Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 05, 1906, Image 2

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Editor Can Ira Tanicht II I m m t.raaoa
la Porkft rirVlna.
Edwin Cowles, luiitf editor of the
Clevclund leader, numbered annus
lis nceoniplinhnient tlint of pocket
!ckior. Of course lie picked packets
nn ninntcur only, but It I doubtful
further there over vrnn n professional
rho muld piny the llcht fliurered patue
tiiore skillfully than the able editor did
ccnslonnlly for fun.
It was during the administration of a
mayor who had been elected as a
firotece of M. A. Ilanna. who was then In Cleveland upon the political
career which gnve him national prom
inence, that the Leader beptm a cru-
ado njralnst vice. Articles were pub
lished dally In which It was asserted
that the city was full of thieves, gum
Mem and other crooks, nnd the mayor
was taken severely to task for not bar
ing them driven away. Ilanna, being
the power behind the municipal throne,
rime In for censure In an Indirect way.
end. meeting Cowles In the street one
day. he expostulated with htm concern
ing the Leader's style of warfare.
"Look here. Cowles." he said, "what'f
the se of nil this racket? You're mak
ing a mountain out of a molehill. There
are no more crooks. In town than there
bave been right along, nnd It would be
foolish to expect any mayor to drive al
the lawbreakers out. no matter bow
bard he tried or how good his Inten-1
lions might be. !
Cowles Insisted that his paper was
right, nnd he expressed the belief that
there were then more pickpockets In
Cleveland than had ever before iufest
d that city.
"Pickpockets! snorted Ilanna. "I
don't believe there's a pickpocket in the
town. And, anyway. I have no sym
pathy for anybody whose pockets are
picked. No one but a Jay conld ever be
robbed in that wny."
"Yon don't know." said Cowles. "how
tkillful some of these light fingered fel-:
lows become. It would be possible for
one of them to go through your inx-keta
while talking to you as I am now." 1
Ilanna laughed derisively and said
any pickpocket that ever got a hand
In his clothes without being caught at
It was welcome to anything he could
extract 1
As they were parting Cowles turned j
to ask what time it wits, and Ilanna
felt for his watch.
It was gone.
"That's strange." he said. "I guess I
must have forgotten when I dressed
this morning to put It In my pocket"
"Speaking of forgetting things,"
Cowles answered, "I forgot my wallet
when I left home. Could yon lend me
Hanna felt for his money, but found
none. He put his hands Into one empty
pocket after another and was begin
ning to look sheepish when Cowlea
banded him back his watch, his money,
bis keys and a bundle of letters.
"Very well. Cowles," said the future
senator; "I'll see what can be done !
about driving the pickpockets away." i
Chicago Record-Herald.
A BigB of a happy marriage: When
a man says his wife spoils him.
Did you ever think how much trouble
was caused In this world by blabbing?
It sometimes happens that in getting
out of a rut a man finds himself In a
A family row Is as bad as a church
low, but die limit Is reached when they
are mixed up.
This Is as trua as gospel: If you make
a visit longer than a couple of days,
,your left ear will burn after you go
One of the great wonders to a man
ts the number of Interruptions a wo
anan can endure while eating a meal
without noticing It.
When a crime is committed, suspicion
turns quicker to those who once loved
the victim than to those who once hat
ed bJm. Atchison Globe.
An Interrefirnnm,
"When President Iladley succeeded
the learned and witty Timottiy DwI'ht
as president of Yale university the ex
trcises attendant upon the transfer of
authority were marred by a heavy fall
of rain. It came down suddenly Juat
as a column of people. President
Dwight and Professor Iladley at the
head, were crossing the campus. Some
one handed the couple an umbrella,
and Professor Iladley was about to
open It when the older man took it from
him, saying as he unfolded it:
"Let me carry it, professor. Tour
reign will began tomorrow."
Do not be arraid of spoiling any one
with kindness. It can't be done. In
Itead of spoiling it beautifies the char
acter, cheers the heart and helps to
raise the burden from shoulders which,
though brave, sometimes grow very
tired. Let not a little coldness frighten
you away, for under a frigid exterior
there Is always to be found a tender
chord which is to be touched by kind
ness and which responds in beautiful
harmonies to those little acts of cour
tesy that are to the heart as sunshine to j j0y of exhilaration at the pleasant sur
to the struccUng nlant. I rmmdinirs: we are made to feel that It
Strlctlr Practical.
