Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 05, 1906, Image 8

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until you sec my beautiful assortment of Royal Tailor patterns.
I am now taking orders for Spring and Summer Garments.
You can select a neat, natty suit from over 400 patterns,
showing all kinds and styles of goods. The new Fashion
Plates will show you just how the garments will appear when
finished. These garments will be made to your measure by
The Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York, the best mer
chant tailors in the United States.
You can get a fine made-to-order suit, which will fit you per
fectly for the price of a ready-made suit.
You can select your goods and pick out the exact style in
which you want your garments finished.
I propose to offer the public a stopping place where their
horses wil be fed and cared for as they would be cared for at
I will also keep a team and rig to hire.
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
imiiiiimifiiiiiuutiintnu miiiiiiiiiyiiuiiiiu uiiiiituu uuiimm uiniHiiijminiuiimniiniimiiuiuiiUiiiHiimu f
Our new stock of goods have arrived
and is complete in everything usually
found in a first-class Drug Store; con
sisting of Fancy Stationery, Writing
Tablets, Spelling Blanks, Tens and Pen
cils, Ink and Mucilege, Fancy Soaps and
Toilet articles, Tooth Brushes, etc.
Lakeview And Vicinity
New lino Ladies bolts at 1$. A M.
Dutch lunch nt tho Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Hutch lunch tit the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Go to the White Bakery Lunch
Counter. tf
Read Bailey A Massingill's new adv.
this week. i
About 4 inches of snow fell at Pais
ley last Saturday.
Piano for sale ; good as new. Price
S373. Inqucire at this ofllce. tf
New styles in negligee, golf and
coat shirts. Bailey &. Massiugill.
E. Casebeer the western stage man
was in Lakeview from Bly Tuesday.
A. F. Fitzpatrick and wife were
down from Chewaucan on a visit this
Mrs. J. E. Norin expect to go to
Los Angeles on a visit in a few
J. P. Duckworth will buy hides.
Call on or address him at Lakeview
Oregon. "J-tf
Post & King have the beet grade
of liquors and cigars to be found In
Orcicon. tf
Mr. J E. Norin had the misfortune
one day lust week to run a rusty nail
in his foot.
All orders left at the White Bakery
will be promptly filled and delivered
at residence. tf
W. W. Freeburg returned from Ash
land a few days ago, where he spent
most of the w inter.
Gus Enquist came in from the Rock
creek desert this week where the En
quist sheep are ranging.
liny Sauford came in from the des
ert, where he has his sheep, first of
the week, Itay looks to have wintered
Fred Williams, nephew Of J. Wen
dell, returned first of the week from
Clover Flat, where he ha been all
Those wishing score cards for the
game "500 " or euchre can llud them
at The Eaxminer office. Price 25
cents per dozen. tf
J. II. Taunehill came to town Satur
day to remain for a while. Jle took
the grippe and has been considerably
under the weather.
Assessor West has the assessment
roll about completed in this valley
and will soon leave for other parts of
the county. Silver Lake Oregonian.
Successor to
Dutch lunch nt the Brewery Sa
loon. tf
.1. P. Duckworth will pay the highest
price for hidcM. ,Ytf
Bead tho now advertisements In The
Examiner this week.
Iridic and children' hosiery all kinds
Jiist received nt It. A M.
Al Gallagher keeps mining blank
for Halo nt tho Pine Creek Hotel, tf
Ladle ratine underskirts and mohair
dress skirts just receleved at 11. A. M.
Pard Brown, father of Mrs. C. C.
Loft no, came over from tlldwoll last
Several San Francisco drummers
were doing business with our mer
chant tho past week.
The little daughter of Mr. mid Mis.
Dent Hughes, who has leeu seriously
sick, is on the road to rapid recovery.
J. ( Nyswauor returned from Kogue
Kiver last week, where he Went to
bring home his children, Huttie ami
Kev. and Mrs. Howard are sick with
pneumonia. They intended moving
to Pine Creek, put have uot leeu able
to move.
