Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 01, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    Publishes Evrjr;Tlnirdr.
MHk Balldlnt
Knlnrod at the PoM Offlr ikVlcw, Or.
asrX-eon.M ! Mt r.
(One Year $2 00
TERMS: six Months.. 1
(Three Month, 50
It has been discovered that the
wnendements to the constitution ami
new measures proponed by petition
under the referendum law are defec
tive, in that they do not contain the
"enactment cWe," which the refer
endum law provides for. The foore
tary of Mate is deemed not the judge
as to the legality of the petition, so
long as they come to him legally sign
ed, and has no right to refuse thorn a
place on the official ballot. In the
matter of the petition for the anti
paas law, the secretary says it ill cost
the state about 120i to comply with
the requirements of the referendum
law and put the measure on the bal
lot. Is the referendum law so defective
as to compel the expenditure of that
amount of money on a bill that shows
to be of no value to auv one? The
thing is a fane, If it is plain to all
that the bill is defective and cau never
le enforced if elected by the people,
there should be no niouey squandered
on it.
A whole loToFgood printers' ink
has been wasted on what is known as
Statement No. 1 in the new primary
nominating law, and after all is said,
and further, if you please, after all
candidates for the legislature have
signed it, or refused to sign it, noth
ing has been accomplished. The con
etitution of the United States gives
legislature the right to elect United
States Senators, and until that section
of the constitution is repealed, repub
lican United States Senators will be
elected in States where the legislature
is republican and democratic senators
elected in States where legislatures
are democratic.
The woman Suffrage bill is in the
same boat as the anti-pass bill and
others that are proposed under the
referendum. The people can have the
fun of voting on them, but whether
elected by the people or not, will be
of no force, as they are said to be de
fective and cannot be enforced.
People will not have much sympathy
for Mr. Misuer, who married the wid
ow of the late Charles T. Yerkes, the
millionaire, and stepped into a fine
new nest all feathered with anywhere
from six to seventy million dollars,
and then stepped out because he could
not have more than 8200,000 annual
allownce for pocket change.
All the commercial bodies of Uma- '
tilla county met at Pendleton on the J
23rd of February for the purpose of
effecting a combined organization to '
advertise Umatillla county in the !
East. '
Now that the ?hite House wedding j
is over and the Lougworth's have '
gone to Cuba, the newspapers, as ,
well as readers, can take a re-t.
The majorityof the members of the
House public lands committee.
congress are opposed to the repeal
the timber and stone act.
There may be a hundred men In this city who have arms the same length
as yours but there Is not one other man in the whole county who is the same
as yourself in all other proportions.
It Is simply an impossibility to get a perfect fitting suit by buying ready-to-Bvear
We will make a suit to your measure for $20.
.You pay that much, or nearly that much for every hand-me-down suit you buy.
Cnftimi'ma'le cIotLmi store rlotbes are turned
Fill nnt this coupon and mall to as and we
Will send you a sample of the cloth. We guar
antee that the sample Is actually cut from the
very bolt of cloth from wblcb we make the suit.
When yon visit I'ortland, come In aud verify this
or any aasertlon we make. If yon wish, sk
some Portland friend to tell you shout the rep.
utstlon aud standing of the Columbia Woolen
alllls Co.
It Is the simplest thine In the world to bave
ome friend take your lueaanre. We will send
you a tape measure free, aud Instructions bow
to take a measure for a ault of clothes.
Be sure and send for this sample. If yoa get
a suit from this offer, yon will be wearing a
fcsriueot the pattern of wblcb local dealers can
not possibly get In stock before another year.
The pattern of our t'M suit will be sold next
year as the lateat (by other tailors).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland, Ore.
Plush Plushery.
