Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 29, 1906, Image 6

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The shooting of firecrackers la
.Vineries n; it la Chinese.
One fnctory has marketed 00,000 cloo-
trtcnl flatlrons this season.
Tlicr are 22.410 nioro females thnn
males in Oanwall, England.
Tho Johannesburg l'tiblf library Is
Bow open on Sunday afternoons.
The Cathedral of Notre name In
Tarla Is now lighted by electricity.
Three times as much freight passed
the "Soo" last year as passed through
the Sues canal.
It Is estimated that the population of
British Somaliland '.s about 250,000. Its
area is about 08,000 square miles.
Atlantic City possesses a police mo
tor car which Is used solely for the
conveyance of Intoxicated prisoners.
During the last three years twenty
two millionaires hare died in England.
Their average age was seventy-five
Within five years wages for all clnss
aa of mechanical occupations have in
creased from 20 fo 25 per cent in Ham
ilton, Canada.
Two Russian papers asked thetr
readers to name the ten greatest men,
and In both cases Tolstoi came out at
the top of the poll.
The largest tree In the world lies
broken and petrified at the end of a
defile in northwestern Nevada. It Is
aald to be 000 feet long.
It is stated that on Jan. I, 1903. there
were 1,124 bituminous coal mines In
operation in Pennsylvania as eompared
With MS on Dec. 31, 1900.
There are more than 17,000 machine
tending operatives in Lowell, Mas,
caring for 838,000 spindles and earn
ing over $500,000 a month In wages.
Wages of the working people of the
United Kingdom, according to official
statistics, showed a decrease of $7,920,
000 last year compared with the pre
ceding year.
Drying: preparations simply dereU
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane u:id decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes, and snufTs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All drrggists sell the
50c size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, doa not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself j
over an irritated and angry surface, relier.
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Settee For Fabliration.
Land Office at Lakeview Oregon,
Notlc is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed not
ice of hit) intention to make final proof
in support of claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, oh
the 20th day of April, 1906, viz. Charles
T. Thompson H. E. 2241 for the SEJ
SWi Sec. SOwJ NEJ & NEj XWJ Sec.
31. Tp. 3S. S.. R. 23 E., W. Si.
lie names the following witnesses!
to prove his continuous residence up
on ana cultivation 01 said land, viz:
E. M. Brown, G. W Wise of Lake
view, Oregon, Geo. T. Maupin, A. N.
Bennett of Warner Lake. Oregon.
J. X. Watson,
ll-o Rt-gihter.
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub
Jshed. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. QOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Paice of One: The Uke County Exam,ner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O, Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
It Is claimed by floston that It makes
the finest quality of Egyptian rlga-
I rcttea, produces tho choicest Itallnn
... I - .X.t ! .tlAMtltAM .1... (
.... t l.-t.,l..,,.,n In ,..111 1.
UIKIIO t'l iu- ii nmunn p'liuiPi
I cent better speed in delivering parcel
' than tho private carriers and at a cost
of 6 cents for a pound. 8 cents for two
pounds and 24 cents for eleven pound.
French drivers and firemen and even
Freiuh fuel will be Imported for tho
trial in England of the le Glenn giant
iovwuoutc i-UKine which is uviiik iiuii
; In France for the Great Western rail
' way.
Two submarines made a sham attack
' on the French squadron at I.n Roehclle
: recently In the evening, and so smart'y
j were they handled thnt it is said In nr
, tual warfare the whole division would
have been annihilated,
j Recquercl has shown that radium
emits cathode rajs moving at a veloe
j ity of over 120.(HH1 miles a second. A
particle traveling with this Telocity and
starting from the earth would reach
tho moon in two seconds.
A nian In Cincinnati applied to the
courts for an Injunction to restrain the
tongues of the gossips of the neighbor
hood. He learned from judicial sources
that there are some things beyond the
control of the highest human power.
Russell square, London, beloved of
readers of "Vanity Fair, seems to be
fast disappearing. Half of the east side
has been toru down to make room for a
mammoth hotel, and now the west aide
Is beginning to yield to blocks of flats.
High license went into effect In New
York city May 1, and as a result 718
hotel and saloon keepers went out of
business. Under the new law licenses
were advanced from $000 to $900 la
Brooklyn and from $800 to $1,200 In
Manhattan and the Bronx.
Since the Introduction of the Rertil-
lon system in France 20,000 persons
who have committed crimes and who
were concealing their Identity have by
means of the system been identified
and brought to justice, and among all
these not one mistake Is known to
have been made.
