Vv - 1 1 i!'.-e-i VI : Lome. IT OUGHT TO BE EASY To select Christmas presents here, with this beautiful store full from which to choose. Something for everybody, like good St Nick, we have something for every member of every family. We have variety enough to suit any taste. Perhaps this list will help you out. We have dress patterns, gloves, collar and cuff boxes, decorated china ware, suspenders, silk neckwear, silk handkerchiefs, umbrellas, gloves, silk mufflers, cushion tops, toilet sets, tea sets, vases, sweaters, magic lanterns, pocket knives, handbags, brooches, beautiful dolls, doll go-carts, doll beds, toy tea sets, iron stoves, iron trains, fancy ink stands, fountain pens, manicure sets, fancy clocks, photograph albums dress patterns, building blocks, picture books, parisian stag novelties, sewing sets, perfumeries, saving banks, facinators, wool shawls, tapestry table covers, linen napkins, water sets, fancy glassware, shoes and slippers, scrap albums, mechanical toys, dancing dolls, games, pictures, cigars, etc, etc. It is advisable to make your selections early, while assortments are complete. Compare oufprices vlth the lowest you know of elsewhere, and for economy's sake alone we know you will supply your Christmas wants from this store. PREMIIfM CROCKERY COUPONS FREE WITH EACH 2BC CASH PUR' CHASE AT RETAIL. WKHKLV WEATHER KtZPOKT. Itfllow ws diva rHn of the weather as recorded by th Government weather hurssu imlmi at The Examiner' Office, Till rrKrt l changed each week, and II our reader! fflnh to keep a yearly record i f weather condition! for future rotor sue, cut out tha report along th black Una and jswte it In a scrap book on week after another. Thla reord will lav taken on Tueede- to and each week and begin on Wednesday (or Hie next week Government Weather Itarea 8ta Hon at Lakeview, OroKon, 0. O. Mrrtiaa, Cooperative Observer, Week ending Tuesday, Iee. 12, 1IM'. If mat mill, prwlp n'm hftrtrr luiioo lll el dr wed. U J i 0.tM) I Ul I elear-' tlnir"4A 1.1 Ij f.K Wj ent'.v ("iT " f (MM) W mm.' 4( " 6ItM "' IX) " liioii 4 ft O.UI uiT " ttles J7 f O.IKJ (HI i mntu Into The Dealer's HeadThat It's its m mmmmm Lakeview And Vicinity J. P. Duke wai up town Saturday. T. B. Vernon was up town Mon day. Fresh bacon at Wendell' butcher hop. Hon. S. P. Moss I pending the week In Lakeview. New lard at Wendell' butcher shop; nice and white. .1 . E. Stlckel Is spending the week In Lakeview from 1'lutth. S'auer Kraut at Wendell's butcher shop, ten cents per pound. Isaac Deter was up from the ranch near Flue Creek last Saturday. J. H. Turpin was In from the range several days the past week. iemandThB Brand! FEED AND LIVERY STABLE SOUTH LAKEVIEW. C. S. LOVELESS, Proprietor. False face at Ahlatrom Droa. Freah walnut at Ahlatrom Bros. Initial handkerchiefs at Ahlatrom Bros. Fresh hams at Wendell' butcher hop. Christmas caudle at Ahlstrom Bros. Sliver ware and crockery at Ahl strom Bros. 5eo. McOrath and wife came up from the ranch Tuesday. Charley Little was over from the Drews Creek ranch Saturday. Frank Eoggers was In town first of the week, having returned from the railroad a week ago. Joe Fuller has Bold his half interest In the lease on the Mammoth Livery C. E. MeCormlck exacts to move stnWt.Hi to w ,lcr,fonI. Klls-rt MorrU was over to town Saturday. He says rabbits are get ting plentiful on the H'estSlde again. .1. W. Harvey arrived (rmn Made line last Saturday wltii n load of freight and started back Sunday with a load of fr-iht from tiim rail- ..... ., , .. , ! after another load. road Saturday. J iiiriH papers swire mat siockiiicu to Eagleville, in Surprise valley, this winter. Charley Rhodes has again taken the ribbons on the Lakeview-Alturas Htng" line. Louie Rhodes pulled into thwu i f tl.C Ji1, aiel can ' a Hojipin place wL'-re their n tljev woul I be cared for at I ill also keep a team and ri to hire. 1 1 Hat the old stands O'tr r.ew stocl: ol "roods Is hn vc1 arrived complete in everything usually and i found in a fir st-clrss Druir "r Slaliov . '.')