tlWUIonal Xocnl l'ii..riiiitiir ninl mIiuwh nt. I! A .1, (', OIIVl'l' WJHtl htlicli 1 11 .MhI III ri 1 1 1 winter nt 41 r immJli, i f Mine fuf women ninl 'children. I ni' profit lire very "until Anni M. ,t ill fc Co. Arthur I'Ioitik'm ninl family lid 'I'ih'miIiv morning fi r iiit-rinvllli', Calif, where I Im.V will spend three lliiiiitli IhIIiik relative. Tin i lenient lmv been threnleii- tug for several days, iiikI Siunlny It !i'Knn tu calii mid liall In tint valley ami snow on tin1 high hills, Niihdny lllghl ibotll l Inches of mimv fell. "(iriindina" llniutticrlcy U said to lie very low again. She liu Im-cii nick for it lupg time, and n few week ago wn thought to I o rouvalcMliiK. hut her ngi funkc permit ucut reeov cry almost ImpeleHM. livery mini owes It to himself anil lili family to master a trade or profession. Head the display advertisement of the tlx Morse Helmut of Teli'ttrsphy. in thin issue ami learn how ly a young man or lady may learn tclcg-ruphy mul he assured xmitioii. HukII 4 hi Preparation tiro U'lug made fur n tlruiid Hall at the Opera House on Thurmbiy evening, November ItOth. TlinhsNjrlvltlg. TIlO HUiHT will ln given nt Motel I.nkcvlew, which Im a gtliirntite. Ticket, Including mn per. $;l t. :t lleiiiiy Van Durn the Silver Lake homi-tnmi, returned from California lnt week, where he went some week ni."o with a liam of liorw-H. Mr Van I lorn hh.vh the market for hoim-H In California I fairly good. !le Mill probably return to the lower country for the winter. )au MiiIIu.v'h idiivp w ere Htnrled for their winter rant on the desert hist week. Pan wan quite uneasy about tin weather, for fear the tdieep would net on thn desert before any storm cnliie to replenish tin? almost exhausted water supply. The storm UiU week, however, put all Mock men at cam!. MImh Alice It Museveni's present are not eonldered no valuable now iim wan reported when tho collect Ion of pri'hi itiM wan made for transport!. tlou to the I'nlted States. 'Mm 17 tritokH of presents have arrived at th"cutoiu house and their vulueup praUed. Oili.laU of the custom 1ioiim are MurprlHeil that their value will not exeeed a few thousand dol lars. Through a mlHtake tho gentleman who bought u hunch of bucks from (Jeo. Jauinierthal, took 11 head of Dan Malloy'H bucks and got an far u, Warner lieforo Dan knew any thing about it. Pan overtook the buck at South Warner and took hU from tho band. Tho man who bought the bucks had sold them to Mr. Ilanley, who wan buying up a baud of stock sheep for a Nevada company, and Mr. Malloy found thing pretty badly mixed up. All wan Hettled Hii.tlsfiietorlu.lly, how ever, iih Mr. Jammerthal had a bunch of buckn lu Warner, from which Mr. Ilanley wan biiIIhIUmI. NKW AltlMVAI.S. Walnuts I'remluui MuhIi J. X. I j. TuiuuIch Felts and ItublHTH CIIU1KTMAH (JOOI).S AT sers You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to remote color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops flair Vigor fallingofthehalr.also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that so? "Mr Imlr fmlnd until It wm nlmut wlill. H took Juil uii lioilla nf Ayr' llulr Vl:ur t.i rnaiiirit II In III fitrmnr lUrk, rich uulor. Your lUIr VIx'T rmUhily ili wlmt yuu oliilm fur ll." A. M. Jli)(iN, Jtotklimliuiii, N. ti. f I 00 botllfi. All llnuvlKlK. J. P. A VI'll ".. I nvvll M U, . for' Fadini? Hair Royal. B Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartan Absolutely Pure. Makes the food . more Wholesome and Delicious. Iiihiie. ,tii iiik',i ' . lll H to ll I 'alU thU week. Circuit court for Klamath county conveiM H the 4th of next month. Notice. I,nki-vipw , Oiejiuii, 14, I!i5. To