Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 23, 1905, Image 8

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    FRUri .;hl?YER$ 1
- f
Lnkcvlcw And Vicinity
A I'rrllr AtmirnllnB riant Wllk
Mraaln lrfwiur.
Some veiy sensational statement
have Imvu given t concerning tha
i oHvt ive rah:e of .tlio new fadeless
flurrer i!cvo!.ii cd by Luther Hurbauk.
Santa ltosa, Cal. It Is declared tha 1
blooms are m Attractive Hint perma-j
t-V'i.t that they may lx expected large-,
ly to displace artificial flowers rar mil
linery a ml Kitt. decorative purposes.
Karbank's variety Is not ti l given to
the public fx a year or two. but seed
tJ Cephallp'.erum dnimniondlt, the spa
cer from v hicta It was selected, ta
freely offcT-c ' this season by leading
ffclsruen for -. ccuts packet This
pant. ha:f h r'.y annual, was discov
ered In cent:;:! Australia not long aga
It Is ensl'y from seed, quickly
. -v: !
making k i
fntiy in an
Li anas it
The c'.l
Mi ll .:
Fbn. ami sin'
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T ' I'
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fe:e.2 1 i :
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Lar.ic's Hi I;
The Eo.
niouii aro i.i'.i
li;t t!;i y r-li '
tnoro i'.w.tL". !.
kew i ii '.r ss runn:. i
plain prowuis; j
. it g inlen snil. Tht I
i. the iilusiration.
'. iiver varies r vn J
pretty r. -y vi;a-
;roJu't-i iu k.v it
i ut la.' n 1 f '
' ;.s a f.iiut 1 :t '
' t li -c-.-r a '
If life is worth living, live well. To live
well, you fnitst have the very hest of food
protluets. Here everylhin is jrooil; every
tiling is intre, ami rapitl selling keeps out
stock fresh.
Your Thanksgiving Order Is wanted Mere.
Hxtra Standard Tomatoes irc a can
Solid Pack Tomatoes 20c n can
Iowa Sugar Corn 15c a can
3 cans California Sugar Teas 50c
13 cans California String Beans 50c
Ivrie Corn Eric Peas Erie Stringless Beans 25c a can
Bishops Soups 3 cans 50c ?
I ! Bishops Plum Puddings 30c a can
1 1 Choice Mince Meat in Cdass Jars 7;"c
I Premium
Crocker y
t Cou p o n s
Free with
i each 25 cent
Cash Pur-
l chase at Re-
' tail.
ft re .
T i -T- "I
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s-t:-. ii
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!; th": o'isvr !!:::.; '.ft.-
when Cr'xvX. a tl.f aUai-' t t:;e
stalk I of a raUier flimsy cb-iraeter. ;
The color, Ihov.z'i t'e.'icate anil a Tree- !
able, will not uir every on?. Tbe re- !
talne-.l perfume is a p!e;iinR feature '
we Lave not tiiticod in other gmlea ,
everlastings, tlicmcrh It is comraoii with ;
many vi d for lryin5, eo:i- ;
eludes Itural Nerv Yorker, In corn- :
uienting upon the ue-vv floral sensation.
' -r ,
-Demand Tha Grand
; PlantlnK StrTvbrrrle.
It lias ahvjy; U-en n:y practice to
plant straw! .cirics in rx-.-s three ainl
one-half feet apart, aui! tiie distance ia
the rows iVpt'U'is very uiucb on the
variety. Wi ii .! 'j i nk fr-cvii's va
rieties iii the r.:.. !-: i c t!i;ee ( ' i:i a
ruw is plenty . '. , 'u y.S.i. TU.-y will
fill i:p tLeu. La'.. t.;'::!.,'a v.Tifiy I.V..
i- :' . ' lif'-.-:) or
C. G. LOVELESS. Proprietor.
ei-htiM-:i iu.
