P SG Jonn tvn rooking n bit of hncnn on tlx lltlk mIov when tin1 door fxn r1 n ml n riiNiliiK Toliit KNiki fit in II lurly: "Coin to m il out, 1 mi, Jowih, ihV JonnH looked up In iTliVnt (HHplcnn urn. Ilo wna asli'inler, old man per Imp wrcntjr yciir" of sin-. Ills kalr wns tliln ami m lilif, iiuil hi ln-itrJ anI tiioiiMtiicliii Kivw Ionic iiml Mtrittfgljr, Miowlrijr tin1 pink Hkln iM-wntli, for Joiiiin ih in prlnio lu iiltti ox a ri'Niilt of LIh rt'Kulnr, active fiirin lift. New din chocks were '(Inker Willi Irritation, Si u I rt Harlow wim nt a wclcwai v lu ll or. JollllN'S (.'IllllfC Ml('l(ll(lT"'(l n neither did itiMTi-n nilvnfu'cfj la yenm II i llllllHClf, llllt tlllt UN W'l'lf pIVNI-rVt'll. Ilo wiia short mill atout, with blink, lutnly rye 1fp net In a yi'llowlnh, li-nlliiry fnco, lit looked tho niran, luinl listed iniin lit wax known to be; ninl iin JotiitM xv nn not ilraci1 with the liitiTruptlon ho turned iijrnln to tlm Move, (rlrlnff curt anHcnt to the Siiilre'ii Inquiry: "Vo ( rlk'lit, (Jiienn yo know the iiiennln' of red line Je' n well a I ilo, Heclir n how i:en'nily ye happen to t.e roun Where there' btl ru I II M. Will ye nhet Hi' door, Hulro7 1 nlu't K( no piling for dentin' nil out (lour." Jonii npnke Inipntleiitlr. Then, a tho Hijuln rloneil the door with tin - .J .- .. 1 -: . ? VV ',' v- ' vH I 1 . i-v- .f. - . ...... V ' ' -' , " . '. "UK I.AV HTII.U TUB ITUX'IOl'S 130 anjrry alum, bo lifted the meat out of tin pun witn it rrK ani put u on o blue plnte that retel, wariulli, on the ilt:e f the Move. Ye don't aeom very plad to aee me, .loiniN." The Sulre'a voii't? wu a tohh lu tui'i ii a whine mid a Miarl, u ml bis bliiek eye hauicl mulitfliaiitly. Jonn t-oiitltiued hi preparatlous for breiikfaM. Ilo pivi a lliiat hllr to the coffee, (it the pot end the Jilate of meat du the table, uml ut a thick Mice of bread. Then, iih he Kilt dowu to eat he looked up nt the Squire with cold, hard eye: "I didn't xk ye to come In, Squire, nn' I'll not nuk ye to k Ioiik n yo bebavo yerself." lie RpoUe very quiet ly, almoat a tboufh ho wero talking to blniHelf. And HH the Siulre'8 face reddened with auppreaeil nni;ei (for be hnd PXioeted .lona fo rrlne be furo him) .lona? calmly at I r red bin caf fie. Inoklmf meilltatlvely out of the window ncroH tho bleak, frozeu bill able. JounH'a lndlfferenoo va too much for the Squire' temper and be let him self out villi nn oath. "Ah-h b!" be annrled. "Ye may well any ye didn't ask me In. Jonas Vpdyko. Put yo damtctit auk me why I come. For thouch we've lived hero In thl valley utjrh Kevcntv year, loya together, and men together, thl I tho fust time lu forty year (tone that I've crossed this bore d'oorNlll. llut It won't U the last. Jonn. It won't lw tho In at, me boy." There was an unci lona aneer In bl voire that jrrated on every fibre of Jona'M U'lng "There wouldn't be no teara aned, Squire, If ye wnan't to come back no more. An' oa for crofmlu my atep In forty year, nolxidy Vnowa bet tern' yer self ' how that bappena." The Squire opened bla coat, adjust ed bl collnr, and betfan Impreaalvely, "cmphnKlzliiK bl word by tapping on the table with a fat forefinger: 'Jonaa ITidrUe, let me nslt ye a few mieMlon. Maybe ye don't remember -aeeln bow old ye'ro Bettln-meblw ve've forgotten Ann Kllatt Wimble that lived In thla town na a plrl aomo fortv .rear liok." He waited for reply. Jonn'e nodded bla bead "Tho beat girl thnt ever lived, iieaeo to her ash cb," be replhM reverently. 