' "Geology Is a wonderful study,'
marked the enthusiast.
l suppose so," answered Sirlus Bar
fcer, "but It always seemed kind o tan
lalizln' to me to be told where coal Is
tnd how it come there Instead o' being
told bow to get the price o It." Wash
ington Star.
Her Sacrifice.
"Did you ever make a personal sac
rifice?" asked the visiting parson.
"Yes, Indeed," replied Mrs. De Style.
I once declined to be Interviewed by
1 society reporter." Chicago News.
MtPhlBna rfci-alrlnn Polata Ott the
Urarflta aid Itlaad tanlatri to Man
kind of Kin aad Had llont Yalua
af Tree-a Alan Itoadaiilca.
The medical man In pioneer days
was many times one of the Aral to
blase the path, to lay out the road or to
plan the highways, and It is a fact that
m modern times he Is one of the first
to lend his knowledge nnd aid to fur
ther the movemeut of good roads, says
nr. I.. u. Mnitti, secretary of the
.Mlcliigau tollege of Medicine and Bur-
gery. In the Auto Advocate aud Couu-
try lioads.
Many years ago Michigan possessed
a m ill nr st.M-linir w.rlh l.isvi.l lnll.
Ie,t and keen enervation for the re-
, i..,n.i.iu.
nnn me neons or roans aim uie
reclaiming or many acres ror uew set-
tiers and clearing up of the cause of
much siekuoss and death. lr. Henry
Wynnin In about 1M4 was a iiiember
of the legislature from Lenawee coun- f'oimrs; mtu inereimer kucii proeeeu-
ty. The district was great cotton- reg.ilarlj Imd in the lounty
, , i Court of said Ijiko County, Oregon, swamp Malaria nnd typhoid fe- mt one y M MiU(,r wa,all,yKBpl
ver prevailed every month of the year. U,inted, ami thereafter qimlitled and
Through his efforts in the legislative acted as administrator of the estate
liody Dr. Wyman secured npptvprla- of said ilecensed, and did fully udmin
tions for digging a ditch a considers- j ister on the mime ; that all claims,
ble distance across Lenawee and well i debts and demands against said ca-
into Monroe. Tbev say that at that
time logs were felled, aud over the
logs was thrown the dirt from the
itch, which coutained considerable I
clay. These logs were either fired on
purpose or by chance, nnd the fire
baked the clay Into the brick sub
stance, and today going through this
country one can see the result of that
baking process.
A a result of this ditching and turn
pi king there are no more beautiful farms,
with ieople enjoying good health, in
rrsE no a is mean oood health.
any other part of the United States
than In Lenawee and Monroe counties.
So I believe that as good roads mean
good draiuinge that is, drainage of
the surface of the road, drainage under
the road and drainage along the sides
of the road so we have good health to
those living along the roads construct
ed after this manner.
Man is bo constructed that when be
walks, runs or Jumps the Jar Is lessen
ed and entirely spent before it reaches
tissue or vital organs that are unable
to withstand it. This is so on account
j of the arch in the foot and on account
of the elasticity of that arch. This
; arch is a more perfect one than you
; builders can make. Between each
! Joint are fluid buffers, and running
from one bone to another, keeping the
Joints from spreading and to aid them
1 to swing, are guy ropes that assume a
lax or tense condition, as required, and
1 between each bone In the spinal col
, umn are mattresses that make It pos-
sible for one t) Jump from a cousld
! erable height, and, striking upon the
! feet, the force of the blow is car-
rieJ from part to part of the body and
! the force spent upon these resisting
bodies until it ia spent before reaching
the brain. I firmly believe that the
! rough, bad roads of our country are no
', small factor as a cause of the large
j number of nervous and Insane cases
j that our rural districts supply.
; Catarrhal conditions are aggravated
by the dust from the roads, the decay
ing vegetable life along the roadside
breeds disease, and the stagnated pool
is a fertile field for low forms of ani
mal life. Prom these the air U pollut
ed, and man has only to be found in a
condition to be Infected. It is too bad
that these stagnant pools cannot cry
out to the passerby: "Unclean! Un
clean!" If this were bo you and I
j could turn out of the way and pass b
I Healthy plant life along the roadside
I Is conducive to good health in man. It
! helps give unto man that which man
I needs for his growth and for his living.
