Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 21, 1905, Image 8

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To assist you in deciding what to give, we suggest a few articles here, taken at random
from our stock Enumeration of everything in the store suitable for gifts is impossible to
mention, but you can come to quick decision by viewing the merchandise itself.
Perhaps this list will help you out. We have dress patterns,
gloves, collar and cuff boxes, decorated china ware, suspenders, silk neckwear, silk handkerchiefs,
umbrellas, gloves, silk mufflers, cushion tops, toilet sets, tea sets, vases, sweaters, magic lanterns,
pocket knives, handbags, brooches, beautiful dolls, doll go-carts, doll beds, toy tea sets, iron stoves,
iron trains, fancy ink stands, fountain pens, manicure sets, fancy clocks, photograph albums dress
patterns, building blocks, picture books, parisian stag novelties, sewing sets, perfumeries, saving
banks, facinators, wool shawls, tapestry table covers, linen napkins, water sets, fancy glassware,
shoes and slippers, scrap albums, mechanical toys, dancing dolls, games, pictures, cigars, etc, etc.
It is advisable to make your selections earlv, while assortments are complete. Compare our prices with the
lowest you know of elsewhere, and for economy's sake alone w know you will supply your Christmas wants from
this store.
B4ow w lv ruporl of the wihi r
a recorded by tb Orwernment weathrr
hart nation at Tht Examiner Offle,
This report la changed each week, ami II
our readers with to keep a yearly record
of weather conditions for future refer
nc, cnt out tha report along tlx black
line and pasta It In a scrap book on
week after knottier. Thla reord will be
take on Tueeda to end each week and
begin oa Wedneeday for the nett week
- Government Weather Bureau Sta
tion at Lakevlew, Oregon,
C. O. Mniui, Cooperative Observer.
Week ending Tuesday, Dec. 1J, 1006"
1T aa mla, r-rnclp iCw ?br-tr
Itsiiuu fall ul 1j
wed. 4C H" U.uu I m J clear-
timr. "45' 1:1 "n.irt" T "
frid'y 41 T 0 K)-I 00 I "
"Vt'.v 4 i ' ' s jo.oo j bo"
euit. I 40 '7 U.ih " (to ""
inou. "111 ft (Urn 'or '
tuett. a? 7 I 0.00 00 "
Your TradB To J rfv .
The Store yk l r
That Sells 11) . III
-Demand The Brand!
C. S. LOVELESS. Proprietor.
I propria- to offer the puM-c
Lor.-es wil I (1 eared 'r
dopplnp place where their
thev would le cared for at
I will also keep a team and rig to hire.
LakeviewAnd Vicinity
Phil Iynch came In to town Tues
Dutch lunch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Christmas dlnuer at Hotel Iake
vlew. Dutch luuch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
Apples nt the butcher shop for $1.25
per box.
B. McKuue was tip from I'lne
Creek Saturday.
D. M. Bryan was down from Clover
Flat last Saturday.
Turkey and chicken dinner Christ
mas at Hotel Lakevlew.
S. P. Vernon and family were up
town Saturday trading.
J. A. Anderson was in towu from
the (Jap first of the week.
Wm. Burgon was up from the old
Butler place last Saturday.
Bobt. Morris was In town last
Saturday from the West Side.
J. Prader came down from Slim
mer Lake on business Tuesday.
Dutch lunch at tha Brewery
Dutch luuch nt
the Brewery Sa-tf
Wm. KuhmIII was In from the XL
ranch this week.
Dutch lunch at the Brewery Sa
loon, tf
I Bcall Is the nk sllntfer at Bai
ley & Massing!!!, a tore during Mr.
Bailey's ntmcnce In San Francisco.
('. XV. Wit here and wife wen down
O. W. Duncan Is In the Silver Lake ! from their .Summer Lake homo lust
country riding after horses. w,,.k H, remained a collide of divs.
J. W. Green and wife were over
from the XL ranch Saturday.
Mr. Withers came on land business.