Ed. Examiner: My Pear Ureely; I
hojie you w ill not grumble lieoause I
am not more prompt in sending you
In the news. Jutt thiuk ot the irregu
larity of the malls through the means
of bad roads and deep snows, etc., and
also consider how scattered the news
is in this part of the country. It
takes quite a while to gather it in,
aud sometimes one must draw on the
imagination, through that white, cold,
cutting, freezing fog, which pervades
sometimes in (.loose Lake valley, he I
obliged to work a good deal along
shore so as to keep warm. A person,
is not in a mood to take uotes of
scenery and passing event. Then we
go to Chandler's camp or sheep ranch,
in Lower Crooked Creek, w here a man
has to run the gauntlet among dogs,
oats, rats, mice and squirrels aud
other varmint, which conflict most
vigorously and diabolically with auy
human being which they come in con
tact. Chaudler's is a splendid and
central place for station entertain
ment for man and beast. Horses to
hay 50 cents, meals 50 cents, Wds 50
ceuts, unless you prefer to sleep iu the
chicken house, or the bunk house,
which is also used as a dog gymuas
iutn. Your humble servaut took the
chicken house and thought it a castle,
for he being a little non compus, and
after a short nap, the rooster from his
lofty porch did bade in shrillest tones
the coming light of day, while I, a
hapless, helpless, sleepless wretch,
close by him on a rickety couch did
lay, cogitating aud beseeching ethere
al beings to send me balm of sleep by
which I may ietrieve my scattered
memory -and things that I forgot, but
the rooster crowed agaiu aud crew
away and cared not how a trembling
wretch would wait the light of day.
Sans Coat or hat, we traveled north
and east and visited -all the sheep
camps and fouud that sheep are doing
well aud no loss to speak of, save the
proverbial "bummer" lamb, which
generally goes over to the majority
anyhow. We get back to the beautiful
town of Plush, where the roads are
dusty and spring breathes out its
charms, already the meadow lark larks
and the blackbird notes aud the bull
frog ne'er ceases to sing, while towns
all around have snow on the ground
and there's no appearance of spring.
Cattle are being driven to the des
ert, by the JJ aud TT ranches and all
stock looking fat and slick, and no
loss to date. There is one band of
sheep being fed yet at V. C. Laird's
ranch at Blue-joint flat.
The anniversary of St. Valentine
was celebrated here in the finest style
by a most enjoyable dancce being giv
en in the town hall at Plush. The
gathering was very large. The music
was supplied by Mr. and Mrs. GriseL
Mrs. Grisel is an artfot on the harp or
piano, while Mr. G., is quite an ex
pert on the violin. The hall was
crowded and at 8 o'clock, sharp, Mrs.
Grisel touched the harp gently and
with the greatest feeling poured
fourth that famous selection from
Bethoven, entitled, Pish Atha Aguni
Agus Nae b'yer fi. At the turn of the
tune Mr. Grisel got in line with the
violin and the crowd went into es
tacies and dancing commenced. Kit
ten jumped high, but Ethel jumped
higher ; they tipped over the stove,
and the house got on fire. A bucket
of half and half from Pat Mossbank's
caused the blaze to expire and all
oat by the thousand. Tbey are cut aud sewed
y DjeLUery.
That la why yoa bare Iwnirht aoita hereto
fore that loot their ik of newness before yog
Lad wurn tUera half a day.
We will make a anlt to yoor messnrs for
your exclusive wear Uiat will fit you liecause
It was built for you. and no one else for fai.
We guarantee tne cloth to tie an all-wool cheviot
It cloth In new aud vigorous Jut 08 the
liamm latest patterns liand-alilml every sestu
hand-sewed with allk lined with Imported Vene
tian cloth.
We bare aelected several pattemi, any of
which we will make op to your uieaaure for 'Jfl,
rnleis you exprvaa some preference we will mall
yoa a sample of late Lok11u overllne pattern.
Tills pattern Is so new tint It will be sold by
tailors next year as the "latest."
The background of the pattern 1 deep gray,
wltb an almost imperceptible oTerllne or
check. The color of this fabric does not show
liul easily, does not wrinkle and baa taken the
dje so well that the garment look a like new
nntll it is all worn out. The wool used In west
ing this garment was selected with nnusual
care. There la no short wool In the fabric and
no shodly. The cloth has so fine a weave tbit
It preaents a fairly bard surface, and at the
same time Is soft and pliable. It will not srnff
op or get shiny. This clotb cannot be bought
from the mill for leas than ti.&O a yard, no
matter If you bought five thoussud yards. We
are the Pstlnc Coast representatives of S syndi
cate of the Urgent woolen mills In the world.
That enables us to make this unprecedented effer
of a suit U your measure for $M. Send for a
sample pull It to pieces see bow long and even
the wool strands axe note bow well the dye
has set.
Colombia Woolen Mill Co., Portland, Or.
