Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 10, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 10

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    HIE "lnOKTAL J. N. '
Ziost Picturesque of Ci'
(lorn t .t.v7f;i.
As a Hoy lie CoulJ Speak Thirteen
Lnnsruarcs-Mind L'nhinceJ by a
Great Criminal Trial Has Been
Inoane Fifty Years.
Jacob Xowman Five, "the immortal
J. X.," hns reached tho end of his
travels. Ho was finnll.r adjudged In
snno, nnd will spend tho remainder of
hls il.-iys in tho Stato Hospital of To
ledo. Hp is now seventy-right years
Thus jinsses a character known In
every sizaMo town in every Stnte In
the West. Tor wore than half a een
firy he lived ns tho birds live. No town
or i?;ate could claim inn as s:s own. in
eneh he wns at hi :::e r.n.l among
friend.-. It is his claim, and it is not
disputed, that lie knows more noo
rle personally than any other living
For fifty years ho has travelled up
nu l down and across die country, rid
ing free on nearly rvery railroad, and
living without expense in the best ho
tels, the towns he visited, afforded.
In Which the Horse and the Pns.en
pcrs Kldc Together Owned by a
Sxckrt Il.irhor X.iry Yard
chnrgv of W
If tho spirits of tho poor, departed i
car horses nro allowed to return to the Some nember of Prc5nt Keeper'
land of the living they chuckle J rami,v Ha Peen Stationed Here
Of car horse spirits lo such an tin- ... V. .. , ... . . ... . .
seemly thing) when they witness one Hnce Nav "rd Naa LilabllaheJ
of their kind standing on tho back! finny N earn Ajro.
D. H. on 1 very
Still in his rmr-sssi
slips roiMiiic
most treasur
paper signet;
of many of
the country.
t are a hundred
(;.' ! f.r J. X. " His
d possissicn is a slip of
by tho leading officials
tho tig-test railroads in
It rends; "The immortal
platform of a. street car, meditatively
chewing a straw and "viewing the
landscape o'er" as tho car nierrll
glides on its way into tho town. Hut
that is a spectacle that presents Itself
many times a day just outsido tho
great city of Denver, Colorado.
A rhort lino of street railroads
caned tno. t nerrclyn l.lno, loads from
o-ie of tho city terminals to the little
town of Cherrelyn. It ascends crarfu-
r.l'y from tho city, and its motive-
power, an ancient and decrepit spool-t,-en
of the genus "car horse" creeps
slowly up tho hill, stopping frequently
for brerth. Once at the top however,
Ms labors nro over for tho time be
ing, lie is unhitched from tho car,
climbs aboard the rear platform, and
proceeds to make himself comfortabio.
When tho hour of departure Is reached
Women nro steadily encroaching up
o the occupations of tueti, and now
another position heretofore 111 led by
a man has y.ow to on,.- or tae fairer
sex. Tho charf o and caro of a govern
ment naval establishment, almost for
gotten, has been turned over to her,
and for tho first time in the history
of tho American, navy a woman has
tho rank of "ship keeper."
Tho woman Is Mrs. Albert 11. Met
calfe. Tho lias been placed In charge
of tho navy yard at Sachet ts Harbor,
N. Y., on l.aho Ontario not far from
tho Ct. Lawrence, and will receive a
salary of $305 a year.
Mbcrt H. Metcalfe, keeper of the
tr.o cinvcr ptves tno car a gentle snove ,-ard since lS.'.S, died recent I v. and his
end tho ibo!e outfit goes spinning j j.vtien was niveu to his widow. Tho
do-n tho Mil to its starting point. Sackotts Harbor Navy Yard is not
Tho Cherrelyn Lino is owned and a Ug c taUlshmetit. It consists of an
controlled by Mrs. George II. , acre anij a half of ground, on which
of Denver, who claims that it is thoj tlioro are half a dozen small buildings
only nil-gravity system In the world, inn, 1 n few tuna used in tho war if
.T. N.; pass hi;n forever. Good en all
rends from now until doomsday."
Hotel iron in tho towns he visited
did as much. Ho was never known to
have more than a few cents at a time,
but in the f.:':y years of his wanderings
few landlords have been bold enough
There was a similar line operating in
southern California a fcw veirs ao.
so tho claim to that distinction may tv
disputed. He that as it nnr, how
ever, it is or.o of the sights cf Denver
a street car on which both horse
and rassorgers rldo.
