1 jfeHlSSSTOi We all know that there la hljr money in poultry. How much there Is lu it lor oa, tirpeniis entirely upou oursolves nul Tviiotluror not we ore kevping P with the procession in rolslur the kiml of chickens which briiir; the most cash and In petting them luto the market at a time when the demand Is proatest. The rnlue of poultry production for the United States this season was but a rhade under that of wheat or cotton, amounting to over half a billion dol lars. Since the perfection of the In cubator, the Importance of the Indus try has been proatly augmented, l'y the use of this splendid device It Is now comparatively o sy to bring in large GUY ELLIOTT MITCHCLL overcome, and there will be trouble In teaching the uses and mau agcracnt of tho ordinary hatching ma chine. Not DLf.lailt to Manage. While there Is nothing complex or difficult alHHit the successful operation. of an Incubator, dose attention and ex actuess are necessary: yvt the results are more than worth the effort. The woman who tills her lamps regularly every morning, and tho man who winds his watch or clock at the same hour every evening, need not fear the task of running an incubator; but unless one is willing to attend to the few wants of his machine at the little j Into a Mg laying, heavy weighted and highly profitable Hook, that it seems strange that there should In a slogitl flock of dung hills throughout the coun try. It costs no more to feed and care for a broad breasted Plymouth Hock, or a Wyandotte, or a huge I ght llrah ma. or any of a doxen other splendid standard varieties than It does for the common scrub, and with the low price at which good eggs, or practically pure bred cockerels can be had. It Is the easiest thing Imaginable to bave, after two or three years of systematic breed ing, a flock of chickens producing tnreo times the protlt of the original flock. quantities of chickens for the winter! right time, it will be unreasonable to- and early spring market when p "cos are very attractive. Hens can be urged but they can not be made to set If they do not wa to: the incubator can be set at any time. All that is look for a good hatching of chickens from the bit incubator upon the market The writer has used incubators and has found great delight lu batching living germs are sold on the street for food at about one si&th of a cent each. ( After being testxvl they nro kept lu tho Jars for wu days, bring changed an before. This makes a total of cloven drtys lu the Jars. Then they are taken lu a bamtoo basket and lolled out ou ft mat ou the put form above tho Jars. Hero they remain until hatched. The only litwl they nnvlvo Is from the room, except during cold weather they are covorvd with a heavy quilt. After they arc hatched the chicks nro put lu shallow linskets for a short time to gain strength and then they are ready l'r sale. The hatch by th remarka ble method U from OU to 70 per ceuL r ft gfS fe jj FLOCK OF WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS. necessary is a proper regard to the tem-) large flocks of fine chickens from perature, and to the brooding of the ; them, but it was necessary to do a young chicks during the tender period of their existence. The incubator has interested thousands of women and children in the work of chicken raising, and It is not to be said that the returns are les3 profitable than plowing or other heavy manual labor. Cheap Machines the Most Expensive. There are many excellent incubators upon the market, but there are also many cheap, imperfect machines, the purchasers of which, failing to secure good results, become disgusted and in form their neighbors that artificial in cubation is a failure and a fake. Ou tne other hand, the purchaser of a good A PLYMOUTH ROCK PRIZE-WINNER. nahine-one which will do its work well Is usually so successful that others, in the neighborhood quickly fol low his example. Nevertheless, there Is no danger of the poultry business being overdone. It is one of the most 6taple and profitable lines of business in the world to-day, for Its products are always in increasing demand in every town and city in the world, and throughout the entir- year. But before going Into the incubator business it is necessary to bave some pood egg producing machinery, that