Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 22, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 10

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Ts b one of ai army of 10.000: to
tram by rallron I 23.000 miles every
year: to stand Id a car forming part
or a svrayicp, m- .injr train, surrounu
f4 br own-moKt ed pacts and r'.ireon
bsles. abufflinp letters and papers at
the rate of 2T 0 per Lour: knowing
that very rr .r poos against your
reoord; to wc k poruetimos sixteen to
twentr-four ours at a stretch, often
sleepr and ! jnpry tbese are some of
te daily c periences or the railway
mail clerk. Then add to these the
cvaitant ssIWlity of being knocked
Imtm or crippled lor ui in a
1st f ?y are a contented lot, these
railway man cierKS, nappy oniy
yrkra on tbe road." But it Is not
tW rironment for a .otnestlo man.
Mr rar blm who has passed the to
f ' htll of Ufa and la 1crclnr dow
tote the dark Taller beyond. Thus a
m-Jerity of the clerks are young men
tl Jf are preferred by the Tost Office
Department, for they have fewer
cares, are more active, and can work
faster and with greater accuracy.
Uncle Sam la proud of the person
sal ef this expert force and takes
every precaution for ther safety and
cemfert. Their hours are fixed, and
rertlme Is required only la cases of
absolute necessity.
" A Traveling Postoffice.
A railway m;,- car Is technically an
"It. P. O." or Kailway Tost Office. It
ruas between stated points, receiving
ana cjatnutinsr mail tnrough post
oiSces along the line. It is A govern
in est pot office on wheels, and is
United States territory, though owned
by tbe railroad. It is as well built
ana as completely equipped for Its
pnrpese as a Pullman. Iron racks foi
mail sacks extend along each side.
Afceve are tiers of open boxes and pig
ess. holes. "Work tables" si on
tkt racks. There is neither plush nor
mahogany. It Is built for work and
Is the abode of workers.
Let us Imagine that this car Is the
"K. P. O." leaving Tittsburg. Ta.. for
Cleveland, Ohio, over the lennsylva
cta road. The 1'ittsburg city pose office
delivers to the car mail for points east
of Cleveland (called "local mail") and
"tkreugh mail" for Cleveland and
pelats west The train rushes out of
Pittsburg. The whistle blows fnr a
shatien. No stop here. A "helper."
opens a side door, swings out the mall
"catcher" and pieks up a mail sack
fresa a crane by the track. Now tbe
werk begins. This sack contains mail
fresa the station just passed. Some of
It Is for tLe next office, some for
Cleveland, some for the for west
The xiall Is dumped on a t."l! and a
clerk peunces on it like a wolf on a
lamk. He tosses letters In all direc-
tieas. He throws papers and pack
ages hither and yon, this wav aid
that as fast as ah expert sard player
cam distribute a fleck. Bat every piece
of BMil Aids Its mark In a particular
eack or box. Tb" ck" snd boxes are
labeled: but the labels Are unneces
sary; his quick eye catches only the
nasie f the office. Ignoring that of
the addressee. Though tua work p
pears Bsechaaical It calls for a high
degree ef training. Note the marvel
loss scenraey less than two per cent,
of errors In the work of the wLole
fere far a given year.
The whistle blows for another way
statlsa. The door Is opened, a sack Is
threw off, and tbe catcher yanks id
ether sack about for distribution. And
so It goes without cessation. The
whele scheme Is so arranged t'yit
there Is Just time, working wK- the
utmest speed and, accuracy, to make
Skill Neeatd to Throw Sacks.
Threwlsg off sacks calls for anoth
er klaa of skill. The expert knows
frea the weight of sack, speed of
trala aad pressure of w'-d Just when
aae hew to let tbe 6ack go. He can
drea It en a mark. If platform be
crewded er littered with brga?e be
mart pick a clear spot lest bis cannon
ball ef leather and mail tetui lu
agalast some unsuspeci.g uaveier. I
have seen a mail clerk drop a sixty
psuaa sack from a train going a mile
a Minute, landing it 'lightly on a tru"k
tweaty feet from the track.
Of course there are accidents, and
aaagtr Is always present Yet In ten
years past but 96 clerks have been
killed ea the road an average of ten
a year, with a force numbering up to
11,000. The legal representative -t
each clerk stf killed receives $1,000
from the government Arrangements
are coatemplated for payment of an
annuity to every clerk permanently
disabled In line of duty.
The mail car Is usually next tbe
tender and runs a greater risk In ac
cldeats than a passenger car. But
the petition is sometimes advanta
geous. An Instance is cited of a pecu
liar wreck near Poughkeepsje, N. Y.
