Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 22, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    tfoJt Ceutttu CBatmnlm-f
Publlab.d Every.Tharaday.
Mamie Italldlng
Kntcf'd at th Tout Ofllfftl Ukrvlcw, Or,
a. Prrnnd-rlam Matter.
One Year $2.00
TERMS: Slx Month 1.00
(Three Mentha, 50
Reserve Policy Overdone,
President Roosevelt will no doubt
'take the action of Western Senators
to abridge the power of tho president
and the Reclamation Service and place
the power to create reserve w ith con
press as a slap at his administrative
policy. The president would prefer
to go ahead with tho creation of re
serves whenever and wherever it is
hown that reserves would le of Wno
fit In this the president is honest
and sincere, but who are to judge
whether or not the creation of a forest
reserve iu a particular locality would
le of benefit to that community, the
young civil service employee, seeking
a reputation aud aiming to gain it by
doing things, with the administration
to sanction his acts? or the people of
that community who have lived there
all their lives and know the conditions
like a book and whose interests are
wholly in the community, aud their!
hard-earned money invested there?
These agents of the government listen
to no man; they do not make the in
terests of communities and counties a j
study. They simply invest ignte the
situation from the standpoint of a
government employee and make such
recommendations as appear to them to
be of interest to them were they the
government. This too, is honest, but
it is oligarchic.
A case can be sighted to here iu
Lake county w here absolutely no judg
ment was shown in the creation of re
serves. In the first instance, over half
the county was thrown into a forest
reserve, which covered some of the
oldest settled valleys in the couuty.
alkali lakes, aud thousands and thous
ands of acres of purely desert land.
It is true considerable of this was
thrown open to settlement again, but
there yet remains some of the best ag
ricultural land in Oregon iu the re
serve, and people who would come
here and make homes on these lands
are kept away because they canuot file
on the land. Dozens of actual, bona
fide homesteaders, who took home
steads with good intent with the be
lief that prosperous settlements would
surround them ; were afterward sur
rounded by a forest reserve aud fiually
dispaired of ever building up a settle
ment inside of a forest reserve, eoni
mutted their claims, sold out and left
Another instance was the creation
of the reserve north of Silver Lake.
embracing 4X,000 acres of agricultural
1 .1 1. : 1. i:. 1 - .11 I
jaau, wmcu lieu n up irom an lonus
of entry. This reserve was made under
the form of a reserve for reservoir,
tiies, mm cauuui ne on tinner
any right, although it is said to be
good agricultural land.
The government does not propose to
spend enough money in Oregon to
create a 4'",i-J acre reservoir, aud
every sensible man in this couuty
knows it, and, in fact the Reclamation
There ma;- be a Iiuudre-l men in this ity who have arms the arne l-ni.'th
as yours hut t-n re !. (i"t ..!.' ..!!. r u:.n in thv wtiol..- cui.ruy wno is Um- saun
as yourself in .11 oth-r ii'oi.riioiis.
It is sin.ply an'biilty to a irfe'-t fitting fiuit hy buyintr ready-to-wear
We will in;iki; a suit to your measure for ?J0.
Yoi much, or nearly that much for every hand-me-down uit you buy.
Fill tmt till, eonpon .nil mall to oi anil w.
Will wiiil juu .auiiile uf tli. i lmh. We Knr
ntee that the .auiiie In ai-lually rut fr.iiu the
erj bolt of clot), from wblcli we make the Bolt.
Wlien you Tlalt I'ortluud. oouie to .ml verify thl.
or uuy .awrtlnn we make. If you wlali, auk
Home Fortlaod friend to tell yon a Unit the r.-p-utation
aud itandlug of tii. Coluuihi. Wooleo
Jklllla Co.
It la the simplest thinf In the world to haw
onie frleud take your uie.aure. We will eewl
you taie meaaure frM, aud how
o take a ueaaure for a ault of cluthe..
lie aure aud .end for thla .ample. If yon get
.alt from thla offer, yon will be wearing a
garment the pattern of whieb local dealer, can
not ptwellily (ret In .took I fore .nuttier year.
The pattern of our t'M .ult will lie .old next
year a. the lateat (hy other tailor).
Woolen Mills Co.
Portland. Ore
service dor not intend to do anything
with this Innd, probably for ton
Such methods as those only wrvo to
retard development in nny county or
state whore they are pursued, and
however honopt and sincere Jhe
administration may havo acted in the
adoption of such method, tho right
to create these reserves should lx plv
en into the hand of ponton who may
t reached ly tho people of tho local
ity affected, m that if they want the
reserve they can petition congress for
it and if not the land will Ih left
open to settlement and tho, country
The Development league had a lit
tle experience w it h tho Kooluinut ion
service hist sununer that proved that
not a single man in tho Reclamation
service knew a Messed thing about the
reserve in Lake county, what it was
made for or what the country was
like or anything else, only that certain
bodies of land was reserved from en
try under the various forms of withdrawal.