Please tend ma free, cample of lata pat
tern English orerllne foods, from wblcb
yoa agree to make a suit to measure for
(20. Also send me, free, pocket tape
measure and blank, and instructions for
taking measures. This does not obligate
me to buy a anlt unless I wish.
went to dancing again. At 13 o'clock
a spleudid supper was laid for 1(H)
people by Mrs. lien a Scamtuon of the
Conomara Hotel, assisted by Mrs. Ida
Wiggins, the lula llookh of Plush.
The dining room was illuminated with
Japanese lanterns and the tables had
some heavy freight ami the crowd
didn't do a thing to it. After supper
dancing was resumed aud kept up till
When the dance adjourned the next
thing on tho program was the buggy
race In which Phil Lynch aud Harry i
Kolert4 contested. Harry drove a
pair of spanking thoroughbreds while j
Philip's team were relatives of our,
owu, lielng of the long-eared species. '
Each of the contestants in making the
match agreed to take his Ust girl In j
the buggy for ballast. Philip was!
very much handicapped, as his part
ner weighed avoirdupois. Harry
had for Iwllast Miss Wiggins, the Lain
llookh of Plush and the legal defend
ant and near relative of Dr. Wiggins
the great storm prophet. Phil took
for his freight the gentle Hlue-joint i
widow and if all flesh is grass, Phil:
i had quito a piece of meadow. The !
I zephyr made a racket blowing through j
j his buggy window and his team tooka'
spiu across the flat. The distance to '.
: Ih run wak mile in a northerly direc
tion from Plush. Mr. J. II. PoUoy,
! judge aud starter, dropped tho flag,
aud thev weut oir iu a cnuter. Harry
( must have pulled too hard on one line
! as his team left the track aud headed
j toward the TT ranch. Lyncho's jeu
j ueys seemed to have their own way as
j they were a fast lick, though Phil aud
i his partner had a line each and Phil
; was holleriug Whoa, at the top of his
i voice, but the long-ears heeded not,
I and never quit running till they got
to Blue-joint flat. At Flagstatf lake
the widow was spilled out, and Joe
Jones, who is always Johnny on the
spot No. '2, and iu the right place,
went out with a team and hay wagon
and hauled her in to Plush without a
broken bone or a scratch. Harry's
team ran about a half mile through
the sagebrush and they got tipped
! over, but no damage done, and Peggy
i Lynch the race mare, was seut to the
! scene and Miss Wiggins rode her into
town. Elder PeBoy held a religious
meeting that night in the school
house, prayed fervently and thanked
the Lord that no one was hurt.
Politics are starting already, aud
Bill Barry, superior judge of the high
tule bench, is ready at all times to
register the voters of his precinct.
Bill worked several days along shore
in Plush. He is now digging ditch
j and watching for some more ships to
j come into Port. Tho Bet ty Berry has
i gone out to sea laden with sheep pelts
j sagebrush aud tules, Captain Harber
I in charge.
I almost forgot to tell you n y best
girl quit me, but we cannot live apart.
I Oh, she bad lovely curly hair and a
wealth of rings belts and buckles.
; She is running with a chap, he's all
nose and Knuckles., It rives my
j heart.
I Most Obsequious,
i McCarthy Come Down.
! The Woodmen Ball.
! The local lodge Woodmen of the
1 World gave its annual Ball last Friday
'night, at which the Woodmen's usual
good manner of entertaining was ex
; empliflod. The hall was appropriately
decorated for the occasion, and upon
entering each one felt the warm wel
' come that awaited them. The grand
march, headed by the working team
of the lodge, in uniform, was inter
' estiug to spectators and a credit to
J the lodge. A large crowd attended
( the dance and many spectators were
! present. Music was furnished by Miss
Snelliug, violinist, Miss Ethel McKee,
pianist and Geo. Ross, cornetist, and
each of the musicians seemed to be in
exactly the right humo to furnish
good music. The proceeds from 4.'1
tickets sold was entirly expended in
preparations for a good time, aud it is
said that some "digging up" was
done. The danecrs were treated to a
dollar supper at the Palace restaur
ant. The event was a most enjoyable
one, aud all participants wish the W.
O. W. Lodge many happy anniversar
ies. A Scientific Wonder.
The cureH that atand to ltn credit
make Bucklen'a Arnica Salve a acien
tlflc wonder. It cured E. It. Mulford,
lecturer for the Patrons of Husban
dry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distress
ing case of riles. It heals the worst
Burns. Sores, Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts,
Wounds, Chilblains and salt Itheum.