!)- auev r 1.. ens, i-i Toilet :-'.e!li:!-' I'danl . : ..iuc-Lco, raney :-..-rirtieles, Tooth lirushe, elc. A. L. THORNTON & CO. Successor to LEE BEALL A. II. Ilamersli-y win in low ii Sat urday from IiN ranch on tin- West Side of the t-lar.li. FOK S. L L--i'ure-liied Poland China Imjuire of I'Lar. Oliver of New I 'ine ( reck, Oregon. L'l If. I'oit S i.k. One good work team; price reasonable. Address C. L. ConverKe, Lakeview, Oregon. l'' i Mr. I'. A. Calderwood. Mrs. .1. E. ( ald' i wooil and Mrs. .1. N. Oivan came over from Adel Monday. Jeo. Conn came down from I'als ley Monday on his way to Saul'ran- cinco to be treated for Catarrh. T. A. Cm nip came over from Adel ! with his wife Motidav to make final proof on her desert land claim. V. A. SVilshire departed Tuesday morning for Portland, where he will ' speii 1 the winter with liis family. y Sain Iiavis brought in a load of j. freight from the railroad last Satur j day. Sain says lie has all tlicfrelght- lng lie wants till spring. j Mrs. L. It. Lcnclkl of Paisley, ljj ! mother of Mrs. S. V. Chandler, came ilo vii from b'T home .Monday on a '.: -;. ie-r daughter. She was ne- 1 : 1 1 , 1 1 1 i 1 I .V lier )-o,i I i. 1 1. ' 1 1'-. W. M . Harvey en t Tt a iacd u w I. k Saturday aftci noon. ' WHH p'i'aiiial amusement VjJioflhe afternoon, until five oclock, ! when delicious refreshments were Yjh i served. Mrs. Harvey Is a delightful JJj j hostess. Those present were, Mrs. JS Maris Miller, Mrs. JonasNorrln, Mrs. sjjt i D. C. Kchmliick, Mr4. Win. Harvey, S.r. Clian. Lmbach. Mrs. (Jeorue Whorton, Mrs. V. Knelling, Mrs. Heorge Ayerf, Miss Hall, Mrs. Harry Bailey and Mrs. C. O. Metiker, i in tin-Malheur country ln-gau ft.-ed-inga iiioiith to six weeks earlier this year than they did last year. Pl.ii.kn for finul proof, Deferi iiruofH, tiiuli) r land final proofs and blank :u!i Li i t s for apjlieatioiis for read vert ise uieiitR, LLtnk witness' affidavits, cte. ut The Kxaminer oflie. tf J. I". Snyiler was hi from the Wvi-t Side Saturday. Mr. Snyiler Inform ed us that he would make a trip to Madeline this winter If he could yet a load of freight to haul back. V. L. Nnelling, F. M. Miller, Harry Bailey and Ceo. ItunkLns t-xjM't t to start for Nan Francisco tomorrow (Friday) on a business trip. F. I'. Light Intended to go with them, but he has decided not to go. Every man owe it to huuself anJ his family to master a trsiU or profusion. Head the (lis play advertisement of the eix Morne Schools of Telegraphy, in thin issue and learn how eanily young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. angll-tni J. Wendell shipped a barrell of saner krout from Kan Francisco, and is selling it out ut tin) butcher shop. Tills doesn't mean that cablat;e en n't be rained here, but that il. is not Hindu into krout In sull'n i'-nt quantity to supply tie) want.-, of t In people who have to buy. Miss Myrtle Smith and Miss Oraeu Oliver came over from Drews i reek .Saturday and remained In town over nhrht. returning Sunday. Miss Smith W teaching at the I'lilon school hwuse, and It is said has one of the best schools ever taught there. About i!0 pupils are on the role. Any kind of a toy at Ahi-tro Pro. AkLtrom Bro. for oranges and lemon. Pat Coffman and W. Woods of CedarTllle are In Lakeview this WMk. ieo. Wine ha finished burning a llin kllu, aud has some of the U'st lime ever made In the couutry. It Is as- white as Hour. Harry Bailey wears a black eye, ami tells various tales as to Its or igin. However, he suyu be came by It justly and deservedly. There Is said to lie an Insufficiency of teachers for the schools In Harney county. Superintendent tSrlgby stares that every teacher holding a certificate Is now employed and still there Is need for more. ieo. ICeed