Not many voters are fortunate
enough to get themselves registered
wheroever they happen to lo, but
Senator Uearin was. Some may
question the statement that his ability
to register iu Washington, D. V. for j 0f lieet augar wa exported from that
the Oregon primary election was due;mte va,uVi in), R ,,uurter
10 ioriune, in me common sense 01
., . , , . .
the word and lay it to the Senator s.
shrewdness ; but he is a registered vot - I
er just the same, and to make liimsuch j
w ithout coming back to Orogou- it
was necessary to make his private sec- j
retary a deputy cierK oi .nuuuoman
county, to lo furnished with the nec
essary papers and authority to perform
the 'duty of registering the Senator.
Now that Senator Oearin is a duly
registered voter ne is quuiieii.i 10 oe-
cornea candidate for United States'
t, . . i t it I
Senator to succeed himself.
At least oue man, ami ne trio L niiea
Ct it. fvrwii I i it . ' r.w: it i i ii
. . .
good sense to uphold the dignity of WI,t ,,f "u-ar ,n llh',n- on t,,at
the American people aud the United j was thought to be abaolutel.v worth
States Senate by blocking the joint j l,'wrt-
resolution in the Senate to extend The stock men and larger rancher
congratulations to Nicholas Long-j probably would not devote their
worth and Alice Roosevelt on their ap-
proachiug marriage, ami cause its de-
, " ' .' ,. ... ,
feat, saving that it was undignified
and that already too much publicity
had been given the coming nuptials,
Senator Ward is oue man who has tho
coolness to accept the everyday occur- on the iargt. fct.k ranches, nnd.thus
ances with an even tenor. , . . , , ...
keep the money paid out for hay
Those Senators who have announced hand at home. Thousands of did
themselves as opposed to the adininis- j lars go out of the county every for
tratiou's forestry policy are, Fulton ' transient labor during the shoepshoar
of Oregon, llevburu of Main), llaus- 1 . . . . . ., , ,
. - - , , .,- , ln and haying season. Itufcwhun-
brough of North Dakota. Wnrren ami i
Clark of Wyoming and Spoon.-r ))f ; 'Ired l.ien of families .'...dd be placed
Wisconsin. Those who are expected , "ver the count ry who could devote
to uphold the present policy are Uev- their time, when nut occupied In the
eredge of Indiana, Lodge of Maa- ; haying and shearing s-.-ason, to rals-
chusetts and others who have no for- j . . . ...
, . x , , . I mg suga beet, the countrr would be
est resf-rves in their states and no for
ests to reserve nor no government ! 'n more than one way.
, mJ t(J withh(,l,i lrm ttl-n.enf.
The IIou.-
feut.-.I the bill f.r a whipping pot 111
ti.,. district of Columbia for v. ill-beat -
t-rs, a.- rcc(imiin'(i'li"l hy lJr.-i'h-ut
i;oo.--velt ill lii.i mi';-.-;..- ti C'iiiTr(-ss.
The dirfii-.-iuii of thi- im-.iuri'. when
it vu Lroiuht ui in the llmi-.' iifl'i.r.l
ol au o oi tuniry for tli-- ' jo 1it.-
in that to vnt tln-ir Iri-.h wit.
oi:t l.y rUf tiiouftiiii'J,
1 y :.ii'i.iii-r.
Tint Is why yr,i ljjtv !--nL'lit mitt a 1irftr
J.u'l vv-rn thriii iuilf u day.
We will niake a p'tlt to your rnnnr for
your ex- l-iKlve wfhr-it will fit j.u U-u.w
It want ln I J T f(.r aiil ht on -f.r tJ. i
v jfuraniee ti e f'iuth to : uri aU-wl cheviot
tiie lrti in k",v anl it'Mpini - Jijht off t lie
nwwlmlrawlm'hlf 1
tiuU Cloth.
we un. !ti -rui nT of
wiiK b e will unite l) tu y-tor uuf.aure tor f.V.
nii'n yiHi firfd ioiiie prHrpreiii-e e will mull
Thu jner i un n,i it win be ,ia ty i
tailor, neit lear ua the "latent." .
