Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 01, 1906, Image 7

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    front. Yet ttn-w'olJ nttlir tilt us,
aro ntHMiiliiKly KrowliiK Ium Mltflitful
us tlio country m,u1i,s up. This, In
fact, njipoarii to be a Kcul1arltjr f x
mtIoiio1 lu almost all newly wettli'il
If-M'nlltlon mnl M attrllMitalilo ljr
limny tothu chvtrlntf off and plowing
the Krounil, coinhliicil with thofriHMl
alluvial ft am that cmmlnU with
ami iiiotllfy the Htttrlcnl conditions
that obtained at earlier mUAn. lie
Hi Im an It may, I do not aumimo to
reason on throw lilies I only know
tho climate U jcro whiff Ira rlfforou
mid It U only once In a rreat while
that front wrlouly Injure our fruit
fled In doliiif It.
l'lah Lake Trout will weigh from
to7 Mm. ami are a flue Mali. Moun
tain Trout ifrow from 4 to 12 lnliea
Ions and are an palatable and Kamy
a the epicure or aportwman could
wish. Salmon Trout averaRo oliout
nine pound, und sometime wcIk"
uh much hn fifty pounds, and are
plentiful In the tributarily of Klam
ath Lake.
Htock iWdhiff: Commence about
thollrMtof January and stock are
tu mod out to HklriuUh for tlirmwl
vch about the 15th of March.
HounlniStiM'k: Nostockl houm-d
during the winter except It U milch
oowh, team home and yoiiiiK stock
of small fiirmerH, and much ol that
never Kit inside a barn or shelter.
( old Weather: Generally Heakliig
we hiiveonecold spell clurlntf the win
ter, when the mercury drop from
one to live degrees below sero, this
may 1h for one only or It may Inst
an many a four or five days thin
doe notoceurevery winter. Correct
ly HpoakInK, wo have about two
months of winter weather.
Warm Weather: In July th mer
cury will run up an hlh an ." or M
degree for one or two days, but w hen
ullit?oineH'oi will require the UHtial
numlxT of blanket on your bed.
Destructive Storm or wlml: We
have neither cyclone, hurrleau or
destructive wind Ntorin, but Just en
ough wind to tie healthful and Invig
orating. We have occasionally what
I called a thunder shower, and yet
we can a,v It I a very raro thing to
hear distinct thunder or see eharp
llKhtnluK, cmwMiuently you will not
Mud a lightning rod In UiU county.
Neither do we know of a single case
of any jhtsoii being struck by light
ning In this county.
Ice: The thickest form In large
pool of still Water, sometime a
much a 14 Inches thick (no we are
told, but the writer boa never seen It)
the usual thlcknes put up here tor
uniiui-r iisel from six toeight Inches,
and some winters It does not form
thick enough to put up for summer
Saloon: Some corresponden t s
have asked uh how It I possible, for
us to make claim to a high-toned
and well regulated a condition of so
ciety as we do, and at the same time
support t lie uumlMT of saloon we
do? In answering this question
satisfactorily, It 1 necessary that
the questioner should tsi somewhat
acquainted with the way of the
people of tho Pacific coast, lu order
that they comprehend the sltuatlou
as it exists. The fact Is, saloons
with u and the Eastern people are
two different Institution and society
treats these here in a different light,
for here, the business man tie he church
member or not, does not lose caste If
business takes him Into a saloon, so
long as ho doe uot patronize the
gambling or club rooms, as they are
culled, ho deem his conduct as free
from reproach as was that of feas
or's wife uud society deems hi in so
and treats hi in as being superior to
and above contamination by such
surroundings. This bolng a great
stock growing country, many cow
punchers, herders, camp tenders, etc.
aro employed tho year round, and
they belong of all nationalities and
transient to a great extent, contrib
ute largely to the support of the sa
loons, and with all our floating
population It is a rare thing to see a
drunken man on our streets.
Secret Orders:. Embracing the A.
F. & A. M. and chapter, 1. 0. (). F.
and Kebekahs, Woodmen.Qnd Circle,
Workmen, and Degree of Jjjinor, the
Foresters, tho Eagles, uroia a flour
ishing condition. W ; , .
