Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 2.
"Hoss" Racing Chief
All Manner of Conveyaucei (Jked
Ily the Ulg Drowd that At
tended Dance at Adel.
Celebration lit tho thli-f of time,
yol wo culidirate In stylo ahead of date
Tbo first, itMint worthy of chronlt-lu-iug
U I tit horse men wo had on X iiiiim
eve, Din btako which Is known um the
Plush Derby which was contented for
ly live noted horses, Mr. Itenu Kcum
moiiit lluxy, ridden by Win. 1. Mould
er, Mr. Kepplo Harry's Gultmor, J.
IL Delnjy up, Win. Lane's Hlcugi.T,
rlddou liy Jo Jones, Jttf Parrlsh's
Minnie Mikh, J. Lougstock up, 1 i 111
Harry' 1'IumIi, owner.
Tim course was from tho corner of
I ho Klfphuut refreshment rooms on
Moulder street to Itooneville Junction
and buck, dlrttiinco 2 mile with 4
bridge to cross each way. Je(f Par
rUh was starter hikI referee, rider
got mounted Mild wore their coats us
tho day was exceedingly cold, tho rid
lira looked rut her bulky which was
caused H4 we found later on that each
hud a Jug of Orange cider inside li in
coat strength, over proof. Jelf
dropped tho llutr, they went olf iu u
litiuch with IjOllghtork in the h ud Joe
lllinxed the bridge liy 2 feet lilld
plunged right into lloitey Crick. Ho
liodly cliimli the other hank. The
water dripMd from Minnie's Hank
(tit Jihi wuked lier with it stroke and
shouted aloud, I thank my iod my
hllill iiiut lroke.
They roundel the Hint telephone
polo oil the hill. Mr. ! Doy Hiid
Galty slightly in tho lodu but unfor
tunately Tim KulllivHii happened
along with n load of hay clotto .to tho
race track, ( Salty bolted toward the
load of hay throwing Mr, Do Hoy
with one foot caught iu tiio stirrup,
(ialty drugged hiii rider over to tho
hay and went to eating (not a
Ht-riitch) iu the mean lime tho other
whipping along with Hill Harry iu tho
hiil. lint Hill hud 2 jug full of
lush. Which played .John (iilpiu on
pour 1'luidi, no wonder poor tieust did
buck and pitch, and threw Hill on
hiit head right into the ditch. Slender
flow tho track which left tho riu-iiiK
between Minulo and Flaxy, !y thin
timo they hud rounded tho pout at
Hoouevillo Junction and were on tho
homo (t retch running nock anil neck
when Longstook suys to Moulder,
"what you t ink if ve stop and take a
drink ami then renamed do race,"
they took a drink luid theu resumed
tho race, tho finish was most exciting,
they were a tio crossing tho lust
bridge. When Longstock' Jug fell
and got broke which lightened his
weight ami Mlunio got under tho wire
half n length ahead, tho hoys all
cheered until tho Elephant shook and
1 think Jeir treated the cigars, next
whs a foot race, 200 yards between
Zuo Whit worth and William Harris,
president of tho Trust, ,ao won lu a
walk, after that all hands indulged lu
somo ginger tea at tho Elephant
Then all hands took a hand at shoot
ing turkeys, one fellow named Morris
shot the Load olf a turkey '200 yards
olf with a pistol. Next was broncho
riding, a string of 18 cowboys gallop
oil up Moulder Avenue, ttiero were
cattle on tho Btreet at the time. Ear
uost Ulvim jumped uis uorno over a
oow, Pat Marchpank jumped over two
ows Claud Dixon jumpod Scummon's
iriagatlug ditch, 25 ft wide. Next
was the X-mua troo loaded w ith prea
u Ih, there were two wire figuroa nice
ly dressed, one at each sldo of tho
troo, looked like young ladies repro
outing angola and when tho crowd
gathered into tho ball, Joe Jones ad
vanced to wind on of th figures, lmt
iu liiind and suid will you dance tho
Hint dance with me Mian, ullouco gives
consent. Everything went off do
coursly, there won not a dcrnp, a few
boys out iu tho horseracing dopurt
ment made a few bluff tut that was
all. Noxt day th peoplo of Plush
hied thomselveB to Adl to attend the
big dauue, every Una and rig in the
livery stablo was eag4d iu an hour
and some bad to go Lay wagons,
iiiiim on lioriwiback, some on bicycles,
dome on foot and two young fellows
who had no other conveyance, hitched
on to a hayrack and got there on
time. All had a Jolly good tint. The
eople of Adel know how to treat vis
Itora, one young fellow from her went
down there to eo his girl, h was
glad to nee him but said there wan
two of hi teeth that didn't look nice,
he went forthwith to J. D. Johnnon,
who la an expert at renovating to
bacco masher and those teeth pull
et! out. iNOW liml wk fool U til, was
n't It? Two other young men were
coming home from the dance, the
team utarted to run away ,they took
a line, each one of them tied the line
to his leg to hold fawt, the horse drag
ged him out of the wagon, the wheel
struck him but no bones were broken
ami Clarence Dixon lost hi hat.