Tho rolling stock of this road rep
resented by the single car is not
exactly tin to date in stylo or ftnlsi.
It i shabby and w-orn. and the rear
platform, not originally designed as
a st.-.blo, droops disconsolately. Tho
Once Prominent Place.
i'U - ; .-
1, J, -v W J
'M fc'i ii,'t ' v.j;!: J' tic .
Skatea Run by Storage Battery
Strapped to Alan's W'aUt.
Ilecent cable descriptions of auto
tnoidlo skating In Paris iiavo been
vi'i'llled. Alplionso Constant Inl, an
Italian who lives in Pails, has been
making many successful experiments
with his new form of automobile
ekates which ho Invented,
Tho appn-ratus consists of two four
wheeled skates each operate. by an
i i r cooled motor of 112 liors power
i apaclty.
small tank containing gasoline,
hiiiricleut for a 4G nillo ruu In etrapped
J j. - , 'ul , ;
It used to bo a prominent place,
and sho.tly nfier the close of the war
a saip-of-tho-Mne, then tho biggest
typo of war craft built, equivalent of
the f.rst-oitiss tattle-ships of modern'
times, was planned, and the building
begun at Sacketts Harbor. The vessel
was to have been the New Orleans.
Tiie vvv'.i progressed slowly, how
ever, and was finally abandoned, but
tho hull of tho big vessel remained up-1 about tho skater's waist. Attached to
on tho siocl.s. Away bn-k. probably i ' " , ,r,! nr" ,h0 b-nition battery, the
along in the '40's or W.i's, a man ! throttle b t r and the sark control,
named Metcalfe was appointed ship! A speed ef :n miles an hour ran bo
keeper. In 1S0S ho diod. and his son. ! n'ratriod and !lmltilho. by means of
Albert II.. succeeded him in tho jvM-! "", throttle 1cvt which the skater
tlon. S'omo vears ntro nil that wssi' ''is l"ft bancl. It is claimed
left of what was to have ben the New i that altno-t tiny Mil ;in bo climbed
Orleans was torn down: but tho posi
tion and titlo of tho keeper remained.
to rrosT.t him with a hill. It is re
cortii.d that a horelKi " per once offered
to throw eff half tho bill v.-ln-n hc
learued his guest's Identity. "The im
mortal J. X. " glared at the landlord
then, declaring he would allow no one
to outdo him in generosity, and said
he would throw ol the other half.
He seldom stopped in cities of more
than K'"1" population, believing that
in the large erics Lis pc-nronaM'y j
would be lust. Thcro ere f-. w news
paper offices in the country outsi lo cf ;
the lart-.-t riijf-s v.-h.cro !. U nor well i
i.nown. Son.e ye..i? h:- trnvell-' 1 1
rll ovi r tho ( ountry ransaching tho j
f h s tf 7-.'.-;.:.: ' rs f-jr l is own o';it
unry. H-? L--.n r-ported a 1 1
::( re t bar. , j
H ? is an r- ;e of
uro.'- nr. ! 1 -' r l 1;
sidvs f'f the ear, both, inside and out,
are decorated with the carvings and
writiccs cf tourist foeds
Whose names are like their faces,
Always seen in rublic places.
Mrs. Bogue is not exactly a million
aire as the result of operating her own
railroad and drawing all the salaries
and dividends, and she appreciates
the delciencios of rolling stock and
road-bed. But she takes ken de
light in tht rr.anaToment of the road
and f.r.-ls i a paying investment.
irutl:. ; r- ss--.
: t ef the
1 o b- e-a
11" and put "on
URY. A band of Osrigo Indiana has loote-il
the Cnited Statt-s Treasury of
The "r wn iiomnttel by tho author
ities, for the i:eil Men hid the hr
oil their side, the money Heiri;: the
expenses they w-re alieiwel by the
Indian Commi-s-lotier in making the
trip to Washington from their reorvn
tion. Each ():ii;o vas nilowel $;!
by the Comniissione'-. They filed Iri'o
the Treasury Iiuihllti", a few weo
ago. sih'-nt n oyster and presune !
their order. They -i,r their money nn I
t the department without titU-riru:
a v.'ord only a f ".v gmnto. The
names they signed or indicated b.v
mark were well worth tin; money and
were tis follows:
O-lo hah-ivi'l-la:
Keeper for Thlrty-cljht Years.
