Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 05, 1906, Image 4

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    fftlur titountu QBxcvntnrf 1
Published Every Tlmreday.
Maeeate BulMInt
KnterM t the ToM Ollloul l-akevlew, Ore.
I Svoond-Claaa Matter.
(One Year
JSIx Month,...
(Three Month.
. . 1 .00
Easter Snnday. ,
Many of the most populnr and cur
ious ruftoms an.l opscrvntions of
Eastern and Eastertide are of remote
and l'Bjran origin . The name Easter
itself i. undoubtedly derived from the
artistic appellation of an ancient Sax
on goddess "Kastre" or Eostre."
This bright lady, tall and tlaxeu hair
ed, as popularly nupposed to preside
at the annual birth of the spring
when earth began to deck herself with
flowers and beauty aud heaven itself
was cleared. She was evidently a re
lation of 6 ieuf ried, aud before him of
Italdnr, all of them types of the glory
and beauty that arose in the world
when the early sprint? was born and
the days grew longer, as the death of
the irreat sata heroes was typical of
the decline of summer and its death at j
the bunds of the cold and cruel nortn
ern w inter.
These beautiful myths appear to
have lnen strangely suggestive and
indicative of that great truth which
was so soon to follow them to be
born into the world aud never to leave
it, come summer, come winter in the
person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
American Press.
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Republican Candidate for United States Senator.
Champion of Statement One.
Jonathan Bourne. Jr. candidate before the Republican
Our Sping: Stock is arriving;,
will soon be Complete.
New spring DressGoods
We have here a showing in all the
lending shades of gray that has never
been equaled in Lakeview before.
Cream and White Knglish Mohair
Ilrilliantccns, Henrietta Albetross,
etc., including many novelty waist
ings for spring.
New spring Neckwear
An Attractive Array of Novelty
Neck Kibbons, Tinsel Melts, Mack and
Side Combes, Hand Hags, .S'ilk and
Kid ('doves.
New Showing of Heautilul Shirt
in Lawns to Arrive soon.
Men's and Hoys' Spring Clothing.
Do Not Overlook This Store.
Pioneer Store
' in in
primaries lor tnc nomination oi i nuui ouuw ';
Congress, for the long term commencing March 4-,ll)07, ; 111
was born in New Bedford. Mass., February 2V lSpiS; was!1
niin niWnf the class of 1S77 at Harvard University; ! ' ' ; ;
came to Portland May 10. 187S, was a .Republican mem-
In granting Senator Fulton the cour-jber of the Oregon Legislature in the session ot lb.V) ami
ra session ot lSSb; was one ol uregon s ticiegatcs
tesy of delaying creation of the Rogue
River forest reserve, m southwestern
Oregon, President Roosevelt empha
sized that he did so to enable the Sen
ator to get together the community
sentiment If that poition of the state
is opposed to the reserve, the infer
ence follows that the withdrawal will
not be made permanent. In doing
this, the President has deferred to
local sentiment more than his subor
dinates in administrative circles, as
the Forestry Bureau is determined to
make this withdrawal permanent, with
few eliminations. The several com
munications sent to Senator Fulton al
ready indicated to him that a major-
it nf th neoole directly anecieu
were atrainst tne reserve.
the extra
to the Republican National Convention of 1SSS, and Ore
gon's member of the Republican National Committee from j
18S8 to 1892 and a delegate to the Republican National j
Convention of 1802,'and was elected as a Mitchell Kepub-j
lican to the Oregon Legislature in 1SIH.
Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with)
the development of the mineral resources of Oregon than j
anv other man in the state, having expended in the last 20 j
years over $1,000,000 of his own money in the acquisi-j
"tion and development of Oregon mines. j
While Mr. Bourne has hadhis residence ami main office j
at Portland since 1878, he has had another office at New;
Bedford, Mass., and has carried on .the business of his.
estate since 1880, which makes him familiar with
The children's friend
Jayncls Tbnic Vermif ug c
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
Gives tone, vitality and snap.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tcko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tatiets.
Cures Crip
la Two Dy.
Seven Million boxes lold in past 12 months,
indeed. His publication contains
some very interesting forecasts, which
.. ' . ... . I f . j.
t-inst the reserve. As there i ,1lnt1,. nf lu l.nrrr,. mtort-sts and leadimr men 111 tlie lasi.
had not been full expression of opin-j Tj ' f- : COniunctioil with his tremendous'
ions, all the Senator could say -to thei . ' v oriffinaiitv executive ability and experience in ! MJ( TKTf MITTVI ADIT A I Ill?
Srpi: business and political aftairs preeminently .pudifyhim for. NO 1 WO MkN AKH, AU&t,
i ! making an able and lnlluentiai enaxoi ior uie oiuk ur
Eev. Irl K. Hieks, publisher ofl() .
