The Hoybwrn IMII. To Present Statement Popular And Ptcturc.uc j OoniiroM mma to prow more earnest Tlmt nil Onyon land now embraced j The only thin nerecNary 10 make the j in the pnrpoxe of holding clone hands within foret rewrvea which U more lenvr and Km (iratide mwt pop. on any prent work of the nation, and 1 vnlnnWe for other than timber pnr- nUr, a it ha ever leen knn the) not (('WH(inc absolutely ! nnpml- 1 iHne. tnnv bo opened to imitate own- moat pleasant anil nioct picturesque J Ifled control to executive ollticali. 'nrhip and development. Senator Kill- way to cross the continent, ha come When Senator llerburn, of Idaho, ton has innupirnted a movement to about. Mil is the establishment ol brink's nn for consideration his lill hne presented to the Interior lcpnri- tnroniin s u-rpintrar service to place forest reserves umler ureni- ment authentic statements or me poo SILAGE I Oil. BEEF CATTLE In connection with the ). It. A N. s er direct congressional control, and ,h, eontlcuou and most Interested. tlirounh Pullman Standard Sleeper i take back apaiu the power of creating xhe Senator bepin with Lane county, i now run from Portland to Denver, le such, it seems assured of greater sup- which, from reports, aoemed to offer , ing Portland at ..' p. m.. arriving ki port than was thought probable some n striking example of the vile. Jnd:e j Salt Lake Ht .0 a. m, the secern! timeapo. Chrisman, of Lane, any that at lenst , morninn, Jeavinti Salt Lake at 3.0 p. If the Heybnrn bill does not secure 50,U.) acres of land within the bouud- j m. and arrivinn at IVnver 4 "JO p. m. the a place liefore Congress, jrivlnK West- nru8 of his county and now embraced ! following day. Thin schedule gives pas- ern iuterests an opportunity for voic- the forest reserves, is amendable to j senders seven hours stop-over in Salt ins the feelings there on this subject, ncrn-ulture horticulture and livestock , take, affording an opportunity to visit it is quite certain that some other raising. This statement by one who bill will le introduced. Senator Fid- ( j i position to be informed hasloen ton has been endeavoring to get an taken as the basis for net ion. Senator impression of the Senate on thisques- Fulton seeks the sigued statements of tion, especially regarding the creation , HU citizcus of Lnue county who are of more reserves. The experience of 1 informed on 'the subject, and when eotue of the stock interests of the slate in bo far being unable to convince the reserve management of the right of Oregon men to the range in that state, has been one feature of management that has created much discussion. In the creation of Oregon reserves, the necessity of appealing from some of the bureau otfieiuls to the President in person, w ith the consequent trouble and delay of this prolix procedure, and the positive statement made by many persons - affected that land is now embraced within reserves which would be valuable for agriculture and horticulture, emphasizes the necessity of giving the people where reserves are created more of a voice in the work. It is held by many that this cannot be unless the power of creating reserv es is left with Congress, cn which body there is a marked tendency to defer local questions to the delegation affected. CATARRH t-,1 If J 50 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects thi diseased membrane. It cares Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly, lies to res the Senses of Taste and SmelL Easy to nse. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St. New York. gathered, if these War out the report, will present them to the forestry bu reau as reason why such lands should be reopened to private owuership. It seems apparent that the Oovernment's experts often differ with local resi iTentTregarding the real value of for estx land for various purposes. As these exorts are not always familiar with local conditions, and the resi dents of the community w ho are accus tomed to build homes iu forests should lie, a full expression of seuti ment and judgement by the practical mnu is sought. If land is found most valuable for its timler, the Senator says he will not be a party to any effort to throw it open, if the reser ves are held to reasonable liouuds. After getting at the bottom of existing conditions iu Lane county, it w ill lie the purpose to take up other counties affected by the reserves, until all agri culture land has been eliminated. Iu the past the agents of the forestry bu reau have traveled over withdrawn areas, sounding local sentiment, but compluiut has been made that some of these agents were over-zealous in the reserve work, and instead of reflecting local sentiment as to the value of every pi.rt of the withdrawal for var ious purposes, were eager champions of making the reserve as large as pos sible. The work now undertaken is to put iu organized form local thought on the values if limited sec tions of the reserve, and finally deter mine what may be developed otherwise. the Mormon Capital an well a a day light ride through the grandest scenery in thcjworld. For reservation in this car and for il lustrated booklets picturing the scenery contiguous to the IVnver & KloGrande, proving it to b the Scenic Line of the World," wiiteioW. C. Mdiride, Gen eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, of A'nnceporo, Me., lathe ub Jeot of much Interest to the medical fraternity nnd n wldeclrcle of Irleuds. He stiya of his case: "Owing; to 11 seven itifliuiunnt Ion of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave ine up to die, when, ns a hist resort, 1 was Induced to try lr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, It aaved my life". Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsllitls, Weak Lungs. Hoarseness and La (irlppe. (iunr n 11 toed at tae Peall's drug; store. 5oc find Jl.(K). Trial bottle free. 1I'AN'TK1: Two men In each cou nty to represent and advertise Hard-1 ware department, put out samples of our goods, etc. Traveling; Posit- Professor Sottle of the Vlrgluln m peilnieut sta'tlun recently made the fal lowing report of a cattle feeding test: 1 Hiring Inst winter an Interesting ex periment with sixty head of beef cnttl was conducted at the experiment tv I tlon. The twenty cattle fed allnv I mado nn average gain of l.-til pouud J per head per day, the twenty cattle fed timothy hity 1.10 pound per head per day and the twenty cattle fed shredded corn stover, pound per head per day. There was thus a difference of on third to onehalf pound of gain per head per day In favor of the silage fed cattle. The silage fd cattle finished off the best nnd showed more quality Hutu the others nnd Iu any discriminating market would have brought a consider ably higher price. The strong prejudice against using ullage for the winter feeding of beef j cattle Is hard to understand, for It has beeu fully demonstrated that sllnge fed cattle will kill out tilte ns well as tln dry fill cattle, and the meat Is, general ly sM'aklng. of a superior quality. Whereas the sllnge was alt eaten up. Kl.5 of the stover and 4.1 per cent of the hay were wasted. The gains show that the cattle fed were uot of a satisfactory quality. In previous experiments a pound of grain has Ihmmi made for n consumption of three to four pound of grain. The silage fed cattle In this test consumed 0.54 pounds of grain for a pound of gain, the stover fed cattle It. IH pounds, or about twice ns tum-h, and the hay fed cattle 8.!t pounds, or 2.45 pound more per day than the sll:igi fed cattle With better bred unlnials fed In pre vious experiments, the average gain per head has often been 2.1H pound throughout the six months' feeding pe riod, which ngaln testifies to the un satisfactory quality of the nnlmals fed In tills test. PKoll:5SI0NAL trrrtrrtt t'frs r t f t r . ''C I ff , VVIIII'M, M. 0, S ritpi IAS pm4 mi li.l:o Paisley, .0 Oregon. . Ill T V II 4 I.I. rh)fttrlan mm4 hnrra omCK- Nvw Paly lliill.lltK. 1.. f. tw Atlnrnr) a l.nw jtkrvl-H. Ilrraok OKKIt r.