Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 29, 1906, Image 4

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goto County C?xir.tilnrt
Puhllahed Every Thursday.
MbmoIc Balldlnf
.... THIS IS ... .
KnliTd at the PoM Offiooat l.akrTtew, Ore.
mh SocomM la alatli'f.
" An
iline er, ,
Six Month 1 00 j
(Three montnj, s
Eastern papers have tukeu up dis
cussion of the matter of putting rec
lamation work more directly uuder
Congress. Note is beiug made of the
fact that iu no other department has
one official such enormous power and
latitude as in prosecut ing reclamutou
work. The theory of the change is to
have projects submitted for approval
and appropriation by Congress. This
agitation is without any charge of dis
honesty or misappropriation by the
Secretary of the Interior, being based
upon the general practice that the
power is too vast and the duties too
exhaustive for one official.
The Bend Bulletin bases its belief,
that all railroads are strving to enter
Crook county, on the fact that they
have plenty of lava rock there for
balast. A different kind of ballast
usually attracts more attention from
railroad builders; wool, livestock,
products of the soil and gold bearing
rock, such as Lake county produces
in abundance.
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Read the political announcements iu
The Examiner. We have several new-
ones this week, Judge liyan of Oregon j
City, for State Treasurer, 11 B. Wat
son of Tort land, for United States
Senator, W. C. Haw ley of Benton
county, for Congress. These besides
the several others that we have beeu
running, all furnish excelleut oppor
tunity for the voter to become ac
quainted with the candidate as nearly
as Is possible to do without meeting
the man personally. Candidates this
year have taken to a method of get
ting acquainted with the voter that is
really more effective and more satis
factory than any method yet adopted,
that of meeting them through their
local paper. What the candidate says
in the paper is in black and white and
he can never budge from his state
ments, nor the voter can never forget
what he said. Kead a man s letter, rl,l.( fr I fnipl tnte Senator.
and tou know him. Muuuca.. vuuu,
Jonathan Bourne, Jr. caiulidato before the Republican
lrimarics for the nomination of United States Senator iii
Contrress. for the lonsr term commencing March 4, 11)07,
was born in New Bedford. Mass., February 'Jit 1S3"; was ,
a member of the class of 1S77 at Harvard University; j
came to Portland May 10, 1S7S, was a Republican mem-,
ber of the Oregon Legislature in the session o( 18S." and ;
the extra session of 1SS0; was one of Oregon's delegates!
to the Republican National Convention of lSvSS, and Ore-j
iron s member ot the Republican .National L-omnmree irom
1SSS to 1892 and a delegate to the Republican National
Convention of 1S92, and was elected as a Mitchell kepub
liV.nn tn "the Orerron Lcirislature in 1890.
Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with;
the development of the mineral resources of Oregon than
anv otherman in the state, having expended in the last 20 j
vcars over 81,000,000 of his own money in the acquisi
tion and development of Oregon mines. I
While Mr. Bourne has had his residence and main office,
at Portland since 1878, he has had another ollice at New
Bedford. Mass., and has earned on the business oi nis
father's estate since 1S89, which makes him familiar with
. , . . ii i: i... T.'.t--
The statehood bill has been sent by many ot the large interests ami leaning hicii m ti. lyi.-t.
the lower house of congress to the j These Qualifications, in conjunction with his tremendous
hospital for incurables, where it is be- cnero-Vt originality, executive ability and experience in I
lieved it will lie in state until resusi- jjn lu political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for;
tuile making an able and influential Senate, for the State of;
table in the House, and placed in the Oregon.
hands of three conferees, and are- Mr. Bourne has alwa's favored extending tlie direct;
quest made of the Senate for a confer- p0wcr of the people over their government as far as pos- j
ence. ! c:ij TTr- -ns nn' nt the lending soirits in the Initiative-
and Referendum movement from 1890 until it was ap-;
proved bv the voters at the June election in 1902. In 190 t ;
he was a member ol the executive committee oi uie inc.L
Primarv Nominations League, and holds the same posit
ion with the People's Power League at this time. In all
these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee
the necessary expense of preparing and proposing their
measures to the people.
He says that the choice of United States Senator;
should be bv direct vote of the people, and that the Legis-i
lature should be compelled to elect the man the people;
select. To accomplish this result, he is championing State- j
mcntXo. 1 of the primary elections la was the only method j
by which public opinion may be crystallized and made;
effective upon the Legislature. j
In his petition for nomination he says: ;
"If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term
of office, favor:
RpnnbhVrm Polities.
