Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 01, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 11

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General Information
'Futility liquor nt Pout KIiik. If
, Humph or the iH'ittiUon shipping
ags nt The Kxnmlner oltleo. All!
ata-h ami iiitlllli-M, from Manila to
linen. f
WANTKI): 10 men In each state
to travel, loht HltftiH, advrrtlno and
I leave sample of our goods. Hillary
' fT.VOO iH-r iiiontli. f:i.K) ht day for
Kept. W, Atlas Hlock, Chicago. r.2-2-
Tho Kxaminer tin received ft new
muuple book, of tin Wall Htrcet line
of engraved certificates of txk and
l.oml l.linkM, tin' most uji lo date on
tin inarki't. I'himI hihI endorsed by
tho leading financier of America.
Copyrighted. Call tl tli'" "
you need anything In this H"
ilollrr for I'ulillmtlon.
Department of th interior, I .and Of
fice nt l.kfView,()rfKon, ieb. 15, l!KXl
NOTIt'K l hereby n'ven that llm fol
low liiK-liniiinl actller li flit" I notice ol
hlit intention to make final proof in sup
jM.rt of In claim, end that said proof will
1h nmde before Keller nl lleculver
nt Lakevlew, Oregon, on 2ntl dy ol
April liHMl ; viz:
F.daard Miinroo , II. H. No. 21172, (Ft.
ni.Utit. ur.. for the hkum:';.
Ki,'SF.4', r!w.'-.iF.l4 Hoc. 2J T. 40 H., It.
22 K.W.M.
Jlo names the following witnewes to
prove lit coiitiriiKitiN residence upon and
ciiltivntion of Mil. I land, viz. Alllo L.
M tin roe and Hoy T. Knelling of Ft. hid
well Culif. J. N. Watson,
8l2 Register.
The Illinois Central
itiHiiiUiim unexcelled service from the
Went to tl.u 1'nst ami South. Making
clm-o connections with trains of all
traiim'oiitiiifiital Jines, passengers are
given their choice of route to ( liicauo
Ijuittville, Memphis and New Orleans,
and through these point to the far
FroM.etiv traveler dcirinK lnf..r- j
matioii a to the lowest rate and bent
routcH are invited to eorrenpond with
the follow int( repreMentative.
It. II. Trumbull, Commercial A(?ent,
112 Third St., I'orlhind, Ore.
J. C. Liiidney, Trav Fafaenger
Agent, H2 Third nt.. Forthtnd, Ore.
Fttiil I.. Tliompton Funwiiger Auent
Colman ltuiMin .SVutlle U'ai-li.
If You are not Particular
don't travel over the lllinoi Central,
a any old roud w ill do you and we dont
want your putruiuiKc; but if you are
articular and want tho bent and mean
to have it. nnk the ticket ngeut to route
you via the ILLINOIS CKNTKAL, the
road that run ihrotili iolid veHlit.ule
train bet ween St.Fuul, Omaha, Cli--n,
St.I.niH, Meiuphi, and New Orleaim.
No nddiliomil charne in made for a neat
In our reclining chair car which Hre
fitted with lavutorie and ?moeking
room, and have a jrter in attendance.
aro the lowest and we will be glad to
quote them hi connection with any
tranneontincntal lino.
II. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, Portland Ore.
J. C. LindNcy, T. F. & P. A., H2
Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Paul 11. Thompson, Frt. & FanRenger
Agent, Colman IMdg., Seattle, Wash.
lie ware ol Ointments for Cnttarrh
That Contain Mercury
an mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange,
tho whole system when" entering It
through the mvcous surface. Such
articles should neverlm used except
on prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, us the damage they will do
Is ten fold to the good you can possi
bly derive from them. Hall's Cat
arrnh Cure, manufactured by F.J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and Is taken internally,
acting directly upontho blood and
llfticoiis surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's CatarrahlCure bo sure
you get tho gonulno. It Is taken In
ternally and mado In Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by druggists. Price 75c. per
Tako Hall's Family Fills for con
tlpatlou. LB
A solendid tonic for the hair, makes
Always restores co or 10 cray i iir,
stonsra nu hair, also. 501a lornnyycma. i..i,uu,h.......
