Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 05, 1906, Image 3

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Qcucral Information
Finally liquors fit I'ost & KliitfS tl
MImm Animbclln Itarlliijr. will Minx
'IM'iiiihc 1 l.nvo You," In her miint
rhnrniliifr way. (mth house, Fri
day fvoriliiK. March l'l.
WANTI-D: 10 un'i In t'wh state
to tnivi'l, poht aIkiim, advcrtlso mid
leave rminplcs of our fronds. Salary
f7.V0) jmt month. .'J.OO per day for
Di pt. W, Allan IHcM k.ClilcaKO. 52-2.
Tin-F.xaialntT han mi'lvt'd a new
sample book of the Wall Htrcet line
of engraved -ertln-nt' ol stock and
tioiid blanks, tin inoMt (ipto-duto on
ttiu market. I'm-d and endorsed by
tint li'iidlnK lliiaiicirr of Atiierlcii.
CjopyrlKlitod. Call and them If
you iicd anything In this line.
Kellro for l,lllrllo.
I )iI rtiiif lit of the Interior, 1-and Of
fice it Ijiki'vi'w,)r ion, Feb. 1ft, WW '
NOTICK U hereby given that the fob
IrmliiK named settler ha filed notice of
liU Intention to make final proof in sup
port of lit rWini. snd that !! proof will
made. More KonlKtcr ami Keceiver
at Lake view. Oregon, on 2nd day of
April 11HMI ; via:
ft! ward Monroe , If. K. No. (Ft.
nidwcll. Calif., for the KK!4'NK-4'f
Y.Y.)i, hw'jSlv1, Sue, 2V T. 10 8., It.
22 K.W.M.
He name the following witnesMia to
prove lil continuous reaidenro upon and
rultivntion of said land, vis. Allie I..
Mutiny and Hoy T. Siielllng of Ft. Hid
well Calif. J. N. Watson,
8 2 KegiaU'r.
The Illinois Central
maintain unixrelled service from the
Went to the F.aatand S4tith. Making
clone connections ith traina of all
tranm-oirtlncntal line, pBaengera are
given their choice of route to ( hicauo
ill.. Memthi and New Orleans,
and through then iointa to the far j
ent. j
lroiH- tive traveler decirlng infor
mation um to the lowest rates and Wat
route- are invited to eorre-Kiid with
the following representative".
It. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
112 Third St., l'ortlund, Ore.
J. C. Mndaey, Trav 1'aHseiigor
Agent, 142 Third Mt.. Portland, Ore.
1'aul 15. Thimipwon Faaaenger Agent
Colman Ituilding .Seattle Heidi.
If Vou are not Particular
don't travel over the Illinois Central,
aa any old road will do you and we dont
want your patronage; hut if you are
particular and want the heat and mean
to have it, auk the ticket ngent to route
you via the ILLINOIS CF.NTKAL, the
road that run through aolid vestibule
train" bet ween M. Paul, Oniaha, Chicago,
Ft.liuia, Memphia, and New Orleans.
No additional charge in made for a seat
In our reclining chair cars which are
fitted with lavatories and smocking
rooms, and have ajwirtcr in attendance.
are the lowed and we w ill he glud to
quote them lit connection with any
transcontinental line.
11. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, I'orlland Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. A P. A., 112
Third Street, Portland, Ore.
l'aul 11. Thompson, Frt. & Passenger
Agent, Colman Hldg., Seattle, Wash.
Beware of Ointments for Cattarrh
That Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of Hindi and completely derango
the wholo system wheti entering It
through the -niveous surface. Such
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions from reputable phy.
BlclanH, as the dnmage they will do
Is ten fold to the good you can poss!
bly derive from them. Hall's Cut
arrah Cure, manufactured by F.J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon'the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. In
buying Hall's Catarrah;Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio,
by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by druggists. Price 75c.:per
Take. Hall's FarnllylPllla forcon-stlpatton.
Want your moustache or beard
a Dcautirui Drown or ncn mzzz. ru
onn tmino to
We print township plats. tf
Mining blanka at the F.xamlner
Dutch lunch at tho Ilrewery. Sa
loon, tf
Merman Sox, Pelts and Overshoes
of nil kind at Lakevlew Mcr, Co.
