Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 12, 1906, Image 1

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    Earner fTiirr
NO. ,15
Three Contests for Places
On the Official Ballot
In the County.
Democrats Have Hut Pew CandU
date fur State, Legislative
or District Offices.
Tim primary law will have Hit lift
trial, III this stale, next Week when
tlin candidate for tho various ofllccs
to lm flllifcl lit tho general election
oil Juno 4 tli, will l nominated.
Tint primary election day rails on
Friday, April , this your, tlm time
having Immh fixed by law 4." day bii
fore tho date of the general election.
The ballot for tho jirluiury election
will liuvo nix candidates for United
Stales Konntor live for rcprescnatlve
in Congress from tho First District,
six for Governor, five for Secretary of
slute, seven tor State Treasurer, tluee
for Attorney-General, four for state
Printer, two for Supreme Judge and
no each for Superintendent of Ptiblii'
Instruction Hlld I'olllllllMhlolHT of
Tho lint irt as follows:
For United States Senator. Fred
W. Mulkcy (short torin. ) Jonathan
Douruo Jr., II. M. Cnko, Stephen A
Lowell Hlld E. It. Wilt SOU.
For Representative In Congress
from First District. Willis C. Haw
loy. Samuel 11. J lux ton itnd Walter
L. Toozo.
For Governor. Harvey K. Itrown,
T. T. Goer, Chu. A. Johns, Chiw. A.
Schlbrcdo and Juines Witbycomlsx
For Secretary of Stato. Frank W.
Benson. Claud Gatch, Lot. L. Pearce
anil Frank T. Wright man.
For Ktuto Trcusurcr. John Aitkin,
Ralph W. Hoyt, Thm. F. Ryan, A. C.
Jennings and George ,. Steel.
For Hupronio Judge. Robert Eukiu.
For Attorney-General. A. M. Craw
ford mid Geo. If. ltciihum.
For Stuto Printer. Wm. J. Clarko,
Willis S. Duuiway, and J. R. Whitney.
For Superintendent of Public Iu
Bt ruction. J. 1 1. Ackormaii.
For Commissioner of Labor. O. P.
For United States Sonator. Joim
M. Gcarlu.
For Representative iu Congress
from First District. P. A. Cochran
and Charles V. Galloway.
For Governor. Geo. K. Chamber
laln. For Secretary of State. P. II.
For Stato Treasurer. J. J). Mat
lock. For Superior Judge. Thos. G. Hail
cy. For State Printer. J. Scott Tuylor.
For Attoruoy--Guueral. Robert A.
Tho Legislative District comprising
Crook, Klamath, Lake and Grunt
couutieH, will elect two Reprosentu
tlven, and an there are hut two candi
dates, Dr. Goo. II. Merryniaii of
Klamath and Dr. II. P. Belknap of
Crook, both Republicans, thoHO gentle
men will be Mooted without opposi
tion. Iu Luke county there are but throo
contests ; two by the Republicans and
ouo by tho Democruts.
For Clerk ou the Kepublioun ticket
there are throe candidates; 10. N. Ja
quisb, J. L. Smith and J. V. Tucker.
For County Commissioner two can
didates seek the place ; E. K. Hender
son and II. K. Iloryford.
For Sherlif ou the Doinocurtio tick
et, Loo Boall and F. P. Luueuro mak
ing a hard fight for tho nomination,
while for the offices of Coroner and
Surveyor there ore uo candidates.
Tho list of candidates ou the county
ticket Is as follows :
For County Commissioner. II. H.
Horyford and E. K. Henderson.
For Sheriff. Albert Dent.
For Clork. E. N. Jaiuish, J. L.
Smith and J. W. Tucker.
For Treasurer. F. O. ALlstrom.
For County Judge B. Daly.
For County Commissioner. W. A.
For Sheriff. Ia-o ISoiiIl and Frank
For Clerk. A. W. Maurlng.
On the Slate ticket tho Democrats
have no candidal on for the olllco ol
Siioriiitoiidoiit of Public Instruction
or for Commissioner of Lihor, and
but few for legislative honor.
Politicians, well liiformod, predict
that the Democrats will not elect a
single caudldalo In thn Stato, for
Slate, District or legislative office.
Ahlard Normal School Notes.