I What Is pleasing to the eye gives
! health. That is one reason why the
tourist and travelers Beek other climes,
i The eye 13 delighted. It Is pleased.
'.. That helps the body. Every special
' sense is helped, and so the great body
; Is made more healthy. The nose smells,
' and we are pleased or displeased. We
! are satisfied, even gratified, or we are
i disgusted and sickened. The ear hears
i the sweet songs, the mind becomes
1 Iovouh. and the heart beats stronger
t ' . - . .
and fuller, ana we are mane xo ieei urn
la irood to live. The km sense of
taste begins to manifest Itself. The
nnnetlta Is sharpened, the stomach
does better work, and the man begins
to feel his power &jm strengta ana
feels that it is good to be here.
I can sav to rou farmers, I can say
to you men outside of the cities and
towns, that good roads are your salw
tlon, rour health. I can say that that
which Improves your everyday life and
that which Improves your walks la Uf
make you live longer, make you Uve
easier, make you live a little better,
and that which makes you live longer,
easier end better makes It possible foi
you to die easier. -
Notice l or Publication.
In Ihe Circuit Court of the Slate
' l,f Oregon, for the County of Lake.
, GON, rinlnilil,
! A. VV. M miring. s
Connt Clerk of Lake
Comity, Oregon, nntl
nil person claiming
to Ivc heirs of lil'HV
CLAHK (sometimes
known as l.lllle King I,
urn show
lVNVilxed. iH'fi'lldllllts
apiH-ar. k 111. 1
1 V.V 1 ;:r,r.."2'"d they fail to so appear or show
Z " , '"V.
v:r.".".' ;;v :: '. ;v: -:'".,'."
Mioruey I'lsirieioi vregou. Mini u
l Conn, us special counsel, for the
state of Oregon, by leave and under
the direction of Hon. Geo. K. Chum-
Urlain, as Governor of said State did.
, on the 7th day of March, P.HHi, duly
an Information setting forth in sub
ttiet t llllt 0110 Hllby Chirk, (XOlne-
Jj''s known ns Lillie KingJ. in Ijiko
County, Oregon, on the Mil day of
Jul ti(Hl illt08tnt0 wl(hout
mvintt anv hbund. heirs or next of
kin. and leaving personal property
therein of the npprnised nnd aggregate
value of ritteen lluuilrcd Sixty-six
"N'1 t"rty one hundredths (IM.'KidaO)
um HU' eimrgoa nn.i epxeuaea or
admiuistnit ion of aud agaiust the
same, have Ueu fully satisfied, set-
tliil fin.t rmiit Iit ftaiil Hilniioi4t nttur ;
,mt .tA Hlii,,iitr..t,,r dulr m.lA
and tiled his tinal account in said
Couuty Court of said ijike Couuty,
Oregon, on April 7th, ISKW, showiug
the following property lielonging to
said e.state iu his hands aud n-maiu-iug
unexpended and unappropriated,
after all claims, debts, demands,
charges and expenses of Administra
tion had be I'll paid and satisfied, to
it :
Seven Hundred Forty two and four
oue-huudredths i?71-.i4) Dollars in
cyst) ; 1 gold linger ring ; i stick pins ; 4
pocket books; 1 cork screw ; 1 pocket
knives; 1 pair nail rhears ; 2 dozeu
large aud small buttons; 'Z dozen col
lar buttons; 1 trunk; 13 dresses or
rapers; 13 dress skirts; 1 ridiug
suit complete; 11 shirt vaifts; U che
mise; 3 jackets; II pair under pants;
2 corsets; 12 shirts; 1 mackintosh; 4
over vests; "2 toy Imuks; 1 sponge; 8
packs cards; 1 wig; 3 dozeu towels; l
ostrich feathers; It napkins; 1 pistol;
i pair shoes; 3 shawl straps; 1 pair
hair curlers; 1 shoulder cape; 1
piece black luce; 1 album with pic
tures; 1 clock ; 2 pillows; 2 pictures
and frames; 2 pictures; 1 card rack;
3 novels ; 4 dozeu glass jars ; 2 carpet ;
1 rug; 1 bed comfort; 1 pair hand
cuffs; 1 cook book; 1 bottle shoo ol
ish, ; 1 ink stand; 1 mirror, comb aud
brush; 1 work basket; threud and