tailor, ueit Jear aa the "lateat
n harkpround of the pattern 1. a det Ifray,
with an alut luierwptll.le oierliue or
rhek. The ii.lor of thla fabric d'-a not aliow
diiat eauily. d not wrinkle aud ba. taken the
dye ao well that the garmeut lonka like Dew
until It la all worn out. The wool ud ij. weav.
iug thla ttanueut wa. M'lwted witl. uuuauiiI
care. There la no .hurt wool In the fabric aud
no ahodily. 'J be elotb baa ao fine a weave th&t
It preM-nt. a fairly hard aarfaee, and at the
aau.e time la .oft and pliable. It will not Muff
up or et Khluy. Thla cloth cannot be bought
from the mill for lea. than fi.M a yard, no
matter If you le.uelit Are thouaand yar.ln. We
are the l'acirie Coaat repreKntat Ire. of a ayndl.
rate of the lartfeat wi.len mllla In the world.
That enable, ua to make thla unprecedented offer
of a ault to your meaaure for $'M. rlend for a
.ample jiull it to niece aee how lona and even
the wool atranda are not. how well tbe'dye
ba. Kt
Columbia Woolen Mill. Co., Portland, Or.
I'leaae aend me frM, .ample of late pat
tern EuKllab overling iriajda, from which
yon agree to make a ault to meaaure for
$'Jt). Also aend me, free, a pocket tape
meaaure and blank, and lnatructlon. for
taking lueaaurea. Thl. due. not obligate
me to buy a ault utile. I wlab.
Senator Fulton is putting up a vig
orous flght against the ortnanency of
the Rogue River forest reserve. The
line upon which he buses his Wrong
est argument are the retarding of de
velopment in the count lea envolved,
Josephine and Curry, which w ill lose
alout one half their area to taxation
and tie the lands up front the reach of
ttntending settler.
Four person were lnptlsed last
Sunday, into the Haptist church, by
Uev. J. H. Howard. Kaptlstn wa ad
ministered at the bath house south of
town. Those who were baptised were
J. C. Shellhammer, Susie Watson, Iva
Heueflel and Mrs. Rcna Henetlel.
We presume that the fcH exempt Ion
clause iu the tax law will relievo "Ob
server, " of Paisley, of all obligation
to the county, whether a high school
is built or not.
The present price of mutton 1
enough to make a lioof steer feel
SuRor Beet RaUlnjt.
The beet sugar Industry In (iriinde
Rounde Valley I mumming gigantic
proportion. Lat year 20,000 Hack a
, ,, ,
of a million dollar income to the
P'l'li' of t he valley . Reside t hi no
small Item, hundred of cattle, nhocp
and hogs were fed on the pulp, which
, al, tu w t.xcHlont flH.,it llK.k mt.
enlng on it more quickly than nny
other feed. Since augur beet raisins
has bocoino an indntsry in that valley
the price of land has advanced from
f ,,, ,t, ,.,,M, ,.. t;tt.,
.... . .
Sugar iH'et have betvn tried in
this valley and the experiment wa
mo8t Hlla.,.!i!4fuii tjK. b,Ht growing to
! enonnou size and having a gintd er
tilm, to ,H,t.t cl,iture ilt hu,,,,-,.,!,, ,,f
; ,, , , , . , ,
small land owner could profitably
! raisi'uKar beets, and at the fame
j time furnish the necessary labor In
. the haying season to put up the hay-
The school would prosper, tln.'sav-
ings bank would prof r. tuxca cmild
lt. r,.,!,,,.,! -m a r.-sult of increa-.-.l val
uation on land, the country would be
rid 4 a transient class of laborer and
lawteinl of the county's only export
Ix'in lf.-f nii'l win .I, 1. inn rt'.is (f t hou
Hani. of Iol!;irH woiil'l ciiimi- into thi'
unity t-very yrnr fur Mit,r;ir iTixluccd,
jiiiiI thf- )iiiiii iji.'U inliir-trii'H uf toihiy
woiihl Ui.t le hurt In tin- h ast, hut
Good Results from Dry l and
)ry laiiil farming l' Ci ntral (U'cnn
is iiot, us ;i rule, loukfil tijion with
jiniiuh favor hy tht fanning cIunhch,
' hut It h;tH proven sin'ceHnful In morn
than one ifiBtanee, the lnoxt. notable
of whli-h liam come to lllit In the
i Silver Lake region. The Ci'iitrnl Ore-
oflluil llilrt tlilH t HilVI
Ah an llluMtrutlon of what may he
pro.Juce.1 on a dry land farm In thin
y i t ti
I"irt of I entrul Oregon, with proper
inariagenient, look at the 1'rader
In the Suriitncr lake; under the
.. ........