The train was crossing a bridge when
pecutwp UWCK
th taaer nvr that tha drstr ws,1,n tt eam THeht yon may set him
open. m ted wss such that he a usurer who has fallen into
taM set stop. Sot he wan a Qtrlck 'the hands of his clients, and has had
ttitak. Jtevenrtng the eagfae for v, o Portia to plead his cause. Indore
somest be suddenly threw tha tiuofri la tha lleoca of these nnfortunatee.
i.jl&w rvm v-4vl
tie wtJc. The comparatively light
tender and mail car responded instant
ly, while the heavy baggage and
passenger coaches constituted a drag
that broke the? coupling. Relieved of
this liuruen tut engine, t ndor nnd
mail car shot ahead and leaped tin?
twenty-foot draw, landing on the oth
cf In safety. engine cn rnod
and 6ide-wipiHl the Itva bridge wr .
tearing Its Jacket to tatt rs and
knocking the cab Into the rlv 'il;c
rest of the train, with brakes set au
tomatically, came to a stop without a
foot to spare.
tieee Xatarnl Spendthrifts.
The New York Times reprinted from
a Montreal paper which douotiess
lifted It from one in London a most
amiable story to the effect that when
bees are taken to Australia they learn
In a single year the uselessness of stor
ing honey for a winter that never
comes and that they thereafter aban-
don their dear-bongM fame as models
of industry and hilariously devote to
sport or Idleness all of their time ex
cept Just enough In ch day to satisfy
that day's hunger. No doubt this tale
will shock and grieve a large number
of estimable people, but for our own
part, says the Times, it very consider
ably Increases such little affection as
we previously had lor these tiresomeiy
virtuous fowl and therefore will we
do our best to believe it. There are
some difficulties in the way of doing
that Bees, despite their reputation for
intelligence, are evidently about the
stupidest things with wings merely
animated acquisitiveness, indeed work
ing as hard as an American million
aire to pile up wealth fa" beyond any
possible needs, without a single taient
except to get get, get
As fighters, while bees are brave
enough, they are unable to strike more
than a single blow against any of their
more dangerous foes, dying themselves
as a result of It, while the foes, after
aowllng with pain for a bit, calm down
and bunt more honey. It Is almost
Incredible, therefore, that a creature
incapable of seeing the futility of work
carried to an absurd extreme only for
he profit of human robbers should be
able so quickly to draw an inference
from the failure of winter to appear
when expected. "Almost" 13 not
"quite," however, and we, too, can be
lieve what we want to believe. So we
will not question the story from Aus
tralia where everything 13 possible,
anyhow and we hope that somebody
will take a few of our ants down there
and prove that they, also, are Indus
trious only because they have to be
tKat they are not a bit fonder of Indus
try than are the butterflies or any of the
sluggards who have alway3 had the
sense to see that between toll to-day
and hunger to-morrow there 13 so little
to choose that differences of opinion
on the subject are entirely permissible.
Famous for Artificial Noses.
The city of Indore Is modern and
ugly and uninteresting. Apart from
being the prosperous capital of a rich
native state, its chief laim to notor
iety rests upon Its hospital, which has
won universal fame by the manufac
ture of artificial noses. That may
seem a very limited industry on which
to build a name. But in India there
are several ways of promoting thl3 in
dustry. When a woman comes to the
hospital carrying her nose In a napkin
you may fairly assume that her hus
band suspects a breach of tho Seventh
Commandment .When a man appears
,M..taajial H " 1 ' V-aS
Beet 5ugar Nov Mw Than IIaH the?
Yvvriu'a lotal r'roOuttlvn.
Of the more than 1,200 million dol
tar's worth of nierchanulse brought lu
to the United States during tha last
year more than 100 million dollars
worth was sugar. Sugar formed by
far the largest single Item lu this larg
est importation whlcn the United
States has ever mado In any single
Tho I lted States U Increasing
steadily and rapidly Its consumption
of sugar. The sugar producers at
home are Increasing their output of
loth cano ana beet sugar, but even
their rapid Increase In production Is
rot keeping pace with the increasing
t ome demand, and as a consequence
the quantity of sugar brough't Into the
country increases from year to year.
It has doubled in the last twenty years,
while population meantime increased
but 60 per cent The annual average
Importation during the Cve-year period
enuing wiin isss was 1.031.140 tons
and d'lng the five-year period ending
witn isu& the annual average was 2.106
043 tons, despfte the fact that the sugar
production at nome had grown from
176.035 tons In 1SS5 to approximately
w.wu ions in iws.