The F.xamlner prlnla township plats,
and makes them Into book to order, tf
Look at the description of the land
Hated with The Kxaminer this week for
ale, and sulcct'yoitr piece before It ha
been sold to some one e'se. tf
Plank for final proofs, Desert proofs,
timber land final proof and blank am
davit for applications for readvertise
ments, blank w itness' affidavit, etc. at
The Fxamlner ofllr-e. tf
We are now prepared to sell several
tracts of land at price that will startle
you, especially If you are acquainted
with the location. We have land all the
way from fl.fiO tier acre up to f 15 ; un
improved or Improved, to auit the
purchaser. Lake County I'.xamlner.t
See a Mtnplo of tho Pacific inontly
at this olllce, and you will not heal
tate to pay f 2..V) for n year's sub-
Hclptlou to The Pxatnlner and that
valuable Xfnyaxlno publlHhed In I'ort
land. tf
C. S. Loveleas Invites the public to
bare their patronage with him at
the South Lakevlew Peed and I.I very
Stable. He gnarnntii'K good treat
ment to all Mock left In bis care, and
proposes to feid good hay and plenty
of It. . -tf
Farmers, have yor butter wrap
iera printed at The Fxamlne olllce,
Instead of sending away for them.
You keep your money at home, and
patronize them that patronize you,
besides, you see, what you are get
ting ami don't have to pay for It If
It doesn't suit you. tf
atlrr Kor I'nbllrallon.
Lam Olllce at Lakevlew Oregon,
Mar. 10th 1!M)0
Notlc la hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled not
ice of his Intention to make final proof
In support of claim, and that said
proof w 111 lie made ls-fore Iteglster
and Itecelverat Lakevlew Oregon, on
the 20th day of April. l'.HHi, viz. Charles
T. Thompson II. K. 2211 fr the SKJ
SWJ Sec. :UI wl NF-J & XF.,U NWJ See. ,
31, Tp. :,k., it.aa i:., w. m. i
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
P. M. Hrown. M. W. Wise of Lake
view, Oregon, Oeo. T. Maupiu, A. N.
Itcnuctt of Warner Lake. Oregon.
J. N. Watson,
11-5 Keglster.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remldles. Deafness Is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of tho Pustachian Tula.'.
When this tube Is Inflamed you have
a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely closed,
lK-afness Is the result, and unless the
inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal con
ditions, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an
luflamed coudltlon of tho mucous
U'o will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused py
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Dr. Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O.
Sold by drugglsta, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. UW m n pa UM nt finamrltv anil
tr h.... u,u.. r.ii l.u iiUiiiu
Furry', they wvr the Im-1 oit lh
! avur alum X m airs AJUMtrlJi 111
' 190t)Hrd Annuttl.txHiulIfUUy Ultu
IrtiUHL frt U) aUlMDUilOaUtl.
0. M. FERRY A CO.,. Detroit Mich
Wake up your liver. Cure
your constipation. Get rid
of your biliousness. Sold
for 60 years. fcSAffSff.:
Rll fiK INfi HAM'S DYE
tun tu. or ikit,iiiii ua a. . tuu t uu., auuUA, a. a.
; .-
, IV. Masrll
lkrvlrw, Ore
If you wiah Information alxu
Lnkib County, Oregon aMrcH cith
er of the above gentlemen, who will
bo pleased to reply.
Flan of aeivlcea of Pastor of the M. E.
Church, Lakevlew. 1st and 3rd Sun
days of each month.
liethel at 11 a. m., and New Pine
('reek at 7 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays
of each month.
lakevlew at' 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7 p. m. 6lh
Hundny Union School House at 11 a. m.
lakevlew at 7 p. m. You are cordially
invited to all the services,
HmroRO Sxtdkk, Pastor.
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and
mail order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for thia county and
adjoining territory. Salary 20 and ex
penses paid weekly; expense money ad
vanced: Work pleasant: position per
manent. No Investment or experience
repaired. Write at once for full partic
ular and enclose self-addressed envel
ope. UU01KK & cu..
11-00 7 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111.
Our Offer.
With the June number will begin
Tho Pacific Monthly's series of spec
ial editions for the year 1905. They
will com prise a number for Portland,
for Seattle, for Southern California,
for San Francisco and the souvenir
number of the I;cwls and (lark Ex
position, also a special automobile
numtier. The articles of Dr. Wolf
von Fchlerbrnnd, six In numlsT on
"The Coming Supremacy of the Pa
cific" are. also promised, and the
planscontemplated by the publishers
will, without question, place The
Pacific Monthly far In advance, not
only of present competitors, but also
lno the unreachable class of jerlod
Ical literature on the Pacific Coast,
The Pacific Monthly Is sold to regu
lar subscrlU-rs at the extremely low
price of 1 1 a yeur. We have made
an arrangement with the publishers
by which we are able to offer It In
connection with The Lnke County
Examiner, (both Publications), to
new subscribers, and old ones who
pay up any bnck subscription they
may owe and a year lu advance, for
tho very low price of $2.50 a year, tf
amm mm arw mm -- a ha 1
sra trji w prsdJ4 Oatsod
n oo j .,eitajto X.Wft,
xts mmyt imJpi poS
ppi jaino
tn a tnJV3 m j atpnt ao
qj aaMotfjd iu) u roj
ff mi dui nonaiaoo bud uj
ma oi JupaaMid cnyoA 3 HI
dO dVW 'api " ooixsw
sji(MOf pa puQ je uoUui
-a olS PIn V 3umo4S
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JuiirAjd taenipaoo tui none)
o9 a art ov acom Xq u-)i)J
Stq anil Xjsa t8j)cnpu
tain 0 peJ3o o iesjsiui
f31ei3 eqi jo janaui papu
pua psj)nH e sit noo;s
xn pu XiJinoj 'ejnc.noiiJCH
'OJruinoiiJv ei poioAap ts3d
aiU, 'miooda jo 3pa
iou)( qSnoJoqi u(ah cjoupa
Mao foptsajd oj essiX
siyws P
JJ001S 3A11
-(ridop raiood rt 'so0i
Xusui Juiaj)tniii innJ Pu
Jausajaiu) ira v neo ioaa
Plioj ai(i ) m Jujiupd
opicoq 'oanvooq )q ( Jj
-oozn poo pwr) "wiwiw Mtnn
JB3A B 0S $
wpno ain patqnd
jadcdta4 ptoaua. oq Xisa aujL
oospuwj ins iiu.
It. K. Ih M'lMf
Ukfvlor, Or,
The best Vaqueropqd-
J die on the market.
& Also acompletellneof wagon
and buggy harness, whips,
rotes rlatas, bits, spurs
quirts, rosettes, In fact every
4" thing In the lino of carriage
4 and horse furnishings. Jte
A pairing by competent men.
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
Lakeview Furniture Store 4
E. N. JAQUISH, Proprieto.
Full and complete stock of
Everything In the line of
1 "w IV.1
wall paper... carpets.
7 LiULtum, ulas. u
This week the Central Magazine Agency will make
the following bargain prices on on the leading maga
zines of the country Just in order to secure your
No. 1. Two Magazines for the price
of orie
Madame $1
McCalPs magazine
No. 2. Three flagazines for the price
Success $1.00 '
Madame l.OOlRrCe
The Reader.. 3.00'
N0.3. Four fiagazines for $2.00
Success 1.00
McCalPs Magazine..
American Boy
Madame 1.00
success $1.00
Cosmopolitan 1.00
Review of Kevsews... 3.00
Madame 1.00
KPEPIAL Tha above combinations
public. The Success is the best general monthly magazine published. Mc
fJall's Magazine Is the best fashion magazine. Madame Is now the best
high-grade woman's monthly published, and the American Boy Is the best
In Its class. Think of It four magazines one for each member of the fam
ily, 3.50 worth for f-'.OO, provided you send your order at once.
Special Agents wanted to securesubscribers toHa
dame.. Send for our free catalogue.
Central Hagazine Agency
Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A,
ill '' ' '
Snider Building on Water St.