Amending National Constitution for People's election of
United States Senators.
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
National Control of corporations in Interstate commerce.
Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages
Make Good Citizens.
Legal limitation labor hours for safety on railroads.
Parcels Post, including rural delivery.
Pure Food laws. Liberal appropriations for Panama
Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor improvements,
including Columbia and Willamette rivers, Coos, Yaquina
and other Oregon harbors, Celilo canal, Government canal
at Oregon Cit v. Fair share of Irrigation fund for Oregon.
Loyal support of successful candidates. Rigid enforce
ment Statement One. Roosevelt for second elective term.
I desire that the following statement be printed alter
my name on the nominating ballot:
We have tlie Goods to suit the Tastes of
Everybody. All our prices are Fair and when
you Buy Here Once you'll Surely Come Again.
A full line of Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Felt Boots
and Rubbers. tf
We have been furnishing Sheepmen with Winter sup
plies for these many years and have laid in our stock with
their interests in view. vtf
What is Good for one is Good for all.
Pioneer Store
layne's "Tonic Vermifurfe
Gives strength to men, women and children.0 d
: i.r.u
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Curr Crip
la Two s.
t Tdc Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. VLJb
u sewn boxes oid in post 12 months. This signature, -r
on every
There may bo a hundred men In thin rliy wlio linvo nrin thti nxmr loneth
an youri lut tin r I ti -t one otlur man In lln- wliulo iimuiy lio In Uio lutino
as yourself In all utlu-r irirtluim.
It l Klin ply tin inipoxslblllty to get a perfect flttlnif fult by buylnir rendy-to-,vcnr
We will nuiko a Hult to your muuHura fur $J0.
You jjuy thiit niui'h, or nearly tliut tmn h fur every lmnd-ine-down suit you buy.
Fresh Alfalfa Seed at
Vote for Win. J. Clarke for State
Printer ou primary day, April 20th.
Mr. Clarke is one of the oldest print
ers in the State and one of the be.t
known country editors iu Oregon.
Ilia nomination will Ijo a tribute to
the country press and they are hack
ing him heavily for the place. lie
member, the name of SVm. J. Clarke
is the flri-t one under the head of
State Printer. 1
Alfalfa Seed at
F. M. Miller and Joe Fuller who
have been in Warner for several weeks,
returned home last Friday. While
there Mr. Miller purchased the entire
band of cattle of J. C. Dodson, in
cluding some belonging to A. V. lJeach
and some beloning to Mrs, M. P. IJod
Bon, Jim's mother. The baud will
number iu all, iu the neighborhood of
1200 head.
A half inch of rain fell last Friday
night. Some of the residents of Lake
view were beginning to get anxious.
They have not forgotten the freshet
two years ago, when the flume filled
up with gravel and turned the water
Into the streets. Unless a jam of drift
wood 6hould blockade the flume u re
currence of the well icuiembered inci
dent could hardly be expected since
the new flr.ine has been put in.
ftuixl. 'i ln-jf ate i-ut
Mil ll) 111' II
y lan'-lilliiTj:
'Mint U why jptiii lmi N'ltirM milt lieretiv
f. hi' iiini 1 lli.-ir li 'k "f nrHhu Ixifiiro you
hail illl tlii'Iil tin 1 f liny.
V will make a 'i!f l "iir tiirnr tnt
yiMir i-lnlv wriip itint will lit yiMi Iih'ii
It WHH tMillt ti'T Mini li "tie ele fir
iftiamtilie tlie rlolh to ' mn nII-wim! rlirvlit
tlM floili 1 tww nl vliiriiti-Jiit IT tli
i.n iiilt !itttrfi lirttnl cmltlril - rrrry M'Mlll
linuil wwd! itli nllk lliirtl wltli ImiMiriet Vrne
Hun iU'Hi.
We lue wln'lnl rirnl pnllirn. liny rtf
whl' li wm will muke ut ti "tir iiieaMiire f"r
I nil-. iti I'xpr"" Mi'iut iiri-li'i mii'h wv w ill mull
juti n Min(lt if n Iii nriTline iiltHrn.
Tlllu 1'HHiTtl l Ml lirw ti t It will I wild I'
tnll.-r" iii'il Ji'nr mi tin) ' iuU't."
