front. Vt tlii-w, old m'tller It'll iim, nro -s-finlngly Krowlim 1mn tttlurttt ftil hn tit" count ry wlllc up, TIiIm, In fact, niwnrn to lm n pfciillarlty ex fHrliiic((t In almost nil newly wit led localities nml Is nllrllMitalilit by litany to tlm cli'irlnff nff nml plowing tin1 Kroiiinl, roiulilticil with tlin fru'd alluvial (rawM tliat commlngli with nml modify tint tlii t rlcil condition that obtained nt curlier perlodx, IUi this iin It may, I tin not iimmuiiih to reason on tli.'so IIih-h I only know tho climate. Im growl'i- less rigorous nml It In only om-u In it great white that froMln wrloiwly Injuro our fruit rrom. fleil In dnliijf It. FUN I,ala Trout will weigh from if to" IIin. mid nro a flint flNh. Moun tain Trout grow from 4 to 12 Irishes long ami an a pitlatnbli- ami gniny hn tin epicure or NiorlMiuan could wish. Kalmou Trout uverngo oboiit nine pound, ami Komi-tlmes weigh un much iin llfly pound", ami arc plentiful In tho tributaries of K Initi al h I.ike. Mock Feeding: Ohiiiih'Iiwn about the llrt nf January ami stock art turned out to fcklrmUli for themwl vcn alMiiit tho 15th of March. lloiiMltigNloek: Nostoek In lioiiwd during the w inter except It ( mlleh cowm, team borne mid young stock o m in it 1 1 farmer, mid inucli of that never gel Imtldw a luirn or Hhelter. I 'old Weather: Jenerally Hpenklng we havoonecold npell during thr win ter, when tho mercury drop frm (iim to live degree below zero, thin may lw for one only or It may btt un ;min.v on four r live layt thU do'-Niiotoccurevery w inter. Correct ly H-aklng. we hive about two month of winter weather. Warm Weather: lit July tho mer cury will run up un high n l." or Wi decree for one or two day, but w hen nlnht rotut'M you will reiilru the iiMiial iiumU'r of blatiketH on your bed. m-Mtrucllve StorniN or wIihIh: We liave neither cyclone, hurrlcaiiN or destructive wind storm, but Just en ough wind to lx) healthful and Invig orating. We have occasionally what In called a thunder nhower, and yet wo can nay It In u very rare thlnic to lienr dlMtlnct thunder or mi) sharp lightning, consequently you will not find a lightning rod In thin county. Neither do we know of a single caw of any perNoii lelng struck by light ning In tlilM county. Ice: Tho thickest foruiH In large piMiU of still Water, HoiiietlmeN oh much iim 14 Inches thick, (so we are told, buttho writer has never seen It) the iiMiial thlckucMN put up here for summer use In from six to eight Inches, nml some win ten It docs not form thick enough to put up for summer I1H0. SiiIooiih: Some correHpondo n t h have asked un how it In possible for un to make claim to un hlgh-toued and well regulated a condition of ho clety an we do, and at the snino time support tho iiuiiiUt of saloons we lo? In miNwerlng thlN ipieNtlon natlHfactorlly, It In iieccsHiiry that the questioner should hs somewhat acquainted with tho wayN of the people of tho I'acllic coast, In order that they comprehend tho Httuatlou un It exist. Tho fact In, saloons with un nod tho Eastern people nro two different lnHtltutloiiMandHocloty treats these hero lu a different light, for here.the burliness man lie he church inemlMT or not, does not low? ensto If LuhIiichn takes lilui Into a saloon, no long a he does hot patronize the gambling or club rooms, at they arc called, ho deems hln conduct cin free from reproach as was that of Oeos nr's wife and society deems htm so and treats him as lielnff superior to and above contamination by such surroundings. This being a great stock growing country, many cow punchers, herders, camp tenders, etc. nro employed tho year round, and they belong of all nationalities nnd transient to a great extent, contrib ute largely to tho support of tho sa loons, and with all our floating population It Is a rare thing to eo a drunken man on our streets. Secret Orders: Embracing tho 'A. F. & A , M. and chapter, l.O.O.V'. and KobekaliH, Woodmen, and Circle, Workmen, and Degree of Honor, tho Foresters, tho Eagles, nro In a flour- tailing condition. Our many mountalu stream afford tho purest and best water, and good water Is obtained almost auy where ly digging or driving from fourteen to twenty-four feet. Tho Desert Land Act:-IVrmlts one to take !J20 acres or less, and Ms wife can also do the same, on tho condi tion that each will pay 2." cents per acre at the tlmo of filing. They will nlo Im required to expend labor to the amount of one dollar per aero on It each year for three years this ex penditure to lm on tho Improvement of tho property, such us fencing, ditching, building or making reser voirs or diverting streams onto It, clearing, plowing, etc. A tor before the expiration of the third year each will pay one dollar more, making a total of Li.'