mmtne a VOL. XXVII. LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 190G. NO. J 4 f E LMS Of OREGON Season for Killing Ducks And 0cc5c Closed April One. SALE OF AIL GAME PROHIBITED. 3cvcre Penalties Prescribed Por Non-observance of Any (lame Laws. Section an!! : It shall be unlawful tit uiiy timo in tliut portion of Oregon lying East of I ho Cascade mountains, to hunt, pnr mio, take, kill, Injure, destroy or have in possesion, except for scientific or breeding purposes, or to wll or offer for sal, Imrter or exchange, any pliellnnllt, except lllltlvo phoilSUIlts (sometimes called ruflllud grouse); or any sago lion, sago cock, grouse or native pheasant, at any tirno betwwn tho flrMt ilay of Decemlier of each year ami tho Kith ilay of August of tho fol lowing year; or any quail, at anytime except lietweon tli second Huturday in September of euch year mid the thlnl Tuesday of tho same month in tli same year; and it shall In- unlaw ful for any ierson during such open season to kill more than fix tiail in one day, or more than twelve ipiail in ono week; or to hunt, pursue, take .kill, lujiire, destroy, or have In possesion except for sciontl tlo or brooding purposes, or to noil or offer for side, barter or exchange, any rlng-ucck or Mongolian pheasant or China (Torquatus) pheasant at any time within live yoar uftor tho pas sago of tliiri act, or at any timo aftor II vo .yours aftor tho passage of tli in act, except ltweon the 1.1th day of HcpteinWr of each year and tho first day of December follow ing in thu sumo year. See. 2011 : It hIiuII m unlawful at any tltno Utwoen tho llrrtt day of Fob ruary and tho first day of Koptomlior of any year to tako, kill, Injuro, dos troy or havo in possession, sell or otror for sale, liarter or exchange, any wild goose, wild swan, inallard duck, wood duck, widgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprigtail or cauvuss-bnek, or any duck. And it shall bo unlaw ful for any ponton at any timo to kill or destroy any greater nuinlior than llfty of tho horolnboforo enumerated ducks in ono week. It shall bo unlaw ful at any timo to shoot at or take, or kill, or attempt to tako, or kill, injure or destroy by any menus, any w ild goose within tho state east of tho Cas cade mountains: Provided, however, that iu Luke county, tho season dur ing which it Hhall bo lawful to tako or kill tho fowl mentioned in this soc tion, shall be from tho fifteenth day if August in each year to tho first Any of April in tho following year, and it tdiall bo unlawful in Luke coun ty to tako, kill, iu jure, destroy or have in possession, sell or offer for wile, bai ter or exchange, any of the Maid fowl between tho llrnt day of April and tho fifteenth day of August in each year, and all tho provisions of this section shall apply to Lake county, except ns to the time of the open seu son. Bon. 2022: It shall be unlawful lu the state of Oregon, exceit lu the couutioii of Wasco and Umutillu, to hunt, pursuo, take kill, Injure or des troy, or have in possession, except for scientific or brcedug purposes, or to sell, or olfor for Hide, barter or ex change, auy prairie chicken ut any time between tho date of the pussugo of thin act and the flfteeuth day of September , liXW ; Bud from and aftor the above date, except iu the above named counties, at auy timo except lietweeu the llftoenthday of November of each year and the fifteenth day of September of the follow lug year. An act to prevent the sale of game within tho state or Hhipmeut from tho state. Sec. 1 : It shull bo unlawful for any one to sell or oiler for sale, barter or exchange, or havo in possession for the purpose, oi to ship, or cause to bo carried or transported beyoud tho boundaries of tho state for sale, bai ter or exchange, except for sclontlilo or breeding purposes, any deer, moose, mountain sheep, elk, silver gray squir rel, wild swan, or auy duck, water rail, upland plover, prairie chlokeu, GAM grouse, pheasant of any kind, quail, or partridge, w ild turkey, woodcock. Hoc. 2010: It shall bo unlawful at any tlnm lietwemi tho first day of November of each year and tho 1'jth day of August of tho following year to hunt, pursue, take, kill, injuro, destroy, or have In possession, any buck deer. It shall 1st unlawful at any time IhIm'ii the first day of, November of each year and tho first day of SeptemlHT of tho following year to take or kill or Injure or have in possession, any female doer ; except In the counties of Grant, Harney, Malhenr and linker. It shall bo unlawful at any time w ithin the fttate of Oregon, between ono hour after sunset and one hour before huuiIso, of any day of the year, to hunt, pursue, take, kill, In jure or destroy, any deer; and it shall