Tlie I'd' kKr.mml uf the pntirrn In iU-i-p truf,
WtOl Hll nhl'iint lllllH'll "t U'lo DVlTlllHI lr
rl'f -k. 'I hi ii'lor f Ihlu rnl'rh iliu'ii imt pluiw
ililit t'nillv. (li' li"t wrlnl.11 Hint hn tiiki'tl thn
lb mi will Unit Hi" fc'iirinilit ik llkr ni'
until It N nil W'irri unt. 'Ihf wiml ii-'i In wi
liur tll Kuriiint wriu Mi'li'i'li'il with mniutinl
I'urt. 'I'lirri' U Im Wi"'l In Ihr fnlirli nlnl
mi uliohly. Tlie rhitli hit" mi Hue w-ae Ih-.t
It .r. I'lilu a fnlllr l.nril Hiirru' e. ml nt the
line l mift ami illnMe. It will nut xiiff
nil nr gi't Mnr. 'Jhl I'liilli rnmmt l ImilKht
In. in tin. mill f'.r timu f i.TiO a y"l. ni
mnlter If yml If.iiirht flvr thnilHnnil yaril. W
urn l!i I'nrllle fount ri'in-in-nlrille nf a pynill
rnte nf llif Itir'i'it winilrn nilllu In the Wurlil.
Thnt ennhli'N iih to nnike thU uiil'n'rtnlfiifeil tifTrr
nf n milt ti ymir ini'innire tr fyi. HimiiI fur n
en niple null It t plerim we lw lunit ami een
the wont alramla ore nolo huw well llie'iljtu
liaat set.
VT. C. Haw ley was bora in Bentou
County forty years ago and has resid
ed in this state continously. He is a
graduate of the literary department of
Willamette University, as well as the
College of Law, and hus been admit
ted to the bar. Later, he served the
institution as its president for ten
years, filling the position with entire
satisfaction to the Board of Trustees.
He declined the presidency upon the
re-organization of the University a
few years ago, preferring to devote his
time to class-room work. He has giv
en much study to political economy,
history, international and constitu
tional law, and is regarded as well
euipped for the position he seeks. He
la widely known as a public speaker
on live issues. As he has always beeu
a Republican and has no interests to
serve but the public iuterests, his
candidacy will undoubtedly be look
ed upon with favor. Ho is making a
clean, dignified campaign for the
Land Offce at Lakeview, Oregon,
Mar., 24, 1900. Notice is hereby
given that the following-Darned Bet
tier has filed notice of bin Intention
to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be
made before Jleglster aud Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon, on the 21st day
of May, 1900 viz. f larry A. caldorwood
HE 2J5Cforthe N NWJf & Nl NEJ
Sec. 14 Tp. 375 Range 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous resjdence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
clay Rambo, Frank Donison, Thomas
ralderwood and Nelson alderwood
of l'lusli Oregon.
J.N.Watson Register.
Fill nnt tlila eonprm am! mull to n and we
will weiiil yml a fmini.le nf tltf rlntti. W iriitr
anlee thnt the anniplf In ai'timlly rut from the
Try Imlt of cloth from whtli we mitke the ault.
When you Tlnlt I'orllntnl. euine In ami Terlfy tlila
or any amrHon we make. If yon wImIi, ante
aonie 1'nrllnnil friend to tell you almnt the r'i
utatlnn ami alaullii( of the Columbia Woolen
MIMa Co.
It la the ftlmrilent thlnir In Hie world to Intra
ome frh-iid take your uieaatire. We will winl
you a tape mpHHUrn free, and Inatriietloua liow
to take a nienHiirn fur a ault of el.. then.
He anre and wild for tlila aainple. If ynn grt
ault from thla offer, you will lie wearlnir a
Karuient the patlern of wblrh local doaltra can
imt (Kmalhly get u atork tiefore another year.
The pattern of our - ault will lie aold next
ypur aa the luteal (l.y other talloml.
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
Columbia Woolen Mtlla Co., Tortlnnd, Or.
Meuae aend mo free, enmplo of lnle pat
tern Kim I lu OTerllne itKMla, from whlrh
you agree to make a ault to ineaaure for
JO. Alan send me, free, a porket tope
meaanra and Mank, ami limtrui-tlotia for
takliiK ineaMurra. Tlila doea not olillmte
dio to liujr ault uiik-na 1 wlali.
