Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 01, 1906, Image 4

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    Encourage Heme Enterprise
To the Kill tor tf Tlie Surprlw Valley
Roconl: I hnve licen rnconrnprd by
different friend to give for publica
tion noun? of my views n to t ho future
business welfare of Modoc County,
nnd the pressing duty of Its oldest
nnd Ust eltlxens. I inn ever rendy tt
lend ft lielpliiR liand In tills direction.
and Imve some positive convictions)
as to tlielx-st methods to accomplish
-...i. .i.ii.i vaults In tln first
l" """"" ' -,hm. This crop often pays from :-5 to
I t ..... lin..1 tlmt tll, first I
,..,......, - -- r IM,r Mm, 4o.(HK m ns of nlfnlfa
able estimate l.(HH).(KK) worth of nl
fe.If.i sel. yearly, and without Irrl-
compnred to the loss of so much mon
ey, so badly needed, to develop new
Alfalfa seed throwing Is rotupnra-
tlvely a new enterprise and the value
of last years crop Is about f:to,(HM)nnd
nil the balance of the sagebrush
In nd In Surprise Valley Is sell ndspted
to growing alfalfa seed, but it costs
from M to $b) per acre, to put sage
brush land Into alfalfa seed and this
alone will take from f.MO.tHM) to :!(H-
Imvliitf it foreign policy, bribers and
corrnptlonlsts of all kinds, corpora
tlons that four pulillclty, disappoint
ed otllce seekers, financial luterots
that have been or tire to Ih Invent!-1
Kated, men who And that Koosevelt
Is In their way, men who would, If
they could, defeat the bnlldiiiK of the
l'lummu canal, opponent of govern
ment rvjrnhitlon of railway rates.
An extensive experiment lu beef pro
duction wns recently stnrtisl nt the
Michigan Agricultural college. It. 8.
flmw of the college stuff outlines) the
flan In Michigan runner, llesnys
.i.. ..i ir,,nl rltlk.'ii wlirt has:
"u,- " evd ground wlllpioduceata
the material welfare of the county at I .. . .
heart. Is to give the local business
men of the couuty the preference In
nil purehnsts made by him. provided
always that they nre satisned with
a reasonable profit and which 1 know
as a rule they are, and. reciprocally,
It Is the duty of the local merchant
to g-lve his customers the preference
In buying their produce and paying
therefor a fair price nml to use his
best efforts to find a market for all
surplus produce offered him for sale.
It Is the duty of the local Banker to
furnish nt a reasonable rate of Inter
est to safe borrowers sufficient mon
ey to enable his customers to handle
their crops of whatever kind nml to
pay to the industrious and econom
ical laborer of whatever nge or sex.
on time deposits, a reasonable In
terest, as much has can te optahicd
elsewhere from like bnnks. In this
way the surplus earnings of our citi
eens enn le accumulated in sutlicient
quantities todevclopthe undeveloped
resources of our county from four to
five times ns fa6t as It has leen done
in the past; nml being done by locnl
capital the money markets of the
world will have very little Influence
on it and iu this way all possibility
of money panics will be almost en
tirely eliminated.
In the second place It Is the Impera
tive duty of all good citizens to use
all their surplus money in some enter
prises, and give no encouragement
whatever to the traveling agent of
foreign Institutions of whatever kind
or character, iuclading every life In
surance, stocks, bonds, building as
sociations, rubber stocks, u, ex
cepting perhaps thedrumnfer for mer
chandise and goods that cannot le
manufactured at home.
It is estimated that .Surprise valley
alone remits at least f 10,000 yearly as
premiums on life insurance. Not
more than onefourteenth of this mon
ey ever returns to the valley. This
in my judgement is business suicide.
This alone would build a good high
school house every year, and the
6mall protection it affords during
the life of the policy Is insiguifieient
lmrluti the ilrst luilf of October twen
trusts that have Nn-ome monopolies-, ty high grade Shorthorn cow nlmut to
v...i,i...ri.. ....rr..,,..,..i..- f.. iciilve were purchase,! .y the luatltu
'tloll. In ircucrnl these nro lariro frnm.
ei uiai iney nave a ngiu io run me ,,Mms, well graded up with Short
horn Mood a nd its uniform an (lie re
stricting conditions of the experiment
gntlon; The receipts of the ten sa
loons In Surprise Valley cannot le
much less than I'.'S.OOO yearly. These
saloons may Ih necessary, but not
absolutely so. If the money expende.l
yearly nt these places were utilised
In clearing our sagebrush plains for
say eight years, the products of our
valley alone would Increase yearly
1 1.000,000.
Recent discoveries of gold in and
adjacent to Surprise Valley indicate
untold and tnexhaustablo mineral
wealth iu the near future, but we
have not the capital to develop them.