wliciii it umy coni-erii: I will not Im) Hcciitiiitulilu fur iiiiy'lilng clmiKed t" lny Hi'i'iiiint iluiiiii my nrih r Ik-iiMhk my idKitMiiire, W. K. IIahmv. A (tuarontct (1 Cure for files. Iti'liliitf, lilind, HieviliiiK r I'rotrud nit; I'lleo PniWkOxlN relilnd iimiiev ll I'AZO 'MNT.MI'M IhiU to earn hhv rilx, ! III nil er ol IiiiM loii)! tl MI. all HtC . Ill 0 to 14 llitVf. l''ot NpiiliCMtioii KlVe- fMKd mul rent, J)i', It your drti,vixl Iihui'I it fffnl .'il.' Ill hi hiii in mid ll nil! ! lurwiiided Hi (iiiul liy l'uiii .Mil leine ( u. Si IMll. Plans to Kt Rich. are often ii UM ruled tv Hidden hri-ak down, due to dj-'ii or , n h t i ju t inn. Ilrure up and tuke lr. KinK'n New Lid I'llU. They tnLe out the niHlermU hii'h lire i ii(i!iii)( your cnerKiex, mmI I'lve you n new i-liiil. Cure lieiuhieh- iiml tiixtitieH t At le IUhII'm ilruw (lore; '.V, (i'.iHiutileed. County Court I'roceedinKS November l."th. litUo. Court convened pursuant to ad joiiriiineut cf NovciiiIht 2nd, l!Hi.. Malta oillcern pretM tit, when the fol lowing proceedliiKH were had: It a)M'itrluK that there Im a vacan cy la the oflice of .ItiMtlcvuf thel'eaee la and for the Precinct f l'alile.v. Lake County, Oii'koii; 1 1 In hereby ordered by the Court, that A. A. Wit ham lie. and heUheie by appointed a .ItlMlecof the I'eaee for t he Mithl priH'Inct .of Palnley, Lake County, Orvjfou. The following claiimi UKaliiHt the lload l'u ikI examined, approved and warrant orderel drawn on tin Id lload l-'uud In pay illicit of Hame. I'.d. Tatro, bridge lumber aud work on lload Dint No. 10.. $014 50 Arrner llron., bridge lronn 2li.ri C. S. LovcIchh, haullnjf lumlHT for FhiKHtaff bridge .'W.02 Chewaucan Lumber C, bridge lmnlKT '. as.M Warrant ordered drawn on the (eneral Fund for the mini of $12.00, In favor of C. W. Dent for hU pay aM ComnilHMloner. No further buwInenH appearing; Court adjourned without date. Dig Increase in Earnings of S. P. The Sout hern Pacific Company j has isHiied a financial statement nhowliitfH bltf increase In Its earn- "Oh. I don't doubt your love," re . . .. i . . . , I plied the stern father, "but have you inKTfor the month of September, as; .cp ,md tbo IueMet of ho whoop-,ng compared with, those of the cor re, j cough? It wouldn't be fair, you know. ponding month nf last year, tlruna earnings for the month were $S,8Sl, 0(H), an against $$,13(1,1)51 in Septem ber, 1904. Expends and oiieratlons for the mouth amounted to $5,579, 002, leaving net earnings of $3,:i0l',C58 us ugalnst $3,00(1,104 during tho cor responding month of last year. Giusa cat nlngo for the three month of the present fiscal year ending Sep tember 30th were $25,002,778, s against $23,048,887 for tho corres ponding period of last year. Opera tfug expenses and taxes amounted to $16,897,530, leavlug net earnings of $8,705,239, an against $7,491,306 for the three months of 1904. Gross earnings of the Union Pa cific for September amounted to $0, 209,508, as against $5,427,858 during September of last yearP Net earn ings, ufter deducting operating ex penses and taxes, were $3,030,059, as against 12,025,397. Gross earnings for to tliree months were $17,423, 957, uh agalnts 114,905,551 during last year ami net earnings for tho three months amounted to $$,381,740, as compared with $7,057,498 lu 1904. ONE DOLLAR SAVED 15 TWO DOLLARS EARNED. Our I'nll Iiiul Winter Stock of Dry I'xkhIh, ClotliinK. Hoots tillil SIlois ia t now complete and we .'tie in a position to furnish you with these floods cheap er than you cm buy any place in town. Full Line of Ladies' Jackets and Coats just arrived. Also Walking Skirts, Wrappers, Kimonas, Tennis