Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 29, 1906, Image 5

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JArmrG Powder
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls and muffins.
An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder.
Petition for Mquor License.
We, tho iiiidirgind legal voter of
Paisley Precinct, mVv county, Ore
gon, respectfully petition tho Honor
able County Court of JUi County,
State of Oregon, to grant a lloen to
M. ('. Currier to nell Hplrltuoii. mult
and vlnou Liquor In 1" quant It le
than one gallon In Paisley Precinct.
Lake County, l)ri'ii , for the poilod
of lx month, a in duty hound, wo
will ever pray :
Virgil Conn,
Geo. Conn
John N. Iong
IjlWlellCO AlllXNVOltll
J. ('. lluimii,
W. H. I tin I r
A. A. Wit 1mm
J I. Wit .el,
1J. W. Furrow
Win Hartlcrodo
H. Gaylord
A. lliinlstcr
L. C. llurtlcrodo
G. H. Farm
W. II. Tucker
(io. Kiuincy
J. F. McDonald
K. J. Moore
M. 11. Whltehoii-M
K A. Mo
C. M. II u ii ii n
Chus. Biireu
M. Conley
Frank Dobkln
C. Ii. Wither
J. H. Kelmiy
I. (S. TIlOlIM
K. H. Banister
Frank Pratt
Maurice Murphy
K. C. Ktlckel
C. W. Wither
(1. W. Cool.-y
(i. (in lord
T. 0. Welch
Geo lruiiini
John I)iiiiiiiii
J. K. Elder
Al Farrow
J. A. McDonald
C. K. Moiri
Win. Taylor
Perry W. Banister
W. V. Miller
II. F. ('nun on
J. A. Druiiuu
M. Iiiurltcn
W. 1. Welch
II. J. Stanley
J. F. Hevil
E. 1'. Mat hen
F. A. Fitpat rick
Art Stanley
Will J. Sherlock
J. K. Harper
J. J. Mourn
J. 11. Mr Now
11.1 Bush
M. C. Currier
Stntc of Ore:inM
Coniity f liko i
We II. F. Cannon and C. L. Wither
leluK II rt duly aworn nc:ordlnK to
law depone ami nay each for hlniHolf
that tlui forcKolnu petition containH
tho alunaturoH of an iii tual inajority
of tho whole huiiiImt of Ical voter
of I'aUUy l'recinct Iiko County,
Oregon, that each of nuid HinatureH
lrt K'eiiiiliie; that each of the perHoim
whoHO Hlk'iiatureH aro hIk'ikxI to all
petition U an actual resident in Haid
precinct at tho dato hereof and wiih
an 1 Iiiih been actuully a rehident of
and reriidlntf in nal-l precinct at leant
thirty clnjH iminediately preceediu
tho dato ho tdk'iicd wild petition and
uIko of the WiUm of tho Maine.
11. F. Cannon,
C. L. Wither
Sworn to and wuhHcrilHd boforo ino
thin 'i'kl day of March, VM).
(Heal) Vlrxll Conn,
Notary Public.
Noitco i hereby K'vfu, that tho Uu
derii,'neo! will upply to tho Hon.
County Court of Lako County, Stato
of Oregon, on May 1!HX, for a Li
censo to Hell Bplrituoiiri, Malt and VI
uoii Liquor in h'H quiuititle than
ono gallon in l'ainley Precinct, Iake
County, Oregon, for u p'riol of ii
months from tho 2d day of May 1!HKJ.
M. 0. Currier.
I havo received tho prin and Bum
mer Biunple of Tho Standard Ladiea
Tailoring Co., for Eton, Pony and
ahlrt waist suit, ekirta, jacket and
rain coat.
lni. Mi Mae Snider.
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The chance is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why if Is. He has our
formula and will explain.
Wlin U ynr nM. fr mnn iiinnilit mi
(tnatliuuiilit I fun ht IIvb lirriiii.enl llilu liln.ul.
Hut. til fw k. Ayi-r'n t'ir.Mirtll i
Dltlv rwtU'rul mti hi liwilili "
(dim. K art KKirmi, Vlni-luiiil. . !
ft .00 ft bottlN.
All itriii'i'l't'
.1 r. A KH ci.