A J' I rem
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Mar. 24, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that Harry
F. Calderwood of Flush, Lake Co.,
Oregon has filed notice of Intention j
to make proof on his desert-lana
claim No. C7, for the SEJ NKJ Sec.
14 Tp. 7 S., It. 25 K W M before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon on Monday, the 21st day of
May, 1900.
lie names the following witnesses
to prove the complete Irrigation and
reclamation of said land : Clay A'ainbo,
Frank Donison, Thomas Calderwood
and Nelson Calderwood of Flush,
Oregon- . , x
J.N.Watson Register.
The Rrown School of correspondence was organized to help those who
want an education and are willing to work to get it; those who
left school too early and now regret It; those who by
reason of present circumstances cannot attend
a regular school, but are ainbltlou for
advancement. Our courses Include
Commercial department
Rookkeeplng, Shorthand, commercial Law, commercial Arithmetic
mormnl department
Teacher's Preparatory course, Training course for Primary Teachers,
Training course for 0 ram mar Grade Teachers Department
civil Fnglneering, Mechanical Knglneerlng, Mining engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Drawing, Surveying
The refpnlrements for admission
are Reading, Writing and Ambition. Send for our booklet. "PROOFS"
241 So. West Temple St. - - - Salt Lake City, Utah
Timber l-amt otlee.
United Muten I .mid OnVe Lakeview,
Oregon March 20 Notice U here
by Kiveii lliHt in roiniliMii'e with the
provinini of the Act of Juno 3, 1H78,
ei, titled "An m l for the khIh of timWr
IiuhU in the StnteH of Culifurniit, Ore
gun, Nevada mid WindiiiiKtoii Territory,"
hn extended In bII the I'uhlio IjiikI
tate ly set f Aiik'nxt 4, 1 ., litorgt
Conn, I'nlsley, county of Lake, State
of Oregon, has this tiny, filed In this
ollice his eworii Mtutetiiciil No .'Ml"2,
for the piirchaK. of the VJ SV. Sh
N VJ Sf. 12 & SEJ NE'i of Hectltiii No
11 In Towiiehlp No. .'II S., KaiiKO No.
17 E. W. M.. ami will offer proof to
hliow that the land enniilit Is more
valualile for ltn t i t ti t m-r or xtoiic thaii
for imiliulturiil purpoKes. and to
CHtalilleh hU cliilm to Hald hind lie
fore RelHler and IStrelver at Lake
view, Oreiroii. on Friday, the IjIIi
day of .1 line, l'.Mii.
lie n ;i 1 1 1-m itM It IH'eecM : ('.'.. Moore
of l akeview, Oregon, It. VV. I arrow,
D. It. Conrad, A. A. I arrow of Palsly
Anv and all perHoiis claiming ad
versely the aliove-deHcrllted IiiihIh
are reqtieHtt'd to lilt their claims In
this ollice on or lM-fore eitM l-Mli day
of .lime, I'.hh;.
.I.N. Watson
12-10 Register.
Where is Dan Haley?
If Daniel Haley, who about twelve
vears nifo lived in Southern Oreifon.
mid who mice had u brother living in
PiiHiidt.-uu, ('nl., by the iiiiino of
Michael Haley, will correspond with
the undei'HiKned ho can learu nf Roiue
thl.iiK to his advantage.
Win. Forls'S,
Clerk of Pasadena Camp, W. O.
10 4 PiiBadenii, Cal.
. For Infanti and Children.
Tti8 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
WANTED: Two men In each
county to represent anil advertise
Hardware Department, put out
samples of our goods, etc. Travel
ing Position or Ofllce Manager. Sal
ary (90.00 per month cash weekly,
with all ex icnses paid In advance.
We furnish everything.
Chicago, III.
Dept. CIO, Monon, Rldg.
Torture By Savages.
"Speaking of the torture to which
some of the savage tribes In tho Philip
pines subject their captives, reminds
mo of the Intense suffering I endured
for three months from Inflammation
of the K Idneys," says W. M. Sherman,
of Cushlng, Mo,, "Nothing helped mo
until I tried Electric Hitters, three
bottles of which completely curoil
nio." Cures Liver Complaint' Dys
pepsia, Rlood disorders and Malaria;
and restores tho weak and nervous
to robust health. Guaranteed by
1x0 Reall Druggist. Price r.Oc.