J. JUL average of 2,000 children n year. l.Uhiy-iii'Vtn r coot, of tlioso itlriNiily prorata! tor Lave turned out wtill, 8 per cut. im Levu returned, 2 jut cnt. died, sue quarter 01 ono per cent. hava lta arrested for potty crimes, 2 3-4 per ceut have disappeared, lor very youuff children, whose parents are both dead, It la easy to find good homes and legal adoption. The last census shows a declining birth rnte. Dotnhly In the States of the Middle West, whore homes should certainly be tileutufil for these unhappy little one or Uie great city. WOULD LIMIT TUEIK CAPITAL. Senator Newlands Plan for National Railroad Incorporation Law. Senator Newlaiids consumed sovcra' hours the other day In explaining to the members of the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce the provisions of his hill to prohibit over-capitalization of corporations. Mr. New land's plan provides for the incorporation of railroads under a rat tonal law instead of the conflicting laws of forty-five states, lie said THE POSTER IN POLITICS. VO TiRS OF KXGLASD AITEALEV TO TUROCGtl OA IDIL V COLOR' 1) SHEETS. Vast Fortune Spent for Printed Mat tcr. -Prominent Lnglisli Statesmen Ridiculously Cartwbncd on Bill board And Post Card. In no country In the world aro more time and money spent in appeals to the reason and good will of the public man lu l.n.cland. Stringent laws .Against malpractice in securing votes force candidates for office and their agents to Invent numerous and Inge nious devices to attract public atten tion. During the last General Elec tions every effort possible was put forth to influence the opinion of the voter by means of posters; to such an extent were posters utilized that the fight for election wes nicknamed the Poster Campaign. England in January was plastered from end to end with political post ers. Big four-sheet posters and tiny postal card posters, bright and dull, I M I f .L ;i At I- 7.-.. .. -nl?F A NACBOW TENEMEM DfSTCtCT 5TBEET IV NEW YORK and In posters raritalization irould be limited to wueat valuation and actual investment instead of being swollen abnormally ly "the familiar device of stock water ing." Dtyidends world be limited to a fair return on actual capital, said the Sen ator, bnt would be virtually guaran teed, because the roads would be per mitted to make rates which would earn not less than this normal return. Taxes would be .fixed and definite. Continuiii!,' the Senator said: "With the settlement of both rates and taxes on a permanent basis, railroads would go out of polities because they would have absolutely nothing t. piin by political activity. Ily meagre Is based on the theory that railroad con solidation is not harmful if properly controlled. I would not only permit, but encourage such consolidation un der national charters." Uuroacsa Rosea' 3 Violets. Undoubtedly it is pleasant to loll upon the cushion of a perfumed lan dau or coup, and the owner of such a vehicle is happy amid the odor of violets and lavender that come from the satchet tags she has placed around it But, the Baroness Elizabeth Kosen, daughter of the Russian Ambassador to this country, has more poetic i,!ea3. She has a charming little co'ipij at the side3, of 'which, where another woman would have a mirror, powder puff and hairpins, she has two contrivances which hold water and keep a handful of violets fresh and fragrant. It Is a delight te step into this carriage. The Baroness is going to have additional