Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 25, 1906, Image 4

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    Cah Count g . ulnrf
Masanle BalMtat
Entered at the Post OIHwt Ukrlew.Oro.
i 8eoond-Cla Matter.
inn Year $2.00
TERMS: J Six Months, 1 . 00
(Three Moatlu, 50
Willing To Do Cr Part.
K- mnnv roil nosta have -come from
people iu tho Etudcm States for infor
mation about Lake county that it
is impossible to as much as attempt
to answer these requwU ly letter, and
ire have decided that a duly devolved
upon some one to ftive the deal red in
formation, aud as the Examiner at all
times stands ready todoanythiutf and
evreythinn possible that will benefit
the county, we have tken the task
upon ourselves to rriiit answers to
such questions as aie genreally asked
by inquirers. We have not attempted
to picture any particular part of the
county brighter or make it .njpar bet
ter than any other part. We have en
deavored to get out of the old rut of
newspaper write-ups of a .county, in
which every town eveiy valley, lake,
cieek or river has its department and
every business maa his puff. This
sort of write-up pleases All who are
fortunate enough to be mentioned,
but does not answer the pertineut
questions asked by nine tenths of the
inquirers. Take one hundred letters
of inquiry and the questions asked by
ninety-nine of them are answered in
this week's Examiner.
It is not from selfishness that we
have failed to partticulariae Ihe differ
ent localities of the munty or boast
of the prosperity of any citizen of the
county, but simply because, in all the
letters we have received, not one has
asked to be informed as to the stand
ing .financially or socially of any par
ticulr resident of the county, hence
wa have not crone into this chase of
write-up. It is not a hi&tory of the
county, but simply a compilation of
facts that exist, such as climatic con
ditions, soil conditions, what is rais
ed, and what it is worth when .it is
raised, etc. These prices and statis
tics aply to all parts of the county,
and if any homeseeker is attracted by
these conditions, when he arrives here
he can select the particular locality
that best suits his taste, and he will
have plenty of time to get acquainted
with the people when he becomes a
resident of Lake County.
We have printed several extra copies
and if anyone knows of a friend who
would like to know the things con
tained in this article or have been
written to for information about the
country they should not think 10
cents too much for one of these pap
ers, as we are sending one to every
person who has asked us for informs
tion. We agree to send ten to esery
man's one.
Severest Storms in Years
The severest Btorms that have vitdfc
ed the Pacific Coast states in 15
years, raged for two weeks all over
the West.
Dispatches from Reno state that in
the Elko country the snow is four
feet deep and stock are dying by the
thousands, especially sheep. Hun
dreds of freight cars loaded with hay
and corn were side-tracked at the
nearest point possible to reach the
starving sheep and cattle, but the
snow had fallen to such depth that it
was impossible to reach the stock with
the feed, and they were doomed to
die of starvation and perish in the
storm. Further north, iu Modoc
.county, Calif., immediately after the
heavy fall of snow, a heavy downpour
.of rain melted the snow down so that
.stock could get about.
Still further north, in Lake county,
,the snow fell to a depth of over two
feet, and settled down with a rain.
.Still the snow fell, but after each
fall came a rain which melted the snow
Jn the valleys to a depth of probably
A couple of feet, and packed solid
enough to not hinder travel or pre
vent .stock from being driven to feed,
which is abundant in the valley for
all the stock carried. In Waruer val
ley the ttorm was mostly rain, and
only a few Inches of snow was on the
ground at .any one time. On the des
ert , in northern Lake county, and
extending east into Harney county
the snow only fell a few inches deep,
and stock are doing fine. Harvey Mc
Daniels came in from Dry Valley, in
the vieinity of Juniper mountain, aud
there was but about 2 inches of snow
This section of country seems to be
about the most fortunate of any plueo
on the Coast, as an abundance of hay
was put up in the valleys and, because
of the dry season on the desert, stock
could not remain there to eat the feed
down during the summer, which left
an ample supply for winter.