The restriction of emigration from
the continent to London is now agitat
ed as an urgent public question. Tbe
census of the metropolis shows 38,117
Russians. 27.427 Germans, 13,420 roles.
1L2G4 French and 10.SS9 Italians. New .
York city can digest that number of j
loreigners every year.
The number of theological students
In Germany has diminished gradually
from 4 .207 in 1S30 to 2.149. or less than
half, although the population has dou
bled since 1S30. The insufficiency in
the number of candidates for the min
istry is discussed as a matter of ex
ceeding gravity by German theologians.
The town of White Pigeon. Mich.,
claims to be run as cheaply as any
town in this country. Last year it cost
the 800 Inhabitants $1,325 for expenses.
The health department spent $2.25 la
addition to the health officer's salary of
$20. The police department appropria
tion was DO cents, the fire department
Lore' Antrathetlc.
Her Mamma My dear, I am surpris
ed that you should suffer a man to kiss
Her Daughter But. mamma. I didn't
suffer. Boston Globe.
Alwtfi Broke.
Blobbs Harduppe reminds me of tbe
Ten Commandments.
Slobbs In what way?
Blobbs He's always broke. Fhllv
delobJa Recti n 1
To All Our
Popular and Pkturc.que.
Tim ntilv thin ntwtnarv to nmk tlm
! ,Vnw tnnt9 tn n)(1(t llop.
it lino ever been known the
most pleasant and most picturesque
I ,0 cr,,M ,,,e ""'" ".m
, This is the establishment (
, through sleepmicar service.
In connect inn with the (). It. A N. a
through Pullman Standard Sleeper I
now run from Portland to Denver, leav
j,, iVrttatnl at 8."
p. in., arriving m
. I .v ni R. 40 a.
m the eeoi..l
l-akent 3.i0 p.
iiioriiing, leaving Salt
m. and arriving at iVnver 4 20 p. m. the
follow ing day. 1 in sciumuie gives pas
sengvrs seven hours stop-over in Salt
Lake, affording an opportunity to visit
the Mormon Capital as well as a day
light ride through tbe grandest scenery
in thejworld.
For reservation in this car and for il
lustrated booklets picturing tbe scenery
contiguous to tbe IVnver & KioGrande,
proving it to b the Scenic Line of tbe
World," wiitetoW. C. Mollride, Gen
eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland.
Doctors Are Puzzled.
The remarkable recovery of Kenneth
Mclver, of Vnnceporo, Me., Is the sub
ject of much Interest to tbe medical
fraternity and a wide circle of Irlemln.
He suv8 of his ciiko: "Owlnjr to a
severe Inflammation of the Throat
and congestion of the Limp, three
doctors nave tne up to die, when, its
a hint resort, 1 was Induced to try
Dr. Kind's New Discovery ami I nin
happy to say. It saved my lifo".
Cures the worst Coughs and Colds,
Bronchitis, TontdlltlH, Weak Ltnipi,
Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guar
anteed at Iav lieall's drn store.
:0c and $1.00. Trial bottle fire.
H'ANTL'D: Two men In each cou
nty to represent and advertise Hard
ware department, put out Hamplcsl
of our goods, etc. Traveling I'osit-j
ion or Oilice Manager. Salary t'K) per
mouthf csa weekly, with all expenses
,n n,lvnnce AVc furnish every-
paid in advance,
thing. N 12
The Columbia House
Dept. 010, 234 5th Ave Chicago, 111
Lost on Goose Lake."
That which was lost was, "two
soft cheeks and two soft hands.
Thornton's Favorite Cream for
trie eticiNU
0IL!DCLCrH!N5 bras
Mdc n bLxk or jtllo for all kirnb
of an work. On l evfrwlxrt
Look for tk 3i? of th Puh.Mid If I
U rwr TOWER on U OUttOM.
S - J
Ztw4nvaa nnit Mrmneaa !te44 )
Hraalc Hit a llMa.
Concerning balky horse a corre
ipomtctit of Rural New Yorker says:
I have had some experience with al
most nil kinds of horses, and a balky
horse I find the most provoking I
have ever had lu my possesion.
Horses are so different In disposition
that 1t takes a good horseman to tin-
. ri., painful tnvt liriw til tlilllillat ffilrll nni.
, mll ,0 MJ. ,.,.,,.,.,, t fln, llint ,,
imll.v nrB, iloon .nolteHl br a
, pow ,,rvor or , T oln0 oll0 wll( m
not understand how to handle that
kind of aultmil, which U usually of
contrary nut tire. Like some men, they
wont tbelr own wny or no way at nil.
