Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 15, 1906, Image 8

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We arc clearing out all of our J25 and $1.50 Golf
and Negligee shirts for o(Q(Q)
They are all new and attractive patterns, suitable for
all occasions.
You . will find your size among them if you make
your selection before the other fellow.
See them in our South Window.
C. S. LOVELESS. Proprietor.
I propose to offer the public a stopping place where their
horses wil be fed and cared for as they would be cared for at
I will also keep a team and rig to hire. j
1 ; -. Jl
We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Wmmmmamam liimu nil lj i ;
Our new stock of goods have arrived
and is complete in everything usually
found in a first-class Drug Store; con
sisting of Fancy Stationery, Writing
Tablets, Spelling Blanks, Tens and Pen
cils, Ink and Mucilege, Fancy Soaps and
Toilet articles, Tooth Brushes, etc.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Big Ball the SV.
Felix Ileryfor.I is quite sick.
Bessie Loveless is reported very
Dutch lunch at th3 BreworvSn-
loon. n
Mr. Hart, the blind couutv charge.
is reported very tuck.
II. C. Lofton was registered at Hotel
Lakeview last Saturday.
Don't forget the dunce ou the Q:ird.
Given by the Lakeview Baseball Club.
Buy a ticket for the Base Hall
Dauee; they are now on wile at $1.50.
Base Ball Dauee on March Tick
ets ?1.50. Ciet your supper where you
J. 1'. Duckworth will buy hide.
Cull on or address him ut Lakeview
"Billy" Gunthcr has shaved his
mustache off, but not for campaign
1 purposes.
J lie sure and hear the Monologue,
'by .Miss Gertrude Vernon. Opera
house, March Pi.
I J .P. Duke was up from the ranch
Saturday looking for spring, and the
next day it buew.
I'OU SALK. Pure-bred Poland
China pigs. Inquire of thus. Oliver
of New Tine Creek, Oregon. 21-tf.
Those wishing score cards for the
game "5(A) " or euchre can find them
at The Eaxminer office. Price 'ii
cents per dozen. tf
The management of the entertain
ment for the Library wish it thorough
ly understood that the curtain will
raise promptly at 8 :'.VK
Miss Annalndla Darling will sing
"Because I Love You," In her most
charming way. Opera house, Fri
day evening. March 10.
Stock Inspector Clarkston expects
to make a trip to the northern part of
the county next week, btarting Mou
day, if the weather permits.
Everybody wants to buy a ticket
for the dance given on the 'i'Jrd, by
the Lakeview Baseball Club. Music
by orchestra. Tickets 11.50.
Everybody likes to see a good ball
game, and they like to see their boys
win, so the people here ought to turn
out to the ball on the 2.Td of March
and give the boys a good send off.
The Lakeview Baseball Club has
been reorganized and will begin prac
tising for the summer games. The
boys will give a benefit ball on the
night of March 5, the proceeds of
which will go to fitting up a team.
Geo, Lynch was in town last Friday,
8 .J. SI ud ley was up town last Fri
Henry Newell emtio In from Drews
Valley last Saturday.
Kd. Hend erson made 11 mil proof on
his homestead last Friday.
John Fltwntor was In town last
Saturday from tho West Ride,
trank llutehlus was over from his
West Side farm lata Saturday.
Elmer Harvey, tho potato raiser,
was dowu from his ranch Saturday,
Fi. S. Morris w as in towu last Satur
day. Didn't see hlin, but heard hint
0 .V. Pratt was up from tho ranch
last Saturday shaking hands with his
W. 1). Tracy was in town Saturday
from Drews Valley, returning home
I Sunday.
Charles C Koe came down from
Summer Lake, arriving in Ikoticw
Several bicycles were brought out
last week. None i-i sight this week,
A real Irish song by "Maggie Cnl-
lagan.' Lnkevlow Opera house
March 111.
About '.20 people are to take part in
the Library Entertainment tomorrow
(Friday) night.
Buy your ticket early, for the enter
tainment Friday night, and avoid the
rush the last day.
Iest you forget, the Base Ball laiys
are going to give a grand Ball ou the
night of March 'il
hovoral drummers arrived here last
week. They are still here. Simply
can't leave Lakeview'.
The most d I flic tilt Mathematical
problems, "Babies In Tovland
Opera house. March B!.
Mrs. Jas. McDermitt, who has been
sick with grippe for a couple of weeks,
is reported considerable better
Charley Nelson was in town Friday
with a fair-horse team. Didn't
know he could drive that many.
"Babies In Tovland, " captivating
character song. Don't miss It.
Opera house, Friday evening, March
There will be an all night dance giv
en by the Lakeview Baseball Club,
.March 'it. Tickets, not including
supper, 1.50.
John Cogghuru informs us that
himself and some other parties will
strike out ou a prosed nig trip as soon
as the weather will permit.
It is the general opinion that the
entire mountain between this valley
anil Warner anil Surprise valleys w ill
be staked olf in mining claims during
riie early summer.
