1 $fa J n VOL. XXVI. LAKEVIKW, LAKE COUNTV, OREGON, THURSDAY, OEC 2H, 190:. NO. 52, 1 T T. T. GEER A CANDIDATE Three Solid Republicans In the Race For Gov ernor of Oregon. OTHERS TALKED OP. . F.-doveriior T. T. Oeer of Halem liint week announced to till1 VdltTH of Oregon that he would lie a candi date for governor at tlx primary chft Ion In April. Ill candidacy Im Ix-llcved (o I hi ii Mpoke In C A. .lolitm' wheel. Am Mr. John In the only Eastern Oregon ni'in yet iiH-iitloni'd for dovernor, anl liennmiiiiH-i'i him self some weeks ago. Mr. Johns I a linker Ity iiuiii. Dr. Janu s Wlili.v idiiiImi til CorvallU was considered tint foremost candidate of Western Oregon, ami the raii!l)av of Mr. (iirr will Ik) mire to receive hoiiu sup port Hint would go to Mr. Withy, comix-, If Ueer wan not In tin race, thus leaving Mr, Johns to receive IiIm full vote, while tint viitc nf Western Oregon must Ih divided ln-t ween sev eral. Following are t he cnmlldati's for (lulsTiiatorlal lionorM lMfor tint voters next spring that have an nounced themselves: T. T. tliMT. of Salfin. C. A. Johns, of linker City. C. A. Nehlt.rede, of Marshllcld. James Wltliyeomhe, of ('orviillU. M her who have Is-ell spoken nf arc: Henry I J. Ankcny, of Eugene. Andrew C. Smith, of Portland. E. I.. Smith, of llool Klver. ). .Summer, of TortlaiKl. Demo.'rntii In all probability will re nominate Oeorgo ! ('hninlM-rhiln, lilt Ulllltellt. The Mask Ball. The MnHk Hall Inst Friday night wa will altchdcd, both by dancers ami spiitators. About 10 tickets were hoi, aii'l a neat sum wan real 1 ko I from spectators. All who attended tlio ball seemed to enjoy themselves. Below Im a lint of those masked and tin characters they represented, an hamled In at the iloor. Miss Ivu ThniMton Fairy Docle H'lllits Belle of the Isle Ethel Mi'Kif,. Dorothy Manning Anna Kclilagc,! lint Laura Bolton Web-foot Girl Eva Chandler Flower 111 Edna Pciiland, Spanish Dancing (ilrl Ida MelSroom (iootl Luck Mary lllgby l ay Barnes J Hearts Besslo Laird) Eva Ilowanl Silver Bella Gertrude. Sehlagcl Christ tuns tree Lot tie Chandler Dancing (ilrl Sclma Avlrngncte Cow Hoy Amelia Smith Fencing (ilrl Pearl Moss Tambourine (ilrl Alpha Pcnlnnd School Girl ( lene vh W rlgh t T w II Igh t Mario nullChryHtinthiMnuiu buwli Mm. V. P. Ny8wantT Nothlnir MIbs Klllu (irlmei iNoimni, Mrs. K. H.'Smlth . ... ... .. Whh Ottlo Field Lak0 "HU ,ilUH Mrs. K. M. Brown Semlnolo (ilrl Myrtle Ilarnuiu, Hod Hiding Hood Vldu (itiuther Autumn ICmraa Redden IUueand (irev Hena I'axton ciiriHtinaH Tm. Alieo Laird lirlallll " Mario I'axton Laurettu Ur. Vs. O. lTatt City Dudo John IajwIh. ....Ollttera or Silver Irvlu (Jarrett Anything Ivan IlamerHley ) lluntern (ioo. Ktorkmauu f Humeri Croed reudlctoo, Spanluh Cavt'ller Chris. Stanley Uttm Character U. I). Yuut KIiik of Hearts The above ! the list of niankeri RUSSIA, WOOLGROWERS AND RAILROAD NEWS. "Tv ispatches dated December 2.'J, from Moscow, Hussia, state that the situation is hourly jjrowino; worse. The insurgents, hold several (juartcrs of the city, and lihtino; continues desperate ly. Two large arms stores have Jecn pilaged and the weapons distributed among the men who have erected barricades along the Sadovia, which encircles the city. The military has succeeded in is olating various sections, prevent ing communication. From the heights colored signal rockets arc showing instructions to the iso lated commanders. The search lights on the SoukaroiTand other towers illuminate the streets where the fighting is proceeding. The roar of cannon continues. Machine guns aie being employ ed to clear the Sadovia. It is impossible to estimate the num ber of dead and wounded, but it probably will run into thousands. In a square in the heart of the city the insurgents are making a desperate fight from a house, us ing an Ivnglish machine gun from the window against a battery which is cannonading them. who handed their iiameH and the character reprewnted to the door ke'H.T. Tliero were (julte i number who failed to do tliUaiid coiiNeiuent ly they do not appear In the lint. 5pendthruX Missing. A dlHpatch from Loh Auj;elctf, dat ed, lec. 20, MayM: It In now confi dently believed that Walter Scott, the cowboy miner, who lately at tracted Hiich widespread uttentlon through hla lavish mattering of mon ey and varlotiH Hpectacular epUodeH, hat been murdered In Death Valley. Hecemlier 1 he left his mine, In Ieath Valley, riding a mule and carrying with hlm $IS(M) and two