The money expended in the saloons
of Surprise Valley and the money
paid out for premiums on life in
surance and building associations
and other foreign institutions would
develop in one year our mines. Then
we could boast ns does our neighbors
in the Southern part of the State,
who are engaged ii the olive culture
(the olive trees that shaded the
brows of our Saviour on the shores
of the Adriatic t?ea, nearly two thou-.
sand years ago, are still bearing
fruit) that we too had reached a con
dition of physical immortality.
YV. T. Cressler.
M'hlte 1 louse.
The latter class Is, of course, the
most active In giving publicity to
what they call the president's wan
ing popularity. They resent the
withholding from them of privileges
which they had grown accustomed
to look upon as rights, and they re
retaliate by an alliance with those
others whose schemes have been
would permit lu making the purchases,
These cows have been divided Into
two lots of ten each. The cnlvcn of one
lot nre being permitted to suckle their
diiiiis, but not run with them. As these
calves develop they will receive sup
pleiiientnry food In iiddlllon to ttuit so
! cured from their mothers it ml will final
ly be lliilwhod for market nt nlmut
l.) pounds weight. I Miring this time
! records will be made of the amount of
blocked by the fearless and patriotic I fo,Hl con8,1,,,,', .v 'm " 'lw d her
,, . . calf, so that the actual cost of the hitter
lioue.v oi ii.o president. That I'res
blent Roosevelt makes mistakes must
be admitted, but they do not Inter
fere with the course which he maps
out for himself In matters afftctlng
the great concerns of the nation.
Oregon Inn.
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make the
Denver and Kio tiratide the most ip
ulsr, as it has ever leen known the
most pleasant and most picturepie
way to cross the continent, has
can be determined nt any stage of do
The cows of the other lot nre being
milked and records made of the amount
of milk and fat produced by each In
dividual. After the fat U separated
from this milk tln skim milk Is brought
buck and fed to the calves. In addition,
the calves will receive liberal supplies
of food, Records will also be made of
the food consumed by each cow, the
revenue from her butter fat and the
cost of developing her calf to the mar
ketable weight heretofore mentioned.
It Is also planned to purchase ten
more cows of the same class to calve
come ' nlMiiit the opening of the pasturing sen-
Why They Assail Roosevelt
The persistency with which certain
newspaper correspondents at Wash
ington continue to harp on the al
leged increasing hostility to President
Roosevelt can not convey any other
Impression than that these writers
are In league with the conspiracy that
has leeu formed by Interested persons
to break down the popularity of the
president. As President Roosevelt
does not intend again to lie a candi
date for the office, the attack is plain
ly not meaut as a political move to
injure his prospects of a nomination.
The real reason Is the desire to des
troy his power to carry out policies
which he is advocating in the interest
of the nation.
Among those who may be included j
In the conspiracy are a lot of people j
who are afraid of the I'nited States
alsait. This is the establishment of 1 son In ttie spring and allow the calves
through sleeping car service. j to run with their dams on grass nlono
In connection with the O. R. A X. n I lrl,Hl ofr ,,"" ,',k,, ,,u" calves
through Pullman Standard Sleeper in ! u ri"ls'' "",n tUi ,lmo w,,h'htit
now run from Portland to iVnver, Kmv- I "S ""'r tW '"K the
! II .1 , . a .- . . CUSt lllSO.
tug Portland nl 8. .I n. m.. arriving at . .......,
c , . ",",",s I Roeaiiso of the fact that this experl-
Salt Lake at 8.40 a. m. the fecoi.,1 j mollt .,,, S1VU1 ,,,.,, u
morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3..0 -J IniDortaiit Dr.-i. .m.Mil.w, If l..
ni. and arriving at IVnver 4.20 p. in. the ; been plaunisl to repeat the work two
following day. This schedule gives pas- 1 or three years lu succession,
sergers seven hours eto-over in Salt 1
Lake, affording an opportunity to visit I I"irm uuvcnlrncr.
the Mormon Capital as well as a day A n rivet; II Is an eye; D Is a
light ride through the grandest seener'v ' ","k',f- I'n"s a f""r f,M,t r"I'p ((''
in th u-orl.t " .through ores; make a knot on end of
W I A lilflltM WW
1 A. Willi VM. M. I)
.0 riltHH Itnil Ml'ltJ:il ,
Paisley, Oregon.
Ihslrlsn and tourer
orriCK-N.'w Puljr Hull. ling.
1.. r. wss
l-akrvlrw, Orgmm
orm r.-tmiy tiuu.ium.
Atlorxr) -sl-ljiw
lnt .Uallrr Mperlallj;
OrrirR-Psly llnlldlng.
. . . TIMU TAI1LU . . .
In KfWt May 1st, 1(H)5.