flower stands in the coup, and will have perfume and color wherever she goes. The original New England was on the Paciic coast. Francis Drake took possession of the western coast Id 1579 and called the country. Nouva Albion (New England) because be thought the white cliffs near Point Keves resembled thd chalk cliffa of Dover. clever and stupid, in rhyme prose, humorous and pathetic, adapted from Mother Goose; and post ers stolen from Aesop's fables. Each party printed them in thou sands and exhibited them in clubs and rrt rooms to its admiring adherents. In Birmingham, Mr. Chamberlain's home and the strongholl of the I'nionist - Conservatives, a boarding with 20,000 square feet of surface was erected and completely covered with the posteT3 of that party. At night Chamberlain's protection poMcy was a source of nuver falling inspiration fer the frea trade caricaturists. The Liberals save nn Initial exhibit In the National Liberal Club, Umdon, fr the benefit and K'ttdaneo of the party's candidates and ugents. The l.nborltes. or the working man's party, got out only a few post ers. They have little money to spend for campaign purposes unless it is fur nished them by one of the big parties which wants them to pull votes from the other side. This time the Liberals contributed to the Labor fund.-. The Unionist Conservatives had the wittiest posters. A big favorite showed tho new Campboll-llatmorman cabinet recoiling In horror at tho en trance of Ixrd Koseberry, who has fre quently played tho part of political1 wrecker. The best Unionist shots were directed against tuo Liberal leader's (who Is nlwnvs referred to as "C-il ) supported brllory of the Irish National party piloted bv Mr John Hedmond. For samo time past Mr. IJedmond has lfcn a masterful man-on-the-fence, leaning to which ever sldo promised Home Utile and other plums for Ireland. A humorous poster represents John Bull In his best clothes, a bouuuot In one hand and a key InbeUM "Office" In the other, waiting at the church door. He Is horrified at the sight of his bride Airs, Liberal Party, with tho face of C-B, a bouncing widow who has Irought her little son of Irish extrac tion with her. The cartoon Is entitled, "Little .Tohnny would come." Still an other poster represents the dilemma of Mrs. Liberal Party an nncompll mentary portrait of C-B as An lrrltat ed old lady who finds her unruly Irish adopted an embarrassing and noisy hnndful that she sincerely wishes did not belong to her. A protectionist poster that would appeal to Amerl enr.s Is labeled. "Help, in the King's name," and shows John Bull belne slugged and robbel bv the pickpocket ing nations. Cerniany making off with British work, tools and gold, while Mr. Chamberlain as a London police man, armed with the club of Retalia tion, leads the colonies to the rescue. The Tariff Reform Loagoe contrib uted to the Unionist collection a poet- or called "the Parrot, whereon that feathered folly sits perched above the door of the Cobden Club and with one warning claw upraised, parodies "The Raven." While Mr. "Joe" Chamberlain's ad vice to Mr. Arthur Balfour, as quoted by the Liberals, "Mind. Arthur, not a word about the fiscal question. Stick to Home Rule," was "carefully fol lowed by the Union 1st -Conservative followers of those gentlemen, the op position's posters were largely devoted to repeating the err of the Parrot. Your food will cost you more," and. worked every pictorial variation pos sible