Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 21, 1905, Image 1

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    7 ft
NO. ri.
Lakevlew Muat Look To
San Francisco Por
An Outlet.
L, F. Conn, attorney, of Lakevlew,
wun lii Portland yesterday on IiIm re
turn homo after n visit with Mr. nnd
Mm. N. L. Roller, of Dallas, the par
on tw of Mrs. Conn. Mr. Conn Is well
known In tlx M'lllninHto Valley,
having graduated at U'lllamctte
University, and afterward made
hi homo In Nalcm for several yearn.
Ho has come to have high regard
for the sunny climate of Interior Or
ojfoii, however, ami has great hopes
for the fut lire of that section.
in the opinion of Mr. Conn, gather
ed from IiIm conversation yesterday,
Lake county ami the town of Lake
view, will have to look first to San
Francisco and California for rail
road nHMUtance and the develop
ment going with the InvaHloii of the
county by a railroad. The Lake
vlew district, an far north an Sum
iiht Iike Ih tributary to San Fran
cisco, not only In tlie eHtimatlon of
Mr. Ceiiii, but of the other rcslaeuts
of that country. It In farther to
Cortland than It In to Nan 1'ran
clwro, the way mcrchandlso has to
Is? handled, nnd for tliU reason the
people of Lake county have come to
look upon the California town an
their commercial frlendx,
"When the llarrlman Hue Is built
to Klamath Falls," said Mr. Conn,
"Lakevlew will 111 be a good 100
mile away. If the line gis'S no u til
as In now planned, before It come
oast across the state, Lakevlew will
still Im out In the open, and an far a
over from connection, with Port
land. "The Callfornla-Nevada-Orejfon
road, which In now within NO in lien
of Lakevlew, In steadily coming to
ward the north, and It will be but a
short time until It en tern Oregon.
From talk I had with an attache of
that road It Ik certain that the
Gould Interests control It, and If ho,
tho rails are not being pushed to
ward Lakevlew fur the fun of the
"Thin Maine employe," continued
Mr. Conn, "told nio of a meeting
held some time ago in Sun Francisco,
at which one of, the well-known
lould line officials wax a consplcu
oiih participant. Thin fact nnd
others make it certrln that the liar-row-gauge-
road Ih at leant a feeder
of the (lould system. Heavier
wires and polctt are being strung
along the lino. The track Ih being
put In b.'tter Hlmpo and plaiiH are
now complete for its exteuBlon,
while surveying parties ure In tho
field working on a line that will
bring tho road Into Lakevlew. For
these reasons I think tho Unrrltnan
lines will have to build fast It they
expect to get Into the territory In
time to have a lead on the business.
Mr. Conn has hojH's of a great fu
ture for Lnko county and the en
tire Central Oregon district. No
where In the state Is there such rich
soil, oneo It Is put under water, and
tho famous loams of the Willamette
and Columbia lUver valleys cannot
show such productive powers by
half, ho declares.
At present everything Is wailing
for the coming of a railroad. It is
Impossible to ship agricultural pro
duce out of tho country, ou account
of tho long haul and the high freight
charges. The only thing that can
be done with prollt is to wait for
stock to grow, and when It Is fat, to
drive It 100 miles or so to tlio nearest
shipping point. The coming of a
railroad will make It possible to do-
1 ) clow we give a few dates ncc-
cssary to be remembered if
things political work smoothly
for politicians and the candidates
in the coining election:
Registration books open Jan. 2
by clcrA. Hooks closed foi pri
mary election April 10, 5 p. m.
Registration booAs opened after
primary election April 25. Keg-,
istration books closed lor gener
al election May lf, f p. m. Last
day for giving notice of primary
election, March 21. Last day for
filing petitions for placing names
on ballot for state, congressional
and district oflices, March 30th.
Last day for filing petitions lor
county oflices, April 4. Date of
primary election, April 20. Last
day for filing certificates of nomi
nation for state oflices b' assem
bly of electors, April 19. Last
day for filing nominating peti
tions for state offices, May 4th.
Last day for filing certificates of
nomination for county oflices,
by assembly of electors, May 4-.
Last day for filing nominating
petitions for county oflices, May
General election June 4th.
L very newspajicr in Oregon is
' full of railroad news these
times of railroad construction in
the Northwest, nnd every man
vou meet can tell some good rail
road news. Last week a couple
of gentlemen named Parker came
over from IJly on land business
and remained in LaAeview a few
days. Thejf gave out the infor
mation that the country between
lu re and Klamath Palls was full
of people looking at the timber
- ami making estimates as to how
much per. acre it would scale.