Albert H. Metcalfo wat -hel th.o gov
ernment hclon -ini-. aro ::.d Sat Letts
Harbor for thirty years, and then
died. During ail th.o years the liu
rean of Yards and 1 .Nicks of tho Navy
Popart meat has regularly submitted
an es'lmate of ?'te.".. to Con;r'-ys
the salary of tho "ship keep
er" at Sa-kctts Harbor, and that Is
r rob al !y t'.ie ot'y ji!a -o where the
name "sh!; r" a'tvars in an
official way on the record..
"I hii.l no trouble gettin" into
VnrH Rrt mil
HHvy Art ht
ml, iltvcn I'rM tyxr wiling 1
S ...Vvtf
. TV
mh outfit
Pi'lllnlltt It
Vim rmi rnrn tln'in In ntii iliiy
f Xil llinnnv rrclllllnil : f Iru.t lull
lHmiil ir iiniim ninl IiIikm, Tliii"' ' t"n'. "
Will nnml Vim tliillcl. l.jr mud Minli-ili"l ll'lo. 1'HI
lill llirm i Hi', mm rinin n im " -
limiiiny. JlimiwIM urii.l y..i lln l
iriiiiiliim von rinm, i nikr
lliiirk H'hmIi nut "l'l. Hi'iid voiii
uriior iiiiw, r iimui cm a iu in.
jntUE BtUE CO., Dfft. (34, Button, M.m
pii."r ,
i i
t rid aioT
IH.lrh Mill
tvtiniOfipiMttrll Vrm fur wIiiir jft
iti ii-t mi la rnt. Kvrj lMf
wnitti in ii i ih in ttiiirnfni. m wv
it(h'iincA. 4UhmI rikmIa.
with mm.
riii it ii
i hunt f.r
tiuilt .
OltB , tlMlfl
Von mtt
I ikn itlw
Irniiaof l i liif'i'l iiitillirr, f i ifiwl,
I hinir t In pv iTtn tiivnt
tot fc llinK ;s miitiirant 10 i t, rurlu
4r.n. e e m f o 1 1
tut riir.
i ft. hiirh,
tl. WI.U,
rf l.i ! li
It. n riKhl
M .lr of
I. ..u.l
Ih f-t iit th fKM ttofcrt, tift-fcl
run f..r ih ciiiiitmi, mm I nMuu
ll Hint I iim unitA OMtif iitkl'tii
ft'i'l ortiatiiriil!. Olffi fr'rwt fur
Milium It' rth li al .vit m.-li.
Comploto Bte Boll Suit.
Mr tni'tf of
)l n it (I n in i
l!ri n, k i
it i rrt.
IibtiImI . B ln ll
nit ft ( rin',
, ii,. ut V ii"- k
11 fltl'1 ll.'t'l
))t, 4 Mil
DlM lllt l1 l Ml
lit. in a.
Tlinli'i ml, imi'irt
In i r m n m (
titAoiirr 1 ( t -r
jfiin; 4 l "'f r
full i mi".
1 r if ,l 1 V
imctrt, I I t
rtt- kif' ' l
kiwi', III fl M,
rt if Hi'h
HI, I'tt L ! i ' tl
Mr itift'ln, with it.f- fuii itiirii,
ami luuti(i wiiii;i tun ii"r,
Brlt luH-1 ft 'T tr'iir Mt
MiK, iNintoil but kU mnl uiljuKi-
Bute Bull Rain.
i lilriiniltMi Kill Kr-e fr H -IlifC
arttflt i at I emit.
,Sho. ( i ,1 O llmc
illtoul rlnmliii
li.htiMi w M I U I
Ht.irk. Ilnnif, Mi tl
... .
Hii 'ii I' rrr ink
Mitr liiiiiinir iiM fi k
ninir in(i ul
)U V4l ll I'Rt'll,
Cold Wfttch A ChAtfi.
m ,(i H,4
cmi Mv
tnnlril rf
i.rniiintl ( 90
IaIIA 11nl4 Walih l .i ni ntilrnl H-'
ti ns,, ul.-.. tittrU I rrl
ir it! ft nt.jnm MllliiN Itf
grin l mi i' r ttiB.
T"M will) II lUuli Juti
ltn mr itin. I "
viilir Hi1 ti '
lhtf . i i uillt (
ml il, ).li ir
I pis Iftln nil
l tfull'l MD'i
gv.-t 1 1. 1"
I (If.ltlJ
lHll If lltlBI
PI" I Ihtllrl l
rr1' Bti-l . i -Mid.. lm!
f in i frH . . f 1 1 in hr -h f .f
R ft At U M I iU) I I
Cl.lllr., l 4 fr.l .:nli h fl .