1 ;:ii i .1
p! u- 1 !
u:iv.g t!
want ii a :
the war: , f
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pii!i:'i" i.
l.'.eni iz a -
plain - it ;
lie : .'-n
lug r.jre i
ji-ver y ".i
Of it-: rhiil;'
A Xe-v Jt
'., inr.i
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::inc 1 pi -uty
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t,,.,.i.' j.hitt- where their
lh. v '.v ht cared f r iit
N xt rlnirmliijr U rinmk-tf 1 v inur
John O'lotit win In town Smi'liiy.
I'tit , nr I linnkKiilvhitf dliuier fit
Hotel Lnkevlew.
W. I.. ll wim lierv fruin Tort
liunl l't Trl'liiy.
J. W. KIiikO' liux lioiiulit property
ttt Iikcpoit, Cut If.
ThrtM'f Jih Armer'H clill-treii nn
HK'K W Mil t, pllolll.
t'luli nunc .smunlay iiIrIK, k
hikI enjuy yonrm It,
Murilu McHincr ut Ailcl win In
LMkevleW ll Week.
C Thrimiou wm up from the
ranch lut Sutunlfty.
J. J. Monroe iu up (rout Willow
Knucli ltit I'uurMtiMy.
Apples ut WcmleU'a buUherlup
for utile tit pxT box. 45 3
Jim Young wiM In towu liwt tsa.
urOny Iroiu I'oUouw oihI.
C. K. t'iiupbell, the t'aUlejr uliwu
luntl, Ih In LevleW on IiiIhIiichm.
Have a K',nl'c treat ly eatltiK
ThaiikfMlvtii iiiuiu-r at llou-l lukc-vlcw.
tieo. l. Ihiirow, of Motel Lake
view, Ult on Aiomhiy'H utatfe lor
TIioh. t'lon.l. the Soda workM man,
has Ikh-u limler the weather for xev
eral ilayn.
W. 11. HaiumcrHley wan Iu town
l.iHt Saturday from hi tiuarti val
ley ranch.
Thniiknnlv dinner nt 12 m link
on Thursday. NovciuIh r IU), at
Hotel l.aVeview.
ill;. Sclll.t;el expt-rtx to Hturt for
Ohio ni-t Tuetiilay, w hen- h" w ill re
main all win('i'.
1'on't furu'et alxiiii the lilu Tha "
i i ; v i 1 1 Ii 1 1!, N; i muiw-r -" f 1 1 1 . Tii ..f.
j it.eliKliiii; iipier. 1 (.
' UiiiiiMi i.iir.l n .ii in In .ui iir-l (
I the Hivk iifd r a f-itir-lior.e load '(
suppliert for hi i n-k ranch.
J Mr. Tlmrii ton, I he ilrui-i , i e-
I mod 'led the hi i ,-nor of t he d r u -j st ore
j it 111 hod a k dvht put ill.
I Foil Sai i:. i 'lie khoiI work team;
I price renaonalile. Addre C I..
('iiiivcrw, l.ahcview, Orcnon. I'M
FOR S.M.i:. 1'itre-bred I'olitnd
China pi;. Iminlre of Chan. Oliver
of New Tine (.'n.ek, Oregon. 21-tf.
If you are thinking of oraulzln a
hKck c(jtiipany nee our new Manidei
of Wall .Street engraved ntock cert ill
catcN. tf
Ught & Harrow will put every,
thing gooil to eat on their IhIiIcm for
the dancer on the night of Thank
irivlng. :!
Your wife han ln n treating you
to dlnnerH a w hole vetir, now treat
I her to one on ThanltHglvIng day at
; Hotel I.iikex i.-w.
A Ne w f,llie I'iinc.V l -coratcd l'lelil-
1 , ... ..I. I I s
HUM i inrni'i.i iiinvni UK ' Av
' ili 1 1 i :: ;j
V j.'.tnt U no'h
I have
I will also keep a tesm and rig to hire.
aetrr t!j;it way.