other trinkets; 1 box stationery; 1
licit ; 1 dozen pieces cloth; 3 aprons;
1 whisk broom; aud one pin cushiou;
That on the Uih day of May, 11(03,
a decree was duly made and entered
in said County Court of Lake Coun
ty, Oegon, allow ing said final uccount
and directing said administrator to
deliver into the custody of said A .W
Manring, County Clerk aforesaid, all
of said money and projerty belonging
to said estate, remaining unexpend
ed and unappropriated us shown b
said final account, and dischare
ing said administrator; ths
said administrator did, on the tl
day of May, l'J03, iu compliance witl
the direction of said decree of saic
County Court, deliver and turn over
into the custody of said A. W. Man
ring, as such Couuty Clerk, all of said
proierty so remaining unexpemled
and unappropriated, and the same and
every part thereof is now in tho pos
session and custody of said A. W. Man
ring, as such County Clerk; that all
of said property so remaining unex
pended and unappropriated and now
in the custody and possession of said
A. W. Manring, as such County Clerk,
has escheated to the State or Oregon,
and is the property of the plaintiff,
and said plaintiff is entitled to judge
ment therefor, aud the State of Ore
gon has the right by law to such es
tate ; that the Hon. Oeo. E. Chamber
lain, as Governor of the State of Ore
gon, did on the Nth day of October,
1LIU3, employ Lv l- Coun as addi
tional and social counsel to aid. said
District Attorney iu the prostitution
of the above-entitled cause on behalf
of the State of Oregon; that Ow
Hundred Dollars is a reasonable sum
to lie allowed by this Court for the
services of said L. F. Conn as midi.
tional and special counsel herein; an1
demand rug that summons issuo to said
.W. Manring, as County Uiemoi uaito
County, Oregon, reijuiring him to. ap
pear and answer said Information
within ten uays irom mo wi
said summons upon him,, if Krved
within Lake Couuty, Oregon, aui
w ithiu twenty daya from the- cUte of
service of said summon upon him,
if served within any other Couuty vf
the State of Oregon j uud demanding
that said Court make an. order settLa
forth briefly the contents or saiu in
formation, and requiring all peratini
interested iu bant esUiio 10 appear aav
show cause, If any they have, wUnau
such time an said Court may nx, why
the title to said property Is the l-oe-session
of said A. W. ManJrwg,
Couuty Clerk or ltKe touaij, o
gou, should not vest in the btate of
Oregon, and demanding said order to
be published six coutweutive weka
rrom the date thereor in such uews-paix-r
as may be lawfully designated
ror that purpwbe, ami demand lug that
plaintiff have judgment against the and all other persons
claiming any iuterest in any ot the
property dwcrilnjd iu said Information
as Ix'ing in me pohcbu , ...
w Muiirinir hh such County Clerk,
W. MauriuK at tmcu uumj
o,.,i ti,t ib4Ktte of Oreuou be Biezed
of the whole thereor, uu uirewmx
mild A. W. Manring, a u'h Couuty
' -v- . . . 1 1 : a:
i..i, c fl..livr Kina lirooeny now iu
bis poHisosHion, to the Bherilf of Lake
County, Oregon: , .
a .11 tt.a C.mirt haviuK couHidered
the foreKolnit and being fully adviwed
raKroilE- ORDERED.
That all persona interested in the
Ebtate of buid Ruby Clark (Hometimea
known as LiUieKiug), deceased, eith
er nx heirs or otherwise, Ins, and they
R h are hereby required to appear
herein aud chow cause, if auy they
Imvo, on or before the 4th dar of
1 Mm 10ml .!, ihu llil. fl ....n
I,, ,i.,m.ii....i' t,r,..,..
, . In l Ki.iln f tirm,.,.. li 1.
