Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 04, 1906, Image 6

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    -02 THE NATIONAL BIRD, V. te;'
The great American bird, the bird
which will scream back an answer to
yon every time yon imitate his "gob
ble" or otherwise "make a noise like a
gobble," has along with his domestl
cator, man, driven the other American
bird far Into the back woods, figura
tively and actually.
When the Indians owned the land.
the eagle and the turkey stood on
I ,1 1 AJ . ......
probably an equal footing, the one the
tyrant of the air and the other the
king of game birds. Both were hunt
ed by the Indian, the eagle to furnish
plumes for his war bonnet, and the
turkey, of course, for food.
But now the eagle seldom Is hunted
and still more seldom ever killed or
captured, while the turkey Is found
in hundreds of thousands of farm
Although the North American wild
tnrkey is a beautiful and resplendent
game bird, with feathers of black,
shaded with a rich bronze and Illumi
nated with a lustrous finish of coppery
color, his domesticated cousin, while
improved nothing in appearance, has
been bred up to outweigh any other
domestic fowl, thirty or thirty-five
pounds being not uncommon among
prize tnrkey flocks.
According to the Department of
Agriculture the growing of turkeys
has improved within the last few
years as a result of a determined effort
on the part of producers of what Is
termed "standard bred or exhibition"
stock to demonstrate that it is more
profitable to use p-re bred breeding
stock than the smaller and less vigor
ous stock of days gone by. Their
efforts to introduce throughout the
country the several standard varie
ties of turkeys have greatly Improved
,C'.-")'pv mowing industry, This
effort jja 1 k" vigorous
blood through .he v. uoie country,
adding strength and virility to In
numerable flocks, many of which bad
become considerably deteriorated
through Inbreeding.
Deterioration Through Inbreeding.
The fact that one fecundation Is
sufficient to render fertile all the eggs
of one laying has made possible the
undermining of the health and vigor
of the present-day domestic turkey.
Being advised of this, hundreds of
people depend upon their neighbors
flocks for the services of a male and
pay no attention to the matter of
breeding stock except to keep one or
two turkey hens. This has reduced
many of the turkeys throughout the
country almost to a condition of im
becility. The lack of vigor in a large
portion oi tae breeding Btock through-
ing, people have looonie so dlsheart
ened In some localities with the mon
ger results of their efforts to grow
turkeys for market that they have de
sisted from the attempt.
Mr. T. F. McC.rew. of New York, a
well-known Judge of poultry and a
writer on broods and brooding, has
written a turkey bulletin for the De
partment of Agriculture which is
known as Farmers Bulletin No. 200,
and In this he says that there is no
other kind of livestock that will return
so large a profit to the successful pro
ducer as will poultry, and no kind of
poultry is more profitable than turkeys
when properly handled. The fact that
turkeys will, from the time they are
six weeks old until winter sets In,
gain the greater part of their entire
living from bugs, g-asshoppers and
waste grain that thev plok up In their
wanderings over the range, assures
their existence through this period at
little or no cost to the grower. In
other words, they may be termed self
sustaining foragers, where thev have
sufficient range.
The Bronze Turkey.
This turkey holds the post of honor.
It is possibly a cross between the wild
turkey and the tame turkey, which lat
ter Is generally believed to have de
scended from either the North Ameri
can wild turkey, the Mexican wild
turkey or the Honduras or Ocellated
turkey. Its beautiful rich plumage
and its size have come from its wild
progenitor. To maintain these desir
able qualities, crosses are continually
necessary. In this way the mammoth
size has been gained, the standard
weight ranging from sixteen to thirtv-
six pounds, according to age and sex.
The coloring of this variety is a
ground of black blazoned or shaded
with bronze. This shading is rich and
glowing, and when the sun's rays are
reflected from these colors, thev shine
like polished steel. The female is not
as rich in color as the male, but both
nave ine same color and shadings.
