Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 01, 1906, Image 8

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Arc here in plenty. Only fresh and productive
seeds of every variety, are sold here.
Bowen's seeds have been sold in Lakeview for more
than twenty-five years and the increasing sales each year guar
antees their quality. They are satisfactory seeds and spec
ially adapted to this climate.
Large orders in Bulk seeds will be delivered in Lake
view at wholesale prices.
Leave your order hre.
C. S. LOVELESS. Proprietor.
I propose to offer the public a stopping place where their
horses wil be fed and cared for as they would be cared for at
I will also keep a team and rig to hire.
i We Wish to Announce to the
That he can be as well accommodated
j ' at the MAMMOTH LIVERY 5TABLE5 in
Lakeview as he can at any stable in the
State. It is our intention to always have
on hand a good supply of the best hay and
grain to be bought in the market. We
also keep a force of experienced hostlers
and careful drivers, who will always be
ready to wait on our customers.
Sat the old stand?;
Our new stock of goods have arrived
and is complete in everything usually
found in a first-class Drug Store; con
sisting of Fancy Stationery, Writing
Tablets, Spelling Blanks, Pens and Pen
cils, Ink and Mucilege, Fancy Soaps and
Toilet articles, Tooth Brushes, etc.
Successor to
Lakeview And Vicinity
Dutch lunch nt the Brewery Sa
loon, tt
Attend the basket 8 ooial aud buy a
J. J. Monroe was up from down the
valley yesterdeay.
Ben Shenkle, the drummer, was in
town first of the week.
The baby of Mr. aud Mrs. Joe Am
brose has been quite sick.
Geo. Boone is working in Ahlstrom
Bros, store during stock taking
Roy Kilgore recently bought the
Goss hotel in Bonanza for Wux).
j J. B. Fisher, and I A. Carriker
I were in town Saturday from the West
; J. P. Duckworth will buy hides.
Call on or address hliu ut Lakeview
Oregon. 52-tf
John A. McCall, ex-president of the
New York Life Insurance Co., died
last week.
W. M. Harvey says the Western Pa
cific Co. is offering 32.50 per day for
laborers on the new road
FOB SALE. Pure-bred Poland
China piga. Inquire of ChaH. Oliver
of New Piue Creek, Oregon. 24 tf.
Jimmie Judge will be appointed as
sistant postmaster by Eph Miller.
Taxes are coming in very fast.
I am selling out my stock of wall
paper at cost prices to make room for
new goods. Call and see it.
E. X. Jaquish.
Silas Henderson wus in town lust
Saturday, having been out with the
road-breaking crowd in Cumua Prai
rie. .
J. W. Mikel and wife returned last
week from Kentucky, as was stuted
last week in The Exuminer that he was
Dr .Dewey has been somewhat indis
posed during the pact two weeks with
the grippe, but is now on the road to
recovery. Cedarvillo Record.
W. E. Scamrnon und Mr. Wyutt,
proprietor of the Plush saloon, came
to town Monday. Mr. Wyatt came
over to meet a whiskey drummer here
and order a stock of liquors.
Mr. aud Mrs. W .11. Shirk returned
home last week from an extended trip
to San Francisco. Their son, Roy and
his wife came with them aud will
mako their home in Lakeview. Mr.
Roy Shirk has not decided yet what he
will engage in.
I The Ladies Aid Society will give a
j basket Social in the I. O. O. F. ban
quet hall this (Thursday) evening.
All ladies are requested to prepare
' baskets, which will bo sold to the
; highest bidder. The atfair promises
i to bo one of the social events of the
'season. Some very lively bidding is
j looked for In several instances.
! Attorney R. W. Walker and O. T.