I further ordered that this order lie pub
1 HsIkhI for six successive weeks, from
I the date hereof nnd not loss tliiin
OUPKIl one lime each of said weeks in the
To npiNiir LAKE COUNTY EXAM IN Eli, which
1 " ncreny iiiuim to ie a new spa
per or general clreiilal ion published
weekly at Ijakcvicw, in Luke County,
Oregon, and that the Urn t piiblicntiou
hereof U made In the issue of km Id
tmHr of iMurch 15, V.KX and the last
1 in the Imio of April art, thereof.
"r'r..V l'tWe, Judgment
them nnd each of them for the
relter demanded in said Information.
Done at Chambers, in Klamath
Falls, County of Klamath. Stato of
Oregon, nnd dated this lot ti day
March, HKHi.
Henry I llenson.
Judge of tho Circuit Court
of Oregou, for tho County
( of Klamath.
Petition (or Liquor License.
We, the undersigned legal voters of
Paisley Precinct, Ijike county, Ore
gon, respectfully petition the Honor
able County Court of Lake County;
Rtate of Oregon, to grant a license to
M. C. Currier to sell spirituous, malt
aud vinous Liquors in less quant it les
than one gallon in Paisley Precinct,
Lake County, Oregon , for the peilod
of six mouths, as in duty Uniud, we
will ever pray :
Virgil Conn,
John N. Ioiig
Lawnnee Aiusworth
J. C. Haiian,
(loo. Conn
W. S. IHair
A. A. Witham
II. Witzel,
H. W. Farrow
a w - t'oyi.-yi
(5. (my lord 1
T. C. Welch I
(ico Druiuui I
Win Hartleruile
S. (Saylord
John Drum,,,
J S I,lder
Al Farrow
J. A. McDonald
A. Hamster
L. C. Hartlennle
O. S. Farm
W. H. Tucker
C. S. Morris!
Wm. Taylor j
Perry W. 1 inn inter 1
W. V. Miller j
(5eo. liauney
F. McDonald
Iv. J. Moore
M. II. Whitehouse
H. I-, (anuou
J. A. Drumm
Ij. A. Moss
C. M. I latum
Clias. 1 ia reus
M. Couley
Frank Dobkins
C. K Withers
J. S. Kelsay
Ij. O. Thomas
S. S. Han ister
Frank Pratt
Maurice Murphy
E. C. Stickel
C. W. Withers
M. Ijiuritet, 1
W. P. Welch '
H. J. Stanley
J. F. Hevil
K. P. Mathes
A. I-'itzpatrick
Art Stanley
Wilt J. Sherlock
J. F Harper
J. J. Moore
J. B. McXew
Phi Husk
M. C
Stnte if Oregon.!
County ot Ijike H"
We H. F. Cannon nnd L. Wither
U'ing first duly sworu acitnrding t
law depoeo aud say each for himself
that the foregoing petition contains
the signatures of an actual majority
of the whuie uiynlier of legal voters
of Paisley Precinct Lako County,
Oregon, that each of said signatures
is genuine; that each of tlie persons
whose signatures are signed to said
petition is an actual resident in said
precinct at the date hereof and was
and tins been actually a resident of
and residing iu said precinct at lmist
thirty days immediately prectteding
the date he signed said petition aud
al-10 or the filing or the sumo.
H. F.' Cannon,
C. Lv Withers
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 23d day of March, 1000.
. (seul) Virgil Conn,
Notary Public.
Noitee U hereby gicen, that the Un
dersigned will apply to the Hon.
County Court of Iako Couuty, State
of Oregon, on May 2, l'-KM!, for a Li
cense to sell Spirituous, Malt and Vi
nous Liqnors in lw quantities than
ouo gallon in Pali ley Precinct, Laki
County,. Oregou, for a period of ti
menfcha from the 2i day of May lOotu
M. C. Carrier.
If yuu coutetintdato a trip east cnJl
on ot write to. in at lUuo. SLould
you have f rli iad coining froia the
conk you can get lutoiiiiautlou ifgard
uig rate, routes, etc. which will be
to their advautuKe luid comkirt. If
you wish you can deposit cost ot
tkket wltlLua for tlwh-lr jinssgo anil
llckefa wUl ins furnished them at
their eastern hoiueM. Th'm ollice 1h
with yoa and rteporiHll4e, whfcb
should be an Inducement to commu
nicate sltuuB rather thnuwlth tboe
la ottiercltleH.
II. L. Griffith. Agent, So. l'ac. Co.
lteno. Nevada.