'And mebbe ye don't remember, went on the Squire lu a louder voice, "thet for nigh five yenr I wu a yla Itln' Ann ICIleu Wimble every Siitur dny night, and tnkln 'her to nieetln ever ThurHdav evenln' In good weatuer nnd pln' dilvln with her, to) any nothln of buyln' ber gum drop, on cologne, an alcb." Again he punned, and again Jonaa nodded, looking out of the window sadly, for Ann Elba bod been bla wife for forty yoara, nnd lewa than two years before be bad burled her In the little village church- 58The Squire's voice rose In passionate climax. Ill gesture became emphat ic: 'Meblw ye rlccolloct, then, Jonas Undj'kc, that 'bout Ihnt time ye whipped the Krotm from nnder my feet with ye'ro consumed pretty man ners an yo'rn ltik account, and took Ann ICIIzn out o' my arm, an' married her, damn ye, Melilx yo don't reuietu her that, ye-yo whelp, yo lyln," dirty, low-down." It wai well for tho Rijulrr, thnt hi roam riviied, ror Jonn wn up In an Instant, bl eye fliiMhlnir, hi noHtrll white and diluted with midden, virile stiver He loaned with ono hand on tlm table, mid la hi Knup wn thn lotiir hreud-knlfo. Ill volco wan 0111 IlioiiMly quiet: "Htendy, Hqulre, I don't allow no mnn to fniult ma In my own hou, nor anvwhero clue. I rues ve'vo anlil lout enough. Ye might a well Kit out an' atuy." The flqutro mimed down Immediate ly. lie picked tip bl hut, buttoned up hi coat over hi ttt 1 11 IicuvIiik breiiMt, ninl laid a heavy bund on tho door knob. Then bo turned and for full a minute, tht two men looked atcudlly each Into tlie other' eye like atduinl HlKitit to aprlng. Tho Hqulro's lip were drawn In a aueer, aliowln? bl yellow Multliy teeth. "I ain't cot no weepln," bo aald flnn'ly, opi'Dlnff the door. "Hut mehlx" thl time to-mor row ye won't lo o nulek to auk me to tit out, 1 lent called to jrlvo ye . Si ' 4 f I aT l ... V iN.-.t- v ..'. - -rf W ' -.-i' ' 'DLE CLASTED IX 1113 AKM9. notice, Jonaa. I've bought up ye're notes, an' to-morrow when the sale comeft off they'll knock the old place down to mo at my own Agger. To morrow morn In' ye'll cook ye're last breakfast In thl house, Jonas. Mind ye that. I've been uwaltln' thl mo ment for thirty year, ever since ye laid on the fust mortgage. It's the sweet est day I ever d rawed breath. Tuck up ye're dud, ye wblte-headed pup. If my turn now." lie dodged the heavy toe of Jonaa' boot nn.l hastened down the graveled walk to hi buggy at the gate. Jonn went back to the kitchen and cleared up the breakfast dishes. Then he sat own with ld pipe to think It over. The Squire's word were no surprise. ITe knew that Ihirlow bad lsnight up the note: he knew that there was no hope for him after to morrow. He Had already packed his few clothea In a grip, uud wa ready. To-morrow, before the Bale could be gin, be would walk out and leave the old place, with an its memories, to jis new owner. j Jonu'a nature was Bclf-coutulucd, and he did not show his emotions. Yet, a lie wandered about tho bvusp, thinking of Kllza, be came very near to tear. It wu nil s lonesome nud for lorn. The dust lay thick on the par lor table, something bo bad never known In the old days. Ills mind went back, ns 1t bud dono a hundred times duiliwj the week, to 4'Sonny," bl son 1U1!, and a grent nob welled up In bl throat. If Hilly were only there but bo put the thought reso lutely away. Hilly waa not there: lillly was but u memory, nud Aim Kllzn was dead, nnd borne wns home no longer. J amis was up long before dawn the next morning. A Squire Harlow had predicted, ho cooked bis hist breakfast, and by aun-up he wa ready to depart. lie stepped out of the yurd without a look back. Tho air was sharp with Novemlwr frost, but be swung away down tho road nt a gait that set bis heart pounding Joy ously, Over his shoulder, on a heavy cane, ho carried his carpet grip-suck. In his pocket was money not so much to bo aiire, but enough to keep him for a month. And why worry beyond that, even at aeveuty years of uge? If you had asked Jonas whither ho was bound he could not have told you, but he felt In his heart thnt he could make his way to one of tho largo cities nnd find work, for his spirit was yet young. It wns his boast, admitted by his uelghliors, that ho had not uged a day, In