J. A. Morris the Mongr Buguch
of Plush hud three clerk during X
nuiM and X-mn is not over yet In
Hoe you later,
McCarthy Como Down.
1'. H. Jiht niKht wo had the
grandest dance meet ing in Plindi your
humblo servant has seen for somo
time, every man and boy in the crowd
conducted themselves in a m'jut de
corous manner Every, maid ma
tron exhibited a digluifled humility
with a beautiful absence of that sigh
ing forced affection and broadcast
codology so fnxjuont amougnt tho vain
and presumptions of our gentler sex.
There was no foaming, no grunting,
no, conceit, no hcudtohsiug, as is gen
erally been on such occasions. There
were five pieces of limbic which were
splendidly oMrntcd on by Mr. and
Mrs. (irlbcl, Mr. I (Suilliams, Mr.
Theo. Mclecr and Mr. Jeir Morris,
there were eoplo from all tho Mir
rouiiding country, U-bides tho ladies,
I counted IH cowboys, HI bh(cpmcn
and ' white men.
Floor manager Joe Jones filled that
olllce to erfect ion and Wado Snyder
callml the dances in a way that they
would nil hear him if it wubii't their
fault. The ladies, (iod IlilebS them.
served lunch twice duriug the night,
Turkey, chicken, cake, hnm, more
cake, sardiucH, coffee, frobUd cako,
potatoes, a hi more, etc., etc., Ten
gallons of cold water presented by Dill
Harry. Dancing wns kept up until
morning, when all departed with a
cheer for the New Year.
McCarthy Come Down,
Joint Installation.
The joint Installation by the A . O.
U. W. and Degree of Honor Lodges
hint Thurbday evening and the Inn
ipict follow ing was decidedly a most
pleusing nlfair. The hall was filled to
comfortable bitting room early iu tho
evening and the exercises begun
promptly and were conducted in
manner deserving of much credit to
the installing ofllcors. At tho close of
the ceremonies all were ushered into
the bnu'iuct hall ou tho ground floor
where they faced an elaborate lunch
eon fit for tho king. All seated, Rev,
Bauford Huyder, a visit ing member
rose and olfered thanks. This feature
was a very impressive and appropriate
one. An hour or two after lunch was
sient in social chatting and swaplng
yarns, when all departed happy and
feeling better for having speut so eu
joyable an eveniug.
Some wero troubled with stomach
trouble, especially Dr. Smith, at the
banquet board, but presumably the
trouble was incapacity.
Herald Offlc Sold.
Win Thomson, editor of the Altur
a PlalndeiUer, and Miss Daisy Smith,
who has been a printer la the Plain-
dealer oUlco for several years, came
up to Lakeview last Sunday and spent
Monday looking at the plant of the
doceassd Horald and figuring on buy
ing it. We understaad that Miss
Smith and her sister have bought the
plant and will start the paper shortly.
The ladles are said to be eiilolont
printers and competent to conduct a
paper. The Miss Smiths ar daugh
ter of the well known freighter
Smith, who, up to a couple of year
ago, was a frequent visitor to Lake
view and othor Luke county towns.
