General Information I'litnlly lltpiurN nt Pout. & King, tf r'ninpliii of the pontilmni flipping tnun at Tli KxiiinlniT nlllri'. All lwn mill quiilltlfN, from Manila to linen. If lln'trd lltid Induing lit 11m Oregon IVimI Ynrd, $1 per wwk, Mi'iila tfi leu I . AImo iiicii'm liiuiidry work. Mit. (I. W. Wihk, Proprietor. 32-tf We iiro now prepuri'tl tu ll several trail" o( land nl prices llml will startle you, m' Ully l( you are acq u a i used with Mia location. We lmv Und nil the way from l.BO per aero up to I5; tin. improve! or Improved, to null the purcliawr. I-wke (Anility Examiner.! I The Wall et reel line of engraved ' cerMllcalcM of Mh k ind lloiid l.lankM at the r.xnniiiier olllee. Ni-w Maniple book "ji iclvi il Monday evening. If you want mi ork cert llleao m nee our, HHIIIplcM Hlld get Olir prleen. If ' A Tearful Tnte It i n feniful lute to have i endilie ll tiTrilile turluie of I'l "I 'i,u truthfully my," rile Iliirn C.l- of' M-..tivilU. Ii.. "tbrtt f.r ..i' -l. lined- inif, Itching 'and Protiiolu g I'ileM, ' .. . , . i. iu i.. i.M.r.. '.il Urn Ariuen N.ilvc. In I'"' ' e-l cure" .Mi... I.e-l for cut-. l.iin.H i.t.d ii.juiiex. U"'i' i'l !.' I'.cnllV, . ! u.v i" - , A (iunrnnlccJ Cure tor Pile. Pi lin I'.'ied. liieedinu . : I'oitrud intr I'iI.'n Iii ut t'iHiM refui. d u"'i-ey il IMil olM.MIM luiH i.. in ie iiev rw. ii iiirttier h"W I'Uiii ' '' 1 1 1 . Hi li .. II il.ijn I n-l Hi!.ii'i i 'i hi"-Cii-e mid le'. '''. It J " ' t ' 1 ' I. i - lui'ii't it bcihI .VI. in et am i 1 d ll will lorttiirdeil ... I pntd l.y Im ,M' ! ielne ( 'i., hi I uih. Mo. Torture of a Preacher. The ntury .l 11." P.iture . i - l. M-Miie. pin. I ( i he l'.a.t i .in. I., i I II. ii eeiNWlIf N Y.,lil I.' I--' ' J 1 hu V H : "I ulUeled ll'.ilil. -, l i i iiu-: lif M M'tnihteiil iiii'vli, remili.iij In-Ill lh" (jllp 1 hud I.' flii p flllinii up I" bed. I tiled limn) leiuedieit, tt 1 1 lioilt liii'l, III. Ill 1 t'Mik I r KiUH'h Ne I Unlivery hit t iitiHuinpii hi CoiikIi "'.i c..;.u, whii-h entirely rnted my eoiikdi, and fcitveil 1110 ( Mil l iill-lllUlptl'ill " A llllid line .. di-eii-e l eind:tiHi' "f lliL. it nnd I.tmux. At !." r.eHU'f, drurixt; pi lee M : mid ft ml, uuiiranteeil . Imltle free. A I'.argaln. .suwiulir, located near the Suiuiuer Lake road, eleven iiiIIch from I' ti-I y, con-Utliig of double circular mill. Im li and 'X bud, nwM. largo Imil.-r and IJ In. by l- bi. engine; new fr'e t b n lug turner and log-haul; cd'-r and cut-off hiiwh; line, heavy plain r; Vlilnjile mill: lath and picket i-aw; wood lathe; Khufllng, belting, etc., marly new; bhukHinltli tool: log truck, chaliiH, dogM,cti'.,alU,ompli te. I'rlce f ,.,,2tHi. Or, will wll n part, if dcHlrcd. Thin offer will not be open I long. Call ot the mill, or addn-H. (!. S. Hi:mckiki., I'nlHley, Oregon, tf. j The Illinois Central maintains unexcelled service from the Went to the Kaat and South. Making clone connoctiona with traina of all traiiHcontinental linoa, panengern nre given their choice of routea to thii ano IouiHvillo, Momphia and Now Orlenna, and through theso points to the far enxt. I'roipectivu travelora desiring i n for mation ns to the lowest ratea and lu-Ht routcH are invited to correspond with the following representatives. It. II. Trumbull, Commercial