We neglected mentioning the returns
from the Baptist social which was
given last week, which amounted to
about 10.
Faster Sunday conies this year on
April l.'ith, which late date prvssugcs
a late spring. Most people have come
to the conclusion that this will be a
late spring.
liny Shirk and Will George came in
from Adel lust Friday. Koy has U-en
iu the Steins mountain country for
several weeks. He will make a trip to
Bono shortly.
Frank Hull, who was here this week
from Klamath Falls, says The Exam
iner has the Wst and most complete
plant of any newspaper he has seen in
the country.
The street lights were turned on
April llrst The period of low water at
the elect ic light plant has punned anil
it is a convenience to once more have
the steets lighted.
Fields A Hotchkiss started for Bed
Blulf last Saturday with 70 head of
horses and mules. The animals will
lie sold on the California market. Ed.
Ivobinson helped with the drive.
Cordell Thruston drove a baud of
cattle through town lust Saturday.
The stock was being moved from the
feeding grounds at the head of the
lake to Mr. Thruston's home place.
Blair Forward came over from
Cedarville last Sunday, and remained
over Monday iu Lakeview. Mr. For
ward came here to buy mutton sheep,
but returned without making any pur
chases. Cattle for Sale. Fifty-live head of
cattle (or sale at J0 per head. Forty-
one head of cows and H yeur-old heif
ers, eight U-year-old steers and six
head of 3-year-old steers. Inquire at
this otlicc.
J. W. Kiugry, a former Lake county
sheepman, who wintered at Highland
Springs, Calif., came iu from there
last week. Mr. Kingrey experts to re
turn an soon as he urranges some busi
ness matters here
Who wants a good piano? One that
has been used a ilttle by careful
hands, and is iu good condition; just
as good as new and can be had for
.'!73, which is flHO loss than cost ami
freight. Inquire at Tho Examiner
otlice. tf
Bissingtr &. Co., wool and hide deal
ers of San Francisco, have a new ad
vertisement in The Examiner. This
company has established a warehouse
in Lakeview, in charge of J. V. Duck
worth, ft ho w ill buy hides ami pelts
for them.
lunch tl the Brewery
Below we give a report of the weatlmr
A. Pielsr Is about laid up with the " "'""''I '7 Hi Government yealher
grippe. """'nil atuUnn nt The Examiner Ofllce.
No southern mail .mm below Alturas ' " "''I'"1 b" U ";k, n.l II
arrived Tuesday. I ""r "r" mM U k,"' mr T r
' .'of weather condition for future refer
B. Monde!!, representing Blsslnger c,,ee, rut out tho report along the black
A (o., of San Francisco, was In Lake-' e ,,, u , ,,,,, ,MM)k 0
view first of the week. Wl.k ,,r ,,,, T,U r,,n wl U
The Western mnll came lu Tuesday taken on Ttiemla" to end each week and
'M hour late oil account of bad roads ' houiu on WiuIiikmUv fur t)i mot
between Bly and Bonanza
Mrs. Cmhach gave a veiy delightful
".'Oil party" last Saturday afternoon,
which was a pleasing iill'alr.
Chas. Barcus came down from Pals
ley Monday after ti load of stage
freight that had accumulated here for
the moth.
J. P. Duke was up town yesterday.
He stated that the hike has broke up,
and the north wind has driven tho ice
to the south end,
M. Wiugtlelil is down from Paisley.
The amount leslirod from the Li
brary entertainment after defraying
all expenses Is fli'lio.
Stephen A. Ijowell of Pendleton, has
announced his candidacy for the nom
ination on the Bcpuhlicuii ticket for
the office of United States Senator.
We are jdways glad to be Informed
when Tho Examiner Is not being re-
ceivivl by a subHorllier. and will al
ways investigate the cause and rem
edy, if possible, the failure.
