Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 22, 1906, Image 3

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IttMttonnl ocn
I 1 1 1 f 1 1 IiiikIi nt th Brewery Ku
Idiiii. tf
I'll 1m t y i !' 1 spring weather; nun
idilue iniii mill kiiow.
Garden iiinl flower need mid on Ion
nets nt Ahlstrom Bros. 1
Joo K rummer, A. 1. Crnedo mnJ L.
II. Lyons wcro registered nt llolel
Ijiikevlrw last Friday from lily.
Th m. (. Cloud, Dim KoiIii Work
Innri, rereiveil n tank of gas this week
liiul will nuike up it Imti'li of himIii
Mix Alice Roosevelt WMN married
Inst Hut nt ilny . After hII, tho occur
aneo illil not hti tin) worM from re
volving. Alilxtrom J Iron, ciin get you onn of
tlie bent talking machines made, tint
oil O. Phone, nee our list of record
for tliem. I
J. V, Maxwell, the. real csfate. agent,
has liiul ii couple of thousand descrip
tive, circular printed, which Im will
ilixt ribtile where they w ill (In the most
Jus. M lanes came down from Cho
wniiciiii Momliiy on h IiuhIiiokm trip.
We understand that Mr. mnl Mm. J li
nen will mooii leave for Kan Francisco,
where they will make their home.
Harvey K. Brown, of linker City,
ICenulilii'Hii ciiuiliilatu for governor,
win we plat form appears in thin hhih
of Tho Examiner, wrlteH that he ex
pert to visit Iiko county the fore
pal t of Mutch.
Little John McDouoiigh, who Im at
Ijike City, Modoc county, going to
Hchool, writes his futlier, of Lakeview
that lit a spelling mutch he spelled
down all the pupil in the school up
too the eighth grade. I'retty good for
K. E. Sloan, tlm Warner vull.iy
rancher uho wits drought here hist
week to lie extitiiincil fur hi sanity,
in still at the lintel, his condition very
little improved. No examination him
lieeu made Jet. lr. I'nt lemon reiiiov
cil one of Mr. SIoiiu'h eyes one day
hint week.
I'.. M. I ti it) t ii i ii anil family expect to
leave thin we.-k fur San Francisco.
Ia-i Id-all Im leased the lirattaln resi
dence ami will move In as mooii an the
placets acut.d. Ian Malloy will
move Into hi own residence, that I
now cccupieil ! .y I-e llcall, Mome time
tlii spring.
Jue I'liind, who one time resided at
1'ine Creek, i here from I'rilleville.
He cmiie here to lie Identified by some
of hi former jk'iiiii I nt it ii(' w ho knew
him buck in Missouri, where he ha
fallen heir to home property. J. D.
Venator i hi attorney und the dcpo
itinin with I ik'Mi huforo District At
torney V. .J. Moore.
"iinuiiriiii.r I Jetty, " the novelty two
step, I y Ciirltou J. llalfoiir, the Mind
liny composer, i making n hit all over
the country. It win recently publish
ed by .1. W. .leiikin' Son, of Kiiiihii
City. It i written in a lively march
tempo, bright, fascinating, every
htrnin a haunt lug hit of melody. The
publishers will mail a copy to any ad
die for '.M cent in Mump.
Sum Sargent and wife of Alturas,
ciinie up tul. ake lew hist week, Mr.
Sargent on a pleaure tri and Sam
to ili-liver t he new elect lie piano to
I'oht A King, in place of the one cent
here a tew weeks ago, which did not
give Mitt intact ion. Mr. Sargent had
no trmilile in putt ink' the new instru
ment in place, und now visitor to the
I'ot .V King huloon mo given a rare
treat nt mechanical music.
A Kentucky hanker wanted u rail
road ticket and had only n two dollar
hill. It rc'iuireil three dollar to get
the ticket. He took the W dill to the
pawnshop and pawned It for 1.50.
On hi way I nick to tho station ho met
u friend to whom hu Hold the pawn
ticket for t?l. Ml. That gnvo him a
Now who Ih out that extru dollar?
Imxv liook News. (Wo wUl het a font
of old style ix point quads that the
f.'I wouldn't tako the follow out of
reach of punishment for bin crime. )
Give nature three helps, and
nearly every case of con
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most important of all.