Our many mountain strcn afford
tho purest and best water, and good
water Is obtained almost anywhere
by digging or driving from fourteen
to twenty -four feet.
The Desert !and Act:-lVrmlt oris
to take acres or less, and his wife
can also do the same, on the condi
tion that each will pay 25 cents per
acre at the time of filing. They will
also Im required to expend labor to
the amount of one dollar per acre on
It each year for three years this ex
pcndlturo to Ikj on the Improvement
of tho property, such as fencing,
ditching, building or making reser
voirs or diverting streams onto It,
clearing, plowing, etc. At or Is'fore
the expiration of the third year each
will pay one dollar more, making a,
total of 1.25 per acre in cash.
Tlintsr and Stone Iwind: Per acre
$'.'.50. Ninety days after application
must tie proved upon and paid for.
One ran only take 100 acres or less of
this class of land; a wife can also ac
quire title to these lands.
Homestead: Of 100 acres or less,
costs for filing (10 and advertising
Stage Fares; about 0 cts per mile.
From Madeline to Lakevle w by Ktago
fU.00. Stage leave Madeline one
evening and arrive at Lakeview the
next evening.
The recent discovery of Hold and
Coper deposits 20 miles south of
Lakeview, on the divide Is-twon
Fort llldwell and Pine Creek, and
the discovery of Hold, Silver andOal
eiia on the mountain near PaUley,
also the fact that highly mineralized
rock Is found and exhibited by many
herders and vanqiiero from many of
the surrounding ranges that almost
make u know that If t hew llmls
prove half as rich a reputed, we mny
yet find that Lake County ha an
Eldorado of Us own, that only a-
waits the advent of n class of pros-1
j xt torn, miners, farmer ami wide:
awake buslnes men, who would not
only develop and unearth a mineral j
wealth not dreamed of heretofore, j
but will hasten the p'oplu of fur off
localities to come and take a look at
till land of promise.
Almost every Industry and occu
pation may Is? pursued here the year
round under our climatic conditions.
Our hills and mountain abound in
antelope, deer and smaller game;
while our valleys afford a veritable
paradise for geese, ducks, etc.
Like all new countries, this affords
Inducements not only to the capital
ist, but to the brainy buslucss man,
the frugal earnest every day laborer,
who, all lu their owu line will devel
op enteritises uot now thought of.
We exect at an early date the ad
vent of a rail road, and when this
Ufoint'H an assured fact, the funeral
knell will 1st rung on ourcheap lands
and your golden opportunity lost to
profit by the advantages you could
now profit by, lu securing a home ut
a small outlay.
As owucr must sell tho NJ Sec. 10,
Twp. 38 S linage 19 East good timber,
cut :i,t00,0(0 feet pine und cedar pleu
ty water, also sec '30 same Twp. GOO
acres natural hay, creek thru same.
Land 15 miles NV of Lakeview. Saw
mill 1 miles north Seo 30. If
you mean business write for spot cash
price or niuko oirer now. Frank W.
1Iooht, Atty., Yruku Ctd.
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of Tiles. "I can
truthfully say," writes Harry Colson, of
Masonville, la., "that for Blind, deed
ing, Itching and Protruding Files,
liucklen's Arnica Salve, is the best cure
made." Also best for cuts, burns and
injuries. 25c at Lee Beall's, druggist.
Annually, to fill the new positions creat
ed by Railroad andTelegraph Companies,
we want YOUNd MEN and LADIES of
good habits, to
Learn Telegraphy
And R. R. Accounting
Weiuriilih74pereutit.oi the Operators and
Station Agents In America. Our tlx schools ara
the largoit exoluilva Telegraph Schools Is The
World. Established 90 yuan and ondorned by
all loading Railway Ottlolals.
Wa execute a 1240 Bond to every student to
(urnUh htm or her a position paying from 140
to 00 a month In states east of the Rocky Moun
tains, or from 176 to loo a month In atatos went
of the Rockioi, Immediately upoa greduatloa.
