Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 12, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    PnMiehed Every Thurad.jr.
MatMlc Balldlnf
Kntered t the l-oal OflWat 1 akcTlew, Ore.
aarVotind-aa UU r.
(One Year
J Six Month,...
(Three Months,
.$2.00 I
..1.00 j
... 50 !
Caster Snrtday.
The mills in tho federal court at
Portland are prindinn aain, and a
grist of indictment are already in the
hands of eheriffsu Two stockmen have
already been arrested on charges of
illegal fencing of government land.
Aonther grist of timber land frauds
are said to be in the federal hopper
which will involve, several southwest
ern Oergon men. Senator Mitchell,
alleged by "Grinder" Heney to be oue
of the "big game," was the ouly real
sufferer of Heney's grist, he having
left the real culprits to run at large
while he sent Senator Mitchell to his
Anna ShawT representing "the
woman of the United States," says
candidates will care for the babies
while the women cast their ballots.
Candidates may fondle and kiss the
babies in t he presence of voters but
not many mothers would care to leave
them in charge of their cradles while
they went 10 or 20 miles to vote.
There would be fewer candidates than
babies if such penalties were imposed,
too. Thiuk, yea candidates, how
would you like it? And the poor
$1450 IN PURSES.
Races Commenceon Mon
day, July 2nd.
The Lake County Agricidtural Asso
ciation will give five days' racing on
their track in Lakeview, commencing
July 2nd, and ending July Tth, 190G.
The sum of S1450. will be distributed
in purses as follows:
First Race, ?8' mile dash, purse
Second Race, oK tur. for 3-year-olds,
Third Race, mile dash, purse
Fourth Race, .j mile heat, purse
Fifth Race.f ?4 miledash, purse
Sixth Race,j38' mile heats, purse
i -
Republican Candidate for United States Senator.
Champion of Statement One.
Our Sping; Stock is arriving, and
will soon be Complete.
New spring; Dress Goods I New spring Neckwear
We have here a showing in all the
leading shades of gray that has never
been equaled in Lakeview before.
Cream and White Hnglish Mohair
llrilliantcens, Henrietta Alhetross,
etc., including many novelty wnist
ings for spring.
An Attractive Array of Novelty
Neck Ribbons, Tinsel Hells, Mack and
Side ConiJ)es, Hand Mags, Silk and
Kid (doves.
New Showing of lleautilul Shirt
waists in Lawns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing.
Do Not Overlook This Store.
to the Republican National Convention of 1SSS,
son's member of the Republican National Commi
-1;ihia;:i'i;;AJn . r.ST
'even MXlon bores sold in past 12 months
Seventh Race, ?i mile dash,
Eighth Race, 1 mile dash, purse
Jfinth Race, lg mile dash, for
trotters and pacers, pursej
There will probably be 'other races
on the lat day.
All races are free for alL I
All of the above'raees'; are free fori
all, four to enter andthree
Jonathan Bourne, Jr. candidate before the Republican
primaries for the nomination of I'nitcd States Senator in
Congress, for the long term commencing March 4-, 1007,
was born in New Bedford. Mass., February 13 ISoo; was
a member of the class of 1S77 at Harvard University;
came to Portland May 10, 1878, was a Republican mem
ber of the Oregon Legislature in the session of 18S." and
the extra session of 1880; was one ot Oregon s delegates
and Ore-
publican National Committee from
18SStolS92 and a delegate to the Republican National
Convention of 1802, and was elected as a Mitchell Repub
lican to the Oregon Legislature in 1890.
Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with
the development of the mineral resources of Oregon than
any other man "in the state, having expended in the last 'JO
years over $1,000,000 of his own money in the acquisi
tion and development of Oregon mines.
While Mr. Bourne has had his residence and main office,
at Portland since 1878, he has had another office at New!
Bedford, Mass.. and has carried on the business of his'
father's estate since 1SSD, which makes him familiar with j
mnnv of the larcre interests and leadinir men in the Fast.