We are informed that a couple of
mining experts from California are at
I Bidwcll and w ill investigate the
I mines. They are said to have bonded
j two or three claims, and made small
payments down on them.
J. I. Melick was over from Barnes
valley last Saturday. 'He is a little
prejudiced against this "candidate"
grip that is epidemic in Iukevicw.
He lost a finger while branding calves
a tew months ago, aul the stump is
not well yet.
The Drews Valley people, w ho were
in town last Saturday, say the snow is
pretty deep out that way- yet. They
look for lots of wuter when the snow
goes off. Guess the'll see it to, if it
don't come a d rough before the snow
Successor to
Hiw I muni ii in mm., p ,
Dutch lunch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Timothy and alfalfa eed nt Ahlstrom
.1. 1". Duckworth wilt pity the highest
price for hide, 5-lf
Kev. Sattford Snyder Is about laid
up with a cold.
S. T. Ballard was up from Altura
first of (ho week.
Man Whortou was up front Pine
Creek last Saturday.
Head the new advertisements In
the Kxaiulner this week.
A. it. Johnson, the whiskey drum
mer, is In town this week.
Reserved seat tickets art on ado at
the Monogram at 75 cents. 1
Jim nkclleld came down from the
ZX ranch in Chewaitcn last rittitrday.
Miss Laura Snelllng will play a
very beautiful violin solo. Opera
house, March 111.
. Myra Cloud Is now Librarian, Miss
Lent burger having resign til to accept
a school near Plush.
J. L. Morrow of Adct, was appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Sam
uel I'm Sloan, deceased.
This is the time of the year to have
your buggies painted. Woodcock X
Barnes are the painter boys. 11 2
W. J. McKee came down from the
"0 ranch in Lower Chewaiicatt, where
he has lecn working, last week.
lieorge Whorton was down to Pine
Creek looking after business lust, week.
returning home Saturday evening.
M. D. Hopkins, democratic candi
date for sheriff, is not so slow ou the
"candidate's grip" as you might
J. L. Smith, candladte for county
clerk, returned home Saturday night
from a business trip over in Modoc
(iordoii Garrett was engaged all day
Monday with a team mid scraper
cleaning tin snow off the side walks
and streets.
C. E. Sherlock went out on the
west side of the marsh llrst of the
week to see (bout a baud of his sheep
and found them all t ight.
We forg"t our troubles w hen told
t hose of ot hers. Hear the troubles
f "Mrs White" ft in I ".Mrs. (Irey,"
at the Opera house, March B5.
M. P. Barry and J. N. Fitzgerald
started for Warner yesterday by way
of Bidwcll. Mr. Barry was hero to
make proof mi his desert claim. His
family are lu re also.
Rev. Fred Snyder, pastor of the
Painley M. E. Church, and his wife
came down from Paisley last Saturday
and are waiting for the storm to
abate before returning.
W ord was received hero first of the
week that about I(K tous of hay be
longing to Jack Barry in South War
ner, had burned up. We did not
learn the origin of the fire.
Below we give a resrl of the weather
a recorded by the Ooverumcnt weather
httrenti ntntion at The Fx in I tier Ofllcn,
This report is chunked each week, and If
our reader wish to keep a yearly record
of weather conditions lor future refer
ence, cut out the report alontf tho black
line and panto It in a wrap hook on
week alter another. Thin rcord will m
t iken on Ttiesda" to end each week and
begin on Wednesday lor the next week
Government Weather Bureau Sta
tion at l.nlmvicw, Oreuon,
C. O. Mktxrkn, Coocratve observer.
Week ending Tuesday, Melt. :i, l'.MMI
mm nils
wed. j ."Vs
thltr. .V.t
sa t ' v j 11.1
Him. 5
no hi. 51
turn. III
I St Mill
nf ily
0.1 Ml
'.50 '
O.o'.i "
7 j clotidv
The l.ndlc.H' Outfitter,
Anna M. Neilon A Co., will utitke for
you any garment lor women or children,
and will make it an well a it cmi be
made. Will make it to plense ynti in
every particular. We will tin the work
promptly, and never ill low you to be din
sstisllml with any business you msy da
with us. F.vcry tciirment nhnll fit, look
well on the wenrer, slid produce a nenso
of comlort.
ti.sid liiMtds, slid prices not in any in
stance, more I It mii we would 1st w tiling
to wiy if ynu were selling and we wero
bttving, are the principles itsin which
we exjiect to sttccsd,
Our gissls ate as well worth the mon
ey we ask for them, as jjikhIs you buy
from any catslogue house in M.iti Krn
cicore. We are ready to prove lids,
and anxious to meet you for this purpose.
We were u month buying our stis k.
We -n bed the eil v In get exactly w.hat
we wiinteil and would take nothing else.
The price had to ! tight, and wu got
the full Is'iietit of ca-li pavuieutn.
can, and will treat you ui well ss ymi esii
be treated in biuing ANY WIIKKF. tl
it'ontlnui'd Frmu First Page.)