The Examiner welcomes them to the
field; misory loves company, you
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Huick of Silver
Luke arrived here Monday to meet
their sou Clifford, who has laiou iu
Sun Frtuicisco the post few mouths
studying to be a cartoonist. Young
Mr. Huick and Miss Grace Hall, a
slater of Mrs. Uulck, arrived here sev
eral duys ago from the city. Mr. and
Mrs. Huiok were the guest of Dr.
and Mia Hall.
Secretary Has Been Busy Writing Letters to
Railroad Men for Information as
Plans for Extension of Roards
Another Interesting meeting of the
Lake County Development League
wo held at the court house last Sat
urday evening. Since tbo last meet
ing the secretary and the special com
mittees have not been idle. They
have been laying the foundation for
future work, and this is what the Lea
gue has Licked all along; a foundation
to work on. Letters have len ad
dressed to peoplo who are iu a posi
tion to not only give information, put
able to aid in the development of the
county when tho work is prorrly un-
ler headway.
We understand that a meeting of the
West Side Water Users Association is
to Is held soon and a petition ent to
tho league for united effort in brink
lug results.
It will bo seen by the follwing cor-
"St ,
atifwirtiiil 'mill ii.iiniii. M)mi A . Mb . . . vJi . in. iii. 1 1 i i ii
Long on money and short on hair, John D. Rockefeller recently Invested In
a new wig. which Improves his appearance not a little and makes him look
twenty years younger. Mr. Rockefeller ha discovered several things of late,
one of which is that chewing the food well aids in digestion. The other dis
covery was given to the world recently when the Standard OU multlmlllionalr
advised every one to eat cheese. "When I think of all the cheese I missed
becuuse I thought It unhenlthful." he remarked, "I feel sad, for I am now fond
of it 1 know it Is very healthful, and I eat it twice a day."
respoudcuce that Mr. John Crawley,
tratlio manager of the Nevada-California
Jb Oregon Railroad, and T. F.
Dunaway, Vice-President and General
manager of the road, are earnest work
ers for the future prospreity of Lake
county. It was suggested at the League
Saturday night that these gentlemen
be made honorary members of the
League for their boarty co-operation
in tbo work of developing the county
aud putting before the world such
valuable matter as tends to make
known tbo psaibilitiea of Lake county,
Oregon, the future prospective ter
minus of tho N-C-O., railroad, which
connects with tho Southern Pacific
railroad at Reno on its route to San
Francisco from the East.
Among many other letters addressed
to different people, for information,
is the following one addressed to the
mauagera of the N-C-O. Railroad, by
the Lcagno since tho December meet
ing :
"T. F. Dunaway, Vice-President
and (ioucrul Munuger, N-G-O. Ry.
Reno, Nev.
Dear Sir: The Luke County Devel
opment Leaguo asks the management
of your road "What, if anything the
people of the county can do that
would insure the early commencement
of work ou your road and its speedy
completion to Lakeview. The League
will immediately take up the work
of. am c you with all it might if
th U believe your proposition
possible of accomplishment. "
mil answer to this letter the following
reply was received:
Reno ,Nev., Doc. 13, 1905.
Mr. J. W. Maxwell,
Soc., Lake County Development
Lakeview, Oregon,
Dear Si: In reply to your favor of
tho 5th Inst., please express to the
League my thanks for the kind offer
made known by you.
If, ns we hope, encouraging replies
as to price nndlime of delivery of
rails are received, we will be ready to
commence work on the extension
north of Madeline, within sixty days.
At this writing, I cannotjarticularize
. it
-imr M
t t
. t
t ft
the assistance which may be needed.
After the extension is under way, our
wonts in such matters as rights of
way will presont themaelvea ; and, as
we hope to receive the moral support
of the people we are trying to reach, so
we may seek tangible aid from them
in such matters as rights of way.
Again thanking you and the League
for the kind offer of assistance, I am,
Yours Very Truly,
T. F. Dunaway."
Iu addition to the above communi
cation, Mr. Dunaway sent the follow
ing letter received by him from a Mr.