The Children
BlllousnosH.coii itiM'tiion urovt n-
CO., Hi W YORK. .
Willis S. Dunlway
. IS A y-i
Tor 5late Printer
. t
"I hereby pledo tho people of Ore-. I hereby announce niyelf a candi
trou iiKreat reduction of the enornn u 1 lato for the ofllco of County Clerk of
coht of the illlce, if elected, and I de- Lnko county, Oregon, auljject to the
claro upon my honor that 1 hall neek lech ion of tho IU-publican votors of
neither to perpetuate old abiiHcM of the j Lako county at the primary election
ollleo nor eim-iiK'o in new achemea to' to K" held on April 20th, 'XHi.
loot the treasury." j W. Tucker.
Willi S. Dunlway. ! Because He' Wants 'it.
"Willi S. Dunhviiy i a man of uteri- j Some candidate are born. Other
iiiK integrity and thorough knowledge become candidate at the urgent solic
of tho printing luiaine." Porltand Itutioti of their friend, but J. L.
Labor Pre. ' Smith i a candidate for county clerk
. ... of Lako county, Huliject to nction of
It 1 my purpose to boa candidate tho Itepublican Party in Primary Klec
for nomination a State Printer in Hon, April 20, 1!MX Decauno he want
tho Kepiiblican prlmarie next fpriiik' :
(April UK!;. I Molicit tho aupport
of Ketmblican ifenerally, irnl rupee
lally do I tihk the help of all who want!
reform in tho Stato printing OHlce.
At prewnt it i tho mean of extract
ing latKo Hum of money from the
treasury for which tho people of Oro
KOll jfet no equivalent liencflt.
If elected, 1 hereby pledge myself to
a Kreat reduction in tho cnormou
cont of tho olllee, and declare upon
my honor that 1 ahall wek neither toididato for the nomination of County
. .1 1 . - 'h. - 1 l!. - 1 i. A
perpettiale iih oiu hiium; tn t oo ui ;
nor eiiKa'e in now wheme to loot tho
treamiry. (And the public, may rent
axHtired. if I am elected State Printer,
that thoHO who oppone me will take j
iileaHtiro ill lielt'itiL' me keep this
pledge. )
Tho following qtiehtions, it heetn to
me, aro proper to auk about a candi
date who neck a KcptihlicHU nomina
1. I lie an honent man?
2. Ha ho the nt'ceswiry qualitlcii-
:i. I ho a Republican in fact a w ell
a in name?
4. lias he niven mich service to hi
party' principle and htandard bear
er a to deserve hi party's recogni
Utile tho candidate record will
command atllrmative nuswer to
thoHO (ptewtion, ho ottK'ht not reason
ably to expect favors of the party.
Knowing that I am qualified by
year of experience to fill the ollleo of
Stato Printer, and trusting that mv
personal record will bo found satisfac
tory, I repectfully nsk your aid lu
the coming contest.
Truly Your,
W. S. Duuiway.
For State Treasurer.
I horoby announce myself to tho Re
publican voto-a of Lako County, Ore
gon, a a candidatofor tho nomination
for tho ofllce of Stato Troaurer, . at
the primary eloctiou to be held April
Examiun my record as a private cit
izen, a public official and a an honest
and aucoesaful Vmslues man, and if
you can And no good reason for op
posing me, I earnestly solicit your
Tho. F. Ryuu,
Oregon City, Oregon.
For Representative.
Geo. H. Merryman, of Klamath
Fall, Oregon, eaudidate for tho nom
ination of Joint-Representative on the
Republican ticket at the Primary
election, Arrll 20th, 11XK1.
Write to u Ihr tn unplM of fln nw atrllih trourtn Ot ua II X
tha trouaara ault you whan they ara Ouiahad thay
for ttia aaiua oioiu. uun
" . .-...... Tha ololb la a aulanma Ifr.u. vi
c uin t oi "t.-"1 : ...
W4y lur VcUUt auuvlaa.
Ilka litatliar. wrna
For Commissioner.
1 hereby mi bin It my name a a run-
didale for County Commllonr "ob
ject to the action of tho Republican
voter in tho primary election to m
held April 20, liMKl, In Lake County,
II..U. JUryNrd.