They stated that some railroad
surveyors had given out the in
formation that the Southern Pa
cific Co. had purchased the N-C-O.
narrow guage road and would
make a standard road of it and
extend it to Lakcvicw next sum
mer, and that people who were
on the inside were getting an
xious to secure some of the val
uable lands lying in teacfi of the
proposed extension. Of course
the rumored purchase of the X-C-0.
by the Southern Pacific con
tradicts former statements that
the Gould peop1c,tthad acquired
possession of that road, but it
T F. Conn, while in Klamath
-Falls talA-ed with the rail
road surveyors that are working
in that section now. The gentle
man would not give out any pos
itive statement as to where the
company intended to run that
line, but said that Lakcvicw
would get a railroad, and that
pretty soon. The fact that three
crews of surveyors are at work
between here and Ontario, com
ing this way, one crew in the
Iknd country, worAing south and
the assurance of early extension
of the N-C-O. makes it certain
that one or more of these roads
will reach La Ae view before very
long. Lakeview is on the direct
route north and south through
the state, east of the Cascades
and no easier grade could be
found in the West, or no richer
country to build through. Har
riman and Gould are both fight
'ing for supremacy in Oregon and
no matter which wins, Lakeview
and Lake County will be in it.
matters not which company gets
the road and extends it to LaAe
view it will be welcomed here.
New Empire to Be Open
ed to the World By
Many Railroads
"New Oregon" Is the title given
that portion of the state lying east
of the Cassade mountains so com
pletely Isolated from the rest of the
state as not to be tributary to the
metropolitan center only In the mat
ter of proportionate revenue for gov
ern meat expense. The opening of
New Oregon" to the world by
means of railroads Is looked forward
with greater Interest than any
period of the state's history bos
ever excited. The richness of the
soli In Southeastern Orccnn tin
never, until the past few months.
been sufficiently Impressed upon the
more populous portion of the state.
and Its possibilities hare not created
even a ripple of anxiety to bring this
part of the state in close touch with
the business centers. More atten
tion has been paid to this part of
Oregon the post few mauths tbaa
ever before.
vtlop the agricultural resourses of
the county and bring people to oc
cupy the vacant lands. When that
time comes, Lakevlew will bj a
great city ami Lnko County one of
the chief divisions of the state. Mr.
Conn will return at once to his
home, called by business. Mrs. Conn
remain tho guest of friends and rela
tives until the coming of Spring.
Death of Mrs. Clippenger,
For many weeks Mrs. Cllppenger
lay sick with typhold-pncumoula at
the Moore residence In Lakevlew,
and was relieved ouly when death
came lost Thursday.
Mary J. I'lery was born in Colum
blu Co., Ohio, In May, isoil, was
married to Mr. Authouy T. Cllppen
ger In Juno 1882 and died In Lake
view, Oregon, Dec. 11, 100.""..
Ths fuueral services 'were held In
tho M. E. Church in Lakevlew on
Saturday, Dec. 17, conducted by
Rev. S. Snyder, Pastor. After which
the remains were followed by a
large coucourse of friends to the
cemetery north of town, whero they
were laid to rest with appropriate
services. Mr. Cllppenger and his
four sous have the deepest sympa
thy of tho entire community In their
sad bereavement.
Christmas At The School.
Friday tho pupils of . tho public
schools will bo treated to Christmas
festivities. Miss Blough and Miss
Snelllng have arranged for n Joint en
tertainment for their departments to
be held on Friday afternoon, and
MIhs Hall and Mrs. Cloud will give a
Christmas tree for their pupils
Jointly, In all, Friday at the school
house will bo a day of pleasure for
tho pupils.
lleryford & Dykemau of the Mam
moth Stables have bought a large
barn full of hay from D. II. liartzog
at $7 per ton, and have teams haul
ing It to tho stable.
CofntflK by Collier! Wetkljf.
A. O. U. W. Officers.
At the regular meeting of tho A. O.
U. W. Lodgo last Thursday night
tho following officers were elected to
servo the eusulng term, to lie Install
ed at Joint Installation with the De
gree of Honor at tho 11'orkmen rsg
ular meeting ou Thursday evening,
January 4th, 190(5; .
F. Spangenburg.... Master Workman
Thos. Natson Foreman
C. t). Metzker Overseer
A. Weber.,, Recorder
V. IJ. .Snider Financier
C. T. Snider Receiver
X. Arzner.... Guide
Joe Arzner Inside Watchman
S. Arth.ur Outside Watchman
HKiiHKi: or llONOlt.
Mrs. 0. C. Loftus Chief of Honor
Mrs. J.I). lleryford... Lady of Houor
Selma Avlragneto....C. of Ceremonies
Mao Snider Recorder
Mrs. IV. M. Harvey Banker
Eph. Miller Financier
Pearl Moss Usher
Irvln Oarrett Outside Guardian
Dave Edler Widely Known.
Little does Dave Edler think how
many people In the world have read
of him, and know that he fell from a
wagon not many weeks ago and
skinned his uose. Mention of the in
cident was made In this paper at the
time, and has goue the rounds since.
A short time ago we received a busi
ness letter from a firm in New Jersey
and In the courso of tho letter the
writer mentioned the fact that lie
had Just read an article In a promi
nent New York dally duly credited
to The Lake County (Orcgon)Exam
iner. A few days later we received a
marked copy of the "New York Dal
ly Globe," containing tho Item about
Mr. Edler's episode. Not withstand
ing the fact that Mr. Edler's is
all well and haired over, tho Item is
still being published as news.
Received the Banner.
Miss Blough's room in the public
school was awarded the banner this
month. The "banner" is a reward
for the highest per centage of attend
ance during the month. Around
this emblem hangs a funny little
story, as follows:
Little Joe Harvey, aged five,
youngest eon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm
Harvey, and full of the wit char
acteristic of his father's countrymen,
came home one day for dinner, and
only ate a few bites when he jump
ed up from the table with n serious
look on his face. His mother in
quired what his hurry was when
Joe remarked, "well, I have got to
hurry bock, Miss Hall said if I did
n't we wouldn't get the banner. I
don't know what that is, but I am
bound to have it," and away he
Mrs. V. L. Snelllng, Mrs. F. M. Mil
ler, Miss Hall aud Miss Snelllng spent
last Suuday at the Lane ranch be
low town.
One Week's Vacation.
A meeting of the school board was
held last Saturday for the purpose
qf paying teacher's salaries, deter
mining the length of holiday vaca
tlon and other matters of Import
ance. Tho matter of vacation was
left to a vote of the teachers. Prof.
Blough, principal, and Miss Blough
of the sixth and seventh grades were
in favor of only one week, while
Miss Snelllng of the fifth and sixth
grades and Miss llall of the primary
department were In favor of two
weeks. Mrs. Cloud of the third and
fourth grades, desired to be nutral
but as tho other four tied, she was
called upon to decide, aud voted for
one week. Next Friday school will
close until Tuesday, the second day
of January, 190G.
11. P. Enqulst came in from tho
sheep rango first of tho week. He
will speud the greater part of the
winter in town, he having spent sev
eral winters on the desert and Is now
deserving as well as able to take
more comfort than can be had In a
sheep camp on the desert In winter.
New Electric Light. Plant.
Last week Messrs. E. Keller and
W. H. Shirk went over to Deep creek
to Inspect that stream for a suitable
site for a new electric light plant.
They found a location about 200
yards above the falls near Adel, In
Warner valley, and by putting In a
dam at that place about four feet
high they can divert water enough
to generate 304 horse power at the
season of year when water is at the
lowest stage. Mr. Keller stated up
on their return that It was a settled
fact that a new plant would be pat
in, and be is now in San Francisco
buying machinery. The new plant
will be installed by the California &
Oregon Light, Heat and Power Co.,
the same company that operates at
Pine Creek.
Perform Operation.
Mr. J. S. Gillett of Willow Ranch,
brought bis son Ben, up to town
Monday to have an operation per
formed on his leg. Some years ago
the boy received an injury to his leg
and it has gradually grown Into a
disease which is causing the bone be
low the knee to decay. Some weeks
ago Drs. Smith & Patterson made
an examination and found the con
ditlon to be serious, and Monday
they removed part of the bone from
the leg. Young Gillett Is now at
the hotel, and so far as can be
known at this time is getting along
very well
Burned To The Ground.
The fine residence belonging to A.
II. Hammersley on the West Side of
the slash Just north of the stage
road was burned to the ground
Monday afternoon. Andy was In
town sick, and knew nothing of the
fire till all was goue. J. M. Haot-
ersley was stopping at the house,
but the origin of the fire is not!
Visits Lakeview.
I'. G. M. IF. Feeuey of the A. O, I
IV. Is In Lakevlew by order of theex
tension board of that lodgo explali
Ing the benefits of tho order. M
Feeuey is an excellent speaker, an
makes plain all the admirable fei
tures of Insurance In the A. O. U.
Ills stay In Lakeview depends upo
his success in increasing the membed
ship of tho local lodge.
Wm. Harvey came down fro
Summer Lake last Sunday to 1
wltb bis family a few dsys.