Mti.. M iinli IT Pt.rrtii.
I ..I. tct I n niil I- lnf (! Ik-.
r I. -I .t ii J hfilftM I k
! jx,). I t n If ! . St liU
! -f, A I I . if -i Iiitn.
lllMll.t A
til i' ll "
1H fl' - li'l
rf lrtrf1
i lttll IM
I i"l n ii.j
id mtr
i. i ilrt t rep f.if
rri( rm h.
f.Ml ; Ink rt.lnlnfl, I aiti a li,t
Lf - f'w.l ; Ink minfiiri. I u a lim XJTI
lii'Tk nn. I Itnitpv. (iirtt I'rv4 JkW
lot -Ul)itf m. nrtlrif ml l jSI
Lof. Powiwrui. Achhomatic Tiicofi.
Void t'T i"'
t r- .u. , V.r-I I'
.t It--
iBfC-.l n-Mf!lrl't, l-f I lJ.
. i 1 t-l i rt II '. fr. l 'I, ft I I .
Ilr... Mrr4 In., I.IWI I,. iiim-Ii ' il e. u.l- .1. .
rl.- . IT Ml r...fl.l (i.i,l.,4 k, lkl.t r lni
ti tt l.ri lit tlir t ii. HI I v lit I, 9 tl ft' , ,il-l -enln.
ri-iMil t,r of eil'"Mtrt-l. Ol r. I. Ii.llr. mtr
tltltfM t WHti .t..,.ii ll g i IralluM. I.IVIUI I Ir.
fur tf-ini-rf H mti-l- m in ii.l r. h.
H t. .1 . 1 1 - ,. I .,.-.
.n iim.I ..rllr.i. u
I ittl r.N hut. Hf .f Ih. .hut. i.r-n.litM,a r.l..,l.lrlv fl-r.-. 11
It la rMjr I. aril .ir itlrl.a.lll Mrl Irlra. na, .r.r ri-ml'i-, .l .
pn.ll.1, l IV, anil talll '..! Ii, .Hli'l'l ! I tot
Aflcirftna an ordm true blue, to., oopt. t:, bomun, m3
A r.nt'Minn w.m-i praii:e.: t!:o o'.lier
clay tlie :itroTi mii'-:) 1 :md literary work
of rereiv.'ll Lowell.
"P.efuri? the l.i-t eelipse." lie Mid,
"Mr. I.owoll o'.vrve.l to an uld coli.rcl
man uhui;i h" i;!;ed:
"Gi'(ir;'o. !f yiii v. ill watch the cliieU
ens out at your jdac" to-mrror
monilmr at 11 o'cloel; you will see
them nil fro to root."
"Ill, hi.' Oorge lauyhcil. Dat' a
j-'ool juke!' "
"lie thonsrht, yon fff, that Mr.
Lowell was fooling hi:n. Hut, sure
enouirll, t lien It iiVl'iel; rntrie th
next niorninir tl
the fhicl;on did
w:i3 ainiizi
out and sni 1:
" 'Wot you
-ah. Mali cl,:el:eti-: -.vent
vt huk tou ?a!d i" won a.
" 'Vfi. (leorjre. I tii;uie 1 1 1 -y
the astronomer returned.
" 'How lmi, sah. d d you know
asl.eii (iour."p.
hmj time CenrKO.'
-I. He
sua d.irkf-ne.l and
-o to rnont. (loo-g
KjU.zht Mr. l.ovrell
done tiile lne
ui7. true,
ro it. P.'ih,
expenses tiier wor" ahowe I by t o j'
T r"- Indian Cot:inii--inor iu niaklni tho I " 'Vei. ( leore. I e.uii:e tlny ilia.
Wirvr-- ': !. .-f .! '' : :n th course
f .:s i;;::!rni' . ' U f.r -t fr.nounce
.T.t v.'1; r-;: I hi m cray.
i U- ;"'" " V the Trea-ury r.uil.lin", a few wo': i '1'out (lis
t-n s.-:uro "::. ; :.: ; -i--o. s!!.-.nt n ovtT and nresenre ! " ' h. n
?n:.i'' n:!'?? -r:f'U-: I .rr,e v c . .v a: T.e
r.e"!, Vr";;r V k-ft the ih-i.artini-nt w-th.-nt interim: r y,;;y SI
,"1 - a v.-f.rd in.iy a r-.r trntnt. i tie i '- S 1
TL.v '"" W or ln,llrax,ul b,l Vky I
'" T ' mark were well wertli hk; money ana WVi 1
- "'" '" ti r.-.w in--, o-lii-bafi-wi'l-ln: P. Peerlieart: P.ncoi. .