Word and Works, is a very seltUh man, p ,.i nt,.mliii.r tin- diri-c-t
1JWU1 lit litis cll ill iciwi..i f-,
power of the people over their government as far as pos- ;
weshouldhave liked very n,nch to;Sijle. lie was one Ot tllC leading spirits m uie umi'iuu
have published, ewn at the cost of.'am Keferendum movement from 1800 until it was ap
credit to Word and Works, but !provcd ,v the voters at the Juneclectiou in 1002. In 100 1
perusing Mr. Hick,' forecast for , - mcmber of the executive committee of the Direct '
AtriL and carefullv electlng eucn - '- " . . , , , , A. .
maJter concerning storms in this sec- i Primary Nominations League, and holds the same posit
tion of country, we noticed at thei ion with the People's Power League at this time. In all;
bottom of the forecat-ts, a note which ! these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee
read: "All the above forecasts areL, .vncimc of nrenarillir and orooosillg their,
on every
box. 25c.
;hoice of United States Senator
copy wrightea uuiier iii copjrit,ui. : ,
law. and aU publisher- are kindly, measures to the people
-lM.r, rint 1 He savs that the choice
them, either with or without credit, 'should be by direct vote of tlie people, and tnac tut iegis
So any forecasts of the weather in j lature should be compelled to elect the man the people
April contained in The Examier willUelect j() accomplish this result, he is championing State-.
either be from local prophet or from i t y f t, 1rimarv elections law as the only method :
our pesomd knowledge of weather con-, ""'KJ' 1 . . - , ,.,.t;.1i;v,.,l mnrl.-
ditions, which might be more satis- i by which public opinion may be crystalhed aiwl made,
factory to ou i readers if given post j effectiw ujioii the Legislature. ,
mortum. In his jK'tition for nomination he says:
j "If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term;
The Klamath Republican says the ; r y fnvrir. !
Republican Politics.
Amending National Constitution for People's election of;
United States Senators. " j
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses
recent storm at Klamath iaJls was so
insignificant that mention of it was
not worthy of space, hence, no men
tion was made of the storm. It Lake
view was to get a two-foot snow storm
it would be of such rare occurrence
that the occasion would be worthy of
preferred space in our columns.
Golly, a snow storm to attract the at
tention of the Klamath Falld paper
would necessarily have to be a whopper.
April 10th is the very last day on
which voters can register before the
primary election. Those who wish to
take part in naming their party's tick
et should avail themselves of the now
limited opportunity to do so, as the
requirements qualifying non register
ed electors on the day of election are
numerous and tedious, and much red
tape, besides the doubts of some as to
the legal status of the operation.
We see by last week's Herald that
Geo. H. Ayres is the editor of that
paper. His name at the head of the
editorial column announces this fact.
If Mr. Ayres flourishes the scissors as
dexteriously in his new role as he used
to in the drygoods department of a
merchandise store laurels will deck bis
brow and bouquets fall thick and fast
at his feet.
I have received the spring and sum
mer samples of The Standard Ladies
Tailoring Co., for Eton, Pony aud
ehlrt waist suits, skirts, jackets and
rain coats.
lm. Miss Mae Snider.
There may bo n hundred men In thla city who hnvo nrmn tlio unm U-nuth
a yourx hut th. rt- I not uin- oili.-r man In tlm wlmlo futility whu l tlio mimo
us yourself In nil tli r ri"ittlimn.
It Ih nlmply an lniioNtlblllty tft grt i p rfrrt fit tint? ult by buylnif rcudy-to-M'car
We will make a nult to your tneumin- fur l.'O.
You pay that much, or nearly that tnm h fnr every hnnl-n-ilawn null you buy.
1 .in.rtmilf rlttM' mUr tu urn ttirwl
cut ami Mwru
imt hy fi t!tolllil. 'Ill-
.y li.iM-ltlntT'.
T!i:ir l wt,y yiti Ikivp 1
ftin t nt I I II.. ir l- k ..f
l,.,, ,rti llo-iri Unit m il.iv.
U'f Mill innlw' tt unit lo ',r rin'ftilir. tt
y,iur p.'l,i.lvi' M.'tir- -iiti.t will III j-m Um oii.
II wn h'llll f,r J"'i. nii'l n, -ln.' t"T $31.
U'' K''I'i Ii,i i-lnllt t,i mi itll wil rl,i'Vnt
- Iki i-I'ifii U i,w uixt lk"i"H J t -1 otr ll,
J...I, Irti.-.l pntlrrii I, Hi,, I i'M'Mi',1 i .ry w.-jiii
I mi, I . ! !Mi llk - lliu-il Kl'h lHiirl.-il lntv
ll.iu rl'ilh.