Flannel Gowns, Wool Gloves Mittens, etc. We have not enough space to tell you all the new things we have, and the Special Bargains we are offering, so come to our Store and see for yourself and en. pare our prices, not only in these lines, hut in Groceries and everything I -' carried in a General Store. I L akeview nitiiiiioMmii A Trouhlcaome ( rfdllor. Tho poet Clement Murot, belnu 1a very Hl.ultened flrrunmtnneefi, went to iho Hug uid said, "I have cotno to lay before yofir UJtijety a complaint nK.ilnut oao of my creditors wbo clalnm I have 8tlnlled over aud over ii Kal a, aud jet be pcruUts In dunning and hnraKultiff ine at every opportu ulty." "Who U the acoundrel?" the king in quired. "My Btomnch, Hire. Though I have HfitlsiH'd Its wants time without num ber. It never ceanen to torment, and 1 am utterly Incapable of meeting Its de mand." Tho king wai pleaned with the Joko and allowed tho poet a pension on the spot. Hied on the Stupr. In 1STJ.'J iMtnund Keun waa actlno the purt of Othello. lie had uttered U word, "Othello'a wcupatlon In gone," when he fell Into hi uon'tj arms and i had Jiwt strength to whisper, "I am; dyhig; speak to Uieni for tae!" and was ( heard by the orchestra. In 1850 Mrs. Glover took her last benefit, hut wasj almost unconscious all the time sua! was on the stage, and died three days later. In 1S5S JInrley while playing Itottom In "Midsummer Night's Dream" was struck with paralysis Im mediately after having uttered tho words, "I have an exposition of sleep come upon me." lie had to be carried off the boards and died within a few hours. Sealta Wax. It is singular enough that the oldest known printed recipe for making com mon sealing wax, published at Augs burg in 1579, describes the use of al most the same ingredients as those at present employed, ltosin, the whitest that can be obtained; Venice turpentine and vermilion are the components. For black wax, lampblack is to be added; for blue wax, smalt, d for yellow, orplment When wax was more widely uhlhI than Is the case at present, scented wrtx was an article frequently on sale at fancy stationers. Ths Rlak Too Cirrat. "I may be young,:' said the very TAiiitf IiiiIh mi l-van iiaiih daughter Is as strong and true as if I were whitened by the snows of iuuu movable winters." for us to take you Into the family and have to nurso you through those com plaints some time or other." oftB-eatloa. Mr. Sloinan-Now, you're joking ' agaln, aren't you? Miss Waite-Judge thereto, and tho settlement thereof, by for yourself. You should know me publishinn such notice one a week for pretty well by this time. Mr. Slotnan 1 four successive weeks prior to and im Bat yon puzzle m sometimes. I dont mediately preceding the date apappoint know what to make of you. Miss, ed, in the Lake County Examiner, a Walte-No? By tlw way, did yon btt newspaper published within said Lake about Jack Brown and May Lone? II 1 I made her his wife yesterday. St Lo Is Republic. ft Rarla. Mr. gtalate," said the bashful youn gw sister, "I asked sister If she thought you would get up and go boms like the other young man did if I recited 'Cur few Shall Not Ring Tonight " "And what did she say r "Eh said there wouldn't be any barm In trying." Anwtndi "Why ars you yawnlngT" Inquired the landlady of little Johnny at the ta ble. "I always yawn when I'm hungry," was tl reply. "But what do you do when you are alaepy?" "Go to bed," Violence in the voice Is often only the death rattle of reason. Boyes. Mercantile We Wish to Announce to the TRAVELER That he can be as well accommodated at the MAMMOTH LIVERY STABLES in Lakeview as he can at any stable in the State. It is our intention to always have on hand a good supply of the best hay and grain to be bought in the market. We also keep a force of experienced hostlers and careful drivers, who will always be ready to wait on our customers. HERYFORD & FULLER inin Executor's Notice. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for the county of Lake. In the Matterrf the KSTATKoP KSTATK of JOHN' McELHIN.NCY. Ieceased. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : NOTICE is hereby given that on the 14th day of November, 1905, the under signed Executor of the Last IVill and Testament of JOHN McELlIINNEY, deceased, filed his FINAL ACCOUNT as such executor with the County Clerk of Lake County, Stata of Oregon, and that the Hon. It. Daly, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake, by an order duly made and entered in t lie above-entitled I Court and matter, has appointed Mon- l'-v t,,e 18th d-vof December, lOOo, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., at the,01 objections to saia account ami tor ttie County Court Room, in t he Court House of Lake County, Oregon, in the Town of Lukeviuw, as the time aud place for tiie heariiiK of objections to said Final Ac- ) count, if any there be, and the settle ment thereof, and has directed said ex ecutor to give notice of the filiotr of such account, and of the time and nlace so . . ... w;..,:. about the merit' of JESSEMOORE WHISKEY The finest "bait you can take on a fishing trio. GEORGE JAfiriERTHAL Company County, heretofore designated by said extcutor, for such purpose. Dated November 10th, 1905. Johx B. Blair, Executor of be Last IH1! and Testament of JOHN McELlIINNEY, Deceased. 4G-50 Notice of Final Settlement. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE State of Oregon, for Lake County. In the matter of the estate of Ed. O'Farrell, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his FINAL AC COUNT in the office of the County Clerk of Lake County, Oregon, in esjd estate, and that December 14tb, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, in the County Judge's office, in the county court house in Lake County, Oregon, has been lixed as the time and place for the hearing settlement thereof. Dated and first published November Kith, 190.V J. N. Watson, Administrator. Sheepmen Take Notice. Ton SALE. One of the finest 1500 acre tdieep ranches in Northern California. Sit uated on the beet range for feed and water ia the stare. Good improve ments, will lie sold for half its value. See or write. Fitch & Spknceii, Merrill, Ore. Is ) iJw;;ic Y;;: Arc i 'dk:l About 4 ' ... , 3, It o M . B M ?4 I . . M "f . i U . V c. murium f , t wh' Ullcei ii'i:cd (hi hip i: v,i,-d O. W(4 '-.ill in the 1,'uitiiiS M.itc H.;:inte, wnt one of tiif irioruix-il VH'" f ttie riiilip Dine imrty and Is ol MTMATOB I'ATTFII- the opi-llloii ttlPt till I so. pnlf between n 1 1ivei4 and Americans Is widening U the iInnl ratber (linn IK'reiislug. "f ! am convinced," he say, "that we an gf-ttlng further and further away from Kecretary Taft's patriotic and bnninni i policy the l'liilipplnes for the Fill I piuos and ultimate independence." ! Senator Patterson once had as a cli ut an odd character, who always won a Prince Albert coat, no matter whaf . work he was enRaged In. This client who was named llnrns, chanced tt strike a rich vein of ore and named H the Prince Albert. Being of a generSu and convivial disposition, be was sur rounded by many self seeking friends When he and they were in their enpt some of them, with an eye to the mail chance, managed to wheedle shares ll the mine out of him. With royal prodl Rallty he scattered