Cafe (Bounty Cxtr nlnct C. O. MCTZKCR. Mnle Building Intorod at th" rot onw I nkcTlew, Pit. KrrnDil'lln Nttrr. (One Year TERMS: J'x Months, I 00 (Tlire Month, 50 LAKEVIEW. OKEOON. DEC. M. t3. An appropriation of 111. 000,001 wan roted IVc. tU toward the rnn tructton of tin Pannnm Cntinl The amount wn a cotnpronilw 1- twwn the I16.K00.O0O carried In the fell) under consideration and an c tl ate of something over SG.000.000 recommended hy VllHam,tbf IVroo- ratlc lender, to carry on the work ntiltlie middle of Janunry. Hep burn, lu charge of the Mil, suirpveted that oomethlnir over tll.WK.(XM would carry on the work until llar-h. Tli rv was no Intentim. manifest to delay the work, the only argument for -uttiugdon n the orig inal estimate K'injr that clser serut inv niiuht be had f the estimate. Secretary Hitchcock In now to mnke n total allotment of f 2,000, (H) for Irrigation works In Eastern Washington, leaving the Washing ton delegatlou to say how iunch of this money shall go to the Tteton and how much to the Sunnyside pro ject. The delegation, however. Is ot content to accept this amount nd wants the $ 2,250,000 recommend ed by the Reclamation Service which -will Include the $500,000 heretofore allotted for the Okanogan project, an even 11,000,000 for the Tleton and $750,000 to begin the Sunny side. Dispatches a few days ago gave nt the Information that 8,000 Rus sians were killed In a pitched battle betweeD the natives of different be lief. Anew strike was announced, General Sakharoff was shot down in his own houe by a woman, where be went to make peacs with the peo ple, Count Witte was about to lone Lis power and two or three riots. Otherwise all was quiet in Uui-m.i. There are thrve surveying parties between Ontario and I'ii:ns sel.-ct-j Ing a feasible railicaii. j or railroads. One party is compos-i cd of 10 men, one of 17 and t';.- mini- j ber In the other party U not known. j lV ' by (air inform-! nt. J t i Koine that the mut t. will pass through I'.un there nvi:i soiit!; t here it will in -i t !; Viiv north fro:i I', n-, ! . 1 i.-v .e H-i.vl - ;:!:d frolil I.:i .( -1 I. 1 '!, J Tl the old day- " ey by a vi::- it . V make Money by spo: for ItlKtaliCe, t he la V, for advert;-;. :.: . .e li j.frity of tlio-" wl, luust pay or pe. 1 1 i--011 doiii it. . how to o'.taia -the Money fN :;t ! l!,o I 1 ' 1 Not :.spe! d i.r.. it. 1 h i. a. :lt- il T--(. jure.'. 11 Jill.' . . Collision oa tie- I i: ai I'a l: road, l'il'.vii:i a '.- 1 tiiih'j and OVt-rltitid lind'ed pa.-.-i i.w' tra'a No. 2, eai-tboiim!, f,ve inile.s wi-t id J : -k .Sj.rinys, Wyo., la-t Wi-dtn.-s lay morning. Watercress, a brown staiiiioi, b years old, by SprlnsSeld r.'harf bred by Lord Falmouth, la Lnlam wassoldb,, auction la.-1 v'etni .i In New York for ?71,0h. t , ! ilaggtn, who already o. a, i,. Interest In the LorHt ti.i u.'li 1.. I Jlacgln-Tevla partnership In famous Rancho del Paso Btud. the I Harrington the city marshall of rrlnevllle, assaulted a man by the name of Crain, his brother-in-law, it 5a said without other provocation than the fact that Craln was the star witness In the AVIlliarrison-Ges-ner-BIggs prosecution, nnd Jfarrlng ton a friend of the ltidit ted men. J lid ee 'J'. o II alley 1jok the oath cl office as Hiprcne judge at .Snlem ou tbe, by Justice IL S., do SI THE MO&IYKOMPLETZ . - - - i - i issvio 0rffy mm st J' I MAKE YOl'AZ I SFl RCTONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1 (fa IN TUB CITY I SU UClfTFNSTHNDRuS.A 2.S STOCKTOM ST. CA4. md to,k i he uireme liench at noon, ihYvditiki JiHtlce Wolverton. Official -f the llnrrimaii system f railroads have aimouiHHMl the In ntion f th svsteni to build a ond throiiirh Central Oregon, tap lug ha i'ifw, Klamath Kail and end. Iudir' ii r.c! K. Will vert on was vvora i t Iti'eoii the 5th by 1". S 'ircilil .1" '.re W. I'. tiiltxTl.all.i Iimih he Immh-Ii i i the li.-trkt cul t at once. Chases vs. Chasers. Thephrasol. gieH of a iritit shop nro Jariron to some people, ec pecinlly some saloon men. The In stance w e have In mind occurred fi rat of this week. "Cope" West ed itor of the Silver Lake Oregonlan phoned to the editor of The Exam iner to borrow a pair of six-column chases that lielonged to the Paisley Post, now Idle. Of course a brother In distress always finds the hand of a brother printer extended and the ff ror was granted. Some one at Paisley must be prevailed upon to hunt up the chases and send them to Mr. IVest. He suggested Geo. Cooley. one of the proprietors of the Pioneer saloon of PaUley, whom all know to be a rtady and willing as sistant In time of need. Well, we wrote to Mr. Cooley to "send Mr. West the 6-col. chases." Mr. Cooley lK-ing a man to whom print-shop i terms are foreign, did not remain in I proof to show- tht the bind sniihi 1- ... .1 ,..,. i, imore valuable f r it titnU-r or tone ignorance verv long. IlesoUeu The. . 11 . . iiioiuuit ,1. 1 than for atirtcultiiral puro.-es, mil to puzzle at once and packed up , establish his claim to said land before ....1,., I ... nod sent them to I KeiMer and Hi-ceiver at l.akeview . re. Mr. West, a man who Invariably takes his whiskey straight. McKinney-Cowan. A ij'.liet wedding took place ill this city, at the home of tli- britle's i-ar- j cuts, Keccivcr and Mrs. A. W. tiow-j : an. the U'-v. A. 1'.. M : naner .riorin- ed the tarirnaue s.-rvi'-e om . . 1 f r - day, Novtab.-r brld- wa- at tired iri , oi-;.ii-ie- do i t,-l wi;i lb- t. admir-i li;.la! v is. ii ;. .-') e. 1 .t of hio- c.iia i;t to th" L.rool:i nd of I ..rtlai.d I d 1 rdiOWIT b. "i! ami I -ri. a a r. .-id.-i.t ir are i.::.:, 1 1 ; : i i 1 from ilotil I"'1 i1' who i-t. . a.. l!U!i:.-n ai v.-i: ia 1! Mr. M K '. liar-, ;. . r. 1 ;.. yotia j; friends i!e and lot v- widi tlell. ' d i:a; j a.. d 11.- I , ! ' i-ir ie-w t.'e e ha - ' ( : 1 i 1 1 1. Mr-. 1". d;an F:urious Fighting. "For H-vi-n yeai.s," write- (b-o. . II,.fo,,n r.flturoer Wash.. "I hfld ai ... . ,i , 1 1 bitter bait e. with chronic fctomach tmd . , j liver trouble, bat at hut I won, and: 1 cured my dit-eaKes, by the use oi YAuc- trio fciUera. I unhe&itatinKly rttcom- 1 m.-ri'l tie-in to an, atu uon t inienu in 1 die future to be without them in the house. They are certainly a wonderful medic ine, to Lave cured euch a bad case hh mine." Sold under guarantee to do l),; hau.H f r you, by I-ee lie-all, druggist, , at .jOc a bottle. Try them today. Notice. A. O, U. VV. Members are respectfully Invited to attend the meeting of Lakeside Lodge Xo. Ill, this Thursday evening. Iiro. Ralph Feenoy, P. O. M. W., will be present. I'lectlon of oificers will take place- A. RlKUKil, Recorder, I'.ev. Sanford Snyder, pastor of the M. II. Church of J.akc view, j.aid a vltjlt last wet-k to V. W. Hnydi-r, pas tor of the Paisley M. i:. Church. 