Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 09, 1905, Image 7

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    The Adventure of the Six
(I 'mil 1 1 1 1 id 1 . )
iloii'l think we inn I'vi'ii vciiiiirp to
NllinKl' l N f 1 1 llllll'. HuWI'VIT, ll'M
it two lii oik I'liiinri Unit vi Ki't noun
lliliitf In ny im for our troublo."
It I'I-ovimI, however, tlnii our vlll
Wll llllt III III' MO llllljf It lIlllNII'A llllll
IimI hi to fciir, iiml It eiiiliil In n very
hiiiIiIiii ninl nIhkiiIiii' fanliltm. In nn
lllNtlllll, WltllOtll till' ll'MNt aoiiml to
wnrii iih of liM I'oitiliiK. tb' Ririli'li
gutti nwiiiiK "pen, hihI n llllii', tin rk
llKnr, iih Mwlft ninl active aa mi njie,
niMliiil tin the ifiinlfti piilli. Wo nnw
it wlilak mnt the light thrown from
over Ui iliMir Mini iUaaiM'ar atfiittiat
I ho IiIik k aliadow of Ih Iioiihp. TJier
waa a limn aue, during wlilrh we
held our breath, ami Hmu a very gen
tin creaking aomid cam to our eara.
Too window waa being ohim1. Tli
nolnit eeaamt, ami again there waa a
long alienee. Tti fellow waa moklug
hla way lutu the liuua. We w Hie
nuildi'ii flaati of a dark luutrrii liwlde
ilni room. Mint lie aotiglit waa evi
dently not there, for agiiln we auw the
AuhIi throiiKti mioiher lillml ninl then
through auother.
"It iih k'1 to tin n'ii window.
We will Huh lil in n ho ellinlm out,"
l'siriule wIiIhh-iii.
Hill lii'l'ore we cotiM move the mil 11
hud emeri; 'd nualn. Ah he riime out
Into the g. linn. cling patch uf lluht we
iliw lli.ll he cnrrlcil Hiilni-t.illitf white
iimli'l' Iim iiriii. lie looked Mculthll
all round hhu. The mIIcIhc of the de
m-llcj Htvi't I ill .Mined him. TurnlliK
liU 1'iii'U u', i'ii im, he laid down hM Inn--
It'll, ii iid the Ih'XI liiNtimt there wim the
muml i.f 'a r-Uurp tap, followed liy 11
I'hilter mill rattle. The mini wna m
luleiit iimiii what he wiim doiui; that he
never heard our hlepa nn we atole
ucrim the plot. Willi the hound
of II tiger, ll'ililicrt will oil hii hack,
illld nil :iil:int later t.eitrade mid I
hud lilin I'V either w i'Ih! mid tlie hand
ciiir had I n f ;iili ii''i. Am wt tun.
ill 111 lit over I K1IW II IlidenlH, HIllloW
fare, with writhing. fiiriin fenturea.
KlaruiK up "t '. mid I 'l.ui'w that It
wax In li'i'd the m ill of the pli"l"'nili
whom w- had m- im .
Itut It win iml nor prisoner to whom
llulmii wni i'iliiu IiI.h nlti'iitliin.
Sipial leil on l!i" il in- ii-'. 1"' win in
U;i(,'"'l In I ii ' -1 r.iri'I'iiilv i-wimiiiiiii: that
win Ii the mail lunl lii-niilit Iroiu the
Imii-i- fl w a h it Im I uf NapoN'oii, like
tin- nil.' Vthlih ui' h'-i-u .HKil'ii
llig. uti I It h i I I 1 1 I'loKe'i In' i similar
trii,: i i-nl-i. I 'n.vf i : 1 1 1 lotin.- held e:u ii
sep.u' ite i-ljiinl M the lllit, Itil hi hi
way did II diwiT from im.v other Miat
tered plire of plaster. lie had JlHt
iiuiplili'd In" '.iiiilnatlnii when the
hull I I'll I Hew up. the door opened uud
the nn in-r of the IniM-ie, ii Jovial, rotund
tlgure in Milrt ninl Iroimera, presented
"Mr. .Install Hrowii. I Hitppo.-e'r" hiild
'Ve. Hir; and ml, no doulit, are Mr J
Sherlock Holme-? 1 had the note
which J o'l Ncnt I'V the expriMH ines.seli
ger, iiml I did exactly what you told i
ine. We liH-ked every d'Kir on the In I
nlde mid uwnlted de elopuietit.-i. Well, j
I'm very glad that you have g it therm- i
fill. I hop)', gelil leuicll, that you Mill ,
collie In mid have Monte refrinhinent."
