Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 01, 1906, Image 5

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    "Keep off Goose Lake."
Or tiAcThorn ton's Favor! tet'rean
for chapped and red akin."
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls and muffins.
An absolutely pare, cream of tartar powder
j -!
BoMttonnl Xocnl
Walnuts Mt Ahlntroui Bros. 1
Imtrli Itux-h at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Dutch lunch at tho Brewery Ha
lonn. tf.
Nw lino of Gents neckwear at I
M. Co. 3
Workmen nro liiittfawl thin week la
moving tint M. E . Parsonage to the
lot recently purchased for that
purport. Thn oll rod butcher shop
wiih moved to tho next lot north.
(3. K. Sherlock, whose sheep Hre
wintering la Klnnuith county, about
20 iuIIkn south of Morrill, Inform um
that tint Know wiih not ho deep um to
endanger the safety of tho stock.
Wo understand tlmt tho principal
of tho 1'itlHloy school him is-en having
A hard time of it this winter with
some of tho boys and that tho school
is not progressive hh It should le.
WANTED: 10 men In each hUiU
to travel, poat signs, advertise ami
leave samples of our goods. Kalary
f 75.U0 jkt month. tn.(H) jkt lay for
oxm)mih. ROYAL Kl'PPLY CO.;
Dept. W, Atlas Block, Chleiigo. r.2-2-
Every man own It to hlmscll ami his
In mily to master trade or profession.
Read the display advertisement o( the
Ix Morse Schools ol Telegraphy, in thin
issue and learn how eauily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy ami ho
assured a ixwiliim. aug3-4ni
Prljclrt fully Hurried.
C'liiw. W. Moore, u machinist, of
Fold City, Pa., had hla hand fright
fully liiirue(l in an electrical furnace,
lie applied Rucklcn's Arnica Salve
with tho usual result: " aiulck
perfect cure." (ircatcat healer on ea
rth fr l'.uriiH, Wound, Sores, Eczema
and Piles. ".V at P.eall Druggist.
The Wool Harket.
V Kiliiii-u are divided in their opiii'
ions ail to tho prospects for priceMthia
yeiir. While growers hope that the
advance of tho pant year or two will
lie. continued, buyers declare that the
limit has lioou reached. Contracting
for the coining season's clip la there
fore at ii standstill in Oregon and
other parts of the West. Wool dealer
aro not averse to buying the clip
ahead, hut the high prices asked hy
growers have kept the trader from
operating. The latter boo no prollt
onjtho presout basis ami conaeiiiently
fool that they illicit as well invest
their nioirey lu other quarters an to
curry the wool. Tho majority of them
have decided to wait until either the
growers modify their price or until
shearing time. That the farmer are
not aliine in their idea a to value
1 shown hy the fact that many Kant
em speculator lu lloocoa ure hIho
holding their wool at price that mer
chant will not uutertuin.
Oregou wool are quiet in the Bos
ton market with practically no de
muud. Oregon iun.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues inflammation It heals,
strengthens. Youn jioctor will
explain thisto you. He knows
all about this cougn medicine.
- Wa liva mail Afar'i i'Mrty I'i'tnrl lu
our fmiiily for M vvri for tlirom it ml lunir
truublm. inl w ililuk no moillclue iUkI Ii."
Mao. A. itUKttuir, Aiilluu, MUiu.
2SAMfl..fl 00.
All ilrDftftofi-
t. C. ATIR CO..
f.fiwill Mil.
Weak Throats
Ayer'a Pills greatly aid recovery.
Purely vegetable,, ttently laxative.
To the Democratic Voters
I announce myself a a candidate
for thn olllco of Sheriff of Lake coun
ty, Oregon, subject to tho action of
the Democratic party In Primary Kle
ction, to he hold on April tb, 1IKXJ.
M I) Hopkins
T tha Democratic Party ol Laka County.
I most roMpiH'tftilly submit my
tin mo hm a candidate for the nomina
tion of Sheriff of Lako county, Ore
gon, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Party In Primary Election to
m bold on April 2, HXMJ.
K. P. Lane.
To kepublicane of Lake County.
I herehy auhmit my nume a a can
didate for tho olllceof HherlfT of Lake
County, OroKon, auhje:t to the action
of the llcputillcauH of the county, in
primary Kloctlon on April 2rth, ltMi.
Allart Dent
Tolh Hrpubllcaatof Lak County.
I aaplre to le the lt4piihlicuu nominee
for County Clerk of Iake county,
Oregon, at tho veneral election next
June, and will aubmit my name for
your conalderation at tho Primary
Kloctlon to bo bold April 20th, ' l'.X.