Only 25c at Lee Beall's drug store.
Advertised Letter List.
Following Is a list of letters remaining un
claimed in the 1-akeview Post Office. In calling
lor them say "advertised," and give dale ol
this notice:
Mr. Andrew Kirkham, Mr. J. E.
Steward, Mr. Charles Sears, June
King, Mr. Dena, John O'Callahan,
Mr. M. D. Sanborn, Mr. John O'Cal
lahan. Pick J. Wilcox. P. M.
For Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
. ' THIS IS ... . i
VVe have
Everybody. All our prices are Fair and when
you Buy Here Once you'll Surely Come Again.
A full line of Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Felt Boots
and Rubbers. g
We have been furnishing Sheepmen with Winter sup
plies for these many years and have laid in our stock with
their interests in view. i
What is Good for one is Good for all.
A "VTT r5Q
J a I 11 JLaf 0
S Tcke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
3 Seven Mniioii boxes sold In past 12 months. This SiglUtUTC,
Paisley W hiffs.
C. S. Ltoneflel In wriotiKly conttitlfr
inK the iroionit ion of moving bin wiw
mill to Little Chewauraii. The only ;
obstacle in tho alnwuce of a ronl ut j
to the vallt-y. The roml to Little
Chevt aucHii irt not a practicable one for
heavy teaming. Mr. licnetlel intcti'l.-i
to try anl net a county roml built up
the canyon. He Hays he can et ?Ii)
iu work ami material donated here in
Pairiley for tho construction of a road
up the canyon, aud it is lielieved the
county cau be persuaded to help out
the good work.
Some of the farmers have commenc
ed to plow for npririK Howiutf.
The roads are dry and dunty iu the
Chewaucau valley. What's this wo
hear about snow down at tho Lake?
Wm. Harvey was quite Hick last
week. We understand that he is some
better at this writing.
Pronpects are good for fruit and hay
in this aud Summer Lake valleys.
Hart Courad returned from Lake-
view Sunday. Mr. Conrad says tho
roads are bad over the mountain.
A social dauce was given iu the hall
last Thursday night and a good time
was had. Yo scribe intended koIuk
but George Cooley broke into our
room and appropriated the only claw
hammer coat we had. liut I guess
Cooley was sorry he took the coat be
cause we had put a bottle of horse
medicine iu the tail pocket of the
coat, unbeknowns to anybody but
ourselves, aud Cooley inadvertently
sat down too hard and broke the bot
tle, rendering his presence obnoxious
to the female ladies present, aud he
was prevailed upon to retire from the
sceno, in fact his own conscience,
suggested such a move.
Will Miller will sow ten acres of his
farm to rolled barley for an experi
ment this spring. Will is getting to
be quite an epicurean on agriculture
and economics.
A Lively Tussle
with that old enemy of the race, Con,
gtlpatlon, often end in Appendicitis.
To avoid all serious trouble wltb
Stomuch, Liver, and Bowels, take
Dr. Kings New Life Pills. They per
fectly regulate these organ, without
pain or discomfort. iTc at Ix'e Beall
The entertainment for the Reading
Room and Library will be given Fri
day evening, March Kith. The com
plete program will be published next
the Goods to suit
the standard cough and cold cure for over q-
75 years now comes also in a J
lonvrnienl to
be without it. Ak
To Cure a Cold in One Day
'P"H II jsjaii i ifSjif i i n n nwu i
j , -n 'H' ; y "j wit iiou t a.
c-V' -J wl.M-k I a
V V ': - iuiiiiuer lic-M
1 1 ) ' ""l t h n t never
IK', r.-.'l Muni. a
" " fh.vwr that
' ".I" " ' Cm i-.i't uu..ttt .
V ., ' .,. ' ,u .- rmiM 1
'i j . A A Vv . v u...;t tt l- ir ,
Tha Amen I
' I V s. v rv'i v "-' '--i'-
i A mm.
"'I.ifl1 never
was a li u -
bam! wnrthy of the nnme, ho tl!U nut
aspire to l- the fuller and the Kaml
falher of heallliy. rapulile children, to
hand down his niirue and tUe fortune ac
ciimuhiU'd ly thuMweulof hl hrow.from
genera lion to (renerutlon. There rmver
wa.t a wlfti III to lm;tr that noble titlo, who
dltl not wlh to wear womanhood's mot
glorious crown, the aceptr of mother
EimkI. Thousands of wedded couple,
otherwise happy, fall short of wedlock's
greatest happiness hecausa thy are rhild
lens. In the majority of cases, this Is be
cause thn wife, through Ignorance or neg
lect, suffers from weakness and disease
of the organs distinctly feminine. For
women who suffer In this wsy there Is
one great medicine that does not fall to
accomplish Its purpose. It Is Vr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on
the delicate organs concerned and makes
them strong, healthy, vigorous and virile.