.") mt acre In cash. Timber and Htouo Laud: Per acre t2..V). Ninety days after application m ut be proved upon and paid for. One can only take 100 acres or less of this class of laud; a wlfo can also ac quire title to these lands. Homestead: Of 100 acres or less, costs for filing fl'l and advertising fees. Htage Fares; about U cts per mile. From Madeline to Lukevlew by Ktage fli.OO. Ktugcs leave Madeline one evening mid arrive at Lukevlew the next evening. The m-ent discovery of (lo)d and Copper deposits U0 miles south of Lukevlew, on the divide lietwean Fort Iildwell and Fine (.'reek, and the discovery of Gold, Sliver undfiul citu on thi mountain near I'alHley, uImo the fact that highly mineralized rock In found and exhibited by mnny herder mid vmiqucros from muny of the surrounding range thai utmost make us know that If these finds prove half as rich as reputed, we tuny yet liinl that Lake County has an Kldorudo of ItNown, that only a waltN the advent of a cIiihn of pros peetors, inliiiTM, farmers and wide awake htiHlucMM men, who would not only develop and unearth u mineral wealth not dreamed of heretofore, but will IiunUmi the people of far off liM-alltles to come and take a look nt this land of promise. AlmoMt every Indimtrv and occu pation may be pursued here the year round under our climatic conditions. Our hills and mountatiiN abound In antelope, deer tnd smaller game; while our valleys afford a veritable paradise for gwso, ducks, etc. Like all uow countries, this affords Inducement not only to the capital 1st, but to tho brainy biiHluess man, the frugal earnest every day laborer, who, all In their own line will devel op cntcrplse not uow thought of. We exHct nt an early date the ad vent of a rail road, and when this lecomes un usMured fact, the funeral knell will bo rung on ourcheap lands and your golden opportunity lost to protlt by tho advantages you could uow protlt by, In securing a home at a small outlay. Luckk5t Man in Arkansas. "I'm, tho luckiest man In Arkan sas," writes It. L. Stanley, of ISruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after five years of continuous coughing sud bleeding from the lungs; aud I owe my good fortune to tho world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which I know from experience will cure consumptson if taken in time. My wife Improved with tho first bot tle aud twelve bottles completed the cure." Cures tho worst coughs and colds or money refunded. At Lee Ueall druggist. 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free. I'ost & King have the beet grndo of liquors and cigars to bo' found In Oregon. tf 5000 NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions creat ed by Railroad andTelegraph Companies, we want YOUNd MEN and LAD1E5 of good habits, to Learn Telegraphy And R. R. Accounting Wa furniih 7 pr cent, of the Operator! nnd HUtion A genu In America. Our tlx school- ars the largutt exclusive Telegraph Bcbooli la The World. EitablUhod SO years sud endorsed bj all leading Hallway Official. We execute a I2M Bond to every student to furulnU blm or ber a poiltlon paying from lie to 0O a month In itatoi eait of the Rocky Moun talus, or from I7S to Sioo a month In states went of the Rockiei, Immediately upon graduatloa. students can enter at any time. No vaca tions, for full particulars regarding any ol our Schools, write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, Ohio. Cotalogue Free. The Morse School of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, Ohio. Butlalo, N. V. Atlanta, Ua. Ls Croase, WI. TeaarkseanTs, Fresclsce, Cai ) AVcCclable Pr cpawlion for A- simiiai ing mc rood and ueguinr Ung die StomadB and Dowels of rromoics DicslionChccrfur ncss and IksiXonlains neither Ojlum.Morvliine norlincraL 1SOT NAII C OTI C . Mx..tmv VWsawSfMSs " sWMPT Apwfccl Remedy rorConslipa Tion.Sour Stontach.Diarrttoca Worms .