Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 04, 1906, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 10

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    Been In various degrees of dtlaplda
ton, but they show no evidence of
renulne occupation. They have
never been In any sense homes.
lust year the repeal f the awlrn
ment clause. This provision 1ms
leen tnnde the eonvenleut vehicle for
evading the pplrlt of the law and for
Invcsllirntlons have been carried on fnellltntlnir tho acquisition of lands in
where the commuted homesteads are ; larjre holtllnjr. The law limits the
notable In number. The records of amount which one person or aawcla
some of the counties examined show tlon of persons may hold, by nssljrn
that 00 per cent of the commuted ment or otherwise, prior to patent to
homesteads were transferred within ' 320 acres of euch arid or desert
three months after acquisition of U-
tie, and evidence was obtained to
ehow that two-thirds of the commu
ters Immediately left the state. In
many Instances foreigners, particu
larly citizens of Canada, came Into
this country, declared their Intention
of becoming citizens .took up home
steads, commuted, sold them ,and re
turned to their native land.
The reasons given for adhering to
the commutation clause are diverse
and many of them are cogent when
applied to individual cases. It Is
said, for example, that the commu
ter desires to raise money for use In
Improving his place. This Is often
true, but In the majority of cases the
records ehow that the commuter im-!
medlatelr leaves the vicinity. Thej
freouencv of loans Is traceable In
lands. The most common form of at
tempted evasion of this requirement
is for two or throe Individuals to
form themselves into a corporation,
each individual member of the corpo
ration securing, by entry or assign
ment, Ml) acres of siuh lands ami
the coloration as such SCO acres.
These same individuals then form an
other corporation under an entirely
different name nnd procure an as
signment of another S-0 acres, and
this process is continued Indcllultely.
The General Land Otllce has within
the past year endeavored to put a
stop to this practice by holding that
a corporation or association or per
sons is not qualified to receive a desert-land
entry by assignment where
Its individual members .either singly
or in the aggrepite are holding o
manv Places directly to the activity 1 acres of such arid or desert lands.
of agents of loan companies, who This ruling. If enforced, will tend to
are often I'nlted States commission-1 lessen the evils resulting from large
era also, eager first to Induce settle- holdings prior to patent: but it Is not
ment and then to make these loans deemed possible to secure adequate
on aeeonnt of the double commission control of this question unless the
received. iJiter they secure we ; law proinbits assignments or desert
business which accrues to them
-v:' : -it .i.v-i.i:
From an old wood-cut illustration In RIchard
eon'i " West of th Mississippi." A "Home"
14x20 (inches, not feet) show-inif that false
swearing in acquiring goverumeut land is
no new art.
through the foreclosure and transfer
of the property. The true working of
the commutation clause does not ap
pear until after foreclosure upon the
maturity of the loans.
One significant brought out by the
Investigation Is that a large portion
of the- commuters are women, who
never establish a permanent resi
dence and who are employed tempo
rarily in the towns as school teach
ers or In domestic service, or who are
living with their parents. The great for not loss than two years slmuia j
majority of these commuters sell im-i required before patent Your!
mediately upon receiving title, tbe ; Commission can not understand why
business being transacted through : any settler should be given both a
some agent who represents his client homestead nnd a desert entry, either
in all dealings ana prepares ail pa- cf Whlch without the other should sur
nnd entries. l!y repealing that pro.
vision of the law nnd requiring the
claimant to show that he has made
the entry for his own use and benefit
and not for the lcnefit of any other
person or corporation nnd that be
has made no n groom nt by which the
title shnll Inure to any other person
or corporation the evils Incident to
large holdings of such lauds under
the sanction of law will be materially
It Is a strlklns fact that these large
holdings of desert land are not re
claimed and devoted to their best
use. Three hundred and twenty acres
of irrigable land Is entirely too much j
for economical handling by one per
son. On the other hand, inspection
shows that in the same locality and
under the same climatic conditions the
homestead entries, where not com
muted, are reclaimed nnd utilized.