is, pood, laying hens and comfortable and cheerful quarters, along with a go ,1 6ystem of feeding, to indue them to lay. The fertility of eggs Is also af fected by the conditions of the Lens. The agiicuitural papers and poultry Journals are replete with information upon the management of Incubators, and many books have been published little experimenting first to get the ma chine in (rood working order, to keep the lamp trimmed so that it burned a clear, white flame and to do a dozen other little things, which In a very short time made the owner as familiar with the incubator as with any other simple piece of farm machiuery. The period of incubation Is always one of expectancy and when the chicks begin to come forth from the shell there is either keen Joy or a decided dampening of ardor, according as to the results of the hatch. But don't be come discouraged if the first hatch brings you only 50 per cent, of chick ens. Go right ahead, determined to omit the mistakes of the 'first trial and aim for S3 or DO per cent of the next Latching, which you should pet if you Lave a good Incubator and handle it property. Alter a little practice you come to know your machine, how it is acting and what it will do. as well as you know your driving horse, In fact you can gauge it even more closely, for it Is a machine and you can control it to a nicety. There are hot air machines and hot water machines, there are small machines and big machines machines to meet every need and requirement; the only thing is to get a good machine. An Attractive Side Lir.e. The poultry business on the farm has always been considered largely within me province of the women folks, and the enlargement of the industry bv utilizing incubators has not chancel the situation, except that many others than farmers' wives are now raising Chickens from incubators. "Modern chicken raising, as It has been adopted by thousands of people i owning smau rural Homes, said an incubator agent to me recently, "ac counts for the sale of an enormous number of our Incubators and brooders. In fact it Is among this class largely that we do business, and they are making the money out of it A vast field is still open among the more con servative residents of the interior farm actions, who still stick to old methods, unaware of the comparative simplicity of a good incubator and of the great profit possible through its use." Breeding Uj the f lock. Even through the tnetllam of the barnyard flock, regarded by fnjr farmers as a very insignilicaut part Of Standard Kinds of Chicken. A fascinating little bulletin has Invn Issued by the lepartmeut of Agricul ture (farmers' bulletlu No. M) which Is replete with Illustrations of tho prin cipal standard varieties of chickens, the reading of which by any chicken grower, however small, should certain ly stimulate a New Year resolution to make the flock a real money earner. TMs bulletin, while It will nrove. tiroh- ably. a mere stimulant for mo e extensive literature on the subject, can Im? obtained without cost from Sena tors and Members of Congress, or the Secretary of Agriculture, and the proof of Its popularity is apparent in tho seven or eight editions which It has tieen neessary to publish to sunnlT the demand throughout the country. Caponizing Fowls. One of the most attractive features of poultry raising Is the production of capons. This Is a story all by Itself. It Is an oxierlmeut which one can en ter into and with a very slight expend iture for a set of instruments, can fol low it to any degree desired. It re quires some Judgment and a little at tention, but caponlzlng Is not difficult; It is one of those things which, while It looks. In the leglnniiu, to be a hard proposition, gradually comes to you all of itself, so that the first thine you know you become almost an expert. and the reward Is very considerable. Capons always sell readily and at a good advance In price. The birds be come very docile and easily handled and are always money makers. The readiness wit which the new capon recovers from the wound Is a revvlu- T.i ).rm mimimvt mmmru T! r -5 -t lt Ji-: 35g THE AMIBICAN INCUBATOR IN TURKEY. After testing. It Is stated that l per cent, or those remaining will hatch. This style of Inculmtor prolmbly would not