John O. Allen of Minneapolis, and
Mr. Crawley's reply to same, which
shows that both these o flic laid of the
N-C-O. ar interested in Lake County.
(Letter to Mr. Dunaway.)
"Mr. T. P. Dunaway, Vice-Pros.
Nevada, Cul. & Ore. lu R.,
Reno, Nev.
Deur Sir: I am advised that there
is a good deal of unoccupied lund
tributary to your lino, and I have fig
ured a good deal on looking up a suit
able locatlon'iu California for a north
ern colony. If your company bas any
sectional mupa showing the country
tributary to your line, or auy other
information as to vacant lands, I would
be greatly interested in receiving same.
I have been engaged in the coloniza
tion business here for the last 20 years.
I have represented the Beaver Line
Steamship Co., as General Northwest
era Agent and a tnch have bandied
a good deal of the domestic and fore
t m m ...
ign oasines. ii i could In any way
err your company in this respect I
shall be pleased to do a
Your Truly,
John O. Allen."
(Mr. Crawley' answer. )
Dec. 14, 1900.
"Mr. John O. Allen.
Hotel Allen Building ,306 Second
Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Dear Sir: To your favor of the 9th
lost, addressed to Mr. T. F. Dona-
way, I regret to state that we have no
sectional map, showing the country
through which our roads Denetratea.
The Nvada-California-Orgon Railway
operates to M&deline, 144 miles north
of Reno; and there i every likelihood
that the road will be extended next
Spring, but of this I cannot state pos
itively. Near to Madeline is what is
known as the Madeline Plains, an im
mense stretch of almost level land, it
has a slight but almost imperceptible
slope from the mountains to the east.
The Tule Lake Land &. Irrigation Co..
contemplates irrigtsing these plain
and I enclose herewith a circular
which they have distributed and as
sume that they will be glad to srive
particulars. To my mind, that is a
very desirable section : and. when ir
rigated, capable of producing grain
of all kinds, and when protected, ap
ples .berries, and other fruits. I also
enclose herewith a copy of my letter
to Mr. J. W. Maxwell, Sec, Lake
County Development League, Lake
view, Oregon. A described in the
enclosed folder, Lake County, Oregon
is a very fertile country : and. possib
ly, no other place west of the Rocky
Mountains, has the same facilities to
the home seeker, as does Lake Coun
ty, Oregon.
Yours Truly,
J. M. Crawley.
In answer to a letter addressed to
S. G. Bennett of the U. S. Geolgical
Survey who visitd the connty last sum
mer and mode an investigation of the
proposed irrigation projects on Cot
tonwood and Thomas Creek and Dog
Lake which letter was to learn the
result of Mr. Bennett's visit here Mr.
Bennett writes as follows:
Mr. J. W.Maxwell Secy. Lake County
Development Ass'n.
Lakeview. Oregon.
Dear Sir: Your letter of Dec 5th
received. I have referred this letter
to tho Supervising Engineer to whom
the report to which you refer was
muiled. If he has Bent it to Washing
ton your letter will be referred to the
Chief Engineer for answer.
Yours respectfully
S. G. Bennett
Engineer. "
In order to prove our oft made as
sertion that many people were eagerly
seeking information about Lake coun
ty with a view to locating here we
publish a letter received by Mayor
Snelliug from a gentleman in Grants
"Grants Pass Oregon.
November 25th 1905.
Hon. Mayor
Lakeview Oregon.
Dear Sir: If I could get some
printed matter describing your part
of the state I believe I could get 40
or 50 first-class families to come and
settle there, I have many asking for
this printed matter about Lake and
Klamath Counties, but I have never
been able to get it for them, I don't
want any literature put out by some
real estate firm, but some that is
printed under the supervision of the
couuty board or leading citizens of
the section and indorsed by them,
with this to send I am positive that
I can get the people to come, there
are no lands left in this part of the
state that are suitable for bomeatead
ing and home makers is what Oregon
most nads, please see that I get this
aa soon as possible if it is to be bad.
