lite Adventure of the Golden I'rlnce-Nez. (i'mIiiIuih"!.) near tlio center or innw' ginsso. Therefore the Indy'a eyes ar set very near to tti sides of lln n (wo, Ton will perceive, Watson. Hint the gin are concave and of uiumnnl strength. A lady wIiok vision linn 1n so extreme ly contracted nil her life Id suro to Imve th physical characteristic of nidi vision, which are seen In the furolieml, tb eyelid and th shoulders." "Y." I said, "I rati follow each of your iriummli, I confess, however, that X am unable to understand bow y arrlv at the doable visit to tb optician." Holme took th gls la hla band. Ya will perrelv," be ssld, "that the dip art lined with tiny bands of to soften th preeaar upon the Om of thee la discolored and to ota alight extent, bat th other to Nt, Evidently on baa fallen a? and been replaced. I should Judge fast tbe older of them haa not been there more than a few montba. The; iactly correepond, so I gather that the tad went bark to the same establish mailt for tbe aeeond." By George, It'a marvelous!" cried Hopkins, In an ecstasy of admiration. To think that I had all that evidence , engaged young Wlllonghby Smith en In my hand and never knew It! I had ters the room. In her hurry to with Intended, however, to go the round of 'draw the key aha makes tbls scratch tbe London opticians.' "Of course you would. Meanwhile. bsve you au thing more to tell ua about tbe cane?" "NoilMiK, Mr. Holmes. I think that you know as much ns 1 do now-prob-ably more. We Imve Int. I lutilrle4 nut ile a to nny sunnier si-en oil the country rond or nt (lie rullwny tlou. We bsve heiiril of none. What brats ine Is the uiler want of all object In the crime. Not s gliuat of a motive csu any one suggest." ' Ah, llicr 1 sm not lu a posltlou to a- l )ou! Hut I aupiMMe you want us to come out tomorrow T" 'If it Is not nnk.UK too much, Mr. Holmes. There's a t sin from Charing t.'rots to Clin tli.i in at t In the morning, sml we should ! at Vox Icy Old l'lnec lieiween 8 ami U." "Then we slnill tike it. Your case has certainly sun., features of great Interest, slid I . ill he delighted to look Into It. Well. It'a nearly 1. Olid we had beet get n few hours' Bleep. I dare say you run manage all right n the sofa In from of the fire. I'll light my spirit lamp and give you a cup of rtiffce liefore we a'urt." The gnle had blown Itself out next , day, but It waa a bitter morning when we Btarted uion our Journey. We aaw the cold wlntir sun rise over the dresry , marches of tbe Thames and tbe long, j sullen reacbea of the river, which I , ahall ever aesoclnte with our pursuit of tbe Andaman Wander In th earlier ( days of our career. After a long and j weary Journey we alighted at a smsll , eiauon mtmam wiio j While a home wss being put Into a trap at tbe local Inn we anatcbed a bur lied breakfast and so w were all ready for business when we at last ar rived at Yoxley OM Place. A constable met us at tbe gar.'eii gnte. "Well. Wilson, sny news? "No, sir nothing" "No reports of any strauger seen?" "No, sir. Iiown at the station they are certain tin thnt no stranger either . went y. Hterdny." ! came or "llnve you had Inquiries made at Inns and lodging"'':" "Yen. Kir. There Is no ono that we cannot account for." "Well, H'm only n renaonahle walk to Chutlinin. Any one might stay thero or take ii train wliliont lielng observed. This Is the gr i path of which I spoke. Mr. Holmes. I'll pledge my I word there was no inn l it on It yestcr- day." "On which side were the marks oil the grass?" "llils side, slr-tlils narrow margin of grass iK'tween Hie path and the llower bed. I can't see tho traces now, but they were clear t mo then." "Yes, yes; some one hns passed along," said Holmes, stoo.ilug over tho grass border. "Our lndr must have picked her steps carefully, must she not, sluce on tho one side she would leave a track on tho path and oa the other an even clearer one on the aoft