Miss Ethel McFarlaiicl lias ro enter
ed school after an absence of several
weeks. All are glad to welcome her
"Dm'" Do Arinoud was a Normal
visitor last Monday.
Owing to the Junior-Senior recep
tion last Friday evening the boy de
bating society held no debute, but the
regular debate will be held as usual
next Friday.
The debate with A. II. S. has loou
called off by the High School boys,
for reasons Iwst known to themselves,
altho tho Normal boys suspect tho real
There being no other school of espial
grade in Southern Oregon with whom
the boy can debate, It has been decid
ed to have the depute In Chapel witli
two speakers each morning until the
debate is finished.
Messrs Jonas, Martin and Inlow
have taken the negative side. The
first of the debate was given lust Wed
nesday morning.
Miss Viola Phiostcr has taken charge
of tho Morton district school near
Medford. The school will open next
('Impel Topics. Thusrday, "Hypna
tism," Prof. Payne. Monday,
"Duties of tho President's private
secretary," Miss Doughty. Tuesday,
by Prof. Van Scoy, "Tho teacher's
Problem." Theso were excellent d is
cusslous and were listened to with in
lerest by all.
Iast Friday evening wus held thc-
anuual reception given by tho Juniors
to the Seniors. It was held iu the
Chapel which for tho occasion had
been artistically and tastefully deco
rated with evergreens and orange and
white, the class colors of the senior
After a long enjoyable evening seut
in social games and contests, came the
bauuiiet and after that the toasts
which were the crowning feature of
tho event. After everyone had partak
en of tho bountiful supply of good
things tho thoughtful Juuiors had pro
vided, that Prince of good fellows, the
eloquent Prof. Mulkey was chosen
toastmaster. The first toast was "The
Senior Class" by Harry Sayles, pres
ident of Junior class; this was fol
lowed by "Tho Juuiors," by O. H.
Now ton, the sedate president of the
Senior class, who, in his eloquent
outburst of oratory held his hearers
The third was "Standards" by Miss
Edith McCuue, who iu her usual way
captivated her hearers; Next came
"ships" by Mrs. E. 11. Wickersohn of
the faculty, and lust but not least
camo "Tho here and When," liy
Miss Ileebe of tho senior class. Miss
ISuebo fairly out-shone herself in this
and held her delighted hearers as if by
magic. This is by far tho best recep
tion ever held at the Normal and tho
Juuiors are to be commended for the
musterly maimer in which the event
was planned and carried out.
E. W. P.
Second Payment Not Made.
Ivau Hainmersely was up from Pine
Creek last Saturday and Sunday. He
Informed us that Wade fc Rood had
gotten their mines buck. He says Mr.
Ueed wus the only ouo who had receiv
ed any money out of tho deal, as Mr.
Wude had preferred to wait till the
seooud payment was mudo and get his
money all iu a pilo, and ns the second
payment was not made ho did uot get
any mouey out of the deal.
Ivan said he, himself, had sold his
interest iu three claims for 9175.
Times, he says, have boon bretty good
ut Pino Creek all winter as a result of
tho mining boom, and he predicts the
discovery of some rich diggings lu the
mouutuius between here ami the State
Liue tho coming summer. Hammer-
ulcy stuted that he had visited Ed.
Howell's uiino recently and that Mr.
Howell hud run a tunnel expecting to
find a ledge, but missed the ledge, and
was now working ou another prospect.
Prospect work Is going on iu several
of the camps, and other claims will be
locutod as soou as tho suow goes out
of the mouutuius.
Portland Commercial
and One Man
Fire hroke out at 2:.'W o'clock on the
afternoon of April 7, In tho Portland
Commercial Club up In tho eighth
story of tho Chainlx!r of Commerce
building in Portland and imprisoned
fifty or more people, who all escaped
but one. Homer Hallock, an employee
of tho Willamette Valley Traction Co.
lost hi foothold while scaling the
cornice to reach a fire escape and fell
seven s to lies to a skylight inf the
court of tho building and was killed
Many es-aos were miraculous.
Tom Richardson, the last man to be
resigned, had a very narrow escape.
He climbed out of a window to the
cornice near tho top of tho building
where he stood, covering his face w ith
' his arms as the smoke and flames
smote him and tried to suflocate him,
whilo the fire department fought des-
Ha ao Ball Season has Opened.