suit American requirements, nit the I. lea of utilizing tho heat of the oom during the later stages of Incuba tion Is very valuable, as it ccououiizos both heat aud space. VOVLTRY FEEDISG. An Important Thase of the Chicken Crowing Industry. Poultry feeding Is sometimes a most serious problem to those who desire to make this line a specialty. Kxperl ence has shown that there nre certain special lines of agricultural operations with which x)iiltry raising may ad vantagtously be connected. In dairy ing there Is usually a large quantity of skim milk or buttermilk which may N utilized to furnish a consider able part of the poultry ration. Upon the fruit farm fowls are also of ad vantage. They keep down insect pests aud they may have a free rango a greater part of the season without tho possibility of doing any damage. Plum growers iiav round Miuitry osecraJly useful In obliterating the curcullo. and 'even the apple crop has Neii comdd crubly benefited. If It hi found that mT v" j . . V-xy. FAMILIAR POULTRY SCENES J I Iff 1 IP. I . h? fate r AN OUTSIDE BROODER fN WINTER. n fhe subject: but a groat many far Biers and farmers' wives do not see, these Journals or books. ITowever, let it be known that the operation of an incubator Is easy and simple, and once that almost superstitious dread that some people have of taking up some thing new and apparently Intricate Is their livestock, a very great addition to the yearly income Is realized. The flock supplies eeps and meat for the home throughout the year, and even if no additional income results, the barn yard flock has served a great purpose. ITowever, It Is such an easy matter to breed up a nondescript lot of chickens tlon as to the splendid physical make up of a chicken. Any boy or pirl who has ever succeeded In skinning and stuffing a bird will take hold of the caponizlng idea with avidity; in fact caponlzlng is by far the easier Job; It Is as easy as the skinnng operation, for In bird mounting the stuffing is the really difficult part ORIENTAL ISCUBATORS. Peculiar Facijity of Chinese for Arti ficial .latching. If we are to look the beginning of any particular Industry, we are usually told that we might find that this particular work was first carried on In China. This applies as well to the artificial hatching of eggs. Throughout China the hatchiug of eggs by heat Is a very large and important industry a ml has been practiced since very ancient times. Tlie Oriental who desires to hatch eggs by artificial heat first constructs a building of sun dried brick, plastered oil tho outside "With mud. Completely fill ? one sMe and the other also, except for door pace and sufficient room for a man to test the eggs, are round, barrel-like mud brick walls with earthen Jars set Into them. This t Is verv deep, and comes within six or eight inches of the ground. The conical 1x4 toni Is lilltl With ashes to tho depth of eight or nine Inches, to keep the .tomperature more uniform and to nvoiil sudden changes of temperature when doors are opened and there Is a Btronir wind. On th top of the ashes Is thrown a bit of old mat or slmllatf material to keep tho baskets of ofrs clean nnd to prevent ralslnir a dust when they are taken out. For hold ing tho eggs a basket Is used that leaves n space of almut an Inch be tween It and tho Inner wall of the Jar. Round and full, these baskets eaeh hold from J2M to 13.V) eggs. After the eggs are put Into the bns ket a slow smoldering fire, inn do with very flno charcoal. Is started. After n day the pggs are taken out, a hand ful at a time, and put Into a similar basket. This Is done from two to Tour times each day according to the temperature. The Chinese use no Hhermometer to test the degree of lieat attained In the Incubator, the epirs being simply touched to the eye ball. After being In the Incnbntor for Ifour days the egcrs are tested to see If .they contain a living germ, by hold ing them up to the light and looking through them. Eggs containing no tl? fowls Injure small fruits It Is best that they be confined during the llin 'itcd season when the fruit Is ripen ing. Waste fruits, either In winter or summer, are a welcome and valua ble addition to the poultry ration. The market garden also furnishes a large amount of waste products which