ho unlawful at any time to hunt or pursue any deer with dog, or dogs, with intent to kill or injure such deer; and it shall be unlawful for any person to take, kill capture or des troy, iu any open season, more than five deer. It shall bo unlawful within tho state of Oregon at any timo to sell, or olfer for sale, barter or ex change, auy leer whatsoever. An H t establishing hunter's license: Hoc. 1 ".It is hereby prohibited, and hereafter it shall bo unlawful for any person within tho state of Oregon to hunt for, pursue, take, catch or kill auy of tho game animals, fowls, or birds protected by tho laws of the state of Oregon, during tho oon sea son, without such person having iu his person til possession and carrying with him at tho tiins of such hunting, a license therefor, duly issued to him by tho county dork of one of the comities; provided, however, that no license shall ho required of a man or members of his' own family for permission to hunt upon his own lands of this stato. The county clerk of each and every county of the state of Oregon Is authorized to issue such license to residents for tl, and for non-residents 910. Hut one license will bo issued iu ono year to auy oue person, and each license will expire on the 'list day of December lu each year, and shall not lie transferable. Any license issued to auy person shall bo subject to tho Inspection of any otllcer of the state charged with tho protection of game, any sheriff or deputy, or constable, or tho owner or his agent of real property upon which the holder of such license may be hunt iug. Each license shall lie dated and num bered aud contain the name and a brief description of the person to whom issued. Tho various peuiilt ies prescrilied for non-observance of the aliove laws range from a flue of $10 to fTMKX) aud from 10 days imprisonment in the county jail to 2 years in the peniten tiary. Lk.eview-Pluih Mail Line. A few weeks ago V. K. Harry haud ed The Examiner an article roundly scoring tho mall contractor who has been protending to carry the mail from Lakevlew to Plush, it was a warm roast, indeed, and Mr. Harry's grievance was at that timo under es timated by the publisher of Tho Ex aminer, who at all timos seeks to do justice to all, aud we feared that Mr. Harry was a little to rough on the mail contractor, as the weather was bad and the roads worse, bo wo did not publish the article. Hut yesterday our own ire was a little worked up when we received a telephone message from Adel informing ua that but one Lake County Examiner had been re ceived at the Adel olllce for a mouth, and we went to the postofJlce here in Luke v low where we learned that the mail carrier Lad refused to take the papors, aud that he had made but about six trips during the month of March. Now we expect Mr. Barry will give us the horse laugh aud ac cuse us of being selfish to our own iu- toreBts, and the accusation might seem well fouuded, but really, we had uo idea that the conditions were half bo t ad. We supposed tho mail was going part of the time at least, aud thought best to boar with the contractor for a reasonable amount of failure, but wheu it comes to absolute failure, most auy oue is justifiable iu making a kick. If we had kuowu this state of affairs hud existed some effort would have been made before this to get, The Ex umiuer to our reuders, at leuut. We pay the postuge and are entitled to servico, uud from this day ou uutil the papers go to our subscribers, or until we flud out that we are simply helnless iu tho mutter, we intend to keep working ut it. VOTERS MAY QUALIFY ON DAY OF ELECTION Blank 'A" Prescribed To Register by the 'Attorney-tJeneral Crawford I a ren dered a decision which settles a ques tion that has given rise to much dis cussion, regarding the right of elec tors whose only disqualification is noncompliance with the registration law as it applies to primary elections. Opinions have widely differed njvon this subject, and there has 1km n much discussion of it, for the reason that there will lo many voters who will fail to register and who will demand tho right to vote on primary day. The prevailing opinion has been that an unregistered person could not reg ister at the polls aud vote, for wet ion 15 of the direct primary law says that "no person who is not a ,nalifled elector and a registered member of his party making its nominations under the provisions of this law shall be qualified to join lu signing any peti tion for nomination or to vote at said primary nominating election." Attorney -General Crawford says if this were all the law contained upon this subject, the intention would lie plain that unless registered the party . Wiliam Uiud.y Millis. "Mr. Millis is