Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 08, 1906, Image 4

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    Mow to Get on the Ticket.
Aro you koIiik to I a candidate for
office at th coming elections in Ore
gon? If so yon will need to stiuly
carefully the provisions of the new
primary nominations law. Political
nominating conventions as they
have lonjt existed in Oregon are abol
ished ly the new lnw and there is an
entire revolution in the method of
obtaining nominations for public offi
ces voted upon by the people.
Th first move a candidate Is com
pelled to make is to file with the sec
retary of state or district office, or
with tho county clerk, if for an office
to bo filled in on county, or with the
city recorder if for a city
copy of his petition signed
office, a
by him-
self in the following form:
To (Sec. of state or county
and to the memlers of th
party and the electors of (state,
trict or county in the state of
I, (name) reside at - - and my
post office address is - - I am a duly
registered member of the - - party.
If I am nomiuated for the office of
- - at tho primary nominating
election to be held in th (state, coun
ty or district) the 20 day of April,
1900, I will accept the nomination and
will not withdraw, and if I am elected
I will qualify as such officer.
If I am nominated and elected I will
during my term of office (here the
candidate can us 100 words to state
bis platform).
The foregoing petition for nomina
tions is to be sejiarate from but at
tached to th petition to be signed
by the voters who desire to see the
candidate's name on the ballot, a
copy of th latter petition is to be fil
ed with it and the heading must be
in th following form and addressed
to the secretary of state, county clerk
or city recorder, as the case may be.
We ,the undersigned members of the
party, and qualified electors
and residents of precinct, in the
county of ..... state of Oregou, re
spectfully request that you will cause
to be printed on the official nomina
ting ballot for th party, at the
aforesaid primary nominating elec
tion, th nam of th above signed
...f as a candidate for the nomination
to the office of by 6aid party.
Th man who is a a candidate for
either house of th legislature may
sign on or th other of th following
statements, but 6hould he refuse to
sign either of them that fact will not
effect th filing of his petition :
"I further state to the people of Ore j
gon , as well as to the people of my ,
- ... - .
legislative district, that during my
term of office, I will always vote for
th candidate for United States Sena
tor in congress who has received th
highest number of the peoples votes
for that position at th general elec
tion next preceding the election of a
U. S. senator in congress, without re
gard to my individual preference."
"During my term of office I will
consider th vote of the people for
United States Senator in congress as
nothing more than a recommenda
tion, which I shall be at liberty to
wholly disregard, if the reason for do
ing so seems to me to be sufficient."
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub
lshed. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. QOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Paice of One: The ke County Examlner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days..
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O, fletzker, Lakevlew, Oregon.
Every sheet of th petition must
contain a sworn statement of some!
registered voter that he is ncquaiutcd
with the iersoii who signed it. and
I hut the signatures are genuine, the
pout otUoe
I stated and
they are
voters of the party. I llu paer, ami any iniru jmny in
There must be a separate petition i black ink on yellow paper; also dub
for each precinct in which it is desir- j licate ballots on cheap colored paper
ed to obtain names. A voter iu one , In different colors from the regular
precinct cannot sigu th same
with voters of another precinct, j
No voter can sign a petition unless.
. ...!.... I.... f ll,
lie is rcgisit'itti us (i iiivmii
I party in which the cnnduiatc is seeK
! inif nominaiton that is, no other
J names will be counted on such pcti
At the primaries in Oregon this
year there cau be only two parties
participating. A party iu the mean-1
iug of the primary law, is an organiz
ation for political purposes, wbicn
cast at the election of Juue, 1104, at
least 25 per cent of the votes cast for
the office of congressman, hence only
tho Republican and Democratic part
ies fulfill the definition of the law.