To the Democratic Voters
1 announce mynelf hm n candidate
for tho ollleo of Sheriff of Lake coun
ty, Oregon, subject to tho action of
tho Democratic party in 1'rlniary fle
ction, to Iw held on April VJHh, 1J.
M V Hopkins
T lhcbiMcrale Party of County.
I most' respectfully submit my
tiaino Hit a candidate, for tho nomina
tion of Rherllf of like county, Ore
gon, subject to tho action of tho Dem
ocratic I'arty in Prlnmry Election .to
Ix) held on April 20, UMI
F, P. Lane.
To Republican of like County.
I hereby unbuilt my name a a can
didate for thoofllceof Sheriff of Loko
County, OroKon, subject to the action
of tho republican of tho county, In
Iirlmnry Klectlon on April 2)th, llKtO.
Albert Dent
Tlh Kcpublkan of Lk County.
I aH(ire to bo tho Republican nominee
for County Clerk of Lake county,
Oregon, at the general election next
Juno, and will ubmit my Dame for
your coiiHideration at the Primary
Klcction to lm hehl April ith, 1!KK5.
I ak at your hand a careful conld
erHtion of my qualification and, if in
your opinion, i am capablo and wor
thy, reHpM-tfully wk your support.
Vour Truly,
E. N. Jaquihh.
To The Republican Voters.
the otllce
Democratc Voters, Notice.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date or the otllce of Sherilf of Lake
county, Oregon hubj-ct to tho decis
ion of tho Democratic voter, at the
primary election to le held on April
2Uh, V.Mifi.
Leo Iieall.
For Trjasurer.
1 Ivereby nun ounce myse'f a a can-
xreamtrer, lor re-eteciiou, auojecv io
tlto (leciHiou or tne ltepuimcau voter
at tho primary flection to bo held
April 2oth, V.W, in Lake County, Oro-
F. O. Ahlstrom.
For County Commissioner.
Silver Lake, Ore., Jan. 30, lOuG.
I hereby announce myself a a can
didate for tho nomination to the
ollleo of County Commissioner, of
Lako County, Oregon, subject to the
decision of tho Republican voter at
tho Primary Election to be held April
20, 1000.
K. K. Henderson.
For State Printer.
The undersigned announces himself
a a Republican candidate for renom
ination for State Pr'nter, subject to
tho decision of tho Republican voters
at the primary election April 20.
Now serving first term. The same
courtesy that ha been accorded to
State officer generally, that of a re-
nomination, would bo greatly appre
ciated. .
Albany, Oregou.
Candidate for Secretary of State
lion. Frank W. Benson, of Rose-
burg, Oregon, has announced himself
a candidate for the Republican nomi
nation for Secretary of State, at the
coming primary election. Mr. Benson
has no platform other than to assure
the publio that in the event of his
eloction to this high office, he will de
vote all his time, energy and ability
to- giving a faithful, prompt econo
mical and satisfactory administration
of the affairs of the office. Mr. Ben
son is well known to the people of the
State of Oregon, having been a resi
dent of the State for more than 25
He Is a lawyer of acknowledged ab
ility, a man of conservative business
habits, President of the Douglas
County Bank at Roseburg, and has
the confidence of all the men who
know him. The voters of Lake Coun
ty will make no mistake, if they cast
their ballots for him.
jour BIMIUI in.j ,u .
an ltiT ara Uulihwl th will coat you o ou, uui.r wuuk w
liJ'x S you Juauoh U..t.y mu.t aaUaiy you o; ; you ,;t no
......" .-r-.z r-k- ,,v .,,4
a. wa V u ar au iaa it w - .
...... .
Shirt, WaisLs,
Cloaks, Belts &
and Boys' Hats
Candidate for Republican Nomi
nation as State Treasurer
Of Oregon City.
Born in Rhode Island 4G years ago.
Judge Ryau cam to Oregon in his
21st year and entered the employ of
the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co. at
its factory in Brownsville. The fol
lowing year he "went to Oregon City,
where he hit since resided, lie has
been elected as Mayor, City Recorder
aud School Director and Clerk of Ore
gon City, and for the last seven years
ha been the County Judge of Clacka
ma County, in which position he
has proven himself to be an exception
able business man, paying off an in
debtedness of over iOO.OOO and at
the same time constructing each year
many miles of good, improved mod
ern roads, and decreasing the tax levy
each year.