Much of this richness of color is lost
and, to have this influence to the
fullest extent, woll-proportloned, vigor
ous females In their second or third
year should be selected as breeders.
the English Norfolk tnrkey, the Plate
turkey, and the red Bourbon turkey,
which Is rlmtlnr to the Buff turkey . lu
addition to the North American wild
turkey, the Mcxlcnu wild turkey still
affords splendid sport, as doe also the
Honduras turkey, which Is found In
various parts of Central America, both
birds Iwing rcsplcndcut aud of savory
The turkey bulletin of the Depart
ment of Agriculture love mentioned
Is a brief tiooklet which will certainly
lie read with Interest by anyone grow
ing or raring for turkeys. It describes
the different varttles, and devotes fif
teen or twenty pages to tho selection
and care of breeding stock, turkey
houses and ranges, incubation, hatch
ing, growing aud feodiug the birds,
marketing aud also the aUmeuts to
Tl ('.Vv vi
It Costs Ten Cents
It's Worth Ten Dollars
Do not select the very large specimens w hich turkeys are subject
ror tins purpose; those or a medium
size are usually the best Discard the
undersized females at all times, as
they are of but little value us pro
ducers. Length of shank and thigh.
If out of proportion, should not be mis
Drop a postal to your member of
Congress or Senator, and he will send
you one.
Maxwell's. Homemaker Magazine
for one reason, it Is worth more than ten dollars for one year for thc
music rtajre alone in every family where there are yotintf children wh0
are being taught musicor if they nro uot then they ought to bo.
MuhIc in the Family
is the surest way to interest the children und entertain the boys and
eirls where they will bo under the uplifting influence of the llomo
The MhhIc Department
in Maxwell's Ilomcmnker Magazine is conducted by a successful
teacher of music of more than ten years' experience, who has a re
markable insight into the musical needs of child life und an unusual
ly clear und concise way of explaining ull things pertaining to the
laying of a bohd foundation for musical iievciopmcni.
Keyboard Prill, Staff Drill, Note Drill and Ear Training have
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Scale Iluilding begins in the December Number, lie cure and
get it if you are interested in
Teaching the Children MuhIc.
Other Departments in Maxwell's Homemaker Magazine are Home
Study, Home Cheer, Home Kntcrtainment, Home hardening, Health
in the Home, besides n Story uud Interesting Miscellany of special in
terest to the Homemaker,
And Everyone It or ought to bo a Iloincimikcr.
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One Whole Year for Ten CentH.
Send a Dime or five two-cent stamps to Maxwell's Homemaker
Magazine, 1409 Fisher liuilding, Chicago, 111.
or j - ' . "fj-'f . . , .
T . -1.
X. J f
through inbreeding, as it 13 improved
by each cross with the wild specimens.
Of all our domestic fowls none suffer
from inbreeding so much as turkeys,
This should be guarded against at all
times, if it la hoped to guin the best
Naturally the iSrc-'e turkev Bhould
ue me largest in size, the most vigor
ous in constitution, and the most prof
J ?
fw Sri ivy.
Aj . - ry - ,
taken for size; full-rounded body and
breast indicate value most clearly; size
and strength of lone indieiio. constitu
tional vigor which should be maintain
ed through the selection of the very
liest at all times for producing stock.
When special rare is given to the se
lection of the breeding n&ck, and the
grower bears In mind thoso proti table
characteristics compactness of form,
length of breast and body, and con
stitutional vigor the most satisfactory
results may come from the growing of
this variety, Lut no matter how
much care may be iriven these condi
tions, only partial success will come if
inbreeding is permitted. The
oversized males with small fem.-ii.-n u
or jess advantage than the use of
smaller males with well-matured.
UiVUJUUi'DUCU leujuivB
The Narragansett Turkey.
This turkey is a noble looking, full-
chested bird but Is not so large as the
Bronze. His color is a black back
ground with a stoel-gTay edge to the
feather which imnarta a metallic
black-and-bronze luster. The cocks, or
toms, weigh from 20 to .10 pounds, and
some old ones have gone 40 pounds.
The Narragansett Is a desirable breed
and some growers declare that they
will reach market size and condition
lu less time than the Bronze turkeys.