Ayent, 112 Third St., Portland, Oro. J. C. Lindsey, Trav l'asseiigor Agent, 142 Third at., Portland, Ore. Paul 1). Thompson Passenger Agent ( olman Huilding Seattle Hash. An Editor's Opinion of the Royal Gorge. Kdyth Toiler Weatberred, In do scribing a recent trip ore the Denver & Itlo Grande Itallroad, aaya In "Tho Exposition": "At last tho goal of the ambition oT yeara haa been reached mar ve loua, wonderful, grand and lusplrlug Royal Oorgo la on either hand. The 1 only disappointing thing la you only j havo ono pair of eyea, whllo the train i darts in and out ot tho troinendoiiH cluiHtn. If any who have never won , it tiro wondering how it looks Just' go and wo. Thousands have t rlt-d to doscrlbo It, yet every attempt full j short of giving tho subject just Ice." Jf you con template, a trip K;rl, write W. C Mciirldo, 121 Third slivi I j Portland, Oregon, for booklets pio-, taring Colorado's famous m oitcry, j and auy other information you may I dcblro. 3-tf Bonn THINfl TO INTKHR5T am, om r.Aii:u We print township pint, tf Mining blank nt I he ICxnmlner ofllcii. (Jeriuiui Nox, Kelt mid OvithIkh'h of nil kind ivt Lnkevlew Mer. Co. The Kxundner prlet tnwn'hifi il"'. mid limited lliem mio lnik lonrder. if Pout A King have the Ixi't jrriMle of lliinr mid cigar to ! found In Oregon. tf We hnve a full eet of Mywll-Unlllii" A Co'., until pit of SliH-k iVrtlflenteo and bond, with firlt-e lint. If you ar oruanlxliitf a Mock company get our price oti Mock certificate, tf Hff n Multiple of the Pacific inontly at thl olnVc, and you will not IicmI- llt), t j,(iv f.t.M for a year' ' (.,,on to The Examiner and that v,,!,,,,!,!,. Mva.lnc inldlelied In Port- land. tf ('. S. l.oveli'HM Invite the public to hhafe their piltroiiiiife with Mill lit Stable. llep.ilinititi-eM yiiiil treat, .uietit to nil HtiH-k left In hl cure, and proponi-M lo feci good liny and plenty ,,ff. :i!) tf runner, have yor butter wrap- M-r printed at The r.xtlllill.c olllee. lintead of ei'iidinu away for llietn. You keep y our money nt home, and patroi. them that patronize you, I., fillip. Villi Hi-e lint oil Hie get- I inix ii nd don't li.i e It ll.H I ll't l-llll Oil. pn.v f.r It : It The I ,.;i Iniiii r I lit reeelved a le-w hii mple hoi k ot t he Wall Mni'l line i .f i n:.' r i ved i i t IT,-( of Kt.M kat.di i !,.,i,d l.i.i'.i Hi. li, I;.. I -., the tii-ift up to .bile o j j,; vp vi K ef. TIMOTHY IlKI KN -r.-,l iiu.l ei,ili.i.ed livfeelMfd. lull tiled h'x l-i'.i . ' l.wi.b.ttf P.naaeler.1 of A merle,,. i . d I'.-.'l ;.tid tll-in If :-. .1 ..!. ti.iii i'i i lux Hi. tl - - I l.r .., lUiy lug- Iy M-il. t j .fin 1 1 ;itt method liux .U-i dry Inlying by m ill Jur lit. i. (e ns if i ill were ler Inir lit the I.f i in him. s. l.K irn:.s i i;iN I'.UOv. situ K I"iN STIll.KT, .vjni I , Junwn. have Ufiied a In Jill' lid i-JltllloKUe. llepietlllg tllollN. uih!. ..f JeW. 'r.V -nl III . Till ImoU x . I 1 1 1 ii ll itddreKi. free lr; in' pn p.'trat ioin siu'i ly devel ii..'i .' li : they dry up t'- ) ' lioim, i. udle re t t'i" tu-nd-t- I d.-oimi- p" e'i'i - in' : more ein;ii.. tlmti tie- i . ,r,; J..ri:,i.f Avoid nil diy :, i. i!.,fx, fiiiiit h, i.iim uinl kiiinia Hi, I t!, :'. v ini'll c!i ,., Koi,! l i s till. I I,. . ! .-, ! ' .). .i.i 1..i''n i , hmi-Ii ii r.