Persons who register under any other
affiliation, "Independent Democrat,"
"Independent Republican," or any
other title or change, will have no
weight on anv retitiou for nomina
tion at the primaries and will not be
allowed to vote at such primary elec
tions. A candidate for a county office must
obtain signers to his petition iu at
least one-fifth of the precincts of the
county; if for a state or district office
and the district comprises more thau
on county, the necessary signers
must include electors residing in each
of at least two counties; if for a state
office to be voted for by th whole
state, the necessary number of siguers
shall include electors residing in each
of at least one-teuth of the precincts
in each of at least seven counties of
the state; if for a congressional office,
the signers shall include electors resid
ing in at least one-tenth of th pre
cincts of at least oue-fourth of the
The number of signers required on
every such petition shall be at least
2 per cent of the party vote, but for
state or congressional offices the num
ber required shall not be more than
on thousand, nor iu any other case
shall th number required exceed 500.
A voter can sign as many petitions
as come to him, even for the same
The petitions for state or district
offices must be filed with the secre
tary of state not less than twenty
days before the primary election, that
. t I .. . '1 1 11! .
is not later thau April 1, this year.
Petitions for offices (except district
attorney) to be voted for in one coun
tv. must be filed not less than fifteen
days before the primary election, that
is April 5 of this year.
Thirty days before the primary elec
tion, or by March 20, must send two
notices to each judge and clerk of
election in each precinct.
Not more thau fifteen days and not
less than twelve days before the prim
ary election, the county clerk must
arrange the ticket, certify to it under
seal, file the same in the office, and j
post a duplicate of it in a couspie-
To All Our
uous pine in his office and keep it
posted there until after primary eloo
He must then have printed on the
official ballots, tho Republican ticket
i in black ink on hit iHr, tho
j Democratic ticket lu black ink on
; imiiois.
xn primary eiccnous win no on
Friday, April -V.
' '
Monday June 4.
! The total number of votes cast In
; Ijike county for the Republican can
i didate for congress in HHU was 471,
j so the total number of signers noees
' sary for a Republican candidate is
10, and they must represent at least 3
out of the 12 precincts. The total
Democratic vote for congressman was
22U and the number of signers requir
ed for a candidate of that party for a
county officer is 5, which ictltlou
must also represent at least 3 pre
ciucts out of the 12 in I-uko county.
To le precinct committeeman of
either party a petition must also be
filed with the clerk signed by at least
two signers from tho precinct iu
which the applicant is a caudidate.
Aspirants for nominations for the
office of Joint-Senator or Joint-Representative,
iu districts where several
counties are joined together to form a
Senatorial or Representative district,
must file their petitions for nomina
tion iu the office of the Secretary of
State, while aspirants for seats in the
Legislature to lie filed by election iu
one county only, must file their peti
tion in th County Clerk's office.
This distinction is important not
only because of the place of filing but
because one seeking a nomination for
Joint Senator or Joint Representa
tive must tile his petition by March
30, while other Legislative aspirants
have until April 4 to file.
In all cases where the election dis
trict comprises more than oue county,
the candidate in the direct primary
must file his petition iu the office of
th Secretary of State.
Don't Get Wet!
will keep you dry as
nothing else will, because
they arc the product of
the best materials and
seventy years' experi
ence in manufacturing.
Boston, U.S.A.
TOWT CAXADXaS 00.. ltd.
Tomato, Caa.
Every man owes it to himself and his
family to master a trade or profession.
Read the display advertisement of the
six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this
issue and learn how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and he
assured a position. aug'Mni
Imt Prrformed
Of nil tlit? millions who wnltx, r ho
ran tell how this fniuous dance orig
inated? The story h a curious oue. It
Is wrongly supposed that Franc r
reived the valtx front tlcnnnny toward
the close of the eighteenth century.
The wnltx did not emanate In Its pres
ent form from tho brain of n dancing
master. Long before 17so, the time tt
Is first mentioned under this mime, It
was displayed on the village green.
The wait was fir. it danced In the
riiurcii and serve to true ttie union
between ancient, civilization and that
of the middle age.