look or manner, in the past ten years. So he strode on with a light step, and for a week covered flboiit twenty miles n day, putting up at country hotels. Tho fresh nlr was llko winoj the varying landscape was a delDght. He lived again the days of sixty-three when be tramped up nnd down tho State of Teunessee, fighting and being fought, duy after day, through that terrible campulgn. "'fi' i v Have you ever thought, young man, what It mena t be dubbed "old and no good?" Hare yau an Men of the hnpeHiic of ago when tho only out look la contlatiod need and reduced enrnlag capacity? Th truth cama hfuia alraagiy to Jonas when be began to aeck wark. There was no work for blu. They waated youag men. lie wa too ol4; be couldn't stand thn racket. And aenia wera lea gentle with thn rebuff. Gradually his little fund dwindled, and at lust bo made hi way by begging at farm bouses along the rand, lie found shelter In hnyrhk and bam, aneuklng In after lurk and leaving before dawn. Lack of food bc.'iin to tell. Tho wrinkle deepeapd in j,; f,.e; bl eyes took on a hopeless xpresslon; bl gait wns slower; hi h.i k began to bend. In a few weeks Jonas was an old, old man. And with weakness cam the feeling of dependence. III prldo melted. He wanted a strong arm about him. Hut there wa only ono la all the world on whom be nilght caU--"Honny." And wnere was "Sonny" now? There wn ample time for Jonas to regret the past As he plodded along the frozen rond ho recalled the occur rences of ten years before, when "Sonny" bad passed out of bis life. On the boy's shoulders bad fallen the burden f the farm with Its mortgage. Together they bad worked. Hill doing the lion's share, to raise the encum brance; and when the money wa al most In band, Jonaa bad loaned It, against Hllly'a earnest protest, to a friend on on unsecured note, at heavy Interest. And when the friend failed. Hilly saw the fruit of bl labor awept away in a night Was It any wonder, then, that be proposed giving up the farm and moving to the city? Were they to continue there, with noses to the eternal grindstone, merely eking out a living? The mother agreed, faith In ber son being deep and abid ing; but Jona said No, and when, urter moalb of argument Hilly an nounced his Intention of going alone, Jonns rose In wrath and showed blm the door, bidding him with a curse to "io, and stay, and never ahow your face again." Now, in bis bitterness, weak and weary, Jonas sat down by the side of the road and wept quietly-j the flrnt time In years. Oh. If be could only find "Sonny." "Sonny" would forgive blm. Ills heart went back to the old home; to the sorrowing mother, who had pined away grieving for her son. lie did not know that on the il.iv of bl departure, Hilly, prosperous and'rl,,ors ev.('a TLe Cau'- however, generous, having heard East for bl father to come home, It wa New Year' ere. Jonn bad been on the road over a month, with- out knowing bow, or, indeed, why. he iiau procoeueu steadily north, through the mountains, and now, us the bleak, winter day drew to a dose, be was np- proai liing the great city of Pittsburg. From afar be bad seen the heavy smoke lying low on the horizon. The road was lined with Is-autiful resi dences, and as dusk came on, lights appeared In the windows. There was warmth and cheer. Might not food and shelter be there too for nn old man? lie could not keep up much longer. HI shoes were worn through. He was sick with hunger. In despera tion he followed the driveway of n palatial residence and mnde hi way back to the stable. The hostler came nt blm savagely. "Git out o' here," he growled. "This ain't no place for 1.o!.m-s." Jonas turned and went out again. He would not beg from n common stable-hand. He Would push on to the city. As be passed the side of the house he glanced up at tTTe roof and stopied suddenly. There was n glow in the