However. 1-ntrade will iinvlmw to:
get hi lt: ii Into Miife ipiartcr.i. ho
within a f-'W tnliuiiei our call hud j
lieeli Hiithi. limed a'ld e were all four j
Upon our way In l.oiidmi. N"t a word
would our cai'llie My. I 'Ml !: i'.ai'i'd
.it m lioi.i the '!l lii in uf I' - in.itted
hair, 'iiiee v- I i ii m' ''' I
w i i : i n I . r ! h I - mi '' "I :! ;t I'!-..--.1
liiing.-.v wolf. .V 1 1 ":'"'
at i'ii- poll hi .ii t'i learn that ii
m.u, 'i . !' h'. -i clolli.i,;.' 'veal'' i ' 'l:l-
s;ivi' a le.v :,;ilii: : ::n I a ' ei : -licul'i
kllU'e. the 1 1 :' 1 1 of I '! hole CO
loom trace- of recent li!o id.
"That'-, all rlg'.it." nald l.c lrade iih
we parlcd. "Hill Knows all iln-n' gen
try, mid he will giw a name to lilin.
You'll ninl that my theory of the Mulln
will work out all right. Itut I'm mi re
1 iiiii exceedingly oldiged to you, Mr.
Holme, for the workmanlike xvay In
which you laid IiiiihIh upon him. I
don't ipiite iindcrHtiinil It all yet."
"I fear It In rather too late mi hour
for explanations," mild Holmcx. "lie
sldeH, there lire one or two detullH
which ure not llnUhed off, and It In
one of thoso onsen xvhlch nro worth
working out to tho very end. If you
will come round once more to my
rooms at d o'cluck tomorrow I think I
sluill he uhle tn allow you that even
now you have lint griiKped the entire
meaning of this business, which pre
sents Home features which make It
ahsnliitely original In tho history of
crime. If ever I permit you to cliron
Iclo any more of my little problems,
Watson, I foreseo that you will enliv
en your pages by mi account of the
singular adventure of the Napoleonic
VMien wo met ugaln next evening U
strudo wun furnished with much In
formation concerning our primmer. Ills
namo, it nppeared, was lieppo, second
uaiuo uukuowu. lie waa a well known
no'er-do-well among the ' Italian col
ony. Ho Lad once been a aklllful sculp
tor ami had earned an honest living,
but he had taken to evil courses and
hail.twlco alreadv been In lull once for
a petty theft and one, aa wir nan hi- i
ready heard, for mnbblng a fellow j
countryman, lit could talk Kngllili
perfectly well. Ill reaaona for le-
lii.lii.. Iia l.tiala witrn a. 1 1 1 IlliW miiafl i
and ho refuaixl to anawer any qtiea
tlotia Upon Uie mibjeit, but the potlea
had discovered that theao aatno htisln
might very well have Ixrn inado by
hla own hnnds, altira ho waa engnged
lu this elm) of work fit the esliibltah
tneiit of .elder t'o.
To nil this Information, much of
yhlrh we nlrenily knew, llolmea 11m
Icii.'d with polite iittentloii, hut I, who
knew him an well, could clearly aeo
Hint hla thoughts were elsewhere, and
I detected a mixture of mingled nn
enNlueaa and expectation bent-nth that
iniisk which he waa wont to iinhuiiio.