-nif dy ,m i will .to., c si..:-i : i ur c"!.i in tl.o lu-it.t i-.. .' li. .-1 .' li'-'.y. A t; l.lll id be ii. , t,,r i.i ,-u;s. " A'd .1- 1 1 i-ell the . i:!v ! .-;,.i'VH. V.iui. u M., N.Y. ') ' '..,i:n en.- vvalieiit p.ati, ili.' K li't irr;i r.ti .r r.i'.' 'ui,l. It t-pn a.l.s itself dvi i nn nnd urif.ry Fiirfiieo, nlier. ini; initiK iliati !' Hi" pninlnl intliiiiitimtiou. Willi I'I.v'h I'ri'nta l'.uliu yon tiro annoil ngitinht Nuiiiil Cutuiili and liny K-vcr. I The Hicks Almanac for Io06. I The Kov. Irl 11. Hicks Almanac j will not be published for I'JOtl, but his monthly Journal, word and Works, has Iteon cnangeil into a large and rontly Magazine, and it will contain lils storm and weather forecasts atid other astronomical features complete. Tho November number, now ready, contains the forecasts from January to.Juno, HHKi. The .(miliary, number, ready llevrui ber "nth, will contain the forecasts from July to Poccinbcr, 11)0(1. Tho price of this Hpleudid Magazine Is one dollar n year. Sew it and you will have it. Tho Novomlior and Janu ary numbers containing the Rev. Irl It. Illcks forecasts for tho whole year, and more complete than ever, can be had by tendli u o, re 25 cents to Word nnd 'i r' 1 iiillshlng Com pany, 2201 Loc i -..ft, S't. LoulB, Mo. tf THERE IS NO SLICKER LIKE!S rry years &90 and after nriwyy ye&ra 01 use on the eastern coast, ower a Waterproof Oiled Coats were litrodjced in the West and were called flickers by l - 1 . - . Tl : I ' me pioneers onq cowooys. inu prapnic ntTie hs come Into sucN jcneral use' that it is frequently though, wrongfully applied to tneny substitute you want the genuine ,';. loor tr thcoicnof the riband v. 'v in iuui inci vji nit iiutwii 010 tV PIHa .MNTAIIVh TRADE riL- VVUIII U UVtK. in , A J TOWtt CO bOJIOM. MACS U S A. TOWt R CANADIAN CO I imiul TOIONfO CAN IV-. '-VI i i li iiboU eilh i er .1 1 lite :, wtio will HWiCIORVT- r .l i lie M. K in. I ?,n Kttn id Nw Pine .il 4'h Sunday m.( 7 p. m. i . i . 7 ii. m. 6th . i 4i II a. m oi ' ' 'ordiIly i . '.. "t,r.niii vtikk, Ptor. I'upular rnd Plcturrque .i U id" v. e h v In itiiike the I .nd . i . I ' the iit't't Mtp- it ' , v k if Ii the , i. .hum i ' pi'' 'irewjiie ,-. . I,,- .. . 'II- Cltll.e : ,l , i'1l ..eiil -.I it ii.i'i . i . i eel i I) i! V N, . . ,, p' - . . . ... i . I li lute , 4. ' ' ' ... M ' i el il . m u it i. . n . II. I'd HI I I VI. ii i ' 'I f fi I i. a ii. u dm I . i i'iiTH eeven lei. ' LnUe. Mffordil'K ' ' : Vi-it I he Mi.riliou C ' " 1 ' 'In 1 1 U I . I ride lliniiluh 'Mi' ... .i.-M in l lie wnrld p..r reaerVHli'H. t! i- n' 'Hid f-.r !' Iiiftr.ited iMHikle'- . . .t'i ! ' ' (..i.iiiii.iiin t" the l l 'aieii'. pK'VUl! ll to lie 'Ie- ' t I ! I f 'lie V,.ili.' n.i-e i. . M V. el.-, (i. i, end Aifetit, 124 Thiol .-. I -r r lari-1. Notice of Settlement t Final Ac count NOTK'K IS 1IKUKHY lilt KN. t!.f ll.u it.ilra.iLftiail Ailrni r. i ill In Hln.i.,i-.r,,i..r u. I. l-rk -Ij . I !.e t 'uiirit v CVuif I i( La , I . '. . .... . , !. mi. and l lull miirda If J- I I -1 i j i. ceiiiKer, l'Kli, at the lemr ! Pi l.j.l... b t M ol il... C ...1 i IJ'Mnn in the C'ountv Gmrt Hon t l.nko County, Otenun. in t!-.e town if ! uUvii.u Ima iM-en tt-d by ;! Hon. 15. Inly, lude . f Hi., '.' iii .ti j I'.mrt id Lake County, Ms ' ')riv ei, 1,1 the t imo and place for tl - V.'