Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 09, 1905, Image 8

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X Bottle Catsup J Can Plum Pudding
J Bottle Chili Sauce 1 Can Soup
J BotUe Figs 1 Can Baked Beans
J Can Potted Meats
The DuaUr
r -j
BenXd The Brand!
C. S. LOVELESS, Proprietor.
I impose to offer the public a Mopping place where their
horses wil he fed and cared for as they would l cared for at
I wil also keep a team and rig to hire.
I nited State- Land Of!i -e Lakeview,
Oregon. Oct. H. Notice if hereby
given that in c tnpliance with the pro
visions of the Ai t of June:;, 187.S, entitl
ed AnAet for ihe mlcof timber hinds in
'.he State of California, Oregon, 1 Nevada
and U'asliiritiV.ii Territory." as extend
.. to iill itie PoMic Lund StsUes l.y act
of August 4, l.V.2 i he following persons
have this day hied in thin ofiici; their
-sworn statement", to wit :
Edard A McColley. of McClo"d,
countv of Siskiyou. Mute of Calif. Sworn
statement No ?M 7, for the purchase of
sw!4' nj:4. m-: nw. nkk J'K;
n w '4' 'v4. s,m:- Ti' -A s u 18 L vv
l. 1..un.r
of Klamatti luilH,
r.nniv of Klamath, state of Otegon.
oni HtatemenfNo. 'MlH. for the pur- j
v'hase of the SW Nw,. A'4 WJ4 !-ec.
20, KEVt and NEJ4' 8Ktf Sec :w, Tp
: S, H is r. v m.
Arnold G. Wagner, of Klamath tails,
county of Klamath, mate ot Oregon.
Wworu statement No. 3022, for the pur
chase of the KJ NwJ ""J NE Bec
20, T p 34 H, K 18 K W M.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land nought is more valuatue for its
timber or Mone than for agricultural
uurpones and t establish their claim to
Jid land Wlr Geo. rhaataio, clerk of
Utrt wantr, Oregon, 4 hut office
Croc lc e r v
UJH&ii Coupons
ree with
each 25 cent
Cash Pur
chase at Re- ;
tail. ,
Who Cannot
Supply YM With
at Klamath Fall. Ore., i n Friday the
2th day of December, 1905.
Tfiey name as witnesses: Chan. if.
McCumber of J)airy. ( treiion, Frank Hall
II. I. Crammer and .1. C. Smith of
Klamath Palls, Oregon, Edward A. Me
Culley, John H. Heller ami Charley
Mesn'cr of McCloud, Calif.
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly the alsive-described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on
or said 20th day of Dec. 1005.
4:j C' A. N. Watson, Register.
Son Lost Mother.
'CoiiHiimptioii runs in our family
and through it I Ion my .-wonier, writes
k. 1). lteid, of Harmony, Mo. "For the
pafct five yeari?, however, on the fcliht
ent tin of a Coiih or Cold, I have taken
lr. Kind's New Discovery for Con
Kumption, whi'.'h has saved ine from
serious lung trouble." His mother's
death was a sad loss for Mr. Iteid, but he
learned that lung trouble must not be
neglected, and how to cure it. Quick
est relief and cure for coughs and eolds
Trice 50c and l.OO; guaranteed at
Lee lieall'a drug store. Trial bottle free.
Lakevlew And Vicinity
Ueo. Lynch wan lit town Monday.
Herb UwIh low returned from
Ituldicra of nil klnd nt Lnkevlew
Mer. Co.
Win. Hnrvry went up to thv rnnch
The lKnt KfoctTlen In town nt
lakevlew Mer. Co.
W. I). Trncey wiw In town Sunduy
from Drews vnlley.
Apples nt Weiidell'a uutchcrfthop
for haU nt f 1.25 iht ln)X. 4V.'t
Kxtrrv fine Eastern snjriir cunvl
hums nt tHkorlew Mer. Co.
C. M. tSreen, the dryjrotHls
rlved here first of tho week,
J. W. tiree n nnd A. Carroll came
In from the XL ranch Sunday.
A lot of new style slhrt waists Just
received at ltalley & Mnssltitfill's
German Sox, Felts and Overplus's
tif all kinds at Iakevlew Mer. Co
Henry Newell and wife were In
from the ranch In Krews valley Mon
day. .1. II. Turnln went to the sheep
camp Stiiul ty with a loud of nup
Hlles. Kaytiiond Uirot was reKMerci at
Hotel Ijikfvli' Saturday from
Chas. l'.uHton was renlntered nt
Hotel Lakevlew last Saturday from
"Auntie" Foster of Summer Lake
i vlxltlny: with her daughter. Mrs.