(Convulsions .Kcvcri sh nrss mxl Lohhof SLtEP. FocStntile Signalurf of NEW YOnK. tXACT copy or wrapper. THE MOST DELIGHTFUL WAT TO" CROSS THE CONTINENT Thaoush Salt Lake City, Olenwood Springs, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. m A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery Passing Castle date, Canyon of Marshall Pass and 3: TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN KiU 1PMKST AKIs MKKVICK HKCO.VI) TO XOXB SEEK NO FURTHFR FOR BETTER CINT BE FOUND For Detailed Information Address V. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, 0REQ0N BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, ETC., ALWAYS ON ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor -i . AT PRESENT LOCATED . BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVitjW THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER LATEST LAND AND TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED IN A id For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T - -Li- - . xears me A t (V nil Signature AW In Use For Over Thirty Years A tms enrawn swMn, sm voa mm. The Grande, Tennessee Pass, the Royal Gorge 00 DEN AND DENVER 3 HAND AT THB ri cells. 'sjjp styles GAST 9 MW WW V A stock a large assortment of high grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. ir prices will be found to compare favorably with other prices. STOCK NEWS EIGHT PAQE5 LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS 1880. ' mmsm fSIOCUSltO AN O Of rfHOfO. Vrm xT'Wi, hnw in MUU ipw, trwto Mrfca, Wtft11 IN ALL COUNTRIES. fintinm ilrrrl tlk WmtkingUm mtl Ihmt, mnmry mnd nftnt tht faint. 'itMt tni litfrlsfsmtiit Prsrtfce tulstlvaly. Writ m mflM in M B StS Mbrtk Strw. Tt Vwh4 ItttM htat OAVm, WStMIMOTON, D. C. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. iJio Connetkut Avenue Wahlnjton, D. C. All persona th have heretofore made PINAL PROOP In any kind of Land, Mineral or Tim ber Entries, which hae been accepted by the Register or Receiver of any U. 5. Land Office, can have the Issuance of their U. 8. Patent for j Sam Lands promptly attendee te by sending, me their Duplicate Recelets, er Certificates of Entrv, and an agreement te pay me 110 when ever aald Patents shall Issue. JOHN ML'LLAN, Oregon, Callforn, and Nevada Mate Agent -VUf, B0 YEAR8 VEXPERIENCE D i TRADE MARKS 'tk,- DfIOR AnTftfi nn11nf m kfftrti ind dwerfptkm mmy qnlklf our optn. trmm whethw ma In-mition is prohmbiy puntahi. roTTimnnrr. tonfftnctlycmOdentlaJ, HfUJflboolt on nt fr, (l4jkt surrv fur twrartng ' pu-fita. FstlwiU tnken thnmgh Muna tv Ca ncmiv 9perUU notics wrtboul chwrgq. In tta Scientific Untericam A handsmnely IHnatriilMi vnrkly. fjireeet rlr eolation of anv rtentioe JoarniJ. 1'ertne. SJ a inr: fner roontiia, L Sura by all newxlealsra. MUNNf5Co.38,B''Newtork JSraucn Olios. tQ6 W BU, Wasbtnstou. D. C $1,250 Reward. The HarnejCoontj Live HtiM'k Asxocia tion.of which I am a member, paysirac reward for evidence UsJinf to the cod , rlctinu of parties lonsing to tie tneni brs. InaJditloBl flr SoOO reward Horse Brand horae- ahoe bar on eltbet or tth ). He eorded In Scon title Range, Harner. Lake and Crook Countiea Honrs Tented when sold. Hucses suf4 fa pass through this section will be reported In this paper. If not so reported, pleaee write or tele phone The Times Herald, Main &!, Burns, Ore gon W W Bkowh, FU, 'Or. Vlsie HkMS Baark la Hode Vmmtj The Examiner has for sale one of tb sheep ranches in Modoc county, which trots the best range In California. It consists of 560 acr? all under fence. It lies along Pitt rlrer for 2 miles. Besides other buildings there are two houses VX miles apart. It is an Ideal sheep ranch. If taken quick It will tx aold for fcxJOO. "1 7 ' 1 II si L II ITekll -aa -'ni m.jiY Ati UHin a. RINTING IS AN ART IN which TlTR KtAXIIVTB pv- We have all the late in type and keep in " THE DUST PROBLEM. faUae mt CsmsI Tar Treataseat im Or me It. France lead In sutomoMlo and In ereryUilDs; pertaining to the motor car. Sbe baa an advantage which he rnrant Just aa many tliouasnds to tier In con nection with the automobile h haa th flnt road In Ktirop. But th othrr side of the picture is thla that no people In Europe have suffered so much from the dust nuisance, snya a New York American correspondent When rer the motor car la there are the dust clouds all over the road, and one of tha most pressing problems In France at the present moment la, how are we go ing to get rid of the dust nuisance) The leading expert In Europe on the subject of dust suppression H Dr. On gllelmlnettl. The doctor. Instead of looking after bla