n gmie m w i m a f A V ' 2J. mun$ 4 VOL. XXVII. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUX IT, ,) II EG ON, TIIUItSDAY, JAN. 4 , 190f, NO. I. (I IIL ri1 17 SENATORS WILL OPPOSE TAFT. To Fight Anything Roosevcltian. ADMINISTRATION UNPLEASANT. 5a n f'rantlftco Chronicle' Views On the 5i tun Hon Between Senator and People. v Vitltir Wellman's announcement the other day to tho elfect (lint (ln U. H. Senate would attack Heerctary of War Tuft on all liU public wri ices' illlegltd to I HI political, Will, lltill 1m, bringing out continent front till part of tlx country. Following I what tlm Hun Francisco Chronicle dux to any of tho Senate and Mr. Tuft: A Washington dispatch to the Chic ago Record Herald aeetiHes tlm Ivml lli'iin Senators Secretary 'J'aft with tn view of milking lilm unavailable is ii ciiti'lli!iili for tin Presidency to mtcceed Mr. Koom-u ll. Tit" Senators aro represented tiK determined that to mini shall Im nominated for Presi dent w It Ii w lioin Itoosovolt irt liki-ly to have liny strong influence, Tito mitjorlty of them did not want Koose tlt In the. Ilrst place, and tlto more they deal with him tlm loss they like him. Tin y want nil tho tradit ious of his Administration to pass away with li i in mid Ihi forgotten. We tin not know what prosoct Sec rotary Talt ha of being noinlniif til for President. What we do know Ik that tlin surci-t way to assure hU iioiiiIiih- ' tloil in for tint Sounto to attack hint. It 1 useless to disguise tlto fact that the mutt w In tut Koiialorshato w orst Is likely for that vc-y reason lo Im most earnestly sought lor by the people uud th( most people are very likely to force hi nomination just tot they forcd that of Mr. Roosevelt. It in notorous t hut a majority of th onators ltuve bought their seats , either for uioney of their own, or Homo corporation, or with tho salaries paid tiy tlto Fed eral Government to tlto henchmen whom their position otiosities to put into otlloo. The f onators w ho actually represent tho people of their states aro very fow. They rcpritnt, as they miiht roprcMcnt, tht iutltieut iul which put them whore they Rro. l'reldeut KoOHOvelt U under no olillK'ntlonn whatever to any politician. Hiti mln takett nnd li mukeH mltr;i8 arc duo to hii impulnlvo nature, which Ioiik poitwHHloti of rtitt power tendn to develop into womet hintf upproachiuK iutolcranco of oppoHition which in Hometimori itucalled for mid diaiiKroo hIiIo. Hut there in no doulit that ho dooti hato thieves. lie uldiorefl polit ical condition which make it poemi l)lo for ttoiiio of tho ulilent Semitora to h iu t ho Bouuteat nil. He luwa whole Home fear of tho encroachment of powerful corporation uud their iu cre8iut control of our tlovornmeut throuRh tho creaturett whom they foiut Into olllce. And la theHe thiiiKH lion tho Proriideut'H holdup ou tho peo ple, which not even hlnowu errors of judgment aro likely to tthake, and which will lie made nt router by tho oppociltlou of such means many of tho aouators. If it should uppeur that the opposition to Socrotary Tuft, If such allowed allegation really exists , is due to tho fear that ho will follow in the footsteps of Prosideut Roosevelt all other candidates may us well retire. We wish President Iloosevelt were different iu some respects, but it is t ho fact that it is due to his perhaps rather overbearing nuture that his ad min ibt ration has done more to detect and punish oUlcial tmift than any other admlnlHtrutlon which the Republic has over had. Civet Party to Class. Miss May Bnldor entertained her muslo china Friday ovouintf. The ear ly part of the evening wuh devoted to musical aeluctlona by the pupils, lif ter which a dainty luncheon was serv ed. Then tho horn waa turned over to tho youiitf folka and a jolly good time was had until ten o'clock, when tho little ones bid their teacher t;ood night, with many expressions of thanks for wo pleasant uu evening. Kiss Snider has a Bplendld class, aud it is her intention to give a public musical sometime this winter. Following Is tho program Piano Kohl Iiiibroinbtii MImn Rnlder. Jmupudln Waltz, ...... Chapln Krug Kdith Chandler. Imttrumentu) Duett, "Fleum P.Oran- er" Ludvlc HHdie Heryford and Thae (Ireen Vm h1 Kolo "Heo the AfiKels - -Coming, " - - LclKhton (Jladys Chandler. Piano Httlo "Waltz., Op 101" - (lorlltt Kva Chandler, "Flrt Walta" - - - Knorr Opal Chandler, IiiHtriiiiteiital Duett "Iltiutlriif Chorus" Van Welter Amy Heryford and MIssKnlder Vocal Kolo "The Ooldcn West" I,andnn Kva Clark. JiiMrumeittal Duett "Honit of Pralw" (iladys and Lottie Chandler Piano Kolo "HprlnK" Llchner Mildred lU lntrt Inntriimeiital Duett "Dolls - - - March" - - Kchcroder Mary Heryford mid Miss Holder Piano Kolo-"In I lank uud File" I,antfe Kva (Jhandler Piano Kolo "Kerenaile" - - Lcmoint Louise Ktorkinau Iiihtrui.'irnt'il Duett "Haxketof - IUixcm" - - Ktrealilioi; Mildred Itchart Hud Kva Khtdlliaiumer Robert Tandy Dead. Kcry old resident of !oow Lake valley known Kuliert It. Tandy, who died near IIukcuc a few weeks it'o. lie was one of the (llt settlers ill thij valley, lmving come here with his brother W. K. Tandy iu ISoO, and they settled near Pine Creek, and af terward secured tint ranch known as the Tandy ranch, where they resided up to almut l.H!Ci, wlfen they removed to Wittdiinv'toii. Mr. Tandy returned to ltke County every year to renew acipiaiutaiices and arrange Iiiih'uiomh matters, still owning uud leading the property. The Tandy brothers were uncles of V. L. Knelling of Iukeview, Jas. Kindling of Cedurville aud Miss Delia Knelling who is now at Independence, Oregon. The follov lug (-lipid iro'ii the Eu gene (iiinrd gives the account of Mr. Tandy's death : "Robert R. Tandy a Lane county pioneer, died at the home of Palmer Ayers, a few miles north of Eugene, Wednesday night, November 22, 11K15, at 11 oclock. The cause of death was a general breaking down incident to old age. Ho had just panned the 71th milestone in the path of time. The deceased was born In Missouri and was never married. He came West to Utah in 18o0 and to Oregon the next year, settling iu Lano Coun ty. He lived hero until 1H&), when he moved to (loose Luke, in the ex treme southern part of the state. Re maining there several years he moved to Pexl.astin, Wash., residing there until two years ago lust June, when ho returned to Lano county mid took up his residence with Mr. and Mrs. Ayers. The deceased leaves a brother, W. K. Tandy also unmarried, and w ith whom he has lived constantly all his life; two sisters, Mrs. J. C. Hushnell and "Aunt" Fannie Harrlow, besides other relatives, including Mrs. Ayers, Ho waa a member of the liaptist church and lived a pure Christian life. The funeral will be held Friday at 1 1 a. in. at the Ayers residence, with interment in the Uillespie cemetery. Rev. J. 0. Richardson will conduct ihe services. " Insurance Paid. Mrs. Mary E. Klngsley has received a check for 11500 made payable to her order uud deposited iu the First Nat ional Dank of Lakevlew, as payment of the death claim of her son Ilurr, who was scalded to death at Spokane in October. The follow ing clipping explains it self: i J. M. Oregry, representing at Missoula the Travelers, Insurance company of Hartford Conn., is in re ceipt of a check for 11,500. It is made payable to Mrs. Mary E. Kings ley and is tho amount for which her son, llurr Klngsley was insured. Mr. Kingsley, a railroad man was killed nt Spokane October G, 1905, .by the blow ing out of a plug iu a boiler. Ills insurance was inudo payable to his nu ther, but it was some time be fore a) e could be located, at Lake view, Oregon. The company imme diately sent its check to Mr. Gregory, resident agent, for the amount, who immediately notified Mrs. Kiugnley t'lat it was subject to her order. Mr. Gregory naturally feels elated over the prompt liquidation of the claim. THE SIMPLEX TYPE SETTING MACHINE. A Complete Descripti . of its Operation and A Picture Ne Dress of Type For The Examiner. This week wo present to our reader Numlter one, Volume 27, of the IjuV-i County Examiner, iu a new dress ; ' type aet tip with one of the woderful Simplex typesetting machines. The constant growth of The Examiner had brought us face to face w ith a problem that the manufacturer of machinery capable of turn lug out more work in less time could only solve. The do-' mnnd for more and Inter news was w apparent that in order to Ix-st serin the public we soiiht tho DitMlern u.u- chines to meet this demand and how well we succeeded remains for tho pub lic to judge. A picture of our machine accompan ies the description of its operation. It is the most wonderful piece of ma chinery yet invented, and practically takes the place of about three compos itors in a printing otHco. For Beverol mouths wo correspond ed and figured with the Uuitype Co., of Rrooklin, New York, which has a branch oftlce at 410 Sausome Street, San Fraucisco, aud a force of expert employees who understand tho busi ness thoroughly and are able to cope with the most ditllcult circumstances that may exist iu a gountry newspa per office iu tho West. This com pany's manager Mr. Grigsby, soon put us in possession of reliable informa tion which uufolded the mysteries we sought to have solved, that of putting out tho greatest amount of news at the loast cost to our readers. Pa tron of newspapers must pay tho ex pense of the publication, or a paper could not exist, and the more they can get for their money the better they aro served. Mr. Perry J. Wilson of the Uuitype Co., put aside every doubt that a piece of machinery could do the work of brain aud hands when in fifteen miuutoB from the time the belts were i put on the had a stroain of type pour ing out of the machine arranged into words and sentences. We are proud aud glad to show the iiom typesetting mac Blue to any of our readers that will cull at the olllce. The body of the Simplex consists of two cylinders, one above aud rotating on the other, having a common axis. Iu both cylinders extending verti cally, their full length are ninety paral lel chanuels, those in the lower cylin der forming the magazine into which type distributes from the channels of the upper cylinder and is stored for resetting. The channels are slightly wider than the body of the type which the machine is made to Bet. On the forward of each channel in the lower cylinder a series of steel strips are inserted and projected part way across. They preform the same functions as the wards of a lock. The combination of war da in each chanel differs from that of every oth er channel. Each typo character iu a type font is given a combination of nicks corresponding with the com bination of nicks in one particular channel, and can enter this channel only. The central ward extends the full length of the channel and is cut , off just short enough to permit one type to be pushed out at a time at the bottom when the key is touched. Channels in the upper cylinder have no wards, so that the lines containing all characters in the font will enter any channel in this cylinder freely. In each channel is a sliding weight, the function of which is to press lightly down on the line of dead type con tained in the channel so that when the bottom, key comes to its proper chan nel in the lower cylinder it will drop quickly. These weights are lifted up when the channel is to be loaded, the line of dead type inserted in the channel aud the weight lowered again on the top of the line. The channels in the upper cylinder are filled with lines of dead type and the cylinder is revolved step-by-step, bringing each of its chanuels in turn directly over each channel in the lower cylinder. At every step or movement of the distributer the bot tom type of each line of dead type is tested by the wards iu the channels of the cylinder. Every type with a combination of nicks matching the combination of wards ou top of the rests, they iu turn dropping when the cylinders in its revolution brings them to their own channels. As the distributer can supply type much faster than operators can set it up, it Is not necessary to keep It working all the time. The mechanism by which all this is accomplished is accurately made, aud is wonderfully simple in its construc tion. The channels in thetwocyliuders are cut with the greatest precision. When it is understood that each of .the niuety channels iu the upper cylinder matches perfectly each of the chan nels iu the lower cylinder, this accur acy will be appreciated. This la itself would not Beoure proper distribution unless the upper cyliuder were moved positively at each step to the point where the channels all coincide as described, held there rigidly an iu- stant to permit the dropping of any type which may have found ltd chan nel. This accuracy of movement Is ob tained by employing a cam to impart the step-by-step movement to the re volving cylinders. On a solid upw right, fastened at the top to the crossbead, and at the lower end to a ring attached to the bottom of the lower cylinder, is a bracket upon which is placed a galley of dead type for distribution. The mechanism for loading the channels of the distributing cylinder with lines of dead tpye from this galley is also attached to the upright, and ita shaft is connected by gears with the shaft j of the cam which moves the cylinder, so that the two parts work in unison. A galley of dead fe being placed on tho bra' " , with face of type outwar distributer is etarted. The distributor is not delayed by the loading but rotates at its normal sliced. If every channel in the distrib uting cyliuder should lie empty when it is started the loader would fill it in threo-quartcrs of a minute. In prac tice, however, there are generally but a few lines to bo loaded in each revo lution of the cylinder. On the set ting mechanism there is a key board w ith ninety keys one for each chan nel in the cylinder each key being connected by levers and wires with a small plunger at the bottom of its par ticular channel. The 'front end of the plunger rests immediately behind the foot of the type iu its channels, the plunger be ing less iu thickness thant thidse When a key is depressed on the board, its corresponding plunger is moved forward carrying one tyep out ahead of it. The keys , work very llightly, aud their action is practically in stantaneous. When ejected by the plungers, as de- scriljeL tb type I pushed out upon the flat surface of the disc, " T.luch circle the bottom of tV-cylinder, Its upper wvrfaee bsing on a level wwith the bottom of th cii.imiel. The lic revolves rapidly, and the tyi joced upon itare swiftly carried to the right hand sido of the machine, where or guide deflects the type off the disc and upon a traveling flat belt About half way between where the type leav es the belt , is a little device called the separator, consisting of two rolls revolving rapidly in a direction oppo site the motion of the belt. After passing the separators the type are guided one at a tim to wwhat is called the packer. On entering the packer the type run on a cam, by which they are lifted ; a roller, bearing on a piece called the hook, whicn is pressed for ward by a spring, holds the type light ly against the wall of the inner wall of the channel. A part known as the hammer now pushes against the foot of tho type and carries it forward to its proper position. The packer is capable of handling over six hundred type a minute. Type succeed each other iu the ' packer, forming words in a continuous line, which extends across the back of the key board, the face of the type in this line being in view of the operator. At the left of the key-board is the justifying mech anism, aud the channel through which the long line passes leads to this, the type in the line now being on its feet. Wheu the long line has boon filled, the operator, swings his chair around to the left, aud with a small instrument called a "grab, " sep arates from the long line enough mat ter to practically fill a width of the column being set. Between each word in the line a three-em space was played from the keyboard. Tho oper ator increases or reduces the width of these spaces enough to properly justi fy the line, reading the line as he does so, aud correcting any errors which he may have made in setting. It is thus possible to produce matter "re markably clean and free from errors. Any rerors which may be overlooked and appear iu the proof are corrected as iu baud set matter, and without delay to the machine. Having justified tb line the op erator touches a thumb lever located beside the galley. The thumb lever releases a pawl which engages with a rachet ou a rotating wheel under the keyboard. In one revolution of tho wheel the rule which stands behind the type line is drawn down below it while a line pusher comes up in front of tho line and curries it into the gal ley. The pusher now returns to its po sition of rest, and the rule comes back into position ready to support the Continued on next page. BAKER CITYp SEEKS NOTORIETY Would Give Dowry to Miss Roosevelt A VALUABLE WEDDING PRESENT Mr. and Mrs. Longworth Ought to be Able to Keep the Wolf From Their Door. BAKER CITY, Or., Dec. 25. (Spec ial) Great enthusiasm has met the proposal made here to raise a dowry for Mins Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the President of the United States who is to be married February 14, next, to National Representative Long worth, of Ohio. Tom C. Gray man ager of the Ophir mines in the Cabla Cove district is the promoter of the dowry plan, and he U receiving hearty backing by a largo number of influential ctizens. . Miss Roosevelt will be the third daughter of a President to be married in the White House. During General Grant's Becond term his daughter Nel lie became the wife of Algernon Sar toris. President Monroe's 17-year-old daughter Martha was married in the East room, to samuel Gouverneur, of New York. Subscription lists have been started here w ith a limit of 10 cents to each subscriber. Everybody is invited to send a dime. The sum is to tie for warded to the State Treasurer at Sa ljrr, ho at" a receipt, wll return to tvcJ subscriber a yy-tnl crd as a souvenir of the. o.'rai ou. . Wheu the subscriptions do s'Jh'wty 8, the Stale Trtj.-M.urp will send Vu-t;kL. at Wahincton. . " H.n. ta. dowry can be turned over to the bnu the day of the wedding. It is expected that the plan will be followed in every state in the Union the Treasurer in each state being made the custodian of the funds. At least $800,000 'it is figured here, will be rais d by these 10-cent subscriptions, giving the daughter of the President a tangible expression of the regard in which she is held by tho people. subscriptions are pouring in fast to the originators of the plan in the city, and State Treasurer Moore will within a day or two be the recipient of the necleus of the fund tat is expect ed to grow to great proprortions. The cost of issuing postal-cards re eeipts, it is believed, w ill not be more than 2 cents on each subscription. This would leave 8 cents clear for the dowry. It is expected by the promoters that subscribers to the fund from other tows in Oregon than Baker City will send their contributions direct to the State Treasurer at Salem. After her marriage she will leave her rooms at the White House and re side at the home of her husband a commodious, elegantly furnished house in the center of the fashionable Washington. There Mr. Longworth now lives with his mother, and there he has lavishly entertained during the two seasons he has been in Washing ton. But after this season the Long worth home will have a new mistress and will become even more conspic uous than it has been in seasons past. Between seasons the Longwortha will make permanent home at Cincin nati, though they will probably joia the Summer colony at some of the re sorts on the New England coast for a part of the hot spell. It Is their pur pose to make a tour of Europe after the wedding, though this trip may be deferred until after the close of the session of Congress. Neither Mr. Longworth nor Miss Roosevelt has visited Europe and tho proposed wed ding trip will be a novelty for them both. Must be a Whopper. Martin Bros flour mill closed down for the season after grinding out about 100,000,000 pounds of flour. They expect to start up early in the spring and put out nearly as much more before harvest time comes again," Merrill Record. Hurley Vernon added his name to tea Examiner subscription list last week.