I. C. St'hminck.
T. F. Calderwoo I made Lakevlew
a business visit last week, returning
to H'anier Sunday.
C. O. Key notds, the Pine Cn-ek
flour mill man, was loiu; buslneHS
in Lakevlew one day last week.
If you are thinking of orani.lnn a
stock company see our new sutnples
of Wall Street engraved Htock cerlili
catcs. tf
Mrs. M. Messiier of Adel spent sev
eral days in Lakevlew during the
past week, the uest of Mrs. C. I.
F. M. (irceti h is returned from the
Sacramento valley, and brought
back with hiiu M head of yotioj; dnr
ham bulls for the 70 Arm.
In our last week's issue we aimed
to say that John Illalr would soon
(,'o to Montana, but the "devil"
made us say "Montague."
Last Sunday was a seven cold
duy, the wind blew from the north
all day. Although the sky was
clear and the sun shone bright the
day was a disagreeable one through
out. Charley Wallace came In from the
railroad Monday with a bunch of
young bulls for Felix (Jrcen. Mr.
Wallace went down some weeks ago
with a band of Ist-f from Warner
A. Hartlerode moved his hoii
Clyde and family from Davis Creek
to Paisley last week and returned
home this week accompanied by his
wife, who has Ix-en at Paisley tin
past two months.
Duglas Sellers, who has been sick
at Silver Lake with typhoid-pneumonia,
died Sunday. Mr. Sellers
was about 42 years old. He has
ls'en In Klamath county for some
time and went to Silver Lake on
business, where he took sick. He
was an uncle of Frank Hellers of t hat
place and also an uncle of I.loyd
Hunter of Summer Lake.
Edward A. Heals, the government
weather forcaster, stationed at
Portland, spent Monday in Lake
view, on u tour of Inspection of the
various government stations over
the state, and repairing the instru
ments. He found the liiHtrumentsut
The Examiner office In good shape,
Mr. 1 Seals Is a friendly gentleman
and made his first trip to Lakecouu
ty one to bo appreciated by nil who
met him. He went north from here.
Fresh candy at the Monogram.
mx i , . ,
-Tit a good smoke try an Eagle
clmir At Siorkmau s
Head the new advertisements In
The Examiner t hi week.
II E. Marker wa- no Tuesday on
itis monthly collecting I rip.
K'tlph K oui. r Is hulling hay front
the Venator ranch to town.
The Eastern Star gave a haiupict
Tuesday night tolls meinlH'rs.
M-. and Mrs. A. F. Plupiitrlck
were down from Chew atienii last
The Eagle and Mountain Kose
cigars me for sale by Storkmau, the
cigar maker.
Geo. M. Jones returned Tuesday
from i lie railroad, where he went to
sell hU beef cattle.
It Is sa'd that both the grain and
fruit crop In Summer Lake was
good 1 1 1 In senson.
Extra lluht eastern sugar cured
honclfMN hivakf.ol l.a't.n nt Lake-
lew Meicanllle Co.
FK S I.E.--l, Polaml
China piuM. lmpilre of Chas. Oliver
of New I 'lilt Creek. Oregon. 21 If.
John 111 ili'M, t he llavis (reek fruit
grower, vviih up to Lakevlew hist
Wi eK W It ll a lonil iif apples,
l'oii S t t i:. One good wnt k team;
price I eas! ma I .le. Aihlress C. E.I
1 1
Converse, Last-view, Oregon. 41-1 j
Mrs. Ki'ini I'.etu llel was In town
fri.lil I 'rookeil I reek hist ! rlda.v to
have Home denial work done.
Arthur Florence, wife itml little
girl will start for Sun Krauelm'o in a
couple of weeks to vllt relatives for
everal weeks.
The old Gentleman Yokum start
id for Pokegauia Tuesday, where lie
will take Ihe train for l,os Angeles,
to I he soldier's home.
Lottie Lol.hohl relumed from
Winner lirt of the week, where he
has been working on the bridge
across Fhigst.iff slough.
W. F. I'.tirch was In from the sheep
camp llrst of the week after supplies.
M r. IStirch will run his sheep ou the
Warner desert this winter.
The Harris brothers of Summer
Lake drove 4H head of Isi-f to Klam
ath county where they sold them to
J. Howard, the stockman.
L. Holhrook was In town from his
sheep camp Tuesday. Mr. Holhrook
says he will not go to the desert with
the sheep till the storms set in.
"Grandma" I lauimersley, who
has Is-eu lying seriously sick for sev
eral mouths, despite her age, has Im
proved and Is able to sit up some.
J. Prader, the .S'u miner Lake farm
er is seriously ill with typhoid fever,
lie was moved to Paisley last Fri
day, where he would be near the
Dr. Patterson has leased theWlng
II eld residence ami moved Into It.