Ice harvest Is In full blast. Bnllev
Dick Klngsley In building an addl-jand Strllin harvesteil the crop from
tlon to his dwelling on Main street, their pond up Milliard canvon hist
E. F. Cheney is erecting a new j w,,,'k "", n iv'' Im'' hauling lee from
woodshed back of his harness shoo. Cottonwood for several days.
F. A. Fltrpntrlck, the ZX foreman
has returned from a trip to Silver
J. II. Taiiuehill, the cabinet maker
went out of towu Friday for a few
The best fountain pens made. The
"Waterman;" at Thornton's lrug
Fil. Fitzgerald Is stopping In towu
after spending the summer on the
B. F. Cannon was down from Chc
waucan first of the week after sheep
Ivan Harnersley and Bird Wade camp supplies.
Our new stock of jjoods have arrivetl
and is complete in everything usually
found in a first-class Dru Store; con-
sisting of Fancy Stationery, Writing
Tablets, Spelling lilanks, Pens and I'en-
cils, Ink and Mucilege, Fancy Soaps and
Toilet articles, Tooth Brushes, etc.
' Successor to
were U from Pine Creek last Satur
day. ICat your Christmas dinner at
Hotel Lakevlew and get the best go
ing. The children of Mr. aud Mrs. Joe
Arzner w'.iu have leeu seriously sick,
are getting better.
FOB SA LL. Pure-bred Poland
China pigs. luijnire of Chas. Oliver
of New Pine Creek, Oregon. 24-tf.
Mr. Feeney, the A. O. I'. W. man
will go to Pine Creek tomorrow to
visit the Lodge at that place.
Oeo. Stombough of Warner came
over this week to visit his daughter
who has been sick at Pine Creek.
The restaurant has changed hands
ayalu, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Berry,
relatives of Whorton's have taken
Fred Wcldey was In Lakevlew last
week after a load of merchandise for
the AInswortli & Withers store at
A. If. Harnersley came, to town
last week from the ranch and went
to Mrs. C. V.. Sherlock's, sick, where
In; has remained since.
M. Whortou was called from Pine
Creek, Sunday to the bedside of his
wife, who was dangerously sick:
Mrs. Whortou at this time Is Im
proving. The Lakevlew Herald died last
week after a lingering aliment. Wo
have uot heard whether or not the
paper will ever start up again. We
bare naught to say of Its demise; let
the dead rent In peace.
Satisfy that longing In your stom
ach by eating Christinas dinner at
Hotel Lakevlew.
About four inches of snow fell at
Lakevlew Monday night. Thesnow
was very light and fell without any
W. M. Taylor came over from
Klamath Falls first of the week,
where he has been engaged In driv
ing freight team from Pokegilma to
Klamath Falls.
What makes a ulcer Christmas
present than a Fountain pen'.'
Thornton the Druggist has the best
assortment; all the way In price
from f 2.50 to $5.00.
Blanks for final proofs. Desert proofs,
timber land final proofs and blank alii
davits for applications for readvertise
ments, blank witness' affidavits, etc. at
The Examiner oflke. tf
Pat Murphy, the genial uheepmuu
of Summer Lake, came down to
Lakevlew first of the week to stay
a couple of days on business and
pleasure couiMned.
The program for the exercises at
the M. L. Church Sunday night, is
complete, and one of the most Inter
esting ever arranged for a Christinas
tree entertainment In Lakevlew,
,(ieo. Hanklns left last week for
the Hawaiian Islands, where he will
remain several weekn looking at the
country. III object could better bo
explained by himself, uo doubt, but
Mr. Hanklns may be looking for a
sheep runge, In case the fclieep are
driven from Lake county with a
permanent forest reserve.
H. M. Fleming. i. H. Harnersley,
Henry Cook aud C. O. Vincent, all of
New Pine Creek came up to Lake
view last Saturday and remained to
uttend the I. O. (). F. Lodge. Mr.
Vincent Is learning the mysteries of
the order.
Mrs. Trow, mother of Mrs. W. H.
shirk, who Iuim been visiting her
daughter in Lakevlew for several
months, started f()r San Francisco
Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Shirk took Mrs. Crow as far as AI-
turas where another daughter lives,
who will accompany her to the City.