In the western part of the state
floods are expected daily from the
heavy rains. The snow iu the low
mountains Is said to be from four to
six feet deep, while in the Cascade,
it is probably 10 to 20 feet deep,
to the
On Friday last, Jan. 10th, was the
day we have seen the heaviest snow of
the season, to date, in Iakevlew. It
snowed and rained and mined and
mowed and theu it took a rest and
snowed and rained again.
On Friday evening the Haptlst
Church bell pealed forth its tones
which serves as iuvitation to the
faithful of that sect (and they are
maulfold I hope) to come forward
with all wanderers and stray sheep
available, to hear the word of Ood,
wrapt in its flaky bosom overhead the
earth seemed dreary . A sudden hun
gry yell or howl from coyotes on the
sldehill back of town drew an occa
sional lark from the town dogs; a
pale careless moou ou the southeast
peered above the hilltops from behind
a snow cloud ; the organ iu the bap
tist church, operated by intricate
hands, sent forth in sacntimouious
aud heavenly tones tho well known
hymn , nearer my Ood to thee, the
speaker In the pulpit bailed out some
of the fluest chunks of religion, lore,
transmitted to him by all appearances,
from the regions of eternal bliss, and
as the monster flakes of soddeu snow
were wafted on the southern breezes
our Longshoreman at the Baptist
Church swore allegauce to Jesus. In
a favorite resort in town where orange
cider is being consumed in larse qnan
itties the violin and ban go were oper
ated on by artistic hands and struck
up the favorite tunes. Haste to the
Wedding and Pish a collen Vocth,
when Mr. Dyke man of the firm of
Heryford &. Dykeman, of the Mam
moth Stables, came tearing along the
street announcnig to the people that
the Mammoth Stables and the Opera
House with their 3 acres of roof were
breaking down nnder 3 feet of slush
and snow, people rushed to and fro.
Heryford had 100 horses and about 40
vehicles and other property in the
build in Old Bill Barry, who owns
the property, (if his debts were paid)
sauntered down Water Street toward
the stables knapush in hand, and with
about H inches of Pete Tost's tangle
foot stowed away in his comisary de
partment, he was heard to soloquize
in Nov. 1902, the best of my 50 years
labor went up in smoke in this block
and now the balance goes down to the
devil beneath a snow bank. The roof
creaked and groaned and rafters split.
Little Bill Heryford (weighing only
230 pounds) lit another cigar, spat
out and struck a poor unwary fly that
wandered around the electric lamp.
Supplication went up from the wor
shippers in the Baptist church to the
most high throne, beseeching the King
of Kings to save the town. Even the
Steveadore was heard to ejaculate,
"Oh Jesus whatever you may do, save
the Dance Hall." Bill Heryford said
it might hold up until morning and
we'll shovel the snow off. Came
the dawn and like the Star Spangled
Banner the flag was still there, the
roof with its terrible load was still
intact. The electric light, which is
transmittd to us from the famous
State Line, was very dim, indeed,
but we lighted matches, so as to find
the way out to the scene of action, as
it was scarcely dawn. Roosters crow
ed a drowsy crow and from their lofty
perches did indicate that graves had
closed and daylight hath come, and
now is the time for action.
Three Emeraldislers with shovels
mounted the roof, Walter Russill,
Timothy McCarthy, Irish Commediau
and Bill Barry. Russill is a modern
Hercules and was supplied with a 2
horse iron scraper, with a crowbar for
a handle ; Mc had a two x two scoop
shovel; Bill effused a lot of air giving
orders. He had so much air at large
that a .neighboring windmill, though
being frozen, got moving and Bill
shouted "if I had Frank Light here
with our own chinook we would clear
the snow .off all the roofs in town.
The boys took another orange cider
and the huow went down a flying aud
at 10 oclock ;J00 tons of snow had been
shoveled off and all was safe.