nttlc window. The glass shivered and a gush of smoke and tlame told blm Instantly that the bouse wns on fire. With quick steps he ran to the front and tip on the broad porch. The door was locked, but he pounded on It With hi fists. "I'iriE!" he shouted; nnd agnln, "ITltr: PI UK.' Thedooropened suddenly, showing the white, Beared face of n woman.. "FIItE:" Your house is on fire!" ho cried, as he pushed past her- Women screamed nnd children ran hither nnd thither. Hardly knowing why Jonas hurried up the broad stairs. As he turned Into the upper ball a cloud of smoke enveloped blm. He en tered the first room and ran to the window. Opening It, be shouted Into the still night air, "PIKE! FIPJG!" He heard men's voices, but as In a dream, for the smoke was stilling blm. He must get back or die, like a rut In a hole. As be groped his way he fell ngalnst a bed. A tluy voice startled him. It wns a baby, choking In the dense smoke. He reached out blindly; hi hands came upon tho child strug gling beneath heavy coverings. He grabbed It up, dragging off the blan kets, and wrapping them around the little one's heud oud body. Somehow he reached the door, stag gered into tho hall and found the stalr wuy. As bo started down ho tripped over the end of a blanket and rolled down, down, over and over. Ills head struck a .sharp corner at the foot of the steps, and he lay still, the precious bundle clasped In his arms. An Immeasurable apace of time passed then Jonas awoke alowly. He knew that he was worm, and that he lay on n soft bod; but his eyes were heuvy and be could not lift the lid. Then a familiar volco sounded In his ears. "Father, father," It said. Surely that wns "Sonny's" voice, and ho was back iu the old home, nnd It was time to get up nmr-iullk the cows . He struggled ngalnst tho heavy Bleep Ills eyes opened and looked tip Into Hllly's face. "Sonny, la it you?" he asked, weakly. Where am 1, Sonny?" "Yes, father, Its me, Hilly;" came the strong, familiar voice. "Don't you know me, father? I've leen hunting you everywhere. You're right here at home, my home." Slowly the truth dawned upon blm. He closed his eyes again, trying to remember- "Sonny, there fire, a nd a a baby I flf flu n ... prouchlng sale, had appeared before J i ""A-t , e t , 'V the astonished Squire Harlow and up- 1!,''lt- T,1?IPorTtra1 ?f, fT ? h" rK m..i ti,.. i,,.ii,.i i..i , , ham, erstwhile Lord Chief Justice of fvin? 7 England, nd one of the earliest pro- fj , i g u I demands and rendering the mot of Amrrl(.an colonization, wil . unnecessary; nor hat for week h , thft t haU flnd ,t9 orW. HAUNTED CASUS OF KIMIiOL TON Th Queen of fnglaod Stands Cod mother to American Baby. When Queen Alexandra atood as godmother to the son and heir of tho Ltuke of Manchester and bla American wife, it was the first occasion on which this royal lady ever assumed respon sibility for the spiritual welfare of any child wboae mother is a native of the United State. King Edward, while allli l'rlnc'0 of Wales, accepted the sponsorship of quite a n urn 1st of chil dren of Anglo-American unions. Hy the bye, the I Mike of Manches ter Is thn present bend of Drogo do Monte Acute, who was a famous warrior In the Immediate train of Ilob ert, Karl of Moreton, at the time of the Norman conquest Among bla ances tral homes, rescued and restaurs bd with the aid of bis American father-in- law, Eugene Zimmerman, of Cincin nati, pre-eminent stands the tradition filled, asmx'latlon-bauDted Kimbolton Castlo. The castle Is an ancient stone building, standing at the bead of the DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER. Fen country, In a spacious, well-wood ed iirk, close to tho town of Hunting don. Pour centuries ago It was the dower palace of Queen Katheriue, of Arragon, after ber divorce from Henry VIII. It would still nppear to be the residence of her