Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 28, 1905, Image 2

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Trad leal MUlinila In rimiilin- .
Karl? Spill; Ki'iwfr-.
W were tHKKti t lL T I....
the ttnowctof. 1 .:. ml.,
Uul hyat Mill. I
ripe when i.i
In a tiry, cool . v. a;. . piaui
In the f.t'.l. 1.; Mi t:i
ome of than. Jet. . In i
would b!o::i belt. r i: v -hvoi.
lr. In l it : , rs
U : au ; ft.-'
r.) -c
b - . o.! r;.- t
i ' i r. t - I
In a it p r -
" rl I. :n;.. iLk.s will ' '.. u :'.: r.,"
re ;
The lilies, U':' the peony f.
sb n;M i! t ; e i . ;ttr ' pm p: ' : -: ;
rate them autl C rcnc'-v the sjI'
which Las boon ix!..r ..-1 af:?r g-ow-them
Tor a few ::-s. Till s'.u -.'i)
ie v';.vj the fx: "i" Is r";;e auJ
briT! ta t :?:: ye! iw, keeping llic bulb
or.t of the ?:"'""! ' '"'"t a t'.ir as
I ."Ye. A 'at-.'ir: v,-:i: be
ber.el.c'.'il t i-r :. ' 1 ' an I
csary t protect laa:'lonm rnd L.
lar.-iiol'n:) n. ''.;!, ,vh;' ! : n t
hardy enough f jr our v. iu.o:.. Cuarles
11 Keith.
Spraylnr; Apr-I Tree.
Result obtained at the Michigan
rep merit stat.' m when spraying ap
Ie trees with the lime, salt and sul
phur mixture fnr Sun Jose scale were
les? satisfactory with the peach
auJ o'!;"r frr'f.i.. ni the trees are
frecoraliy net or. 'y ' . r cm! with
thirher he-? 's lv:i faer frwtt trees,
thus iaa';';:7 t in re i!:.'"U-u;t tc
pray, lint fae Jr um I -? 5U bark up
on the tru. an I :Ter b.-ais hes
maie it a'".: '. : ' t ra. 1 a!l
of ti:e w:?"" ' a:e 13 tr '' nv
. jn.r '.ins ' 1 1 it'tt i
young tv- f :. " rarlct For
tbe-te ref" ' r ordinarily se
cured ' r'.e tr- t ' :e
not been a .'1 th3 ; - ca.
Cfneei: '. y f -me or t- ap
plicatio' - The cc.
coui-se 1 --
reai ti;. :
; lj: .tif fenvy v-:
T. rraerar.!j -.
it Itreif !.' ;
lc ecfs b:k1
by cuttirr5.
Idt and 1
;o.i!iii" ,a
i!ur "
a xv.. '"y '
. tli.i, it
,n. : f:-
a ! I '-
: 0 it
gsrden 1 :
heels to tie
ready with
: r:u"ei-s tiii.l wdl be
v little ore ia early
spring to sta't i new ai. t !; n bue in
the garden 1 - 1 la summer as ever It
Fine Grape D!nii!ay.
This Fplen-'W 1 .-::( t of gra'es w.ii
exhiLite' at the New Vork '-'.re Tiir
ly the :.'e- V .it Fruit Grj asso
ciatlon last f.-il. Designs of tijis char
icter, made of choice specimens of
) fruit, as was the case In this Instance,
re very attractive and add much to a
K fruit display. American Agriculturist.
The season for Dutch bulb planting
Is now 011.
Bet tulips about five inches deep and
Ave to six inches apart.
riant hyacinths nix or eight Inches
jiart, crown Imperials a foot ajiart
and both the same depth as tulips.
Crocuj and other low growing bulbs
re very pleasing when "naturalized"
fei the grass of the lawn.
Teonies should be divided and re
planted la October.