31oCarthy Come Down.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy la a 8peoifle,
8ure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cares Catarrh aud
drives away a Cold in the Head quick I v.
Restores the Reuses of Taste and HmelL
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drags.
Applied iuto the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Kize, 60 cents at Druggists or by
mail ; Trial Size, 10 ceuts by wail.
ELY BROTHERS, (8 Warren St.. New York.
McCarthy Come Down
A. DelbjUul Party.
A delightful whist party was given
by Mrs. Harry llailey last Saturday
afternoon. Mrs. Jonas Nor In won
first prize, a lioautlful china center
set, Mrs. William Harvey, the--consolation
prlae, a dainty chiaa cup and
Home made candy was nerved dur
ing the rames, which ron from two
until five, when the hostess, aud little
daughter IaicIIo, served most delic
ious luncheon, the last course consist
ing of ice crenm and rake.
Mrs. Bailey Is a pleasant hostess.
Those present were: Mrs. V. L.
Suelling, Mrs. Cltas. Umlwh, Mrs.
Jonas Nor in, Mrs. J. . watson, Mrs.
W. A. MartsingilL, Mrs. F. M. Miller,
Mrs. W. It Boyd, Mrs. William Har
vey, Mrs. Lee Boall, Mrs. W. R.
Steele, Mrs. W.M. Harvey, Mrs. D. C.
Schmlnek, Mrs. C O. Metzker, Miss
Hall. Miss Snelllug, and Miss Snider.
A drlm Tragedy.
la dally enacted. In thousands of
homes, is Death claims, In each one,
another victim of Consumption or
Pneumonia. But wImmi Coughs and
Colds are properly treated, the trug-:
edy Is averted. F- J. Huntley, of
Onklandon, Ind., writ: "My wife
had the consumption, and three doc- (
tors gave her up. Finally ahe took j
Dr. King's Ntw Discovery for Con-j
sumption. Coughs aod Colds, which
cured bcr, and to-day she Is well and !
etronjr." It kills the perm of all dls- j
eases. One dose relieve, guaran
teed at S0c and fl.00 liy Lee Beall ;
druggist. Trial bottle Iree.
Heavy Storms In Modoc
(Alturas Plalndoaiar. )
One of the worst wind storms that
ever visited Alturas occurred .Monday
night. The wind was accompanied
by rain and traveled at the rate of
about 60 miles an hoar. Apart of the
front of the Modoc Stables was hurled i
into the street the tank on the Court .
bouse grounds was blown down and
some chimneys, windmills .and out
houses were overturned.
iNotwlinstanuing ine wmnc Bioruu
our mails continue to arrive, though
somewhat belated. On tho Oodarville
pass the snow is very deep and eight
horses and a heavy sleigh were neces
sary to break the roads to tha summit
where the mail from Alturas was met.
Our stage men deserve rare credit for
their determined efforts in getting the
mails through.
(Cedarville Record,)
This part of the country lias been
visited by one of the most violent j
wind and snow Btorms experienced
here for years, during the past week.
I Snow ell to the depth of about two
I feet and Monday night it commenced
raining and at this writing, Tuesday,
the snow is 8 or 10 inches deep. The
frost is mostly out of the ground, and
it will receive a trood soaking. The
storm made the roads over the moun- j
tains almost impassable. The stage j
from Madeline, due here Sunday, got j
in Monday night and it required hard ,
work to get the mail across the moun
tain from Alturas, one man started j
from here to meet the stage at Wil
son's. We have heard of no losses of
stock, but some sheep out east of
here may suffer. There is plenty of
hay to feed all the stock in Surprise
valley and our stockmen are resting
Beware of Ointments for Cattarrh
That Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mvcous surface. Such
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions from reputable phy
slclans, u the damage they will do
is ten fold to the good you can possi
bly derive from them. Hall's Cat-
arrah Cure, manufactured by F.J
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrah Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally and niado la Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by druggists. Trice 7!3c. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
The Examiner has received a new
sample book of the Wall Street line
of engraved certificates of stock and
bond blanks, the most up-to-date on
the market. I'sed and endorsed by
the leading financiers of America.