In an interview Judge Ryan says:
"Boiug neither President, Cashier
or Stockholder in any bank or Agent
nor Employee of any Money Loaniug
Institution, I pledge myself to use
and guard the funds of the Stato in a
strict conformity to tho laws of the
State and for the interests of all of
the people and' not discriminate in
favor of any institution or person.
As a man of the people, independent of
any clique, faction or corporation, I
request the support of all Republicans
in securing this nomination, and if
elected I promise to perform every
duty required of the State Treasurer
in an efficient aud economical manner.
Get jour Alfalfa Seed at
$Zie&2 twelve and one-XAa-iialf
cts. per pound
in quantity.
Is a most refreshing;
beverage if
is used.
it's delightful flavor Is
an appetizing revelation. s f-V
SlaugSiiter Sale..
To make room for our new
Spring Stock which will be here
in a day or Lwo.
We arc now offer
ing some of the
Greatest Bargains
ever heard of.
of Ladies' shoes,
Skirts, Capes,
Neckwear, Men's
& Percale Shirts.
i Notice For Publication.
In the Circuit Cetirt of tho State
of Oregon, for the County of Lake.
OON, Plaintiff,
W. Manrinjcr, a
! County Clerk of Lake
j County, Oregon, and
To appear
and atiow
an person claiming
to be heir of RUBY
CLARK (sometime
known as Lillie King),
D:-ceaed. Defendants.
It appearing to the satisfaction of
the Court that The State of Oregon,
a plaintiff, by V. J. Moore, District
Attorney for the Second Prosecuting
Attorney District of Orenon, and L.
F. Conn, as special counsel, for the
State of Oregon, by leave and onder
the direction of Hon. Geo. E. Cham
berlain, as Governor of said State did,
on the 7th day of March. 190G, duly
file an Information setting forth in sub
stance that one Ruby Clark, (some
times known as Lillie King), in Lake
County, Oregon, on the 8th day of
July, 190J, died intestate, without
leaving any husband, heirs or next of
kin, and leaving personal property
therein of the appraised and aggregate
value of Fifteen Hundred Sixty-six
and forty one-hundredths (?1506.40)
Dollars ; that thereafter such proceed
ings were regularly had in the County
Court of said Lake County, Oregon,
that one F. M. Miller was duly ap
pointed, and thereafter qualified and
acted as administrator of the estate
of said deceased, aud did fully admin
ister on the same ; that all claims,
debts and demands against said es
tate, and all charges and epxenses of
administration of and against the
same, have been fully satisfied, set
tled and paid by said administrator;
that said administrator duly made
and filed his final account in said
County Court of said Lake County,
Oregou, on April 7th, 1!X)5, showing
the following property belonging to
said estate in his hands and remain
ing unexpended and unappropriated,
after all claims, debts, demands,
charges and expenses of Administra
tion had been paid aud satisfied, to
wit :
Seven Hundred Forty-two and four
one-hundredths ($742. IH) Dollars in
cash ; 1 gold finger ring ; t stick pins ; 4
pocket books ; 1 cork screw ; 7 pocket
knives; 1 pair nail shears ; 2 dozen
large and small buttons ; 2 dozen col
lar buttons 1 trunk ; 15 dresses or
wrappers; 15 dress skirts; 1 riding
suit complete; 11 shirt waists; 9 che
mise ; 3 jackets ; 11 pair under pants ;
2 corsets; 12 shirts; 1 mackintosh; 4
over vests; 2 toy banks; 1 sponge; 8
packs cards; 1 wig; 5 dozen towels; 6
ostrich feathers ; 14 napkins ; 1 pistol ;
4 pair shoes ; 3 shawl straps ; 1 pair
hair curlers : 1 shoulder cape ; 1
piece black lace; 1 album with pic
tures ; 1 clock ; 2 pillows ; 2 pictures
and frames ; 2 pictures ; 1 card rack ;
3 novels ; 4 dozen glass jars ; 2 carpets ;
1 rug ; 1 bed comfort ; 1 pair hand
cuffs ; 1 cook book ; 1 bottle shoe pol
ish, ; 1 ink stand ; 1 mirror, comb and
brush; 1 work basket; thread and
other trinkets; 1 box stationery; 1
belt ; 1 dozen pieces cloth ; 5 aprons ;
1 whisk broom ; and one pin cushion ;
That on the 19th day of May, 1905,
a decree was duly made and entered
in said County Court of Lake Coun
ty, Oegon, allowing said final account
and directing said administrator to
