, and have a porter in attendance-.
are tho lowest and we will be glad to
quote them la connection with any
transcontinental line.
1$. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, Portland Ore.
J. C. Llndsey, T. F. A P. A., 142
Third Street, Portland, Ore. .
Paul H. Thompson, Frt A Passenger
Agent, Colman Hldg., Seattle, V.'ash.
MA Tf Tf Oll?
A high-class preparation for the
glossy and prevents splitting at
always restores color to gray
all ovh raih!hs
print township pint.
IMIICII llllirn lib liH' nrewrrv mi-
. . At... II. &J ..
' . ' ,
limm ai mo
,oflli o.
Dutch lunch at Hie DrewerySa-
looa. If
Tim' F.xamlner print township plat,
and make them Into Imk to order, tf
Post & King hava the lt grade
of liquor and cigar to lr found la
Oregon.- tf
FOR AaIK. I'urc-brcd, rolaml
China plK. Inquire of Chan. Oliver
if New Pine Cns k, Oregon. i'Mf.
ample of the DcuuImoii shipping
tag at Tim F.xamlner olllce. All
lr.eand iualltlcM, from Manila to
lima. , '
Look at tlie descriptions of tin) land
liMted with The Fxsinincr lid week for
alu, and select'your piece before it lias
lieen mild to some oiih e'ne. tf
Itliiuk for final pronls, Desert proof,
limher land final proofs and l.huik afll
davit (or application for fi-advertise-merita,
blntik witness' allidavit, etc. nt
Tho Kxamlner ouVe. tf
There In two waya to tell n-Kood
clar; one lx to buy It. pay your
monav and Hinoke It. Hut the liettcr
way in to know that it in aa ICaule
or a Mountain How, which in iiIiho
lute proof of ItM KcnulnencMM.
Made ami for Male by A. Ktorkmaii,
at the ckar factory, tf
Wo are now prepared to Hell mtvcral
tract c.l land at price that will utartle,
yon, enKcially if yoifaro aciiiaintd
with the liH Htion. We have land all the
way from 1.50 jut acre up to fl5; un
improved or Improved, to ftiit the
purehttMT. take County Kxamliier.t
Sin- a Hample of I lie 1'iulllc inotitly
at thin olllce, and you will not IichI
tiite to nav L'..V for a year'a hiiIi-
- lptlontoThc F.xamlner and that
valuoble Maya.lne puldlnhed la 1'ort-
c. S. l.oveli'HH Invlten the public to
M.are their patronaKe with him at
the South I.akevlevv Feed ami 1.1 very
Stable. 1 le KnaranUi-H k-.o.i ireai-
nient to all Htock left In bin care, and
propoMCM to feed good hay and plenty
of It. 3'J-tf
1 1 In only d u ty a ml JuM Ice t o encour
age your home paer,extcnd to It the
nourlNhment to which It In entitled.
Pay yourHubHcrlptlonprotnptly.and
neiid a few extra eoplen to your rela
tlvcHaad frlemlnat a distance. They
will appreciate the favor and ho will
FuriucrM, havi yor butter wrap
pern prlirted at The Examine olllce,
liiHtead of wndlng away for them.
You keep your money at home, ami
patronize them that patronize you,
Im-hIiIch, you we what you are get
ting and don't have to pay for It If
It doena't Halt you. tf
A Mountain of Cold
could uot bring uh much liappluenH to
Mrn. Lucia Wllke, of Caroline, Wis.,
uh did one 2."o box of Hucklta'a Arnica
Salve, when It completely cured a run
ning More on her leg, which had tor
tured her for 211 long yen UreutcHt
antlwplle healer of PIIch, WoundH,
and Soi-ch. 2.".c at Lo Heall'a Drug
'""Nasal Catarrh quickly yield to trout
uiont by Ely's Croam Uuliu, which in agree,
ably aromutio. Jt is rocoived through tha
noHtrila, oleaiiNo and bcnls the wholo sur
face ovor which it diffuse itolf. Drugeista
tha 60o. size ) Triul ie by mud, 10
cout. Tent it aud you are sure to cuutiuuo
tho trcatuicnU
To aoeoinmoilato thoso who arc partial
to the use of atomizer ia applying liquid
into the nadul pusKiige for eoUirrhal trvu
blei, tho propru . ira prepare Croam Holm in
liquid lorm, which "ill bo known as Ely's
Liquid Croum Halm, l'rice iuclmliug the
pniyiug tube i 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. Tim liquid form embodies the med
icinal proportion of the solid preparation. ?