Copyrighted. Call and see thern If
you ueed anything In this line, tf
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear the
We have the Goods to suit the Tastes of
Everybody. All our prices are Fair and when
you Buy Here Once you!ll Surely Come Again.
A full line of Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Felt Boots
and Rubbers. je tf tf vtf
We have been furnishing Sheepmen with Winter sup
plies for these many years and have laid in our stock with
their interests in view. tf
What is Good for one is Good for all.
F3T l3F-?mPafD A MTP without it.
a Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
a Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 month. This signature,
When a boiler
explode carry
ing death and
destruction with
It, every body
says "Why : we
thought It wa
xtronir enouirli
It must liavfi
had a weak sxit
somewhere 1 "
When a man
who has tho out
ward apiM-urance
or oeing sound and strong
suddenly fails a prey to
disease, his friends ex
claim: "whv we thontrht
he was all rlirht hit mint
nave naa weak spot somewhere."
ino tact in, almost everybody has a
weak spot somewhere. Death and dis
ease are always looking for weak Knots.
If your stomach or your liver won t do
lis proper work, ir your body rails to
get Its full nourishment from the food
you cat, and your brain loses part of tho
tleep It ought to have, no matter how big
your frame and muscular your limbs may
be, you will give out; dlase will find the
weau spot, and nature will give way.
Three rears mo this aprlnir I was at
tacked with wtere dynpcmia." wrlu-x Mr.
W. A. Cain, of 414 Went Mdlwn St.. ll.,t
ing. Mich. "Wan treau-d by live different
doc ton, but kept felting wormi until I was
afraid to go to the tahle to rat, as l lie least
little thlur I ate distressed me so 1 could
hardly stand it. After nutrerliiir for nearly
a year and falling off In wcli'lit from 1M
pounds to 10U pounds I commenced taklntf
Golden Medical iJlv-urcry.- lief., re 1 had
taken all of one liottle I bciran to f-e relief,
but kept on until I had taken elirht IsMtles,
and now I am as well as ercr. can eat any
thing I want, and I feel good. Am wi-lthlnif
VM pounds and feel tine all the lime. My
friends were surprised to notice such a uulck
chanve In me after soelnir me suiter so lonif.
SeTeral said they never expecb- to see me
ret well, i have not had to take any Medi
cine for stomach trouble since. I cannot say
enoutrh In praise of your 'Gulden Medical
lilscovery.' "
This glorious Discovery" gives the
stomach and liver power to do their nat
ural work regularly and completely. It
makes healthy blood and steady nerves.
It helps tho weak spots, muklng them
sound and strong.
Dr. Plercs's Pleasant Pellets should he
used with "(Jolden Medical Discovery"
whenever a laxative is required.
Ieert ImuA final Proof.
United States Land Office, Lake-
view, Oregon, Deccmder 28, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that Mary L.
Kllgore.of Langell Valley, Ore., ha
filed notice of Intention to make proef
on his desert-land claim No 449, for
the NWV, HWtfNEK. NXSEtf, Sec. 33,
and NWSWtf, Sec. 34. T. 40 S.,11.
I4! E. W. M.
Before Register and Itecelver at Lake
view, Oregon, on Saturday ,tho 10th
day of February, 1906.
He names the following witnesses
to prove te complete irrigation and
reclamation of said land: W. A. Hun-
can of Langell Valley, Oregon, E. ft.
Tull of Vlstlllas, Oregon, A. B. Tull
of vlstlllas, Oregon, Henry ntss, of
Vistula, uregou.
1 J. N. Watson, Iteglster.
the standard cough and cold cure for over
7C years now comes also in a
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Contest Notice.