deliver into the custody of said A .W
k0 ifl B
Manring, County Clerk aforesaid, all
of said money and property belonging
to said estate, remaining unexpend
ed and unappropriated as shown by
said final account, and discharg
ing said administrator; thai
said administrator did, on the 29th
day of May, 1905, in compliance with
the direction of said decree of said
! County Court, deliver and turn, over
' into the custody of said A. W. Man
i ring, as such County Clerk, all of said
. property so remaining unexpended
and unappropriated, and the same and
every pairt thereof is now in the poa
i session and custody of said A. W. Man
( ring, as such County Clerk ; that all
; of said property so remaining nnex
1 pended and unappropriated and now
! in the custody and possession of said
; A. W. Manring, as such County Clerk,
j has escheated to the State of Oregon,
i and is the property of the plaintiff,
and said plaintiff is entitled to judge
j ment therefor, and. the State of Ore
gon has the right by law to such es
t tate ; that the Hon. Geo. E. Chamber
lain, as Governor of the State of Ore
! gon, did on the 10th day of October,
jl905, employ L. F. Conn as addi
j tional and special counsel to aid said
District Attorney in the prosecution
of the above-entitled cause on behalf
of the State of Oregon; that One
j Hundred Dollars is a reasonable sum
, to be allowed by this Court for the
j services of said L. P. Conn as addi-
tional and special counsel herein ; and
: demanding that summons issue to said
: A. W.Man ring, as County Clerk of Lake
j County, Oregon, requiring him to ap
! pear and answer said Information
j within ten days from the service of
I said summons upon him, if served
within Lake County, Oregon, and
within twenty days from the date of
. service of said summons upon him,
! if served within any other County of
I the State of Oregon ; and demanding
that said Court make an order setting
I forth briefly tho contents of said In
formation, and requiring all persons
interested in said estate to appear and
show cause, if any they have, within
such time as said Court may tlx, why
the title to said property in the poses
session of said A. W. Manring, aa
County Clerk of Lake County, Ore
gon, should not vest in the State of
Oregon, and demanding said order to
be published six consecutive weeks
from the date thereof in such news
paper as may be lawfully designated
for that purpose, aud demanding that
plaintiff have judgment against the
said defendants, aud all other persons
claiming any iuterest in any of the
property described in said Information,
as being in the possession of said A.
W. Manring as such County Clerk,
and that the State of Oregon be siezed
of the whole thereof, and directing
said A. W. Manring, a such County
Clerk to deliver said property now in
his possession, to the Sheriff of Lake
County, Oregon:
And the Court having considered
the foregoing and being fully advised
in the premises,
That all persons interested in tho
Estate of said Ruby Clark (somotimea
known as Lillie Kiug deceased, eith
er as heirs or otherwise", be, and they
each are hereby required to appear
herein and show cause, if any they
have, on or before the 4th day of
May. 1906, why the title to all of said
last described property should not
vest in the State of Oregon ; and it ia
further ordered that this order be pub
lished for six successive weeks, from
the date hereof and not less tbaa
one time each of said weeks in the
the Court hereby find to be a newspa
per of general circulation published
weekly at Lakeview, in Lake County,
Oregon, and that the first publication,
hereof be made in the issue of said
paper of March 15, 1900, and the last
In the issue of April 26, 1906, thereof,
and if they fail to so appear or show
cause, plaintiff will tuke judgment
against them and each of them for the
relief demanded in said Information.
Done at Chambers, in Klamath
Falls, County of Klamath, State of
Oregou, and dated this 10th day
Marco, 1000.
Henry L. Benson,
Judge of the Circuit Court
of Oregon, for the Couuty
of Klamath.
llil hii ht Havi Always
4K7 U
covcry. C.i .it-" " '