spirit, elm-e ber ghost. In long," queenly robe and royul frown. Is said to roam it cor- has another ghost, less dignified, per- keep a-'hlghtly vigil rogues and poachers, accommodating himself, according to inclination and moonlight by either sitting astride the park wnll or secreting himself un- der the shadow of the mighty elm 'trees. Probably the ghost of Sir John is an immense saving of gamekeepers' salaries to the ducal purse. Lord Denbigh, who Is well remem bered In this country from h vlt 'n I'.oston a few years age, at the head of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of London, Is the chief of the family to which the famous novelist Henry Fielding, belonged. He likewise claims relationship with the Imperial Austrian House of Hapsburg; this claim, however, being ridiculed by many eminent English genealogists. He is lord-in-waiting to the King, ami ono of the forty Roman Catholic memlters of the Upper House of the English national assembly. The Hradley-Martins, It Is learned, have made several efforts to purchase Halmncnan outright, the magnificent place they occupy in Scotland- But, thougjh they have frequently raised their figures to a fancy price, they cannot induce the owner to part With it. The fact that they merely lease the place does not prevent them from spending a mint of money on It. It is now far more luxuriously fitted up than Halmoral, the Scotch royal resi dence, and Mar Lodge, the Duchess, or rather, Princess f Fife's place, pales into Insignificance compared with It. The Bradley-Martins have been so long In Eugluud that one almost for gets their rise to influence in the so cial world. Theirs is a success due to riches at least, so it would appear, and, In fact, such success makes small Impression on the thoughtful. Yet when you look Into It you find many things that arouse your admiration. It is no mean thing to make an en trance lu the Iioudon world of fashion. It requires a deal of tact nnd knowl edge of men nnd women. The Earl of Craven, tho eon-in-law of the lsradiey Martlns, pusses most of bla time look ing after his forty thousand acres, and In attending to his duties as county magistrate near his Warwickshire home. Lady Craven Is keenly inter ested In poultry farming, and at CoomlK) Abbey has bred birds .bat have stirred up the keenest sort of competition amongst English rancors. Moreover, It Is agreed on all hands that tho boy-and-girl marriage of has turned out more pleasantly than the wiseacres of that date predicted. And the Countess of Craven grows prettier as Bhe grows older. Prince Nnnzeta reba.isne Monte umu, who claims to be the lineal de scendant of the famous Aztec King of that name, Is a 6inull, ollve-skluned youth, with large, hcavlly-f ringed gray eyes, a full, red mouth and long hair. He wears civilian eiotnes, a broad-rimmed sombrero, and usually carries au interesting, carved cune. van Cttlava. "Yea, father. It was right here. It was our baby, nnd you saved it for us. The tire's out There's no danger. And Pve bought tho old home, father, and you cnu go back if you want, and never work or wunt any more!" Hut Jonas did not hear. A great peace came over him. ne know only that "Sonuy" held blm; that "Sonny" would take care of him; that bis long Jouruey was at au end. Through the midnight air came the sound of great bells. All over the city the Joyous message was ringing ring ing in "Sonny's" tars that Jones hod come home. i n . . . . . .1 1 : ... i i ..... a: r. .. I urn in oaici lis ."2 f II Fabulous Cost of Solomon' Tempts Solomon's Temple flourished before the days of modern "Graft," but it may Ik wondered what became of all the Jewels and precious stones, for the talents of gold, silver and brass used In the construction of the temple were valued at about thirty-five billions of dollars, and the Jewels about the same, according