The desert-land act us it stands up
on the statute books appears to have
many features which commend it,
as before stated, the practices gov
erning it have largely nullified Its
good features, and the resulting
evils cannot be fully overcome with
out legislator.
The area of the desert entry
should le cut down from S20 acres to
not exceeding 100 acres, nnd discre
tion should be given to the Secretary
of the Interior to cut it down still
further where it is apparent that in
tensive cultivation Is practicable. A
farm of 320 acres, if irrigated, is en
tirely too large for a single family,
and its possession simply prevents
other settlers from coming into the
country. Furthermore, it makes land
monopoly easy and induces speculation.
Actual living at home on the land
The commutation clause, if it is to
be retained to cover special cases,
should be effective only after not less
than three years actual not con
structiveliving at home on the land.
Under present practice, the commuta
tion period being fourteen months,
six months of this time Is generally
taken to establish residence, so that
only eight mouths remain. This time
is usually arranged to include the
summer, so that the shack built need
not be habitable in severe winter
weather, and the residence on the
land may consist merely In a sum
mer outing. Obviously it is assen
tial that residence should be far more
etrlctly defined. It Is probable that
lax interpretation and enforcement
of the provisions of the law regard
ing residence is responsible for more
fraud under the homestead acjt than
all other causes combined.
It may be urged that the frauds
which have taken place under the
flee, under the law, to inrnlsh him n
home. The desert-land law rhould
be a means of settlement, and oetnal
bona fide residence should be rigidly
1 ue actual jTodnctlon of a valuable
crop should Ic required on not Jess
than one-fourth the area of the en
try. At present, ns a rule, the great
er part of the desert entries are
never actually watered. Hundreds l
of desert entries were examined by
members of the Commission in the ,
last year, nnd the groat majority of
them were found to be uninhabited,
unirrigated, uncultivated, and with
no improvements other than a fence.
This npplies both to desert entries up
on which a final proof is now leing
offered and to other entries to which
title has been given.
It Is a fact that a very small pro
portion of the land disposed of under
the terms of the law lm actually
been reclaimed and Irrigated, and
Bcrutiny of many hundreds of desert
that the supply Is adequate for that
.l.t. . i i . . .
inn jnw, n n in: nun luiowmfr, Oil lis
face, Indicates a compliance with
law, the fact remains that the water
supply, if any at all. Is not sufficient
to permanently reclaim the land.
'1 he ownership or stock In a pro
jected Irrigation ditch which does
not exist In fact, or the ownership
or a pump tenioniriiy installed, Has
often been accepted, In connection
with such testimony, as proof of the
possession of water. Many alleged
Irrigation ditches or reservoirs are
familiar to members of the Commis
sion which are utterly inadequate to
irrigate a square roil, ami uion tlie
strength of such works patent has
frequently then issued to ISM acres of
Frauds committed through conven
tional forms of perjury and through
lack of proper verification of tho
facts ns to the rocllanmtlon of tho
land Justify the taking of immediate
ami radical steps in the revision of
tho law. The law should absolutely
require nn actual adequate water
supply, and the limits as to quautlty
should bo defined.
In short, the law should render Im
possible the continuance of the
practices by which desert lands
without water, without cultivation,
and without crops nre passed into
the possession of claimants.
Crabbing Lands.