bed?" "Yes, sir; ahe must have been a cool hand." s I saw an Intent look pass over Holmes' face. ' "You say that ahe muat bav com back this way?" "Yea, air; there to no other." "On this atrip of grass?" . "Certainly. Mr. Holmes." "Hum I It was a very remarkable , performance very remarkable. Well, I think w hove exhausted tbe path. ft ua go farther. Tble garden door Is usually kept open, I suppose. Then this visitor had nothing to do but to .walk In. The Idea of murder was not la ber mind or aha would bave provid ed, herself with some sort of weapon Instead of having to pick tlila knife off th writing table. Hue advanced along this corridor, leaving no trace upon th eoooanut matting. Then ah found herself In this stud. How long was ' she ther? W hsv aio means of Judging.- "Not mor thaa a few minutes, sir. I forgot to tell yasi that Mrs. Marker, th housekeeper, had been In ther tidy ing not very long before about a quar ter of an hour, she saye." "Well, that gives us a limit Our la dy enters this room, end what doe ahe do? She goes over to the writing table. ,What for? Not for anything In th drawers. If ther had been anything worth ber taking It would surly bav been locked up. No, It was for some thing In that wooden bureau. Hello! Wbt l" tUst scratch unon tbe face of It? Just bold matcn, vv Bison, n did yoa not tell toe of this, Hopkins?" ' The mark which h was examining Iwgan upon the hrasawork on the right hand aids of the keyhole arid eitendml for shout four Inches, where It bad scratched the Tarnish from the surface. "I noticed It, Mr. Holmes, but you'll nlways find scratches round a ky hole." "Tills Is recent, nulle recent, Kce how the brans shines where It Is cut. AO old scratch would to the same color as the surface. Iok at It through my Iciin. There's tlio veriilsli, too, like esrth on each sldo of s furrow. Is Mrs. Marker therer ' A ssd faced elderly woman came In to the room. "Did you dust this burrs u yesterday morning V "Tee. sir. "Did yo notice this imtrtr "No, sir: I did not" "lam aura you did not, for a duster would bare swept away thee sfcred of Tarnish. Who has tbe key of this bureau f "The professor keep It oa hi watch chain." .. "Is It a staple keyf "No, air: It to a Chubb's key." "Very good. Mrs. Marker, you can go. Now w are making a little prog ress. Our lady enters th room, ad vance to th bureau and either opens It or trie to do so. While she Is thus upon tb door. Ha seise her. and aba, snatching up th nearest object, wblcb happens to be this knife, atrTkea at bltn In order to make him let go his hold. The Mow Is a fatal one. He falls, and she eecsiM-s, either with or without the object for which she has come. Is Su san, the meld, there? Could any one have got iway through that door after the time that you beard the cry, Su san?" "No, sir; It Is Impossible. Ilefor I got down the stslr I'd hsve seen any one In the paassge. Besides, tbe door lievcr otened or I would have beard It." i "That settles this exit. "Then no doubt the Indy went out tbe way abe came. 1 understsnd that tbls other , v!iKiige lends only to the profesaor's room. There Is no exit that way?' "No, sir." "We ahall go down It and make the aopuuliitaiice of the professor. Hello, Hopkins, tills Is very Important very Important Indeed! Tbe professor's cor ridor Is also lined with cocoa nut mat ting." "Well. air. what of that?" "lon't you see any bearing upon tbe C0llt,j Wel( wett Aoa't Utt upon No aoxl,t i aD1 wrong. And yet It to m0 l0 be auggestlv. Com w(tn we and introduce me." We ,,aaed down the passage, which w of u Mn aB u, wblcU M Q gttli At eDd WM a thort flro, of tI, mAlot ,n door )ur knocked and then ushered nt( th prefMor., bedroom. t waa a rfTj Urge chamber Uned with Innumerable volumes, wblcb bad overflowed from the shelves and lay In Idles In the corners or were stacked all round at the base of the cases. The led w as In th center of the room, and lu