I'nitcd States Land Office, I.iikcvicw,
Oregon, November 14, l'.Ki.Y
A suflkient contest nllidavit having
leen filed in this olficc ,y John II. Noble,
contestant ngnitist homestead entry No.
22114, made January 0, 11)00, fur Lot 1,
Sec. 31, Lots 1, 10 12 and 1.1 and NW.i
NK'i, Section .'!.', Township 40 S.,
Range 1: 12., WM., by Otto Anderson,
Contestec, in which it is alleged that
said Otto Anderson wholly abandoned
said tract of land more than lour years
prior hereto and thence hitherto has con
tinuously abandoned and remained
away therefrom, and that suid
alleged absence from the said land
was not due to his employment in the
Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the
United States as a private soldier, sea
man, or marine, during the wnr with
Spain, or duriug any other war in which
the United States may be engaged.
Said parties are hereby notified to ap
pear, respond and oflcr evidence touch
ing suid allegation at 10 oclock a. in.
on February 5,190(1, before the Register
and Receiver at the t'nited States Land
Office in Lakeview, Oregon. The said
contestant having, in a proier affidavit,
filed November 14, 1005, set forth facts
which show that after du diligence per
sonal service of this notice cannot lie
made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice be given by due and
proper publication.
J. N. Watson
"I hava tried all kinds of waterproof
clothing and hav never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fiih
Brand for protection from all kinds of
fTh. Mms and sdrfivM of th writer of this
Bultetl4 l.ll lus b. s4 upua .licttoD) '
Ilurhfxt Award World's Fair, 1904.
Boaon. U.S. A.
Toronto, Canada
Tha Sign of (ha Fish
Uaktrt WvMMti Wtt Wtatk$r Clothing
Pioneer Store
KtK. Writ, to Dr. D. Jap Soa, PhlWiialphl.
Cures Crip
ta Two Days.
on every
Effective January Ut, n-ort.
:0 A. M. I.v. a Kenu Ar. 6 4! l M.
11 :4M A . M. I.v, l-luiiias I.v. 2:15 V. M'.
l;loI M, Lv. b iNiyle I.v, 1:10 1. M.
2:13 I. M. Ar. Amnlee I.v. 1J101 I. M
8:0 1. M. I.v. Amedeu Ar. 11:15 A.M.
8:W)P. M. I.v. c HotHpm I.v. 11:00 A.M.
7::M I'. M. Ar. A Madeline I.v. 7:15 A.M.
1:001'. M. I.v." I'lmnaa Ar, 12:30 P. M.
t:tl I', M. I.v. e lli-ckwlth I.v. 10:65 A. M.
4:20 I. M. Ar. ( Mohawk I.v. 9:00 A. M.
a Connection! made with Kast ami Welt
bound trains oi 8. P. Co.
b Htagea to and from Mlllord, Jnnlllo
c Htaxei to and from Ktandlah and Husan-villi-,
d Htaip'i to and (rum Kaxlnvllle, Cedarville,
Fort llldwull, Adin, Alturas, Lakeview, ami
other points In Oregon.
e Htages U and from (lenvsve, TaylorivllI
and Greenville.
( Htagcito and from Jolmnvllle, Crombcrg,.
and (julncy.
l( You are not Particular
don't travel over the Illinois Centra?,
as any old road will do you and we dont
want your patronage; but if you are-
particular and want the best and mean
to have it, ask the ticket agent to ronta
you via tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the
road that runs through solid vestibule
trains between Ht.Paul, Omaha, Chioago,
St. Louis, Memphis, and' New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for a seat
in our reclining chair cars which are
fitted with lavatories and smocking;
rooms, and have a porter in attendance.
are the lowest and we will be glad to
quote them in connection with any
transcontinental line.
B. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent, .
142 Third Street, Portland Ore.
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. A V. A., 142
Third Btreet. Portland, Ore.
Paul II. Thompson, Frt. A Passenger
Agent, Colman lildg., Seattle, Wash.
Baanthe VA You Ha Always Baj?4