Tho ouso ball season opened List
week. The first game was played be
tween Lakeview and New Pine Creek
on the Pine Creek diamond, the latter
team being tho victors by a big score.
The next game was pulled off in
Lakeview between the regular Lake
view team and a picked nine, the reg
ulars w luning in a walk. Some very
good plays were registered for both
sides, and especially noticeable was
the stunt of first baseman Henry of
the picked team when ho was banded
a straight from third, but failed V.
capture tho sphere iu its swift flight
Houry was not muny minutes in mak
ing up his mind to go after the bal!
and got started after considerable
effort. His progress was slow at first
but automobile like accumulated speed
as he warmed up. Some one yelled
"brakes on" when Henry reached the
fence, but the track was slick and a
dow n grade. The air brake would 't
work aud the momentum was so great
that Henry's running gears refused
to respond to tho reactionary move
ment of his long arms, and over the
fence he plunged and the enormous
speed ho had attained spent its viol
ence in the plowed ground beyent,
aud lioyd's long strides brought him
home iu the interval.
Reynold's gymnastic performance
in delivering tho bull ,waa a delusion
and tho regulars fanned the air. Two
or three times the reg's were caught
sleeping olf the lmse aud Rubber sent
tho ball hurling to the basemen, reach
ing there iu plenty of time to send
tho runner ou the buck track lu a
Dr. Smith ably umpired the game
aud his decisions were popular among
the picked team. Through courtesy
and sympathy we will uot give the
Other practice games will follow,
which will put the regulurs In good
trim for the coming events of the sea
sou. Sheep Soles.
A number of sheep sales are report
ed for this week, among them:
J. M. Hammersley sold about 2T0
head to W. 11. Routsou for fo per
C. I-i Sherlock sold 750 heud to
Routsou at $".
Euipaist Bros, sold about 2000 to
W. U. Scott of Eaglevllle, receiving
for them, $3.25 for yearling ewes after
shearing, $5 for bucks after shearing
and $3.25 fo old ewes, delivered the
first of September.
Buyers are ottering $2.50 for year
ling wethers after shearing, but raisers
are not. unxlous to sell ut that figure.
Railroad News.
Wo received some very relluble rail
road news yesterday, the source of
which, while it is not policy to dis
close at present, is absolutely reliable.
A crew of surveyors coming iu from
Colorado arrived at Madeline ou the
Cth, and ou Mouduy, April 0th, com
menced surveying between Likely and
Alluras. Our informant says the pros
pects for extension of the railroad
through this country are brighter than
at uuy time previous, and predicts
early work.
Club's Rooms Gutted
Fell to Death.
perotely and the life raving gang rai
ed extension ladders to bis perilous
position. The ladder was 30 feet short
when hoisted and horridly a scaling
ladder was sent up, which reached
four men standing on a cornice 'Jfi feet
below Mr. itichurdson. These men
were let down and then another scal
ing ladder was sent up which reached
Mr. Richardson, and he was rescued.
Great excitement prevailed through
out tho entire life saving scene and
many women fainted at the awful sight.
Msny men jumped from the windows
in the Hth story to a life net stretched
on tho roof of an adjoining one-story
building. One man broke through
1 tho net and received serious injuries,
i The damage to the Chamber of Com
! merce building and the Portland Coin-
mercial Club will reach a half million
From Che Scale Line.
Bert Wade, E. Keller, George Ham
ersley and Cbas. Laughlin went to
IHdwell to attend the mining meeting
held at that place recently, as repre
sentatives from New Piue Creek.
George Whorton and Jack IJatchel
der were there also and represented
F. T. Guuther and W. 11. Shirk
were visitors in our burg last Satur
day from Lakeview.
John Vincent has been very sick the
past few days.
Quite a crowd of merry dancers
came down from Lakeview hist Friday
evening to attend tho dance given here
in the evening after the ball game. A
J great deal of interest was shown iu
me bail game, the nrst or the season,
and the Pine Creek boys were quite
jubilant over having captured first
honors. The dance wad also a pleasant
affair. We hope the Lakeview people
who stayed for the dance were as sore
and tired the next morning as the
buse bull boys.
Rev. Howard and family moved
down from your city Monday.
Don't forget tho Easter services at
tho Baptist Church Saturday night,
also at the Christain Church Sunday.
All are invited to attend.