It, propped up with pillows, was tbe owner of the house. I have seldom seen a more remarkable looking erson. It was a gaunt, aquiline face wblcb nrna tiiriifxt tnwant US. with lllerc- ug iUrk cyp- wnlch ,urktH, , dwp ,oMows unJer overhung and tuft- j ed brows. His hair and beard weru white save the latter waa curiously ! stained with yellow around hla mouth. ! A clg.irette glowed amid the tangle of I white hair, and the air of tho room ' was fetid with stale tobacco smoke. i lu li., Ii.l.1 mil lila hnml in TTfilniOH I ,.rr,.,VP(1 lnt u was aUo gtniued with I a wuoKcr. nir. iioiiiii-h; nam I sKaklng In well chosen Kngllsh, with ... I . TT.I W ...I.I 1 . u curious little mluclug aiveiit. "rray take a cigarette. And you. sir? I can recommend them, for I hnve them espe cially prepared by Iouldea of Alexan dria. He sends mo a thouannd at ft time, n nd I grieve to say that I hnve to iiirnng" for a fresh supply every fort night. Had, sir, very bad, but nn old man has few pleasures. Tobacco and my work-that Is all that la left to me." Holmes had lit n cigarette and was shooting little darting glance all over tbe room. "Tobacco and my work, but now on ly tobacco," the old man exclaimed. "Alas, what a fatal Interruption! Who could have foreseen such a terrible ca tastrophe? Bo astlmabl a young man! I assure you that after a few months' training he waa an admirable aaalat ant What do you think of th matter, Mr. Holmes r "I have not yet made up my mind." "I ahall indeed b indebted to you If you can throw a light where all la ao dark to ua. To a poor bookworm and Invalid Ilk myself auch a blow to para lysing. I seem to have lost tb faculty of thought. But you are a man of ac tion you are a man of affairs. It la part of th vryday routine of your life. You can preserve your balance In every emergency. , W are fortunate Indeed In having you at our side." Holme waa pacing up and down on Id of th room while th old professor was talking. I observed that he waa moklng with extraordinary rapidity. It waa evldant that h ahared our hoat'a liking for th fresh Alexandrian clga rettea. "Yes, sir, It la a crushing blow," said th old man. "That to my magnum opus th pll of papers on tb aid ta ble yonder. It la my analysis of the documents found In tbe Coptic monas teries of Syria and Egypt ft work which will cut deep at th very founda tion of revealed religion. With my en feebled health I do not know whether I shall aver b able to complete It, now that my assistant haa been taken from me... Deot we, MX. Halms. uhx.xou -.r ,..t ;i:,ll!,;::L?lI.taTn AVcCclable Pre pnrAlionfor Ax slmllating the Food andBctfuti ting lb Stomachs and Dowls of Promotes Digesdonheerfu nest aM test jContalrts neither OpfemXorphiru) norM2oeraL fioT NAn C OTI c . a euitrSMisutraax w ' axeajajBBrVFVa r awwi A perfect Remedy for Conslip non , Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms XkmvulMons.Feverish nrta and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. , - c THE MOST DELIGHTFUL WAY 'VJTmnran'X' ls'V?'.'' w"yv yt.'Snr!' v7:rr ThaoughSalt Lake City, Olenwood Springs Lcadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery Passing Caatl data, Canyon of Marshall Pass ' and TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OOOEN AND DENVER Eqi'lPH RT AXI NKKVIl'K HECOID TO KOKK SEEK NO rjPTHFP FOR BETTER CIN7 BE FOUND For Detailed Information Address A. C. ncBKIDE, General Agnt 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREQON mii i BEEF, MUTION. PORK, SAUSAGE, E'lC, ALWAYS ON ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WKNDELL, Proprietor jl. AT PKI15ENT LOCATED - - BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVidW THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER LATEST LAND AND TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED IN JUJiiilll For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TfiP ilyJIia TO CROSS THE CONTINENT Th