lU'iNtmnAiI yri iav Itoeu Mntln
ttuur tlrvelupnuyit linlf n ivmiiry
tit iiHrL I'ari, in niuktrtu tlm.
m ww Hsi whs iivot
. Mich..
Hair Renewer
hair. Keens the hair soft and
the ends. Cures dandruff and
hair. '""ifTtmr.-
Mifd Jim. m4 ll.OU M
It. K. I.. MtHntr J W. Mil HI
I'rr.Mrnt arnrtrtsrr
lkelw, Ore, Lake view, Ore)
If you winh Information , abou
Lake County, Oregon aMrons cith
er of tlio ahove gentlemen, who will
I'm pleased to fly.
Plan of aeivlce of Pantor of the M. K
Church, Lakeview. lt and 3rd Sun
day "I each month.
Hethel at It a. m , and New Pine
Creek at 7 p. in., 2nd and 4th Sunday
of each month.
Lakeview at 11 a. m., and 7 p. tn
Prayer meeting ThumdHy 7 i. m. 6th
Hiiridny Union School IIoiiho at 11 a. tn.
lakeview at 7 p. m. You are cordially
invited to all the c rvice.
KisroiiD H.iviiKH, Factor.
WANTED: by Chicago wholcnale and
mail order houe, aMHiHtnnt manager
(utnu or woman) for this county and
adjoining territory. Salary 20 and ex
pciiHc paid weekly; ex'iie money ad
vanced: Work plcBNant; iKition er
manent. No Invent nient or exerience
repulred. Write at once for full partic
ulars and enclose Mdf-nddreMed envel
ope. COOI'KH A CO.,
11-60 7 132 Lake St, Chicago, III.
Our Offer.
Willi tn June numlx-r will la-gin
The Piwlltc Monthly'a wrlea of hm-c-lul
edition for the year l!K).", Tney
will comprlwa numlwr for Portland,
for Seattle, for Southern California,
for San Franclwo and the nouveulr
number of the LcwIm and Clark Ex
poHlilou, a! ho a xM-clal automobile
number. The artlclen of Dr. Wolf
von Schlerbrand, nix la number on
"The Coming Supremacy of the Pa
clllc" are. iiImo promlwd, and the
platiHConteinplated by the publiaherH
Will, without queHtlon, place The
Pacific Monthly far In advance, not
only of" prewnteompctltorH, but nlno
Into the unreachable clann of ihtIoiI
Ical literature on the Paclllc Coatt.
The Pacific Monthly U Hold to regu
lar 8ulmcrlerH at the extremely low
price of f 1 a year. We have made
an arrangement with the publlHhern
by which we are able! to offer It In
connection with Tho Lake County
Examiner, (both Publlcatlona), to
new nubHcrlbrH, and old ones who
pay up auy back Hulmcrlptlou they
l may owe and a year In advance, for
tho very low price of 2.50 n year, tf
The Leadlrlg Paper of ttie
Pacific Coast
Th" San Francisco
The Weekly Chronicle
The vory beat weekly Nswspaper
published In Jh ntlro Wast.
$1.50 a Year
Ir.cltirliu iiuntair to D rt of th
tuiuxi mi ia, I ud aud Mexico.