Hi, Ii.ii wli'i-ii', ii.,vfr;d jinMi-rn. n ny fif w will iiiiiki ii( In i,nr niriiiir.i f-,r
I V" I'VI'r-'-il f",l,,l ,tfill,'l M Mill III, ill
Jl.ll II Mllll-illl. llf H lllll l.lll'll.ll OtKrltl) i,itlim. , smith In mi In w II m II will lie m ill hy
InllurM hi't jrur itl tliV "latt-rrt."
Tlii l-i liirrnitiifl of tin fiiillnrn U a ili-p ifrny.
wliti mi lui.,it lMMrr'pi 11,1ft (iverlluv ir
rhr, k. 'Mm t-i-lur iif IliU fulirli' ih- mil nhow
iltl"t I'lmlly. it'M'i tint ttlluklt mill tin litlicii llii,
ilyi in i Hfll fhHt tlin uriiii'iit ImikH HkH new
until It U u 11 Anrn mil. '1 hr- wml uil In -inv-
lliK tlllil ifitriltfllt W1IN Hi'li'il'il wltll lllillnillll
rm. 'llnTtf U nil Hlmrt will In tlm fitlirlc nmt
rm pIhnIiI. llii rloili tnm o tin n wchti tlt'.t
It 'r'iMiiiif a fnlrly liur, mirfurf, nmt at tint
rnn r Unix Ik wift ami pllnl'lf. It will nut wufr
ii ii or mt ni'liiy. '1 iil rlnili rnunnt l tuKlit
frniii the mill fur li tlinn 1 1. .'ill a )anl. mt
n Mifr If yrti iMitiirlit nvo ttiniiiiamt j-Hnl. W'o
ar tin I'm-lili C'iMHt ri'iirriioiiintlrra nf a nymll
I'titi of tli liiri;'Nt iMiin inllla In tin wurlrl.
That I'linlilca uk tu lnnk till iliiirl'viti'iipil orTi-r
,f a ult ti irimr iin-iimire for Hriiil fur
r 3- -IT111
j 5"": T"
PHinpIp imll It ilf-i iw-e Imw Inriir ami vimi
the wiml nrumU are nuto Low well tli"ily
tua art.
j Timbrr Ijind otlrr.
1 I'nited Muti-H band Ollice I.ukevicw,
tiri-if'Hi Mirt lt L'O Ndtico in lire-
by tiivi'ii tlnit in i-om pltHiit'u with tlm
pri'vixiotn of the Art nf June .'I, 1878,
eiitilled "An nrt fur tlie Hitle of tiiiilier
j limil in the Stuti H of ', Ore
Kurt, Ni-'vuilumnl Waaliihuloii Territory,"
I an ixtfiiilfd to nil tin' Public Ijttid
imii..u l.c ....I i.f n..iiMt J lHr f.f.i.rif
Conn, l'liiMli-y, enmity of Luke. Stuti
of Oregon, Iwim this ibty, (lied In HiIh
ollice IiIm HWorti hI ii tftnfut No
fur tin- ptirrliMM of tln W'i s i Swl,
NWJ Stf. l.W SKJ N't Htt-tloii No
11 In Towithlilp No. :!l .s., Kuni No.
17 !:. V. M..ntid will off.-r jnoof to
sliuw tli.'tt tin' Inlld HutlKht Is liiorr
vn I mt I ile fur Its 1 1 in Imt or hIdiu' I linn
for a i; ilr u 1 1 tirnl piirpoHt-M, itml to
1'hIiiIiIIhIi Ills cl.iliil to Mitlil Iitml be
fore Iti-UliT itml Hoi-river at l.nke
vU'W, Oreiroii. on rrltlity, tlie l.'itlt
lIll.V if .1 line, I'.MI'i.
lie iinnicH iim wit iichhi'n : C.i:. Ml II III'
of I.nkevlew, Oretfoii, M. V, -arrow,
P. 11. Conniil, A. A. Furrow of I'nlsly
( )rfn'tu.
Any and nil pcrMoiiH iliiliiilii ad
versely the ubovt'.ileHcrllM'il liimls
are reiiirHtt'd to II le tlielr cIhIiiim in
t Ii 14 ollice on or beforc Mlild l.'itlj du
of .llllie, mot;.
.I.N. WlltHOIr
U'lD Kt-Kintcr.
Fill mt thla ronpnn ami mall In tl ami w
will aoml ym a mhihiiIi of th rl'itli. K'i"r
antHp that th riiiiiiIh 1m ai'liially t-nt fnun tlm
very Uilt of rlotli from whlcli we uiakp fhr anlt,
U'lmn trill vIhII I'orllnml. I'niii III mill vi-rlfv thla
National Control ot corporations,!. Interstate commerce, i ZrUZ ".;,. .:
Ku'u Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Waes ; - ;" mmbi.
ii i i ',' It la the almplfat tlilnr in the worm tr tinre
Alake WOOIl ltlC'llS. aome Mvnd take your meaaiire. W will m-n.l
yuu a ta infaaure iim, and Inatnictloua huw
to take a nieaaurft for a ault of rlothea.
lie aurr aud arnd for thla ani,lc. If yon t
milt from thla offer, yon will tie wriirliiK a
fraruirat the pattern of which local ili-alMra can
not poaallily fft In a lock twfore another yi-ar.