Where soil is light and well drained
need of various annual flowers, such as
mignonette, sweet alyssum, larkspur,
centaurea. nemophyla, etc., may be
own In autumn to give the plants an
early spring start
Take up tuberoses, dahlias, gladiolus,
caladlums, cannas, tigrldlas and ma
flelra vines few diy after froai
blackens the plants.
'i ; " y 1 .'
In .
v .'.-V.I m.i V-
The statue of George Washington which Chicago will erect at the Grand
boulevard entrance to Washington park will be a beautiful bronze figure costing
$50,000 and will be the work of Daniel C. French. The base, a massive granite
block, will cost $11,000, and the changes in the roadway which will be necessi
tated by the work will cost $9,000. The park will be extended into the drive at
Grand boulevard for a short distance, with shrubs and trees Incloning aJ open
suuare where the statue will stand.
Photography for the
if a ?fc Former Cost
American Jr.
With Double
Plate Holder
Our facilities enable
us to furnish cameras
of the highest grade at
prices which cannot
be met.
Send for illustrated
catalogue telling all
about our 27 styles
and sizes. Free.
946 St.
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of Piles. "I can
truthfully say," writes Harry Colson, of
Masonville, la., "that for Wind, Bleed
ing, Itching and Protruding Piles,
Bucklen's Arnica Halve, ia the best cure
made." Also beat for cuts, burns and
injuries. 25c st Lee Beall's, druggist.
. 'A
f It.
:.. ' i
I - 1
v . 1
. .... ' .J
1 ' f
The famous
Genuinely good in
every detail. Film or
Plates as you choose.
Absolutely new models.
Paul St.. Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED: by Chicago wholeBale'and
mail order house, assistant manager
froan or woman) for this county and
adjoining territory. Salary $20 and ex-
Denees paid weekly; expense money ad
vanced : Work pleasant ; position per
manent. No investment or experience
repuired. Write at once for full partic
ulars and encloae self-addresBed envel
ope. COOPER & CO.,
II-50 7 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111.
Bank dcpoMt hnv Increased W per
sent In ten years. ,
Fully 2.300 persona commit suicide t
Russia every year.
Thi valley of the Amnion still re
aaainn almost unexplored.
One oonevru In Wurttembcrg export
1,000,000 harmonica per annum.
Another lunatic My Hint for London
Is to V built at llortou at cost of
The Spanish ship to the United States
ach autumn 300.000 barrels of Aluie
rla grains. .
The 1'nlted States uses nearly third
more coffee than the rest of the world
put together.
At 'Canterbury cathedral there are
always alnxit forty workmen ena-aited
in the structure.
Birmingham's sewage works are tint
largewt in the world, after those in'
Paris and Berlin.
Tos Angeles claims to have a greater
stretch of attractive ocean beach In Itn
vicinity than any other American city.
Mora work Is put upou naval guns In
target practice each tpiarter than they
were required to stand during the
Spanish war.
The Birmingham (England) police
force consists of 700 F.ngllsnmen. "I
Irishmen. 20 Welshmen. 8 Scotchmen
and 1 German.
A clever calculator estimates that;
there are In m by telegraph, telephone
ami trolley companies In this country
15.OW.000 poles.
According to the 1'nlted States cen
sus for 1'H. there are 3.r.1d tersona In
the t'nit(d States who are a hundred
or more years of age.
Northern Nigeria Is to have a new ;
police force 1.UMI strong, recruited In
the territory and on the lines of the
royal Irish constabulary.
The last census gave the value of
poultry raised in the 1'nlted States
during the year ls:D as $1.HI.S.)1.STT; of
eggs produced in the same year, $14 t - j
St!, 158.
If two masses having exactly the !
same weight are presented to a normal j
man he will Invariably estimate that (
mass to be the heavier which has the
less volume.
A large area of coal and petroleum
has loon discovered In Kootenay, It. tv.
near the northeast corner of Idaho audi
vlthln twenty-live miles of the t'ana i
dian Faelllc railway.