Nourishine food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
the cough and heal the lungs.
Ask any cood doctor.
- tint UHd AyWt Cherry r"Uorl M yrt
ago. I linn ittHii tnrrllila ! li' illi
u.ui eiirnl li It. I mn her wlilioiit II.
ALimur U. UamiLTUm, Mmtetu, Ohio.
Jfl..WWi.,I.OO. J.O. ATillOO.,
Mrmu for mimimmiLim
Mfiititri deiniindi dally action of tno
bowela. Aid nature with Ayer'a Pill.
Light and
arc made with
Absolutely Puro
AntUdyapeptlci mnybacatca
without Inconvenience
even by peraona
with dcllcau
P9v4i Mum fowot OO.. MW OW.
Jut. T. Metker U doinK hoiiio re
pair work on hli dwelliinf, in North
I j. II. Mo went out to hi ranch at
Juniper Mountain llrnt of the week to
do Home work on the place.
All who want lace curtain wahed
and Ironed In the latent etylcn call on
Mr. Koi! Mcl'aniel. Kirt houe
im'ith of Mr. M. K. KiniHcy. 1
The Klaniath County Chamber of
Commerce ha the matter in the
printer' hand for n phnmphlct ad
vertUiutr the rcHOiirce of Klauuith
county. Ten tl Mllld of thewt hook
let will l e printed for dlHtriliiition.
Some wlnely expended money, indeed.
1'at Crowe, who wa arretted In
llutte, Montana a one of the kidnap
per of Kddie Cudahy, Hon of the mil
lionaire packer, from whom ?i'i,u
raiiMom win Hipieeed for tho return of
hi hoii, wa acipitted ly a jury in
Omaha on th. 10th, after K hour de-lilx-ratioti.
Crowe could not U'identi
IIimI a niio of the peron who receiv
ed the money and wa relened. He
wa then iirrcntcd on a charge of hold
In,' up n htreet car in Council lilulf
and taken there for trial.
J. II. Ialinr, nccrctary of t ho l'ort
land Hoard of Trade, returned from
Wawo County yesterday after attend-
ill.' two meeting, one at llml Kiver
and one at The llalle, in connection
with the puMiciit ion of the hook ct
tiiiK' forth the reource of the variou
countie of Oregon. Meeting in the
Cliainliem of Commerce In both place
were well attended. From Jlood
Kiver a coinmitti-e of three wa up
pointed to meet at The lalle for the
purpose of uuikiiui favorable rei'om
meudat ion to county otllcer. The
meet IUH at The I tulle wart more en-thuiai-tic
and f li was contributed
to "bonht" NVaco County. Orcjjon
lan, We are continually receiving letter
from people reiiiei.tinn a copy of The
Fxaminer containing the di-hcirptivc
matter of Lake county, and a we
have hent out all of each issue every
wctk, H i neceshury every week to
publihh the art icle a'ain in order to
Mipply the demand for t Ii it matter.
If the county would have notno de
criptive matter printed for dirdrihu
tiou it would greatly relievo u of the
obliK'ation to supply it and allow u to
print new that it of more interest to
local and constant renders. No one
can know what an enormous demand
there Ih for descriptive matter about
Lake county until he put hisinelf in
ii position to be plied with requests
for it. We print inoro und more every
week, but it all noes. Tho expense
fall pretty heavy on us alone, but we
are willing to bear it as lonn us pos
sible, if it will result iu benefit to the
Reclamation Profitable.
In Hucakltur of the arid lauds in the
West, the Irrigation Ae bun tho fol
lowing to say :
To occupy and properly cultivate
these areas will require a rapid influx
llutlon. Every million acres re
claimed will add fifty uiilllou dollars
taxable property to the country 8
wealth, for without unity of soil and
water both are valueless. With in
different cultivation , euch acre will
yield twenty-five dollars annual pro
duot. Two years' product from an
area which before produced nothing
will repay the total cost of reclama
tion and some to spare. With inten
sive farming, production may be
doubled and quadrupled. Counting
population of the town, an Irrigated
community will support one Inhab
itant to the acre. The Irrigation Age.