I find It best to study the disposition
of the horse, and If 1 see that he la a
naturally contrary aulmal I try all tin
kluduess possible and never lose my
own temper. A gutvl sound thrashing
will do sometimes, but with a natural
ly contrary horse I seldom use n whip,
only to stralghteu him up, and then
more In - tho stable than when he la
When you want him to stand over,
tell him so with 0 firm "Get over;" not
a jell, but so be will know what
you men 11, or to back up In the stall.
Use him firmly so he will know that
you mean what you say, and d not
say too much.. I use a giwul blacksnaks
whip because I can handle It the Itest.
If I cannot make him do what I
want blm to after several days' train
Ing, I take him on a good sod field
plenty of rom tie up his left frout
foot firmly with a good strap so that
the foot Is up to the body; then I put
a good strap on the right foot just
above the hoof and over his back; theu
I take n firm hold of the strap with the
right hand and at the bit with the left
hand, and I tell him to get ujs and as
he does so I pull up the foot; down ha
goes on both knees. Theu Is your time
to stay by him. Don't let go. Ho will
go dowu on hi side if you stay by
him long enough. Then get on his bend
quick and keep him there till ho will
I lie quiet. Let him up: put him down
again till you are sine he U under
your control; theu if you hltru him
put no load behind him aul put lilm
n gixxl. true horse so be will
learn how to go, but do not uno the
whip If possible, and In time with
good firm usage you have a good horse.
The man who tries to break a balky
horse vould better break himself of
losing his temier and gather up all the
horse sense that he can find In his top
knot, then be determined to break the
horse or break himself of hii bad hab
its If It takes him a year.
ihrrp No(r.
It Is not a question of how much a
rani costs as how much profit he re
turns. Don't house your sheep too closely;
let' the mission of the barn lie shelter
rather than warmth.
Give the ewes grain slmjily ns a
luxury. High grain fi-eding Is unfa
vorable to a big lamb crop.
Sheep no more like to eat out of
sour, dirty troughs than the shepherds
like to eat off dirty dishes.
Although the ram may be gciifle. It
Is lx-tter that be be kept away from
the pregnant ewes. A blow of bis head
may mean the loss of one or more
lambs. American Sheep lirceder.
Tail rot dot's not Kill pigs, but may
knock several dollars nil' the market
price of u high bred, fancy hog, says
l'arm 1'rogress. Tlii.i disease Is gener
ally caused by damp or foul bedding
uinl Is found usually among the first
litters that come. The lirst thing no
ticed is that when the pigs nre four or
five days old their tails begin to crack
open lu places. If neglected these
cracks will soon encircle- the tall. It Is
then too late for a remedy, but If the
disease Is treated lu time tho tall can
be saved. Take warm Hoft water aud
castllc aoap; bathe the tall well and ap
ply olive oil. Itepeat twice dally for
several days, and the trouble will din
appear. Worma la Hok.
Hogs affected with worms In tho In
testines run down lu condition, become
very thin and lank, back Is arched.
eyes dull, refuse feed, walk Htlflly and
appear lifeless. The worms may be
very numerous, in bad cases completely
Ailing the Intestines. The pigs die If
not treated. To secure the best results
affected bogs should receive Individual
treatment Twenty-four hours before
administering treatment very little
feed should be given theu. Then glvs
the following medicine as a drench to
each hundred pound bog; larger or
smaller hogs should receive a dose in
proportion: OH of turpentine, fonr
drams; liquor ferri dlalysatus, one-half
dram; raw linseed oil, six ounces. If
necessary repeat the dose in fonr days.
After worms bare been removed glva a
tonic to put tbe pigs In condition.
Farm Journal.
lentchti la Hon,
First procure some thermofuge. At
night wash the limb with water as bot
as the hand will bear and make quite
dry with a cloth, then apply a thick
paste of tbe thermofuge and put on a
light bandage over It Take off In tha
morning and wash off. Then use a lit
tle carbollzed raw linseed oil on it
Continue until a good healing is made.
Feed largely on wheat bran mashes
and give dally exercise. National
traaarlaa o Dliltnpcr,
Comfortable quarters, good care,
plenty fresh water, moderate feed of
easily digested, nutritious food; a blis
ter to tha throat If necessary and little
tonic, as nux vomica, gentian, etc. If
appetite is bad Farm and Ranch.
f r f s r e f f t t f't-jtv-'.
t . wmrM, m. i).
' falsify.