The National museum at Wnshlngta
has recently acquired one of the Marco
Polo sheep from the Himalayas. Be
side It the American bighorn and large j
Alaskan white sheep seem Insignificant
Mr. Jochelson. chief of the Jessup j
North Pacini exploring expedition, j
states that the tribes which he studied j
In Siberia all possessed characteristics j
In common with the Indians of North
A merica.
In the election of lS'.Ki there were In j
England and Wales 4H.10U illiterates;!
in Scotland. 4.577; li Ireland. Kl.ltl'.t.
At the 1-SU5 elections the figures were:
Illiterates In Kngland. 28.M1; Scotland.
4.00; Ireland. 40.U57.
It Is reported from Brussels that le I
sides the $1.5O.0i0 for the con tnictl n j
of a palace of iieace at The Hague Mr.
Carnegie has given $'..'00,000 for the or-j
ganlzatlon of an International library j
on diplomacy and International law.
A flock of ostriches at Phenlx. Ariz..
now numbers more than l.tsx) birds. I
Their Increase Is rapid because a pair. I
barring accidents, will raise n broo'.
each summer for seventy years. Ka U j
pair produces In feathers and eggs j
about $30 a year. j
The vast bulk of the trade nf the
United Kingdom. Is certi luly nor.
worthy. For 150 years dwwn to the
present time Jt has been i radically u;
continued growth. In the total or I
the exports and imports touched $t.
300.000.000. the highest figure ever
The secretary of the treasury Iims !
ruled, after obtaining the opinion of
the attorney general, that American
purchasers 'of the rights In the Cult -
States In foreign trademarks registered
In the United States patent olllcc have
no protection against the Invasion of
their territory by the foreign manufae
turer of the article covered by the
One definite advantage In substitut
ing khaki for blue cloth uniforms, for
the army In the tropics and in summer
was not considered when the change
was discussed In the war department,
the anopheles mosquito not having at
that time been exhaustively studied.
The malaria breeding mosquitoes will
not light upon substances having a yd
low color, but swarm about blue fab
rics. The number of Americans who may
enter the Transvaal or Orange Itlver
colony is limited to fifty a month, and
each roust have a permit, the blank im
plication for which can be had of an;
British consul. And, too, an allidavlt
roust be made that the applicant has
sufficient means to support himself and
family after arriving. Consideration of
such application Is often delayed for
weeks, and those who grow Impatient
and arrive in advance of their penult
re generally given the option of leav
ing the next day or Imprisonment foi
six mouths, with a fine of $1M.':3.
Iraportunt furl Mlaalna-.
Oosh dern, Mary!" said the bride's
father. "I guess you'd better git mar
ried ag'ln,"
"Law I What is the matter, paw?"
"Why, the paper says tho ceremony
went through without a hitch." In
dianapolis Sun.
Ilaab and the Threa Graces.
"Tula hash," said the star boarder,
-reminds me of the three graces."
'Oh," replied the delighted landlady,
la what way?"
"One Is foolish to tackle It without
faith, hope and charity ."Chicago Rec
ord Herald.
'v. n w eg rt f! !J
rfor You Purchass Any Otlitr Write
o..n, ,
Many Swlr,n MUli)t ar m'1toitl nrnM
ol quuMty. but Mis " New Home" it made
o wwir. Our guaranty never run out.
W make Sewlnf MaohlnM to suit all conditions
'f fietraite. The "Nrw Homo" !an1. ttht
tie4 ol all llla:i.a-riul family towing machine
Mold by nthvrlartl dealers vljr.
roa iali y
The B n.itu Hewing Machine Co
OHico at the Mercnntilo Coinjmny's
Store Lftkovicw, Oregon.
Good 5tock ... Hasy Coaches
Hitily from I.skeview to Illy, connect,
ing nith laily Stnxe to the ruilroml.
Office at Hie I'.ly II.itclJJIMy.