.-erry Specialist.
iue t.n.e tj lir.ett cnttiiiKs of rose? . .. L .7-.- . ' . .,...t,ufrt, Inr
Is about the end of Sepu-Uiher or the ! , renews ins na:r, m? X.i. .1 1 a 1r.3,u,o..iv,i,v,, ,.v o,
month of o Thr pro-.vth then 4 hat you ne.d if yoi:r l:'.r h f I . J . d c r t u r n 1 n g g r a X J TJ f a ifl
is practically completer and the shooti j 1 restOf-S te r1"""." f"'l''7 h?'T, a'"0.u r"fVT,i''7ci7?Y.Ei.. u.
are fairly firi;l. I T T" 1 --r-ri erm n.,iniwi
. A plan which has been often success-
ful is to take an ordinary garden 1 " ", stand it on a hard bottom and !
iu It place a made ud of
loam i. lf r.,,.1.1 .....1 . .... I 1 1
. j...... n uiuiii uuu niuu iu iuai jirv '
portions. This must be thoroughly In- $
corporated and when placed in posi- j
tlou and pressed down flrmly should i S
be about six Inches deep. It must then i
be watered aud allowed to stand a few i
'days before Inserting the cuttings, i
Tbese should bo taken from shoots ' 'S
wbicb Lave borne the first crop of j
wvritfs vi ine year, as uey win uieu DO
In the half ripened condition required.
They must be stripped off with a
light heel and cot cut from the plant.
;Four Inches Is the proper length for
tfce cuttings. Washington Star.
The Return of
M prepared with one-half of rotted j ;Q
turfy loam and e-balf of equal por- 'ft
tlons of rotted manure, leaf mold and
eand. The teds should be rounded rp
two to four Inches above the path to
carry off superfluous water.
t Beds for hyacinth planting should
UfTT Tfclanlnat Fur I'lrnni,
The Americana ilums fruit so hear
liy that In an experiment conducted at
tha TVlaeonsIn experiment station It
was found that nearly four-fifths of
tha crop should be removed In order
to get ratiBtttttory results.
This latest and best work of
Dr. Doyle is now running ser
ially in the Lake County Examiner.
j The Most Progressive
and up-to-date Newspaper in
Eastern Oregon.
A. I. Splccr, foreman of the Lake
Short fat tie Co., icar AlturaM, tpeiit
a few dity In Lake view the piiHt
week 011 liUHiucHi4 for the company.
Tlic recent Ktorui brought with It
gladncHH to the Hhe'pii)eii, and an
epidemic of la grippe. To have both ,
it in ucccHHary that you have the
former llrnt.
Petitions have been filed with the
Secretary of .State by advocate of
woman suffrage to have the amend
ment to the state constitution ' plac
ed ou the otllclal hallott for the
next election.
Klamath county has two uew
newspapers, the Merrill Record, pub
lished by Al Barnes aud the White
lake Times published by the White
lake Publishing Co.. with It. V. Hut-
chins as editor.
Postmaster Wilcox wlshen to state
that parties who inteud bidding ok
star route mall contracts should
rush In their bids, as all bids must be
sent In to the department so us to
reach there by December 6th.
Attorney J. K. Kane, of San Fran
cisco; who came to Lakevlew to ap
pear for Mrs. Jones In the Circuit
court, and who had the misfortune
to shoot pnrt of his foot off, left for
the city ou Monday's stage. Mr.
Kaso had not left his room In tlio
hotel since he was shot live weeks
ago, until ho was carried out to
board the stago Monday morning.
Mrs. K. A, Nnydcr U sunVilrg from
CI'J sIpclllH.
Iron toy of all kind 011 dUplay
at AlilNtroni UriH
KvcrylUiiK nt AhlNttoin Hnn, to
mnke X inns a miu'CfM
Win. Alford was in town Tuesday
preparhitf for the w inter.
MIhm Alice McOrnth I visiting MU
I'n mile ToiinliiKMcu this week.
Hearst Irigaluluif votes In the re
count of the New York election.
The display of dolls at AliNirom
llros. In still complete for you to see.
A lower country p d. Her was here
this week selling peanuts and sweet
Win. Heneflel was over first of the
week to make final proof 011 his
Say, that display at Ahlstrom
llros. Is first -clans, articles to num
erous to mention.