It is beat because, . besides
printing all the news of the world
eacl wesk In an Interesting way
and fully Illustrating many
articles, it has special dapart
m.nts devoted to
and SrOKTS
These are presided oyer by
ed tors having a thorough knowl
edge of their specialties. The
Pt'ea devoted to Agr culture,
iiorticu.ture, Poultry and Live
Stock are well illustrated and
fi led with matter of the greatest
Interest to all ugaged In these
industries, every Una beiag
written by those who are In elose
touch with oondltioas prevailing
on this Coast. v
It will be aent free.
Do you want the Chroolel
Reversible Map?
Showing the United States, Do
minion of Canada and Northers
Mexico on en aide, MAP OF
THE WORLD, preaontiBg to Ylew
In one oonttnuou map, with all
areas In true proportion, tha en
tire surfaoe ( tha Earth en tha
other aid.
Send 2 and gvt th Map aa4
"Weekly ChreotoJe" for ens year,
postage prapsU a aiap tmi
The Dally End Map
Only J3.75 t Yccr
Um Fr-oteet, CeU.
M. It dta TOOWq
Tlie best Vai"Ts "cl
il le on the jnarket.
Alm n rrMritltvllriR of wajfon
nwl biKKy hnriHrHM, whlpv
rolx-M rlitiiH, liltH, riiiri
qiilrtK, r)K-tt-a, ln"fuct every
thlriK In tli linn of eurrlijc!
ami Ihithc furrilhlriK'. 1'e
pairing by corn(eU'nt tn
URCCTOO 1 1900
p p LHiMT I ir.HT X- H A
a Lakeview Furniture Store ' &
V E. N. JAQU1SH, Proprieto.
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
This week.the Central Magazine Agency will make
the following bargain prices on on the leading maga
zines of the country Just in order to secure your
No. 1. Two Magazines for the price
of one
Madame 100 hnth One rr
McCalPs Hagazine 50 UUi Year it) 1.V.AJ
No. 2. Three flagazines for the price
of one
$!:So three Yo$3 QQ
The Reader 3.00 YearUU.UW
No.3. Four Hagazines for $2.00
Success 1.00 0
McCall's Magazine... 50 One CD A rC
American Boy i.OO -f- - - Year P l.UU
Madame 1.00 ItlUI
success $1.00 nil
Cosmopolitan 1.00 one CD Q rf
Review of Revsews... 3.00 -f--- year (PO.UU
Madame 1.00
SPF.CIAIi Tho above combinations are some of tho best ever offered to the
public. The Succetiu la the best general monthly magazine published. Mc
Call'a Magazine la the beat fashion magazine. Madame Is now, the best
high-grade woman's monthly published, and the American Boy is the best
In Its class. Think of it four niagazlues one for each member of the fam
ily, 3.50 worth for ti.OO, provided you send your order at once.
Special Agents wanted to securesubscribers to Ha
dame. Send for our free catalogue.
Central Hagazine Agency
Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A,
j ,
m j i . : :
l : . L v- h '
r rVn : - ;:i p: :
)' I ' 1 ej
DDOW Prnnriptnrs
' ' t wj-.
Snider Building on Water St.
alratt Ferdln Calif Rrarr
. Coal Too Mark. f
Good fcmllnit rntlle wore never at.
carce In the (Vdted States aa at pr
nt, There I a plethora of III bred, oil
colored atuflf lying around all the mar
ket eenfiTa, and the man with a corn
mission to buy a few loads of beet
type cattle In fair flesh and fit for th
purpojws of the flenher faces a dlseotif
njrlnjr task. They are alniply not to U
fcnd In nny considerable number Id tha
open miirket.
Naturally In such an extremity dw
tnnnd cptitors on the kind of cnttie tha
market does not afford. Every week a
few loads of thin steers worth $ 1.50 to
$1.05 are rnjitured by a feeder buyer
at Chicago, but to aerurc tb?ni the In
vestor Is compelled to outbid the killer,
always a questionable properdins.
At Yarloas Market.
'At Missouri river market feeder de
mand hns developed the same tenden
cy. The k j;m1 ones are wanted and the
others fhunned. Kansas City and
Omaha prices for well bred feeding
cattle are practically on a parity witb
Chicago notations. In territory east
of Chicug) there Is a contint clamor
for aiH-h cattle, and ten loads would
be taken where one Is"" bought now If
they could be had.