may bo utilized for poultry feed. There Is the waste lettuce, tho small heads of cabbage, the unsold Ix-cts, carrots and potatoes, the green corn which cannot be marketed 'or any i mi BROOD OF INCUBATOR OSTRICHtS purpose, the waste of the -mail fruits, etc. If properly cared for the hens will bring a stc- iy and reliable in come during tlio winter months. Irfed clover, roots, tubers, etc., should ls saved for them during the winter. These stKMild 1m steamed and fed wlttt the mash or cabba;;;-, and hoots may be fed raw. A eatch crop of buckwheat or oafs and peas will furnish much food at little expense. ran. meat, meal, wheat screenings aud oats pur- j chased for poultry will bring good re- iruriiH in eggs ami win aiso : uu ma terially to tho fertilizer supply. flutl Learned the 11 a sine as. An honest and, singular as it may seem, a stupid insnman, who nan work cd for a coal dealer half a year, and shown r capacity to larn his dittiss w.n finally discharged. "C,o to the office and get your money. 1 ve been patient with you, but you are too thickheaded to learn anything," said the proprietor. "All rotght, sir. answered Harney; 'mibbe Oim t'ick-headed, as yez say, but Oi've learned wan t'ing, annaway." "It you have, and learned it well, I'll not dis charge vou," said the proprietor, banter- innrtu? "nftw utiaf (l9VI VOU leimrd?" "Oi've learned, sor, that siventeen hun dred makes a ton In this place," replied Barney, and he went back to work. IJoara For Sleep "Nature requires Ave, Custom glvei TeD Laslnen takes nine, And wlckedueia eleven." Let Me Tell tou the Special Price H f --1 4 f tl ..... ..i m O un mis uenuinc wuuot Chatham Incubator OCT r w ninVe fnor IncnbMnri then thmeMneUni' erlly frirrmnll mil II tmi li t otir titnnae. ImiMw .t.Mba m fall,,, fifTifl F hAl. If I Y nv olhrr cen. rtn In Urn woild. . fnnhrr II til . ', I If Wllhe-rryml.w1.ll11lM.f..evlntl-l.i.c. v"n l B I TrTltV V H 'Xh rrea. mechlne. .. low -J J EREE 4 J Now m era eftnf the trxle with an I nro- -V' a .J.Im niiml t4 ttator el iit-eliia qualltr al tlown-etnlte ,, r.)s 11. l...i !? -ir mill. rl. AikI prnvn Ki you uiai v nno.n 1 ju. MnnSon CSfflUOCU WO- LIO. 177 WreatMi At mat, Detroit, Mick. Inruhaliir mtm the hrt inml". war will- Inir to lot you try one M days 'Hevlw OW TO BUILD AtJ M!' iff&WSi INCU8AT0R m:?J:r brooder I.ii 1 1 t your own i,hm hiura all 111(1. i. Alivmin im li, AUotlno llln.i rxo.l rimM'it of . luiinlUir bihI llnxxWT Hllt- 'Ir'kV aaiai tH' - Wrin-(or tL. S? m2 tmi aisr SEEDS PliANTS. BUt.lMl AM 1KCES flORTHIRN GROWN m . a . u A av ma t' ;.. SInd roa ttff. toner euaNtWDOOIl IT ONTmi IL 1MB C0OO 1HINCS et u, . mim . 1000 COPIES FREE to iarmert huareated In fettlof the beet reulu trocn Uieaoll. root) TOR PLANTS " a banutonwly IlluXralad bnnk . M pane, telttnt I h h.l. truth abiiut tl,tOT-iuli KKrala It, rrtlllau.iti f jruu waul m eopy maii umuie ami Mklnas oa pum ur4 MtraU Propacuda, AiJcrun BaildlH. ISuaaa.a WHAT YOU GET FOR I tarn i-kit Hurt 50 conts. I'f flf rfnaj't Wuttaitir nil WM tlmi Curtl a atrT" ('iiriitiilwC 1 I lrrhip i pi III rttf liffjna Ha.lltta 1 Dlnl It .Imrt illra 1 1 rail I'Ul f ! jranlrfi rtf ir, inl ktit'W wtil air rwirtg. Thit enlim poMtH-Uati f vaia, lertX fn th wiril,unlv fci rvtii. Uttil fMU unlfii rlv umI g4 T'Hir twla iti inti o UnL OLCNDALC NUMtCRV. CVCMCTT. MA. mtmmmmmammtmtmm 3m i,J l MUM U the title of Our New CaUlogue lot 9)6 the mt Iwuutl ifiil and instruitivc hortuultural puhlit alioii nf tho day 186 pagea 700 enKravlnKa 7 uprD coioreu puiea 7 Uuotone plate of vcgeUblea and flowers. Te (Ira Uita anliya lit tn4 dlaHii, auk Ox .llnif m Every Empty Envelope Count a Cash Te every e klll vbtre thU edxttlteeimt trie imi trnj mrKa eoHoM, lo Ceate (In niil, ili "'! Ih ciaiu, n.l uhm1 frae) ol chrf mi iuini Ht-Cmnt " MerHleraua " Co4kclHM of Ua, contain. n,ii aikrl lull of kunl Mlmtd Cmi Olmml ., f !, mtmt4$ Oimml Vult A ilri, mtmfdl HimJirfn'l Ntwlmrt l.illmn a, Hmh 1m4li omt u Aii, liffJ flu 4Jny In acoupuneavclorw, whuh. kapi4 a4 Miurnc.1, oill b atxepled aj a M-caalcaak) payaaaalaa aay a4m UKxisllnf Isf i.uoasiupu4. 0? In 4 BURPEE' g SEEDS V 1( you want the eti ARE THE BEST THAT CAN BE CROWN 1( you want the cliount vrirrlalilftor iniml Urauiitul Howcra yoo ahould read BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR tgOO.