--rire-l f':.-r::''. r;- !--:;'.;! v.. N,..:o..Wil!l., ;.in.1;a . o-h.h-hah-
"' ,jr' '' l:-;t i'v ! f'' moie; Nun-ta-w..h-hu: Arthur P.onnl- ' ' ' t f ! f'
; - r.f r.'v.ys-wav. '-r.r.'.' om r the ; (.,iStI(. ,iniJ J:v(.-s.Tall- UU-f. A
, r-vrry i-: a rv.v-. ; . iX
Mind Unhinged by i low. V jf -) isX V- VXf
:i u's youth Jo w iin irntphc-- tjj feW Fgg 1
r,-i j ef' :t I ; . i; , imk'i for j lUk. KAUi O.S
Frf-. n J yri .rlirr- r - . t . w . . o ' "Tilil w,n L'nntv itev wonlil tro TO
llllll il ' i i j ! i - i i ,
ph.yslea! ;.i iii'i:, hi;. v. r hi :;;;; ;
I-'i"' i
11 A S
ST A XI) u;i
t ru
i n
ST r Dl EH
There I"- the riKihi'.
uaV-lc f-.f r ant of the
Oratip' in the form
ho.e name does
lii'vlncr he had l;'li- 1 m
Lori'ita .Smith, a liuiiil of
hin riithllc school, whom
l,:-:oless with a f-KOwhiiii.
1-0". who eseanod j(-fore his
".ml 1 i'H ascertained, hired a
hov ffir ." cents to assume all
for (he tru'-'edj'. Tho girl
tii-hteaed than lnirt.
l.f 1
no' ;
Id. i
was more i
Mr. Ttiyan's inutrhtor has taken to
wi-tMiif p'ai:; S -na'fir TUluinn is writ
in . n i'.o'.-. rud rniTA'-sman Lt.'-v.-oi-h
n nccu'T-d of writing topical
i-or.i" 1H' next N'ovomher we may
have very littlo left to be thankful
f l lit j . , r . . ' r a f . r r . - 'i
In tho course of a lecture before the
P'-i.chotlier.ipeiitle Society, Ir. Ward
aiiiiouiiced that Prof. Elinor Gates, of
Washington, I. ('.. who hil3 been ex
P' i ; mi ntln? with lisht rays, hail found
ahout (ive oetave-i nbovo violet n form
of wave similiar to x-rays, but differ
ent in some respects.
I'lider these rays llvinif object
iItow a shadow wliich exlsti n long
aa ih'-re is life in the nriitiinte oliject.
A live rat was placed in a hermetically
..led tube ami held in the path jf
the rays hi front of n sensitized Hcreeu.
So Iot',:.' ;is tlie rat was alive it threw
a shadow. When it was killed it be-
.'!" 'ii'depy transparent niter a eer
ain leu-.Mli of time.
"II."-.." sal. the lecturer, "there
r,T4 raiv-i phenotiii' At the
veto- ii,-i iot the rat became tran
I ' Tltl .-.ii bnnw
roost a year o?'
" 'Yes, fully a year n'0.'
."'Well, dat beats all.' naid fJeorge,
in an awed voice. 'iJcm chickens
wuzn't hatched a year ago.' " Satur
day Evening Pout.
Electric Current Used to Quiet Nerves
of the Sufferers.
Those who have been prostrated by
the heave and the chop-chop of ocean
vessels will l e plad to learn that a
sure cure for renslckne;s is promi .od.