onn tmino. to
Wn print township plat. tf
Mining blank at the Kxaminer
Dutch lunch nt the llrewcry Ka-
looti. tf
German Hox, Felt nml Overshoe
of nil kind nt Lakevlew Mgr. Co,
The Kxaminer print township plat,
and make them into liook to order, tf
l'ont & King have tho lient grade
of Ihjtior ami clgnr to lie' found In
Oregon, tf
llluiik for flnal proof, I)eert proof,
tUiitx-r lund final proof and blank a(fl
davit for application 'or rendvertise
tnent, hlnnk witness' aflldavil, etc. at
The Kxaminer ofll . tf
We have n full net of Mywdl-KollliiN
& Co'., sample of Ntock Certificate
and liomht, with price llxt. If you
ant oraulxliiK n Htoi k conipHiiy Ret
our prleeH on htrn k ccrtlllciitcM. tf
We ar now prepari-d to 11 several
trael uf land at price that will utartle
you, eoperially If you aro aivjuainted
with the location. We have land all the
way from f 1.60 in-r acre up to f 15; un
Improve.! or Improved, to suit the
purchaser. Ijike County Kxaminer. t
Htv u Miunpli' of tho 1'wllle montly
at thlM olllce, and you will not IiomI
tat to pay $2.60 for a year'M nuh
Mclptloii to Tlio F.xainlner and that
valuiilile Mnyazlne pultllHhed In Fort
land. ' tf
C. M. LoveleHM InvltfH the puhlli: to
fhnre their patronage with hlni at
the South Lakevlew Feed ami LI very
Stable. He KiinnintifH j;'od trent
nient to all ntK k left In hi care, and
propose tt) feed Kood hay and plenty
r it. :w-tf
FariuerH, hive yor butter wnij-
l"' printed nt The F.xamlne olllce,
liiHteud of sending away for them.
You keep your money at home, nud
patronize them that patronize you,
besides, yon see what you are get
ting and don't have to pay for It if
It doesn't suit you. tf
WANTKI I: Two men In each
county to represent and advertise
llardwt-re liepartinent, put tint
samples of our goods, etc. Travel
ing Position or Olllce Manager. Sal
ary t'.KUM) per mouth cash weekly,'
with all exs'iises paid In advance.
We furnlHli evervtlilng.
Chicago, III.
Dept. CIO, Motion, l'.ldg.
Lost on Ooose Lake."
That which was loxt was, "two
soft cheeks and two soft hands.
Thornton's Favorite Cream for
The Yellow Fever derm.
ha recently lieen discovered. It
bears a close resemblance to the mal
aria germ. To free tho system from
diseuse uerms, tlio most effective rem
edy is Or. King's New Life Fills.
(iunrnntecd to euro all diseases due
to malaria poison and constipation
25c. at Ih? lieall' Drug Store.
Xotlre For I'ubllratlon.
Department of the Interior. Land Of'
flee at Lakeviuw, Oregon, Jan. 24, l'.KHi.
NOTICK is hereby given that the fol
lowing-named settlor has filed notice of
his intention to make flnal proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof
will lie mado before Register And Re
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on the Oth
day of March 100(1, viz:
David E. Henderson, II. E. No
215-1, for tho SKJ N E J and NEJ SEi
Sec 25, Tp. 40 S., It. 20 E. W. M
lie names tho following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Silas J. Studley, Edward C. Trus
ton, Thomas I). McGrath, George
McOrath, all of Lakevlew, Oregon
J. N. ll'atson, Register. 5
Itopnwrntth survival of the Ultra!. W
luive booii i i h UrifeAl wed Iiuum In Ui
world tNHiiiUM uur imii itr imhut lima
otlittra. lh you wUta to grow Hi moat
iMWuiinu nnwem ami in nnm
lableir riuullUobuiitHwlH Ferry1.
I BOS Herd Annual frna to all
Detroit, Mloh.
Hair Renewer
the hair crow long and heavy.
u - . . r m. .w tV-
W. ffaxvrrll
l.akerlrw, Ore
If you wiith Information alou
Lnko County, Oregon alJren eith
er of tlio above gentlemen, who will
he pleaned to reply.
n. c church directory.
Plan of set vice of Pator of the M. K.
Church, Lakevlew. lt and 3rd Sun
day of each month.
Ilethel at 11 a. m., and New Pine
Creek at 7 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sunday
of each month.
Lakevlew at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thnrnday 7 p.m. 6th
Snndny Union School lloue at 11 a. m.
Lakevlew at 7 p. in. You are cordially
Invited to all the service.
8iroRt Bnvdrr, Pattor.
WANTKI): by Chicago wholesale and
mail order lioue, aflitant manager
fman or woman) for thin county and
adjoining territory. Salary 20 and ex
petine paid weekly; expenae money ad
vanced: Work pleasant ; position per
manent. No investment or experience
rcpuired. Write at once for full partic
ular and enclose self-addressed envel
11-50 7
132 Lake St., Chicago, III.
Our Offer.
