A H 1 Caii Count.) Sxivntn Pub kd Every Thursday. C. O. MCTZKER. MlNiK Ballsing entered at the Poat Office at 1afcerlew, Ore. as Seoond-Claas Matter. tone Year $2.00 TERMS: Six Months 1. 00 (Three Months, 50 LAKEVIEW. OREOON, APR.' 2. i0. JONATHAN UOUR Y:. .f R. Tomorrow is primary election day. Candidates are as anxious today as participants in a lottery drawing, who n! thorn have opposition for the noni inations they aspire to. Many results will ho known before some of the readers of The Examiner pet to read this issue. We are making no guesses, and have been impartial throughout the campaign leading up to the nominating election, having so abso lute faith in the verdict of the voters that little anxiety exists with us as to the results. We are perfectly well satisfied with the nianuer in which the new law has had its initial trial and hope that all nominations w ill be a popular voice of the people. The Ex aminer is ready now to announce that it is willing to stand by the nom inees of the Republican party in Lake county and we hope and trust that very Republican in the county feels the same way. Let the majority rule. We could not name a snigle nom inee, but in advance of the verdict of the Republican voters we are willing to say that every man they will select for the offices are the ones the entire party should be willing to vote for, because a majority of the party has said they are tne party's choice by majority. The Federal grand jury at Portland adjourned on the 10th till after the primary election. They will convene on the 23d and take up the work w here they left off. All the indictments and bench warrants were hid in the bible or some place where they are not like ly to be found during the recess. No disclosures cf the names of parties who have been indicted have been made tut it is believed that several prominent men have been caught in the drag-net. A Washington dispatch to the Ore gonian states that a resolution provid ing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people has been favorably acted on by the House, committee on elections. The resolution introduced by Mr. Morris of Nebraska, makes the term of Rep resentatives in congress four years in stead of two. Both propositions are to be accomplished by amendments to the constitution. A letter from a former employee of the Oregonian, who is now in Cal cutta, India, says that Horace McKin ley the escaped land thief, is in Eur ope enjoying 10,000 that he won at poker while enroute from San Fran cisco to Hongkong. "Little Egypt" the "chip" that accompanied him, shared in his winnings while they were together. That's the kind of land thieves Mr. Heney lets run at large. Judge Hunt of Montana who tried the Williamson-Gesner- Biggs land fraud cases and who was in Portland several days during the present ses sion of the Fedreal court has set June 1 as the expiration of the time for the above parties to amend the bill of ex ceptions which was prepared by A. S. Bennett which Judge Hunt refused to .sign. A bill passed the Senate recently introduced by Senator Fulton giving to Oregon Morton Island, in Snake river for a fish hatchery. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. For the County of Lake. FRANK X. SCHLECUT, Plaintiff, VB GEORGE SCHLECUT, Defendant. To GEORGE SCHLECUT, defend ant above-named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON : Ifou are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this Summons, to-wit, on or before the 31st day of May, 1900, and if you fail so to appear and answer the same, for want thereof, the above named plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN AND 75-100 (1716.75) DOLLARS, for money loaned you, together w ith his costs and disbursments in this action, and for an order of said Court for the sale of any property which may be attach ed herein. Notice is hereby given you that this summons is served upon you by publi cation thereof in the LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER, a newspaper of general circulation, issued and published weekly at Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon, pursuant to aa order of the Hon. Henry lu Benson, Judge of said Court, duly made at Chambers, in tlamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore on, on the Jth day of March, 1900. The date of the first publication hereof is April 19th, 1900, and the date of the last publication hereof is May 1st, 1900. L. F. Conn, Attorney for Plaintiff. Bob Veruou and E. Keller weie . from Pine Creek Tuesday, up ' :;. r . ... jk'v. S:!;-.F A ' v .