to Villanandus. The conse crated vessels of gold amounted to two and tbn-e-fiuarter billions; of ellver two and one-half billions; the vest ments and musical inKtruments to eleven and one-quarter millions. There were ten thousand men em ployed to hew timber, seven thou sand as burden carriers, twenty thou sand as bowers of stones, thirty-three hundred overseers, all of whom were employed for seven years and upon whom Solomon bestowed as a gift thirty millions of dollars. Adding the food and wages the total would be over four hundred and fifty millions of dollars. The costly stone and tim Irer equalled twelve billion more and the whole total has been carefully estimated as 77J21,9G5,C30w Cron aad Parrot FlgbU Adam Forepaugh, the veteran ehow- man, had a white parrot which had learned to any, "One at a time, gentle men, don't crush," acquired, of course, from the ticket seller. One day the parrot got lost and after a long search Mr. Forepaugh was overjoyed to hear Its familiar voice from an adjoining cornfield, lie dismounted from bis buggyr en tered the cornfield and found the par rot in the middle of a flock of crows that hnd pecked him sntil be was al most featherless. A the crows bit and nipped, the parrot, lying or Ms side end defending huxelt w!tu his (.laws, was repeating-uvtr and over. "One at a time, gentlemen, one at a time. Don't crush." Colorado' Fine CapltoL The State Capitol of Colorado was erected at a cost of 13.600.000 and Is constructed entirely of Colorado ma terial. The exterior la of selected gray granite and the Interior of polished marble and onyx. It stands in the cen ter of a ten-acre tract and required about ten years to complete. "It Is reported that our corner drug gist is about to falL" "Goods a drag on the market, ehf PHOTOGRAPHERS Throw Your Bottles and Scales Away Ds YOU KNOW that dirty Obviate this by using our Simply empty our tubes Into ve don't charge you for the latter. Large quantities of developer made tip at one time oxydize and spoil. Tith our developers you only make up enough for Immediate use. Send 25 cents for half a dozen tubes sufficient for 24 ounces of devel oper for Velox, Azo, Cyko, Rotox, or other papers, or 60 ounces of Plate and Film Developer a Developer which will not stain the Angers or nails, and is non-poisonous. bave a Sepia Toner for gaslight papers, 6 tubes, 25c. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICAL COMPANY 11 tlx St. wd Perm Ave.. Washington. D. C 4rf, u p .if ri! . -.w. - ou can mtru irow t. vhvii wvv.a nuwv ... tn m v-n 'and etnam. ANY art of double-eutry books in trie wont modern, "up- nt-s- iXe iytSus: siMlit accountt; arerape atxjounit; compuU interest; teach book. .lu'enJonevaaMeTpert; aara oue-thirj labor; make "balance aheett" ren.Lr cnmtTtTseSe"; klop books for or numags a sfxk coaipaajr or ataaaiactarlaf coaccrse "1 more ntCU aiore I -.. TaII tn 1 oitfri VXnnle .U pfnincf and spend from $60 to $400 ot MM? and from S to If motttiot t -C to f"". ...ii T.riiii.iiui in .tha umieraiirued. woo haa b a SI years praLUuu eiwrirnoe atan sIwuntanTwill, for the traall turn of $3.00. qualify, you at yoar 0S hone tiffin Seimeto IW aK'Y pUitKw whrt a HrstUM book-keeper uiuy be required or HVFUNnltfflNKYI Coulaouiwk for anyUiiun fairerr Pric-o (for book and ''course,") $3 00 UltrSS&SmSZMtM .uanuer directed below, sod you will 'g'ct your atoatrs rorthl" , I Find Positions. Too. Everywhere. Free! The undersiKned tupplies more businesg hou with book-keepers thun any ten ra merJlal hSla wMchlould be named, and there is a Kivatr detuaud , for ' CQUOVVIN BtrOK- Ktf PtRS than for any other kind, instance n'"r"7 """"- TtTU10NlALiJ from I'UMLSI ftrhars 1 can placo 011. TOO A oonvof -Ooodwln's l"ractlcal lustriictlon for Biisioess Moo" (an extremely lO .aluabUi book pri. $1.00) will be ent, IBKE ur iuakui, mow wu u rmtout