I aak at your hand a careful conaid
orutlonof my quallllcatlou, and, if in
your opinion, I am capable and wor
thy, roMctfully iwk your anpport.
Your Truly,
K. N. Jaiuih.
To The Republican Voter.
I hereby announce myaelf a cnudl-
dato for tho olllco of County Clerk of
Lake county, Oregon, aubject to the
doclaion of the IUpublicau voter of
lnke county at tho primary election
to Ih held on April SHli, IMHJ.
J. W. Tucker.
Because He Wants It.
Some candidate are born. Other
liecomo candidate nt tho urgent aolic
itution of their friend, but J. L.
Smith I u candidate for county clerk
of Lake county, aubject to action 1 of
tho Republican Parly in Primary Elec
tion, April U0, 11KM liecaur-e ho want
the olllco.
Democrotc Voter. Notice.
1 hereby announce mjelf a candi
date for the olllco of Sheriff of Inko
county, Oregon cubject to tho decis
ion of the Democratic voter, at tho
primary election to bo held on April
'Ji'th, I'.HV..
Loo lleidl.
Hon. F. W. Benson, for Secretary of J
Hon. Prank W. HotiHon, of Ilose
burg, Oregon, ha announced himnelf
a candidate for the Republican nomi
nation for Secretary of State, at the
coming primary election. Mr. Pennon
linn no platform other than to aasure
the public that lu tho event of hi
election tothl high otllce, he will de
voto all hi time, energy and ability
to giving a faithful, prompt, econo
mical and satisfactory administration
of tho affair of tho oitlee. Mr. Uou
hou 1 well known to tho people of the
State of Oregon, having been a resi
dent of the State for more than 23
He i a lawyer of acknowledged ub
illty, a man of conservative buslues
habit, President of tho Douglas
County Hank at ttosoburg, and ha
tho confidence of all the men who
know him. Tho voter of Lake Coun
ty will make no mistake, If they cast
their ballot for him.
Post & Kinfil have tho beet grado
of liquor uud clgurs to be' found in
The Yellow Fever Germ.
hat recently been diacovered. It
bear a cloae reiJeinblunee to tho mal.
aria germ. To free the system from
diaeane germa, the most effective rem
ody la Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Guaranteed to euro all diseases due
to malaria poison aud constipation.
25c. at Leo lleall's Drug Store.
Great, . Reduction Sale,
Beginning to-day, we will sell all Ladies' Shirt
Waists at COST,
All Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Capes
and Jackets at a DISCOUNT of 25 per cent
We are also making a great SACRIFICE in
all Ladies' and Misses' Walking Skirts.
Call and see us and be convinced that what we
BUa j 111 Kiel Yw Haw AlmrsBoqtfl
Dr. Wiuhycomb's Announcement.
To F. I. Dunlmr, Secretary of State
of the State of Oregon, and to the
uiemlxT of the Republican party,
and the elector of Oregon In the State
of Oregon : j
I, James Witbycomlai, reside at Cor-,
vail is, Ponton County, Oregon and
my post-olllce address i "Corvalll. !
Oregon." I am a duly registered;
member of the Republican party. If ;
I axn nominated for the office of Gov- j
eruor, at tho primary nominating j
election to m neia in me riaie 01
Oregon, the twentieth day of April,
t t o...1
l-u, I w ill m . l-i. m uv.
will not withdraw, aud If I am elected
I will qualify a such olllcer. '
If 1 am nominated aud elected I will, j
duriug my term of otllce, advocate j
and support:
Taxation of franchise and gross
earning tax on telegraph, telephone, !
ttii-iHHtf mid'ci)iiii car coroora-!
J, '
u,'".. . 4.
uunorm uAM'twmrui uuu iuauhuu ui . trator of the estate of E. II. Gibbina,
railroads. , i deceased, and also of the Partner-
Slute regulation and examination ship of Hartzog & Gibbins, in pur
..f u.,.i riv, 1 .,.!.. tn,8tmm.iM t,f. n order c.f the County
...... ....
pauies aud savings banks
Protection of the State in its owner
ship of public lands.
A board of control for state institu
tions. One board for management of nor
mal schools.
Improvement of the Columbia and
Willamette River and coast seaiort.
National ownership of the Oregon
City locks.
Constitutional amendment permit
ting the Governor or people to veto
individual item of appropriation.
An honest and fearless performance
of public duty.
"Honest aud fearless performance
of public duty. A greater aud unit
ed Oregon."
Dated at Corvalll, Oregon, January
12, 11HX1.
Homeaeckers Coming.