The United States Is the largest
sugaroonsumlng country In the world,
though the per capita consumption In
this) country is hot as great as in the
United Kingdom. The total consump-
tton in 1901 aggregated 2,767.000 tons,
making an average consumption for
each Individual for the year of about
75 pounds.
During the half century prior to 1890
beet sugar formed a small proportion,
of the world's sugar production,
tho percentage which beets supplied
of the world's sugar product being In
1840 but 4.3 per cent. In 1850 14.3 per
cent in 1890 63.7 per cent, while 1900
showed for beets the highest propor
tion In the world's production of sugar,
67.7 per cent
ChosUj Ashes.
They bad Just moved In tbe bouse
and. as Is usually the case, the former
tenants had left much rubbish behind
"Just look." complained the little
woman, "here are three horrid palls
of ashes In the yard."
"Ah." laughed the big husband,
"speak of them with more reverence."
"Reverence. Wby should I?
"Why, they are the ashes of the de
rm Aitl
Senator Lodge's bill providing for
the reorganization of tho consular ser
vice has been shorn by the Committee
on Foreign Relations of Its most In
cendiary and detostablo features the
provision for examining candidates
for appointment aud this still more
objectionable section:
"That whenever a vacancy shall
occur In the office of consul general,
or consul above tbe sixth (14,000) class,
members of the two classes next below
that In which the vacancy occurred
6hall be deemed eligible to be select i
to fill such vacancy."
This was a palnable attempt to en
graft the merit and promotion system
"nnn ih consular service, and thereby
to deprive national la tnafcers of thetr
indent sacred right to assist the Presl.
'nt In selecting consuls general and
Men-salaried conmils. A majority of
he committee regard It as the sordid j
'nlectlon of commercialism into a pare
'v political T"ttPi on the flimsy pre
tence thst te consular service Is a
business institution.
If the Committee on Fore Ian Rela
tions had p-m1tted this section to
stand. It wouM have been an abject cap
1rulton to th force that are sir
rentltlously robbing Congress of Irs
patronage po-vers. The idea that
young consuls that have tnaAe good re
cords should, be VTomaUA ftnd that
JMt'IiliiiKXTA Til' 8 110 WSKSOCK,
ufkaxsas cirr, niirjcuum
Says Selfishness and Ambition Lead
iiK-m tnrougn a wnucrncaa of roily
nd liuncomb and Valuable llmv
Is Wasted.
"1 havo long criticised and sorlously
objected to the making of so many
laws, and 1 have long contended that
men aro not mado good and honest by
statute," remarked Kcprosuuialivo
Justin D. Doworsock, of Kansas, re
"Tho comparatively Indiscriminate
enact men t of legislation on all suhjocts
general, special and personal Is a
great evil aud a greater folly. I have
Insisted that selfishness and prejudice
aro at tho basis of too many enact
ments, nnd that human nature and
the settled principles of business and
commerce, honorable competition, and
the results of supply and demand can
hardly bo changed by law to any ben
oilclal oxtont
"Corporate greed, cupidity, and cor
ruption can bo, ought to be, and will
be modified, curtailed, and brought
within decent limits, to say tha least
No man desires this - ore earnestly
than I do; no man will go further
along any reasonable lines In any le
gitimate and practicable effort to
bring this about, whether It be In con
nection with railroad rates, Standard
Oil rebates, beef trust, unlawful com
bination, watered stocks, or whatever
or whoever may burden the consumer
or producer, unduly or unjustly, for
extortionate gain.
"'Equal rights to alL special privil
eges to none' will not come through
Impractlcablo, non-enforceable laws
drawn on the theory that we have
reached the millennium.
"The ordinary legislator, and his
name is legion, has a legal panacea for
every ill. If ho had as much honesty
as assurance, the title of his bills
would bo:
"An act to make men do business
on earth as it Is done In heaven,' a
consummation devoutly to be wished:
but let us not forget the effoct of the
Pope's bull against a comet and the
beating of tom-toms by tue aborigines
on an eclipse."
A Two'Foot Rat.