dead!" those were the words that went from lip to lip Tuesday about noon, and wherever uttered tho same sad expression help ed to convey the startling news which was received with deep feeling and sadness. No one expected it. Every body regarded Mr. Millis with rever ence ; he was a friend to all ; he had not an enemy in the community. He had a kindly disposition nd even the shadows of old age did not rob him of his geuiul spirit; he smiled with those who smiled aud cheered those who wept. Mr. Millis died Tuesday, April 3rd, 190U, at 10::W A. M. He had been sick but a few duys, having contracted pneumonia, which disease complicated itself with heart trouble. William Lindsay Millis was born in Gilford couuty, North Carolina, July 20, 1828, being at the time of death 77 years, 8 mouths and 23 days old. He was marriod to Miss Louisa Nole at Pikes Peak, Colorado, in May, 1801. Five children were born of the union, Mrs. Gordon Garrett and a twiu sis ter, Anna, who died ut tho age of C yeuis, Mrs. F. M. Miller and Mrs. J. S. Dewey, also twins, aud Mrs. Tlios. Garrett, who died two years ago at Hly. Tho family lived iu Sun Joaquin County, California, for many years where the mother died Jauuary 4th, 1883. Eleven years ago Mr. Millis came to live with his daughter, Mrs. Garrett, with whom he has made his homo ever since. Oue brother, 2 years younger, Kobt. Millis, of Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, and oue sister, Mrs. Nancy Weatherly, of Springfield, Ark., survive William. Mr. Millis was raised in the Quaker faith. He joined the Masonic and Odd Fellows Lodges wheu a young man. He led an active life up to about 12 years ago wheu misfortune overtook him and roblied him of a leg. The funeral will bo hold today, Thursday, at 2 o'clock, P. M. from the Garrett residence to the M. E. Church, thence to the final resting place, con ducted by the Mason lo Lodge. Council Meeting. The City council passed a "dog or dinance" at the regular meeting Tues day evening, making it unlawful to keep dogs within the city limits with out first having obtained a license. City warrants were paid off to the amount of 11885.00, I'hero still re mains 1118.18 iu the treasury. The matter of taxing peddlers was brought up aud discussed. A brief was submitted by District Attorney Moore setting forth facts relating to tuxinif tieddlers for the protection of home merchants, which, iu effect, showed that hucu tax would bo a breach of the interstate commerce law. The mutter was laid on the table uud an effort will be mudo to In somo way, devise a moans of protection to the home merchants, which Is just uud right. as Remedy for Failure Attorney-General. could not vote. He looks further, however, and finds that in sections and 8 of the primary law there are provisons which make the Australian ballot law applicable, and section 2X75 of the code is expressly made applicable to primary nominating elections. This last mentioned section provides for any elector who is not registered in the precinct in which he applies to vote to use .blank "A," and vote if otherwise qualified. Section .TH of the direct, primary law says that "nothing contained In this law shall bo constru ed to deprive any elector of his right to register and vote at any primary nomuatiug election required by this law on his complying with the special provision of the law in the same man ner that he is permitted by the gen eral laws to register and vote at a gen eral election." Construing the law as a whole, the attorney-general finds that tbo elector may qualify by using blank "A" on primary election day, and hence that county clerks should send out such blanks with the ballot boxes and poll books. Ashland Normal School Notes. Mrs. Diedricks and Mrs. Dix of Grants Pass enrolled with us last Wednesday morning. Mrs. Died ricks's little daughter entered the training department. II. II. Armond, a former Normal student was a visitor Sunday. The Seniors are busily preparing for their play to be given at commenc ment time. The Y. M. C. A. met as usual last Wednesday in the music room. The subject was "Manliness of Christ," The meeting was ably led by James Martin. Owing to adverse circumstances, the debate between the Normal boys and Ashland High School boys has been postponed till April Cth. This debate which promises to be the great est forensic event of the school year will bo held in Memorial HalL In the Congressional Literary Soci ety Friday evening the debate on the question "Resolved that the Whipping post law is wrong aud should be re pealed," was hotly contested, and for a time, it was doubtful which side would wiu. The judges stood, how ever, two for the negative and oue for affirmative. The affirmative