The sacred dunce of the pagans U
preserved to n certain extent In Chris
tian rites. It Is transformed to a nerlei
of revolutions made to the sound of the
tambourine. St. Isidore. nrehbNhop
of Seville, born about A.I. 5S0. was
Intrusted by the council of Toledo with
the revision of (lie liturgy as It was
then practiced In the Roman church, In
which there win a tambourine dance.
The council decided to adopt tho Na
dorian liturgy In nil Spain, and It dif
fered but little from that used In other
countries at that fine.
This rite, celebrate I before the eighth
century, when the Moors first Invaded
Spain, was still celebrated by the Chris
tians In the seven churches of Toledo,
Which the Moors abandoned after their
capture of the city, and It was nfter
that time culled the Moorish rite. This
was known and employed In Provence
and Italy. The tambourine In use In this
religious dance was called by St. Isi
dore "inolte do symphonic." nnd evi
dently corresponded to the Instrument
which In the ancient snored dances ac
companied the flute, n sort of bncplpe
Invented two centuries before Christ.
As the religious dance of the middle
ngos Is allied to the nnclent snored
dance so the wnltx Is an evolution of
this religious dance, having pnssed
through ninny chances beforo nrrlvlng
In Its present form. In the eleventh
century, when the fJregorlnn rite sup
planted the Moorish rite, the dance dls
npicnred from the church. It npponred J
very quickly In society under the nnmo
of "cnrole," a word derived from tho
Latin "caroler."
Some of liv IVrullo rltlra of This
Very Qarrr Animal.
A moNt reinnrknblo creature la the
chnnieloon. To all nppenrnnces the
nervous centers In one Intend half of
this animal work Independently of
thotte In the bther. nnd It has two later
al centers of perception Rensatlon nnd
motlou besides the common one In
which must reside the faculty of con
centration. The eyes move Independ
ently of oue another and convey sepa
rate Impressions to their respective
centers of perception. The consequence
Is that when the animal Is (imitated Its
movements resemble those of two ani
mals or rather perhaps two halves of
animals Klnod together. Kadi half
wishes to ti'i Its own way. uud there Is
no concordance of action.
Therefore the chameleon Is the only
four legged vertebrate that Is unable
to swim. It becomes so frightened
when dropped Into water that nil facul
ty of concentration Is lost ami the crea
ture tumbles about as If In n Mute of
Intoxication. When a chameleon Is un
disturbed every Impulse to motion Is
referred to the proper tribunal, nnd the
whole organism nets In nccordance
with Its decrees. The eye. for example,
that receives the Mroiip-st Impression
propagates it to the common center,
which then prevails upou the other eye
to follow that Impression and direct
Us gaze toward the same object.
Moreover, the chameleon may be fast
asleep on one Hide and wide awake on
the other. Cautiously approached nt
night with n caudle ho ns not to nwnk
en the whole unlmal nt once, the eye
turned toward the light will open, be
gin to move and the corresponding side
to change color. The other Hide will re
main for a longer or shorter time In a
torpid, motionless and unchanged state
with Its eye fast nhut. Chicago News.
Crrbfrm' Tliree Hradi.
The most famous of dogs Is Cerbe
rus, who watches the entrance to Tar
tarus. Ho has three heads, but Her
cules dragged him to earth and Or
pheus put him to sleep with his lyre.
The original dog cakes were given to
Cerberus by the sibyl who led .Eneas
through hell. They were niado of flour
and seasoned with poppies and honey.
He must bare been an opium fiend, aa
tho celestial drug Is made from pop
ples. A "sop to Cerberus" was ono of
these cakes given to the monster by
Greeks and Romans as a bribe to let
them In without molestation.
Reflected Glory.
A critic relates that he was once pres
ent In the cottage at Ecclefecfian where
Carlyle first saw the light, when an en
thusiastic pilgrim asked In awestruck
tones, "And la this really the room In
which Carlyle was born?" and received
from the gudewlfe the answer, "Aye,
in' oor Maggie was born here too."
Aa fcixcaTatloa.
"Yes, my son."
"What la an excavation?"
"Why, aa excavation, my boy, la a
place from which dirt baa been taken."