1'lie oat urn of mt t'J) ault will l aold ueit
year aa the luteal thy other tailor).
Leijal limitation labor hours for safety on railroads.
Parcels Post, including rural delivery.
Pure Food laws. Liberal appropriations for Panama
Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor improvements,
including Columbia and Willamette rivers, Coos, Yaquina
and other Oregon harbors, Cclilo canal, Government canal
at Oregon City. Fair share of Irrigation fund for Oregon.
Loyal support of successful candidates. Rigid enforce
ment Statement One. Roosevelt for second elective term.
I desire that the following statement be printed after
my name on the nominating ballot:
KisAL, moor.
,and Offce at Lakeview, Oregon,
Mar., 24, 1000. A'otlce in hereby
given that the following-named net
tier lias filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be
made before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon, on tho 21st day
of May, 190G viz. Harry A. calderwood
UK 2:rG for the NJ NW & N NEJ
Sec. 14 Tp. 37.S' Range 25 13 W M.
I lo names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation ot said land, viz:
clay ltambo, Frank Donison, Thomas
calderwood and Nelson calderwood
of Flush Oregon.
J . N. Watson Register.
Human Blood nark.
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
Colunilila Woolen Jill la Co., Tortlnnd. Or.
rieuae aend me free, aaniple of late pat
tern KiiKllDb orerllue irooda, from which
jtimi acren to make a ault tu nieaatire for
fi", AUo aend me, free, a pocket tape
meaaore and Idank, and liiatructlona for
taking meaanre. thla doea Dot obligate
tne to buy a ault uuleaa I wlab.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human blood In the home of J. W.
Williams, a well known merchant of
r ' II,. .11 iiTaarlti 4- l't.ll (ca I
imc, jy. jic wr . x v j ; httve h, d fl,ed ,Q th,H omc0 Ujer
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the na trMnu
Timber ljnd Nolle.
United Htatea Land Oflice, Lakeview,
Oreuon, April :i, 1906. Notice is here
by given that in compliance with the
provifiona of the act of Congress ol
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands in the S'tatea oi
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington Territory," aa extended to all
the 1'ublic Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, 1892, the following persons
lungs, and was near death when I
liegan taking Dr. King's New Discov
ery. It completely cured me and I
have remained well ever since." It
cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs,
Settled Colds and Rronchltls, and is
the only knowncurefor Weak Lungs.
Every bottle guaranteed by Ix-e
Beall Druggist. r0c and 1.00. Trial
bottle free.
sworn statements, as follows:
John Shea, of Klamath Falls,
county of Klamath, State of Oregon.
Sworn statement No. 3076, for the
purchase of the NEJ HwJ, EJ NwJ,
NwJNwJ.Sec. 1, T .'54 K R 17 E.t
Lester F. Kirkpatrick, of Klamath
Falls, county of Klamath, State of
Oregon. Sworn statement No. 3077,
for the purchase of the NJ NFJ, SwVi
NEJ. NEJ NwJ' sec. 2, tp. 34 S., IV 17
E., w. M.
That they will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or atone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish
their claim to said land before (ico.
Cbastaln, county clerk, at his ofilclal
place of business, at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Friday, the 8t h day of
June, 1900.
They name as witnesses:
John Rrett, Archie Johnson, F. II.
Hall, Charles Soule, L. F. Kirkpatrick
all of Klamath Falls Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
oflice on or before said 8th day of
June, 1908. J. N. Watson,
14-23 Register.
A Lucky Postmistress
Is Mrs. Alexander, ofi nry, Me., wln'
has found Ilr. King's New Lite I'llls
to lie the best remedy she ever tried
for kcepl ig tin? Stomach, Liver and
ltowi-Is In perfect order. You'll agree
with her If you try these painless
purifiers that Infuse new lift', (iunr
anteed by Ie Reall Druggist, I'rlce
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
WANTED: Two men tu each
county to represent and advertise
Hardware Department, put out
samples of our goods, etc. Travel
ing i'osltlon or Ollice Manager. Sal
ary 90.00 per mouth cash weekly,
with all expenses paid In advance.
Wo furnish everything.
Chicago, III.
Dept. CIO, Monon, Uldg.
For Sale.
One Hue Jack, mid a small bund of
good mures. For particulars, write
to J. W. Loftus, Adel, Oregou.