Rnrrn CoimervallTe.
A year ag- this scramble for good
feeders. Just before the rise of grass,
sent prices skyrocketing. Many cattle
were taken out at $5 to $5.25 that lost
buyers considerable money, and the ex
periment will not be repeated this year,
at least u t v.-hlle fat cattle prlcea are
on their present low basis. Concluding
this review of the feeders' situation.
Breeder's G,iz; tte Is of the opinion that
"as a eoijnru proposition the five
cent feeding Hieer always wejrs a dan
gerous lo)!i."
I.ainV Cofct Too Much.
Itcceut have cliown that a
great tisaay fc-ii-' of lambs paid too
much for th r.v's lust f ill. They
are blanMrr: ''.:..' present market for
their loss. !;;:t i , t of It was :;iade oa
the ot!i-r e::J of ti:" remnrlcs Na
tional t'rx''.::-:a.i. WA'.i lam. is nt $7 pet
bumiredwei- !.t or better the iau who
raised and f.-J o.vri is not loi:i3
any moae.-- ;.! fi.c-t. lr- is nakini;
some. The I ) '.--.-s r.-e t!io-;e v.-ho got
excited hist fIKand lior.glit hi?h priced
feeders on hi suprrwition t'jat the
mutton market ccu'.d not be over-'
Planting; Feed Crop.'
The season for planting a succession
of feed crops that will relieve the
strain on the corncrlh has arrived, aa
an exchange reminds us. Close cal
culations are needed to make things
fit as to time of growth and maturity
as well as use aud soil conditions.
Sensitive Point of Sheep.
Sheep are not very sensitive to cold,
but they dislike dampness. The steam
from fermenting manure ts particu
larly injurious to them, especially
when confined In close pens. This
should never be allowed. Let the sheep
out every pleasant day.
: 0
Overfeeding, like a two edged sword,
cuts loth ways one in actual waste of
feed, the other In the derangement of
the animal's digestive system.
Enrea la Spring;.
I give my ewes about all the grain
they will eat during March and April.
The 1st of May I begin to decrease the
grain, lessening the quantity gradual
ly until about the middle of the month.
I then turn them on good grass, and
how the lambs do grow! J. T. Drake.
Variety the Spice of Stock Feed.
Though straw Is generally and truly
regarded as very poor feed for stock,
it is no uncommon thing to see fatten
ing animals that are fed highly on
grain and meal helping themselves to
the straw stack. This is, however, enly
another evidence of the necessity of a .
great variety of food for stock.
Lamb a Like Wtlar,
The lamb will drink a good deal of
pure water even while Bucking the
mother. It should be readily available
and always clean enough for human
Beet Palp.
A net gain of fourteen pounds of
flesh per animal from the plain pulp
ration over that from dried molasses
beet pulp has been obtained at the
New Jersey station.
Alfalfa Strslarhi,
A. considerable number of experi
ments in Arizona with alfalfa straight
rations for steers fed against com
bined rations of alfalfa and carbohy
drate feeds Indicate practically the
equality of the combined feeds with
alfalfa fresh aud as hay, considering
only the gains made by the animals
II a it Versa 'Cooked Grain.
Many experiments go to prove that
raw gralus are just as valuable as, if
not even more valuable than, cookeil
grain for swine.
Give a Little Grain.
In the alfalfa regions of the west
work horses upon the farm may be fed,
the year round upon uo other ratloa
than alfalfa. It Is, however, generally
conceded that horses, while heavily
worked, should receive at least a spall
grain ration.
The Stunted Colt. '
ff the colt lacks exercise there I
danger of feeding him too much, bur
If he Is getting all the exercise be will
take every day I do not think he can
be overfed. If I bad a colt stunted la
growth I would give him skim milk,
If I bad It and put some oilmaal and
bran Into his feed. I would alBO feed.
him Borne roots. George McKerrow,