Immediate mijiervlnlon of (J. J. Wood
ward. For yoarn before Mr. F'radcr
got the place It had leen conwldered
alrnoHt worthleHH, a nurnbiT of jier
BoriH having tried it, but with In
different huccchh to make It pay.
There were last yer rained on the
farm 4,500 bUMhelx of barley, 1W tons
of alfalfa hay, and 17,000 poundu of
potatoes bringing in an income of
Boinething like f 4,400, not a bad nhow
Ing for one eeaon. We cite thia as
an instnee to show how badly aome
f olkri muy be fooled in their estimate
of (the jiroductive poHHibliitit'M of a
piece of dry denert land.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
. . . THIS IS ... .
We have the Goods to suit the Tastes of
Everybody. All our prices are Fair and when
you Buy Here Once you'll Surely Come Again.
A full line of Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Felt Boots
and Rubbers.
We have been furnishing Sheepmen with Winter sup
plies for these many years and have laid in our stock with
their interests in view. x t
What is Good for one is
H X Khl . I I
Tcks Lcxctive Bromo Qmnmo Tablets, jx
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 month. ThlS SlfltltUrC.
How hard mother has to roax Ix'fora1
ho can jf. t h.-rchilil to take Its lirl ! p.
It 1 4 Jut alxiut at lianl t hi-'
ducf a ion- lirimil
valiil. cnm- rjfT J .-i.t.i y
tako the firt st.-p to
health. 'I'lii rn is a la-k
of ti.'iliili-tiii', ami a cril-hlnif
f' rii in ti of a fm iiii r falhire vthi.-li
di'iiri i s a tul diHcouruifi-M tin- KiitTi-ri-r.
In t-iit: uf diiiihts athl fi-ars ymi will
i:ik! iiih in -I. step to licnilli u lieu
take the first tin-., of J r. l'i ree'.i (lili-u
Medical Ih-ei,vcrv. It lu-ver fail, tu
help. Ill ninety-fiilit a-cH fint uf rum
hurnireil it never fails to t-ure. Never
uiinil alxiut tho KTMiptotiiH. ilitinali
coiikIi, hleediim of the Iiins, spitting of
ioikI, eriiaeiatioii, iiiiflit-awent, cnieli
tiolii which If ne)leM.d or u Mali ill Tully
treated terniinat.) in coiiMimption, havo
all been perfectly and permanently cured
by "Golden Medical Jhscovery."
"I am thankful to day that Dr. Plcrro'i
Oolden Meilicul Jilwovery cured in of eon
siiiiililiiin." write. Mr. Matt in 1. Iientnn. of
Mork-antoil. . (X " lv li. allli I, ml lu en I,:,,!
and for .everal uioiiiiih Ix-toiu 1 Ix-an thu
ui or your Ine.iicinn I hail y mptori. of ron
kutiipiloii. Hail nlt'lit-mi aia. a hud couirli,
losa of anbclltn and a vr.nt. h,. ,f in.l,
There ware other trmvlunm of diseano Hint
unaiiueareti ny me utv .r tliM uii-illclna. Ily
the tiiiio I iiM:d one lajitleof 'tiohlen Med
ical Diwovery ' I hetrmi to retrain my aut
tlui and after ualntf two and a half bottles
my couth wa cured, I could rat heartily
anu an aymiiuuii. or colniimplion baa ul.
anpeared. Took aoven bottle, of Oolden
Medical I)l:overy' arid one of the "faror
Itu Prescription.' Am vary thankful 1 ro
culred ao much benefit. 1 believe I would
hare been dnad If I had waited and not takeu
ut. i lerce a oonien neaiual oiacovery."
tSIck nenvina are Invited to consult Dr.
R. V. I'ferce, by letUir, abnoluUdy without
fee or charge. Kvnrjr letter la regarded
as aacreJly confidential. Each answer Is
maiiod in a plain envelope. Addrasit Dr.
It. V. I'lorce, Invalids' Motol and buntl
cal Iudtltuto, Budalo, N. V.
The Illinois Central
maintains unexcelled service from the
West to the Kant and South. Making
close connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, passengers are
given their choice of routes to Chicago
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans,
and through these points to the far
Prospective travelers desiring infor
mation as to the lowest rates and best
routes are invited to correspond with
the following representatives.
IS. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C, Lindsey, Trav Passenger
Agent, 142 Third nt., Portland, Ore.
Paul IS. Thompson Passenger Agent
Colman lluilding .Seattle Hash.