"Well, I suppose my face la an exca
vation, then?" Yonkers Statesman.
That Settled It.
"Your new bouse la nearly complet
ed, you say? I thought the plana didn't
ult yon at all."
"They didn't, but my wife and the
architect insisted they were all right"
Philadelphia Press.
There la no killing the ituspicJon thai
lecelt baa enee begotten. George Eliot.
A A. WITIUM, M. D, f
III! T V 111. 1.
I'hj alrlan and Nurarnn
OFFICK-Nt'W Paly lliill.tlng.
i.. r. 4osm
Attorney Ml I .aw
.akrvlrw, Orrgoa
omcr.-ifety imiiiiiBK.
I ml .tlnltera MmtUII
OFFIt'K-Ily Hulutlim.
mnnnaru nr Ttir unnin lasovirw
v "iiuuun ur inr, nuiuu cmp k. s-
' "TTwla nn thr Sit n.l 4!li WciurUr of
V em'h iii'iiiih til MumniiH' 1111. ill p. m.
) K r t IHtT, I tiliatll l olllinamiir.
&. ,N. IAIJI 111, llrrK.
.1 I
I. O. O. K. nirru On- ll mul ,1I Tlmrw
S t)r vvrnlnirnof mch month 111 M Krl
lo' 1111, Ijikrvlrw. H. K. Ahitmoh,
vS, CP., W, J, MooHR, Ht'litx.
tuip ninm u kept fiui k.c ru'i
III J rHrLn Auwicy ik Hun
wmie Slrcvt. ban Prani'lx'o. I nf.. whirr
couiract (or lvirtltin can bewatlelor It
C litwMTlbcri to 1hi
KmniliH-r who rtrnoT
In iiiiilii-r. ur rhikiiRc
O (nun oni- liM-alliy
their xtorltr lilrru Ulnillld r' mi-ill Imt Ifl
drop 1I1U urtu r i nl hi Ihi Ir iaT on be il-
arrMt'H tu Ibv riKMI xtilm-a.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tablets. All dmi-tii refund the
money if it fails to cure. K. V. Urove'e
oiitnHlure is on each box. -'.
Look at the lci'ription of the laud
listed with The Kxnininer ln week for
sale, and select your piece before it has
been sold to come one else. tf
It is a volume of nearly
seven hundred pages and
sells for 25c. Sent by mail
foi 35c.
A Reference Book of un
sual value, almost indispens
able to any man of business,
or in the professions.
It contains information on
more than 1,000 timely top
ics and presents over 10,000
facts such as arise daily for
Election statistics, agricul
tural, financial, educational,
tailroads, shipping,etc, etc.,
through all the list of topics
where newjfigures are most
valuable. 34 columns of in
dex. Send for this ''Standard
American Annual." Addr
ess THE WORLD, Tulitzer
Building, New York City.
. . . TIMI! TAI1LI3 . . .
In Kffect May M. 11K15.
f r. Tlimll . , A A. M I v. l'ikrUm In IS A M
Ar. lingua. .. .A " Ar, I'IiIm I0.M '
Ht. pl Mr' It 4ft ' K I'd Hi'ia II.4H
" Kail "r"a . .7 lift ' " KnlH'rwd II .4ft
' Kl'h Hp'.? li HO'i-l llr'g la mi "
I'ltlc R.IO ii mil. I'.'.'Jii r M
11 roarKftlimii.ttl 'llimll I'M ft "
Klamath Spring Special.
I.v. Thrall.
.11 V,
M.l.v. Kl'h rVa,4ft r. M
Ar. rail I iwhl Ml "
' ivtl Hr'c-t'H i) "
1 tiiiia H.WI "
' 'lloall S.48
Ar. Iingm
1 ftft
lir'Bri ift
r ail I r.-rlt a.:iA
Ki ll .40
II. K. IIANKKN, I'mp'r.
Office In Itlcbcr'a 5tore
Plaice leaves Ijikeview daily, ei
t-ept r-nmlny at tt a. in. Arrives
at Aliuras at 0 p. m.