5000 mm Anntmllr, to llll the new oitiw creat ed by KnilroNil andTcleirrapli OnntMnU. we want YOUNU MEN and LADIES ol Kxh1 habit, to Learn Telegraphy And R. R. Accounting Wc rurnt h 7 prr Prnt. of the Operator! and Fulton Agvnu la Ainorti-a. Our ill whooU art the Urgvut xclulv Trlrih HrhiHili In The Wrl4. F.ttabtlahcd 10 jrpkri nj r iiilorurd tj all Uilliif Rllwjr Offloikli. We txrrut a tM Hood to trvty ituiWnt to furnUh htm or hf r poaltlon r-aylnc from I to t'K) a month In tutrt tut of the Kocly Moon Utnii, i.r from 7S to Itoo month In ! writ ot the Rocktrt, laia4latly upoa (rMuatlea. 8tuJentrn enter t any time. No vara tiona. For full particular rrtardlng any of our School!, write direct to our riecuilve office at Cincinnati, Ohio, Catalogue Free. The Morse School of Telegraphy. Claclaaatl, Okie. Battala, N. V. AtlaaU, U. La Craaie, Wla. TeiarkaM, Tea 5aa Fraactoca, Cal TIMHtCK i..4Kl OTItH. United .States lnd Office, I.Hkevlew, Oreiton, October 20th, 1SKV. Notice is hereby given that in compliance, with the provUiona of the Act of Jui.e 3, 178 entitled "An act for 4he nale of liniN'r laniU in the States of California, Oregon, Nevaila atnl htngton Territory, a I extended to all the l'nblic .at d State' by act of August A, 1S12, Frank Hall, of Kliivnalh Fall, county (I Klamath, i tate of Ort-iron, ha tli day tiled in . tbii office hi" sworn ala'en.ent N. :;oi. f r the IMirrhrtsc of N lj N I '4 X Kl4 Kl. N 1 . and lot f Sfi'tli.ll l;i . I..u ul.i. v., 1J v., 1 I.' I w m all(, j,, 0n,.r'ir,M, , "Hhow thai .i. . 1 1 1. . . 1 I.,.. g - j. lot iaiKi 90110 in inorr vaiiiHum or 11a tiinln'r or Htone than for aitririiltural ;nirpoe and to establish Ilia claim to f aid land before Geo. Chastain, clerk of Klamath county, at hinoffice at Klamath Fal's, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th day of January. l'JOtl. lie names witnesnes: C. II. MeCumlwr, of Dairv, Oregon; Herbert Crmoier, Fred Itenaing of Klamath Fall. Oregor , and K A. McCulley, of McCload, Cabf. Any and all pertons claiming ad verne-' ly the alove-des rihed lanla are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before eaid Mth day of Jan., JSOtf. 44-1 J. N'. Watson, Kegister. TINRt'.K MXIIXOTIIK. United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. 16. 11X15. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the pm vinions of the act of Congres of Jnn 3, IS78, entitled "An act for the sle of lim ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritorr," as extended to all the Public Iand States by a t of A 11111 4. 1S'.I2. Marshall W. Iiowen, of (tshkosh, county of Winnebago. Stale of Wis., has this day tiled in this office his sworn state ment No IWlti, lor tie purchase 4 the !'t of Section No 3 in Township No. 3 S. P. No. 17 K.. W M . an. I will offer in Kridav, the "JlM day of llecember. lie names as u iine-es : Jesse C. Cravens, of KIhimuMi Falls ; ; Ore., J:ime M. lwodiind Irvin Ai der 1 i son of b'v, Oregon and Clris. W. Km- : I body of 1'ortl ind. lfc.'"ii. ! AtiV and all tiersmis adver-e- j jy the a" ive-di-ci . I I lai.'U are reijnt t I to t.le tl.eir ciMn Hi ' l.l- .11. or bi-i'.re i-J. ."d JL'.I dav ! Ie. .1. N. Vister. Nt.tice of I inal 5:tf lenient 1 I '1 Hi: ( . .r . V " . (M'i:r tii- ti:i: ' 1 . '. r '. ill I. t - .' 