That the movement of settler into
Oregou will be the heaviest during
the coming spring that the statu ha
ever known in a season i the belief
of passenger otllcial of the rotuls en
tering Portlaud aud haudliug Coast
tin tile. They are a unit iu declaring
that, a indicated by inquiries from
all part of the country aud particu-
larly the Middle West, the exodus to i
uregon and tne ortnwesi, oegiuuiug
February 1". by those who iuteud to
make the Pacific slope their perma
nent home, w ill be unparalleled.
Never before ha Oregon been so
well advertised In all part of the East
as it now is. The Exposition helped
this condition no little aud the large
amount of advertising spread about
by the railroads to get the Fair busi
ness had a lasting effect that will
bring many westward whou the colon
ist rates become effective the middle
of next month. Oregou iau.
Drylnff preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
iug inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that whioh cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Palm is suoh a remedy
aud will ours catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. AH druggists sell the
COo. sixe. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, doss not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev.
Ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Oream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Bay Fever.
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make the
Denver and Rio Grande the most pop
ular, as it has ever been known the
most pleasant and most picturesque
way to cross the continent, has come
about. This is the establishment of
through sleeping car service.
In connection with the O. R. & X. a
through Pullman Standard Sleeper is
now run from Portland to Denver, leav
ing Portland at 8.73 p. m., arriving at
Salt Lake at 8.40 a. m. the second
morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3.&0 p.
m. and arriving at Denver 4.20 p. m. the
following day. This schedule gives pas
sengers seven hours stop-over in Salt
Lake, affording an opportunity to visit
the Mormon Capital as well as a
che Mormon Capital as well as a day
j light ride through the grandest scenery
1 in the world.
!,:-- in.l for SI.
lustrated booklets picturing the scenery
contiguous to the Denver & Rio Grande,
proving it to be the '-Scenic Line of the
World," write to W. C. McBride, Gen
eral Agent, 124 Third street, Portland.
Administrator's Sale.
' GIVEN, that Edwin Hartzog, admini
Court of the State
of Oregon, for the
County of Lake, duly made aud en
tered on the i:tth day of January,
l'J(M, in the matter of said partner
ship, will.on the 24th day of Febru
ary, KKKi, at the hour of one o'clock,
P. M. of said day, at the store build
ing of Fleming Pros., on the premises,
sell at public auction for cash in hand,
subject to confirmation by said
Court, all the right, title, interest
and estate, which said partnership of
Hartzog A: Gibbins, had at the time
of the death of said E. H. Gibbins,
and all the right, title, interest and
estate which said E. If. Gibbina aud
said Edwin Hartzog had at the time
of the death of said E. II. Gibbins,
and all the right, title aud interest
that said partnership aud said Edwin
Hartzog has acquired, by operation
of law, or otherwise, other than or in
addition to that of the said partner
ship, aud that of the said Edwin
! Hartzog at the time of the death of
said K II. lii bin ns, in aud to all that
certain lot, piece or parcel of lands
situate, lying aud being in said Coun
ty of Lake, State of. Oregou, aud
bounded aud descrilied a follow,
to-wit: commencing thirty (30) feet
East of tho South-west corner of lot
No. Four (4, of Section Nineteen
(19), Township Forty-ouo (41) South,
Raugo Twenty-one (21 ) East of Will
amette Meridian, and thence running
North Seventy (70) feet; thence East
One Hundred and Ninety-two and
three-fourth (H2.75) feet; thence
South Seventy (70) feet, to the State
Xinety.two auJ three-fourths (192.75)
llne; thence West Uue Hundred
ftHtj to the place of beginning.
The date of the first publication
hereof i January 25th, 190U.
Administrator of the estate of E.
II. Gibbins, deceased, aud also of
the Partnership of Hartzog Jt Gib
bin. 4-5
of whiskey would
be greatly Im
proved If her
hubby would,
only drink
leaert La ad final Proof.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Jan. 291 90C.
NOTICE is hereby given that Mich
ael P. Barry of Adel Oregon bag fled
notice of intention to make proof on
bis desert-land claim No. 459, for the
E. half of Sec. 15 TP. 40 S. IP 27 E. w.
M. before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon on Monday, the
12th day of March, 1900.
He names tee lollowlng witnesses
to prove the complete Irrigation and
reclamation of said land: John P.
Barry of Adel Oregon, John Fitzger
ald, Elmer McCulley and Robert Mc
Culley of Lakeview Oregon. 5
J. N. Watson Register
Xetleo For Fabliratloa.