repeating rlllen. According to a letter received by Uol King, .S'eott'H manager In thla city, from Kcott'n brother William, at Hcnuett's WcIIh, the mlner'8 mule galloped rlderleHrt Into camp there December 7, with tho tmddlo, pierced with a bullet and the blanket and Haddlo covered with blood. Today King telegraphed $1000 reward to llarntow and llullfrog for tho recov ery of Scott's body. King Is sutlallcd that Scott has been murdered for his money some where on tho denert. Scott's broth er, accompanied by Shand Merrlcks, a well-known desert scout, went back on the trail of tho miner's mule for 50 miles after It came Into cump, but a terrific sand storm finally ob literated all trace, and, their water supply having become exhausted, tho men were compelled to return to camp. Later they started out again and the search Is being continued. Prlvato Information receive J thus far, however, reports the four Amer icans returning home from Din to Kutherford's ranch when they were beset by bandits and commanded to glvo up their valuables. Tho men attempted to escape, but seeing flight was useless gave battle. Tho bandits, outnumbering them several times, closed In and mercilessly shot them down, taking their valuables and escaping. One of the men was an uncle of Mrs. Win. Harvey of Lakevlew. Murdered and Robbed. Details of the murder near Diaz, in tho State of Chihuahua, Mexlca, of Kobcrt Kuttierford and M. C. Mur ray, of Philadelphia, and tho wouud Ing of II. L. Flnstad, of Los Angeles, and another man whoso name 1ms not yet been learned, are slow. -i A n enthufia: lie meeting of ' sheepmen of Umatilla coun ty met in Pendleton on the 23d and organized the Umatilla Wool growers' Association and elected the following officers: President, Perry Gould; vice-president, D. Pelts; secretary and treasurer, Dan P. Smythe. The association adopted reso lutions which will be presented to Secretary Hitchcock, asking that the division of the langc in the Wcnatya reserve, as decided upon at the Walla Walla meeting be made permanent. The association discussed plans for makinga concerted campaign agains scabbies, with which sheep in Eastern Oregon is more or less afllcted. A special tax on each member was levied for the pur pose of rasing funds for the cap ture and conviction of persons guilty of maliciously killingshcep on the ranges. Each member was assessed $ for each 1,000 sheep sheared last spring. Over J?Ci00 was raised at the meeting for that purpose, and the organ ization is determined to protect the interests of its members. vi ' - ' " ' ' ' ' yrV " - s rry - I it . ' -lk , s t I. ' - .. . .: " . , .., i - j r.'. F&J . X is - - - -J, MISS MABEL CHOATE. Miss Chouto, the pretty daughter of former Ambassador Joseph II. Choate, was a greut favorite in London society while her distinguished father wui rtiitloued abroad. She Is very fond of nutouioblliug, la an expert chauffeur and has toured thousands of miles In the llrltish Isles and on the continent of Eu rope In compnuy with her father. Small Companies all Right. The Washington Life Insuranco t'ompany, the (lermania Life Insur ance Company and the bankers' Life lusurunce Company divided tho at tention of tho legislative Insurance Investigating committee for a day last week. John Tatlock, president of the Washington Life declared that personally be favored a distribution of earnings every five years. Officers of these small companies state that their companies are all right. r I 1 hings have been quiet in rail road circles the past week, the center of gravity being East ern Oregon, in the vicinity of I lend, in Crook county, where several surveying crews are at work. Two crews rccentl3'made their apjK-arance at Bend and pitched camp for an indefinate stay. One of the crews is alleged to be running out a line for the extension of the Great Southern, south from Dufur, which makes it appear that that road is to be extended further in the interior of the state. It is said .that the Great Southern is a Hill road. Another crew of surveyors that is attracting considerable atten tion is working in the vicinity of Bend on a route supposed to be a Harriman project. While it is not dcfinately known just what course this line will take from Bend, it is believed that it will A'eep on south and meet the N-C-O. at LaAeview. There is now very little doubt in the minds of the people that the Nevada, Cali fornia & Oregon will be extended to' Lakcview within the next year