McKondree returned from Lakeview
Tuesday. They say the roads aro in
I nrettv bad condition over the moun
tain, owing to the deep snow aud
heavy rains. Mr. Walker thinks Lake
view has a very energetic class of peo
Die and being in a good country they
keen thiuis moving lively. Merrill
Dutch luncli at t ho Brewery Sa
loon, tf
F. M. Milllor In enjoying a Mego of
J. l Duck worth will py this highest
price for hide. .Vtf
For tho best liquors aud cigar tw
to Post A King'. . 1
J. F. Snyder wan over from lrews
creek last Saturday.
Mi. M. Whortou was up from Piue
Creek first of tho week.
Head the now advertisement In
tho Examiner this week.
Chu. Karons la driving ouo of tho
Likevlew-Palsloy -dagos,
H. M. Fleming and E. Keller wore
up from Pine Crook Monday.
S. F. A hist mm made several middle
to order recently for the vaquoros of
tho county.
A line lot of wall paper lielng sucri
flood to make room for now goods, at
E. X. Jacpilsh's. 1
Mr. Whitakor, of Davis Crock,
was taken to Alturas last week to be
examined as to his sanity.
S. J. Studley and sou Chester
brought a load of grain to town Mon
day from tho Studley ranch.
Candidates can make a good impres
sion on tho voter by giving him an
Eagle cigar. St oik mini makes them.
Born Feb. 10th, at Alturas, to the
wife of R. L. Sloss, a boy. Weight
11 pouuds. Mother and baby are do
tug nicely.
Jasper Jennings, who was sentenced
to be hung in March for the murder
of his father, has h(ou granted a May
of executon, pending an apoal to the
supreme court.
Fire broke out in J. W. Harvey's
residence one day last week, aud quite
a lot of clothing was destroyed before
the blaze was under control. The tiro
started in the up stairs.
We iiudorstaud that tho suit of
Fisher vs. Rroaddus, regarding mill
ing claims in the Ridwell mining dis
trict, is being settled by a compro
mise. Cedarvillo Record.
There is said to be lots of water on
the slash. The hard snow is holding
the water buck from the lake, aud
until channels are cut through, the
water will stand on tho low lauds
from one to two feet deep.
Quite a numls-r of men are coming
here from d liferent places hunting
work. Xot that work is particularly
scarce other places, but they prefer
Lake coiuity to any other place they
know of., and naturally sock situa
tions hero first.
Beware of tho picture men. Neigh
boring papers are warning their renti
ers against a fraud which is Wing
worked. Dou't sign any contracts ;
don't make any advanco payments;
keep your. photographs and you will
be safe. Lassen Advocate.
Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Robinson of
Lake county brought down a bunch
of 1 19 head of primo beef cattle and
have boon feeding them near town.
Tuesday the lot was sold to T. A.
Hendersou but wo were unable, to ob
tain any figures. Alturas Pluindealer.
Large bands of swan are passing on
their journey north, where they go
every spring. Those who have more
fuith iu the instinct of these migra
tory fowls than in the weather proph
ets are looking for an early spring, as
the swan are moving north earlier
than usual.
Lakeview is not tho only place iu the
world where Indians get whiskey.
Last week a drunken Indian killed a
squaw at Ccdurvillo. If the adminis
trators of the law was as severe on tho
persons who let the Indians have
whiskey as the Modoc uewspapers,
there would be fewer drunken Indians.
O. T. McKendree arrived iu town
Monday with a load of sheep dip
which he was compelled to go to Ijike
view for, as none is carried iu our
county. This should ho looked arier
as there aro several dipping vats here
and considerable of tho stuff used.
Bonanza Cor. to Klamath Republican.
Tho Smoke Crook ranch, located In
Washoe Co., Xevada, aud Lasseu Co.,
Cul., containing almsot 20, (MX) acres of
land, range ami agricultural, sold on
the 0th for tfJOO.OOO. The owners,
Flau igan and Dunn, wealthy stockmen
and land owners of Reno, transferred
the property to M. Wolfe, the Duque
brothers aud the three Poco brothers,
all French sheepmeu and merchants.