Students can enter at any time. No vaoa
tloui. For full particulars regarding any ol
our schools, write direct to our exeeutlveofllce
at Cincinnati, Ohio. Colalogue Free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy.
AVc tfefalk? Preparation for As-
slmilalini? the Food and Re 9 ui-
ting Die ofcin&cMwifliJowisoi
Promotes DigcstionChperful
ness and Rest .Contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not Naiic otic.
Am, im U-
A perfect Remedy forConstjpA
Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms A)nvulskns,Feverish
neat nnd Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the . t
Signature Aw
mm mm r
jay w
For Over
Thirty Years
lib rti mm WIHI II 4
tms mmM nn,t. tn errr.
Cincinnati, Ohio
AtlanU, Ua.
Teaarkana, Tea
Buffalo, N. Y.
La Crosse, Wis.
5ao Francisco, Cat
Thaoush Salt Lake City, dlenwood Springs, Leadvllle, Pueblo,
Colorado Springs and Denver.
A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery
Pasting; Castle date. Canyon of The drande, Tennessee Pass,
Marshall Pasa and the Royal dorge
For Detailed Information Address
C. flcBRIDE, General Agent
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREdON
..Lakeview Meat Market..-
JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor
pnoeuffto awn DtrcMOt o.
Butnnt Srrrl 4 WmiklngUm wwi Ihmt,
tot if Mitmt frsttlee Utlselvtlf.
WrH.wrti.iHK o MM
sts aawa st, t am una mi sate,
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
liio Connetlcut Avenue
Washington, D. C.
All person wk have bwretetore nia4 PINAL
PROOF In mny klixl f Land, Mineral or Tln
er Entrlre, lrtcli has been accepted r tb
Rf lur T RmcWct M any V. 5. Land Office,
can have the hwnance of their U. . Patent lot
said Lands promptly attended ta br sending
M their Duplicate Recclsts, or Certlflcatee at
Entry, and an afreenient ta pay ae 910 when
ever said Patent shall ba.
Orefon, Callfornl
and Nevada
Stat Agent
The Angel Child
WHERE, oh, where la the little boy
With the anl face and tb
fluffy hnlr.
The child who mt ma with ehawia
of Joy
Whon the day waa dona and I turned
from care?
Be Is gone, he Is gone, th beautiful chlM
Who ul to clinhrr upon my knea
And softly say as he sweetly smlted,
"Pleaee, pupa, now tell a "tory to im."
The light still gleams In the window when
I Journey home at the eloaa of day.
Weary from striving with eaarr nwn
And laboring much for a little pay.
But the sweet faced baby who at the door
Stood ready to greet me with shout Of
Is waiting to hear my etep no more
Ah, where I my Innocent little boyT
Behold, out there whore th turf I torn
A scors of giant who slug and slam.
And each of them aa a babe wna' born
As Innocent aa a little Iambi
Each of the brawny one gouging there
Mav once have eat on his father knee
And gladdened a heart that wa torn br
As my little on used to gladden me,
Ah. where Is the child with th angel face
And th gentle vole and th wee, sort
hands T
Behold him there as he takes hi place
And eiucerlr and half crouching stand!
He haa broken another man's leg today;
Ills shins are barked, and they've skin
ned his brow.
Mr sweet Hit! boy haa been taken await
He la getting hi nam? ID th paper
pow. j.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Tradc Mark
Copyrights Ac.
Armeen41nf a tketeh and deaertptlnn may
quick If M.'CTtain onr optnbm free whether aa
Until m rtetlramsdent fid. Handbook on
em free. I1M afrenry fur wmirtns patent .
Patent taken throoih Munn A Co. receive
tpttitU natut, without cbr, in ue
Scicniific American.
A handaomely nhnrtrafed weekly, fjtrveet e1r
ralatlon of any dentine JmL Terni. S3 a
yew: f oar month. L Bold brail newMlealvra.
KUNN&Co.88,Bw- New York
Braoch CrtDon. at V 8U Wahlnatmi. IX C
$150 Reward.