Oraod, Tennessee Pass, tha Royal Gorge 3 HAND AT THE r I, : AW ml I TfJ) KINTING IS AN ART IN 5 1 1- ipip' styles stock a large assortment of high grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. Onr prices will be found, to compare favorably with other prices. STOCK NEWS EIQHT PAOES LOCAL AND COUNTY N 1880. a socu a r. o a o c t r t w of o..t ...f.i.'4o.r.riM"-tBrMrn tun fm. rr mX'tnt, haw M Mua fMwim. tts maHu, fprnthu, tm N AIL COONTBIta. DwdHS iftrfrl m il Wmiklngton trvtt tlmt, mmry and rflm Ikt pnUnt. Patwtt tnd InfrhirwMnt Freetle Cxclvilvdy. Vrta nt ihmiw in mmt U VMS Strvt, r. CallM totM Tmkm eM. WASMIWOTOM, O. C Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. llio Coneetkut Avano Wasbiagton, D. C. AN pirn as wae aev i.S. PTNAl rHOOP tm amy fcto mt L4. aUMnrterTI CirtrtM, whick bM ken eccwto Sr Mm KegleUr er iMtlrrr el ear V. 5. Im4 Office cm fceye tfce to. nr. M tSrif V. RtH tm eM LeaeS mnmpay mttamU to by Mlna m tkeir DepMcet BecetoU. evCertmcaUe m Eatrv, mmi m iiiient t fj sm f If whee irtr hM PetMU ban Inm. JOHN MULLAN. Otih, Callfarat aa Nevada Mate vbd bo YEARS' & -EXPERIENCE f ar a ia m m Mtvl Cotvriokts Ac Anrnn. wwiif a rtate mni merttim m1 nlrklf Miwuln mr ofHntna fr. bbr n luTsnikm w pnbblf MtOTitmbla. Commm.trm- turn nrtetlf onn4ni lUAA. IIIMMOinriUII Piusu UtM throa.h liana S Co. laeatva mteUU aoUer. wllioot ebafra, t taa Scientific Hmericatie A nwTm wrtly. lwa calttUun ot an 7 KMfitlSe tnarnal. Twnii, m to : f oor month. SL floid brail nvwtalm. hUNN & Co,B-Newtcrk BA Oa. F , Waablivuw. D. . $150 Reward. The Harney Coantj Live Stock Amocla tion, ol wbicb I B a mmber, pay, 175 reward forevidenct leadlna to the con viction af partirn stealing itock be tongiDf to it mem. a addition 1 uffer taOU reward Uorav brand bon hoe bar oa eUhet or both Jaws. K- corded InSeonntie Ranue. Harney. Lake and Crook Countiea Honea vented wben aald. Horaeseold to paay tbroagh tbia eectlon will be reportsd la tht paper, u not ao reponea, pwaM wnia or leie pbona Tbe Time. Herald. Main S24, Bum. Ore gon W W Bbows, File, Ore flae Mkepa Kaarh la Heave Oeaao Tbe Examiner ba for aalo one of tb beep rancbea In Modoc county, which . troU tbe b-t range in California iteontl.ti of 6M acre, all tinder fence. It Ilea along Pin river for 2 milea. Beaide other building there are two bouaea V4 mile apart. It la ar idral .beep ranch. Xttakea quick it will b auld for ftMOO. - 4! v'i T-v 'si ii i'6v II I I'l l V " " v . I wmcn x iiis xvxamlnkk cx cells. We have all the late in type and keep in I J' are evert a iqrifcktfr smoker ttisn l am myaelf." Holmes smiled. "I am a connolsseTJr,n said be, tak ing nnotlier rlitnrette from the box, his fo-rth. mid llcbtlnjt It from the stob of thnt which lie had finished. "I will not trotittle yon with sny iptiRthy eros exftinlnnflon, Profensor Coram, since I R-ntbrr thnt you were In bed at th time of the crime and could know noth ing atont It. I would only auk this: Whnt do yon Imnelne thnt this poor fellow tnennt by his last words, Tb professor It wss she?" Tbe professor shook bis bead. "flnsen Is a country jrtrl," said be, "snd you know th Incredible stupidity of that clsss. I fancy that tb poor fellow murmured some Incoherent, d llrtous words and that ah twisted them Into tbls maalnteaa nessaf. "I see. Ton tar no rplsnsrjoa yourself of th tragedy 7" Tosslbly aa sccMeot. poslbry-X only bresthe It among ourselves rul etde, TeuDg men bave their bidda trouble om affair of tb heart. pr . asps, wfelca w bar never known. It la a mor probabl . supposition O'sa m order." "But tb eyeflaaaf "Ah, I am only student, a man of dreams. I cannot esptaln rbe praetteai things of Ufa. But atUl w ar awara, my friend, that lor gage may taka strange shape. By all means tak an other cigarette. It la a pleasure to se any on appreciate them ao. A fan, glove, glasses who knows what ar ticle may be carried as a token or treasured wben a man pnts