was upheld by R. Jones, Smith and W. Herndon, the negative being support ed by Iulow, Anderson and John Herndon. Hesides the debate the society was favored with an oration by Mr. Stancliff, a vocal solo by Mr. Hartley, recitations by Mr. Peebler and Mr. Peterson and last but not least a quartette "My last Cigar" by Messrs Anderson, Martin, Burke and Newton. In Chapel lust Thursday we listened to a paper by Miss Kaiser on "Profes sional training of teachers, which was very interesting and up-to-date; Ou Friday, Prof. Melllnger gave a talk on "Conscience, w hat it is aud w hat it does." On Monday, Prof. Mulkey spoke on "The development of Oregou and the Inland Empire." On Tuesday, Prof,. Van Scoy's sub ject was "Intlueuce in politics," while ou Wednesday morning we were listen ers to "Phychology of criminals," by Mrs. Newman. Lower Court Decision Affirmed. The Supreme Court of the State of Oregon ou March 27, reudered a decis iou affirming the decision of the Cir cuit Court for Lake Couuty iu the matter of the State vs. U. F. Laue. It will be remembered that B. F. Lane was charged with aud oonvloted of the crime of assault with intent to kill, alleged to have been committed iu the vicinity of Silver Lake ou Jan uary 22, 1005, by shooting at and wouudiug one Burt McKuue. The case was appealed from the judgment of the court, ou the ground of error by the Court. lue uuegeu error m me bill or ex ceptions complained of relates to a statement iuude by tho court iu cor- red log a mlstatementof the evidence, apparent, of witness Reedor re garding some whiskey that bad len stolen. The Court said: "The witness said he 'was in it,' but he meant clearly that he was not in the stealing, but was with them after ward and helped them drink it." Defendant's counsel, J. M. Hatch elder, excepted to such expression contending that an error was made and the jury Influenced thereby.- After citing numerous cases the Su preme court holds that the court's re mark was in effect a correct statement of the evidence as produced by the witness, and this being so, no error was committed, as alleged, and further holds that another alleged error was assigned by defendants' counsel, but deeming it unimportant, the judgment is affirmed. In Search Of Iron. George Lynch started for Mendo cino county, Calif., last week, to look after some mining interests he has there. Several years ago Mr. Lynch discovered a very rich iron deposite in the mountains near Willits. At that time iron mines were not valu able, especially when they were locat ed any considerable distance from railroads. Recently a rich strike was made in iron in the vicinity of Mr. Lynch's find, and a mill is to be erect ed and a railroad built to the mines by the company into whose hands the mine has fallen, and George thinks this a profitable time to open up Lis mine. He is staked by one or two of the business men of Lakeview, and if be strikes it rich Lakeview will be a beneficiary of his good fortune, which we hope is within easy reach. Retires From Sheep Business. Last week Mr. Wm. Harvey, the Summer Lake sheepman, sold all his sheep and will retire from the sheep raising industry, from which he has accumulated a competency. Mr. Har vey came to Summer Lake valley 32 years ago, landing there with ' only a few dollars. He secured employment from some of the few settlers of that valley, and through diligence he soon had money to go into the sheep busi ness for himself, and has been engag ed in that industry ever since and has been one of the large producers of wool and mutton of Eastern Oregon for many years. Mr. Harvey owns one of the best ranchea in Ore gon, located in Summer Lake valley He is also interested in Lakeview where be will probably make his home. E, B. Ram.-by Leg Broken. ' While E. B Ramsby of Merrill was engaged in dehorning cattle at his home Tuesday morning, he sustained a fracture of the right leg. He had disposed of all the unmanageable cat tle and was putting the fiuishiug touches to the family cow, a gentle well-behaved animal, when 6he entered a vigorous protest, pining Mr. Ramsby against the wall and inflicting an in jury that will keep his leg in splints for many weeks. Dr. Merryman was sum moned from this city aud reduced the fracture. Latest report is that Mr. Ramsby is resting easily. Klamath Falls Republican. Oregon Horses To California. W. M. Harvey, the horse buyer, started from Adel last Saturday with about 90 head of horses. This band will be driven to Reno where part of them will be sold and the rest put on feed there till they are fat enough to put on the market. Since the the above was set up we learn that Roy Shirk and Mr. Harvey have formed a co-partnership, and bought the