J. F. Floiirnoy Is the new operator
In K. llurke's place, while .Mr. llurke
takes a much needed rest.
ItoitN NpatiKctibtirif, In I.akevlew,
Oieoii. Noveinlicr "I, ltNI.", to the
wile of I'red Spanuenbiirg, a daughter.
A ddllculty aroso one du.v IumI
will Is-twei-n .1. I'. Matlpli 11 Hi I !-.
Jones, which tiTiiiiaared In a H-ttl-ctiff.
A. Itleber is iilte busy this wek
mnklug arrangements for the dis
play of hU large sti ck of ChrUtinas
go ds.
What's the ums hi cooking your
own Tliiinli-ulvliiir dinner when you
can uet. I lie Is'Mt tliittcau be had at
Hotel Lakevlew.
ll. ... ... I. . I '1 .. I
im. 1 ii 1 1 1 - 11 111 ii'iw c 1-i 1 1 -i 1 in,- r
lin k renldeii "e, on Water lii t, and
will move in. ri- us mi'o'i ,i-i i. o. j
.1 1 l!i llr-l ill (li .1 t I 'li' J ill Hi'. !
A !i' ro ii 14c it n.-c-i liiv.. itn lrj
'lil'Ut III is 0 N lie. 1 1 1 v .1 iimii I to I
lliovv off lo tie- li.'t a I v i 11 1 .1 vi'.
j 1 In y have a line t . of lm!i i.iy
i ;.n ids I lil e.t r.
j lli:l r.eril.ild. Iti I ,:i k W,
j trefoil, Novemiii r 17. I 'o.", MUm
j I. aura I '.-r 11 . t r I . I iiM-ea-.d had no
rclai i ves here; her rem liim were in
terred ill the I. O tl. I', cemetery.
Mrs. l'.llen Jones, who has
here since October attelidilii; to blll
iichh matters, left Monday morning
for hin Francisco, wnere she will
upend the w Inter.
W. It. Itertinrd has boiinht the
Wiugtleld r Mldeiiei, and will move
to towu to send hU children to
school. The lion Is a nice, lare
one, wlih plenty of ground.
Mrs, Crow, Mrs. W. H. shirk's
mother, will leave Lakevlew shortly
for ('uliforuia. she has been hero
tnont all sinniie r, hut t he ( I, male iu
w Inter does not nree w ilU her.
.1. IS. Vi'4 ban lii-i ii misted from
the relHlerfhip of the I.e'l-1 1 ill
Idaho, liltid tifii in iiei'Diilil of .il-
leed dnbling in polnies while III the
conduct of otlii'lal IniHincHs. The
lyewUton bind ollh- may remain
cloned f r some I itue.
lie mider-iiiiiiil t lift t Mih, C. W.
Dent will take the infant Klii babe of
the girl who died laxt week, and
raise it. There was talk of taking It
away to an orphan's home, but 11s
Mrs. Dent wanted to take the child,
that seemed the best thing to do
with It.
Mrs. O. W. Johnson and two little
children are to go to Long Leach, a
California health resort, for the la-n-tflt
of, Florence, one of the children,
who has had pneumonia the past
two winters. Miss Funnlo Tonnlug-
sen and Miss Manriug will also go
to Long Ueach. They will be awny
till next June.
H. M. McDouald has re u ted tho
house vacated by A. Florence. The
house Is furnished. Holla's actions
may seem rather strange In this
matter, but he says his mother is
coming over from Iebanon to live In
the house. Iu tho absence of no
other explanation, we presume this
one must be accepted.
If Lakevlew Is to have a Christmas
tree this year It Is high time that
preparations was being made to In
Kuro tho greatest success, Tho Ilttlo
children of Lakevlew are as happy
to see Christmas come as children In
any other town, and It would bo a
shame to disappoint them by lotting
Christmas go by without having a
llelow we glvs a report of the wcuhsr
s recorded by 1 tl v (ioveriimeht Meal her
bureau station al The Kxsinlni-r t'lllre.