1 a' the i.a- ii.- I in a A.-emitit in 11. ' .- t'i.-ik ot I. da- -aid e-tate, and that . at 10 i.'rlo- i a. tu. t'.iuiity .Iml.-'-. .ii ei eirt I1011-1: in Lake I tl 1 ' 1. Nan ;; i- I -r. d.-i.-:.'!..-d !. 1- !:; i ' !,.- . .:!. -.- ..i t 1 ' ( ..amy, ( (r.-ijoii, it I. ..'.,! r -J'1'),. l'i ot .-ai l day, iti t he fi'-', ia the eo ;iii v t,'iitit i-, Otv time and ..t a, has been Ii Ned 11-1 t.h i t the ie-arili' oi ohj.-e ti .t to tai 1 an- nht and f.rthe i-ettb Til' I.t thereof. 1' d an I tit -t p't'-li.-lie 1 V ,eti.'...r ::'"h. !f.-, V.'. A. U 1, -aim , ! JJ Aei.,it.irtrat-.r. i. 'en t.c nut don't tta-.e! r.'.u the UJinoiii;t!, a- it ay old road v ill do yon and w: d'.nt nam your patrotate; but it ynu are nartieiilar and want the bent and' mean to have it, nt-k the ticket njfent to ronto yon via the ILLINOIS ( KNI'KAL, the road that rutin throiii;h f-olid vestibule. traiim between St.I'aul, Omaha. Chiitauo, L.. .... .. r-i.ijuiH, .Ticin pins, anil iiew urieaun. No additional charie ia made for a seat in our reclining chair cars which are fitted with lavatories and smocking rooms, and have a iiorter in attendance. Hatch via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowest and we will be glad to quote them in connection with any transcontinental line. Ii. II. Trumbull, Con.mercial Agent, 14i! Third Btreet, Portland Ore. J. C. Lir. lHey, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third btreet, Portland, Ore. Paul li. Thompson, Frt. A Passenger Agent, Col man Rldg., Seattle, Wash. "03 V AUU3J 'W 'Q moji v wvm unit 1 ISUlMOlJ Ul IIIWIJ1 0J 1Ultu 4 r J'.tJlMllia itrn Bioifwri u ujv., j.lxrf io XJ.I..1..J V J I W lUrflllll'ltilA .,1, Jii.l ii ii.i, 1 n't 1. 1.. . :. li.rf.. i in? ....THIS IS ... . EVERYBODY'S STORE We have the Goods to suit the Tastes of Everybody. All our prices are Fair and when you Buy Here Once you'll Surely Come Again. A full line of Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Felt Boots and Rubbers. We have been furnishing Sheepmen with Winter sup plies for these many years and have laid in our stock with their interests in view. tf What is Good for one is BAILEY & MASSINGILL'S JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT j To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxc.tive Brcmo Quinine Tablets. ' -ven Minion bov-s sold in pc-.t 1 2 month. Tim signature, SECURED FOR THIS PAPER SIR A. C0NAN DOYLE'S lv a tevA and Greatest Achievement '73K '55 '.?' Comprising 7iiLIv COPYniGIITnD "JtND 1LLUQTRKTCD I '.. ' ''.-: - lr--. - - hr "i v-vv; :r 1 - -- - ir -r-. J9&frSs-tiiAir -, rift gB'.Trr. aaer 1 V. ISHfcRLOCK; HOLMES w ium aim the standard cough and cold cure for over 7C years now comes also in a Conniirnt to be without it. lyori ALMANAC Sherlock Holmes ; Thirteen Great Detective EXAMINE THE CLASSES. 1 t -tiit mm tmm mum Good for all. Pioneer Store 25c size ctry with yu. I)n'l Ak your drugiM. fKEK. Wm. M If I. JyM k R. ltIUd.HSk. Curr Crip la Two Day. on every n, sXsyi box. 25c. Masterpieces WILLIAM OMXETTB ' As Sherlock. Ilolmca, th Orcat A great New York Daily j paid a fabulous sum to publish these stories and it is conceded to bt the Climax of Twentieth Cen tury Fiction, Subscribe Now 7 1 2 4 m