At IrtMt he atnrted In hla chair, and hla
eyea brightened. There had been a
ring at the hell. A minute later wa
tienrd atepa upon the atalra, ami an
elderly, red fared man with grinded
aide whlaktra waa ualiered In. In bla
"l".l, rk1-
Jlc rnn lnl tin ohl fiihhlnnrtl rnrin tUnij.
right hand he carried an old f.-ii'ilntn-d
carpetbag, ulib h he place I up hi Mu
table. "Is Mr. Sherlock II iIiiicm hi re'"
My friend bned and umilcd. "Mr. of Itcadiiig. I Mipp-neV"
Hald he.
"Vcm, nil-; I fear that I a:n a little
lute, but the train were awkward.
Vou wrote t i me uboilt ll bust that N
111 IUV l -i-isc:iHloll."
"I bnve your letter here. Yon a-ild,
'I 1 1 ex; re to posMfM II copy uf I'evllie'H
Napolc hi and inn prepared to pay you
Xlu f ir the one which U In your pw
Hflou.' h that right?"
"I wuh very much Htirprlned at your
letter, for 1 could not Imagine how you
knew that I owned Kin Ii n thing."
"Of -ouie oii must have been mir
irlHed. but the explanation Is very nlm
ple. Mr. Harding of Harding Kros.
mild that they had Hold you their last
copy, ninl he gave me your nddresa."
"(Hi. that wuh It. whs It? I'ld he tell
you what 1 paid for It?"
"No. he did not."
"Well, I am nn holiest man. though
not n very rich one. I only gave 1."
Hhllllngs for the bunt, and I think yon
ought to know that bef ire I take P
friuii you."
"I 11 in Mure the Hcruple doea you hon
or. Mr. Saiideford. Itut I have named
that price, no I Intend to Ktlck t It."
"Well, it In very handsome of you.
Mr. Holmes. I hroiu-ht the bust up
with Hie, as you asked me to do. Here
It Is!" He opened his hag, ninl lit last
we hiiw placed upon our table n com
plete Kpeclmeu of that bust which we
had nlrenily noon more than once In
Holmes took u paper from his pocket
mid laid a ten pound note upon the ta
ble. "Yon will kindly Hlgn that paper, Mr.
Snndeford. lu the preaence of these wlt
iiphhch. It Is simply to any that )-o-
tranafer every possible right that you
ever had In the bust to nie. I am ii
methodical nniu, you see, and you nev
er know what turn events might take
afterward. Thank you, Mr. Snndeford.
Hero la your money, and 1 wlah you a
very good evening."
When our visitor had disappeared
Sherlock llolmea' movements were,
mich as to rivet our attention. He be
gun by taking ii clean white cloth from
a drawer and laying It over tho table.
Then ho placed his newly ncipilred bust
In the center of the cloth. Finally ho
picked up his hunting crop and struck
Napoleon a nhnrp blow on tho top of
the head. Tho figure broke Into frag
ments, nud Holmes bent eagerly over
tho shuttered remains. Next Instant,
with a loud shout of triumph, ho neld
up one splinter, In which a round, dark
object was tlxed like a plum In n pud
ding. "(iontlcmen," he cried, "let mo Intro
duce you to the famous black pearl of
the llorglus."
Leatrado and 1 ant allent for a mo
incut, and then, with u spontaneous
Impulse, wo both broke out chipping,
us at tlu wclkwrouirht crisis of . a play.
( Continued on hist page.)
mMm ! W
urn Aiwawirin . i
Tho Kind You liavo Always
In UNO for over 30 yvp.rn,
ry?mt'jt. "onal atipcrvlalon alnco Ita Infancy.
f4CCC44w Allnvmi niin fi ileri-lvn vnn In (hla.
All Counterfeit1, Imitation and " Juftt-UN-frood" ar but
Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infant and Children Experience agalnat Experiment.