00 hnth One m J rr
50 YearvDl.WW
Year $3.00
cm Onemj
-Trm. YearCDl.UU
- - , year
are soma of the best ever offered to the
Uw ArlraHral Will
t .O t olled of Ualrrii SI Mr.
There Is a phase of the road work of
the department of agriculture that from
now on will receive more attention
tbao ever and will he of the greatr-at
Interest to every community la the
United States that expecta to build a.
road, and especially to the airrlcultural
collepos that are helping; in thia work,
says the Washington Star. It la the
lantern slide department of object les
sons and missionary work. The road
office since its establishment has ac
cumulated one of the moat unique col
lectlona of lantern elides on the road
question that have ever come together.
There are plcturea from all over the
United Ktates, and many from abroad,
allowing roads of all sorts, good, bad
and Indifferent Some of the had road
of the United States, by the way. are
about the worst in the world. There
are pictures of roads In all atages of
construction, showing the material used
and how 'it Is put together and the ma
chinery used In the work. There Is ev
ery phase of material getting, from the
work of the convicts blasting out rock
at the Folsam tenitenUary to the lat
est Improvement of rock crushing ma
chinery. There are enough of these slides to
furnish a dozen series of pictures, each
a lecture In Itself on road building, the
need of roads, the difference In trans
portation that the coming of good roads
has made and the hiRtory of roads and
transportation all over the country.
These pictures are being arranged In
.series and will form an Illustrated cir
culating library for the agricultural coW
leges of the country that want them.
They are to be loaned out to the col
aim .
. . ,
leges, with or without lectures accom
panying them, and will form a valu
able auxiliary to any school that li
teaching roadmaking. besides making
an Interesting lecture for the communi
ty at large, and the smaller towns espe
cially are very much alive to this sort
of entertainment and education. The
set of slides is a collection that nou
of the smaller colleges could ever get
for themselves, both on account of the
prohibitive cost and the difficulty of
finding Just what they wanted to lllus-.
trate a particular phase of the work at
a given time. It is the sort of thing
that the government, with agents ev
erywhere, can get together at compara
tively little trouble and .expense, and
It will be made available for use In a
score of colleges year after year at
practically no expense to the govern
ment and none at all to the school.
Value of Good Roada to Property.
The question "Do good roads pay?
Is being continually demonstrated by
such facts as this, taken from a Flori
da paper: J. C. Sloth, the real estate
broker, could have bought a certain
tract of land a few months ago at $C0O.
An "object lesson" road was built la
the locality, and he was authorized by
a client to pay $3,200 for it, but found"
when he made his tender that it bad
Just been sold for ?2,700. The value
had been enhanced by an amount suffi
cient to pay for half a mile of Im
proved road, and the gain en value of
half a mile of abutting property at the
same rate would pay for ten miles of
good roads at the same cost
Rural Delivery Notes
England has a rural mall delivery
dally except to very distant farm
houses, which are served triweekly.
The states In the northern part of the)
Mississippi valley are the ones In
which the rural free delivery business
has been extended the most Illinois
leada all other states with 2,008 route
In operation. Ohio Is second with 2.S92.
"Rural free delivery has made a
considerable difference In the amount
of memorizing that postal clerks on
Indiana routes have to do," said one
of the number, according to the In
dianapolis News. ''Five years ago
there were 2,202 postofflces in Indiana
whose names we had to remember,
and now there are only 1,694 The re
duction of over COO offices Is due to
the rural free delivery." J
Miss Susie M. Etolta Is the only wo
man rural mail carrier in Illinois or la
jWabash county, says the St Louie
Post-Dispatch. Miss Btolu Is nineteen
Tear old. Her home is at Card'
voint ten miles northwest of Mount
Carmel, In Wabash county. She has.
had a route out of Mount Carmel
for the past eighteen months and
In all that time has only mlssad on
day. That was when she went to m
convention of rural carriers at Olney.
Miss Stoltz'a route la twenty-six miles)
long. She drives that distance In a
buggy every weekday of the year, la
sunshine and rain, through flood and
mud and snow and Ice. j