The great bulk of the vacant pub
lic lands throughout the West are un
suitable for cultivation under the
present known conditions of agricul
ture, and so located that they can
not le reclaimed by Irrigation. They
nre, and protvawy always must 1k
of chief value for grazing. There are
it is estimated, more than 300.000,
000 acres of public grazing land, an
area approximately equal to one-fifth
the extent of the I'nlted States
proper. The exact limits can not be
set, for with masoned changes large
areas of land which afford good
grazing one year are almost desert in
another. There nre also vast tracts
of wooded timbered hind iu which
grazing has much Importance.' and
until a further classification of the
public lands is made it will be Im
possible to give with exactness the
total acreage. The extent Is so vast
ami the commercial Intents In
volved so great as to demand ln-the
highest deirroe the wise nnd conser
vative handling of these vast re
sources. It Is a matter of the first import
ance to know whether these grazing
lnnds nre being used In the ,lest way
posslh'e for the continued ' devel p
ment of the country or whether
they nre being abused under a sys
tem which is detrimental to such de
velopment nnd by which the only
present value of the land is . lielng
rrpidly tiestroyeq.
At present the vacant public lands
are theoretically open commons, free
to all citizens luit ns a matter of tact
a Iars:e proportion have been parceled
out by more or less definite compacts
or agreements nniong the various In
terests. These tacit agreements are
continually Wmiiu violated- The
sheepmen nnd cattlement are In fre
quent collision liecause of incursions
upon each other's domain. I .and
which for years Iiuh been regarded as
exclusively cattle range may be In
fringed upon by laige bands of
sheep, forced by drought to migrate.
t, Alt , i- J
i -
t "
Heroic Bronze Figure of France's
Field Marshall Standing In Front
of White House.
One of the very striking and majes
tic bits of bronze In Washington Is
the Itochambeau statue which stands
in what was called Jackson Square,
In the Region Being Despoiled Under tho Timber and Stone Act.
operations of the oommntiHnn elnnsef
are due largely to lax ncmlnlstrnilon.
The fact Is that the precedents estab
lished by decisions rendered on spe
cial cases have so far weakened the
powers of administration that addi
tional legislation Is necessary.
Desert Land Law.
In the preceding report the opinion
was expressed that the desort-land
law should, for the present, at least
be allowed to stand, with a fpw
changes In detail. It was believed
that, with the experience of the past
for guidance, it would be possible to
enforce this law so that Its essential
provisions should rx compiled with.
More careful analysis, however, of
the operations of this act and of the
practicea which have rrown up has
led your commission strongly to the
conclusion that this law should be
modified In essential particulars.
Tour Commission recommended.
entries now pnsslnz to final proof
shows that in the mnjoritv of cases,
these lands nre not actually nrtllzed.
but nre )eing held for speculative
purposes. OWlnS tn Bevvml nnnonu
among which are the laxity of some
ou ine Btate laws governing appro-
prmuon or water Tor Irrluntlon pur
poses, nnd tllO Initlffltlnnn. U.
water supply, eonsidenihle difficulty
has been cncniintornY in
ing that provision of the dosert-land
jaws wuicn requires a claimant to
nave a permanent water right based
on Prior annrnnrlntlnn VoMF fftnn
the waters of a stream are exhausted
ny otner approprlators before, th
nine wnpn ine claimant copr
through the rorm of posting notices
reeordlnir his clnl
with other oBRentlnlu tt tUa ofata tan.
Notwithstanding this, he furnishes
me tosnmony or two witnesses that
the WfltPr thus nnnmnrlnfr.l .am
been usca In rtclalwlnjf Hi hut. zni
e-v : - ,.;fs jt
The Coffee Importers and Roasters are Attacking
All Along the Line.
Many people have found out the truth ahout vU
fashionctl codec.
They have overcome disease caused ly it.
The plan was easy and sure.
Quit Coffee and use Tostum.
Proof with one's self is stronger than any theory.
The Fostum army grows by hundreds of thousands
The old-fashioned Coffee Magnates arc now derid
ing Tostum through the papers.
Because their pockctbooks are hurt, they would
drive the people back to the old coffee slavery.
One coffee prevaricator says: "It (Tostum) has
lately been exposed and found to contain an excess
of very ordinary coffee."
Another that "it (Postum) is made from a small
amount of parched peas, beans, wheat, dried sweet
potatoes, and paste of wheat middlings."