on the free trade vs. protection argument. The Hanky-Panky Government was tie biggest hit on the Liberal hoard iegs. It represented Mr. Balfour as a sleight-of-hand artist who, having ca joled his hat from John Bull, proceed ed to take out of it the goose and ralv bits of unpopular legislation, whi-h Mr. Chamberlain supplied from be neath the t-' ' to the evldn amusement of the prestidigitator, who frankly owned that he was "oolite sure the gentleman who loaned him the h;t had no Idea what was inside of it.'' Liberal wit reached its zenith with e caricature of Sir John Millals's paint ing, "Bubbles," which showed Mr. Chamberlain anxiously blowing the bubble promises of protection benefits and watching them burst. Notwithstanding all the prominence given the tariff question in the post ers, however. It cannot be said to have been a live issue In the English General Elections. Mr. Chamlerlaln himself anticirta'-pd defeat, beeaus the old party during Its long term of as lit the United States In isss inn 1$'V2. Hit Eiifc-lMi take thing sertuus ly, even posters. A Llbeial errteon represcutliix a motor ear canning a frlghteued horso to jump n fence wouuded the susceptibilities of a Unionist candidate. Ills chauffeur de manded through his solicitors that the cartoon be destroyed on the ground that It libeled his Ability a n motor driver. The LlUnal candidate responsible for tho cartoon replied throui.h his solicitors that ho would accept service In any proceedings but that the poster would "stny put." Elections in licl.md arn exciting though not so violent as they were lu tho days of George IV. who. when he visited Gahvny on the occasion of a general election, was told In answer to his question, "Whom do you expect to elect ? l bo survivor, sire." The cost of the January elections In th,e British Isles was close on $10,t00, (NH). A caiulldato'soxpcliMesuro limited by law. but each vote costs on the average four shillings, or an American dollar. Orkney and Shetland, Scot land cost their aspirants to Parliament most, votes costing as high as four teen shillings apiece in legitimate expenses. The cheapest constituency Is Merthyr Tydvil, the labor district which sends tip Mr. Kelr Hardle. These votes come to about a shilling. The curious thing JilEjPARROI Whrn tti Coh rifMi flub Into erft ' Mmnnrh tmiw A l'.irmt prn i" rinllr Jllt hnr h To (v,thMiii tftnt" mid tn hint Or Mtnir lu ulm, or md to him He lint no ntbrr nw.-r v "Ytxir K-nI V. l'l Cusl You lKr, " T e t Ti rtrnml -.Hi.." li ii Thiit !) t il.iltv l'vlng Vul irthlvi; will ! Iilk'licr Thu'i IT rv.-r r lw-f' viiili.niirwiitnwill hr1ln To a lu-lKht tlwl's quiU.- ur- Tfi. I'.irrnt imlr wwrr'lil Will is IV -V -- . I " - - - - - Jlorte" Bh In nrnl wit of ri Ro f to com mon rn.n A 1 1 nrrimif utr rir wut4i ThiU a no n h'p 'ii iev. fa Mm to hit fully Dn It ni'itt'-r if n Polly Thnt liionr-.'fljit' ami Crifli i'rivu "Your Ytmil A 111 'ift Vuu More? DON'T BE HANKY- PAN KY'D AGAIN. m-W r ..f MA- ;SSS5-.0" SO; ttW u p r4 ggjgJyaA-a & ; :: ' r ' '" YOLB FOOD WltL COST YOU MOC. Is that the defeated candldato usually has a bii'ter bill to pay than the suc cessful one. One Item of M shillings a hundred for ballot papers, which I met by candidates, scorns outrageous In theso days of cheap priming. H'us Short of Moaey. "A black cutaway coat? Yes, Sir," said the furnisher: "now this style of derby Just suits a short man." "Indeed? replied Mr. Runt. "How mi;ch is It with tho T'stT" "Twelve dollars and a bargain!" "Huh. That price wo-ild never suit a man as short as I am." Drunkards Cured Secretly Any Lady Can Do Is at none Costs to Try. A Nott-d Salvation Army Worker Pays : 1 Think tho World (,we u iJubt of iir:itl tudotuDr. Haines, tho rJi-vorerrr of Golden Kimciflc. A nw tiwifn and ah irlef 1 1 vorory wb Ifh can be Kivnu la lun, olli T fxl. Himly !,, rui-.l liv W. (!.'