A warehouseman at the Oriental
dock, In Baltimore, had the distinc
tion the other day of killing tho larg
est rat ever seen along tho local water
front The rodent -relghed nearly
seven pounds, and from the Up of his
nose to the end of his tall he measured
two feet
It was only after a desperate fight,
lasting twenty minutes, that tha In:
mense rat was killed. For some tlui
scraps of paper and wood In tbe tool
room of the warehouse Indicated that
a swarm of rodents was at work. Then
one morning the warehouseman en'
countered the big fellow. Witn a
broom handle he attempted to put an
end to the rodent's life, but the rat
showed fight Back and forth bo
scampered, and when cornered he
rushed at his assailant Once he bid be
hind a coll of rope overhead, and then
he dashed at the man's head. The
latter dodged but the rodent's sharp
teeth grazed his face. At last tbe rat
was killed and measurements proved
that he was the biggest ever seen In
The animal Is supposed to be a spe
cies found in South Amorlca and It Is
believed be came here In a ship, all of
which carry many rodents.
prominent citizens recommended by
legislators should accept paltry places
at the foot of tbe list was Intensely
repugnant to the Senatorial sense. As
statesmen representing watchful and ex
pectant constituents, many of whom ex
erclse valuable Influence In behalf of
their party, they could not consent to
closing tbe door of hope. Every Con
gresslonal district has its share of
elderly and blgbmlnded students of the
world's affairs, men who may have been
rudely buffeted by fortune and who
cherish the hope of dodging further
cruel strokes by landing in a pleasant
consulate. They are men who have
done yeoman service for their party,
and often they retain connections that
can not be Ignored. Are these to be
superseded and thrust aside by pop
In Jays? Are the oxen that tread out
the corn to be muzzled? Is the accurs
ed thlmt for srold to commercialize th
honorabln office of consul, so long thp
bnven of ancient marlncra tempest
tossed on ctiartleHS political seas, the
nsvlura of Indigence, the badge of de
caved gentility?
The Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations will not have it so. That
committee, consulting its bowels of
enmpa anion, insists that Congress shall
share with the President the pleasures
of rewarding the faithful with, tha fat
test consular pUvoagj .liBW,. mr2
Are Sold Direct From Factory and in Ho Other Way
YOU SAVE FROM $75 to $200
Whn you boy Wlnf PUno, you hiy twhn'i
1a. Yvii .wy Ilia .nl n .n of ,Tt,kiii n nh
only our wIkimI profit fklmt. Whn yu hi if
run". Mtruny tlllldo-.t rlall-yiu y tlx
rUII -Jim'!'! '( rent n, ptln.r iniirl.
YtMl nay lila t'tdil an.l llm rnfiimUnl.n nr ..
o( tha ai:tni or M'B.-imon lia atni 'i ys a l tliaia
cn top ill what tha Wr hlii.i.ll I,., .,
tha niamif iuior. Tharatall r-,(it rn a l no
la I rum 15 lo JiOO. Isn't lliii wuiih mintf
Wa will r'a.'a a Vine T'ano In an h.ifna In Ida
unnmj ;.iatra on tiiul, within! aaainc I f any a I
yanca ymant or 'leiMall. Wi y tli ftnllit
an I all olhor rliarr'l In atvan a. Thaia I
rolhlnc lo l I al l ouhof M. t a Ilia lano la nl
rr when II la nvclro.l. II Hie Unn la nut una
larti'ty aflrr 20 ilayi' trial In ymir home, taha
It ha k anllraly at ur cii'xnaa. Yen v.y ua n' lli
Inr .and ara un '.rr no mora rkifatu n tolarp
tin lano II an II you wrra aiainttiina; It at o:.r
la. lory. 1 l.ora can b aUuluialy no Ilia or ai
prnsa to you.
Do not lnai:tna Init It li Imrnaall.'a fnr u to r!o
Siwaaay. CHirrystrm It ao prli t that waran
wllhuul any binilua dnllvar a pianolntha imai !
Iiwn In any rt r( lha Uniial Ctaira hut a
arl'y as wacan In New York City, anj with al-aV-Inlrly
no tri'ulla tr anmyanr to ymi, art
Without anyilm ( l-ln pai.l in a lram a er on
nival alther f. r hrii.-M or any cthar eiii5.
V'a ukacM I Ian i an J oirani In aL-lanr
A cuarantaal. r lyraiaacalnata-iydnlart In
on. action, workn-analilp ut liialoiui la lvon
With tvary Wlnf PUno.
A !wv.fc-fir4 ft cat
(Jnn sh- i) lvti
rlalaUMtl In i!UTt it
fcVtviit 1-rtrtss.ti ,ul
rut of lia'.1 in I
nik- lit srl.rtu.ti
ftlhy.ll will bih.
Km hmeitftlilfi ni- I
1. 111.1 Slllil h w lo t
luuir Hit t ill
It -rttlli, 14 Uftj
IluelrU iis. kVi t(.
Its lie n lit ' 1ht
' '-:
... . .
' Pioriej
tl Atiif I ta..