With tno June number will begin
Tho Pacific Monthly's series of spec
ial editions for the year 1905. They
will comprise a nuinlx-r for Portland,
for Seattle, for Southern California,
for San Francisco and the souvenir
number of the Lewis and Clark Ex
position, also a sjxtial automobile
numlMT. The articles of Dr. Wolf
von Schlerbrnnd, six In number on
"The Coming Supremacy of the Pa
cific" are. also promised, and the
planscontemplated by the publishers
will, without question, dace The
Pacific Monthly far In advance, not
only of present competitors, but also
Into the unreachable class of period
ical literature on the Pacific Coast;
Tho Paelllc Monthly Is sold to regu
lar subscribers at the extremely low
price of $1 a year. We have made
an arrangement with the publishers
by which we are able to offer It In
connection with The Lake County
Examiner, (both Publications), to
new subscrllK'rs, and old ones who
pay up any back subscription they
may owe and a year lu advance, for
the very low price of 2.50 a year, tf
The Leading Piper of ths
Pacific Coast
Th San Francisco
The Weekly Chronicle
The vory best ekly Newspaper
pub'.iihod In th ntlre Ueit.
$1.50 a Year
Iiirln :iu iHxitaira to any of th
tutuxi yialaa, i'aaada auu Alrili o
It U beat because, besides
rrlntin? all the newi of the world
ac.i eik In an In'ureatlnf way
i! d lully Illustrating many
articles, It ha apecial dapart-
mLDts devoted
and SrORTS
Theae are presided over by
ed tors havinj a thorough knowl
edge of their specialties. The
oafes devoted to Afr culture.
Horticulture, Poultry and Live
Stock are well illustrated and
fl led with matter of the greatest
Interest to all ngafed la theae
industries, every lias belaf
written by those who are In oloae
touch with oonditiona prevailing
on this Coast
It will be aeat free.
Do yow want th Chronicle
Reversible Map?
Showing the Unita4 State, Do
minion of Canada aa4 Narlhara
Mexico oa eae aide, MAP OF
THE WORLD, areaeatiag H rlew
in (nt oontlnueus map, with all
areaa In tma areaortloa. tha en
tire aurfaoa ef the Earth m the
other aide,
Sd4 aa4 g Aa Mas sskI
"Weeavly Orenjala" for aaa year,
postaga prafai4 aa Mas aa4
The Daily tnd A!xp
aV saaiC I I II al4
Only H7S t Yetr
m. k. rovm, y
' ta faaotaea, C
cnavuata tmrxncm
II. K. I.. Hlf lee
takcvMw, Off,
The best Vaqucrosad-
die on the market.
& AIho acnrnpletellneof waon
and hujfjry harrunH, whlpn,
4j rolx-H rlatun, Mtn, npurn
qulrta, ronetten, In fnct every
thlnjr In the line of earring
and liorfie furnlnhlngg. lie
pairing by competent men.
Seo'hakrow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
rill A Mr enp nllO CTOTV iMfl OPT fITD PDirPS m
V v
This week the Central Magazine AgencA will make
the following bargain pneeson on the leading maga
zines of the country Just
No. 1. Two Magazines for the price
of one
Madame 1.00 hnth One rr
McCalPs magazine 50 UUUI Year&l.wL
No. 2. Three Magazines for the price
The Reader 3.00' learu.ww
No.3. Four Hagazines for $2.00
Success Z. ....1.00
AlcCalPs Magazine ... 50 One CtjJ
American Boy i.OO
Madame 1.00
success $1.00
Cosmopolitan 1.00
Review of Revsews...
Madame 1.00
SrECIALTha above combinations are some of the best ever offered to the
public. The Success Is the best general monthly magazine publiuhed. Mc-
Call'a Magazine la the beat fashion magazine. Madame la now the best
htgh-grade woiiiiiu'b monthly published, and the American Hoy Is the tiest
In Its class. Think of It four magazines oue for each memlier of the fam
ily, f 3.50 worth for $2.00, provided you bend your order at once.
Special Agents wanted to securesubscribers toHa
dame. Send for our free catalogue.