Included with the land in the sale
were 24, (XX) head of sheep, 1000 head
of cattle and 1100 head of horses.
Cedarvillo Record.
County court convene next week.
Dutch lunch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Silver Iako horsemen are gat hol ing
their horse from the desert.
I. (1. Moshlor was over from the
West Side Saturday nud Sunday.
Dan Mnlloy and Roy Shirk started
to Plush Tuesday. Later Dan did not
Quite a number of people were Iu
town last week from down the valley
Charley Xelson wa a Iakevlew vl
Iter from the West Side lust Saturday
and Sunday,
A Sunday school wan organ ied last
Sunday at the Union school house, on
the West Side.
A Gilliam county sheepman recently
sold UtU head of 11X15 lamb to a Chi
cago buyer for 1.00 a head.
Got your wall paper uow, while ' E,
X. Jaquish I soiling It at cost to
make room for a new stock. 1
Report to the Silver Lake Oregon -iau
from the desert give the loss in
stock very light out that way.
The town council moot next Tues
day night. The town dog wag their
tail and look pleasant at the city dad.
Don't forget that next Saturday
night is tho regular mooting night of
the Development League. Come out
and see what Is being done.
Mrs. Joe Howard came iu from
Drews valley first of the week aud w ill
remain In town for a week. She Is
visiting with Mrs. Win. Harvey.
Columbus Porter Is uu tho road to
recovery, after a dangerous Illness of
several weeks duration from inflam
matory rheumatism. Silver Iake Ore
Bailey A Massiugill bought tho wag
on and Ralph Koozer the horso aud
harness, at the sale yesterday. Tho
property belonging to tho Whetstone
W. W, Scott special inspector of the
Department of the Interior was In
town on business connected with his
otllco, several days. Silver Lake Ore
gonian. "Iake" is the name selected by the
Government for tho new post office at
Christmas Lako aud "Cliir" for tho
office at Fossil I.ako. Silver Like
Oregon iau.
W. K. Barry announces to all parties
interested, that he Mill Ik iu Plush,
Xorth Warner precinct, on Monday
March .rth, fur the purpose of regis
tering voters.
Several boys were doing a wholesale
colt stealing business on the range in
Malheur county, aud had about 50
head of colts rounded up when they
were arrested.
Among other Improvement to be
made in tho Baptist church, a tank!
for baptising purposes will be built;
under the pulpit. This is one of the'
modern convenience of churches.
City Recorder Snider has had the
town safe fixed up with now locks.
Tho safe is one that went through the
fire hero several years ago. It is a
good safe, only having been damaged
on tho outside.
A man named Jim Miller, who lived
at Lako City, in Surprise valley, com
mitted suicide at Cedarvillo last week
by swallowing an over dose of lauda
num. o cause could is) assigned lor
his rash act. Miller was about 02
years of ago, and had relatives living
at Lake City.
W. M. Harvey returned from Reno
last Saturday night, or rather, Sunday
morning ou the Southern stage. He
sold his band of horses ut Reno. Mr.
Harvey drove the horses down by wuy
of Smoke creek. Ho says the roads
are very bad between hero and Mad
Walter Dyer, who has been feeding
a bunch of quail at tho mouth of Dul
lard canyon, says the birds have near
ly all disappeared, supposed to have
perished during tho hard storm.
Frank Lane says that out of a bunch
of about 50 that stayed about his place
during the early fall, only half of them
show up for their rations uow.
H'ANTED: Two men iu each cou
nty to represent awl advertise Hard
ware department, put out samples
of our goods, etc. Traveling Posit
ion or Office Manager. Salury t'M) per
month, cash weekly, with all expenses
paid In advance. We furnish every
thing. X 12
Tho Columbia House
Dept. CIO, 2!U .rth Avo Chicago, III
, Below we Hive report of the w outlier
recorded by the Government went her
bureau Utlnn ut The Kinminor Olllco.