Stranger still an- the heliographi and
human llgttres curved upon the wall
of the building bot h inside ami out
side in numerous places. The llgures
are about life sle, iiearly all having
something in their mouths and u pe
culiar fantastic hcaddro-s their
heads. Atone plncc there in it mail
and ti woman facing curb other, tho
wnmnu holding a child in anus. Tho
features have an egypliau appearance,
to-wit. A huge long nose, the nose
running ou a straight line with the
We have a full set of Mysell-ltcdllliH foreluiid, a small lot idleail together
& I o's., sutnplin of Stock Certificates i with n receding chin, completes tho
and bonds, with price list. If you I description.
are organizing a stock company get Two of the inscriptions were placed
n the town of
two or three
our prices ou stia-k cert lllcates. tf ( upon an old church
Mrs. T.-nnUon, of California, moth- j l'"1'"'"'!'"'. probably
Charley Thompson was over to
town last Saturday and made applica
tion for final proof on his homestead,
near the Drake, Camp. Mr. Thomp
son says the snow through Camas
Prairie is very deep yet and it is al
mobt impossible to j;et through.
Jas. T. Metzker, one day last week,
while fooling with an ax, let the
measly thing slip out of his hands and
strike his knee, cutting an ugly gash.
Good resolutions were in order its
soon as the doctor had dressed the
wound, and while Jim is able to walk
about, ho -uns no chances with axes.
All letter mail and all letter mail
deposited at the post ofllco to lie de
livered on Star Routes, by Star Route
carriers and all letters deposited on
mail routes to bo delivered ut any
post ofllco must bo stamped at tho
rate of two cents for each ounce or
fraction thereof.
Eph Miller, Postmaster.
Some people Jiold Frank Light re
sponsible, in a degree, lor the sudden
and refractory act ion of the elements.
Last Friday Frank led his Hpotted
horse through towu to tho south tiido
of the hotel, where ho sponged him
off with soap und wuter uud left him
thero in the wurtn sun to dry. Frank
was told ut the time that lie was
crowding the seuson.
Some of "spendthrift fc'cotty's"
spludgoa remind one of tho storv of
the two boys who went into u saloon,
walking up to tho bar, slumming down
ten cents and called for a gluss of beer
and u cigar. Alter dividing the beer
and cutting tho cigur in two, ouch
lighted hulf of it, sat down by the
stove uud one remarked to the other,
"what would the folks ut homo say if
they knew we were ou this tureY"
cr of Mrs. .1. B. McN'ew, who has been
visiting her daughter for several
weeks, came down to Lakeview last
Saturday ami is visiting relatives
here, the Hery fords.
Tim co partnership of Rist & Buck
ley has been dissolved by mutual con-
hundred vents aio and are in a good
statu of prcservnl ion another one to be
seen in the wonderful Museum, in tho
City of Mexico. These Palaces, ill
toy opiiioin, will alnud forever, which
may sound strange to any one who
has not seen them. When I read
and was also told that the greatest
sent CI I !i liMn in I ii it t I... i ii 4....ui j
of Bncklev and w ill eolle. t. ,.11 l.ill J M'l,,,t,Ml Ih""" ''" iuterpro
and pay all outstanding from October
1. 1. II ii; . ...
uu.o tnese neiiograpns, mat, no ouo
knows who built, these socidlcd ruins,
I stood in aw ii and wonder and shall
lVCr rctnetllhel Hut e-i-imt liiii.,..uwi..i.
Warner Snider is helping Sherilf ; ,,, ,, , ,,y illU.r((htiutf
i.iiieoiiit wiin me assessment, oooks,
i:5, do March 1st, I!;.
Roe ,t Buckley, per R.
Mr. Rinchart was collect ing taxes so
fast, that be was unable to handle the
grout volume of business, a great deal
of which is done through the mails,
thus imposing u lot of letter writing.
relics of un ancient race of people.
S. V. Rcharl.
Garden seed ut Ahlstrom Bros.
Dutch lunch nt the Brewery Sa
made from
"Elected materials
Stockholders' fleetlnjr.
The Annual Meet lag of the Stock
holders of Lake County Telephone
and Tohgrupli Comimny will Is. held
at Woodman's Hall iu the Town of
Paisley, Lake Co., Oregon, on Mon
day April 2nd, l!ltK's at tho hour of 10
o'clock A. M. for the purpose of elect
ing a board of directors to serve for
the eiiHiiing year, and for the Iransao-
I V 1. .
Hon iii sin a omer nusiness us
come before tho Meet ing.
Cluis. Umhitch,
Secret ary.
For Sale.
One lino Juck, and a small bund of
good mares. For particulars, wrlto
to J. W. Loflus, Adel, Oregon.
. .A J
North Lakeview Feed Yard
. . AND . .
Camping Ground
J. 1 DUCKWORTH, Proprietor.
; Highest Market I'ricc paid for HIDES and PULTS
r,mIn ',n(1 Hay kept on hand for sale.