The bad man S. A. D. Puter, want
ed iu Oregon lu the land frauds mat
ters, was found in Boston and arrest
ed by Detective Burns, but made a
desperate gun play and escaped.
We have a lull set of M.vsellBollln
& Co V., samples of Stock t ort lllcate
and bonds, with price list. If you
are organizing a stock company get
our pra-os on stock certificates, tf
Mr. H. Port wood, of Monmouth, !
and his family, arrived here Tuesday.
Mr. Portwood came hero to clerk for
tho Lakeview Mercantile Co. The
family will probably occupy the Strip-;
lit! resilience. ,
Government Weather Bureau Ma
Hon at I .nkevicw, Oregon,
C. O. MkTXKKH, 0oerntlvr Observer,
Week ending Tuesday, Mch. :'7. l!HKl
l)r ini jinlii, em-lp n'w ctmm. li-r
lialHMi lull ill limy
wed. j" ."7 j -it I 0.00 (Ml 't't, mly'
thtir. J.I j ((.(Ml j no pt. cl'dy"
fnir.vf M 'a n.:ij on
saf v j .VI j j U..VI IN) i' JJ n . fo im
tiles, j 4H :'l "(l.(M j III) I dour
Lester Kirkputrick, John Ifl-ett and
Will Humphrey left Tuesday for'Pis
ley, wher each expect to purchase a
quarter section of timber land. They
go via Lakeview, and are malting tho
trip on horseback. Klamath Fulls Ile
publicaiu The bond of J. L. Morrow as ad
ministrator of the estate nt tt. E.
Sloan, deceased, was accepted, by the
court aid letters of udmioiMration
issueil Monday. T. B. WaLoH-ld, W.
II. Cooper ami C. T. Powne were
numed as apiraisrs of tb property.
John Brett, John Shea MrsTherseu
Hall, lister F. Kirkputrick, Charles
Soule and Frank Hall wars la Lake
view this week from Klamath Falls
on land mutters. Fiva of tbe above
parties filed on timber land claims.
Mr. Johnson, the c rower, was with
Mr. Gillett, of Willow llwich, whoso
son has been in lakeview for some
time being treated, came up last Sun
day to be with his son during an
operation Monday. A piece of decay
ed bone was rem o vim 1 from tho boy's
log. This was the second operation of
the same kind in the past few mouths.
Pete Grob came in from the desert
first of the week. He says the loss of
sheep on the desert is uot going to be
quite so Wl us it was thought some
days ago. Pete says feed and wuter
is going to bo plentiful on the desert
this spring, and that many of the
bunds will lumb out there, though he
will start his baud for the valley lu
ubout ten duys.
Bain began falling lust Friday and
continued all day and most of the
night. Suturday was a rainy day and
Saturday night about half an inch
of snow fell, melting when the sun
came out Sunday morning.
Dr. Dewey and wife were
to arrive here from Cedarville yester
day ( Wodncsduy ) evening to attend
tho funeral of Mrs. Dewey's father,
Mr. W. L. Mi II is. Dr. Dewey has
hcu sick for some days, and the trip
was u severe one on bim.
Mr. M. D. Hopkins, whose announce
meut has boon running in The Exam
iner as a candidate for the Democratic
nomination for shorilf, has decided to!
withdraw from the ruce. His reasons
for w ithdraw iug, he say, are purely
persoual. Ho says lie can't alford it.
Win. J. Clarke, rcpuhlU-aii candidate
for State Printer, is a well known
pi-ai-tienl printer. He is a son of that
old-tiuiv editor and publisher, S. A.
Clarke-. He asks all old timers and
their sns and all others to vote for
him primary day, April UOth. His
iiume W the first on the list of print
ers. 1
The development League met at tho
Court House lust Monday evening and
disported of considerable Important
business, besides the regular routine
work, 'the Iake County Development
League has come to bo regarded as a
very improtant factor iu the future
wel'ure of Lake County. It U now In
good working order and each meeting
is crow ned with success.