- . - , i .' . . ' ' ' . " -' ' . ' .' ... . v , , . . .. - -; ' . ..-' '"5- V v1 , . . . ',.V - . --"mtak a ...... r . )s . . .. 0il - ' .. , , . , Republican Candidate for United States Senator. Champion ot Matemcni une. Tonathau Bourne, Jr. candidate before the Republican primaries lor tne nomination oi l nueu oiines kK-muui m Confrress, ior the lonj; term commencing Aiarcn iyo, w.ns born in New Bedford. Mass.. February 23 1855; was a member of the class of 1877 at Harvard University;! came to Portland Mav 16, 18 i 8, was a Republican mem ber of the Oregon Legislature in the session of lbhv and the extra session of 1SSG; was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention of 1888, and Ore gon's member of the Republican National Committee from 1SS8 to 1892 and a delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1892, and was elected as a Mitchell Repub lican to the Oregon Legislature in 1890. Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with the development of the mineral resources of Oregon than anv other man in the state, having expended in the last 20 v-ears over $1,000,000 of his own money in the acquisi- tion and development ot urcgon mines. j While Mr. Bourne has had his residence and main office ' at Portland since 1878, be has had another office at New Bedford. Mass.. and has earned on the 'business ot his father's estate since 1889. which makes him familiar with ! many of the large interests and leading men in the Last, j These qualifications, in conjunction with his tremendous energy, originality, executive ability and experience iiij business and political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for1 making an able and influential Senatot for the State of. Oresron. I Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people over their government as far as pos sible. He was one ot the leading spirits in the Initiative and Referendum movement from 189G until it was ap- proved bv the voters at the Juneelection in 1902. In 1904-; he was a member ot the executive committee oi tne uirect T" X- j. T . lillo l-i r cn mo nnci f i rimarv (jmiiJciLiuiis L,raut, emu nwiwo ion with the People's Power League at this time. In all j these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee! the necessary expense of preparing and proposing their j measures to the people. He says that the choice of United States Senator should be bv direct vote of the people, and that the Legis lature should be compelled to elect the man the people cr.w nrvoTTiTYIkVi this npsnlt. he is chamnioninc State- A W nvvvn.i........ - -' - - T i . ' .. .. ' 1 , . 1 Al- 1 i-1 ll mentAo. 1 ol the primary elections lawas me omyniiuiuu by which public opinion may be crystallized and made effective upon the Legislature. In his petition for nomination he says: "If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, favor: Republican Politics. Amending National Constitution for People's election of United States Senators. Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. National Control of corporations in Interstate commerce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good Citizens. Legal limitation labor hours for safety on railroads. Parcels Post, including rural delivery. Pure Food laws. Liberal appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor improvements, including Columbia and Willamette rivers, Coos, Yaquina and other Oregon harbors, Celilo canal, Government canal at Oregon City. Fair share of Irrigation fund for Oregon. Loj-al support of successful candidates. Rigid enforce ment Statement One. Roosevelt for second elective term. I desire that the following statement be printed after my name on the nominating ballot: "I WILL SUPPORT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DE TERMINATION THAT JUSTICE BE DONE ALL MEN." WHERE QUALITY COUNTS, WE WIN. Our Sping: Stock is arriving, and will soon be Complete. New spring DressGoods I New spring Neckwear We have here a showing in all the leading shades of gray that has never been equaled in Lakeview before. Cream and White English Mohair Brillianteens, Henrietta Albetross, etc., including many novelty waist ings for spring. An Attractive Array of Novelty Neck Ribbons, Tinsel Melts, Back and Side Combes,, Hand Bags, Silk and Kid Gloves. New Showing of Meautiful Shirt waists in Lawns to Arrive soon. Men's and Boys' SM"ing Clothing. Do Not Overlook This Store. BAILEY & MASSINGILL'S Pioneer Store The children's friend Jayn&s HToni c Vcrmif ug c Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. Gives tone, vitality and snap. Get it from your druggist lLtV. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, rJb Seven Million boxes ui In post 12 month. ThiS Signature, S7 Curt Crip Two Days. on every box. 25c. NO TWO MEN ARE ALIKE Thre may be a hundred mn In thin rlty whu hnve arm th unme lenrth as yourH but tht-rt- Is imt n other limn In Ihu wholu munty who In Iho miiio aa yourself In all other jiroportlons. It Is simply nn imjioHHlblllty to get a perfect flttlnir suit by buytntr ready-to-wear clothes. We will make a suit to your measure fur 130. You pay that much, or nearly that much for every lmnd-me-down suit you buy. titimt.nmt rlnfhe. Mnr rliitlie nr. turned imt ty tli. llinupaml. Tti sr. cut .nil Bfwfu y iiiMcl.luer;. Tlmt ) wlijr yxi Iiiit. ti-na-lil nlt herein. fur., ilmi V.. I tlirlr liaik f ih-wiith Iwfnro juo ti irn llirtu lilf dajr. Wb will nike milt to t-mr nienn for yiHir ei.ii"lT wenr lltnt will tit tHH'Mtiao H vn tfiillt fr nil, iiihI imi el--"fif We icunraiilve tlie rUitti lu fie an all-wil cheviot tlie rlorli la t)w autl vttc.trtHia - Juki off Hi. Ii.ttn. -lalat atl.riia lialitl altlet - everr aralll liaixl newetl with IU lined with ImiMirti'd VM tlau tlnth. We Imre neleeted sereral palterna. any of whli ii we will mulie up tu xmir meaaur. f. $'jn, I till-. a utt epria aume tirrf runce we will mall Jim a aiiuiie of s lule hnielUb uvcrllim I'atlern. 'I hla imiicrn la ao new tiiat It will ht wld ty tulUira nest fnur aa tlie "latcat," Tlie Imckprniinil of tlie pattern It deep ry, with an aliniiat luiieriittlile overlln. or check. Thn euhir of thla fulirtc due nut altow dtut eaally. diea Dot wrinkle aud haa taken th. dye an well that the garment look Ilk. new until It la all worn out. 'the wmil uim-iI In weav IiiK till" itartnent waa aelected wit li nmiaual rare. Tlier. la on ahort wuol In th. fabric and no ahodilr. Tlie cloth lia. a flu a " lh-.t It iin-mMila fiilrly hard aitrface, and at th. an me time la soft and nllnhlf. It will not wiiff np or vet alilny. Thla clotlt eannot Iw ImiiKht from the mill for lea. than II.NI s yard, no matter If yon tmtifrht flu. thmiaand yarda. We ar. the I'acine Coaat repreaentatlTea of aymll cat. of th. Iuri.t wiailen inllla In th. world. That enahle. ua to niak. thla unprecedented offer of a ault to your meaanr. for t'Ji. Heml for a sample pull It to plecea ae. how kn and een th. wool atrands arte not. how well tb.'dye tiaa set. FI.VALi J'llOOP. Land Offce at Lukevlcw, Oregon, Mar., 24, 1900. is'otlce 1 hereby glreu thut tlie following-named Bet tier has filed notice of bin Intention to make final proof In Htipport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on the 21t day of May, 190C viz. Harry A. calderwood HE 2350 for the NJ NWtf & NJ NEJ Sec. 14 Tp. 37.S Range 25 E W M. He names the following wltnessea to prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of said land, viz: clay Ram bo, Frank Donlson, Thomas calderwood and Nelson calderwood of l'lush Oregon. J.N. Watson Register. Fill nnt tlil coupon and mall tn tut and we will aend you a aainiile of the cloth. We Kimr antee that the anil la actually cut frmn the Tery bolt of cloth from whli-h we make the ault. When you vlalt Portland, come In and verify thla or any aimertlon we make. If you wlah, aak aom. Portland friend to tell yon aliont th. rep utation and ataudUig of the Columbia Woolen alllla Co. It la the almpleat thine In the world tn har. some friend tak. ynor meaanre. We will aend you a tap. meaaure fre., and lnatructloua how to take a meaaure for a ault of clothes. lie aur. aud aend for this aample. If yon get a suit from thla offer, you will lie wearing a garment the pattern of which local dealers can not possibly get