-rb u nlijectiotm to aid Final Aci- it !:. here ls, and the mjllleuiee' t -iv.f. Hutel Novenilier lOtti, i';V Pllll.ll' LYNCH. AdmiiiiHtrator of the K-,ie .f, TIM OTIIYI'.KKEN. IWhm.1. 4 Th Leading Paper of the Th" San Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronic! - The very bost wek!y '.'-.w.t .pi r publlahsd la th en:!ra, V. et. $1.50 a Year Inrlnitinf poatap lo any i a-i if tha liuilcd btataa, Canada auu l.f.i It ts best because, tes:d-j printing all the newt of the world each weak In an interesting; way and fully Illustrating many articles, It Has special depart ments devoted to AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE POULTRY L1V STOCK MINING LITERATURE FASHIONS and SHORTS These are prerded ever by editors having a thorough knowl edge of their gpoiaiti--i. T!.a cages devoted to Agr culture, Hoiticulture, Poultry and Live Stock are well Illustrated and it. led with matter of the greatest Interest to all engaged In these Industries, ovary line being written by those who are In close touoh with conditions prevailing on this Coast. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPT, H will be aeal free. De yea vast ChroJcle Reversible Map? Shawtof tMs4 State Do. mlaloa ef Oaaaaa aaa Ncrthom Meals aa m sMe. MAP OF THE WORLD, awaaatlaf to view la aa ! avaa, wttk all areas fca tnsa ateaaniea. the en tire Bsxteoe af the Earth aa the ether sMa. Sea4 aa4 fa a Mas aad "Weakly CWswaala for one yeah peataga arayaU asi Mas mi Paoec, The Dairy tnd aasA faala. rU Onry flfS a Year Address U. H. TOUNCW , "tmm Vnukuwe CWeokJa," Can Fraaolaoa, CaL LAKEVIEW SADDLERY S. F. AMLSTROM, Proprietor. r The best VaqucroRad lle on the market. AImo a complete line of wagon t t t I & nnd taiggy hnmeMM, whlpn rolien rlatan, bltn, Mpnm, qulrtn, roMctten, In fact every thing In the line of carriage and borne fiirnlehliiKM. lie pairing liy comp'ient men. 9 II BRIXTED IN 1900 MO'fiN THROUGHOUT ; FIeST-C!-VSS ! ACConnoDATios's i : SAHPLfi ROOn : For co.nnnRCiAL ! TRAVELCRS ! COURTEOUS I TREATMENT F P LIOHT OLO HAkHOW LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors a r. c. Harris. HARRIS & LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, 4 a s Full and complete stock ol Everything in the line of FURNITURE L " JUST OPE.NTD. 0001)5 AH RlMNCi ALL THE TIME. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SLE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES a a- J ersHM: irt?'. TIMIIKII I.AM OTKK. I'nited Statos Land Oflk-o Lakeview, Oregon, Oi t. IS, 1005. Notice is hereby given that in compliance w ith the pro visions of the Act of .1 une 3, 1873, entitl ed "AnAi t for the saleof timber lunda ia the Stnteu of California, OreRon, Nevada mid M'uidiiiiKtoti Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land" States by act of August 4, 1892, the following persons have this day tiled in this oftice their sworn statements, to-wit: Kdward A. McCulley, of McClo".d, county of Siskiyou, state of Calif. Sworn statement No. 8017, for the purchase of SWJi NKtf, N NE SV, NW 4' BE, Sec. 30, Tp 34 S, U 18 E W M. Cbnrlev Alesnor, of Klamath Falli, couuty of Klamath, state of Oiegon. .Sworn statement No. 3078, for the pur