1-nve Allurat for lakevlew at
0 o'clock a. in., or on the arrival
dltlie stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in lakevlew in 13 hours al
ter leavinK Altura.
Freight - Matters - Cllven
Strict Attention
first - C'ss Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VAUIN, Proprlttar.
Office in llnkvllle Hotel
Klamath I'all.
Iaily from i'okrircina ly Keno, Klain
ath KallH, lniry, llniianzn, and lily to
Pally (mm I.nkevii-w hy illy, Ilonania
Dairy, Klamath Kalln, Kmo, to 1'u
From Klamath FalU to Keno by
r)ttamtr and from Kiio to Pukctfotna
over the Haiinct Four-llorno Hto( Line.
Good Stock
Easy Coaches
t?. I.. McNai'uiitun, l'rop.
Office at .Mercantile Store
Hko Iravi'a Ijikcvii'w Moiulay, Wed
ncMiIayn and Fridays nt 0 a. in., arrives
at I'luali at II p. iu, I.'iiv l'liihh Tui'B-
lays, I'liMrfdaya nnd Suturduyn, at 6
a. in., nrrivci nt J-akovirw nt U p. m.
1'uancucr lure t'.l mih way or 5 tot
round tri. Freight ralrH from May
lut to Nov. Jut f.75 i'T hundred ; Iroir
Nov. lt to Mhv lnt 11.00 M r liutidre
I'nitfd .S'tntt'H I, nnd Offu-f, Lnkt-vlvw,
On-iton, Oi:tolH-r 'Mi, T.MI5. Notice in
hereliy uiven that in couiiiliiincu with
the proviHioiiH of the Act of June .'I, 178
entitled "An act for the xnlo of timber
IhihIh in the HtatcH of California, Oregon,
Aevaila ami aHlnnuton Jerritory." aa
extended to all the l'nhlic Land State.
hy act of AiiuiiHt 4. lH'C, Frank Hall.
of Klamath Falln, county (A Klnmath,
atute of Oregon, hai thia day tiled In
tli ih office li ih Hworn atateuientN No. :I015
for the purchaHu of the S NKI4 NJO'
Nw H hVM and lot 2 of nwlion l'J
in towiiHhip No. 34 H., JtaiiKe No, 14 L.,
w. in., and will offer proof to aliow that
the land aouxht ia more valuable for ita
timber or atone than for agricultural
purposes and to eatablinh hia claim to
xnid land before Cieo. ChiiHtain, clerk of
Klamath county, at hiBoffice at Klamath
FaMa, Oreion, on Katurday. the l.'tlh day
of January, l'JUtl. lie names VtitnesNuai
V. II. Mi-Cumber, of Dairy, Oregon:
Herliert Crammer, F'rud ItenHinu of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, and K. A.
McCulley, of McCloud, Calif.
Any and all iwrnonii clalmmn adverse
ly the nlKjve-des :riled lanila are request
ed to file their claims in this ofliee on
or before Haiti 73th day of Jan., IIXNJ.
41-1 J. N. Watson, licKister.
In all lu tagc.
Ely's Cream Balm4
clcanaut, soothe and heals
the dlnvaacd membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold lu the head
Cream Halm Is irtacod Into the nostrils, spreada
over the membrane and Is absorbed, llellef Is Im
mediate and a cure follows. Ills not drying doua
not produce neenlnij. Large Hire, SO cents at Ptutf
gists or by mall Trial Hlxa, 10 cents.
ELY UUOTIIRS, t6 Warrea Btraot, Kew York
James Barry
Brnds with Swallow fork tu
right ear for ewes; if verse
for wethers. Borne ewes Square Crop and BUI
n right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane
take. fostofflce address, Lakevlew, Oregon
Zac Whitworth
Brands with Crop off left
ear, Half Underorop 08
right tor ewes 1 reverse for wethers Tar Brand
W. Range, Fish Creek. fostoJBee address
Lakevlew, Oregou