Outorla i a harmleaa aubstltute for Cantor Oil Par
fforic. Drop and 800 th luff Syrup. It Is Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootlo
ubatance. It age I Ita guarantee. It destroy Worm
and allay Fererbibnes. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieve Tcethlnjr Trouble, cure Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilate tho Food, regulate tho
Mtomach and Ilowela, riving healthy and natural alaep.
The Children' Panacea The Mother' Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tx etarrcua commm. Tf liu-iiuv arncrr, mw touh ertv.
Thaouj;h 5all Lake City, (ileuwooj Springs Leadville, Pueblo,
Colorado 5prlnzs and Denver.
A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery
Causing Ca.Kle lale. Canyon of
Marshall l'as and
r ll'HKXT HKIIVII r! Nll ll'll TO llr.
Kur l-tail:iJ Infnrmntion Aclilreps
V. C. ricBKIDE. General ARcnt
124 Third Strert
Look at t lie -U'-mti it i 1111 of I lie laii'l
iteil with Tho ICxam Br thin wwk (or1
imtfil witii 1 no uxam nor tiiiM wtH'K tor1
iik'. ami M-li-t't vi'iir iei-e ln-lore it liax 1
Ix-i'ii .il'l lu ciiiiif nut; t-Ui'. t(
Wl:a I t:lN 5l AUli UIINu,
( Hh.-.. at tin- Mi-rcimtile Connuinv n
St or Lakevuw, On-gon.
(loud 5tock
Easy Coachrs
1 . i ; - from I.aKi'vicw to I51y, coniift't
in' a itli 1'iuly StHk'i' to the railroiul.
OlTicc at tlio Rly Hott-l,
0. CASEBEER, - - Proprietor
lily, Oregon.
Nasal '
In all Its stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanse-, soothes and heals
tlio tliw-tuicd membrane.
1 1 cures caUrrh and drives
away cold In the head
Cream Ilnlin la placed Into the nostrils, spreads
over tho niembrano mid la absorbed. Belief Is Ini-
.. . . ... T.l . J..I,..1.U..
Bieuiaie ana a cure ioiiuwb. iiiiu"
Dot produce sneering. I-arge Bixe, 60 lenU at Drus
glsts or by mail; Trial Sise, 10 coins.
KLY Iin0TUKS, Warrea Street, Nsw York
. Paper
nought, ami tvlilrh hnn been
haa borne llio alicnatnre of
ha been msun umlcr hla ner-
Signature of
The (Irande, Tennessee I'asa,
The Koyal (lorgc
Cf IV V 1 . 1 C
p V
1 v.-.- VJ . l.'i ' r.-rsL-V- ,J.
Pi-fore You Purchase Any 0!hr Write
Many Sewlne Machines are rraieto sell retard
less of CjUdu-y. bJt t:.e "Xew lloii" is mads
to wear. Our c'ia' "'y never runs out
We make Sewmj to suit a'.l condition
of thetraJii. Tie "" Xtw Homo" stances at the
herd 0! aU II luh-irriule faxilr sewine machines
Hold by aul'iorlxeil tleulera euly,
"c r sauc siw
The e-v r iua Sewinf- Machine Co.
Lakeview Cigar Factory
A. Stokkman, Prop.
I .
j Maker of.
TTi"itm ntlil
1 llllll llllll
Domestic Citrars
Ciivc lid a trial. Ktoro in the brick
liuiU'ins next door to l'nst & King ea
loon. Lakeview. Oreiton.
Baart tfca 4 lhl "iDi 1,01 m BflHjlt
I 1 LST I, J. j r"J lii. 1 ;
1 k ',. ?rY-m .-n j A
pMOCUMCO AND Of rtMBCD. a-wlmwim, I
a rir. tn vtmUt. fur , iirt ii,frnMl frm rp.n 1. 1
fi. ifrlm, h..w to otH.1 ptant, intt tnajk-, I
l-Wllto., N Lt COUNTRIC. I
Burimrf mrrri l H aikingUm tsvrl Iim, I
manry mmm irjtrm tut paimt,
Pitwtt 14 InfrlnftmMt Pnctle Eiclwlrdy.