Pen Heavener was here first of the
week with the Dr's furniture from
Merrill. I
J. M. Hundley has gone to the ZX
ranch to build a new house, where
the old "White House" stood, before i
the fire that destroyed It a few
weeks ago.
J. L. Clark returned from the rail
road Monday where lie went with
the Shampalgu sheep. Mr. Sham
palgn sold part of the band at Mer
rill tti Mi Kendrce.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Light and
daughter accompanied their son
Amos to i'.ldwell last Saturday for
a few days visit with Airs. Light's
sister, Mrs, K. O. Ward.
To-day is the day set for making
the second payment on the Wade-I'luinmer-Keed
mines, by thejeotu
pah.v that bought the mlui!safew
months ago. The payment Is f 1000.
Joe Langdon and Frank Abbott
passed through lure first ofjtho week
with about 50 hiia l ot horn jsjjwhlch
they gathered ou thejtlesort J north
of Silver L ike, and arj driving to
California to market.)
Itelow wo itlve report of th weather
I ... . ., . .
as recorded hy the Government wrather
mm(1 M T,, Kxamlner Olllee.
j Thla report is changm! each week, and II
U" readera wish to keep a yearly record
'of weather conditions for fntnre refer
, , n wu. k
........... , -
line and paste It In a scrap hook one
week after another. This reord will Ile
taken on Tuumls- to end eauh week and
lsliin on WedueMlay for the neat week
Government Weather Bureau Hta
lion at Lakevlew, Oregon,
C. O. Mktzkkk, lsiertie Ohsertrer.
H'tt'k ending Tuesday, Nov. 7. l!
Ir ml mill, prwcla "u'w rhrtx-lKf
(lain. n Istl ol ilr
wed. i4 2: ti.tsl 0" clear
thnr. 115 21 "o.iHi 00 I '
frld '.;" '"20 0 .IK) ,Hi 1 " I
silt '.V n 2l"1 0.MI 00 I 7 " . -
nun. I -10 211 JiMNI 00 "' " "
nioTt. r.u 2.i J'-'-o
tnesTI'lUI "27J 0Jrtlj0l t" " ""
The Ladies Outfitter,
Anns M. Neilon & Co., will mske for
you any Knrmcnl for women or rhlldreti,
sod will mske it u well as it t'liu Is
m.ide. Will niitke it to plcu'ie you in
I every We will d.i the work
I promptly, and never allow you to he hs-
I nut mtl.-M lili miv I.UHinei you may do
I w ith u. I'.veiy i;;o menl "hall lit, -....k
j nil the wearer, mid product- H m-iihi'
of com for t .
(i.mhI li.h.., iiikI prii i'N not in ii) in
stance, more 1 1 1 it it ne wuiild he willing
to pay if you were Hcllim and we were
Inlying, are the pi I net plus upon which
we expect to fili'tt-ed.
Our ijimmIh me it well worth Ihe mon
ey wKHk for them, an gMid-t you huy
from any cHtrtloue lioue in Kuii Friiti
fi'fti are. We are tt-H'ly In prove lliis,
and anxious to meet on lor this purHi,',
We were a month buying our otiM-k.
We rtesrctieil the city to get exactly wfeat
we wauled end would tnke nothing t-Ue.
The price had to h right, and we got
the full beuelil ol ciimIi payine iit. U'e
can, and w ill treat you us well as you run
he tieated in buying ANY WIIKUK. if
One of the happiest weddtugs took
place Monday at 4 I'. M. at Judge
Daly's olllcc. that ever occurred in
Lakevlew. when Wm. Selby of .Sum
mer Lake ami Miss Martha May
Yokum w ere joined In wedlock. The
loving couple met first several
mouths ago when Miss Yokum went
to the Harris home In Summer Iake.
They met ami loved, and tlie pretty
little love affair terminated happily
at the time and place al.ove men
tioned If there ever was supreme
happiness It certainly existed In the
young hearts that were made one on
that evening by the precious words
spoken l.y Judge Daly. There was
nothing too good for the pretty
young bride, and the fond husband
lavished his cash upon her ami made
her the happiest woman ou earth.
May fortune smile ou them and
cause all their troubles to be little
ones. "Peck" extended the glad W
to all his friends.
They departed Tuesday for Sum-
j mer Lake where they will makethcir
I future home.
We will deliver you a loud of wood
of any length, any tiny, at any place
In Lakevlew you desire It.
Our price Is $.1 per cord, with dis
count of ten per cent if ten cords
or more arc taken and paid for.
Loom; & Mt' v.
made from
velccted materials