!'. 1'. unci ull tciiiiMjrarice ! workers. ltdix-H ItH work wjellimilyainl nun-ly that wkiilw the l-voi-il wifn, niKtitr or uanuiiivr I(Mknn,theiininkaril Ih ri-rialmcil ovcnugaiimt his will and wlUiuut hi knowledge. I will drop this egg into the hat which the gentleman hds kindly k.ot mc. There i no deception, ladies and gents ! " the display was lighted with electric ity. The Liberals, who have scored such an astonishing victory, had the ad vantage in the poster battle. All the mistakes of the s?ven-year Conserva tive government furnished them ma terial for cartoons, while Sir. ' I am quite sure the gentleman who lent me the hat had no idea what as inside it." power went through so many dark ex periences, notably the Boer War, the fight over the Introduction of Chines' labor In South Africa, etc. Stump orators made few references to the tariff question, and then only In flat statements. No such campaign of ar gument was devoted to the tariff issue FREE TRIAL COUPON A tr-e trial parkagn of t)i wonderfnl Ooklen BimxiHIi; will be uuut yoa liy inU, in Illu wni pr. If s ou wlU all In your name and addmna nn Liana Him boluw cut out the couwn and mall It at oner to Or. J. W, iUii.ee, tlUi Cileuu liiilldluv.r llH-liinnll, Ohio. Vou an llmu prove to Toornelf bow prrrtlv andeuKlly It rau be uuu, aud what a aud-eund It wUl be to you. DIAMOJPM CREDI You Assume No IU When Dealing with Us - W Are Ready lo Send On Approval " Kin.l, W.lrk n rtlw of 4,w.i,t , , Mit (ma nit m. --V ..w.i.iw,,nr. niiMiirirMii,fi.t.'i,, ri.i tl wafff II rha,IM u.4 Uk. .11 ,i.ta , ),. siqH (,h ; .., ,,.. h ,', Your Credit in Good wilh loUit i!.r. " S",'. " MM mmm JS6HBS sk hi wnvrs re lilt Din ftnhf fmi mi Bl'-It mtilr" if inlllr t,i II W.t M h..,tk Inlnl.ll..,, .Mrf ..,,. t.- I ..... . . ... k..... rrmr rwiit i k. ..ir,.c,n, it,. ,,ma ( ,,. ,,. . It (, ltiu.t MHllW n. .,,...f,, l n.li) hfwtmt, In Ita h .,w l la r..,,, l H,m,.l , I odnfMeMtii aula n f iTwe. elrr4. I'l''' lli rl,. t I.m.h. SuMrtiig ar ver new uiff a. at M luj i veer. Wruc for Our Now Bii (utniad r. .i.:nii--''' n w..4 - ' ? "". UW ,t. 0 4 tiM, It.-m ll - il.e nn, .n.l .lMi,.r lu.ll.1 J.w.l.a. , aira a,) ariLia ri i. ane II will ta la aramanl. If atillralt aatUlarfc-, a.ai m ii. ,.., ,.. nil), aul la atiUI aual aauaUUi aajBM.i. ItamaeiUt UMa to ax i.rn tt, a.,, U rite IWr i aieUa i ealej. DIAmOIMD CUTTERS WATCH MAKCR8-JEWCLER3 a aam ai a.ae f a. e1DfiArAM m iW(iiiiit)ii I Hull Wet 0 ttfj OIUIU OtlDUl BJWS&Caia50 OHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. 6. A. 0FTOS FREE . 