In stock before another year. The pattern of our 2f) anlt will tie sold next year aa the lateat (by other tallora). COLUMBIA Woolen Mills Co. Portland, Ore Columbia Woolen Mills Co., Portland, Or. riease send me free, sample of late pat tern Kngllah overllne gooda, from which yon agree to make s ault t" measure for )20. Also send me, fne, a pocket laiie meaaure and blank, and liiatructlons fur taking measures. This does not obligate me to buy a salt unless I wish. Name Address Timber I ! tier United States I.aml Ofllco lakeview Oregon Mnrrh 'JO Unit!. No ilea is hero by given tlmt in compliance with tho provision! At tho Act of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act (or tho "ale of timlier lands in the State of California, Oro (jon, Nevada ami AVaNhiiiKton Territory," as extended to all the I'ublie land states by art ( August 4, 1KH2, Ouorgiv Conn, 1'iiUlfy, county of Luke, KtnU of Oregon, has this day, II led In thin ollice his sworn statement No fK)72, for the purchase if tln W SV SwJ, NWJ Sec. 1J& SKJ Ni;i; if section No 11 In Township No. .'II H., Rangu No. 17 K. W. M.. mill will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable tor its tlmls-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land 1h fore Rfglster ami Receiver at Lake view, Oregon, on Friday, tho 15tli day tif June, 11XMJ. He names as witnesses: (W.. Mooro of Lakeview, Oregon, II. W. I arrow, I). It. Conrad, A. A. Farrow of l'alsly Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the ahove-rlcscrllM'd lands are reiicHtcd to lllu their claims In this ollice on or before said l-"tli day of June, loot). J.N. Watson 12-10 Register. E Human Blood Harks. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood lu tho homo of J. W. Williams, a. well known merchant of Bac, Ky. Ho writes: "Twenty years , ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I began taking Ur. King's New Discov ery. It completely cured me and I have remained well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by Iee Deall Druggist. &0c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Timber Land Act Juno 3, 1S78, United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, Apr., 4. 1900, Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Solomon 11 Chandler, of Lakeview, County of Lake, State of Oregon, lias this aay filed in this olUce his sworn state ment No. 3078. . For the purchase of the SEJ of Sec, No 32 In Township No. 30 S, Hangs No. 21 K W M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish 'his claim to said land before Reidster and Receiver at Lakeview, Ore., on Friday, the 15th day of J une, 1900. He names as witnesses: E. C. Ahlstrom, C. S. Loveless, R. A. Pax ton and Frank wllsou of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this ollice on or before said 15th day of June, 1900. J. N. Watson Register. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought 3ignaturo of Notice. You must have a permit liofore you can travel scabby sheep any pluee la Lake county. J. V. Clui kuou, Stock luspoctor. I I M II K II OT 1 1 K. Timber Land Act June 3, 187S. United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon. Apr., 4, 11HMI. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with t heprovlslons of the act of congress of June 3 17M, entitled "An act for tho sale of tlmU-r lands in tho states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho I'uble Land States by act of August 4, 1S9U, Elmer C. Ahlstrom, of Lakeview, County of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this Ollice his sworn statement No. 3079, for the purchase of tho S NWJ & S NF.J of Sec. No. 32 in Township No. 3(1 H, Range No. 21 E W M, ami will offer poof to show that the laud sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before Register & Receiver at Lakeview Ore. on Friday, the 15th day of June, 190(1. He names as witnesses: S. it. Chandler, C. 8. Loveless, R. A. I'ax ton and Frank Wilson of Lakeview Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this ofllco on or before said 15th day of J une 1 900. J. N. Watson Register. Ladies. I have received the spring uud sum mer sumples of The Standard Ladies Tailoring Co., for Eton, Pony and shirt waist suits, skirts, jucketa and ruin coats. lui. Miss Mae Suidor. n