Food Value of Egg.
Popular belief to the contrary, there
Is no difference In the nutritive quail
ties of eggs with dark shells and those
with light. Their flavor Is affected by
the food of the fowl for good or for
evil. Exhaustive experiments by well
equipped investigators prove that the
egg deserves its reputation as an
easily assimilated and highly nutri
tious food. If eaten raw or lightly
cooked. Such experiments also show
that eggs at twelve cents a dozen are
a cheap sourceof nutrients; at six
teen cents, somewhat expensive, and
at twenty-live cents and over, highly
The basis of comparison was the
market prices of standard flesh foods
considered in relation to their nutri
tive elements. But there Is a physio
logical constituent of eggs which Is of
great value, yet It defies the search of
the scientist or the inquisition of the
statistician, and that Is their nalata-
bility. Unless a food, however rich In
proteins, is relished, it loses much of
its value, while, per contra, a less
chemically desirable food that is en-
Joyed becomes valuable by reason of
that fact
The Buff Turkey.
As bred for market these turkeys are
a reddish buff or light chestnut color
mixed with white and some dark
hadlngs. They are highly valued In
some localities for their quick growth
nd for their attactlveness when
dressed, although they do not run as
the Naragansett or the Bronze.
out the country nus jeopardized to a
certain extent the production of a
sufficient number of market turkeys to
supply the demand. In fact, not fully
realizing that their failure was large
ly due to undermining the vitality of
their breeding stock through lnbreed-
liable to grow. This would be the sta
tus of the variety at. present woie Jt
not that too little attention has been
given to the selection of the females
for breeding stock. It should be fully
understood that size and constitutional
vigor come largely through the female,
The White Turkey-
In America the white variety Is
called the White ITolland turkey. In
England they are known as "Austrian
Whites," where they are considered
sports from other turkeys. They range
from 10 pounds for young hens to 26
pounds for old cocks, although they
have run es high as 35 pounds at fairs.
Mr. MeOrew states that white turkeys
are quite as easy to grow as any other
variety, and be states that one cannot
select a better kind for all uses than
the White Holland. They grow to the
most profitable sizes, dress beautlf ullf
for market, their light, plnkish-wblte
shanks add to their appearance; and
with them, as with all white poultry,
the pin feathers show less than la
darker verities. 1'bo very largest tur
keys are not as profitable either U)
grow or to sell. The medium sizes
from 9 to 18 pounds dressed ere tnc
most desirable for family use.
Other turkeys are the Black, turkey,
similar to, If not much the same, aa
Object to the Measuring Methods of
Their Gymnasium Instructor.
The girls of the freshman and sopho
more classes of the University of Cin
cinnati have been going about with
traces of tears on their cheeks, and
asking each other, "Have you been
At first the girls did not know what
"scheduling" meant when they re
ceived confidential notes from Miss
I-dna Karl Hope, teacher of the girls'
gymnasium work at the 'varsity.
Their presence alone In her private
room was requested at such and such
a time. The "alone" looked mysteri
ous and tho girls hei.l a consultation.
Then the bravest faced Miss Ho"e.
When she went in to Miss Hope her
face was eager, but when she came
out it was scarlet
"And what do you think?" she whis
pered; "l'ou Lave to take off all
your clothes."
"And after nhe gets your clothes off,
what then?" chorused the girls.
Then the first girl told, with tears
and gasps, how the new gym teacher
placed an adjustable rig olout the hips
nmd measured them the hlpB yes!
And she measured the arms and the
'er 'er legs. The bust expansion and
the length of the fingers, and how
big the chest is when the girl takes a
long breath, and how little It gets
when the girl expels her breath. Then
she subtracts the difference, divides
it by two, and multiplies the result by
three, and says:
There's where you ought to be, and
maybe you'll be that by the end of the
year, when the second physical exami
nation comes."
The girls held an indignation meet
ing the latter part of the week, aud a
committee was secretly appointed to
wait on President Dabney.