chase of the SWtf Nt'i NX Sw,"- Sec. 211, E NEltaud NE; SEjfSec 30, Tp ;M S, K 18 E W M. Arnold O . Vagner, of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, state ol Oregon. Sworn statement No. 3022, for the pur chase of the E Nj; and NEi Sec 20,Tp34, K18 E W M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish their claim to said land before Geo. t'hastain, clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office at Klamath Falls, Ore., on Friday the day of December, 1905. They mime as witnesses: Chas. II. MtCumber of Iairy, (reon, Frank Hall 11. V, Crammer nnd J. C. Smith of Kliiinath Kails, Oregon, Edward A. Mc Culley, John K. Ililler nl McCloud, Calif, and Charley Mosnor of Klamath KaliiS Ore. Any atid all porsonn ciiiiming adverse Iv the nbovo-described lamlsuie requeht ed to tile their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of Dec. 1005. J . N Watson, Register. 4 . J I AKEYIEW P. N JAOli'lSH 5 JAQUISI1 4 4 4 4 4 4 aft 3 4 4 Snider Bui'ding on Water St. Aycr's Pills. Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. Ti e best laxative. Lf.M;: BIJSXINGHAM'S DYE iti iu ot iiiwuoir ufck.r. UA1J. 4 tu, lUf ill. ,.. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 13th 1905. Notice is here by given that in compliance with tin provisions of the Act of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timbei lands in the States of California, tregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land State by act of August 4, 1802, John E. Ilillet of Sisson, county of Siskiyou, Htate oi California, has this day filed in this of dee his sworn statement No. 3025, for the purchase of the W SW, 8Ei SWsec.l5, and NE)4 NW4', see. 22. in township No. 35 S-, range No. 17 E w. m., and will offer proof to show tha the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim t said land before George Chastain, coun ty clerk, at his office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th day of January, 1906. He names as w itnesses : C. II. McCumber of Dairy, Oregon, E. A. McCulley of McCloud, Calif., and Chas. Mesner and C. II. Dusonberry of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of Juuuary, 1000. 40-3 J. N. Watson, Register. OAOTOniA. Bcarg the ) ll;8 k'l'd Van iiava Al.u.s Esfil .If fT 4LI ft -iti w IwiCJ-tB iy fH . J INT J.Lvl) POPULAR NUTS. Ira, Aom Oflnil IllcWorr Nail ! Muppourd Hybrid. Tecnn culture I getting a milmUo tlol boom. tholct varieties are bcln Mtenslvely proitnstnted nnd planted. The chnncen of altlninte profit In grow lug thin popular in would apjenr quite promising where planting nr made on the right soil in a uitaWc climate, Mnya Knral New Vorker In notes on the pecan and, mor particu larly, the hickory nut. The pecan la. however, a aoutbern upeclea and la not Miecesafnlly grown In the east nortli of the Ohio valley. The troen.are fair ly hardy even In the latitude of Ionst Island, but a longer aeaaon la needed to ripen the nut. Pecana are most at home In rich allu vial anils In the gulf atate. flreat wifcr.u hit :nKK. nicKor.T kci. proves. ! we . t pec:t:;. ory i. ! I tu o. i ' . ... ... (-.!