J. M. Fulton. District Parwenger
Ayont. Houthern Pacific Co., Keno,
The Yellow Fever Germ.
baa recently beon discovered. It
beam a, cIohb resaniblanco to tho mal
aria genu. To free the lya tern fro tn
dineaae Rerinu, the most effective rem-
pdy is Dr. King'H New Llfo Pillw.
Ouaranteed to eure all dlHeasea due
to malaria poiaon and conutipatlon
25c. at IleaH'fr Drug Store.
Samplea of tho Dennlaon shipping
tagH at Tho Kxaiuluer ollice. All
aiea aud (lualltieH, from Maulla to
llueu. t'
hHr BUY THE H ff
B-fur You PurchuM Any Crime Writ
omnsi, Mass.
Many SnwInR MuchlnM ara rnn Ja ti r'. r;ir
l-V' k'l quality, Inil I'.t "Hrw Htn.i"r
In wiar. Our KUAianty rn-vcr run 01.I.
We mik Sowing KHchlnpn to r.i;t n ) c in.,..itni
of I'islr.iilK Tt'B "New i:ii" it irll ii
hw 1 rf all II lull. "! fT!'y t-.-irv rr. ntm
No ll hy nu(!iorla! Ui-hIci vnlj ,
cm im
ri inia Sewing Mailiiner Co.
Tlie How
' , . .,
j v""l w Rl uw feminine company
j ' Store Lakcvicw, Oregon. j
, v 1
flood 5tock
Easy Coaches'
Daily from Iikeview to lily, connect
ing with Daily Statfe to the railroad.
U.e Illy Hotel,
; E CASEnnERt . . Proprietor
IMy, Oregon.
i J 0
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Ikeview at I) a. m.
every ilay but Sunday.
iVtiirninjt, leaven Paisley
at 0 :30 a. in. every lay but
PaaMnaara' ara . Kaaad trip ft
Of-TICe-Keynote! A WlDvfloM'a. J-akeylaw
Lakeview Cigar Factory .
A. STiMtKMAS; Prop
Mnker of
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
COUNTS 0IU)KS solicitsu
Civr iih a trial. Store in thn briuk '
builirmg next donr to font A King I
loon, Lakeview, Oregon.
Xits. It. M. iAi.LAtii(Ku, Proprietor.
First Class
Kuildiug Has ileen KnUreil
To AccotniHlate a Large Trade
Dining Service
A ChaiM for Speculators.
SCHOOL LAND. 2H0 seres of level
unimproved agricultural land for nale
cheap. Diftcription : SWJ4, ot
NIiiand XW' of SE,", Sw.tion 10,
Tp., M S., It. 1 E. W. M. Thin ii a
duHirable jice of land, located ia (ioohe
Lalu vallwy anU will make eoiue man a
aood rancb
ff you are tlilukln'of rg)vnlzlnr u
Hiock company we our now HumploM
of Wall Stmt engraved Htock certill
a,ten. tf
The Brown School of i orrenpondeneo wan organUed to lulp thoac who
want an education and are willing to work to get it; thono who
left school too early and now regret It; tlumo who by
reason of prewut circiimHtanccH cannot attend
a regular achool, but are aiiibltnni tor
advancement. Our courneH Includo
Commercial Department
ISookkH pIng, Shorthand, ( oinmercial Law, commercial Arithmetic
Normal Department
Teucher'n Preparatory courne, Training courno for Primary Teachera,
Training courne for Grammar Gradu Teachera
technical Department
rlvll i'nglnecrliig, Mechanical ICnginccrlng, Mining Eiigluoeiing,
Electrical Lnglneerlng, Mechanical Drawing, Surveying
The rcqnlrementu for adinlsHlon
are Reading, Writing and Ambition. Send for our booklet. "PROOFS"
2il So. West Temple St. -
nrrM iti, immkctomv.
I'rrnMciil Thi'ixlnrii liHmiv!lt
'rilr ot Mlatp ,
HtM'lclarjr of Trraaury...
Herniary of War
Atlormy (IniiiTal
Piintmaati-r ilcnrral
Mrrri'tary ( Navy
Vrri'tary Inirrlnr
Herniary nl AKrlrnlliir
rVcri'larjr iif ('iiiniiti-rre. ,
Chlrl J11.Ur.