Here's to vou, oh faithful followers of the tribe of
Ananias :
$100,000.00 CASH
will be deposited with any reputable trust company
(or a less amount if desired) against a like amount
by any coffee roaster or dealer. If the charges "prove
true we lose, if not wc take the money as partial
liquidation for the infamous insult to our business.
The Postum Pure Pood factories are the largest in
the world, the business having been built upon abso
lutely pure food products, made on scientific lines,
"for a reason" and the plain unvarnished truth told
even,' day and all the time. These factories are visited
by thousands of people every month. They arc shown
info every crannv and examine every ingredient and
8tandd OHKiailv tiie VVLiU) IiouM,
because of the presence there bt
Clark Mills' equestrlnn statue of
General Jackson, later called Ijnra
votte Square, because of the erection
there of the great Lafayette etarue.
and now verv frequently called
RochamtKMin Tnrk because of this
elegant example of art. The statue
was unveiled in 1002. It stanas ai
rectlv In front of the White ITouse.
The movement for tbe erection in
the National Capital of a statue of
Roehnmbean was In recognition of
tho rtose ties between France nnd the
T'nlted Prnfp. This pentlmenT
was particularly strong after the
close of the Pnnnlsh-Amerlenn war
In view of the aervlees rendered In
the Interest of pence by Oambon the
French Ambassador. The crovern
mpnt of France had also Just sent
ovpr two snperb Revres vases as a
gift to President McKlnley. Con
erpsfl appropriated J7.500 for the
starri. Roehnmhenn commanded
the French forces sent to the as-
ltnnee of the yonng republic of the
United States and which co-operated
with the Continental army at York-
noohamT.wirf tnrn fa PTcel
lent art. The French field marshal In
thp full uniform of his rank stands
with one arm outstretched evidently
pointing to the distant American col
ony which he is about to help.
At the base la a symbolic flgnre. It
Is the flgnre of a woman hnrrvlntf
forward with the flag of Franca
borne aloft In the right hand. Be
neath her feet Is the prow of a ship
suggestive of the force which France
has Bent across the seas to aid the
republic of the United States In the
days of Its Infancy. Below are the
arms of France and the United
States linked together.
A Few Overlooks.
"I met an old friend In town to-day"
said Mr. Shannon to his wife one even
ing, on his return from business," find
he told me he expected to bo married
In a week.
Ten minutes later, after his wife had
finished asking questions, Mr. Shannon
wrote as follows to his friend Stoddcr:
"Hear Stoddcr: I thought I was n
newspaper reporter, but please nnswr
the following questions by return
mail. They cover mime points I neg
lected to get from you.
"What is the name of the girl you
are to marry?
"Where does she live?
"What does her father do?
"Has he any money?
"Was it love at first sight?
"Are you very much In love with
"How old Is she?
"Where are you polng to live?
"Did you ask her personally, or
write your proposal?
"Ilavn't you proposed to other girls?
"How did you and I come to be such
'Where are you going for your
"Is it that tall girl you took to the
theatre one night last winter?
"Why didn't I ask you all this when
you told me?
"Were you so excited you couldn't
give me any information, but simply
had to talk about getting married?
"A prompt reply will help me. to give
my wife aome much-desired informa
tion. Next time you tell mo you are
going to le married, don't think that
is the really Important feature about
it.-Yours Lustily, Shannon."
'A darkv was asked why he went
away, and gave the following lucid an
."I didn't went. I didn't want to
went, and If I had wanted to went, I
couldn't have got to go no how."
A Tension
, the state"
of the tension at a glance.
Its use means time saving
and easier sewing.
It's our own invention
and is" found only on the
Sewing Machine
We have other striking
improvements that appeal to
the careful buyer. . Send for
our elegant IL T. catalog.
White StoqMacmeCo.
Cleveland, Ohio.
process. Each visitor sees Tostum made of different
parts of the wheat berry treated by different mechan
ical method and one part blended with-n small part
of pure New Orleans molasses. So he knows Tostum
contains not one thing in the world but Wheat nnd
New Orleans molasses. It took more than a car of
experimenting to perfect the processes and learn how
to develop the diastase and properly treat the other
lcmcnts in the wheat to produce the coffee-like flavor
that makes suspicion people "wonder." T.ut there
never has been one grain of old -fashioned or drug
coli'eoin I'ostiim and never will be.
Another thing, we have on tile in our general offices
the original of every testimonial letter we have ever
published. Wc submit that our attitude regarding
coffee i now and always has been absolutely fair. If
one wants a stimulant and can digest cdTce and it
does not si t up any sort of physical ailment, drink iL
lUtt, if coffee overtaxes and weakens the heart (and
it docs with some).
Or if it si ts tip disease of the Mnmach and IjOwcI
(and it docs with some).
Or if it causes weak eyes (and it d s with some).
Or if it causes nervous prostration (and it doc
with many).
Then good plain old-fashioned common sense might
(w ithout asking permission of coffee merchants) sug
gest to quit putting caffeine (the drug of coffer) into
a highly organized human body, for health is really
wealth and the happiest sort of wealth.
Then if one's own best interest urges him to study
into the reason and "There's a reason," he will un
earth great big facts that alfof the sophistries of the
coffee importers and roasters cannot refute.
Over one Million Dollars
allowed our clients during the last
six years.
Over one Thousand
claims allowed through us dur
ing the last six months. Dis
ability, Atfe and In
crease pensions obtained
in tke shortest possible time.
Widows' claims a specialty.
Usually granted within 90
days if placed with U3 immedi
ately on soldier's death. Fees
fixed b'j law and payable out of
allowed pension. A successful
experience of 25 years and benefit
of daily calls at Teusion Bureau
nre at your service. Highest ref
erences furnished. Local Magis
trates pecuniarily
benefited by sending us
Warder DId'g, Washington, D. C.
Ptae, Plr, Cjrprctta and Yellow Pine.
Write fur Catuiotfua.
Eagle Tank Co., 281 N. Green 8t.,
Chicago, 111.
There Is a irroun of lHlands south ofi
New Zealaud called the Keven Hisrcrg,
said to be auhjoct to a practically
constant rainfall. The same condl-
tlonu exist in Terra del Fucgo, except
that the rain often takes the form of
eleet or suow.
tU cuU irrjrhart. will Ouiwwr ThrM OrdlOAry ftiitda .
Mad' Iu Ug hi ami llr Wciybia, tut Muud kouib. I.aiis litlit.
Mm ric. VUili morn rfllc, m amntcd nuii-rustinff tnil pn, im
h-.lutrlr Hnl.rpkM (!, illall Hull Duff U Itii-r nrU, ll-r ir
If vi ! .n-r r.iniiii iim iiu. . Mill, M,.(M,nl, lur Ml til,.
HEWE8 aV POTTER. '" ul","1","1 ""ukara
J,it. M, 7 LIM00LN M., BUUton, MAM.
VtluM. BiMikJ.t, " Dim. m4 CuiMadM ttflM," ITMoa rotMtfc 1
ThNewat and Baal
r the
are our Lock Ruckles for use on Trunks, Telescopes, Cases of all kinds,
Portfolios, Messenger Dags, etc.
Tbcy are the only Lock Iluckleit with tho Yule Principle
and are made of Mantfanctte ISronze, which looks like (old,
is HtroMgcr than uteel and will not runt.
Lock it alone (easily attachable). Small, COc ; medium, 75c j
large, $1-00. (Iieautifully hand engraved and including monogram,
25c extra); with strap for trunk, f 1.60 j for case, $1.00prepuid and re
turnable if not delighted, Booklet on request Salesmen and sales
women wanted everywhere.
Madison, Wis.