deeds about among his retainers and camp followers untt finally something bad to be done, and the case was taken Into court Senatoi Patterson had Burns on the stand "Now. Mr. Burns." said he, "will yoi : pleae tell the court how' you can ex plain your conduct? The evlden shows that yon have deeded awaj twenty-nine twenty-fourths of yotn mine. What have you to say to that?" "Well, Misther Patterson." replied thi i witness. "yon must remember, sor that the Prince Albert Is a very largf , mine." "Man and Superman," George Ber nard Shaw's new work, has been mucfe criticised In this country on moral grounds. In the free public libraries of New York instructions have been given not to offer it to the reading pub lic and only to furnish it on applica tion. But Mr. Shaw is used to criti cism of his ideas and thrives on it When he beard that "Man and Super man" had been eyed askance in tbs United States he attributed it to "Com stockery," said America was provincial anyway and added, "I can promise the Comstockers that startling as 'Mas and Superman' may appear to them. It la the merest Sunday school tract com pared with my later play. 'Major Bar bara,' with which they will presently i be confronted." i Sir. Shaw, who once declared that bt I coul.l write better plays thau Shake-. ' spe.ire'sk is the antbor of "Arms and j tLc Aian." which was prohibited In Austria on account o Heeed revolu- j tiri'i i.-v tendencies Tb.f ,. iy us pro ductii in New York by Uichard Mans field. "Man and Su pt.'uinn" is now running at a New Tork theater. Mr. Shaw is in his fif tieth year, and, though it is said his beliefs have chang ed somewhat In re gard to convention CEOkCKi BERNABB SHAW. al institutions since bis young man hood, he is still the apostle of hetero doxy and cynicism. In bis early days In London he was known especially for bis ardor 1n behalf of socialism. Later in his career- Shaw married a rich wid ow, and one of bis Socialist friends ou meeting him said: "Mr. Shaw, I con gratulate you. You can now sell all that you have now you have some thing to sell and give to the poor." "Not at all," returned Shaw. "I don't practice socialism; I preach it." An American clipping agency recent ly received the following characteristic note from Mr. Shaw: Derry Kosacarbcry. County Cork, ' lSth September, lino. Gentlemen Tho view of my order ex pressed in your letter of the 7th Septem ber In correct. At the end of the year I shall probably ask you to change our arrangement to one whereby I shall pay 6 cent a tor every cutting1 you do not send me. For heaven's sake, don't be too dili gent. Consider your health; take It easy. Q. BERNARD SHAW. Jacob II. Schlff, the New York banker who as a director of the Equitable Life Assurance society tes:iilet renrd Ing its operations before the Armstrong Investigating committee, iwc'ufly re ceived a decorntkn tVoi !" cu; tvor of Japan, lu reeoguite 1 h;s -s-rT-Ices In cour ertiJii wltb be of the Japanese war K,,,---- if i ';...ulo conferred upou Mr. Si it' t'i. :' ivr if the Saueiit.ed TreaKC. -.A ii. -o:u Class. There ate ei0i.. ,ases in the order, una that awarded Mr. Schlff Is the hig!'tt;'t that may be conferred upon a persou not a native of Japan. Mr.- iJchhT la re garded ttj one of the ablest fluancleri of bis t'm, t.'id bis wealth is use mated at over "..(.,(;r0.00. His phllnnthropy has won him the JACOB U. BC'UIFF. title of "the Monte fore of New York." Mr. Set iff was born in frankfort-oa-the-Maiu lu 1347 ind came to the United Siati i t eight een. Ills connection with i'.. tM- n of tCnbn, Loub & Co., oi' wblch lie ii now auad, came through a roiu.iu. .;. K