4lt, BOVSM1 on. KOTIttr t'rm mm rI tc'antaat tui pawa. eoeaaac we el S r-liwW lUeatruad ctlrla ln,lan ardla aaa b.af t Ua 1';. t I-raj eri CfX. 0fm GOLD miMFREE AND KI4 I Ae AmeVan Wuaaeaael Walrh WH OaJ4 l'alaHl i-aaa, earrantM lit tlhaa i an aal la aaaaaarenae W a knikl tiuat !.. eairaiaval (. I V raerai alan i"k rilaM Hlnf art I ettn Haefhtinf ,aaa aaa f ian Iraa M fan una r,Nr aalltiifl only P JaWflrf NaaalMM to aanta Petal erialaHalitai aat Jawalry. , I J Whin e.u. aami m t'ia tl Aii-1 wa aaMl yoi lha (I.,I4 Wafc-ll a ad Sia. aiai.a raaai. i.bh aaa.. AMI aiiapkeaa. iiae. IVrfl UaVO. A FREE BOOK for every fiirmcr wbownntHtu make his land more prmlurtivo " FOOD FOR PLANTS" henitaonirtv lllnaf mint 8i n-'iiie twmk almw Ina. the value iif Nilr.itn l il.t ni .1 ti-riili,-r will be mailed free un lnUi l. ( vdilrt i Nltrau rropsi asdrt, AiJcrwa BeilJinif, Ncr Vork OS. Your Money Brk If You Want It. fl Will t,f I11K )im !jr l" I 't ' or:: Ilk.' tlll - w a mi ia Oranaii Irf'inun. Crystals, H. . A.iii. imI, Clova, Niiiinrf. intiKor, U.iaa or ittiiaiiii'n Cryai'a. Tim "! Klaiiiriiij rvi-r rn l. Nnn Ali-iilmll" and I nrliamti iM tn C'laikltiK. Huprrhirlrt anr buttle if l.l,iii t llrni-t. Kndnrwxlli I M K'mI 1 '..mrnlaalon BUTLCR CO., 17 Batter Klie. . N. Y. Cll,. I CURED BlYJiUPTUKE I Will fihtfW You How To Curo Tour FREE. t was hIplMi ab1 tot rlilili-n lnr yntr fnun a dutiMn rii tnru. No tmea enuld bold. pw-Uir aald I wuukl die II 11. I - ri. .1 t.n. I Innled them ail aAd e'irwl my !l l r A aimplo ilim ori rr. I I XiarjidlMctirefreebroudllf r'r'u' )trunl m nml lia M .iiaa anravt tliiamaviida. It will curo iu. Wrlto Uxlur. W. A, CuUinca, Box 117, Watortuwn, N. Y. 1ASEBALL O UTFIT Ty V4f CS send ns votir name snd sdrene. We end yon -'-T wj Cnly 34 paiJiaffes of llliUINK tt ne II at ioc. a package. Ju t vun yo ret orn otar $ J . 40 rcce I ved from the sale, we will send vou this splendid Paec-huil Out fit. It let ha Tacit otve ever arlvcn iwir. Yott tart e.-ieilr earn It. Ever hoosewafa wi.l bur J5L.UlJtla MfM to day. Wo elve oa th suit abevlutcly ire and txactl as de- ecrihrit la.-l.ivr. 5 H I RT. II-iAe rf Seniw., wirle lil-i cttta. hm4 ihxoMen, f ttl at rm, eery km, tla'aa eefliei fruet, aUuble-eaweai Lirueawut. V I.I wear like iron. PANTS, PaAV4w -Vd; Hlieyanrrlware. Vvt-tr4 tm are tW. oukIi iT quilted oe hineeed full Imfth t t t.iljha. lTedir eit be worn cluKit. HMhtt wclleawtlaokficin. ftr-wlna; la uble anj V.?) anal "r Irons:. Vide bclt-etflapa, large lii-pocateUMae at kaae.fl trout. 'Will lat icrtral aeaJuaa. CAP CCIalECS fTYLK. " mafrrt d ltlrt end fiiHa. TH y.rir heaal. 11 JtxlwmeTjiiia, T-ine; v.enr, ei.'lit-pirre t"i ..) but Loo. liLLT.ncwetyle.brightoaoTetl, rae;;; U (uaanl Btcafl back le. FXTRA PREMIUM, Br Ktum'"; wr wwy In In d. whlrtaenej r'm iji.iiy du, y..n eanunum Man ettn prrmixm t!ire Ijrjr" Mt letlete lor Uie (rnntof jaul hucball ah.rt. Ve lurmah any IHiera you dtairaj. Y.1 SIRS BA.CBALL CCTfiT All WAS3:i Pn:PAl3 GLUME rmtZUFAGTURWQ CO., fiSXpgliJ Street, Concord Junction, Mama w: .n.' . 1 1 1 Ml - Tit Old RilMI. rr THE NATION'S BRIDE. Latcct Ccpyrlfhtcd Lupgrlal Size Portraits cf tha T.-rsldent's Cluster, Mrs. KIchotas Lcncrth (nes ASicrj Ecoccv:::). A Magnificent SouTenlrof the Greatest of Wblto Ilvuuo WttiainH. I Pnblh fiJ by authority of Jlimi RHrrci.T. Tliesa excluttfv photorrraph. bav teen reproduced in copper engravings nail , printed in sepia on pocial u.ncd paper, Buitabla for framing. aAxrauiged ia larga panel as bhown in accompanying iilustrations. 