( W . KRlrlmtiki
I: I Hi 11 Unit
IiIIk M. Shaw
Win. Il.Taft
. ,..Wni. II. Mmiitr
. Hon, II, ( illi'l)Oi
.('haii J. Miinaiarla
.. K. A. Illli lii'iii k
Jainn W llmm
V. ( . Mi li alf
MkIvIIIm W. full, r
Vi'atlnn Wurllir, U.K. rVmlnii Ciiiiiint.liitiir
W, N. ItldhariU t. S, laml iiiiimll..iiir
OoviTiior (l.-rh rt. Cliamlirrlaln
Hiiiriiim JiiiIiii-
hiMTi'larjr of Ktala
Allnrncy llinral. .1
siipi. Pulillo liimrin Him.
Palry aul KimhI Cum ,
I!. M. Hiiaiir(
.... r. A. Mmira
, K I iHinUr
... . CM. Min.ra
. , A. M. 'raafrt
J. S, Ai'lo'rman
II. W hllni'7
... Jl W. Malta
, Julia M. u. nrla
I I . , Kiillen
I It 1 ti t -r Herman
J. N.w iMiKiiiuin
hiitii jrhi' Ui. inrrai"T.
iuilKi II. f.. Iif-nxin
J11I11I Svnalnr John A, tlnjrriirli
1 H.K.Ii. SIpImiT
1 Joint h. siiook
.W.J, Mmira
f S. I. ASH OKI'H K.
J N. Wal.011
IU wtvrf
'. r, HniiiiT,
um menTV.
si hool Hii. ....
Surryor ..
Stork Inatxx'lor.
H. Ualy
A W . Mnrln
. K. K. Itliii tiarl
r. O. Alil.lnim
W. i. Vrl
... J.g. Wllllta
. ... I". K. Mrmrt
W. A. I'urrlrr
W. H-Ht
J. K. ( larknan
V. h, Hllrlllllg
Harry lUil. jrl
H. f, Mallny (
J. w Turkrr I
J.KlUli j
W. H. Snl.lrr ...
A. Hit l r
In ail K tara.
j Ely's Cream Balm
I cliaiiap,onlhaaancllMaJa
' tlm ittarcvH it airmliraaw.
1 1 rum cal arrh aiul dri faa
jf a eolit In tba Iwaal
Oraaw llahn U larn! Into ttia DiatriU,iirraiU'
oviir tka tnrmlirana aut Uatrd. llallrt la llU-
j Bimllalaaiidaciira follnwa. Ilia wit drying lora
Dot iraluu n.walnif, Lafi.'aSLia, 60 nnta at IHug
K' " t'y '' i f'rlj,t "' "
I A iunrntcU Cur) for Piles.
i Itching, Wind, Itirvding or I'rotrud-
ing Pile. IrtuKista retnnd timney il
j I'AZO (ilNT.MKNT Uils U euro sny
carir', no niHtter uf how long alandiug, in
0 to M ditya. Kirvt application gives
leas and rest. We. If your druutji
liuaVt it eml Mc, in a tarn Jul and it w ill
I le fnrwiirded by I'uriit Med
j ti i Co. , Ht laitlis, Mo.
Tim Wall Htrei't III of eiignive!
cis'MllcnteH ut .Vtock Hml Uniul blanks
nt the I'.xi miner otllve. New sample
; Uok recidved Moiiiiy evening. It
I you want stock ecrtlrtcntcM see our
UmiliM n i l ic't otlr Irk'H. tf
j W.VNTKI): IHstrlct MaiumerH ti
I poat sign, advertise nnd lltrlluri
jrwnipleM. Hulery $li.(M) wiikly, f3.00
I per .lay, fur expeliMv. State ut nnd
j precent em pliiymeiit. 1 1 iK A LSI 1 ISA It
jt'O .:!!) Uandolpla St., Chli'Hgo. Jon.
jlT.d in.
"Keep oil Goose Lake."
"Op use Thorn ttm'M l'uvorlte Cream
or dripped uml red skin."
Nothing baa ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
fJow Discovery
r avi
A rcrfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Monay back If It fail a. Trial HotUa tr.
- - Salt Lake City, Utah