thurxrd?" pTT $l 00 to it. and amd tor the book and "course'' "V,TB"'L cuioui r.... te , i,uiui i. ... .uiuiluii v to tun ua it is Worth UMJt IHtlf w.w"o"T."r:r,',r.77 e.t J. ll. uuuuwm Room 436, 121S Ilroadway, F R LADIES THIS nantfsome For Scarf giVeim away Send t your nm tni tddretM mi will mI yoa trtt inii pot-pi Id i24 plec ( cur wlrf amrtltie la cu it iv nan uu BTcrrftoar ran in thm to lll bay Itiem of roifc nan i i told (cod (ha 12.40 aad trill tl one tend JOQ ihta Handsome Fur Scarf ll It setrly 4Q Inches lone, mid from fcliek Lyn far, bt tit tula, kaaby Mix, very lafetf ttyle, tad try kaov yea trill b tnora thta pletMd lik ll. Wne yoa rectlvt If vt knir yoa will tay ll It tat noil tletial tad thoroafhly food tat yoa ktvt ter toea. Nothing tlmllar tothit tearfkittrtf Wfora ktcn offered t t trtmlarat It trill gift ye re of ttilefictory wear. It elret a etrlleh, dretey effect to tht wetrer't tppearaaea. The only retton wt eaa offer them It t fced t leryt aamber of I hem tnada ap lor at by ana of tht Itrtt furrlert during the tattaaer bea trade wet ejuiet s thia it Ibt only rettoa wa trt thl te offer inch ta cipeatlrt premium. Wa bop yto will take ttfvaateta of oar offer wltboat delay. Tbia la aa titreordlaery offer end cannot be duplicated by tay other reliable eoaeera. Vt treat yoa wltb war le-arelry aatll old. ll coeta yoa aothlag to get tblt for. Addrtta. COLUMBIA NOVELTY CO., Dept. 655a East DttUa, Matt Music Lessons Free IN YOUR OWN HOME. A wonderful offer to wrcry lower of emtio whether a beginner or aa advanced player. Ninety-fix Inaoca (or a Ira aamber if yoa dfJre) for either Piano, Organ, Violin, OuKax, Banjo, Comet or Mandolin till bo giro free to make our homo atudy couraea for theao In. trumenta known in your locality. Too will get one leaaon weekly, ant your only ezpenao dur tDf tbe time you take the leuoos will be the) cost of pottage and the music yoa will une, which la tmalL. Write at once. It will mean much to you to get our free booklet It will place yoa under no obligation whatever to us f you never write ejraln. You and your fxlnxtt thould know of thin work. Hundreds of rnir pupllt write: "Wmh I bad known of your av.-hool before." "Have learned more la one t"rm in mr borne with your weekly Ifaaona than in three terms with private trchr. and at a RTat Oeal Ima expense.' 'Eeerytflioa; is so thorough and eomplet." "Tbe IrtMOna are mrrelB of simplicity, and my 11-year old boy has not had the least trouble to Urn." One nuninter wrifa: "A each succeedint; Iraeoa comes I am more and more fully peivua'ied I made no mistake in becoming your pupil." We have been established seven years-have hundreds of pupils from eight years of aire to seventy Don't Bay you cannot learn muaie till you tend for our free booklet and tuition off nr. It wul be sent by return mail free. Addrena U. 8. SCHOOL OF MUSIC, U Union Square, how York City. mm Repeaters! ton tandt r 1a icfnrfa. II rr"- ' , 'Vat, J-b-a .trra fond a jl la 'a w eyes a-;. 1 ;i. keeps te Cut lU fifist Debatt'-.- Tht MAK.I ' tcties warka oatiiy aad amaothiy, taak:nf; very iutia aaita. Our sew sotntatrin tecoU-opeiw Sting asddnc aeries aukea tbe klarlia tha talest breock-laaduic gun ever baiit. tao aart catalogue, too ii luatretiaas, cover in Bine colen, Builca for thrco nirnpt Tht Marfla FlrtAraa Ce New Haven, Conn, bottles and scales cause you trouble? Developers, put up READY TO USE. the developing tray and add the water Hakc Up, Old Man, Wake Up ! . i - - -e BE A BOOK-KEEPER! BE A FIRST-CLASS BOOK-KSEPEB Ton Will Never Tall Asleep Over Your Work nr m troubled OTflT looar OolumM llfUlVt,' If irvuumi uc e ' , ill pun-haae anii maiiter the onntents of ia.1. Iianroved Kook.kcenlar and BusiaCSS JUU 1K riassavi." TUid bouk la not a luiury but a nnotm- direitlr to BuacT-ovakiar and tsoKW-saviar. AiirT "T NEW YOBK .11 I) . ill V