6 poes in Ball Dresa, size 13 x inches, 6 poses In Street Press, sue 12x81 Inches. Now selling in New York City for $1.00 cacli. Our special offer (edition Umltod), Either panel 35c., or both panels 40c, postage prepaid. Address NATIONAL PIIOTO-SOU VKNIIi CO., Lock Box tt, WASHINGTON, D. C. (MY $1.00. SPECIAL 60 DAY OFFER TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW EXCELSIOR SOLAR TELESCOPE. aTTVra? '"""""" 1 """" .a. J., m..j..e,v.; jeaeaaaaji V.J , o I i i . i i JUST WHAT YOU WANT ON SEA; FARM, RANCH OR IN THE SCHOOL; 1dd Uaa 0 UaWTUMypTkO Muay tUB HUB is lU-llfMtM. &lM IttA. in.ula.ni.na u.iirr.nt a.... u.L.t . wt-vi'iui or uut nua. xki win rcrr-t it it mumaavy mja tew hbv uUMIUfsv T.UihwiiN ww nvver oia for trili Vrir bufort. iwi r'imrw. mwr Ucr1 ! he mmd m ileflCAp6 It pfO' It leU'V. Ull Of ffiuitlc, ' fclid lllkv- VtU IltVl-uC-t t9 IKJCllie TImxw Teltwaubm are pet b l- ri in i' r,iMM mmm " r in Jrouuifr-pstnoe. luertini icu Uvm Ma.ra. 7... nrt tu -.xi-hidu MMaWV aatrietlatlilla11 AVPVl,f.4 .... ..I i..-,..A A", a a A. L a L Wt Is .aa ikla bw Lw. a taoM fur fria 00 l I .( jtut, tfX- with Wrf flr. T-MMTeMtA tfc la Ertsr aukannur In tiaa otauutrv ir at ...ajia. .. i. , ' a.i a & armer alaouU ha .ItlnKIt ona. rtil.i. l L"S 7.".' .VTr T . . TT empaai lavtel. paokoJ. faroolT tl.o. Iv-ni i,, luj ,,ri,d for ei 10. Our new r tnlomia ..r oim.. etc. .ami with we werreat uauit Tataacuiw luat ae rcareaeaaea Bipreae Moutj Ordor, or Uauk Pntt BAaUeto eaoti urtWav Tnia la a giand vtfar aud juu aiioulit but Baiaa It. ' fit BailaMa nfftllMlaMl feaai St. I1 lUftetored Letter, Poet OfBoa MixioT Order. Wtanaa. i fee deaire Xeleaixiu. t Bull add 10 acuta imata. Oentlamaa Ptaaaa atmtf p Teletoope, WANTS ANOTHER. ffjrejkflv. Va. one eucluatxL, Otlaer waj a t-imt". BOtxI aa liiHtniineuU BIXPEHIOU TO A 15 OLASH. A Teletoops triagi ntv brala oelli Into play, opens tip new trennes of thosgbt and broadns tbe soop of tbs BdnA. . ,i,ni,lf a t nitlfi'u ... i . , . --iin-i. TVUUaU jTI a X 'AiMM aVUJU f n 11 J'j, ueini. Klitland Broe arno. ;iulltiinii yl Iia4 win. me oa inT remmt Tenrni nltarrrnl an Kollpan uT inu a-in. l tea Aiiatrtaii uegreal Uaiiu lie value W me aut Ual uouaalou i Ml' if on aa liiHirumei tt.C. AI,H. , IVM Wales, of Howelaland Ontario Canaila. aaya t OiiUeiMU-1 have JuakiaouWeti your ii-Uiw-niau. and aieet ear tt anrpaaaaai all ezpamtatlone. Hie far aupaiHnr toonewtaiub waha.ehai', aitucb euat liM) bum yeara ao. auat a lawalalal tare aaatt Willi It are viui'iu ouare 1 1 1 a n livable wiua it ouet uie. OOUXJO DISCEHN BOATS FBOU FTVT3 TO TEW MILKS. Nr. O. M. Madler, of DeluUi. V Inn., wbo pnreliaaed one of theae T.laaoopae ear. they areenpertur to anythliifr he eilMaoted.tliaJwttalttiaeould dlarawn Uiata oe tlialiraat lkaa at a daateuee of h te 10 luilue, aaul lav ulaaj- weai liar lie eumereaai uae eauiaa w .laamaraeim vauar tvan a a llieaaiine ui eneiiau auue awaf . MI C10, Baauu, Now Tork, Hot. I, IMS, opaan trip, one ofjour rnf Irlor Solar THrerona., with which 1 T.rrul II waa alino an r oaiit. euuuralnl. V,'ur Si l.r ern lire , we. ueuiy tiiua. erxater Uiau tha i uulUu fur Italiliwii Vuliralruly, L BHKNIlV, ..reaiiiriimi la avaaaruee wall It will laaaa lie A TaOOTC AT OI.D SOI.. Thonamnd. of other, are aaelne hk) Milnae aboBl Uwee 1'ulcKviwa. eeat e liaadrad tlataa e.ar. 0l oue alul try It, HiXJUIOO THIS TELKSOOPH AND TAKH 5rrer ferfbre aetd ea aay Teleaaeae fur law tAaa St.OO or 10.00. uaf la a aaaae. tu a,..,, aaa lap SI 00. Tela 7-U-aalon- la wurta niorr I ban we iliaty for Hi. -nitre tallawope, toall whowtah to RaLalil tea IrTTUlND BHDS. CO- Dept. AU DO Cluuubors 8t N. T. Intwrewtlna; Booklet, wntltlad "Teleacopa Talk," FHKK with en order, or sent on requtait. This bookiat tells all about the oarw of Tslaauopea, and about aVJipawS of the Bun and Kooa ths ranlnff and momuiff for rear, wher. vtalUe, eto.