Till report i elmngod each week, mid if
our render wish to keep a yearly record
of weather condition for future refer
euro, cut out t lie report along the hluck
line and pnto it In a xcrsp tsmk on
week after miothar. This reord will I,
tskon ou Tnesda" tu end each week Slid
ben In on Weilnet-dsy (or the next week
Government Wonthor Bureau Sta
tion at I.akevlow, Oregon, x
C. O. Mktxkkh, Cis(srlvo Observer,
Week ending TuoMdny, I eh. '27, I'.XMl
l')f ini jmln, irrlp rni'w rlmr tsr
Itaiiuii loll til ilajr
wed. I - j ( 0.00 oo cloudy
thur. 40 2:i T (10 I '
frid'yj 4." 211 H.V I (Ml "f "
sat'vf 15 f 24 " O.Ili) " IN) f '
MILL.! -:t '' 00 j
iiiour "is 22 i'.Vo imj "
t ui'hTJ 42 " 2(1 u.iH) on J j.' "
The Indies' Outfitter,
Anna M. Ncilon & Co., will mske for
you any gnrmeut for women or children,
and will mske it 00 well a it mil bo
made. Will make it to pleae you in
every partlcuhir. We w ill do tho work
promptly, anil never allow you to liodis
patiHllml with any biisluoN you muy do
with 11. Every garment ahall fit, look
well on tho wearer, and produce a dense
of comfort.
Wood GimhN, and price not In any in
tiince, more than we would le willing
to pay if you were selling and we were
buying, are the principle upon which
we exct to vuccccd,
Ourfc-ood are a well worth the mon
ey we auk for them, a good you buy
from any catalogue hou-e in Hn Fran
cUoo are. We are ready to prove this,
and anxiou to moot yon for tlii purpone.
We were a month buying our tock.
We acarched the city to get exactly w hat
wo wanted and would take nothing cine.
The prim had to ha right, and we got
the full leiirllt of cauli payment. We
can, and w ill treat you a well a you can
I treated in hut Ing ANY WIIKItl-'. tf
Klamath Stock Newt.
(Merrill Record.)
Bert Barrows sold 2- head of Hut
beef cattle to Iewl Gerber last Tues
day. Lew i GerlxT started 1T." head yee
torday from the Van Brimmer ranch
for Montague. Mr. Gerler hits one
more bunch of cattle and !) mutton
sheep to tako out.
Cha. Hortoti started hi cattln to
the railroad Tuesday morning. Ho
had something over 2K head.
Mr. Gorls-r just arrived from Lake
view aud while there Interviewed Dan
Malloy, one of tho big sheep men of
Lako county aud Mr. Midloy who hud
just come lu from tho desert reports
that tho loss in lamb and old sheep
would In) considerable but ow ing to
favorable climatic conditions It will
not be as heavy as was feared .'10 days
Horace Mitchell was down from tho
Falls Tuesday ami purchased several
head of horses from Jean Hammond.
Heny Anderson left for Montague
last Sunday morning with 201 head of
flue Is'ef cattle. Ho will ship them
to Sail Francisco.
Torture By Savaj-rs.
"Speaking of tho torture to which
Home of tho savage trUa-slii tho I'lillp.
pines subject their captives, remind
me of the Intense Hiifferlnlr I endured
for three months from Inflammation
of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman,
of ('uahlng, Me,, "Nothing helped 1110
until I tried Electric Bitters, three
bottles of which completely cured
mi'." 11 res Liver oinplnint Dye
pepsin, Blood disorder- and Malaria;
und restores the weak and nervous
to robust health. Guaranteed by
Ixo Beall Druggist. Price 50c.
( C-CO'sn,
NXvdiotoil j
North Lakeview fleed Yard
IS . . AND . .
Camping Ground
J. P. DUCKWORTH, Proprietor.
Highest Market Trice paid for HIDES and PI3LTS
Grain and Haled Hay kept on hand for sale.
m Lakeview, Oregon.