-:. o:. '. : i ; a i. tli!:i;:i.' vf-y !. ity- The , ory hi t the It t - 11m t: i. . . .. and i'-- U n '. ' iiuitr;. . i UiOlifeh tu.: to cr:n k u mor.ty '. -. lont, L.'l eti mailt ft! the corii' .ion of i i-".it. While i e;tiia-L lir'i' ta fru'.t la our s! :k hl..i- i rliT in i tr 't cut vor t.- tba y .sii.'tatil ; ' ";;-t I, era I ..'.' i ::'y ". iv. ii t j l, ' -j. -.!. a ,h: It ' '. '.; a " : ;v.v,i r r. il- ik'k- ''. r:-.: Ii at -ii!i'-y!V:ITlIa li reliably It ,:.-i! t re. atnl ;! ' i a riorldt 11 . i hA tort, l'.i'.a i-wiiij easily v .y f;-j:u Cis fdump oncl t .. ""! " i,u.iK:y I.; excel e.I ry any hickory vro have tcstwl. rianters vill have a lor.5 wait for their crop, bv.t a t'eslri'.lile iiut trea that ni.iy h'Ft a cfr.t'iry is surely worth ', y. X f?w exports only have beon a'.i. to Uv-roase hickories by praftin.1?. Pcll?r ruwohs Is report ed from bii'U.: I v t!;e unmilar or i : i i ' i " A v V- : V Cute bud riifthoit. "Thry may alstvV I propagated when on their own robla" ; by sprout.i or suckers that occa 'lonal ' ly sprlns; fi-oni bare! or Dpturneil roots. The pem rriloorla pocan) and tha j shasbark Ol. ovatai meet In the MU I slsslppl vaKi y as the iattr extend It j range from Cnnada rtilte to 'J'evas and Florida. It .ui!..l np; ear p. --.'Mo that hybrids betvefii thess va!'i:,hU spe cies may bo prulifel In Cute. !tal it Is easy to ft;.if,':nj tlte giol ;;:.tlltl3 they shiujiJ r .-;-s-j. A supp.x'.l l.yl.rld bof.veeti the west ern shelK.iirk (II. I : -!ri j-:'.i ;:t: l t!.f pe can was figure! and uoscrllied by t!i lato A. S. Fuller lu uuJer tht name of Nu -sbaumer's ' hybrid. Tho nuts were ile-icribed as lar?. thin shelled, sivec t tutJ good. Rootlns Polnaettlaa. Many growers have trouble in root ing their poinsettia cuttings. It ia a good plan about a week before taking the cutting from the parent plant to make a nick or uppercut lu the stalk at the place it is intended to take the cutting. This may be done in much, the same way that a cut Is made in a rubber plant before wrapping it with moss, though the knife should not go too deep, as a very slight cut will bleed a poinsettia. In about a week, a callus will have formed, and the cut ting ahonld then bo removed and placed lu the sand. It will root better than one which has not been so treat ed! Gardening. Gamming of reach Tree. Excessive gumming of peucli and plum trees may be relieved by slitting tho bark and tho first layer from the ground to the branching, it't' int the slita about tHr.'e Inches tip.i t Tie trouble m-i- be termed UJ.' 1 .1 :, taa ap cannot l'-uv asltthouM '.i -rs It bril l. , . .. CUtl giV ' . tl chan-.'- ' Itif .f a heuU.'; - 3. B'uv . .- I a Tut t .': . - n ber(D' U ;h - ui..uui Vt'ut.. . ci Ita appearance about the 1st of May. It begins at one end of a row aa 1 goes from bush to bush across tue t.ota ta tha end. If rows are some U.atunca apart the Insects cross to another row and go back again. Spray with p.irla green or dust with white hell . bo - when the dew is en. Western Frul t C . ower. Oaa I'liUoninir. After four years' experience with treat trees I omcludo that t'.to sudden death of a rU'iroui street trei- N pri ma facie evi.U-neo cf a gns leak. A for example, 1 havo r.ottl i-en-rul trees which v.vro vlsorot!:! 1-J 't ! ru mor that fu'!!fl to put out li'ivet tho past spring. A ;w lei-k was fvvn.1 In each cr.'se, Ri-ys a writer on itnu subject. 1