The .-h!l physician of tho liamhurc
j American liner Pairlca has found hv
parent, a ndow of exactly the i?arne exiierimerita conducled on the la t
shape v.-w ei.ti-e. to p, as it were voynre of the hhlp that a rdinp'o f mc
out of and beyond the irla tub" ami trie vibration chair dns the work, and
vanish as it 'paused upward on the , bo BiiecesHfulIy did he demonstrate thla
BeDlti7,ed Hcreen." to the satlfifactlon of the chip's offlcra
house." said tle reformed burglar In
a reminiscent mood. "It was one of
the oi l fa.shioiie l l.ind which had not
1 een luodcrni.'cd, and a I year-old
co il 1 have opened
1 n..i!i party
l.a 1 the reputallon of ludu' inihly
n :i and siiuthlti' of a miser, ho 1
thuui'iit there uiiht he pool plckln ,
for me in the, way of ol 1 silver and
t tie like. no liau marneii u yoiia
man a; nut a . year before t.iy lsil
who was Known to be tsunlhin" of a
hi,.-h roller.
"The room I struck that seem
ed jroniisin' was the dlniu' rooui
filled U with n:iu-slv mahogany fur
niture like they doti't build nowa
days. I had ni trouble In opetiln' the
;;i-lc'. oa.-d, where I found a few real
silver s; oona and a blamed lot o' plat
ed trasii that wasn't worth carry ia'
iay. 1 was Ju.a alx)iit to leavo the
room when out flashed an electric
llfiht and I found myae'.f stariu" at
tho barrel of a pistol. A. youiiK tel
ler in pajamas held tho gun, nnd his
hand didn't shake a hit. lie had a
! usines3 look In his eye, bo v.heu lie
told me to throw up my hands I done
t.o without r;o argument.
"'How much of a haul have you
made?' " ho asked pleasantly. I told
hint only a few spoons, and that it
was a low-down trl k to pinch a man
who hadn't fc-ot enough to pay for his
"Ho acknowledged there was a boss
on me, ami then asked tno If I was
a amatofir, or could I blow up a
safe without rousin' tho neighbor
hood. 'If vmu have tho materials with
you to crack a safe,' pays he, 'why,
you an' rne'il divide the epolls.'
"I acknov.decH'el that I had rome
prepared to open anything In the
hardware lino, nnd then, wiih his Ktin
p'intcd, he bached me out of tho room
to one adjoinln' where there was a
safe in the wall. Then lie told me to
so to work and Hat down In a chair
with lihs pistol turned my way.
"Well, hir, to make the Btory short,
I opened i hat Fafe w ith this pelican
superin'i nilin' the Job. There was
wads o' lotiK preen in a tin box that
would choke a cow, likewise diamonds
and other shiners. The boss o' the
business Herts 'ern over careful, and
when tho box was clean empty he
hand3 ive over some old breastpins
and napkin riners arid a baby's silver
tnus and told nie that that was my
share, while he pockehs the rest as
calm ps ye plea e.
" 'Nov, then, about f.vo aiwl don't
kick, for this pun Is likely to po off,'
says he, and heads rre bar!; to the
window throu,"!) whh-h I'd entered.
'Git through there, and bo quick about
It, Fon,' he says, and then, aa If to
add lr.r ult to inj'ry. ftlvca mo a pu:.:i
that sent mo flyin' inter tho back
yard ready to choke with rano."
The reformed burglar here uttered
somo very unrrformed profanity as
the picture of that night rose to mem
ory. "When I'd pot on me feet I heard
a pistol ro off In the house an' a yell
for help and knowed who dono it.
There was nothing for me to do but
liKht out. It seems that young man
was the obi party's husband. She'd
kept him short, of funds and he took
this chance to make pood. Now, did
ye ever hear a meaner Job playtd on
a bard working man than b p!7d
on. me?"
Ninety Years Ago Incomes Arg
uinented by Acting as Agents.
the w indows The j Tht, ll0.,tmastPr of t(),.ay mny thlnk
o.vned toe hou.-.o , i, 1. 1... , ,., : ,,,
was a time alxmt the year 1817. wheu
jueer things were expected of po:;t
iua.stem. An old pamphlet dated
April ath, 1M7, itats that a "new
l dally and thrice a week paper" wan to
j be printed "at tho m-nt of government."
; After the virtues of the proposed publi
cation were, Bet forth tho vdltor-to-bo
"Postmasters are hereby authorized
to receive subscriptions for the Gaz
ette, and for all moneys collected and
transmitted to tho editor, at the city
of Washington, a discount of 10 per
cent, w ill he n'lowe I. IXstatit sut
senhers will have their paper care
fully packed and punctually forwarded
to onh r. It Is to l presumed that a
inpy of this pamphl-'t wus nt to
each postmaster In tho United State.