Yours Respectfully,
P. H. Brigga."
Burglars broke into H. Pcgnello's
store at Cedaryille lust week and rob
bed tho money till of f'200. Entrance
was elfected by breaking out a sash
in a rear window. A few knives, raz
ors and other small articles were plac
ed in a sack but for some reason the
robbers did not take theae articles.
The tools used iu breaking in the
store and opening the till were stolen
from a blacksmith shop and left in
the store, which were identified by the
owner of the shop.
Reduction in Valuation
of Sheep and Cattle
With the Three Hundred Dollar
Exemption Some Will Pay
Less than One-Half.
A reduction of over 11 mills in taxes
thi year over last year I a matter of
considerable importance to the tax
payer of the county. Many of tbe
taxpayers will pay less than one-half
tbe taxes they paid lost year, on ac
count of the $500 exemption and tbo
reduction in the general levy,. Lest
year the levy was a little over 27 mill
and this year it will be only 16 mills.
Lake county is out of debt and th
lowest possible tax levy is imposed
upon the taxpayer of the county.
I or the apportionment of the levy
read the proceedings of the county
Court published in this issue.
Tbe householder whose property
was valued at f 1000 last year, paid
127.10 taxes. This year be will pay.
on tbe same valuation, only 111.20.
There is still another item to be tak
en into consideration. Wbile there
has been a reduction in tho aggregate
taxable property on account of the re
duction in the valuation of cattle and
sheep, the former having been reduc
ed from $15 per head to $10 per head
and the latter from $2 to $1.50.
The taxpayers of the town of Lake-
view are leas fortunate , however, than
those of other sections of the county,
for the town levy is increasing over
that of last year by two mills, being
nine mills this year. The town ought
to get out of debt before long at that
rate of taxation it would seem.
Will Miss AJUtroi.
V. L. Snelling, who returned from
San Francisco last Saturday, states
that tbe N-C-O. railroad is mokintr
every preparation for extending north
from Madeline 50 miles. He thinks
the road will miss Alturas by about
four or five milea. Fifty miles of
road would bring the iron horse
somewhere in the vicinity of Davis
Creek, about 38 miles from Lakeview.
In all probability when the N-C-O.
is extended to within 35 or 40 miles
of Lakeview the company will see the
advantage in bringing the road to this
place at least, as the ground is level
for thet distance south from here and
the expense of building would be very
small, and if even Lakeview was made
a northern terminus all the vast trade
from the Silver Lake country could
doubtless be secured, which now goes
to Shaniko. Tbe wagon road from
Lakeview to the northern end of the
county is almost level and dry at all
times of the year, thus permitting
heavy freighting at all times. The
trade of Silver Lake is worth looking
after, as it la increasing every year.
Not DiptherU.
Health officer Dr. Stile, was called
to Davis Creek early in the week to
investigate several suspicious cases of
sore throat He found upon his arriv
al a numper of cases and upon exam
ination pronounced the disease tonsi-
litis. He informed us those affected
were taken suddenly ill, tbe throat be
came swollen, but after about four
days they were entirely recovered.
He says, however, the disease is con
tagious, and to guard against danger,
had the patients placed under quaran
tine and the schools dismissed. lie
ports also reach us that there is a
case of diptheria at New Pine Creek,
but Dr. Stile is of the opinion it is
the same as at Davis Creek. Alt uras
At the progressive whist party give
by Mrs. C. O. Metzker, last Saturday
afternoon, Miss Pearl Hall won first
prize and Mrs. Jonas Norin the "con
solation. " Thoae present wero Mrs.
P. M. Miller, Mrs. W. M. Harvey,
Mrs. W. R. Boyd, Mrs. Harry Bailey,
Mrs. Lee Ik all, Mrs. Vm. Harvey,
Mrs. V. L. Snelling, Mrs. W. U.
Shirk, Mrs. Jonas Norin, 'Mrs. Chaa.
Umbach, Mrs. J. N. Watson, Mis
Hall, Miss Snelling, Mias Grace Hall,
Mlaa May Snider.