-tmly, I, It. VK1ATOH IjukI nailer MM-rlall OKFH'K- !)' IliilUtlnic. OREGON SlIOICTlilfiB and Union Pacific Salt Lake, Denver, Kan sas City, Chicago, St. LouIa New York. unnnuru nr tut unnin i.kcvi-w v nomjfln ur inc nuniu c.ii.pNo.Mn )' ' Sli m on 1 hp Id k ix1 41I1 Wc.liM'.ilnjr l ( t-krll In-Mitli III Mumillll' Mull, HI i. ni. I ) K W ikiNih k, I'oimiit ( ointiiftliiliT. t . .N. Uyl lull, I ht. L h I.AKKVJKW KNCAMI MKNT, Nn. I. S .(s I. O. o. r. tm-nn 1 ho ll mul l Thnr S ilajr vrnliiiciic)( ii h mnnlli In Oitit Trl- S Q low.' lkrvlr. A. W . Mmirlii. V S V. P.. J. W. Tin ker. Hc-rlls. b.:foi.i.btt Paper II r Painter New Pine Creek, I anger . Oregon THIS PAPER illlf Mri'rl, CtHllrai K (nr l ki.i on m- i K. (' run', A'l v. ril,iiiu Ak nrv 1.'4 smi- ln prMiti'lM-o. I nl., wlirn '!w rt!Hi ran ! nimlr lor ll Imprrna of Hie Shorthorn. Our cattle today would have Ix-en lin Ion or Otlice Mnnnper. Salary t'Hl jht I mensely more uniform, fully 11s vnlun- He nntl irolni'ly uuto uscrui im n mini l ll, V frn nu ai,t , " nn inn .i 1 paid In advance. We furnish every thing. U The Columbia House Iept. C10, h2M .".til Ave ( hicngo. 111 OASTOXIIA. Bri itm j Ito V:a KafflAlwavs Ba:l of Notice for Publication. United States Land Otlice, Lake- view, Oregon, Mar. 24, HMW. Notice is hereby given that Harry F. Calderwood o( Plush, Lake Co., Oregon has Hied notice of Intention to make proof on his desert-land claim So. 407, for the SEJ .NEI4 See. 14 Tp. 37 S., K. 2o E W M before Helster and Receiver at Lakevlew Oregon on Monday, the 21st day of May, l'JMJ. He names the followinj; witnesses to prove the complete irrigation nnd reclamation of said land: Clay Sambo, Frank Dotiison, Thomas Calderwood and Nelson Calderwood of Plush. Orejron- J.N. Watson Register. Lost on Goose Lake." That which was lost was, "two soft checks nnd two soft hands. Thornton's Favorite Cream for chaps." whole if none except Shorthorns had ever been Imported ns Improvers, Stitwrltirr, to I In- Kinmliirr who remove Iritln out- IoikImv Ii Niiiolii r. ur rtntncr I lii-ir .iiHli .!ilr.' atiniilii r" iin iiit. r ilrop tliln oltsi-r i itr l ili' lr n. r i i I't- l ilrrM'il to tin- riLhl rtttf11rc. WET WEATHER. WISDOM! TO I mowinIu THE ORIGINAL SLICKER 6LACS OA .YE LLOW I WILL. KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES caTALOGucs rare LL LINC Or GAMMCNTS AND HAT. A. J. TOWER CO., 0TOH, MAIS., U.S.A. TOWCR CANADIAN CO , LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. 1 o Cure a Colli In One Day j Take LAXATIVE It i: M IJIIMNK Tsl IfO-. All I r 1 1 w' w 1 - ridinil the money il it f.iiln ti euro. E. V.(Jrnve' ikMittir in 1. 11 f :t l ImiX "V Ocean Steamers between Portlami and Sun Francisco every llvodnys. Low Rate Ticket to nnd from all part ofj tho United .Vtatf. ChuhiIh smi l'urope, For particular, call on oraddre, A. L. Craljf,' (J. , Portland, Cre. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIMU TAI1LB . . . ZZZZ I Meet May lt, VM't. ' l.v. Thrall ..A A. M t.v. l'..krKln in ii A If Ar. lloKiia. .. ' Ar. Imi.. .. , In.f.i " S I Hr' IM." ' kl'h II 4l " " Kallfr k 7 IW " KalH r... k II 4 " " Kl'h Si'7 in ' Hlwl Hr'gt' li '' " I Miln Ill " " liocni l. ail'M " I'oki-Kaniaa.ju Ttirnll U.ttt " Klamath Spring Special. I r. Thrall... Ar. IIi.kii. I v Hl.-i-l llr'l(r'J l.i " ' Kail frt-fk J.1A Kl'li r-'K t.u I ! I'. M.l.v. Kl'h 'f 1 H Ar. ran i mtlM HlrH lir'gt-g in " " lioK'ia . M ' llirall..,. S. FREE i To All Our Subscribers The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub Ished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of the United States. It gives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. OOODE. BiioiMiryu.v cow. ; writes It. 1. IJo-h ill I'.reedcr's ;i zette. The fact Unit with the excep tion of n very few herds the AiiH'rlcau Shorthorn Las been bred for beef for u century, nnd by Is-ef men, und ut thin Uuy does persist lu putting out cows ; with some value fur milk liiillcnies n milky way lu the Shorthorn lirm.nueut i somewhere. i t. ........ .!... .... ,1... ll... ...1,1... lUUIUllUUIIti Uli IliV, tut' i iuku, i of the Gazette says, "the excellence claimed for our so culled 'natives' of the present day is generally to bo creil- j lted to a dash of the blood of some tin- i proved breed, usually the. Shorthorn, ' which Las been the pioneer cosinopol- ltau improver of bovino stocks." Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer Two For the Paice of One: The County Exam,ner Tlie Leading County Paper and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. O. fletzker, Lakeview, Oregon. Fat Uraft lloraca. Large, Leavy druft horses bring uiom money than lighter ones. I-'or this rea son a great many dealers and hundlers of drafters try to get them ns fat as possible before offering them for sale. Discriminating purchasers, however, are very quick to notice the difference between fat add muscle. A corn fed, closely stabled draft horse Is In very much the same condi tion as a fat ox and Is of little more ervlce for hard work. In buying audi a borse the new owner bus a Job on bis Lands to work the fat oft! and de velop muscle enough to make a valu able worker. With proper feed and a reasonable amount of exercise it la Just aa easy and Just about as cheap to cover a borse's bones with good healthy mus cle as It Is to stable him, feed him corn and set blm hog fat. The muscular horse gives satisfaction and belps sell the next one. Farmers Advocate. Everyone should iubicrttn for his home paper, in order to get all ths local news, but to keep In touch with the world's dally vents should also read The Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, The leading evening newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which hu com plete Associated Press reports and special leased -wire service, with correspondents In Important sews centers and In all the cities and principal towns of the Northwest. Portland and suburbs are covered by a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 29 to 28 pages, and has colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fashion page, an Interesting serial story and other attractive features in addition to all the sews ct the day. Subscription Rates: One month, 50 cents; three months, 11.35; six months, $2.60; twelve months, $5. Sample copies mailed free. LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE II. K. IU, I'rop'r. Office In lilcbcr' Store first Slnu'e lenve Ijtlmviow dnily, ex ept r-niidny at 1 a. in. Arrives at Aim ran at (1 p. m. I-avei Alturaw (or Ijtkevlew at (1 o'clock a. m. or on the arrival of the ntiiu from Madeline. Ar rive in Lakeview in 12 boiiri af ter leuviiiK Alturn. Preterit - Mntters - (liven 5trlct - Attention Accomodations. Class Western . Stage . Line Nam of O. I. C. Iwloe. The O. I. C. bogs are simply what their same (Ohio Improved Cheaters) Implies. They constitute one of the numerous pure bred strains of Chester Whites which are recorded la the Ohio Improved Chester White Record asso ciation. It Is from the Initials of this title that the name O. L C. Is derived. There have been no less than five rec ord associations founded for the re cording and protection of this breed. Including the one above mentioned, the others being the American, the Na tional, the International and the Stand ard. Michigan Farmer. Growlo Weol. If you want good quality wool take such care of the sheep that they will not lose flesh or get out of health. Any thing that stops the thrift and causes sheep to get out of condition will cause Injury to the wool and depreciate the value. Eminent Dcctors Pralss its Ingraillents. Wo refer to tiiut IxKiri to w;';i, nervot.", nlferiiiK women known an Ur. i'lerocj'S Favoriui Prescription. Ir. John