Writ, to ui for fr wmplei of flu. .w itrllrt r0",?r,".0,'t ?I II
tho diiMt ilr of THOU SIC US to your mtuun tht you vr nd. If
htrouMr.ult vou wliVnthyrotliil.Ua th.r will oo.t you 80. Olh-r Wilor. ul $8tol
A.?th 11m! ilofh. Ox r 'wrooiuoi.t wim you I. uh th.t th.y mu.t U.iy you or you j.l wl
fiiuth lf Alio trow."ve.V VuuU. It n.v to t or hrlu, it wUlkiwp Iu b.o kud
An a mutter of fnlrnen mid linpnr
tlnllty to all cnrulldateii whom nn
iMuiucf mcritNflppeiir under the above
bend I ii jf, the editor wImIich It under
xtood that Mich iinnoniiceinentn are
placed here by t liecnfidiiliteH or their
friend n.ud paid for, and nrw not to
Im- t'onnldered iih editorial continent.
To the Democratic Voters
1 announce mynelf nit a candidate
for tho olllce of Hhurlff of Iako coun
ty, Oregon, Niibject to tho action of
the Demctcratic, party in I'rimary Ele
ction, to l-e held on April '2"th, UK Ml.
M I) Hopkins
To lh Drmocratlc Party of Lak County.
1 most respectfully submit my
name a a candidate for tho nomina
tion of Kherilf f Iiko county, Ore
gon nubject to the action of tho Dem
ocratic, I'arty in Primary Election to
le held on April 2, Y.W.
V. Y. Iino.
To Ri publicans of Lake County.
I hereby submit my name a h can
didate for tho office of Sheriff of Lake
County, Oregon, subject to the action
of the ItepuMicaiiH of the county, in
primary Election on April IStth, 1900.
Alltcrt Dent
To Ih Hrpubllcani of Lak County.
1 aspire to bo the I Republican nominee
for County Clerk of Iako county,
Oregon, at tho general election next
June, and will submit my name for
your consideration at tho Primary
Election to lte held April 2th, llMXI.
I ask at your hand a careful consid
eration of my qualifications, and, if in
your opinion, I am capable and wor
thy, respectfully ask your support.
Yours Truly,
E. N. Jaquish.
To The Republican Voters.
I hereby uuuouncu myself a candi
date for the office of County Clerk of
Iike county, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Ilcpublicnn voters of
Iike county at the primary election
to be held on April 'Jth, ..
J. W. Tucker.
Because He Wants It.
Some candidates ure born. Others
Ix-como candidates at tho urgent solic
itation of their friends, but J. L.
Smith is a candidate for county clerk
of Iiko county, subject to nctlon of
the lN-publican Party in Primary Elec
tion, April U", l'.KHj Ilccause he want
the oflice.
Democrotc Voters, Notice.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for tho ollleo of Sheriff of Lake
county, Oregon subject to tho decis
ion of the Democratic voters, at the
primary election to be held on April
:Mh, '.hJ.
Lee Hi-all.
Tor Treasurer.
1 I hereby announce inyse'f as a can
didate for the nomination of County
Treasurer, for re-elect ion, subject to
the decision of the Kcpuhlicnn voters
nt the primary election to be held
April "nth, r.H', in Lake County, Ore
gon. F. O. Ahlstrom.
For County Commissioner.
Silver Lake, Ore., Jan. 30, 11HH5.
I hereby announce myself a u can
didate for the nomination to tho
oltleo of County Commissioner, of
Lake County, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Republican voters at
the Primary Election to be held April
o, l!tnj.
Respect fully,
E. K. Henderson.
For State Printer.
Tho undersigned announces himself
a a Republican candidate for reuom
iimtion tor Stufe Printer, subject to
the decision of the Itcpublican voters
at the forthcoming primary election.
J. Ii. Whitney, Albany, Oregon.
Candidate for State Treasurer.
Hon. Frank W. Ueuson, of Rose
burg, Oregou, has announced himself
as candidate for the Republican nomi
nation for Secretary of State, at the
coming primary election. Mr. Benson
has no platform other than to assure
the publio that in the event of his
election to this high office, he will de
vote all his time, energy and ability
to giving a faithful, prompt, econo
mical and satisfactory administration
of the affairs of the office. Mr. Ben
son ia well known to the people of the
State of Oregon, having been a resi
dent of the State for more than 25
He is a lawyer of acknowledged ab
ility, a man of conservative business
habits, President of the Douglas
County Bank at Rosoburg, and has
the confidence of all the men who
know him. The voters of Lake Coun
tv will make no mistake, if they cast
tb.elr.ba5a ots for him.