Ml T V ll Al.l.
I'hj Kir I a ii unit hnirt
(rm K- Ni'tt Hilly KiiIMJus.
I.. . -
Atlornr) mi Law
nltrvlrn, llri(ti
omCK-lhtly nulliliBK.
I. . tK A'lllll
l-aiul MallnaM-rlall)
OKFlt K- imljr BulMltitf.
LM.,... on Ihr ! ami 4tli Wpiliiiwtay of if
c-urh inntitli In Mn.iinir Hall, m p. m, i
V. (Mux h K, I'liiiaiil ('oiuiiimiilcr. 't
N. IaviI'IHI, I'liTk.
I. , t. F, nirn I In' l.i unit 3.1 Thnrw
S itajr pvpiilUK'of raeh lilmilli In Oil. I PVI-
nw . n an, i (i'vii h . a. n, Manriim. ft'
' r., J. . TurkiT. HitIIh.. H
House 0T7.VNS Paper
. Oregon
New Pine Creek.
la krpt mi nii at K C. Iarr'.
Ailvi riUlim Ait m v U't Man-
ihiiiii' Hlri'i'l. Han KraiiclM'n, ( al , wlnr
cuiilrarta lor clv,'rulin in ! ma'ti Inr It
0 ul.n rllM r. In I In- Kiamliii r liu ri move
iT limit inn- Iciailtr In Miii''lMr. r i-haiiKv
1 In-1 r -i .rti i-.- ..Mr... .h.nilii fin. nil. .r in
ilriii IMa i.ltkrr a rar.1 ihi'tr a,'r ran tic al
(Iri'aM'rt In tin' riklii Hiaiiltlri'.
1 o Cure a Cold In One Day
Take I.AXA II VK !l:oH QflNINK
ThI'Ic!.. All liiikni-ia refund tbe
monev if ii diila in i i.h'. V.. W.tirove'i
iiriiHtnie ia on em Ii box. "'.
m Everyone should subscriba for
his Lome paper, in order to get all
tha local sews, but to keep la touch
with tho world 'l daily TenU
should also read
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
The leading erenlng newspaper of
the Paclflo Coast, which has com
plete Associated Press report and
special leased -wire serrica, with
correspondents In important newt
centers and in all the cities and
principal towns of tha Northwest.
Portland and suburbs are coTered
by a bright staff of reporters, and
editorial, dramatic, society and
special writers. Baturdasy edi
tion consists of 26 to 28 pssa, and
has colored comic pages, m well as
a department for children, colored
fashion page, an Interesting serial
story and other attractive features
in addition to all the news of the
Subscription Rates: One month,
50 cents; three months, fl.35; six
months, 82.60; twelve months, $5.
Sample copies mailed free.
That tliH lenlhijf nu'(!:r:'.l :itfrs and
earlier- of all ilie wwral liooln of
prui-lH-e t'Milor.Mi uiiil ml. in the
airoiik' term- iio-moii'. I'iu n iiinl evi ry
illKledient fllKTI U-f Into till' eoin IMIM I ioll
of Dr. I'ii ire s (tolili'ii Mi-uii-ul li.rrov.-ry
tor the riire of e:il;ir!i,'i .!
ratarrli of ctoiniu-h. "Iir coiiiiilaliit.1
torpid liver, or liiliolisni--. rliroiur 'anvel
airi'i'iions, ami nil c:iiarrh:il tii . ra.scH of
wliuu-vi-r n-inii. naiiio or i;at.iiro. it is
alw a Hi'cllir reiiK'dy for all Midi rlironic
or Ioiik aluinliiiK ease of ru tiirrliul alTro
tlon.- ami t lx-1 r ri MiIt.iiiN. us lirimcli al.
tliroitt arid hliut ilNeimei. lexrept roiiHiiinii
tlori)U('coini:iiiirl Willi aevi ro i-oiikIih. It
iri not ho irooil for unite roliln and roiiirh.
but for IniRiTliid. or I'lironic cuhch it la
eapArlally elllcarloiiH In iiriMliidim per
fect cure. ItrontitliiH Illuc-U C'lierryburk,
(iolden Seal remt, liloodriMit, Htone root.
Mandrake root aud Queen's root all of
whlrb are lilKhly urained as remedies for
all the above mentioned affection by such
eminent medical writer and U'achers a
I'rof. Jlartholow, of JefferHon Med. Col-
lege! I'rof. II are, of the Univ. of Pft.
I'rof. Flnley Klllngwood, M. I)., of Hen
natt Md. College, Chicago Prof. John
King, M. I)., late of Clnclnnatli Prof.