and a half. State Line Topics. Ed. Henderson was down Monday to uttend the X-mas tree. Henry Cook ami L. C. Vluynrd have engaged the Lakevlew orches tra to play for the Ball Monday night. Man Whorton went to Lakevlew Friday eight. Two old men cam together the other day, in a one round fight. No damage done. fvan Hamersley, Henry Cook, Omer Hamersley and Sylvester Gal lagher went to Lakevlew Friday to the Mask Ball, they report a good time and say they will go again. Sam Sargeaut passed through town 02? day last week. Oliver Charlton is on the sick list this week. The X-mas tree Monday night was full of presents. Mask Ball Monday night, tickets $2.50. Surprised Her School. Miss Myrtle Smith, who Is teach ing at tho Union School House on the West Side, gave her pupils a com plete and happy surprise last Friday evening, Just before dismissing school for a week's vacation. 'She had secretly arranged a nice little Christmas tree In a cabinet used for the organ when not In use, and load ed the tree down with presents for the children. Just before dismissing them she requested a couple of the boys to move tho orgau cabinet to tho center of the room In full view of tho pupils. This done, Miss Smith drew a curtain and exhibited a beautifully decorated Christmas tree to the amazed school. It was a hap py affair, Indeed. Miss Smith Is spending vacation week In Lakevlew. Albert Dent Is stopping In town this week. CHRISTMAS i AT SCHOOL Pupils Make Good Pro gress In Their Grades At Examination. ONE WEEK VACATION. The month ending Dec. 18th show a larger per cent, of absence than any preceding month, but It wan all un avoidable absence; w (looping cough and other slight Indispositions were prevalent during the month. The close of the month found nearly all the pupils In their accustomed places. The average attendance for the month was 0."i per cent. The nlxth and seventh grades made an average attendance of 9S per cent, and won the banner. The quarterly examination proved very satisfactory; the pnpllsall made very cemmendable grades. Onlytbree failed to make the required grades. Friday, Dec. 21, the school closed until Tuesday, the second of Janu ary, ISOff, when we hope all will be able to take up their respective grade work with renewed zeal. Friday was a day thoroughly en joyed by all. Miss Blough and Mlas Snelling combined their programs ond very pleasantly and profitably entertained patrons and pupils by rendering a very appropriate Christ mas program, coslsting of recita tions, drills, pantomimes, songs and Instrumental music. The Frlnpipal was very agreeably surprised Friday morning when Geo. Ross, during the study pcrteuL ar-oae. iu a very uigulfied manner and in a well-worded little speech presented him, In behalf of the pupils of his room, with a very artistic Christmas present, and the wishes of a "Merry f Christmas and Happy New Year." . The token of regard was very highly appreciated by the Principal. Mrs. Cloud and Miss Hallcotnblned their programs. James Judge and Walter Dutton erected two neat Christmas trees in Mrs. Cloud's room and displayed artistic taste in decor ating the room. The pupils of the two rooms, with marked credit to themselves and their teachers, rendered a very unique program, after which. Santa Claus entered and distributed the presents. Each child was very graciously re membered. The teachers each receiv ed may tokens of regard from the children. All were happy and the best of feeling prevailed. Died. Suyder. At the Loveless ranch six miles north of town, last Sunday at 11 o'clock, Tearl, daughter of F. 11. Suyder, aged 16 years, of typhoid fever. The remains were burled In the I. O. O. F. cemetery Monday evening. The funeral was preached at the Baptist church by Rev. J. H. Howard. Only a few weeks ago Pearl's mother was taken away by the same disease, and at the time nearly all the family was sick with fever. llt.-L. F. H. Snyder has the deserved sym-. pathy of the entire community la bis series of sad misfortunes. - He has several small children. Ills case Is a sad one, indeed. Dog Has Whooping Cough. Cap, tho big brown dojj that IIo bart Miller plays with has the whoop- . Ing cough. Hobart had it, and played with the old dog so much that the dog caught the disease, and coughs and whoops Just llko a per- . son with It. He has coughing spell when he shows every symptom of whooping cough, except : that b doesn't swear with the first breath he catches. J Lf i r - w )