-aowell known aa the "Leading Amcrkao brd CataloKua." It l mailed FREE to all. Iinirr and your adilro TO-DAY. W. ATI.KH IH.Iri.r. A Co., I'll 1 1. A III I. I'll I A. YOU USE ACETYLENE ? If so, we want to send you 5AMPL 3URNR We believe we have the very best nnd tho cheapest line of Acetylene Hurners. )ur sample will show better than we can explain hero why it would pay you to use our burners. Write us today, mention kind of Generator used, enclose 8 cents in stamps to cover postage, und we will send Joii A SAMPLE BURNER. w.fi. owe uww,,mzr' sew yonK, n. y. DO ,11 A n IIUI IT U n Uu Are Sold Direct From Faciory and in No Other Way YOU SAVE FROM $75 to $200 When you buy a Wnc Piano, youtwy at whole aitle. You pay the actual cost ol making It with Only our wholesale protlt addad. When you buy a piano, u many siM do at retail you pay the ratall dealer'a atare rent and other eipenaei. You pay hli profit and the commlulon or aalary 0( the agenta or aalaamen ha employs all these on toe ol what the dealer hlmaelt hai to pay to Ih manufacturer. The retail profit on a piano la from 75 to J20O. Isn't thla worth saving? MONEY IN ADVANCE aflsl i 'X Jti place a Wine Piano In any home In the VC itlSJ ilea on trial, without a&klng lor any ad- tJUlv nent or deiosll. We ay the freight ipr j ther chati-ea In advance. There la "laal &moanlHal8? Payments 8ENT ON TRIAL ANYWHERE WE PAY FREIGHT. . . . NO MONEY IN ADVANCE We will United States vance payn and all otl nothing to he raid either before the Dlano la ami or when It Is received. If the Piano la not satis factory after 20 days' trial In your home, we take It hei a entirely at our eipense. You uy us noth ing, and are unaer no more otlli:atlun to keep the piano than If you were examining It at our tory . There can La absolutely no risk or ex pense toyou- Do not Imagine thai It Is Impossible for us to do as we say. Our system Is so perfect that we can without any trouble daHver a piano In the smallest te wn In any part of the United Statea luslaa easily as we can In New York City, and with ab ajlutely no trouMe or annoyance to you, and without asythlng tlng paid In advance or on arrival either fi freiKht or any other expense. We take old plaat and organs in eichanpe. A guarantee fur 1 2 years against any defect In lone, action, workmanship or material Is given with every Wing kUux. In MM yrare over 42,fM0 Wlnu I'lanoe have been manufactured and sold. They are recom mended by seven governors of States, by musical colleges and schools, by prominent orchostrs leaders niualc teachers and musicians. Thousands of these planus are In yr ur own Slate, aomo of them undoubt edly In your very neighbor ligoi Our catalogue con tains names and addresses. Maridollrt, Otiltnr, Horp, Zlther.HonJo --The tones of my or all of these Instruments may be reproduced perfectly by any ordinary player on the Piano by means sf our Instrumental Attachment. This Improvement la patented ' us snl cannot be had In any other piano. WING O. -AN5 urn made with the same care and told In the way as Wlnr -r-.i waj pawa MlUfUUKUO tQ rtVUMIa '. v 'i';r v'i-'" Book; YOU NEED THIS DOOK It Yod Intend to Bu Piano No Matter What Mak a ima-nnc oauinirie-tht KlvM yon all the Informa tion .-u-il l-T mhtU. It 14-lla alultliu Ullfon-iil iiiau ? . . I """""r",l or a piano, ilia y Uia dlf- - . I--. ,...,i wuwa uinliiia U, Iru uut i.f ijiiluiaiiiliii rart ie a iviiiiplin. un.uK.i.ita. U ; n. r.. -iil r..V; ..-.'7"-,..Ji ''Wt omr i.lavn,. avixl hi.iar in t.II uimnA f ...... f i. -V? t.:,zz :ii7-7 a.7,T-.7 .v.r." It oonUrJni, lb irK (.oil tuinlreU ol llluHlriaUoiui. all dPVditxl tltu oonatructiuu. JU li rim In "The Hook t.f Cumpleitt Jiifuruitv mitjmm wuuiiik w vij m nuo. All you WING I SON Lav to lo 1 to ftMiti iw jrour DUuti ttm? YwmXwA TAmy wtill vilr. m til Ink of it Jliat tflvtltlf Jolll llaUta ftiid fedilrtMw.or ftfniiU the Mtttuitici Infill i ii ut lot i. ftliexyf ull iiMrUculetn ftl.Uttt. WIN.i I'lANO, Willi WING & SON brio, Uimui of pejMieut, eu, iuu aatUMifiuuruuiuala 8S8-8(10 W. 18th 8t., Ntw Tork 150-afcltto Ytsnr-lOOO IS 8-389 WIS t., NtwVurk Sndto I he nam and adJrtsi wit tin btlew. th Hook ofComplitt In- 'or mat ton about Pianot, alto pricfi and ttrmi of pay tut on Wing tiano. )