The Ladies' Outfitters,
Anna M. Nt ilon A Co., will make for
you any gnrmont for women or children,
and will umke it a well us it ciui be
mmlo. Will mnke il to plcno you lu
every particular. We w ill do I lie work
promptly, niul never allow yon to lie ills-iitisli-i
w ith any biiHineHM you may do
with us. Kvery garment shall tit, look
well on the wearer, and produce a sen no
of comfort.
GimmI GimI, ami price not in any In
vtiiuco, more than we would he willing
to pay if you were selling and we wero
buying, are the principles iihui which
we cicft to aiicceed.
Our good aie as well worth the mon
ey we auk lor them, a goods you buy
from any catalogue house in Sun 1'rnn-
cIkco aie. e are ready to prove tliis,
and anxious to meet you lor tin purpoiui.
We were a month buying our stock.
We searched the city to get exactly what
we wanted and would take nothing clo.
The price hud to bt right, and we got
the full benelit of cash payment. We
can, and w ill I rent you a well m you can
be treated in buying ANY WIIKKK. tf
Excursion Rate to I'acllic Coat
Notify your friends lu the cant
that reduced round-trip excursion
rates will go Into effect. Jnuo 1, p.NMI,
I and tickets will be on sale dully tltl-
"I"'"1 I.-I....I M.,1,.1.... -II llk.U,
iiiui li nn iiini, wi iwin-i l.nni,
Kates from principal Da torn jxdnt
are as billows:
From Chicago f7..00
" Council BluttH, St. Joseph, L-av-en
worth ami Kansim Clty...$ rtd.oo
" SloiiJrrlty fiJJ.OO
" Di-nver, rolorado .Vprlugs, Pue-
bio and Trinidad f.ono
St. LoiiIm fiW.OO
Now Orleans fitll.OO
Houston fiaxw
For further Information call upon
or write nearest Agent or
D.S. Taggart. Bono Nov.
l.'-f UF.&P.A.
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and
mail orier bouse, ussistant manager
(man or woman) for this connty "and
adjoining territory. Sidary t'JO and
expenses paid weekly; expense money
advaucod. Work pleasant; position
pormaiut-nt. No investment or exper
ience required Spare tiling valuable.
Write at oure for full particulars and
unclose self -addressed envehrpe.
Chicag, HI. 12t
Is The Moon Inhabited.
Srtcnce has proven that tho hioihi
ha an ntinosqhoro, wlihh makett
life ! some form ihmsIIiIo on that
Hatelllte; but not for human being;,
who have a hard ii.oiih time on
this earth of ours; exs-clnlly those
whiMlon't know that Electric BltUra
cure Headache, Biliousness, Malaria,
( lilllsand Fever, .lamxllce,. D.VMjwpHlu,
Dlzsldeas, Torpid Liver, Kidney com
plaints. General Debility ami Female
weakness. Unequalled a general
Tonic and Appetizer for weak p r
aoiia and CHpeclahy tor the iied. It
Induces sound noop Fully guarrwi
teed by I'o Beall Irugglst. Price
Get your Alfalfa Seed at
f?A twelve and one
fs' lialf cts. per i(nid
in quantity.
Frvih Alfalfa Seed at
VOll SALE. Pure-bred Poland
CMna plga. Inquire of ('has. Oliver
o New Pine Cntk, Oregon. L-tf.
Surprise Valley- He-cA-aned
alfalfa aeeil at
Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the
accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake
county, where they will buy beef hides, horse hides,
pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc., at Snn Francisco
prices, freight deducted. "
Warehouse located in The Red 7utchcrshop build
ing, near the Mammoth Livery Stables.
J. I'. Duckworth of the North Lakeview Feed Yard
is a Special Agent, with instructions to pay the
prices stated above, IN CASH.