Thrll .. l A. M.l.v. l'kpiVia aTjS
At. Iiemn..., Ar. hii 10 v,
" Hi.-,. Mr' H ift " K lii Sii'v. 1 1 411
Kull i r-k. 7IA Kll rV'li 114ft m
" Ivlil Hp'tt 7 III " " Sl... Hr'MolKlN,
" liio ,ia ii"u. ",,iv jo r u
" l'.ik.'irMiK.Ji II, mil 1,1,411 ..
Klamath Spring Special.
I.v. Thmll I'. M.I.y. Klii Hi..t 4AP. M
Ar.lioiu. M Ar. Kull Orrkthi
" K I'll Hl.'K. M.40 HuMl,
wnnnntH nr rnt u-nnm ij,kviir
v ur inc nuniu mp s,.m
f Mih-i on I hi- til nml 4th WtMlnexUjr nl
rui n in Mun 111 MH.ouie iikii, i r j, m,
r. iiim'ihih 1 iHi.iii , em in nanitf 1
n. 14141 ism, 1 ir.
. . 11
tAnr,Mhn r.l uilflKl, JNO. IS,
I. O. O. K. niKoia tlm l. ami a,l TlinriM l
Ujr rvrnlnu ol mi h inonlh la Odd Ke. V
W. J. Mixmt. Hrrllw.
-a- :n.:roiiX.iiTT
House 5rrA9 Paner
. Oregon
New Pine Creek,
Tin 11 fT
IJIC DADrD k,"l on nil" nt K. f
IIIO I ai LII Aivriinm Aci'iirv
illlr StriH'l. San KrHiirlM fi wIlm
ciMiiritria lor lvi-rtli:i inn l-cmndi'lur U
'. fllRI'i
I .'4 Snli
2iiti'rltMri to 1 h Kimiilner win, r-moYc
Ironi mif liH-alur In nnilirr. nr
llu-lr po.tnltli r milr'. li.nill n iiu'iiiIm r to
druli Ihl. itRirr rsrd Ml Ihflr l.alMr I an ail.
drt'.n il III till' rllilll ialiRlrt'.
For reservation in this car and fur il
lustrated booklets pittliriii( tlie seeneiy
contiguous to tlie IVnver & Riotirande.
proving it to W the ' Sceiiie Line of the
World," wiiteloW. t. M.-Kride, lien-
eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland.
rope. Take an old broom handle nnd
! fit end loose lu the socket. The Jaws
should he larc etio'itfh when -loseI to
hold n Iior's lei? firmly without slipping
out. It Is a (Mlb-nlt thing to go Into a
peti of porkers and catch them, esjie-
It is of the bet
nattrmli. in block or jtfow.
full Quoantc4. tni ioti bjr
reliable dfelm c7wherc.
a j Tow? a en.
To All Our
i i
1 o Cure a Cold in One Day
Take I.AX.VIIVi: Illiti.Mo (Jl lXINK
Tal'leih. All driitigiii refund the
inoiie) il it ,ij to cure. K. W.tirove'i
iwi'Hliire io on each hox. V'tc.
I.imk at Hie ileacriptiiins of the land
listed Midi The Kxiiin nor this week for
sale, and M-l.-ct jour piece before it Inta
Is-en sold to Koine one e're. tf
II. K, IUiirkn, I'rnp'r.
Office In lii cber's 5torc
Magn leaves Ijikeview dally, ex.
vpt Ssnday at fl a. in. Arrivet
at Alturas at U p. in.
I -cave, A I in ran for Ikevlew at
l oVIiH'k a. 111.. or on the arrival
of tie stsgn from Madelins. Ar
rives lu I.keview in 12 houre af
ter leaving Altura.
Freight - Atattcra - Given
5trkt - Attention ...
first - Class - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. YA DIN, I'roprltlor.
Office In llnkvllle tlotcl
k'limalb f alls.
Piiily from Tnkegi 1 hv Keno. Klaru
ath I hIIh. Juiry, llniisiir.n, and Illy to
Pally frnm I.akeview hv lilv. IkinariKa
Puirr. Klaiimth rails." Keno. to Po.
From Klamath Falls to Keuol!hy
Ktesmer and frotu Keno to IVkcicina
over the hiinwt r oiir llorne Staga Line.
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub.
lshed. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLX)N L. GOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Pake of One: The Lake County Exam,nr
Tlie Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
clally If oho wants to Hlngle out one
animal. Take the eatclier by handlo
In the right hand nnd the ropo In tho
other hand. I fold it to tlie hog'a hind
legs, pull by rope, nnd you have tho
animal fast. The cost Is ainall, nnd tho
farmer will find It a navpr of tlmo and
temper many time during tho year.
farm IroprenH.
Wright of be Ham.
ine weif?iit or a ram is not a very
sure guide a to hla real worth, write
a correspondent of Rural New Yorker.