2 These qualifications, in conjunction with his tremendous; as yourself m ui'i ruii!V!'rV
' energy, originality, executive ability and experience i --ear to!triL",.I'1 1"li,',riHU
business and political aiuurs pre-eminently quainy mm ior,
making an able and influential Senatot for the State of;
Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct
power of the people over their government as far as pos
sible. He was one ot the leading spirits in the Initiative
and Referendum movement from 1890 until it was ap-'
proved by the voters at the Juneeleetion in IDOL. In l'JO-4-he
was a member of the executive committee of the Direct j
to fitart ' A I lUUlI v WlIUIUl LIU lid lct UV. uuu mnun mv. .ti ii iv- j wri u- j
i , t . i t . 1 w T i.a1.j. T - . 1 1 I
but the Association reserves the right ion U ltll tllC 1'eopie S 1'OWCr league at tills time. Ill 111 j
to hold a less number than four by re- these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee
ducing the pure in proportion to the fie necessary cxj)ense of preparing and proposing their i
number of horse, entered. measures to the people. ' ,:
Entries to close the evening before TT . , , c , L., , , c .,.. ..
the race. The Pacific Coast Elood j He says that the choice of I nited States Senatoi
horse Association rules to govern all should be by direct vote of the people, and that the Legis-j
running races. Entrance fee ten perjlature should be compelled to elect the mail the JlCOple !
cent of pur.-e. Money to be divided j select. To accomplish this result, he is championing State-1
asfollows: 70 per Cent tO the first I V 1 r,,1;, ltwmcln.i-ni; tlir. finlcmi.tliral !
by which public opinion may be crystallized and made'
effective upon the Legislature. j
In his petition for nomination he savs: I
"If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term"! ';!,
of office, favor:
Republican Politics.
Amending National Constitution for People's election of
United States Senators.
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
National Control of corporations in Interstate commerce. J
Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages
Make'Good Citizens.
Legal limitation labor hours for safety on railroads.
Parcels Post, including rural delivery.
Pure Food laws. Liberal appropriations for Panama
Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor improvements,
including Columbia and Willamette rivers, Coos, Yaquina
and other Oregon harbors, Celilo canal, Government canal
at Oregon City. I?air share of Irrigation fund for Oregon.
Loyal support of successful candidates. Rigid enforce
ment Statement One. Roosevelt for second elective term.
I desire that the following statement be printed after
my name on the nominating ballot:
Pioneer Store
gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly children.'
And it is good lor their ciders, too.
Ask your druggist for it.
To Cure a Cold m One Day In Two Dyi.
Tcka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. e rpA
r.cjrn MXlon fcorrs sold In Bast 12 months. Thl1? KlcnatllW. S JCsyT
This signature.
on every
box. 25c.
Tlmlrr IjmhI ullrr.
.ninl Ollicn I.iikrvii'W.
, On i;"M March -'0 Hhh;. Ni.iii-ti lu-ro-
There may bo a hunilrn men In tlil rlty who Imvo nritm the nm IctiRth liv uivi-n Hint in ruintilin uiiii i).
n inn oiiht man in mi1 wiiiuu cuumy who 1m llm ramo
roportloim. prcvixioiii n( tlu .ct of Juno 3. 1 M78,
lllty to got a ixTfuct rutin suit l.y buylnif cntitlfil "An net for llm hiiKi nf limlx.r
We will miik. a milt to your nieimuro f..r 1.0. j ,a""M 111 1,111 ol I itlilormu, Or-
You pay that much, or nearly that inui-li fur every lianJ-mc-iiown null you buy. ; Ncviula nml WnNliiiiKton Territory,"
( rli.tlir .(.,r,ri. ItirtliNl I HH CXtelllleil to nil til. I J'ulilji; I.Hlid
out l.y tl.f luirtjaiiiut. 'lli-y r -nt tnl wrO .
i-jr uidi-hinrry. ! ulatei by ai't (if AiiLriiht 4, lfi'.C. (ieorLrir
ifinr la wnr T"it Jinvs mtht aulla liorclo.
horse aud 30 per cent to the j-econd
The Association reserves the right
to change any of the above races, in
the event of not filling, or to change
the date of the last day's event to the
following day in case any other
amusement is announced for that
date. No money paid without a con
test. Board of Directors : Wm. Harvey,
F. M. Miller.ry. L.jLSnelling, Robt.
McKee, F. P. Light.
Secretary. President,
! r -I
f..rr tl-nl li t llii-lr Ii
tuil at-ni UaMii It If . Juy
W'r- 1lt ntaki k wilt In your m'nnri--tirr
ymir '. -Iiiaite I will fit "U In- mwi
1l rti l.iilll ft.r .-m. Mini tin i.iii. -lc fur $Ji.