I'nd. r the system that then exlsfe.l
this method was entirely proper an I
it is claimed that postmasters derlvod
considerable Income from such sour
res. Tho "prospectus" further slates that
"a comp. tent repm ter will he employed
to furnish the pro. ee.llncs of Confess
for the Cnzctte," an 1 that all "inter
e tinc articles of intelligence- will he
rarefullv selected and published."
Tl;o K 11 tor-to-be. In writing of hlm
relf says:
"As the humble puardlnn of the puh
lle weal, he will occtdonally use the
prlvllepe he has a rit;hf to exercise,
in expressing ids temperate di.'appro
batlon of such measures of tho coun
try. If those opinions should some
times tie erroneous, ho wishes them to
he ascribed to tho common falihlllty
of hi'tvpn Judgment, which rannot. b
alwavs In the rlnht. As far ns If may
he possible, ho will labor to ho Im
partial, hut that ther" will be a bins,
and that that bias will be In favnr of
the present domlnnnt party, he has to
much candor to deny and too much
lionesfv to conceal. What lie can d
within his humble snhere, shall be done
for the pood of the count rv, and !f
he falls ho will console himself with
the reflection that lie had discharged
hls'duty to tho utmost of his ability
and power."
It Is announced thnt the fad of lak
incr snuff is attain comlnir into voue
in I'm nee.
e. k.
rnrmnnrtlT Clirl .Viil!.,
. .... ..f 1 , k lii-,
I H I'f p no ii
11 Hum. i ui . i At
itirtim... t. r
, I hi. a lult-i.14. I'a.
l.itr-.i met ...t.
Senator Clay, or Georgia, told the
following story to a numlier of bis
colleatnies in tlie Senate cloak room
a few ilays aro:
"flam Jones, the evanpellst, was
holding nieeiiiiKB in my hotno town
last summer In tho open air. I I1b
subject for tho particular evening of
which I spenk was 'Death.' IIo had
beiti prea-diPii; somo fifteen or twenty
minutes when he reached tho climax
of bis theie.o wilh 'My Friends, lhii;k
of it. Think of il, I fay. And you not
piepated to die. At mv every hreatli
a soul drops dead." Then a small boy
avay back In the rear exclaimed, 'Why
doa't you chew clovesT"
Thr 1
t l I lu
ll' t
p.-.l ll w.,'k A ! 1 Kir
..lei s ..f IV.c r-lili'-cir
l-.eiinuUv l-I'mi-.l,
Aii in iijiiirnt l-i uiiy
lii. 'll. i.-v I .1 nrr
I ii' i j .rlr w .( 1. nl mi'-.
.ill lit ' '.li-.e' - i.t elifl
l - llii'!rl t .1 - U '-.'k
I i ft 'r l.i-V.
tl.l ill II V In III II 11. 1 1 11.! till I . I.c in .1- .11, Ci'lll
plcfr '.illlit ll. IllxiM-, '. I' 1. i', i'l! I'l.l-'W
l.ifl I'lilll'illlltlif 4 , l-I'H V.. .. : I l'-r..,.l I ) c llirl all 1
irn.W f'.t lulli'- riii. I I nk f ;... :..imliic Mm If.
lilt Hlltll Ui.ll f UlllV
Glorious Hair
Grown Free.
Wonderful Preparation Which
Turns Back tho Hand of
Tlmo-Makes tho Old
Youngand tho Younrj
Frre Hnmclci. of the Ornitriat Iluir
Tonic mi J.urlh litriliiil-il hy u
Vell-Ku(iwii .Mcilliul Institute.
Cotton fabrics of fine quality nre
found In I'eru In tumM that lat back
to the time of Ihe Incus.
Sumatra is now produeluj; nlKiut as
much coffee as .Java.
Nearly nil the cigarettes of the
T'nltcd states nre made In New York.
ItlclimoTiil, New Orleans, and J-ian
Taught by Hail
Complete Courso, Six Lssnn
P'tid for I res Ilan.Uniinr ri'mklrt. Adilrrmi
N. Y. Ihide Correspondence School, I lie.
3 East 42d St., New York City
v.- 0
XVecn cur yotj of rmlilnetn, hair fatllnr.
SOiitiiy in ii i ul1 ttiMaLcnol' tlm Benin. huip
liuir fui, n v in .) rthUiiL- t;ray unit ludod Iiair tn
ioi urim d inl..r.
il. n't vou to tnki our went fer tlufl.
Wi w-'ll pruvu it to you AT OL K OVN hX-
pi' ns r.