. it r I r i ii ! i -- l. v. i . v. , .
tV't "n '-!-J
the standard cough and cold cure for over
7C years now comes also in a
rx A rV TT Concnicnt
Ikf A N I mW it.
lr wilhout it.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Contest Notice.
I nitcd St.ittx Laud ( llliiv, I.nkevicw,
iicuon, I'Vliruury , I'.mh;.
A siilVicicnt Contest nliid.ivit having
lcen l,lcd ill thi-. ulliii hy John M. Nohle,
contestant a L;,iiiist In nn si . ad t ntt v No.
l'J!l-, ni.uV l.inu.iiv C, I'.did, .,r Lot 1.
Sec. :il, Lots n. IU I'Jfind l.'I.ind NU 't
NL'i, Section .'!.!, Townsliiji Jo S,
h'nnc l.iL, WM , l.vDlto Anderson,
Coiitcstee, iu which it it tillered tlml
said ( It to AndcrHoii wholly nhaniloncd
.nid tt.'tct of land more than lour vc.iih
j prior licri-to mid t Jiener hitherto has ci
tinilotisly iili.iniloucd and 1 cniii i m . I
away therefrom, and that said
alleged nhsence from the said land
wan not due to hi employment iu the
Armv, Navy, or Marine Corps of the
I'nited States an a private soldier, ollieo
Kcaman, or marine, during the war with
Spain, or during nny other war iu which
the I'nited States may he engaged.
Said parties arc hereby notified to tip.
jiear, respond and oiler evidence touch
ing sum allegation tit jo oclock n. tu.
on March i'l, 1001, before tho Register
and Receiver tit the United States Lund
Office in Lukevicw, Oregon. The said
contestant having, in a proper affidavit,
filed February G, 1900, set forth facts
which show that after due diligence per
sonul service of this notice cannot lie
made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given by due and
proper publication.
J. N. Watson
Ireraert land Final I'roof.
United Ktatos Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Decemder 28, 1005.
Notice la hereby given that Mary L.
Kllgore, of Langell Valley, Oro., baa
filed notice of Intention to make promt
on bin deoert-land claim No 41!), for
the tiW, HSK(, NXSE, Kec. SKI,
and NV4'Stt St. 34. T. 40 H..U.
14 K. W. M.
Before Register and Receiver at Lake-
view, Oregon, on Katurday.tho 10th
day of February, 11KJ0.
lie uamea tho following wittieaHea
to prove the complete Irrigation and
reclamation of wild land: W, A. Dun
can of Lungell Valley, Oregon,!
Tull of VhttlllnH, Oregon, A. IS, 'j i !i
of vlMtllliiH, Oregon, Henry PItz. ii
inwnur, tri'gon. ;
1 J. N, Watson, Regtstei'.
Good for all.
Pioneer Store
to uuy wild y..u. Don't
iK'.V our cli ui-t-ot. 1 Mm W
KkKK. W.xc to t. I), Jmynm ti S..n, I'hiU.Irl,.!,!.
Cures Crip
ta Two Days.
a fLyy
box. 25c. M
Everj-one should tubicrlba for
his homs paper, In order to get til
the local news, but to kep In touch
with the world's dally event
should also read
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
The leading evening newspaper of
tho Pacific Coast, which has com
plete Associated Press reports and
special leased wire service, with
correspondents in important news
centers and in all tho cities and
principal towns of tho Northwest.
Portland and suburbs are covered
by a bright staff of reporters, and
editorial, dramatic, society and
special writers. Saturday's edi
tion consists of 28 to 28 pages, and
hu colored comic pages, as well as
a department for children, colored
fashion page, an Interesting serial
story and other attractive features
In addition to all the news of ths
Subscription Eates: One month,
60 cents; three months, 11.35; six
months, $2.60; twelve months, 15.
Sample coplea mailed free.
Nollrc for I'ubllratlon.
Department of the interior, lnd Of.
flee at Lakeview, Oregon, Feb. 15, 1000
NOTICK is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make dual proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on 2nd day of
April 1U00; viz:
Kdward Munrou-, II. Et No. 2272, Ft.
nidwcll, Calif., for the Klv'NFj
EJii'BF,, Sw,'4'SK, See. 29 T. 40 8., V.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence unon ami
cultivation ofsuid land, vis. Allle L.
Munroe and Koy T. Knelling of Ft. Bid-
well Calif. j.n. Watson,
812 Register,
There is two ways to tell a good
cigar; one Is to buy It, pay your
monay and smoke It. Rut tho better
a to know that it is an Eairlo
" fountain Rose, which is abno-
I proof of its genuineness,
' and for salo by A. Ktorkman,
: f ' cigar factory, tf