Beginning to-day, we will sell all Ladies' Shirt
Waists at COST
All Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Capes
and Jackets at a DISCOUNT of 25 per cent-
We are also making a great SACRIFICE in
all Ladies' and Misses' Walking Skirts.
Call and see us and be convinced that what we
For Governor,
(Extracts from liaker City Herald,
Feb. 2, KJfl.)
Harvey K. Urown, for the past four
years sheriff of ISaker County, an
nounces himself a candidate for the
nomination for governor on the repub
lican ticket subject to the voters and
not the machine of the party at tho
primaries on April 20, 19O0.
His platform is as follows:
The primary law and the election of
all ofllcers by direct vote of the people.
Abolishment of all machines and
bosses and let the people rule.
Euforcement of all laws, city, coun-
ty, state and United States and the
,. ... t .
repealing of the same if not the proper
laws for the people.
The abolishment of the use of money
for campaign lunds and purposes by
.... , .. f.
any candidate, faction or corporation,
only as actual legitimate expenses.
And last but not least, woman
,, . , ot , r.
omivuii u l, of the death of wud E. II. Gibbins,
I believe iu our new primary law be- ; and all the right, title and interest
cuuso it gives the people a chance to' that said partnership and said Edwin
select who they want; they are not j Hartzog has i acquired, by operation
., . i.i , , .,!oi law, or otherw ise, other thau or in
compelled now to take what the old ; a,1(1ition to that of the said partner
machine and bosses put up for them j ship, and that of the said Edwin
ut the old convention. Hartzog at the time of the death of
I am a Roosevelt republican who in 1 hf E. II. Gibbins, in and to all that
...... certain lot, piece or parcel of lands
my opinion it one man that is strictly , ituatef lyiug alld heitlflin hU Couu.
honest and one that money does not ; ty of Lake, State of Oregon, and
tempt I think it time the republicans bouuded and described au follows,
of Oregon were turning down tho old j J'ommencinK thirty (30) feet
, . . . , East of the South-west corner of lot
machines and bosses and getting in , x F ... f Kt..tioI. y;,.,,.
i line with the people because if they
do not they will turn them all down as;
17 -
they have evidently done in Portland,
; . , .. , ,
and get nun from another party who
w ill do as the people want done.
Tho use of money for campaign pur-
poses I am strictly opposed to, only as
actual legitimate expenses. Uecause
people for the right don't put upmon
ey for that purpose but corporations,
wholesale aud retailers in illegitimate
businesses and gamblers w ill put up
money to no limit to hold onto aud
further their interests in tho city, j
county, state aud United States. And
if they don't put up the money and a
candidate docs he generally, as past
records will show, by grafting or using
public mouey w ill go wrong, always to
tho detriment of tho party and tho
people at large. Aud here I want to
urge the republcian party in every
county to nominate the right kind of
men for senators and representatives to
be voted on at tho next general elec
Now last of all but not least, women
suffrage. I believe in it because if a
mother is capable of raising a boy
from the cradle to manhood she is also
capable of voting aud helping to make
laws that help to govern the boys after
they are men. And if auyone in the
world has any influence over men for
the betterment of mankind and good
government it is a good mother, wife,
daughter, sister or sweetheart, and we
will all have to admit there ia a very
large majority of this kind of women
iu our glorious old Oregon, my native
Now aa for my record it is hero in
Baker County, from childhood. And
as to my record aa sheriff I have done
the best I could for the people under
the circumstances and can say I am
one man that is just aa free today aa I
was the day I weut in office and I
will admit I am no orator ov public
speaker but oue of the best single
handed talkers iu this county on these
subjects and I expect some great crit
icism from our learned men of the
These few reasons for my platform
are from my own personal experience
aud is the outcome of my going into
Reduction Sale
office as sheriff of liaker county, de
termined to find out the reasons why
our laws were not enforced and why a
majority of all officers go wrong.
One of the people,
Administrator's Sale.