"But," said the girls on the commit
tee, "we would rather take one of
those scheduled things than to tell a
man about it"
Because of the excitement of those
girls who were "scheduled" Miss Hope
has now provided a garment lu wak
ing the "test".
He M'us lneorrtiptnbte.
In the opening days of the American
Revolution, when I ranee !ial recog
lilzed the IndciH'lidelue of the t'nltei
States, and we hail shown ourselves
determined upon stulilHiru resistance
the Knglish Parliament were driven to
a final "conciliatory bill" for the re
covery of their colonial possession
Most everything was concede! by this
act. but nowhere was allusion made
to absolute Independence. Iiord Car
lisle, William I'.ilsen aud (iov. John
stone. In the capacity of special com
mlssloners, brough the bill to America
and lost little time submitting the plan
of conciliation to Congress, together
with an insolent letter. That lndy
hardly gave It consideration, but forth
with rejected tno plan proposed uy
tho ministry.
Polled In every attempt, but not dls'
mayed. tho commissioners now re
sorted to measures distinguished In
Infamy and basemtts. They opened
secret correspondence with memls-ru
of Congress, und, through a female
agent, Mr. Itced. a delegate from
Pennsylvania, was offered and
the tcst otllce In the colonies that his
majesty could bestow If he woidd use
his influence in favor of the concilia
tory bill. Mr Heed's reply. well US
memory, should Is enshrined In the
hearts of every loyal Petinsyl valilan.
It was simply this: "I am not worth
purchasing, but such as I am, the
King of Luglaud Is not rich enough to
do it"
The Alexnnilrlan library.
Paid Omar, "Klther those looks are
In comfonnlty with the Koran, or they
are not If they are, they are useless,
and If not, they are evil; in either
event, let them be destroyed."
Such was the logic that led to tho
destruction of seven hundred thousand
Uhauuscrlpt volumes In Alexandria.
Pliny tells us that Homer's Iliad,
with Its verses was written lu a
space as small as a walnut shelL
In more remote times an account Is
given of an Ivory chariot constructed
by Mcrmlcldcs, so small that a fly
could cover It with one of Its wings,
and of a ship that could bo conceuled
by the wing of a bee.
' grvro , rnntlatency of rfl, pcrfoct
ctraiiMT for automobile ma. lunef f mi 4 al'
vehicle; will not injure tlio int tilK'Mly
jM.Ii.l.rtl kurfucc. Mo.lo from puro vegetable
oil. If your ilenlrr Joel not carry AmerU aii
C'rowu Huii In atiH k, tend u hit natno anil
aMrena and fco will wo that your want ar
u.ilitx! Put up la l-'H IK an.l SO lb pall.
James Kirk & Company
Foster's Ideal
Accident Proof
fiend for our Tack L'alaloiir. Kure to rim
tain the description of riactiy what you wet
Ilydruulic Juckn our Specialty
AVutMoifStlUiiiau Co.,
40 J)ey bt., N. Y. I'My.
We have puMlnlied aome ifiwxl onra aiwo
lolly auite.l for farmrra. Hook that will hulp
every farmer to inuke more out of bia (arm
Write for our catalogue.
8t. l'uul Minn.
lacking Ja Education.
Little Freddie, having lost a nickel
was crying bitterly.
An old gentleman who bad stopped
to investigate said: "My boy you
shouldn't 'Cry that way."
"But," said tne little fellow. "I
d-don't know bow to c-cry any -other
"Say not, goodbye, but In aome
brighter clime, bid me good morning."
International Harvester Co.
When equipped with an I. II.C. gasoline engine, the farm, the dairy, the
mill, tho threshing; machine, or tho busker and shredder cau bo opera tod mora
economically than with any other power. Farmers who havo wutcr to pump,
wood to sov, feed to grind or corn .to blitU, can do this work at a rnlniniutn
cost with. I. II, C. CDgincs.
Y" Tc'.r:'.'
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ionary; aud 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15 II. P., horizontal type, portable.
International Harvester Co. of America
7 Monroe Street Chicago, 111.. U.S. A.