Writ, at Mm t am ml
U BUrlt Mr, ff. Vniut IteU. f.taat OflM.
Land Notice.
Attorney aad Counselor at Law.
iJio Connetkut Avenue
Waahlnrton, O. C.
All ptrmi win bavt ticrctafort made rt"L
PROOP la tny kind M Land. Mineral orTliw
kr etrU, blck baa btt accepted by tk
R.f laUr T R.cclvcr M any U. 5. I Jnd Mflc,
can bava the laananc tA their I . . Patent tor
.Id Land promptly atlei.ded to by ending
M their Duplicate kecel.ts, or Ortlflcatea at
Entrv, and an agreement to pay me $10 when
ever aald Patents shall lue.
Oref t.n, ili uf i;
and Nr
State ri'
Traoc Marks
Copyrights Ac
qnlckif HSe-efrtmn onr opimn free whether an
lrTminn ! prr'bnhlf paten tll. f'niniunlaw
tUTiirictlyritiOlntiaI. llfoidbnokcm t At&ula
ent frtxj. OMnat tutfmcy for tuvunng pairnt.
rint tail en throoirh Munn A Co. recelv
ttperitU wittce without chwrgp. In tbo
Scientific Jlmcrican.
A handao-nety l11atniM -wklT. 1 rvt Mr
nil. lion of any wientinc Journal. Trm. 13 a
Tr: fnor montbs. L tkliltT!l ne--1o.l-T-u
MUNN & Co.381- New York
i-rmncd Omee. 25 F Bt. Waitilai-tuii. 1. C
$1,250 Reward.
e, K
The Harney
!.( M-It Ar-la-of
hii ti 1 am
a mi-inlw-r. n $.50
rwanl fcr 1-1 ideiii-e
c a.hhK la !h- inn-
viriitm iti paniul
hii-hUiik slfn-k be
UhiieIi.' tn Is min-
lM.r. In .il'titinn I
fir.iffer -"' T-wrd.
Hnrw lirnl liurse
hIhm liar on elltier
or iM'ih Ke-
rordi-tl tn Ki-ountiea
Ranee. H artier. 1ji and t'niok ('otintica.
llorx Ti-niel hen Mrl.l itorM -old to paa
Ihrongb Ihl. MM lii'ii will be reorieit in Ihia
papor. H not so ri-poried, -jli-aM wriit? ir tele
phone The Timet llerxld. Main ff.'t, Burns, Ore
gon W Bkowh, Hie, Ore.
t'lnr; Nhrrp Ksa Ii in Mod or County
Tbe Examiner has lor sale one of tt
sheep ranches In Modoc county, which
Iroiu the best ranire in I'aiifu.-nia 4t consists
of MO acres all under fe:iee. It Jies alon Pilt
river for 2 miles. Resides other buiilinf-s
there are two houses 1'j miles apart. , It is an
ideal sheep ranch. If taken quick t -will be
sold for o0U0. I
NH KP H It If N.
lamOC Rsrrv "rt"1" w'i'h Swallow Fork Id
JalllCb Ddiljf right ear for ewes; reverse
for wethers. Some ewes fquare t'rop aud SHI
in right ear. Tar Brand 111. Ratine. Crane
Lake. Postnfflce address. I Jke view. Oregon
Zac Whitworth
Branuswitb i.'ropoff lefl
ear. Hall cnaererop on
rilfht for ewes; reverse for wethers Tar Brand
W. Range, Fish Creek. Poitomee address
Lakeview, Oreeon
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at G a. tn.
every day but Sunday. '
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m every day but
Passengers' are $3. Round trip f
OFFICE- Reynold- Winstfleid'-. L-.keviaw