H. CASEIHU.K, - - Proprietor
l!!y, Vegon.
Northern Stage Line
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lukcvievv at (! a. tu.
every l,.y luit Sunday.
Jcturtiiiig, leaves Paisley
at (i :.'5) n. in every day luit
PaiMiiftra' are j. Kound trip ti
OFFICB- Kuynultta k WliirU.,r.. I.krvlja
lakeview Cigar Factory -
A. NrnllKMAN, Prop.
Maker nf
Havana ami
Domestic Cigars
Oive us a trial. Store In the brick
building next door to Poet A King sa
loon, I-nkeview Oregon.
ede: hotel
Miis. It. M. iiAi.t.AiiiiKK, Proprietor.
First Class
Puilding Has Been Knlargtil
To AcconiiHlate a Iatrn Trade
Dining Service
A Chance tor Speculators. I
SCHOOL LAND. 2M0 acres of level I
unimproved ngriciiltmal land for sale '
cheap. inscription: SWJ, SJg of
NEJ-a'and NW! of SE', feet ion 10,
Tp.,Ti9 S.. It. II) K. W. M. This is a1
desirablo piece of land, located in loose
Lake valley a:d w id make some man a ;
good ranch
If you tire thinking of organizing a
ntock company aee our new HumpleH
of Wall Street engraved atock certlfl
catea. tf
The Smart Set
A Magazine of Cleverness
MagazincH nhotihl have a well-defined purpoae.
i luino entertainment, atuuneinent ami mental recreation are tho
motives) of The Kmaht Set, the
its novels (n complete one in each number) are by the most brilliant
authors of both heinispliercH.
Its abort atorles are matchless clean and full of human Interest.
' Its poetry covering tho entire field of verae pathos, love, humor,
j tenderness in by tho most popular
1 Us Jokes, witticisms, sketches,
No pugoH are wasted' ol cheap UluHtratlona, editorial vaporlngu or
wearying t-HHaya and ldlo discuMalonH.
Every page will Interest, charm and refresh you.
SubHcribo now $2.30 per year. Remit In cheque, P. O. or ExproBS
order, or regluterod letter to THE SflART 5ET, 432 Fifth Avenue, New
orrinit. inirsiv.
1 IihiiIi, ri' Kimi' i t
! Vlue-rrnlrtint... ,.
( iiaa, M . Knlrt'Hiikt
John llaf
l-t iMo M. Hlisw
.. .. Win. H.Tafl
Wm. II. MiMMlt
, . (Iihi. N. ( orti-lyou
'til Morton
,.. E. A. lllKlidiii k
Seofwlarjr of Stat
SwMwUry of Trraaurr.
Socrctsrj nf Wr ,
Atlornrjr (ionnral
rotmaatr (ImiiithI...
Swirvtsrjr nf Navy
Vervtary Interior,
svnrvtarr of Asrliailturs Juntos S lluin
Snoratarr of t'ommtuvs V, ('. Mi'li ulf
(lovcrnor (ico. K, ('liaiiitiorUin
Suprnino Jiiilgd
Reerctary of State ,
Attorney (leneral
Mu lit, I'ulillo Inatrnrtlon
Ialry ami Finn) (Vim
P. 8. Prtia'or
P, A, MiMire
.... P. I. Duiiliar
... . C H. Moore
i . . A. M. C'rawr fnnl
i. It, Aekurman
,...J. K. Whitney
... J. W. llaPry
I i. II. Mitchell
I.'. W, KiiDun
I Hinw r llprumn
)J. N.W llllaniMin
uttTH emctt. wtiii.