ISav 'n
sVltr aa
Pra4 I'awtal T
It. Ink i fll jus) !
and alilra. r
r'OfMn riil llio.tlt
birrtliMi, hIm full
aU.ui n win- I i
t . torma uf iMiTfi
IftGH-aHlb Vcar-llXKl
n phi mei
r Mf trxatmrnt la thn onlT abaoa.
r I CO lueieclllcaiil rare fnrdroa
T a a- hxblta. It la t lis
I rCdLrnGnl only una Dial cwn
I Ial5 talria tlm allal prlnrlplo. I
Ulllll will r"t any rlruir nrr To
r ,,J nnlll 'lir1. Wrlln Irwlny.
OUrCa iUteklnJond quantity of drug gd.
Dr. Watermw, Suite B. 14 Lsxingrton, Av.,N.Y
You ahnuM Uke Jvlrnnt iifo of llila
(ran. I clianrat, otlior iirma uln only
una lirvmiu..., wu civa -u llirra.
7IO Kilt aCAItr,
fj .iik, lurLle lur
Tary full : IrunlinKl at
(.aalniia Willi li.M'k ami rlu li.
J MOXIIKIMI. lo Iwbnluili.uuiia'atiiiirar
1Alill:V II ANKSOMK It ;. ryivlul.
CnrlniTwirt.-! Inn'har: nlrkrl-1lrrrfraiuov
f iirn'.'ml H""i-llln-4 llolllo ninl ! Irmr.
I f'va y. . all .1 I'rxnilums
nchicniocn l f.,ra. iiii u i it-a.-iiitij ni.
Cli-a, V "U CHtl arn lltnin In .ma .1 ijr. W a I rilat
7m. Cot nntlilnc to try. We l .tg Lin k all
Init M. IVn'l avnlraa, an'1 wn annil yuu I ho
artlrlna whiiu1i1 : a hrn anhl. art'l ua nmrit-y
ymi r.'t, ami wa will aciitl thn t-'ur Ht-arf, Itlnaf
ami I'.m-(r.'O. (Jaltuay. V rlti lo-il-y. A l lroa
T"'ir wluc Co., D-nl. 40. boston, Male.
ft. P. c. c.
Non-poisonous and will not stain the
fingers. 3Sccnts for six tubes, sufficient
for 24 ouncesdeveloperfor Velox.Cyko,
Kotos and other developing papers, or
Co ounces plate or film developer.
llth Street and Pa. Ave. Washington. D. C.
The Great Home Magazine of America
mk4 thim unquUd offffr for IImlttl flm onlyi
NKVTR bfrf!in all our w1ilerTrrfMireliiiT welwnlnn, fAtf Inn lo rrmka a vf1i fifTflr nf tnti mrrp.
tloiuil value. 'II 4 uuiiiiiniUai KiH jr'li'irili ! U- 11 UiUh1. iiiUaluaMs.1, LnuilaU iumI buuiid Wilis
ilia viDvv of nUmn a loiii leit want In tin) hoiiie t.n'1 oflu a.
It la) roiiiirht!iiiVs in ojm, roiiiii'lt in lopiri, ayiU'in
In aarrsiliaiailaatlll. SVIill asnsu-iliiiilff SlJllVaTlLrfll flaf IIHM. 1 ll
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KncyrlfiiMMll tt 1iva W
jimrt to Imiineii in"
rw insfn, Hiia M'i-uiia m aunr spaite or rirvm jhoi
iiiftttoiit arm 'itiiHtntlf com It. up wlucit
ruu usuuiw auu utwtnawi au w at a
r l . i.. I. I t. a. a I
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Over alxty-five tlioumnd ImrmrUnt iuli)ortH
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War I'anania'a Inii cn 'cntc I'adlum W lrclcaa 1alctfrahy, and tlw DtLvLoo
Aluakan houndary otlcin ull liavii tln-lr
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Information can be hud on Lvurv aubioct wllhout
Wa will avnd u 1-iKl.fvohinKi to ou, nratlf T-cVr-d, v Xt''IU'iu
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r llntraaar I a. lu- la, I y ruminant orihaatia laa lata,
nunc Ir.! .1 a an i lnu-li una. 1 I nr-an-la of lhaaa
I lanoaaia III y-nir own ?;tata. a 'maol thm un liaihl.
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Manilnll'i. (iultur, llnr, 7Khrr,llanA
Tha Inrmj 1 1 a- y rr a I i4 Ihaaa Iniiiumantt may
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HlilS ltn riJVmriAnt la l.i',t.l. l I , lit anl r,-mil ha
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Kjaiiua. iioraia oran laialofu Mill eura4vtaat.
no h
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