GIVEN, that Edwin Hartzog, adminis
( trator of the estate of E. U. Gibbins,
deceased, and also of the Partner
ship of Hartzog & Gibbins, in pur
suance of an order of the County
; Court of the State of Oregon, for the
! County of Lake, duly made and en-
tered on the 13th day of January,
! 19 Xi, in the matter of said imrtner-
! ship, will.on the 24th day of Febru-
, "T;riauS at the hour of one o'clock,
P. M. of said day, at the store build-
,nB cf neming 08.011 the r,rernitieSt
j ncll at public auction for catsh in hand.
j subject to confirmation by said
Court, all the right, title, interest
; and estate, which said partnership of
; llarlz0(( Uiubin3 ha'd at the tYme
; of the death of said E. II. Gibbins,
J and all the right, title, interest and
! estate which said E. H. Gibbins and
, said Ldwin Hartzog had at the time
j ( rj), Township Forty-one (41 ) South,
Range Twenty-one (21) East of Will-
r.,u:.... i .i.
amette Meridian and thence running
North Seventy (,0) feet; thence East
0 nudred and Ninety-two aud
I three-fourths (K2.7o) feet; thence
j South Seventy (70) feet, to the State
! ae; thence West One Hundred
Ninety-two and three-fourths (112. To)
fot,t to tbe rj f jKKiuuiuf;.
The date of the first publication
hereof is January 2."th, 1900.
Administrator of the estate of E.
H. Gibbins, deceased, aud also of
the Partnership of Hartzog & Gib
bins. 4-j
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, of
Fold City, Pa., had his hand fright
fully burned in n electrical furuace.
He applied liucklen'a Arnica Salve
with tho usual result: " a quick and
perfect cure." Greatest healer on ea
rth for Burns, AYoumU, Sores, Eczema
and Tiles. 25c at Lee Beall Druggist.
WANTED: District Managers to
post signs, advertise and distribute
samplea. Salery flS.OO weekly, 3.00
per day, for expenses. State age and
present employment. IDEAL SHEAR
CO.,39 Randolph St., Chicago. Jan.
23 4 iu.
B Is a most refreshing p 4W,r
' beverage if Rrfl
Y It's delightful flavor is SfMm
I an appetizing revelation. ..5v!C
tt mm it if '111111110 1111
IH--rt Land Piaal FwooT.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Jan. 29 1906.
NOTICE ia hereby given that Mich
ael P. Barry of Adel Oregon has fded
notice of intention to make proof on
his desert-land claim No. 459, for the
E. half of Sec. 15 TP. 40 S. If 27 E. w.
M. iK'fore Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon on Monday, tho
12th day of March, 190.
He uaintfi tee following witnessed
to prove the complete Irrigation and
reclamation of said land: John P.
Barry of Adel Oregon, John Fitzger
ald, Elmer McCulley and Robert Mc
Culley of Lakeview Oregon. 5
J. N. Watfon Register
Satire ft'or Pabliratloa.
Department J the interior, Land Of
fice at Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 2C, 1906.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler hai filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that taid proof will
be made before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 12th day of
March, 1900. viz:
Bsnjaman F. Cannon, H. E. No. 2104,
for the X NEJ, SEJ NE. Sec. 33 and
SWJNWJScc. 34, Tp. 35 S., R. 19
E., M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on und cultivation of said laud, viz:
James McDonald, Wm. Hartlerodo
Thomas Stanley Paisley, Oregon,
S. P. Moss Lakeview, Oregon. 5
J. N. Watson, Register.
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make the
Denver and Rio Grande the most pop
ular, as it has ever been known the
most pleasant and meet picturesque
way to cross the continent, has come
about. This is the establishment of
through sleeping ear service.
In connection with the O. R. & N. a
through Pullman Standard Sleeper is
now run from Portland to Denver, leav
ing Portland at 8.75 p. in., arriving at
Salt Lake at 8 40 a. m. the second
morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3.50 p.
m. and arriving at Denver 4.20 p. m. the
follow ing day. This schedule gives pas
sengers 6even hours stop-over in Salt
Lake, affording an opportunity to visit
the Mormon Capital as well as a day
light ride through the grandest scenery
in the world.
For reservation in this car and for il
lustrated booklets picturing the scenery
contiguous to the Denver & Rio Grande,
proving it to be the '-Scenic Line of the
World," wiite to W. C. McBride, Gen
eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland.