1 nMVY MACJA.IXK SK(JT!().V. LAKKVIBW. OREGON. THURSDAY DECKMIIKK 2. i)0i PAGES 1 TO 4. III lv ii n II MRS. SANTA CLAUS. 4 VNCLB SAM'S ItB AD LETTER EX VERT GUIDES STRAY CHRIST MAS GREETINGS. Sends out Many Presents to Children Has a Remarkable Memory and Knowledge. and Decipher the moat Putsllng Addresses. Tucked away In a llltle corner of too PoMtofflce Iepartmnt at Washing ton behind a desk which ha hold a thousand IntcreMtlng stories alia a charming white halml woman who la known the length and hn-adth of the land aa "Mrs. Knntn Clans." The woman to whom thl suggestive ly dear name has been given la Mra. Intelligible. Among; the hundred of auch which she received the other day waa one addressed to "Ygnac I-eh, Combryja Co, brot nlryt no 803, Bzanony ran." How many, or rather how few, peo pl would have known how to go about locating thla person. Thn letter was postmarked Florence, Mra. Col I Inn' own store of Information told her that the Cambria Iron Work a of Johns town, l'a., was employing a largo num. ber of HallanB and alio sent the letter on. Hure enough Mr. "Vanao lych" waa there and received the letter which, without Mra. Colllna' asilst ance would never have fallen Into hla hand. A facetloua atudent at the Unlveralty of Virginia wrote to a young, society girl in Washington and addressed the envelope entirely In Greek. It take greater obstacles than that to balk Mra. Collins and the young woman re reived her letter aa promptly aa If It had been addressed In tbe moat leglblo Kngllsh hand. The list of auch letters Is almost unlimited In length. A Spaniard sent a letter to "Sr. Fer- nndo Maya, Fuerte galen Colo" and It was promptly forwarded to Mr. Maya at "Fort Garland, Colorado." Mra. Colllna U a charming woman and occtipl 'a a tiny apartment In one of Washington's fashionable apartment houses. Senator Harris Hulked. Henry Clay Evans, late consul fun eral at lindon, wna once In Congress POLITICAL TAXATION. LEGISLA TION UKEl Y REQUIRING I'VULICATIOS OF ALL LARGE CONTRIBUTIONS. Such a Bill, Introduced Last Year, waa Looked upon aa a Crank Mcn-ure-WIII be on a Different Baals This Session. Ejposure of tbe practice of tbe great Hfo Insurance coniimrilc and other cor jtorut. oris, of milking conlil buttons to political campaign funds and of devoting large amounts of money to Influence legislation will bring iM-fore" the next session of congress the question of the passage of a bill sliullur to that Introduced at the last session by Ilepresentatlve ltourke Cock run, or New York, and familiarly known aa tbe "Corrupt Practice" Mil. It may not le that this Mil will he taken up and given the serious consideration which it was dcnlfd at the btst session, but that a bill containing provisions of the same general description as those of the Cock run Mil will be introduced and pressed to a vote is a moral certainty. The Cockrnn bill proviaea mat every contribution of more than f.00 to a national campaign I una suouia be rciKirtrd to the cieik of the dis trict court of the United Stales, to the republican committees in the last three presidential rampnlgns, and John A. McCnll, president of the .New York Life Iiisurnnc. Company ndinltti-d that he had contributed 1.V,K)0 of the company's funds to the same committees. In fart the big companies have frequently b;en contributors to both political parties. Public May Demand Legislation. There nre two questions Involved In any fair consideration of these dls clOHtircM. The 11 rut Is the desirability of corporations taking such an active and influential part in political cam paigns and the second Is the moral ity of corporation officers making contributions on their own Initiative out of funds that are really trust funds. Of course a law can be made pro hibiting campaign contributions by Insurance companies or other corpo rations. This may correct tbe abuse or it may not. Uw are not always olieyed or enforced. There, for exam ple are the laws of Moses. The world has been violating them for thou sands of years. It might be consid ered fair if the directors of every In surance company, savings bank, trust company or other corporation hand ling the poople'a money, would adopt a rule forbidding absolutely all such contributions and holding every offi cer financially and morally respon sible for its observance. Second, po litical candidates and ' commltt"" could announce that they wonld neither solicit nor receive contritiu- tloPH. Public sentiment is rapidly crystal- KB W WNTOOX BRIDGES. Collapsible Boats of Canta Which Can Carried by On Man. Tbe soldiers of the United States En gineers' Corps seem to have solved one of the greatest problems which has confronted generals in command of an army when on the march. Small un fordable streams are often encountered by the army and these must be crossed in the shortest time possible. In fact large rivers often confront an army when about to glie battle to the enemy, and it would take weeks, if not months, to construct even temporary bridges to allow the men with their heavy armaments to cross. The pontoon boat, of course, is well known to every reader of history, for this most useful WHITE HOUSE XMAS DINNER. TUB ROOSEVELT FAMILY CELE BRATES IS TUB GOOD OLD FASHIONED WAY. Always Have Huge Rhode Island Tur key Which Is not Spoiled by French Cooks. President Himself Doea the Carving. Old fashioned cooks and old fash loned cookery hold the fort in tha White House kitchen at Christmas tide. When the President and Mrs. Roosevelt give one of their great state' dinners to eighty or one hundred guests, they usually entrust all the preparations to professional caterers, but when it comes to the dinner which saw tiisi.i aeaUsa; inrae i MltS. "SANTA CLACK " Pattl Lyle Collins, bend of the "Open Ing and I'nmailablo UlvUlun" of the I'oaLonVe Department. Each holiday scuson brings to her deik thousands and thousands, of "Hants Clans" letters and were she of tbe ordinary type of clerk, thinking only of the salary she draws twice a month, theso letters might go Into Uncle Sam's waste basket without so much as a thought for the writers. Not so with Mrs. Co; II m. Through her generous heart, her love for chil dren and, possibly, with a memory or two of her own when she, too, believed in the real existence of tlio children's patron saint, thla lovable woman at tends first to her dullcH of returning tbe lettera to their writers if this li possible and then she plays "Mrs. Santa Claua" to her army of Utile friends. Christmas Presents to the Children When such a thing Is possible Mrs. Collins findi out tho addresses of these children, sends them somo little thing they have asked for and gets her friends interested In them until she has now earned the title which came to her so long ago merely through her associations with this part of Uncle Sam's poitofllco. This Is rather tho sentimental side of Mrs. Collins' work, but there is an other and scientific phase of it which has made her invaluable to the Gov ernment. She Is the ofllcial chiro graphlcal expert of the Department and through her efforts each year ninety per cent, of mall matter bear ing manifestly Indecipherable ad dresses finds Its way to the person to whom it Is addressed. Mrs. Collins Is a linguist and a deep student. Added to this she hat stored away In her brain a fund of general awHM v 1 knowledge which enables her to solve problems which would puzzle a hun dred other huads. Her knowledgo of streets in various cities of Hurope led to her compilation of a street directory of Its countries. The value of Mra. Collins' work in ferreting out addrejses is all the more notable when it is considered that each postofllce in all the large cities has a division especially set apart for de ciphering illegible and otherwise puz zling addresses. So after this has been done letters which are still unclaimed are sent to the postofllce at Washing ton. Knows All Languages. Mrs. Collins has made such a study of this rather psychological work that ahe knows Just, what section of the country, even to the cities, In which various nationaltleB have settled. She can put ber finger on the Japanese, the Chinese, Greek, Spaniards, Italians and all the rest of them. This particular talent has enabled Mrs Colllna to decipher many a letter which would have been otherwise un- BaSBBBWBSSaSSSSBlsBBBSBBTlfcfc-Sie I K' Z Vr7- . f -x.,- i'yvhvf : i-sfis? fijV': V I ml - j;J 9 gabtj'a giv&t (Christmas. long, lung ago the Wine Men, we arc told, laden with Mfrrh and frankincense and gold, journeyed afar, and round the Shepherd'a fbld On tbe firat Cbrintmaa Day, And now both young and old, with ahining eyes Gather to watch their Baby 'a glad surprise, Hie eeataaiee, bit joy, bie gleeful cries, On bie fit at Chriatmaa day. Ob Baby, Baby, may thy life be tweet; May Cod-aent angela guide thy little feet; May every day to come be aa complete Aa tby first Chriatmaa day. from Tennessee and knows all the emi nent men of that State. He was tell ing a good story tho other night of Col. Sandford and Major Saunders, prom inent business men of the Knoxville re- ion. They were once on a Pullman com ing this way. It was hot and they sat in pajamas far into the night. An old man came in, lighted a cigar, smoked and said nothing. They did not recog nize him, and kept on talking about the miserably poor representation, their State had in Congress, "it is a pity," said one of them "that a State like ours should have such poor worthless men at Washington. Our senators are no good, old Harris is played out and Joslah Patterson is the only man in the House that amounts to anything." At this remark the stranger arose and In a tone of thunder began to hurl Invective and abuse at the two men. "It is about time I was taking part in this conversation," he yelled and went on to tell a few warm things to the astonished narty of two. When he had subsided a bit one of them asked, but who are you to get so road about it?" "Who am IT Well, I am Senator Harris, ding you, and I have much more to say to scoundrels like you." Hoth men were amazed and they has tened to apologize. They all became friendly, and the old man orten iota the story on himself. Criminal penalties were provided for violations of the law. L Looked Upon a a Cockran Oddity. The bill was treated with derision last winter, both by the dully press nud by gentlemen of ttie nouso of Kepreseutatives, the Senate and Third House. It was worth a laugh, people said. There was very little corruption, they averred. The idea that corporations employed legisla tive agents and disbursed huge Bums of money for or ugalust certain bills was moonshine doled out by sensa tionalists to gratify tho morbid fancy and the appetite for scaudul of a pe culiar class of people. Tho legislative inquiry into the af fairs and conduct of the Equitable Life and Mutual insurance companies nt New York seems tc have placed the matter of campaign contributions and legislative disbursements other than a humorous light. It mut ters not whether the corporations come forward voluntarily with their contributions to cnnmtn, funds or whether they are solicited and hound ed by campaign collectors until they contribute the result is the same. Vice-president Gillette of the Mu tual Life Insurance Company testi fied that his company contributed $J)2,oOO of the policy holders' money izlng into the conviction that corpo rate contributions should either be made impossible or else required to be made In such public fashion that they -would be robbed of their bane ful effect. Foole'a Farrago. Foote, the comedian, when a young person of either sex applied for a po sition, seldom refused outright, but gravely handed them the following lines, and asked them to commit and repeat them to him correctly in ten minutes. If repeated with no error, he promptly took them for trial. That there could be no collusion with those who applied later, be fre quently changed the order of the lines and the proper names: . Bo she went Into the garden to cut a cabbage leaf to make an apple pie and at thut time a great ahe-beur coming; up the street pops it head into the shop. What, no aoup? Bo he died and she very Impudently married the barber: and there were present the Plciiinnles. and the Job lllles and the Qaryulles and the great Panjandrum himself with the little round button at the top.' and they fell to play Inir the game or "catch as catch can. till the Kunpowder ran out the heels of their boots. The popularity of "Trilby" for a time exceeded that of any novel pub lished, with the possible exception of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." i f) i S ? - - ' , "u- J II lift THE PRESIDENTS TURKEY luxiliary came into great use during the war of the Rebell.on. The pon toon train, however, is a very cum bersome affair when the ordinary flat bottom boat with the necessary tim bers and accessories are packed on to what is known as the "pontoon train The German army recently adopted a sort of sectional pontoon boat which allowed of greater mobility to the train. However, the soldiers of the United States Engineer Battalion have been drilling in the use of pontoon boats made of heavy canvass stretched over a wooden frame. These boats are water-tight and when assembled are cap able of supporting six or more men A boat may he taken apart and packed into a small bundle light enough to be carried by one man. Upon arrival at a small stream all that is necessary is for each man to unstrap his bundle quickly put the boat into shape, and launch it into the water. The wagons which must necessarily carry the tim bering and flooring of the bridge to be, can be sent forward with a much smaller guard than is necessary when the cumbersome pontoon train wagons each carrying a boat or section, are in motion. One Good Use for Millionaires. Regret has been often expressed re garding the threatened extinction of many species of wild animals. Of late, however, some of the world's millionaires have begun to devote their attention to the task of preserving them, and numbers of wealthy men have established or endowed parks and private zoological gardens, in which buffaloes, antelopes, giraffes, gnus, and other dwindling species are carefully cherished. In some cases herds of bison are kept, after the fash ion of deer, on the estates of great landowners. Nor are Europe and Asia behind hand. Large preserves of big game are to be found in France and Ger many, and in England the Duke of Bedford has made a wonderful collec tion of wild animals at Woburn Park. It comprises many rare animals, In cluding waterbuck, gnus, sable ante lopes, and some almost extinct species of deer. Strong on Details. " 'Rastus, where's that rake?" "De rake's wid de hoe, Marster. "Well, then, where's the hoe?" "Marster, de hoe's wid de rake." "Well. 'Rastus. confound It, where are they both!" "Dey's boff togedder, Marster. 'Pears UL-a vnuaa nnw'ful tickler 'bout details Hia mvnin'. You leave de regulatin of all dat to me, Marster, and I'll look out fo yo interests." Time to More. Oh that I were where I would be, Then would I be where I am not. For where I am, I would not be, And where I could 1 cannot. is pre-eminently the home meal of the year the French chefs have to give way to women who know just how to prepare the generous wholesome dishes that an American citizen looks forward to finding on his dinner table on the joyous holiday. President Roosevelt also shows a fondness for carving the turkey himself. A good old fashioned Christmas din ner, moreover, with all the essentials from turkey to plum pudding is a reg ular Institution at the White House during the present administration. Perhaps President Roosevelt, with his assertive good health and his fam ily of lively young folks, are partlcu ly well qualified to appreciate a rous ing yule-tide feast, but whatever be the reason certain it is that during the Roosevelt regime the Christmas re past has become one of the most im portant as well as one of the jolliest meals of the year. To Be Family Reunion. President Roosevelt and his family follow the general policy of all pre vious occupants of the tVhite House in observing Christmas r.s a family fes tival. This year it will have especial significance as a reunion, since of late months the junior .embers of the Roosevelt household have been scat tered as never befcie, by reason of their attendance at different schools and colleges. The itoosevelt Christ mas, while a family affair, is by no means confined to the Immediate household. The Rrosevelt children have long been allowed to entertain their numerous cousins on Christmas and other relatives are likewise fn at-, tendance, while the President and Mrs. Roosevelt usually ask a few per sonal friends to also join the party. Christmas dinner at the White House is served in the evening and the President arouses an appetite for it by (Continued on next page,) Do You Use Acetylene? if so, We Want to Send You h SAMPLE BUPIIER We believe we hare tbe Terr beet and tha chestnut line of Acetylene liurnera. Our sample will show better thau we cau explain bere why it wonlil pay you to use our burners. Write us to-day, mention kind of Gene rator u"ed, eucluae 8 oents in stamps to cover postage, and we will send you A Sample Dinner W.'MeCRAME COMPANY 1131-33 BROADWAY Room ie New York, N. Y i