This n-Hrt Is ehanueil cadi week, and If
our lenders wish to keep a yearly record
of weather coiidltlonn for fulilro refer
elice, cut nut ths reHirt sloii the hist Ii
line ami pasts It In a scrip book ana
week after another. This reord w ill lis
taken on Timsils" to end each week Hml
beitln on Wednesday fort lis next week
Oovcrninent W'eather Hnresii Ma
tlon al Laksview, Oreitou,
. O. Mktixkn, CiM.H.rHiv Olmerver.
Week ending Tuesday, Nov. 2(1, l!M5
ly rosijinlii, irli .n'w tiharxnr
ItatlM.ii tall of tiny
wed. till ii7' O.iMI Ijist I elear "
ttiurV "tkl imnP I (h7T cidy
frld'y "M l 2 :
sat fsi y: " 6aKrJ tS
wnii. 4" I'l' u.OT 4
moii. :ilTi!0 iijtii TnI
The Ladles' Outflttara,
Anna M. Neilon & Co., will make for
you any garment for women or children,
and will make it a. well si It rsu Im
liiatlo. Will niaks it to plesi otl Iu
every particular. We will do the work
promptly, and never allow you lo twdis-
Htixllod w 1 1 It any Im-incm you nmy do
with us. Lvery i urineiit sIihII lit, liMk
well on the wearer, ami produce s sense
of comfort,
tiood Ooudu, mikI prices not In any in
itsnce, more Ihsu we would Ut silling
to par if you were selling snd we were
buying, are the principles tipou which
we exS'Ct lo auccivd.
Our gisMls are ss well worth the mon
ey o alc for them, as gisids you buy
from any catalogue lioii in S,,n
cin'osie. We ate ready to provo lliiit,
snd i. i.iiii to meet ) on for thiit (.in po.e.
W were a inonih buying our rim k.
We m'.in bed ihe ci'y I 1 el 1 n.ietlv
we Wiitited :lll I i' ll I t.ik 1... ;oi ' . I o.
Die puce had to li' l:,':i!, .till l . e,,
t l.e fail !i...e:il ;. 1 .1 , .1 . We
1 im, 11 1 id v til 1 1 1 .it .111 ji , ,i a- v '1 . in
U tM-lted 11. Imli A N ' U HI- i.i.. If
Pike Lit, of Vhool Dook.
lie, l c'h I r i tner- i
C r's I ilt Header,.
" Stvotnl "
" Third "
" Fourth "
" ' FifH'
I (eeil's Word IjChsou ( a complete
slicller. )
Heed's Introductory Laiiuaue
Heed's & Kellogg's I iraded !-cs-
soiis In LiikIIsIi -id
Weutworlh's I'Mliuciitnry Arith
metic I'.",
Went worth's Practical Arlth-
Crook's Mental Arithmetic
Fry's Iilenn ii tar (leoriphy
" Complete "
Thotiiiit' lileineiitary lll-toiy of
the I'lilted States
Thoinan' A 1 1 v;i in e.l Hintory of
the 1 lilted Stales. 1 00
Stowed' lleaUhv Hodvia colil-
I'byslolouy.) W)
Stowcll's I'rjiiier tif Heiillh
Hold's American Cltl.en V)
Higher Is'hhoiis In I'.nlish U)
Spelling Clanks : ().".
Wilting Hooks, Nos. 1 and 2 0."
" " Nos, :'. and uj ID
The above Hooks are for sale at
The Lakevlew Pharmacy.
I :-D
We will deliver you n loud of wood
of any length, any day, at any place
In Lakevlew you desire It.
Our price Is f 5 per cord, with dis
count of ten per cent If ten cords
or more are taken and paid for,
Hoonk & Mltl.KKY,
Illanks for final proofi, Desert proofs,
timber land final proofs and blank affi
davits for applications for readvertiae
meats, blank witness' affidavits, etc. at
The Examiner office. tf
r tho woit v
ff theywenr
J J&CO'iS j