iuilfe II, I Hnliaon
Joint Senator John A. hari'ork
ReprwnteUvee J ,K;" "';" '
Attornry W. J, Mm ire
R. "aly
Sheriff P., K. Kind. art
P. O. Alilntrom
W. I. Ut
... J. U. WIIIK
. . (', K. Miiuro
W . A . fifrrlt r
r. w. ih-ni
. J. P. lnrk.iill
Mi him) dipt
Stock limiMt'tor
United .VlMtes l.ntiil Olfiee, I.skeview,
Oregon, Octolici I'Olh, phlfi. Notice Is
hereby g'ven Hint iti compliHtiee with
the provisions of the Act of .lin.c 3, s7H
entitled "An net for the r-ule of tiinlier
Inmls in the Suites (i (.'.iliiorniii, Oreifou,
Nevada iind Wnf-hititrtun Territory," us
exteiKled In nil the Public l.iuxl Stiitc
; by m l ofAuunst I, VmuV Hull,
of Kliininlli I-'hIIk, cottiily if K luniit li,
I slate of ( hi , hii Ih x I u v tiled In
this oflice bin nuolli ntiitciiieiitx Nil. .Ill'l
for the purchase of the X w t,' NK'
Nw M'1-; X., and lot L ( ( scctiuii I'l
III toMiiship No. ;U S,, kahvo Xo. Is i;.,
w. in., still will offer proof to show that
the html sotit'lit ia more vnliinbU) for it
I Holier or stone limn for Mitrii-iilturul
juir iei ami to I'Mtnlilih hm chtiiu to
oaid lain) b-fore ( ieo. ChiiHlain, clerk of
KUiuslh county, ut hiHollicest Kliimnlh
I'hI'h, Oregon, on Siitnnl iv, tln l.lth day
of .laiiiury, llKHi. I c mi ni-s w It neics :
'. II. ,lct'iiiuUr, of Hiitrv. t Iregon ;
IlcrU'rt t'renniMT, I red Imuihh of
Kliiiniiih FuIIk, On-tioi , Hint K. A.
Mcl.'tilley, ol M t'linid, ful'l.
Any ninl all x-rsons chit mint; ml verxe
ly the iilsive di ribed lumlsure icqnert
eil to lile their chtiniM in tins otlicn on
or Is-fnre said :tt ) ilny oljiin., IHifi.
411 J. N. Wulaoii, lIcniMcr.
TI1IIIKK I.AMI Itoril f.
United Siaiea Ijiiel i Hlice l.akeview,
Oregon, Nov 15, '.Nk'i. Notice is hereby
lliveii that in 'oinpliiince w ilh tho pro
visions of the Act of . J tine 3, S7S, en
titled "All net for the fslu (if tiniU-r
lands in the States of California, Ort'iton,
Ncvuds and WuHltingtoii Territory," a
extended to all I lie Public I,snd States
j by act of Aui-iist 4, Iwi, Horace It.
I liinUp, of likeview'. county of Ijikn,
state of Orcit'in, has this day tiled in
this office his nworn statement No. 2q,
for the purchase of the S W.4 of sec. No.
j 17 in township No. 37 S., ratiije No. 10
F.ast, w. in., and will offer proof to show
i that the laud Kotiuht i more valuable
for Us limlsir or stoiitt limn for nitrlcul
Itural imrposes, and toestublish hiaclaiin
i to faid land before Ueitistei ami Keceiv
.erat l.akeview, t Iregon. on Friday, tho
llMiihdayof Januury, I'.hMI. II. i minus
j as w it ncsses :
I w. It. Ik-rnard, w. A. Mrts-ioKill, i.).
I Lynch, Win. Mct'ulley, all of l.akeview,
j Oregon.
j Any and all persons claiming adverse
i ly tlie alsivi! deccrilied lands are ru
I quested to file their claims in this office
' on or beforo said -tilh dav of .Ian. I '.I1 HI.
47 4 .1. N. Watson, Register.
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it
Dr. King's
New Discovery
III UIU K.4 ij i , u
A Tcrfect For AH Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If It falls. Trial Bottles free.
poets, men and women, of the day.
etc., are admittedly the most mirth-