horses together. Mr. Shirk has gone to ov ertake and help with the drive. Kingsloy Was Fined. The Major Kingsley case came up tor trial Thursday before Justice of the Peace W. Bayley. As predicted by The Examiner last week, defendant pled guilty aud was fined and released. The flue imposed by Justice of the Peace Bayley was $30 and costs, amounting in all to39. Young Kings- ley weut into District Attorney Moore s office, w here he listened to a good lecture, aud went away promis ing to be a better boy in the future. Many Dears Here. Tuesday evening about dusk a young deer came through town, which is very rare occurrence, the probability is that it hud beeu chased by dogs and came to town for protection. Silver Lake Oregon iau. (That's nothing; young deer cau be seen ou the streets of Lakeview most any time. Hut if dogs chase them the 'dogs are arrested. STAGE DRIVER'S PERILOUS RIDE i Runs a Two Mile Race With His Life as the Stakes. RESERVOIR CAUSES BIG FLOOD. Driver Frank Reid Say Holdup Is a Pleasure Compared With A Flood. Last Friday evening Frank Reid, the Paisley stage driver, had a some what peculiar as well as exciting ex perience. It was a race for life with the mad, gushing waters from the Moss reservoir at the head of Moss creek between Clover Flat and the Moss ranch. For two miles the stage road runs along the narrow canyon with steep bills on either side, follow ing the banks of the creek the entire distance and crossing the stream once. The heavy rains during the day had caused the reservoir to break, and just as Mr. Reid was going down the grade into the canyon he noticed that the water was very muddy and the banks of the creek full to overflowing. The situation suddenly dawned upon him and he realized at once that he must get ahead .of the rush - of water or remain there several hours, pos sibly, way in the night, for the flood to subside. His first impulse was to make a bold dash to get ahead of the flood and trust to fortune to keep ahead, as once into the narrow canyon there would be no alternative; he must keep going or be drowned, as he could see a little further up the can yon a wall of heaving, foaming water, carrying with it trees and boulders which meant instant destruction to anything in its path.' A thorough realization of the perilous drive came too late, as he was then in the can yon and ahead of the wall of destruc tion. He plied the whip freely to the horses which were becoming frighten ed by this time at the roaring, gush ing waters and the tumbling trees and boulders. Faster and faster the wall leaped and covered the already short distance between pursued and pur suer, and faster and faster Frank poured the bud to the horses backs. He had no passengers aboard and the load was light, which fact, Mr. Reid owes to a degree, his miraculous es cape from a terrible fate. If only the crossing could be reach ed and successfully passed Frank thought his race would be won, as the curves in the road at this point gave the rushing waters a decided advan tage in distance and already the banks of the creek were full for some dis tance ahead of him. He was moving fast but thinking faster. One more curve and then the ford. Only a few more rods and the crisis In his race for life would be reached. A moment of suspense that few people ever ex perience. The waters were now gain ing upon him ; he was going toward the ford at right angles wltn tne course of the waters. The ford was reached, the dash into the swollen stream seemed a mad rush to destruc tion. The horses faltered, then plung ed into the water. Would he ever get across ; the roar of the water and the crash of trees and boulders was almost deafening ; he scaroely dared look up stream ; he could almost feel himself in the cold grasp of the flood ; a mis step of one of the horses would end it all; it seemed ages; he held his breath and strained every nerve in an uncon scious effort to help the horses make time. The horses seemed to realize their predicament and their spirits strung up to the highest pitch, lunged through the stream and up the bank aud out ou dry land. The climax was reached and the crisis passed, all was saved. While the race was not yet ended, the chances were even now for a neck-aud-ueck race for another half mile to high ground and safety aud the hold ou lifo grew firmer and firm er. The roar of the waters died away aud time for reflection brought a full realization of the perilous ride Just ended. Frank believes he could smile at a hold up by the most dangerous bandits that ever roamed the Wild West ; look down tho muzzle of the stage robbers' guu and read the adver tisements on the bullet patch'u with all candor and coolness. Hut no more floods.