Kyfeonoof the Killtorlul Staff of Tiik Kc i.Kcnc Mkdk ai. 1!kvii:v nays of Unicorn root, (r Inula lUnif.i) which Is one of the. pli iff im.'redie nls of the " Fa vorite Prescription " : "A remedy wiilch InrarlaMy nets aa a utor lim In vlirnratoi' uiuk fur iiurtiiul ac tivity of tlm entire rciii'.xliictlvii amicm." He continue "In Hi'lonlu v. e have it medica ment wlilcli tnoro fully uiisweiH the aiiovii tmriaiwK t'wn mil othrr tlruy with which I on UiiiiuilnttA. In the treatment, of cllscawM tifl cuilur to women 11 la seldom that u case In aowi which doc not preai'iiL Nome Indication for tli I m remedial aionil." Ir. I'jfe further aaya: "The followhia' are amoiiir tlm leading Indications for llclonlaw (Liilcoin root). I'aln or at'blna In the hack, with lciicorrho-a; atonic (weak) condltloim of thn reprixluctlve oryan of women, mental dcpreHHlon and lr rltahlllty, aMHoclated with chronic dlHeascaof thn reproductive orifaim of women, eonniant animation of heat In thn rwtflon of the kid Buy h; monorrhaitla (Hooding), due to a weak ened condition of the reproductive ayntemi amenorrhu'a (HUpiiretaed or absent monthly period ), arlnlnif from or accominnylng an abnormal condition of the dlg-cHilve orvana and anaml3 ( tliln blood) habit; draa-Klng' annaatlonH la the extreme lower part of the abdomen." ... If more or lessor the above symptoms are present, no Invalid woman can do twtter than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, one of the leading "(redl enta of which la Unicorn root, or llelonla", and the medical properties of which li most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," l'rof. Finley ElllnKWCMid, M. 1)., of Uen nett Medlcul CoIIcko, Chicago, nays: "It la an important remedy In disorder of the womb. In all catarrhal condition and general enfeoblement. It la uaeful." l'rof. John M. Kcudder, M. I)., late of Cincinnati, aaya of Uolden Heal root t Jn relation to ita rnral effects on the ayntt-m, liter (a no tnalU-ine in ust atHtut which thert it iiu-h general unanimity opinion. It U univtrmilly revardnd a IM tonic uaeful in all dubllltaUid atata." Prof. Uartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable In uterine hemorrhaa-B. ruenor rharla (tloodlnv) and conaemlvo Ui'Hmonor rhu a (painful menairuatlon)." Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named In jrredlenls and cures thn discuses (ur which they are recoinmundcxU. , J. I.. VAUIN, I'roprlclor. Office In tlnkville Ifotel klf math fall. I 'nil v from I'okeireuni by Ketio, Klain ath KiiIIn, I (airy, Jioiiiinza, and Ply to Ickeview. Daily from Lakeview by Itly, P.onanza Dairy, Khunuth Fall, Keno, to Po kev'etna. From Klamath Falls to Keno;by Hteamer anil from Keno to Pokce'ina over the HuiiHct Four llorce Htugn I.ine. Good Stock LAKEVII-W Easy Coaches PLUSH STAGE LINE H. L. McNauoiito.v, Prop. Office at Mercantile Store Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 0 a. m., arrives at Plush at 9 p. in. Leaves Piush Tues days, Thursdays and Baturdays, at 6 a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 0 p. tn. Passenger fare 3 one way or $5 for round trip. Freight rates from May 1st to Nov. 1st $.75 per hundred j fronr Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per hundre A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Con, Btlputlon, often endn In Appondlcltln. To avoid all hctIouh troublo with Htonmcb, Liver, and IJoweln, take Dr. Kings Now Life Tills. They per fectly regulate theao organH, without pain or cllwomfort. iTc at ijee Beall brugglwt. MIIKKF KKANUH. Iam09 Rami Brn) with Swallow Fork la jaiilCd DailJ right ear for awri) rrveris for wethers. Bom ewei Bquara Crop and BUI In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Ilanga, Crane Lake. PottofBc addreaa, Lakavlew, Oregoa , LaU If IlllftUI III ar, nail Vadarorop off right for ewea ; revarae for wethora Tar Brand W.Kanga, Flah Creek. PoatoBoe addreaa Lakeview, Oreuou