Central Magazine Agency
Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A,
i .. M
Snider Building on Water St. j
in order to secure your
-fVm. Year W .KJKJ
year iJJU.wvy
II is to ry of
The Shropshire
About 100 yenni bro tliere were in
Kfmtliero England a nnmber of hep
hords who owned flock which wer
ruh In Southdown blood, write n w
rponil ut of Hhepheru'a Criterion, bflt
Ibefie aheep were nmnll and thearetl
light IliHH, o their ownerii deslntl t
lnTeane tlie nlxc of both carcai anl
flVeee. With tlila object In view thoy
went to the lending l-lcwter breed
er In part of England lying farther
to the north and selected very cho!c
rams to ctok upon their smaller cwcji.
This crobreedIng and Improving
were continued for a nurolicr of years,
and then the breeders had sheep which
were nearlng their Ideal-a sheep wltti
good size, a very denne fleece of me
dium length and a flrst class mutton
carcass. These sheep were beiuu bred
on chalky hills and so were necessarily
rery hardy, but were not bred for snct
extreme size as that of the Lincoln,
I? - i 1
Leicester and (Miswokl, which are ma
tured whore feeJ U much more plen
tiful and wlu-re tlie sheep do not Lava
to ru-itlff to get It.
This ue-.v bLccp was meeting the ap
proval of many fanners and was con
sidered ti le a "luipi-y medium." as It
would b; termed njwai;i.vs. TTiera
were geitina t be j ;ur.y of these
sheep that it r.m f.;U!d ncce : ::y to
give theta n i:"".o. A . tl-y v, rr- ;ult
popular in srdtbern Ku.init. e ;pic!al
ly hi was ,;e-.-.ieu ty call
them Shropshire, iiinJ sj 1: U tinlay.
Improvement was kept up vigrously,
and In tlie year Sbropshlres were
given a clasitication at the English.
Itoyal agricultural show. A flock book
was established, and the breed was on
a solid footing.
In 1884 a Shropshire record was es
tablished In Indiana. Ttis association
has grown so rapidly that now there
are between 3,000 and 4,000 members,
and It has Issued certificates of regis
try for about 215,000 sheep.
Winter Care of Shep.
It Is poor economy to let the sheep
live on the frozen grass If the ground
Is free of snow after winter has set la
and the other thinly clad stock are
safely housed, says E. Van Alstyne Li
Eural New Yorker. True, such grasa
will fill them, but there is a great dif
ference between filling: and feeding. It
will also contribute much to their com
fort, as well as to the pocket of the
t a 1. - .1 ! .. I I . U t .l
owner, li. uv uiny um ia vucu
away from about the tail. If the hoofs
have grown long on the ends or sides,
this growth should be pared oil with
a good riiarp knife. Then keep plenty
of pure water where the sheep can
have access to it at all times, a box of
salt sprinkled wfth turpentine to which
they can run, clean, dry Jiedditig to He
on, with all food removed that has not
been eaten the previous meal.
DlTidlnar the I lock.
There are a few things that one must
get ready for the flock's use lu winter.
The first thing to consider is space,
says Michigan Farmer. Twelve square
feet Is ample room for a breeding ewa
In .winter quarters. The flock can all
remain together until the lambs begin
to appear. In some cases it Is a good
thing to divide the ewes that are about
to lamb from the flock. Sometimes the
uu.ik luusi VJ uiuucu juiu inn ui uiuiv
classes. A good division would be the
main flock, the ewes that evidently
will soon Iamb, the ewes already lamb
ed. These divisions may be best made
by use of panels or by the placing of
the feed racks. Permanent divisions
are not advisable since the areas of the
spaces will be constantly changing.
Ilattona For Stallions.
Raw eggs afford a very nourishing,
cooling and easily digested feed for
stallions when doing a large business
In the stud. A half dozen may be bro
ken and stirred into the grain ration
night and morning to great advantage
In many cases. The grain ration may
be somewhat diminished when eggs are
fed. Such a ration adds somewhat to
the expense or cost of keep, but a
single additional foal will more than
pay cost of all the eggs that any stal
lion will require during the entire sea
son. Scour la Plata.
A common ailment among young pigs
Is scours. Like thumps, it Is brought
on by too much rich food, augmented
by damp, chilly bedding. There are
many so called remedies for scours,
such as sulphur, parched corn or parch
ed flour, etc. Terbaps the best treat
ment la to shut off the swill bucket;
Khlch Is usually the direct cause, keep
e bedding dry and give plenty of
fresh air, fresh water and dry feed.
Th Shp Outlook.
There Is not a single sign denoting
that either wool or mutton will be sell
ing at begging prices again for a good
many years to come, if erer. The de
mand for both la Increasing whllw the
world's flocks, according to the best
authorities, are decreasing. American
Sheep Breeders.
X7 1