received a telegram from Vreka the other day stating that bis mother died last Sat unlay. ,s was over 7') years old. Oeorge ex pected to start for Vreka yesterday, and will p;oball,v bring his siwo r to Lakex irw to reside. L. ''arriker has a park of very line hunting do trs. They an- a pro tection against predatory animal", hiicIi as wild cats, coyote, lc. that come down out of the Dog" Lake hills in tlie winter time and live iff the farmers domestic through' tie winter. Editor West, of the Silver Lake Oregonian must lie contemplat leg some changes In his paper, he wns phoning to this olllee last week il.ont some printing material "that would be unnecessary la the present capacity of the paper. Whoop Yin up, Cope, tls-re Is nothing like progress. .1. C, Oliver wants stock topastuie and winter at $1 per monlli. 10-tf NEW ARRIVALS. Walnuts I 'rem lu m Mush I. X. L. Tamales Felts and Kubls-rs CHRISTMAS (iOOI)S AT Oeo. Mctirath met with a very painful accident last Saturday morn ing, and Eern wi re haulage hay out to th" slock. They had the wa;:oa loadid and IVrn w,n wu he ground cleaning np I he hcalteivtl hay. (ieorge Jumped from the stack down on tha wagon, ami at the same lime Hern threw his for up on the load, not noticing that (Ieorge had Jumped down, t ieorge struck the fork Willi his knee and fell, drlv- lng one of the fork tines under his knee-cap to the bone. He came up town to have the Injury treated, and was very lame vrht k weal home. Sue Lin Ntwi. Some of yon Iixevlew fellow, ought to come to Fine ('reek and see Man iH-ddlc soda water. Km say he has ent the route with soda water more In the but week than he ever did isfore In hl life. Man looks fin behind a soda water bar. (leo cant down Saturday and stayed till- Hun day, he also handle th oda .water pretty neat. John Walker came dowa .froai' Lakeview Monday. I'at ('offinao and Buck Wood, passed through town Monday oft their way to Lakeview. Dr. Mmlth wu down Monday, It I 7 below aero and UI1 frwilng.. John Wall, R. O. Ward, Frd k aud Harry Ward were her from' llldwwll last week. Ed. Htrlbblln was In town from th mines 8unMy. Skating I fine on the Lak bow, , large crowd wa on the lak Sun day and report tho Ice amooth a. glass, nnd all had a good time. That mask ball New Ytur's ev don't mlits It. Matthew ha taken a. picture of the town. Ace U'hetstoue started to Made line Monday after n load of freight for Fleming llros. Fire broke out In Frauk Hackneys house Monday aud burned the roof very bad Is-fore It was discovered. The Infant of Ira Smith has been, very sick till week. SlS'l'Ml lili l- The Ladies' Outfitters, Anna M. Ni-ilon V. Cm., will iiuikv for yen : i n y KHriueut fur woinen ur i hildretl, and Mill in uke it in well a s it run be iii.t. Ic. Will iiiuku it to pleuiiu yon la every particular. We will ilothe vmrk .r iii.lly, Biul never allow you to be (lis--atif l'nd w it Ii iiiiy baniiuvii yi"i may do w illt oh. Every e.n .'mail "lia!l i.t, ,Kik u ell on thu Wearer, and irn'lui e a Keliue of comfort. (iuod (en)il ', and pi icew nut in any in "Iiiihc, more than we would l to pay il yon uero selling and we were Inlying, arw the pi inciples ujsm wliich we 'Xscl tu sui'oeisi, Our eiMnU am us well worth the mon ey we ask (or tlioin. ii.i gixiila you buy from any calaluan house in Suit I ran cico are. We are reudy to prove thi, anil anxious to meet you (or this purpose. We were a month buying our stock. Wu searched the city to gut exactly what we wanted aud would take nothing else. The ptics had to ha right, and we got the full benefit of cash paymouts. We can, uml will treat you as well aa you can be treated in buying ANY WHERE, tf To Cur Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE ItROMO QUININB Tablets. All druggists refund th money if it fails to cure. H. W. Grove's signature la on each box. "5c. :i . vr.,i r overallvs made from elected materials