C. M. Oliver was up from bU farm
over the line In Modoc county last
Thursday and remained In town to
attend the A.O.I'. W. Lodge that
night. Mr. Oliver says his line hogs
are doing nicely, and that he sells
one occasionally. Mr. IM ward ( oiilan
of Bid well will be over this week for
one of them.
J. B. Blair started yesterday for
Montana where he expects to re
main Indefinitely. We are sorry to
see Mr. Blair leave Iake county, a
he was a hearty supporter of The
Examiner's subscription list. He
paid -'0 In subscriptions the other
day, for papere he ha been sending
to friends.
J. W. Harvey, the freighter, will
arrive to-day with the new typeset
ting machine for The Examiner.
However, we are In receipt of a let
ter from the Company stating that
the expert they had detailed to In
stall our machine could not be hero
till after Christmas, so we will have
to be content to set our type by hand
a week or two longer than we had
K. O. ('ressler returned from Al
turas .Monday, where he spent sever
al days attending to business mat
ters. Mr. Cresslcr states that some
hesitancy Is manifest; la the Modoc
capital about rebuilding the burnt
district. The uncertainty of tho
railroad company which I to ex
tend the N-C-O. road next summer a
to Just where the road w ill pas
through tho valley 1 responsible for
the reluctance of Alturas business !
men la rebuilding.
In Mcmorlam.
Whereas, It ha pleased u myster
ious providence In It Inscrutable
wisdom to remove from our midst
and from the scenes and nsHoclatlou
of i useful and honorable rnrcer our
frleud and sister, Anna P. Snyder;
therefore W It Itesolvid. That In
the death of our sister, Likeshoro
Lslge No. 77, Degree of Honor, has
suffered the Ions of an honorable
member, one who In alt the relation
of life, whether as wife, mother or
friend, merited and receded In the
hlgheHt degree the esteem and confi
dence of all who knew her.
That, In her we recognle the true
wife and mother, who as such left no
undischarged duties; who, dying,
, tM-)ucathed to her family aud friend
a reputation and a inemls-r without
Mtalu or blemish.
That, feeling how vain aie mere
word to soften or iiMsuage a grief
mo overwhelming, we yet tender to
tin' faintly of our sister our most
profound and sincere sympathy for
their IrrcparaUe loss and commend
them to Him, whom promise will
not fall.
llesolvcd. That a copy of t hese tvo-
! Iiltloll ls sent to the ttcrcaved fun-
lly, that they Ik spread upon the
records of the Lodge and sent to the
F.xamliier for publication.
C. P. SNinMt,
Mits. Aiuuk II aiivi v,
Mks. Minsk: Wii.ijts.
The Ladles' Outfitters,
Ann M. Neilou & Co., w ill muku for
you any garment for women or thlldien,
and will make it n well on it run Is?
made. Will make it to iilcime yuu in
every wrticulsr. We w ill do the work
promptly, and never sllow yon to ho dis
satisfied with any buKincHx you amy do
with us. Every garment shull fit, look
well on the wearer, and produce a fen ho
of comfort.
i xd OimhIn, and prices not in any in
stance, more than we would 1 willing
to pay if you were selliiiK and wo were
buying, are the principles Umii which
we expect to succeed.
Our K'sids are as wull worth the mon
ey we attk for them, as (;kmIi) you buy
from any catalogue bonne in S,m Fran
cisco are. Wo are ready to prove this,
nd anxious to meet you for this purpose.
We were a month buying our stock.
We searched the city to get exactly what
we wanted and would take nothing eUo.
The price had to be right, and we got
the full benefit of cash payments. We
can, and will treat you as well as you can
be treated in buying ANY WHERE, tf
Thl Is examination week at tho
school, and all tho pupil are expect
ant of the result, each one anxious
ly striving tohavecleanexamlnatlou
paiers. There I a great deal of In
terest being taken In the schools thl
winter, parents a well a pupil aro
delighted with tho success so far attained.
li'.ntmuti i n"ifi i i -Zm..1 . ... x ..-aI.J.:: j
for men who toil
ii h-- it am