The HarneyCounty
Live Htock Asiwcia
tion. ol which I am
a member, payt 1750
reward (or evidence
leading to the con
viction of parties
tealing stock be
longing to U mem
ber, jn addition I
ofler S.iOO reward.
Horae brand horse
shoe bar on either
or both laws. Re
corded inSconntiet
Ranse. Earner, Lake and Crook Counties
Horws vented when sold. Horse sold to ta
through thla section will be reported in thi
paper. II not so reponea, pieae write or teie
nhone The Times Herald, Main 324. Bum. Ore
gon W W BaowH, File, Ore.
riae Mkrep Kaarh la aiedee Oeaaty
The Examiner ha for ale one of th
iheep rancbea in Modoc county, which ro.
trol the beat range in California. It consist
of 660 acr?t all under fence, it lies alone Pitt
river for 2 miles. Besides other building
mere are two nouses i-, mues apart, ji i an
ideal aheep ranch. It taken quick it will be
soia tor touuu.
KE j f which The Examiner ex-
! celIs" We have aU the late
pjp styles in type and keep in
QJJ'JPY stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
F? J J )r prices will be found to compare 1
favorably with other prices.
Aa Iaveatlv Goal a.
Tramp Please, mam, I'm an Invent
or, mum. I'm lntroducin' my new pat
ent combined knife an' fork 'an' spoon
for one armed persona.
Lady There are no one armed per
sona In tbls family.
Tramp Mebby not, nam, but some
time yon might meet some person o
nnfortnnate as to have bnt one arm,
an' then yon could recommend tfle
great Invention to blm, mum.
Lady I certainly rnould If It Is good
for anything.
Tramp Well, mum. Just hand me
somethln' warm an' flllin' on a plate,
an' I'll show yon how It works. New
York Weekly.
What Ailed Them.
"Wot youse klda howling about?"
"We jest had one of them there pre
monitions dat we ain't goln' ter get
nnffln' fer Christmas agIn!" New
York American.
aysrVsv CrOrtay4
Leeaoa la Proaaatltade.
A Philadelphia lawyer was one day
discoursing upon the Importance rJI
Impressing upon the young -mind the
necessity for cultivating the virtues of
regularity and precision.
"Early In life," said he, "I had this
lesson Imparted to me by my tutor,
lie was a Frenchman by birth. I can
never forget the earnestness with
which he used to descant upon the sub
ject. 'For punctuality, young sir,' he
would say, 'permit me to commend to
you ze example of ze sun, which, rises
exactly at break of day, nevaire before,
nevalre after.' "St Louis Republic.
"Did that lady make a complaint
against that sneak thief for stealing
her Jewelry?"
"No. She said she'd rather lose it
than explain what she was doing when
he entered. She was gossiping over
the back fence at the time."
"She was afraid she'd have to repeat
the gossip In court" Detroit Free
la th Mldat ( It.
"Yes," said the young writer, "I've
got pretty deep Into my new novel
"Ah." remarked the friend, "the plot'B
thickening, eh?"
"Yes, perhaps that's it; at any rate
I'm stuck." Catholic Standard and
Times. T-
Th Beat Artlet.
"Dobber Is a fine artist. Isn't her
"Yes, but he Is not as good as Smeer."
"I have been told that Dobber draws
the finest pen and Ink sketches of any
body In the city."
"Yes, but Smeer is fine at drawing
customers." Dallas News.
Awfal to Contemplate.
"Most of us seem to forget," said the
ponderous person, "that actions speak
plainer than words."
"Gracious!" exclaimed Henpeck. "If
they speak louder than my wife's
words I want to keep on forgetting.
Philadelphia Press. ,
Tommy Bemembered.
Mother Now, Tommy, stick out jom
tongue so the doctor can see it
Tommy But mamma, you told me at
was very naughty to stick out my
tongue at people Chicago News.
Ho Here Bomameo. 1
"Yon ended your novel at the moat
Interesting part Just aa the hero mi
rlad the heroine." 1
Nevellst-Oh, that finished itl Towa
and Country. t
in i
Evas Toat Itf
.Aa eunce of sincerity la worth a toa
of.Uarnsy. Life,