John M. Seudder, M. D.,late of Clncln-
yatl s Prof. Kdwln M. Qalo. M. I)., of
iahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and
(cores of others equally eminent in their
several schools of practice.
The 'Golden Medical Dlacoverr Is the
drugglKts for like purpose, that has any
siicti profeHtUmal endorsement wortn
than any number of ordinary teatl-
Oien oubllcitv of Its formula
on the bottle wrapper Is the best possllila
guaranty of Its merit. A glance at this
piibllshiid formula will show thufUolden
Medical Discovery" contain no poison
ous or harmful agents aud no alcohol
chemically Dure, triplo-retlned glycerine
being used instead. CJIycerlne I entirely
unobjectionable and bos Id us is a most
useful ingredient in tho cure of all stora-
acn as wen a nroncniai, throat and lung
affections. There is tho highest medical
authority for Its uso In all such cases.
The " Discovery " is a concentrated glyc
eric extract or native, medicinal roots
and Is safe and reliable.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing Its Ingre
dients mailed free on request. AddxebS
Dr. U. V. Plerco, Uutlulo, N. V.
Sh outline
AND Union Pacific
Salt Lnkc, Denver, Knn
sns City, Chicago, St.
Louis, New York.
Ocean Steiimers bet ween J'ortbiml
and San FninclMcu every live days.
Low Rates
...I. . I, . ,
I iicneiM 10 aim irom an pari i tne
United .State, Canada ml.Kiire.
For particular, call on orsddre,
A. 1.. Craig, (1. V.'J,
Portland, Cre.
. . . TIMU TABLE . . .
STSTJ In Kffei t May lid. UKr..
I r. Thrall .. A. M l.v. fiilo-nama lit UH
Ar. Ili'irua. .. A Ar. I'UI" "
" Mri'l Hr'g a 4 " ' K I'h Hi'aa 11.411
' Fall Cr'k 7irt ' Fall Trw tl.Ot -"
Kl'h Hi'7 10 Hiorl llr'gK I j lai
" I'liln H.IO ' linaiia IJ AiI'M
" roki'gamaa.'.-o " llirall M.tft "
Klamath Springs Special.
I.v. Thrall 1 :m . M.I.v. Kl'h HV'K l.ifiV, M
Ar. HiiKii. I.v
Kali r. i kil do
' HIitI llr.V I
' Kali I i.-.-k 2 i.-i
" k I'll h.'g
hl.-rl llr'ifi'H (
llnu'i.. ... f I
llirall..., I.ii
II. K. lUhaaa, I'rnp'r.
Office In Illcbcr'a 5tore
rUago leaves I-akevlow dally, ex
cept handiiy at (! a. in. Arrives
at Alturas At ri p. ni.
lave Aliura for I-nkeview at
fl oMim-Ic a. in., or on the arrival
of ti e atae from Madeline. Ar
rive in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Altura.
Freight - Matters - (liven
Strict - Attention
first - C'ass - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VA DIN, Proprietor.
Olfice in llnkville Hotel
kUmalh Fall..
Daily from 1'oki-geina by Keim, Kiatn
ath Kails, Dairy, llonan.a, and I'.ly to
Daily from Lakeview by lily, Jloiianin
Iairy, Klamatli Falls, Keno, to l'o
kevema. From Klamatli Falls to KenoTby
uteamer and from Keno to 1'okegemu
over the Sunset Four-1 lorso Hiigit Lino.
Good Stock
Easy Coaches
8. L. McNacoiiton, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrives
at Plush at 9 p. m.. Leaves Piusb Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare $3 one way or 5 for
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st t.75 per hundred j frow
Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per hundro
A Lively Tussle
with that old enemy of the race. Con.
stlpatlon, ofUn ends in Appendicitis.
To avoid nil mrlous trouble with
Stomach, Liver, and Dowels, take
Dr. Kings New Life I'HIh. They per
fectly rogulato these organH, without
pain or dlMcomfort. Tc at lA-e Doall
latrtDC Rarru Br1"1! with Swallow Fork la
JdlllC Ddlljf right , for ewwj rfvarss
for wethers. Boms ewes Bquars Crop and BUI
In right ear. Tar Brand ill. Ranis, Crane
Lake. foitoffice address, Lakeview, Oregoa
Zac WhitvYorlh Zfitt$2i2
right for ewes) reverse for wethers Tar Brand'
W. Kange, Fish Creek. FostoOce address
Latvlew, Oregon