Vi Kii.iianlfi. 11. iliilli 1u 'm an all wail rhotlot
tl.e rl'th N iifW aitil t lifiriHi -J.i.l i,rf Ihrt
Iimhi h Ian-.! 'itli-rtif. - 1 nti'l uil'lt-. viry Mattl
l.tirxl with allk' Haul lrti nMfrifi Vrn
Hull l'lilll.
Liivi. tM-liwinl iMvir.i1 fatnTna, any of
vrHi-lt vt will hmae ui In ntir uit-Manr. f'.r ty,
1 itli cvirT .ii. (.ri-r.-rriit- hii will until
J fit a aii(i.ili nf . liiti. Kttk'll.ti ovirlltn pattern.
'I I. U i.Htii-rn I, mi new ti nt ii will Ih a"M t
liillnra m il yi-ir it the laU-at."
I'm of 1 lip i.nlirrn la a tli-cn crny,
with nn alii."t. In.i.'ri'f !III. ovitIIhw or
rlif.-U. 'I In : r of ll.u fiilirlc tlm-a In. I almw
il-iKt i-nIIy. !' iti.f wrlfikln nml Ima taki'ii llm
ilyi ihi wi'll Hint flit giirini'tit liM.ka llkn iww
tiritll II la all a .i ii oMt, "1 In. H.ail iimi-i In wav-
IliK tlila :.irtiii'!it Wit, acli'i'tml with mtutmal
citri. 'lln-rtt la no almrt wim.I In tint fatifir ami
nn alioilfly. '1 in rlnlli linta an fltip . wcav. tl.1t
It irc.i'iita a Tiitfly liunl aurfui-f atnl at tli
a.-ilitv tlttic la aoft unit liltalih. It will not ai'nfT
lip or Kt al.liiy. Tlila rlnlli rntinot lat lMiiit;lit
from tin niiii ror li'ia than 9-1.1 . jaril. ii't
niatn-r If y Niui.'lit (It., tlionaaml yanla. Wt
arr tli I'arlfli Cnuat rrri'ai-nlHttvia of a aymll
rntf. of Him Inr'i'Mt winiIii fjillla In Hit wnrlil
That I'liahlfa ua In iitak tlila oITit
of a ault In ynttr fnraaiirn fur W'JiK MmmI fnr
aantpli.- hull It tn plrrra t. hnw lorn .ml rrpH
flit wiajl ptramla are nottj Ituw well thtilytt
baa ae(.
There is more Catarrh in this Bec
tlon of the contry than all other dis
eases put together, and until the last
few years was supposed to be Incur
able. For a great many years doc
tors pronounced It a local disease
and prescribed local remedies, and
by-constantly failing to cure with
local treatment, pronounced It in
curable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It is taken
iaternally in doses from 10 drops to
a tea- oboonfull. It acta directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address: F.J. Cheney &Co. Toledo,
Hold by druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
I have received the spring and sum
mer samples of The Standard Ladies
Tailoring Co., for Eton, Pony and
shirt waist suits, skirts, jackets and
rain couts.
Jm. Miss Mae Snider.
Land Offce at Lakeview, Oregon,
Mar., 24, 1000. Is'otlce is hereby
given that the following-named set
tler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will le
made before Ileglster aud Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon, on the 21st day
of May, 1900 viz. Harry A. calderwood
HE 2.J5G for the N NWtf & NJ NEJ
Sec. 14 Tp. 37.S' Range 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
clay Rambo, Frank Donlson, Thomas
calderwood and Nelson calderwood
of Plush Oregon.
J . N. Watson Register.
Human Blood Harks.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human blood in the home of J. W.
Williams, u well known merchant of
Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when I
began taking Dr. King's New Discov
ery. It completely cured me and I
have remained well ever since." It
cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs,
Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is
the only known cure for Weak Lungs.
Every bottle guaranteed by Lee
Reall Druggist. Mc and fl.00. Trial
bottle free.
rill ont tlila tYinpon atnl mall to oa anil w
III atml Toil a aanilili. of the Hoth. W aMlar
antee that tlip hii..I la tn-limHy rut from Ilia
Yerjr taut or rioin rmm which w inak. tha anil.
When you Tlalt I'ortlaml. cmne In ami inrlfy tlila
or any axiu-rtlnn wo mak. If wlah, auk
Bonn Tori lam! frh'ml tn tell ynn almiit the ri
illation and tunillni; of the Coluuihla Woolen
all I la Co.