Fish have commenced to run in the
creeks. The ice has all gone from the
luke and that beautiful, smiling, rip
ling buckground for the State Line
City now presents a pleasing appear
ance. Say stranger I w hen you come to
Pine Creek, and feel that longing in
your stomach about noon, Bill Blurton
says he can relieve you.
E. S. Ede has been very busy,
since he got tho hotel back, hauling
rock to fix the floor with in the barn,
not the hotel.
Hackney and Henderson, freighters,
left for the railroud last week.
Asa Whetstone was up town. Monday.
Fred Hamersley and Ray Blurton
went to Lakeview Sunday.
Plowing is in full blast iu this part
of the valley just now and farmers are
looking ahead to a prosperous seusou.
Crops , will be abundant this year and
if prices are equivalent to the labor
expended, pocket books, as well as
granaries will burst with contents
when the harvest is in.
Whitney's Candidacy
Tho Klumuth Fulls Republican says
thut J. R. Whitney is the only candi
date for state printer thut does not
promise tho elimination of graft lu
thut office. Mr. Whitney has ably and
honestly conducted thut office for one
term and knows there Is no graft to
eliminate, and no one has heard of
any graft there during Mr. Whitney's
term of office until other candidates
for the position have undertaken to
wrest the job from him, and used the
old and worn-out "graft" club as a
campaign slogan. Those who have
made the charge of graft in the state
printing office do not attempt to prove
their assertion, but simply go ou re
peating the charge. . It is an ugly
method of securing a position aud
should not be resorted to unless those
making the charge can, aud do, show
thut their stutmouts are well founded.
Mr. Whitney, having been one of the
plain, honest men of the state, does
not think bin das of people, which
represent a majority at the polls, can
be diiK;d, by selfish assertion, to
commit a wrong by voting to oust
one of Jheir number from a position
he has honestly gained and has no
honestly filled that none other than
those who seek to oust him can see
reasons why he should not tie accord
ed the same privilege every other man
in like positions have received at the
will of the people, that of a second
nomination. We do not ask a single
man to vote for Mr. Whitney, he re
ceived every lU-publican vote in the
county when he was elected to the
place without solicitation. They vot
ed for him license they believed him
an honest and capable man, and un
less it has been proven to them that
he is not, they certainly do not regret
their choice. A great deal of respon
sibility rests upon the voter in casting
his ballot for state officers who he
does not personally know, and know
to be honest and capable men. The
voters, a big majority of them in the
county, took a chance with Mr. Whit
ney. Now the question is, do they
know that their judgment was wrong?
Did they make a mistake? Ia any
Lake county Republican ready to ac
knowledge that he made a mistake,
upon briing told bo by some man
whose motives are purely selfish?
A Resolution on the death of
Brother William L. Millis, a member
of Woodbridge Lodge No. 131, Free
and Accepted Masons of Woodbridge,
California, who died at Lakeview,
Oregon April third 1906, aged 77 years
8 months and 23 days.
At a Regular Meeting of Lakeview
Lodge No. 71 Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons, held at their Lodge
room In the Masonic Temple in Lake-
view Oregon, Saturday evening, April
7tb, 190C, these Resolutions were
Whereas the Grand Master of the
Universe having been pleased to call
from earthly labor to eternal refresh
ments our well beloved BROTHER
W lUwIAAi LJ MIL.1X l".Cvho SO
endeared himself to us by his cour
tesy and affability, that his memory
will ever be cherished in our hearts,
therefore be it
Resolved , that bowing as we do in
humble submission to the Devine will,
we mourn the loss of an earnest Brother
aud faithful Friend, whose daily life
so clearly reflected the fundamental
truths and tenets of our fraternity.
Resolved, that we sincerely, deeply
and affectionately sympathize with
his afflicted family in their sorrow,
reminding them that He who tempers
the wind to the shorn lamb looks down
with infinite compassion upon them
in the hour of their desolation.
Resolved that a copy of these Reso
lutions be sent to the family of our
deceased Brother, that a copy be also
transmitted to Woodbridge Lodge No.
131, that a copy be spread upon the
minutes of our Lodge, and that a copy
be sent to the local newspapers for
Chas. Umbach,
V. A. Massingill,
A. S. Down.
Turned the Tables.