Department ot the interior, Land Of
fice at Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 26, 1900.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 12th day of
March, 1906, vis :
Bsnjaman F. Cannon, II. E. No. 2164,
for the X NEL SEJ NEJ. Sec. 33 and
SW1 NW1 Sec. 34, Tp. 35 S., R. 15
E.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz
James McDonald, Wni. Hartlerode
Thomas Stanley Paisley, Oregon,
S. P. Moss Lakeview, Oregou. 5
J. N. Watson, Register.
Sot ire For Publication.
Department of the Interior. Land Of
fice at Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 24, 190G.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Register and Re
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 9th
day of March 1900, viz :
David E. Henderson, II. E. No.
2454, for the SEi NEi aud NEJ SEJ
Sec 25, Tp. 40 S., R. 20 E. V. M.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Silas J. Studley, Edward C. Trus-
ton, Thomas B. McGrath, George
McGrath, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
J. N. Hatson, Register. 5
'Lost on Goose Lake."
That which was lost was, "two
soft cheeks and two soft hand.
Thornton's Favorite Cream for
Bean tls 9 lb Kind You Haw Always BoqgJJ
Five Hundred.
Among the social events chronlclocl
In t he Salem Statesman 1 the follow
ing: On Thursday and Friday after
noons Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelner and
Mrs. Milton Meyers entertained their
friends at the home of Mr Stelner
at 208 Lilierty street. A large party
of ladles were entertained on both.
Thursday and Friday, on Thursday
twelve tables lining used, while ten
tables were occupied on Friday
Flve-hnndred was the principal amuse
ment of tho afternoon and prizes were
given to the best players. Thnrsday
afternoon the prizes were awarded to
Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Linn and Fri
day they went to Mrs. Wm. Brown
and Mrs. Gatch.
Mrs. Carlton Smith rendered some
solos in her usual good voice and Mrs.
Steiner's two little daughters gavt
some pretty piano music
Luckiest Man in Arkansas.
"I'm, the luckiest man in Arkan
sas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno,
"since the restoration of ray wife's
health after five years of continuous
coughing and bleeding from the lungs;
aud I owe my good fortune to the
world's greatest medicine. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
which I know from experience will
care consumption If taken In time.
My wife improved with tbe first bot
tle and twelve bottles completed the
cure." Cures the worst coughs and
colds or money refunded. At Lee
Beall druggist. 50c and f LOO. Trial
bottle free.
Land Sales Apportionment.
Secretary of State Dunbar appor
tioned the 5 per cent land sales fond
among the several counties of the
state. This fund was received from,
the United States Government and.
constitutes 5 per cent of tbe proceeds
of sales of Government land in Oregon
for 1905. Tbe apportionment is made
upon tbe basis of the acreage of then
several counties. Tbe apportionment,
follows :
Total number of acres of land in t he
State of Oregon, 00,957,760.
Tontal amount to be apportionhed
Apportionment per acre 0004628183516.
The acreage of Lake Is 6,130,240,
and the apportionment, 12,3743.7.
Harney, acreage, 6,7801,60, apportion
ment', $3,137.98. Crook, acreage, 5,
122,500, apportionment, $2,370.82.
Klamath, acreage, 3,911,240 apportion
ment, $1,811.58. Malheur, acreage, 6
277,440, apportionment, $2,905.32.
If You are not Particular
don't travel over the Illinois Central,
as any old road will do yon and we dont
want your patronage; but if yon are
particular and want the beet and mean
to have it, ask the ticket agent to route
you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the
road that runs through solid vestibule
trains between St.Paul, Omaha, Chicago,
St.Loui8Memphis, and New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for a seat
in our reclining chair cars which are
fitted with lavatories and smocking
rooms, and have a porter in attendance.
are the lowest and we will be glad to
quote them iu connection with any
transcontinental line.
B. H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third Street, Portland Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A., 142
Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Paul B. Thompson, Frt. & Passenger
Agent, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Our Offer.
WUh the June number will begla
The Pacific Monthly's series of spec
ial editions for the year 1905. They
will comprise a number for Portland,
for Seattle, for Southern California,.
for San Francisco anfl the souvenir
number of the Lewis and Clark Ex
position, also a special automobile
number. The articles of Dr. Wolf
von Schlerbrand, six In number oa
The Coming Supremacy of the Pa
cific" are. also promised, aud the
planscontemplated by the publishers
will, without question, place Tbe
Pacific Monthly far in advance, not
only of present competitors, but alacv
into tho unreachable class of period
ical literature on the Puclflc Coast.
The Pacific Monthly is sold to regu
lar subscribers at the extremely low-
price of t a year. We have made
an arrangement with the publlshera
by which we are able to offer It tu
connection with The Lake County
Examiner, (both Publications), to
new subscribers, and old ones who
pay up any back subscription they
may owe and a year in advance, for
the very low price of 3.50 a year.