It la the almplpat thing In the worlil to liar.
boiii. friend fake your ineaatire. We will nl
you a ta(e . nieaaure free, ami Inatrni'tloiia tiow
to take a uieaaure for a anlt of rlothra.
lie aure aut) eeml for thla eamiile. If yon Ret
ault from thla offer, you will he wearlnK a
garment the pattern of which local dealer ran
not poaalhly Ket In atock lafore another year.
The pattern of our t'JH ault will lie avid next
year aa the Intent O.y other tullora).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
ColntnMu Woolen Mill Co., Portland. Or.
I'lcaao aeml me frea, anmple of lale pat
tern EnKllKh or er II tie from whleh
yon aifreo to make a ault to meaaura for
t'J). Alao Rend me, re., a pocket tape
meaanre and I. lank, and lualructlotia for
taklnf meaaarea. Thla Jia not obligate
Die to buy suit uoleae I wlah.
A Jilreaa
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878,
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Apr., 4. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all Public Land States
by act of August 4, 1892, Solomon' It
Chandler, of Lakeview, County of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this ofllce his sworn state
ment No. 3078.
For the purchase of the SEJ of See,
No 32 in Township No. 38 S, Rango No.
21 E W M, and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought Is more valu
able for lis tlmlxT or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before
ReRlsterund Receiver at Lakeview,
Ore., on Friday, tho 15th day of
June, 1900.
Ho names as witnesses: E. V.
Ahlstrom, C. S. Loveless, II. A. Pax
ton and Frank wllson of Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
ofllce on or before said 15th day of
June, 1900.
J. N. Watson Register.
For Infant, and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
3i,jnatnre of
You must have u permit before you
can travel shabby sheep any place
Lake county.
J. F. Cluikson, Stock Inspector,
Conn, Paisley, comity of Lake, Staff
of Oregon, litis this ilny. filed In this
nHii t' li In HWiirn hliilcmcnt No 307-,
for tin- purt'luiHf f the V SWJ Swj;
NWJ .s,.,.. 1J At Si;j M',it of h.tH.hi N,',
II 111 TowiiHhlp No. :il S,, Huno No.
17 E. W. M.. ami will tiffi-r proof to
show Hint tin- html sought M more
vilunlili' for It m IIiiiIm r or stone than
for ii'i lcnll urul purpiiHi-H, nml to
1'hIuIiIImIi III t'l.lilll to Hlild luml be
fore ReyUier uml I! Ivit ill I. like
view, Oniron, on Friday, tin 15th
tiny of June, i:mm;.
lie llll inch as II HfMHet. ; C. ). Moon?
of Lakeview, Oregon. 11. W. I -arrow,
l. 15. Conrad, .. A. Farrow of Palsly
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the nliove-ileHirlbed lauds
are rrtiicHt'd to llle their claliiirt In
this oilice on or before said 15th da
of .llllie, I'llMi.
J.N. Watson
l-'-l'J Register.
1 1 II libit OTII V..
Timber Laud Act June 3, 1S7.
I'nlted States 1 .and Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, Apr., I, llMMi.
Not lee Is hereby given that In com
pllance with tlieprovlsloiiH of the act
of congress of June 3 1K7S, entitled
"An act for the sale of tlmls-r land
In the staU'" of California, Ore.on,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as fxtemled to all the Pubic Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Elmer C. Ahlstrom, of lakeview,
County of Lake, State of Oregon, has
this day filed In this Ofllce his sworn
statement No. 3079, for tho purchaso
of the s;' NWJ & SJ NEJ of Sec. No.
32 in Township No. 3(1 S, Rango No.
21 E W M, and will offer poof to show
that the laud sought Is more valu
able for Its timber or stono than for
agricultural purposed, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Register & Receiver at Lakeview Ore.
on Friday, tho 15th day of Juno, 190(1.
Ho names as witnesses: S. 11.
Chandler, C. 8. Loveless, R. A. Pax
ton and Frank Wilson of Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho abovo-descrlbed lands ar
requested to file their claims In thla
ofllce on or before said 15th day of
June 1900.
J. N. Watson Register.
For Sale.
One fluo Jack, aud a small bund of
good mares. For particulars, writ
to J. W. Loftus, Adol, Oregon.
Bean tie 1 Kind You Have Always Boujff