I have seen many good Hires bo fat as
to bo almoHt worthless. A mature
aheep In good utoek condition should
weigh from 175 to 250 pounda. He
should have good, strong, not very
Heavy legs; bo square on. the rump and
shoulders, with a good Tireast, a head
not over large, a bright eye and, above
all, be active. A little oats and linseed
meal fed dally to him during the time
be Is In service will Improve both blm
and bis offspring.
The Breeding Bwea.
Above all tilings, do not allow your
ewes daring the lambing time to pass
oat and through a narrow door or Jump
over a high place In the door, as the
111, says Michigan Farmer. This will
cause the ewes to drop dead lambs.
There ought to be a sunny pen provided
where the lambs may enter and feed In
their own troughs upon cracked corn,
fresh wheat bran and a bit of ollmeal
A pound of feed given to the winter
Iamb may be worth a nickel, and lambs
will eat more and grow better If their
creep Is In a sunny place.
The theep Iloaae,
Bheep quarters ought to be cleaned
up sometimes often enough not to
cause t&e escape of odors and gases.
Sheep are naturally neat animals and
everything should be done to keep
them clean.
- iia i a ii' mi
Good Stock
tasy Coaches
S. I.. Mc 'Nacgiiton, I'rop.
World Almanac and Cncyctopedh
It is a volume of nearlv
seven hundred pnjes an
sells for 'Joe. Sent by mai
for 35c.
A Reference Hook of tin
sual value, almost indispens
able to any man of business,
or in the professions. ..
It contains information on
more thanjl,000 timely top
ics and presents over 10,000
facts such as arise daily for
fif Election statistics, agricul
tural, financial, educational,
tailroads, shipping,ctc, etc.,
through all the list of topics
where newjfigures are most
valuable. 34 columns of in
Send for this ''Standard
Am eri ca n Ann u al . ' 'A dd r-
css TJIIv WORM), Pulitzer
Ihiilding, New York City.
Office at Mercantile Store
Man leave- I-akoview Monday, NV1
nefcdayn and Fridays at i a. in., arrives
at I'lnsh nl 0 j, ni. le aven I'liinh Tues
days, Thursdays mid Saturdays, at 8
in., arrives at lakovirwr at 0 p. m.
raHferiuer fare :j mm way or $5 for
round trip. Freight rates frnm May
lt to Niiv. lt f.7 t hundred; front
Nov. Mm May let $1.00 per Imndre
iiiiii:ic i.imi ori k
l'nite.1 Xtates I, and Officii, I.akevlcn,
Oreu'ini, Ueioher 1'Oth, I'.KiS. .Notice is
lierel.y given that in cuiiipliuiire with
the .rr iximiH of tho Act of .lur.e 3, x73
enlitleil "An act for the falu of timber
lands iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," ns
extended to all the 1'iihlic Land Slates
by art of August 4, IH'yj, Frank Hall,
of Klamath rails, county t f Klamath,
state of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his sworn statements No. .'(015
for tho purchase of the NW SVSi Hl'M
Nw U M' Ji N4' and lot 2 of section I'J
in township No. 31 S., Hangu No. 1H K. ,
w. mi., ami will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
liinlier or stone than for agricultural
purpose and to cslahli.h his claim to
said land before (iuo, Chaslain, rlnrk of
Klamath county, at hisoffice at Klamath
rails, Oregon, on Saturday, the 1,'lih day
of January, 1IMM. lie names witnesses:
C. H. McCuiiiUr, of Dairy, Oregon;
Herbert (Vemmer, Fred liensing of
Klamath Falls. Oregon, and K. A.
McCulley, of MiCloud, Calif.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the allOVO-duHiribed latulaaru riiia.
ed to file their claims in this nm, nn
or before said 3lh day of Jan., JUOtl.
J. . Watson, Kegister.
la all Its stain.
Ely's Cream Balm4
cUianins, loothsu anil heals
the diauawd niunibrano.
t cuma catarrh and drive
awajr a cold lu the head
Crtiiiiu Ilalm Is placod Into tht nostrlla, spreads
over the membrane and is aliaorbod. Itellef la im
tneilluto and s euro fullow. Ills not drying dona
not produce annexing, lrge Hire, BO cent at Drug
gists or by wall; Trial Hlxe, 10 cont.
ELY UUOTUKUS, u Warren Btraet, Mew York
lampc Rarru with Bwaiiow rork in
JdlllCi Ddlljf right e ,,w.s;rrTerM
for wethers. Borne ewes square Crop and BUI
In right car. Tsr Brand 111. Itaogo, Crane
Lake. foatofflte address. Lakavlaur. Ornn
Zac Whitwonh eTH:,1cr0o,:;,
right for ewes ; rei erse for wetbors Tar Brand
W. Range, Fish Creek, fostoffloe addraia
Lakevltw, Oregon