patient at Monta Carlo, prefer subjecting the roads t the coal tar treatment, and this Is blT explanation: The dust ts almply driv ing Invalids and others from the I& vlera, and since autoroobMlsni has tak en such an extension the dust plague has become such an insufferable nui sance that doctors prefer sending their patients to Swiss sanitariums rather than to the dust poisoned Ulvtera. Auto mobiles, with their Immense weight and excessive snced, threaten to render tjjj; Itlvlera and other parts of France un inhabitable to persons with weak lungs or bronchial affections. When a motor car tears along a dust laden jond at full speed what happens? A sort of whirlwind Is created and sucks up the dust, which Is driven Into the human respiratory organs, causing irritation and injury to the mucous membranes, but Dr. GugllelmlnettI Is an enthusiast, and he has the faith that saves. , For several years be has been trying to find a cure for the dust plague, and if he has not yet discovered it I am convinced that it is not far off. Before the tarring process was tried on the roads at Fontalneblean and Melon the Inhabitants were obliged to keep their windows closed throughout the sum mer. Now they can open them without fear of being blinded or suffocated, and the same thing Is taking place else where. A great deal has been done by various systems of road tarring, but the Ideal system has probably yet to be found. Its coming is only a question of time, and in that, as In so many other Inventions for the good of man kind, France will probably, lead the way. . NEED OF SIDE DITCHES. Yalmable lm CarrxlBST OS Water From RaraU Hlskwars. Erery " country road in America should have aide ditches, says a corre spondent of Farm Progress. Few per sons know bow 'great an amount of water falls ttpon a country road, and ' It might be surprising to know that on one mile of an average country road In the United States, three rods wide, fall each year an average of twenty ffrcn tons of water. ' .Vi, t T. Bo Insist upon side ditches. There should be one on each side of the road wherever possible. They are necessary because the thousands of tons of water which fall npon the average country road each year in the form of rain and snow should be at once carried away to a neighboring creek or some other water channel as fast as the snow melts, so as to prevent It from forming deep mud and thus destroying the sur face of the road. A side ditch should have a gradual falling and even grade at the bottom with broad sides. With ditches so con structed there is little danger of the sides of banks caving In, and they will easily clear themselves of snow, weeds and rubbish. In locating the ditch It is best to leave it three feet from the edge of the roadway unless the space la too limited to so permit, but In any case at least two feet should be al lowed. War Roads Should Be Improved. There are many striking examples of the value of good roads. Wherever roads have been permanently Improved it Is found that there has been a very great increase In value of the adjacent property, says Good Roads Magazine. Among examples of this sort is that of Jackson, Tenn. From figures recently published it Is shown that since 1000 the city has Increased 8,000 In popula tion. The roads were improved through issuing bonds to start with, and they have advertised the city so much that families are constantly coming In from adjoining counties, with the result that land values have increased In soma cases from 20 to 100 per cent Property In the city has also greatly increased in value, Aa Aatomoblle Road. Seven miles of automobile road la t be the latest Investment of Uncle Bam. It Is to run from the point of Sand Hook through the government reserva-, tlon south to Highland Beach under the Naveslnk , light and will be used ex clusively by army officers and their friends. Good R.oa.d Notes It la not a good road unless good the year around. good road la rather to be cboaaa than patent springs, Tho state of Rhode Island ioentty roted In favor of spending 1 000,000 to the Improvement of ber highways. In the state. of Pennsylvania all ttm counties except seven have applied fsc state aid under the new good roada law. AH the leading farmers and financial Interests of Lowndes county, lllsa are behind a determined movement to (ret better roads for that county. It to like! the count); will issue bonds. i