Robt. Nelson,, the West Side farm
er, was in town a few days last weeK
for medical treatment. Mr. Nelson
tells a joke on himself. He asys sev
eral years ago when his son, George,
was a small chap, they had a dog over
ou the ranch that had become worn
out and old and sick, and they could
not give him away, so one day he
brought the dog to town and left him.
It was a time when the dog ordinance
was in force here, and the Marshall re
lieved Mr. Nelson of the burden of
keeping the dog. He says George re
membered the circumstance, and
wheu he complained lust week of feel
ing old and worn out and sick, George
brought him to tow n.
Severely Froien.
A man by the name of Vance Blev
ins, whose people live in North Caro
lina, Who has been working at A. II.
Baruum'a sheep camp, was severely
frozen during the March storms. He
was out after the sheep aud became
lost aud wandered around in the
storm until completely exhausted,
when he gave up and was found sev
eral hours luter unconscious. He re
mained so for about 15 hours but
came through the ordoal safely, and
is all right now.
Bailey & Massing ill are buying wool
aain. raving 20 cents. They bought
70,000 or 80.000 pounds this week from
W. U. Scott of Eaglevillo, also two or
three small lots in this valley.
Good Men Have Served in
County Court Since
fieri Who Have Served Were as
Good Men as Can be Found
In the State.
It is rank injustice to assert that
Northern Lake County has not had a
representative in the county court for
ten years, as the Silver Lake Oregon
ian stated recently. A. V. Lane, W.
O. Hough, Geo. L. Gilfry, J. M. Mar
tin and W. A Currier, all Northern
Lake County men, are as good men aa
the county ever had, either in office
or out. These men have served in
the county court in the last ten years,
and no county in the state or no pre
cinct in this county can boast of bet
ter representation. These men, all
that are living of them, will certainly
feel hurt to knew that the service they
have rendered has been ignored. The
Silver Lake Oregonian in taking the
initial step in politics of the season
should refrain from casting stigma
upon the good men who have so ably
and assiduously labored for the inter
eets of the section of the county that
paper pretends to represent. Not a
political line has been cast by any of
the papers in the county till the Ore
gonian made its debut. Look over
the records Bro., and see where
Northern Lake haa been represented
in the county court every year since
the county waa orgun'zed, . t-n-J by
good men. We are not saying, how
ever, that it was undeserved, but
simply holding up for the good men'
who have' devoted their time to tho
welfare of Lake county as a whole.
To show the people where the Ore
gonian is wrong, the following elec
tions are referred to :
1876 - - - S. P. Moss, North
- - - A. Tenbrook, South
1878 - - C. E. Randell, North
Jacob Bales, North
1880 - - Geo. H. Durand, North
Geo. Penland, South
1882 - - J. B. Phelps. North
U. F. Abshier, North
1884 - - W. D. Arnett, North
T. O. Blair, South
1886 - - Geo. M. Jones, North
C. C. Lottua, South
1883 - - R. L. Sherlock, North
W .A. Bagley, North
1890 - - A. V. Lane, North
- - - S. J. Studley, South
1892 -.- A. V. Lane, North
J. McElhinney, South
1894 - - A. V. Lane, North
J. McElhinney, South
1896 W. O. Hough (vice Lane, North
Chas. Tonningsen, East
1898 - - ' Geo. L. Gilfrey, North
Chas. Tonningsen, South
1900 J. M. Martin (vice Gilfrey) North
S; J. Prose, South
1902 -- W. A. Currier, North
S. J. Prose, South
1904 - - W. A. Currier, North
C. W. Dent, East
Ceese Became Blind.
A strange story comes from Warner
valley that the geese became totally
blind during certain intervals of the
recent storm in that section. Parties
said as a general thing the geese were
very wild and difficult to approach,
but at times anyone could ride or
walk amongst them without their ap
parently noticing him. The geese
seemed loathe to fly even when they
became aware of the presence of per
Bons. Their actions caused a great
deal of comment until it was decided
the geese were blind. Some man In
Warner, whose name we did not
learn, Is said to huve gone out hunt
ing geese, and not having become
aware of the sudden strangeness of
the birds upon seeing a band soma
distance away began to exercise his
knowledge of strategic maneuvering
to gain close quarters. He succeeded
in getting near enough to shoot and
blazed both barrels of his shot gun
into the flock, to his amazement not
a goose moved and he thought he bad
killed the entire band. He walked up
to thorn and found that they were all
frozen stiff, and dead.