It allays Inflammation, heals ulceration,
soothes pain and tones the shattered
nerves. It lits for wifehood and mother
hood. It quickens and vitalizes tbe dis
tinctly feminine organism. It banishes
the maladies of tho expectant months and
makes baby's Introduction to the world
easy and almost painless. In Insures the
little new-comer s health and nourish
ment In plenty. It Is tho best supportive
tonic fur nursing mothers.
Mrs. Jennie rsrks. of Marshall. PpokaneCo..
Wash., writes: " 1 am glad to Utll of the cood
results of four g-reat mtxilelne Ir. I'lerce'e
r'aroiite Proscription. It gives m. atrcrufth.
have no tired feeling aud my baby Is the
picture of health. 1 feel better than I bST
In ten years."
In cases of constipation Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets should be usod as an ad
junct to "Favorite Prescription." They
are extremely simple, perfectly natural
aud Insure prompt and permanent relief.
Luke view, Oregon,
The tax Roll for the year 1905 la now
in my hands for collection, and will
become delinquent immediately after
the first Monday in April, 1900. You
will receive a rebate of 3 per cent, if
your full tax is paid on or before
March 15th, 1!XX1. If one-half of your
tax 1b not paid on or before the first
Monday iu April, 100(1., there will
bo a 10 per cent, penalty and 12 per
cent. Interest added after that date.
No personal chock from parties out
side of the county accepted.
Very truly yours,
E. K. Rinehart,
Sheriff of Lake County, Oregon.
Dated this the 27th day of Feb. 1900.
t Ihe Kind Yon Have Always BoufiM
the Tastes of
Pioneer Store
catty wttu you. I'oti l rw
your tlriigmt. aJ M4 W
fA ALMANAC FKr.K. Writs to tr. D.J. yes a Son, rt.lU.I.!.Ms.
Cure. Crip
In Two Days.
on every
box. 25c.
Contest Notkc.
I'nitctl States Lanil Office, I.aUcvicw,
Oregon, February H, l!MMi.
A siilliiiitit contest nfliiliivit having
la-cn filed in this office by John II. Noble,
contestant iigiiinst hotiimlrad entry No.
made January li, 11MM), for Lot 1,
Sec. .U, Lota It, 10 V niid 13 end NV,
NK-4, Section a:i, Township 40 S.,
Knngc 1 .1 li., WM., by Otto Anderson,
Contcstcc, in which it is alleged that
said Otto Anderson wholly abandoned
said tract of laud more than lour years
prior hereto and thener hitherto tins con
tinuously abandoned and remained
away therefrom, and that said
alleged absence from the said bind
was not due to his employment in the
Artnv, Navy, or Marine Corps of the
United States as a private soldier, ofllco
seaman, or marine, during the war with
Spain, or during liny other war in which
the United States may be engaged.
Said parties ure hereby notified to ap-ja-ar,
respond mid offer evidence touch
ing snitl allegation at 10 oclock u. in.
on March 21, 190H, before the Register
and Receiver nt the United States LanU
Office in Lakeview, Oregon. The said
contestant having, in a projcr affidavit,
filed February 5, 1900, set forth facts
which show that after due diligence per
sonal service of this notice cannot be
made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given by due and
projicr publication.
J. N. Watson
It is now geuorally conceded that J.
R. Whitney, the present State Printer,
is far in tho lead lu the candidacy for
renomination to that office. Mr. Whit
ney's best endorsement is his record
in the office during Lis first term.
The Gazette hopes that Morrow Coun
ty will bo in line with the other coun
ties in giving Mr. Whitney a majority.
Owing to the established rulo be la
entitled to another term. His record
in the office is such a strong endorse
ment that the people do not desire h
change at the next election. He will
get a big vote Iu Eastern Oregon and
with his undoubted strength In West
ern Oregon, he will undoubtedly be
nomlnuted by the Republicans by a
big majority. Heppuor Ouzette.