A lll"K PACKAfin nf enr womlrrftil trrt
Bicnt will t your iinc iinUer tomrul utid
tii.iku yi-u lnippy.
our ii inrily in NflT A DYK nnr linlr color
niK.l ul ii n nrvi Ilium i it i.uiuiiiI Hkii 1'i.od.
Yuu i iinni t nwike ii niisiiikf in iiyitiH it. f()t w
hlup il t" yell ir ii. u hi uiii (,w n itum, unci
tin net n'.k yen tor ii n nt ul tin nty uiiltnn you
leel Jie-i ilifd t v irsuliH.
It inukm nut il.r hlil.ti-Ht rfifTprcnc loin how
leiiff yen lmvi luil i,ur in.ulilc. VVe will HO
to inn idiiU ol it iiiicl rtirti it.
Think pint for u niji nii mlint tl-ln niMinsI
Tliink VI. lit it ii ii. 1m k l. j tliohf in ve lour,
orwlio nro Ii i k i (;. ll i K, i n,untiikKi.,i, y, mid
Wo will M-ktoie yi ur l.iiii' il Ii.i.m unit
BtronR. Ii uka it uh yon w.hli it to I. iuj uw
you mora n.l1H111l1111ll.ini (ni hilV- Tver
bi-f'.re trerui;nj. n,i j,c Umlnurn-nrd
Iiim iitiso you l.uc tin (I oil. ir I air nun. on
wiili. nit riMiltH. I i-ji it lo vi tir. II m il in u
Our rem n'y will nilr yi-u 1 7T ( y. V l,ut it lum
(limu leroilum it will ilo for yi u.
Wo you in nil kmliu f p. w rite toimond
wo w ill ki ml you l y ri iiun i,uu, nl on i own
rxitiih, Btuiliriif tin n.ii ol tln-Oiculet
li.ut (.lower on iiitlli. Wi w ill ulni hrnil voa
our liittTi-sting In kht 1 1 in ,,. mi,l himilrtiU
of ti stiinoninU fioni id iK I ,, , ik,tnl. ijiviiik
tlu-ir exnr-ii-m-m firtln: lunf.ioi ,i tit i wlm
Iiiivb become fncoiiriij..i il. You -wi.l tivfr
ri-ttivt iinnwiTliiK 11 ih i.iii.ii.innfi-.l fir it
mi'iinriniurli to i u. more tl un you inn in lit no.
II you wiint 1 ei.tititiii i,,,,. 1( yont r it it
I'ftlinK so II ut vou look nvnl oi v ur tri.,nul
i..iiiiiuiii:o K ile. i, icul, vriii- to in, or lu li.
u e ate u lnnn i i.iui, i, I i im i,y m,t u rimta
eomirii We w.nil you ,Hlt your ft inula I
:now wlmt wr run il... .n , hi-n
.. diiv. i,ni l do riot n,i u ol). ,,u wui l
IIKllli it Willi W I.I, I V.I, Mini 1 , , I,,,, ,, roMS V'.B
llOtllllll.'. Aililrei.i Hi h: ,1 7. ".
1 fiirit,ly, l.liKklMKk Alt I HI A I, I SKI III J fi
To every one mho tends uo the n unts and addresAri of
three ncriiis. rn tie ftr leiiw Ic, Htm aie ur wne aupi.ia
'iri iniv.iflKcr. wiih nvruit. Iur . urc and p.u k.ijfi. one 1
of I In: lK-.iililill ( ,ulti hlKlM-l lllllUK. trity.uill ()id;,rf
in I i-nf;r.ivr'.i wnli ai.j Htilioi,! t'KU.i t h.ut'e. hi'i.ij
1M if- -! I'.il'cr ei.y ol (iduli, 'I i1; l he Liiutt . i
7i-r (.ihn ii ior the iiifiufy. 'J he pn tiiH tiuti. uta . liow
our I. .tit nit, rintr'i hramy, Ji v,iuv or a Mm. rniR,
J Ii.-hc UN- Kliiun are nt) thr rmr in NiwVi.r. ni..J
mv i in, "M- n ti i-.iii tlie t i'nf Imi n j' n', h mm.
f mi nii-.H Hits rate ui. nre lut i-na mi1h jit hiire
..-.Hi nnl aftei .11 uv tht i.iua tA inii ufil
i ft .m Scrkfl atonraomny thne ttrfoitt luv th