an end to his life? Tbls gentleman speaks ot footsteps In tbe grass; but, after all. It Is easy to be mistaken on such a point As to tbe knife. It might well be thrown far from tbe unfortunate man as be fell. It Is possible that I speak, as a child, but to me It seems that Wlllougbby Smith has met hi fate by bis own hand. Holmes seemed struck by the theory n thus put forward, and he continued to walk up and down for some time, lout In thought and consuming cigarette after cigarette. "Tell me, Professor Coram," he said at last, "what Is In that cupboard In the bureau 7" "Nothing that would help a thief- family papers, letters from my poor wire, diplomas of universities wblcn have done me honor, iter Is tbe key. You can look for yourself." Holmes picked up tbe key and look ed at It for an ins taut; then he handed it back. No: I hardly think that It would help me." said he. I should prefer to go quietly down to your garden and turn tbe wbolo matter over la my head. There is something to be said for the theory of suicide which yoo; have put forward. We must apologia for having intruded upon you. Pro fessor Coram, and I promise that wo won't disturb you until after lunch. At 2 o'clock w will come again and report to you anything which . may have happened in tbe interval." Holmes waa curiously distrait, and wa walked up and down th garden path for some time hi silence. - "Have yon a clew?" I asked at last. "It depend upon those cigarette that I smoked," ssid he. "It Is possi ble that I am utterly mistaken. Tbo cigarettes will show me." "My dear Holmes," I exclaimed, "how on earth" . "Well. well, you may see for your self. If not, there's no harm done. Of course we always have the opticlsn. clew to fall back upon, but I take a short cut when I can get It Ah. hero is tbe good Mrs. Marker! Let us en joy five minutes of Instructive con versation with her." I may have remarked before that nolmes bad, wben he liked, a peculiar ly ingratiating way with women and that he very readily established term of confidence with them. In half tho time which he had named he had cap tured the housekeept-r's good will anl was chatting with ber as if he bad. known her for years. "Yes, Mr. Holmes, It Is as you say, sir. He does smoke something terrible All day and sometimes all night, air. I've seen that room of a morning well, sir, you'd bave thought it was a London fog. Poor young Mr. Smith, be was a smoker also, but not as bad as tbe pro fessor. Ills health well, I don't know that It'a better nor worse for tbe smok ing." "Ah," said Holmes, "but It kills tho appetite." "Well, I don't know about that, sir." "I suppose the professor eats hardly anything r "Well, he la variable. I'll say that for him." ' "I'll wager he took no breakfast this morning and won't face his lunch after all th cigarette I aaw blm consume," "Well, you'r out there, sir. as It hap pens, for he at a remarkably big breakfast this morning. I don't know wben I've known blm make a better one, and he's ordered a good dish of cutlets for his lunch. I'm surprised myself, for sine 1 cam into that room yesterday and saw young Mr. Smith, lying ther oa th floor I couMn't.boar to look at food. Well, it take all aorta to make a world, and tha professor hasn't let It take hla appetite away." Wa loitered tha morning away in th garden. Stanley Hopkins had gon down to tb village to look Into aomo ' rumors of a strange woman who bad been seen by some children on tb' Chatham road tho previous niornmg. Aa to my friend, all bis usual energy seemed to bare deserted him. I bad never known htm handle a casa la uch a half hearted fashion. Even th news brought back by Hopkins that he had found tha children and that tbey bad undoubtedly seen a woman exact ly corresponding with Holmes' descrlp-. tlon and wearing either spectacles or eyeglasses failed to rouse any sign of keen Interest. He was more attentive (Continued ou next page).